void PHPEditorContextMenu::OnInsertDoxyComment(wxCommandEvent& e)
    IEditor* editor = m_manager->GetActiveEditor();
    if(editor) {
        PHPEntityBase::Ptr_t entry =
            PHPCodeCompletion::Instance()->GetPHPEntityAtPos(editor, editor->GetCurrentPosition());
        if(entry) {
            wxStyledTextCtrl* ctrl = editor->GetCtrl();
            wxString comment = entry->FormatPhpDoc();

            // Create the whitespace buffer
            int lineStartPos = ctrl->PositionFromLine(ctrl->GetCurrentLine());
            int lineEndPos = lineStartPos + ctrl->LineLength(ctrl->GetCurrentLine());

            // Collect all whitespace from the begining of the line until the first non whitespace
            // character we find
            wxString whitespace;
            for(int i = lineStartPos; lineStartPos < lineEndPos; ++i) {
                if(ctrl->GetCharAt(i) == ' ' || ctrl->GetCharAt(i) == '\t') {
                    whitespace << (wxChar)ctrl->GetCharAt(i);
                } else {

            // Prepare the comment block
            wxArrayString lines = ::wxStringTokenize(comment, "\n", wxTOKEN_STRTOK);
            for(size_t i = 0; i < lines.size(); ++i) {

            // Glue the lines back together
            wxString doxyBlock = ::wxJoin(lines, '\n');
            doxyBlock << "\n";

            // Insert the text
            ctrl->InsertText(lineStartPos, doxyBlock);

            // Try to place the caret after the @brief
            wxRegEx reBrief("[@\\]brief[ \t]*");
            if(reBrief.IsValid() && reBrief.Matches(doxyBlock)) {
                wxString match = reBrief.GetMatch(doxyBlock);
                // Get the index
                int where = doxyBlock.Find(match);
                if(where != wxNOT_FOUND) {
                    where += match.length();
                    int caretPos = lineStartPos + where;
                    // Remove the @brief as its non standard in the PHP world
                    editor->GetCtrl()->DeleteRange(caretPos - match.length(), match.length());
예제 #2
void ContextBase::AutoAddComment()
    LEditor& rCtrl = GetCtrl();

    CommentConfigData data;
    EditorConfigST::Get()->ReadObject(wxT("CommentConfigData"), &data);

    int curpos = rCtrl.GetCurrentPos();
    int line = rCtrl.LineFromPosition(curpos);
    int cur_style = rCtrl.GetStyleAt(curpos);
    wxString text = rCtrl.GetLine(line - 1).Trim(false);

    bool dontadd = false;
    if(IsAtLineComment()) {
        dontadd = !text.StartsWith(wxT("//")) || !data.GetContinueCppComment();
    } else if(IsAtBlockComment()) {
        dontadd = !data.GetAddStarOnCComment();

    } else {
        dontadd = true;

    if(dontadd) {

    wxString toInsert;
    if(IsAtLineComment()) {
        if(text.StartsWith(wxT("//"))) {
            toInsert = wxT("// ");
    } else if(IsAtBlockComment()) {
        // Check the text typed before this char
        int startPos = rCtrl.PositionBefore(curpos);
        startPos -= 3; // for "/**"
        if(startPos >= 0) {
            wxString textTyped = rCtrl.GetTextRange(startPos, rCtrl.PositionBefore(curpos));
            if(((textTyped == "/**") || (textTyped == "/*!")) && data.IsAutoInsertAfterSlash2Stars()) {
                // Let the plugins/codelite check if they can provide a doxy comment
                // for the current entry
                clCodeCompletionEvent event(wxEVT_CC_GENERATE_DOXY_BLOCK);
                if(EventNotifier::Get()->ProcessEvent(event) && !event.GetTooltip().IsEmpty()) {

                    // To make the doxy block fit in, we need to prepend each line
                    // with the exact whitespace of the line that starts with "/**"
                    int lineStartPos = rCtrl.PositionFromLine(rCtrl.LineFromPos(startPos));
                    wxString whitespace = rCtrl.GetTextRange(lineStartPos, startPos);
                    // Break the comment, for each line, prepend the 'whitespace' buffer
                    wxArrayString lines = ::wxStringTokenize(event.GetTooltip(), "\n", wxTOKEN_STRTOK);
                    for(size_t i = 0; i < lines.GetCount(); ++i) {
                        if(i) { // don't add it to the first line (it already exists in the editor)

                    // Join the lines back
                    wxString doxyBlock = ::wxJoin(lines, '\n');

                    rCtrl.SetSelection(startPos, curpos);

                    // Try to place the caret after the @brief
                    wxRegEx reBrief("[@\\]brief[ \t]*");
                    if(reBrief.IsValid() && reBrief.Matches(doxyBlock)) {
                        wxString match = reBrief.GetMatch(doxyBlock);
                        // Get the index
                        int where = doxyBlock.Find(match);
                        if(where != wxNOT_FOUND) {
                            where += match.length();
                            int caretPos = startPos + where;

                            // Remove the @brief as its non standard in the PHP world
                            rCtrl.DeleteRange(caretPos - match.length(), match.length());

        if(rCtrl.GetStyleAt(rCtrl.PositionBefore(rCtrl.PositionBefore(curpos))) == cur_style) {
            toInsert = rCtrl.GetCharAt(rCtrl.GetLineIndentPosition(line - 1)) == wxT('*') ? wxT("* ") : wxT(" * ");

    if(!toInsert.IsEmpty()) {
        rCtrl.SetLineIndentation(line, rCtrl.GetLineIndentation(line - 1));
        int insertPos = rCtrl.GetLineIndentPosition(line);
        rCtrl.InsertText(insertPos, toInsert);
        rCtrl.SetCaretAt(insertPos + toInsert.Length());
        rCtrl.ChooseCaretX(); // set new column as "current" column