static int verify_planes(int may_put) { int retval = 0; int i; struct plnstr *pp; /* laziness: assumes plane file is EFF_MEM */ for (i = 0; (pp = getplanep(i)); i++) { if (pp->pln_own) { if (pp->pln_flags & PLN_LAUNCHED && (plchr[pp->pln_type].pl_flags & (P_M | P_O)) != P_O) { pp->pln_flags &= ~PLN_LAUNCHED; /* FIXME missile should be destroyed instead */ if (may_put) putplane(i, pp); verify_fail(EF_PLANE, i, NULL, 0, "stuck in the air (fixed)"); } if (pp->pln_ship >= 0 && pp->pln_land >= 0) { verify_fail(EF_PLANE, i, NULL, 0, "on two carriers"); retval = -1; } } else { if (pp->pln_ship >= 0 || pp->pln_land >= 0) { pp->pln_ship = pp->pln_land = -1; if (may_put) putplane(i, pp); verify_fail(EF_PLANE, i, NULL, 0, "ghost stuck on carrier (fixed)"); } } } return retval; }
void pln_arm(struct emp_qelem *list, int dist, char mission, struct ichrstr *ip) { struct emp_qelem *qp; struct emp_qelem *next; struct plist *plp; struct plnstr *pp; for (qp = list->q_forw; qp != list; qp = next) { next = qp->q_forw; plp = (struct plist *)qp; pp = &plp->plane; getplane(pp->pln_uid, pp); if ((pp->pln_flags & PLN_LAUNCHED) || pln_equip(plp, ip, mission) < 0) { emp_remque(qp); free(qp); continue; } pp->pln_flags |= PLN_LAUNCHED; pp->pln_mobil -= pln_mobcost(dist, pp, mission); putplane(pp->pln_uid, pp); pr("%s equipped\n", prplane(pp)); } }
int wing(void) { struct plnstr plane; int count; char *cp; char c; struct nstr_item nstr; char buf[1024]; if (!(cp = getstarg(player->argp[1], "wing? ", buf))) return RET_SYN; c = *cp; if (!isalpha(c) && c != '~') { pr("Specify wing, (1 alpha char or '~')\n"); return RET_SYN; } if (c == '~') c = 0; if (!snxtitem(&nstr, EF_PLANE, player->argp[2], NULL)) return RET_SYN; count = 0; while (nxtitem(&nstr, &plane)) { if (plane.pln_own != player->cnum) continue; if (plane.pln_wing == c) continue; plane.pln_wing = c; putplane(plane.pln_uid, &plane); count++; } pr("%d plane%s added to wing `%1.1s'\n", count, splur(count), &c); return RET_OK; }
int range(void) { struct nstr_item np; struct plnstr plane; int i, rmax; char *p; char buf[1024]; if (!snxtitem(&np, EF_PLANE, player->argp[1], NULL)) return RET_SYN; while (nxtitem(&np, &plane)) { if (!player->owner || plane.pln_own == 0) continue; p = getstarg(player->argp[2], "New range? ", buf); if (!p) return RET_FAIL; if (!check_plane_ok(&plane)) return RET_SYN; if ((i = atoi(p)) < 0) continue; rmax = pln_range_max(&plane); plane.pln_range = MIN(rmax, i); pr("Plane %d range changed to %d\n", plane.pln_uid, plane.pln_range); putplane(plane.pln_uid, &plane); } return RET_OK; }
int put_plane_on_land(struct plnstr *plane, struct lndstr *land) { if (plane->pln_land == land->lnd_uid) return 1; /* Already on unit */ if (!(plchr[plane->pln_type].pl_flags & P_E)) return 0; if (lnd_nxlight(land) >= lchr[land->lnd_type].l_nxlight) return 0; plane->pln_x = land->lnd_x; plane->pln_y = land->lnd_y; plane->pln_land = land->lnd_uid; putplane(plane->pln_uid, plane); return 1; }
void pln_put1(struct plist *plp) { struct plnstr *pp; struct shpstr ship; struct sctstr sect; pp = &plp->plane; if (CANT_HAPPEN((pp->pln_flags & PLN_LAUNCHED) && (plchr[pp->pln_type].pl_flags & P_M) && pp->pln_effic >= PLANE_MINEFF)) pp->pln_effic = 0; /* bug: missile launched but not used up */ if (!(pp->pln_flags & PLN_LAUNCHED)) ; /* never took off */ else if (pp->pln_effic < PLANE_MINEFF) { ; /* destroyed */ } else if (pp->pln_ship >= 0) { /* It is landing on a carrier */ getship(pp->pln_ship, &ship); /* We should do more, like make sure it's really a carrier, etc. but for now just make sure it's not sunk. */ if (ship.shp_effic < SHIP_MINEFF) { mpr(pp->pln_own, "Ship #%d has been sunk, plane #%d has nowhere to land, and\n" "splashes into the sea.\n", pp->pln_ship, pp->pln_uid); pp->pln_effic = 0; } } else { /* Presume we are landing back in a sector. */ getsect(pp->pln_x, pp->pln_y, §); if (sect.sct_type == SCT_WATER || sect.sct_type == SCT_WASTE) { mpr(pp->pln_own, "Nowhere to land at %s, plane #%d crashes and burns...\n", xyas(pp->pln_x, pp->pln_y, pp->pln_own), pp->pln_uid); pp->pln_effic = 0; } } pp->pln_flags &= ~PLN_LAUNCHED; putplane(pp->pln_uid, pp); emp_remque(&plp->queue); free(plp); }
int put_plane_on_ship(struct plnstr *plane, struct shpstr *ship) { int n, nch, nxl, nmsl; if (plane->pln_ship == ship->shp_uid) return 1; /* Already on ship */ n = shp_nplane(ship, &nch, &nxl, &nmsl); if (!inc_shp_nplane(plane, &nch, &nxl, &nmsl)) return 0; /* not a carrier plane */ if (!ship_can_carry(ship, n + 1, nch, nxl, nmsl)) return 0; /* no space */ plane->pln_x = ship->shp_x; plane->pln_y = ship->shp_y; plane->pln_ship = ship->shp_uid; putplane(plane->pln_uid, plane); return 1; }
static int load_plane_land(struct sctstr *sectp, struct lndstr *lp, int noisy, int load_unload, int *nunitsp) { struct nstr_item ni; struct plnstr pln; int loaded = 0; char *p; char prompt[512]; char buf[1024]; struct lchrstr *lcp = lchr + lp->lnd_type; if (!lcp->l_nxlight) { if (noisy) pr("%s cannot carry extra-light planes.\n", prland(lp)); return 0; } if (load_unload == LOAD && lnd_nxlight(lp) >= lcp->l_nxlight) { if (noisy) pr("%s doesn't have room for any more extra-light planes\n", prland(lp)); return 0; } sprintf(prompt, "Plane(s) to %s %s? ", load_unload == LOAD ? "load onto" : "unload from", prland(lp)); p = getstarg(player->argp[3], prompt, buf); if (!p) return RET_SYN; if (!snxtitem(&ni, EF_PLANE, p, NULL)) return RET_SYN; if (!still_ok_land(sectp, lp)) return RET_SYN; if (noisy && p && *p) noisy = isdigit(*p); while (nxtitem(&ni, &pln)) { if (!player->owner) continue; if (!(plchr[(int)pln.pln_type].pl_flags & P_E)) { if (noisy) pr("You can only load xlight planes onto units.\n"); continue; } if (load_unload == LOAD && pln.pln_ship > -1) { if (noisy) pr("%s is already on ship #%d!\n", prplane(&pln), pln.pln_ship); continue; } if (load_unload == LOAD && pln.pln_land > -1) { if (noisy) pr("%s is already on unit #%d!\n", prplane(&pln), pln.pln_land); continue; } if (pln.pln_harden != 0) { if (noisy) pr("%s has been hardened and can't be loaded\n", prplane(&pln)); continue; } /* Plane sanity done */ /* Find the right unit */ if (load_unload == UNLOAD) { if (pln.pln_land != lp->lnd_uid) continue; } else if (lp->lnd_x != pln.pln_x || lp->lnd_y != pln.pln_y) continue; /* Fit plane on unit */ if (load_unload == LOAD) { if (!put_plane_on_land(&pln, lp)) { if (noisy) pr("Can't put plane %d on this unit!\n", pln.pln_uid); continue; } sprintf(buf, "loaded on %s at %s", prland(lp), xyas(lp->lnd_x, lp->lnd_y, lp->lnd_own)); gift(lp->lnd_own, player->cnum, &pln, buf); putplane(pln.pln_uid, &pln); } else { pln.pln_land = -1; sprintf(buf, "unloaded at your sector at %s", xyas(sectp->sct_x, sectp->sct_y, sectp->sct_own)); gift(sectp->sct_own, player->cnum, &pln, buf); putplane(pln.pln_uid, &pln); } pr("%s %s %s at %s.\n", prplane(&pln), (load_unload == UNLOAD) ? "unloaded from" : "loaded onto", prland(lp), xyas(lp->lnd_x, lp->lnd_y, player->cnum)); loaded = 1; } *nunitsp += loaded; return 0; }
static int load_plane_ship(struct sctstr *sectp, struct shpstr *sp, int noisy, int load_unload, int *nshipsp) { struct nstr_item ni; struct plnstr pln; int loaded = 0; char buf[1024]; char *p; char prompt[512]; struct mchrstr *mcp = mchr + sp->shp_type; if (mcp->m_nplanes + mcp->m_nchoppers + mcp->m_nxlight == 0) { if (noisy) pr("%s cannot carry planes\n", prship(sp)); return 0; } if (load_unload == LOAD && shp_nplane(sp, NULL, NULL, NULL) >= mcp->m_nchoppers + mcp->m_nxlight + mcp->m_nplanes) { if (noisy) pr("%s doesn't have room for any more planes\n", prship(sp)); return 0; } sprintf(prompt, "Plane(s) to %s %s? ", load_unload == LOAD ? "load onto" : "unload from", prship(sp)); p = getstarg(player->argp[3], prompt, buf); if (!p) return RET_SYN; if (!snxtitem(&ni, EF_PLANE, p, NULL)) return RET_SYN; if (!still_ok_ship(sectp, sp)) return RET_SYN; if (noisy && p && *p) noisy = isdigit(*p); while (nxtitem(&ni, &pln)) { if (!player->owner) continue; if (!(plchr[(int)pln.pln_type].pl_flags & P_L) && !(plchr[(int)pln.pln_type].pl_flags & P_E) && !(plchr[(int)pln.pln_type].pl_flags & P_K) && !(plchr[(int)pln.pln_type].pl_flags & P_M) ) { if (noisy) pr("You can only load light planes, helos, xtra-light, or missiles onto ships.\n"); continue; } if (load_unload == LOAD && pln.pln_ship > -1) { if (noisy) pr("%s is already on ship #%d!\n", prplane(&pln), pln.pln_ship); continue; } if (load_unload == LOAD && pln.pln_land > -1) { if (noisy) pr("%s is already on land unit #%d!\n", prplane(&pln), pln.pln_land); continue; } if (pln.pln_harden != 0) { if (noisy) pr("%s has been hardened and can't be loaded\n", prplane(&pln)); continue; } if (load_unload == UNLOAD) { if (pln.pln_ship != sp->shp_uid) continue; } else if (sp->shp_x != pln.pln_x || sp->shp_y != pln.pln_y) continue; if (!could_be_on_ship(&pln, sp)) { if (noisy) { if (plchr[(int)pln.pln_type].pl_flags & P_K) p = "choppers"; else if (plchr[(int)pln.pln_type].pl_flags & P_E) p = "extra light planes"; else if (plchr[(int)pln.pln_type].pl_flags & P_M) p = "missiles"; else p = "planes"; pr("%s cannot carry %s.\n", prship(sp), p); } continue; } /* Fit plane on ship */ if (load_unload == LOAD) { if (!put_plane_on_ship(&pln, sp)) { if (noisy) pr("Can't put plane %d on this ship!\n", pln.pln_uid); continue; } sprintf(buf, "loaded on your %s at %s", prship(sp), xyas(sp->shp_x, sp->shp_y, sp->shp_own)); gift(sp->shp_own, player->cnum, &pln, buf); putplane(pln.pln_uid, &pln); } else { pln.pln_ship = -1; sprintf(buf, "unloaded in your %s at %s", dchr[sectp->sct_type].d_name, xyas(sectp->sct_x, sectp->sct_y, sectp->sct_own)); gift(sectp->sct_own, player->cnum, &pln, buf); putplane(pln.pln_uid, &pln); } pr("%s %s %s at %s.\n", prplane(&pln), (load_unload == UNLOAD) ? "unloaded from" : "loaded onto", prship(sp), xyas(sp->shp_x, sp->shp_y, player->cnum)); loaded = 1; } *nshipsp += loaded; return 0; }
static int pupgr(void) { struct sctstr sect; struct natstr *natp; struct nstr_item ni; struct plnstr plane; struct plchrstr *pp; int n; int tlev; int avail, cost; int cash; if (!snxtitem(&ni, EF_PLANE, player->argp[2], NULL)) return RET_SYN; natp = getnatp(player->cnum); cash = natp->nat_money; tlev = (int)natp->nat_level[NAT_TLEV]; n = 0; while (nxtitem(&ni, &plane)) { if (plane.pln_own == 0) continue; getsect(plane.pln_x, plane.pln_y, §); if (sect.sct_own != player->cnum) continue; if (sect.sct_type != SCT_AIRPT || sect.sct_effic < 60) continue; if (relations_with(plane.pln_own, sect.sct_own) < FRIENDLY) { pr("You are not on friendly terms with the owner of plane %d!\n", plane.pln_uid); continue; } if (pln_is_in_orbit(&plane)) { pr("Plane %s is in orbit!\n", prplane(&plane)); continue; } if (plane.pln_flags & PLN_LAUNCHED) continue; n++; pp = &plchr[(int)plane.pln_type]; avail = (PLN_BLD_WORK(pp->pl_lcm, pp->pl_hcm) * UPGR_COST + 99) / 100; if (sect.sct_avail < avail) { pr("Not enough available work in %s to upgrade a %s\n", xyas(sect.sct_x, sect.sct_y, player->cnum), pp->pl_name); pr(" (%d available work required)\n", avail); continue; } if (plane.pln_effic < 60) { pr("%s is too damaged to upgrade!\n", prplane(&plane)); continue; } if (plane.pln_tech >= tlev) { pr("%s tech: %d, yours is only %d\n", prplane(&plane), plane.pln_tech, tlev); continue; } cost = pp->pl_cost * UPGR_COST / 100; if (cost + player->dolcost > cash) { pr("You don't have enough money to upgrade %s!\n", prplane(&plane)); continue; } sect.sct_avail -= avail; plane.pln_effic -= UPGR_EFF; pln_set_tech(&plane, tlev); plane.pln_harden = 0; plane.pln_mission = 0; putplane(plane.pln_uid, &plane); putsect(§); player->dolcost += cost; pr("%s upgraded to tech %d, at a cost of %d\n", prplane(&plane), plane.pln_tech, cost); if (plane.pln_own != player->cnum) wu(0, plane.pln_own, "%s upgraded by %s to tech %d, at a cost of %d\n", prplane(&plane), cname(player->cnum), plane.pln_tech, cost); } if (n == 0) { pr("No planes.\n"); return RET_SYN; } return RET_OK; }
int detonate(struct nukstr *np, coord x, coord y, int airburst) { int nuketype = np->nuk_type; struct nchrstr *ncp; struct plnstr plane; struct sctstr sect; struct shpstr ship; struct lndstr land; struct nukstr nuke; natid own; int type; int damage; int fallout; int rad; struct nstr_sect ns; struct nstr_item ni; int changed = 0; pr("Releasing RV's for %s detonation...\n", airburst ? "airburst" : "groundburst"); getsect(x, y, §); ncp = &nchr[nuketype]; kaboom(x, y, ncp->n_blast); rad = ncp->n_blast; if (!airburst) rad = rad * 2 / 3; if (sect.sct_type == SCT_WATER) rad = 0; /* Nukes falling on water affect only 1 sector */ np->nuk_effic = 0; putnuke(np->nuk_uid, np); snxtsct_dist(&ns, x, y, rad); while (nxtsct(&ns, §)) { own = sect.sct_own; type = sect.sct_type; if ((damage = nukedamage(ncp, ns.curdist, airburst)) <= 0) continue; if (type == SCT_SANCT) { pr("bounced off %s\n", xyas(ns.x, ns.y, player->cnum)); mpr(own, "%s nuclear device bounced off %s\n", cname(player->cnum), xyas(ns.x, ns.y, own)); nreport(player->cnum, N_NUKE, own, 1); continue; } sect_damage(§, damage); if (opt_FALLOUT) { fallout = sect.sct_fallout; if (ncp->n_flags & N_NEUT) fallout += damage * 30; else fallout += damage * 3; sect.sct_fallout = MIN(fallout, FALLOUT_MAX); } if (damage > 100) { sect.sct_oldown = 0; sect.sct_own = 0; if (type == SCT_WATER || type == SCT_BSPAN || type == SCT_BTOWER) { if (type != SCT_WATER) { pr("left nothing but water in %s\n", xyas(ns.x, ns.y, player->cnum)); if (own != player->cnum) mpr(own, "%s nuclear device left nothing but water in %s\n", cname(player->cnum), xyas(ns.x, ns.y, own)); sect.sct_newtype = SCT_WATER; sect.sct_type = SCT_WATER; } } else { sect.sct_newtype = SCT_WASTE; sect.sct_type = SCT_WASTE; pr("turned %s into a radioactive wasteland\n", xyas(ns.x, ns.y, player->cnum)); if (own != player->cnum) mpr(own, "%s nuclear device turned %s into a radioactive wasteland\n", cname(player->cnum), xyas(ns.x, ns.y, own)); } changed |= map_set(player->cnum, sect.sct_x, sect.sct_y, dchr[sect.sct_type].d_mnem, 0); } else { pr("did %d%% damage in %s\n", damage, xyas(ns.x, ns.y, player->cnum)); if (own != player->cnum) mpr(own, "%s nuclear device did %d%% damage in %s\n", cname(player->cnum), damage, xyas(ns.x, ns.y, own)); } (void)putsect(§); if (type != SCT_WATER) nreport(player->cnum, N_NUKE, own, 1); } if (changed) writebmap(player->cnum); snxtitem_dist(&ni, EF_PLANE, x, y, rad); while (nxtitem(&ni, &plane)) { if ((own = plane.pln_own) == 0) continue; if (plane.pln_flags & PLN_LAUNCHED) continue; damage = nukedamage(ncp, ni.curdist, airburst) - plane.pln_harden; if (damage <= 0) continue; if (plane.pln_ship >= 0) { /* Are we on a sub? */ getship(plane.pln_ship, &ship); if (mchr[(int)ship.shp_type].m_flags & M_SUB) { struct sctstr sect1; /* Should we damage this sub? */ getsect(ship.shp_x, ship.shp_y, §1); if (sect1.sct_type == SCT_BSPAN || sect1.sct_type == SCT_BTOWER || sect1.sct_type == SCT_WATER) { /* Ok, we're not in a harbor or trapped inland. Now, did we get pasted directly? */ if (ship.shp_x != x || ship.shp_y != y) { /* Nope, so don't mess with it */ continue; } } } } planedamage(&plane, damage); if (own == player->cnum) { pr("%s at %s reports %d%% damage\n", prplane(&plane), xyas(plane.pln_x, plane.pln_y, player->cnum), damage); } else { mpr(own, "%s nuclear device did %d%% damage to %s at %s\n", cname(player->cnum), damage, prplane(&plane), xyas(plane.pln_x, plane.pln_y, own)); } putplane(ni.cur, &plane); } snxtitem_dist(&ni, EF_LAND, x, y, rad); while (nxtitem(&ni, &land)) { if ((own = land.lnd_own) == 0) continue; if ((damage = nukedamage(ncp, ni.curdist, airburst)) <= 0) continue; if (land.lnd_ship >= 0) { /* Are we on a sub? */ getship(land.lnd_ship, &ship); if (mchr[(int)ship.shp_type].m_flags & M_SUB) { struct sctstr sect1; /* Should we damage this sub? */ getsect(ship.shp_x, ship.shp_y, §1); if (sect1.sct_type == SCT_BSPAN || sect1.sct_type == SCT_BTOWER || sect1.sct_type == SCT_WATER) { /* Ok, we're not in a harbor or trapped inland. Now, did we get pasted directly? */ if (ship.shp_x != x || ship.shp_y != y) { /* Nope, so don't mess with it */ continue; } } } } land_damage(&land, damage); if (own == player->cnum) { pr("%s at %s reports %d%% damage\n", prland(&land), xyas(land.lnd_x, land.lnd_y, player->cnum), damage); } else { mpr(own, "%s nuclear device did %d%% damage to %s at %s\n", cname(player->cnum), damage, prland(&land), xyas(land.lnd_x, land.lnd_y, own)); } putland(land.lnd_uid, &land); } snxtitem_dist(&ni, EF_SHIP, x, y, rad); while (nxtitem(&ni, &ship)) { if ((own = ship.shp_own) == 0) continue; if ((damage = nukedamage(ncp, ni.curdist, airburst)) <= 0) continue; if (mchr[(int)ship.shp_type].m_flags & M_SUB) { struct sctstr sect1; /* Should we damage this sub? */ getsect(ship.shp_x, ship.shp_y, §1); if (sect1.sct_type == SCT_BSPAN || sect1.sct_type == SCT_BTOWER || sect1.sct_type == SCT_WATER) { /* Ok, we're not in a harbor or trapped inland. Now, did we get pasted directly? */ if (ship.shp_x != x || ship.shp_y != y) { /* Nope, so don't mess with it */ continue; } } } ship_damage(&ship, damage); if (own == player->cnum) { pr("%s at %s reports %d%% damage\n", prship(&ship), xyas(ship.shp_x, ship.shp_y, player->cnum), damage); } else { mpr(own, "%s nuclear device did %d%% damage to %s at %s\n", cname(player->cnum), damage, prship(&ship), xyas(ship.shp_x, ship.shp_y, own)); } putship(ship.shp_uid, &ship); } snxtitem_dist(&ni, EF_NUKE, x, y, rad); while (nxtitem(&ni, &nuke)) { if ((own = nuke.nuk_own) == 0) continue; if ((damage = nukedamage(ncp, ni.curdist, airburst)) <= 0) continue; if (!pct_chance(damage)) continue; nuke.nuk_effic = 0; if (own == player->cnum) { pr("%s at %s destroyed\n", prnuke(&nuke), xyas(nuke.nuk_x, nuke.nuk_y, player->cnum)); } else { mpr(own, "%s nuclear device destroyed %s at %s\n", cname(player->cnum), prnuke(&nuke), xyas(nuke.nuk_x, nuke.nuk_y, own)); } putnuke(ni.cur, &nuke); } return nukedamage(ncp, 0, airburst); }
/* Knock down a bridge span. Note that this does NOT write the * sector out to the database, it's up to the caller to do that. */ static void knockdown(struct sctstr *sp) { struct lndstr land; struct plnstr plane; struct nukstr nuke; struct nstr_item ni; mpr(sp->sct_own, "Crumble... SCREEEECH! Splash! Bridge%s falls at %s!\n", sp->sct_type == SCT_BTOWER ? " tower" : "", xyas(sp->sct_x, sp->sct_y, sp->sct_own)); if (!SCT_MINES_ARE_SEAMINES(sp)) sp->sct_mines = 0; sp->sct_type = SCT_WATER; sp->sct_newtype = SCT_WATER; sp->sct_own = 0; sp->sct_oldown = 0; sp->sct_mobil = 0; sp->sct_effic = 0; /* Sink all the units */ snxtitem_xy(&ni, EF_LAND, sp->sct_x, sp->sct_y); while (nxtitem(&ni, &land)) { if (land.lnd_own == 0) continue; if (land.lnd_ship >= 0) continue; mpr(land.lnd_own, " AARGH! %s tumbles to its doom!\n", prland(&land)); land.lnd_effic = 0; putland(land.lnd_uid, &land); } /* Sink all the planes */ snxtitem_xy(&ni, EF_PLANE, sp->sct_x, sp->sct_y); while (nxtitem(&ni, &plane)) { if (plane.pln_own == 0) continue; if (plane.pln_flags & PLN_LAUNCHED) continue; if (plane.pln_ship >= 0) continue; mpr(plane.pln_own, " AARGH! %s tumbles to its doom!\n", prplane(&plane)); plane.pln_effic = 0; putplane(plane.pln_uid, &plane); } /* Sink all the nukes */ snxtitem_xy(&ni, EF_NUKE, sp->sct_x, sp->sct_y); while (nxtitem(&ni, &nuke)) { if (nuke.nuk_own == 0) continue; if (nuke.nuk_plane >= 0) continue; mpr(nuke.nuk_own, " %s sinks to the bottom of the sea!\n", prnuke(&nuke)); nuke.nuk_effic = 0; putnuke(nuke.nuk_uid, &nuke); } memset(sp->sct_item, 0, sizeof(sp->sct_item)); memset(sp->sct_del, 0, sizeof(sp->sct_del)); memset(sp->sct_dist, 0, sizeof(sp->sct_dist)); sp->sct_pstage = PLG_HEALTHY; sp->sct_ptime = 0; sp->sct_che = 0; sp->sct_che_target = 0; }
int msl_launch(struct plnstr *pp, int type, char *what, coord x, coord y, natid victim, int *sublaunchp) { struct shpstr ship; struct nukstr nuke; int sublaunch = 0; char *base, *in_or_at, *from; mpr(pp->pln_own, "Preparing to launch %s at %s %s %s%s\n", prplane(pp), cname(victim), what, type != EF_SECTOR ? "in " : "", xyas(x, y, pp->pln_own)); if (pp->pln_ship >= 0) { getship(pp->pln_ship, &ship); base = prship(&ship); in_or_at = " in "; if (mchr[(int)ship.shp_type].m_flags & M_SUB) { sublaunch = 1; from = "in hatch"; } else from = "on deck"; } else { if (pp->pln_harden > 0) { base = "missile silo"; in_or_at = " at "; from = "in silo"; } else { base = in_or_at = ""; from = "on launch pad"; } } mpr(pp->pln_own, "\tLaunching from %s%s%s\n", base, in_or_at, xyas(pp->pln_x, pp->pln_y, pp->pln_own)); CANT_HAPPEN(pp->pln_flags & PLN_LAUNCHED); pp->pln_flags |= PLN_LAUNCHED; putplane(pp->pln_uid, pp); if (chance((0.05 + (100 - pp->pln_effic) / 100.0) * (1 - techfact(pp->pln_tech, 1.0)))) { mpr(pp->pln_own, "KABOOOOM! Missile explodes %s!\n", from); if (getnuke(nuk_on_plane(pp), &nuke)) { mpr(pp->pln_own, "%s lost!\n", prnuke(&nuke)); nuke.nuk_effic = 0; putnuke(nuke.nuk_uid, &nuke); } #if 0 /* * Disabled for now, because it breaks callers that call * msl_launch() for each member of a list of planes, created * by msl_sel() or perform_mission(). Damage to the base can * damage other planes. Any copies of them in the list become * stale. When msl_launch() modifies and writes back such a * stale copy, the damage gets wiped out, triggering a seqno * oops. */ if (chance(0.33)) { struct sctstr sect; int dam; dam = pln_damage(pp, 'p', NULL) / 2; if (pp->pln_ship >= 0) { shipdamage(&ship, dam); putship(ship.shp_uid, &ship); } else { mpr(pp->pln_own, "Explosion damages %s %d%%\n", xyas(pp->pln_x, pp->pln_y, pp->pln_own), dam); getsect(pp->pln_x, pp->pln_y, §); sectdamage(§, dam); putsect(§); } } #endif return -1; } mpr(pp->pln_own, "\tSHWOOOOOSH! Missile launched!\n"); if (type != EF_PLANE) mpr(victim, "Incoming %s missile sighted at %s...\n", sublaunch ? "sub-launched" : cname(pp->pln_own), xyas(x, y, victim)); if (type == EF_SECTOR || type == EF_LAND) { if (msl_abm_intercept(pp, x, y, sublaunch)) return -1; } if (type == EF_SHIP) { if (shp_missile_defense(x, y, pp->pln_own, pln_def(pp))) { return -1; } } if (sublaunchp) *sublaunchp = sublaunch; return 0; }
static int msl_intercept(struct plnstr *msl, struct sctstr *sp, int sublaunch, struct emp_qelem *irvlist, char *att_name, char *def_name, int news_item) { struct plnstr *pp; struct emp_qelem *intlist; struct emp_qelem intfoo; struct emp_qelem *qp; struct emp_qelem *next; struct plist *ip; int icount = 0; short destroyed; char *who = sublaunch ? "" : cname(msl->pln_own); intlist = &intfoo; emp_initque(intlist); /* First choose interceptors belonging to the target sector */ /* only allow two defense missiles per missile attack */ for (qp = irvlist->q_forw; qp != irvlist && icount < 2; qp = next) { next = qp->q_forw; ip = (struct plist *)qp; pp = &ip->plane; if (pp->pln_own != sp->sct_own) continue; if (mission_pln_equip(ip, NULL, 'i') < 0) { emp_remque(qp); free(qp); continue; } /* got one interceptor, delete from irv_list and * add to int_list. */ emp_remque(qp); emp_insque(qp, intlist); putplane(pp->pln_uid, pp); icount++; } /* only allow two defense missiles per missile attack */ for (qp = irvlist->q_forw; qp != irvlist && icount < 2; qp = next) { next = qp->q_forw; ip = (struct plist *)qp; pp = &ip->plane; if (mission_pln_equip(ip, NULL, 'i') < 0) { emp_remque(qp); free(qp); continue; } /* got one interceptor, delete from irv_list and * add to int_list. */ emp_remque(qp); emp_insque(qp, intlist); putplane(pp->pln_uid, pp); icount++; } /* Now, clean out the queue */ while (!QEMPTY(irvlist)) { qp = irvlist->q_forw; emp_remque(qp); free(qp); } if (icount == 0) { mpr(sp->sct_own, "No %ss launched to intercept.\n", def_name); return 0; } /* attempt to destroy incoming missile */ destroyed = 0; while (!destroyed && !QEMPTY(intlist)) { qp = intlist->q_forw; ip = (struct plist *)qp; pp = &ip->plane; mpr(msl->pln_own, "%s %s launched in defense!\n", cname(pp->pln_own), def_name); if (sp->sct_own == pp->pln_own) { mpr(sp->sct_own, "%s launched to intercept %s %s!\n", def_name, who, att_name); } else { mpr(sp->sct_own, "%s launched an %s to intercept the %s %s!\n", cname(pp->pln_own), def_name, who, att_name); mpr(pp->pln_own, "%s launched to intercept %s %s arcing towards %s territory!\n", def_name, who, att_name, cname(sp->sct_own)); } if (msl_launch(pp, EF_PLANE, att_name, sp->sct_x, sp->sct_y, msl->pln_own, NULL) >= 0 && msl_hit(pp, pln_def(msl), EF_PLANE, 0, 0, 0, msl->pln_own)) { mpr(msl->pln_own, "%s destroyed by %s %s!\n", att_name, cname(pp->pln_own), def_name); mpr(sp->sct_own, "%s %s intercepted!\n", who, att_name); if (sp->sct_own != pp->pln_own) mpr(pp->pln_own, "%s %s intercepted!\n", who, att_name); if (sublaunch) nreport(pp->pln_own, news_item, 0, 1); else nreport(pp->pln_own, news_item, msl->pln_own, 1); destroyed = 1; } /* zap the missile */ pp->pln_effic = 0; putplane(pp->pln_uid, pp); emp_remque(qp); free(qp); } /* Clean out what is left in the list */ while (!QEMPTY(intlist)) { qp = intlist->q_forw; emp_remque(qp); free(qp); } if (destroyed) return 1; if (icount) { mpr(msl->pln_own, "%s made it through %s defenses!\n", att_name, def_name); mpr(sp->sct_own, "%s made it through %s defenses!\n", att_name, def_name); } return 0; }
void pln_sel(struct nstr_item *ni, struct emp_qelem *list, struct sctstr *ap, int ap_to_target, int rangemult, int wantflags, int nowantflags) { struct plnstr plane; int range; struct plchrstr *pcp; struct plist *plp; emp_initque(list); while (nxtitem(ni, &plane)) { /* * It would be nice to let deities fly foreign planes, but * much of the code assumes that only the plane's owner can * fly it. */ if (!plane.pln_own || plane.pln_own != player->cnum) continue; if (plane.pln_mobil <= 0) continue; if (plane.pln_effic < 40) { pr("%s not efficient enough (must be 40%%)\n", prplane(&plane)); continue; } if (!pln_capable(&plane, wantflags, nowantflags)) continue; if (opt_MARKET) { if (ontradingblock(EF_PLANE, &plane)) { pr("plane #%d inelligible - it's for sale.\n", plane.pln_uid); continue; } } range = mapdist(plane.pln_x, plane.pln_y, ap->sct_x, ap->sct_y); if (range > 4) { pr("%s too far from assembly point\n", prplane(&plane)); continue; } range += ap_to_target; range *= rangemult; pcp = &plchr[(int)plane.pln_type]; if (plane.pln_range < range) { pr("%s out of range (%d:%d)\n", prplane(&plane), plane.pln_range, range); continue; } if (!pln_airbase_ok(&plane, rangemult != 2, 1)) continue; pr("%s standing by\n", prplane(&plane)); plane.pln_mission = 0; putplane(plane.pln_uid, &plane); plp = malloc(sizeof(struct plist)); plp->load = 0; plp->pstage = PLG_HEALTHY; plp->pcp = pcp; plp->plane = plane; emp_insque(&plp->queue, list); } }