RecvThread::RecvThread(QSharedPointer<QTcpSocket> sock): QThread() { socket=sock; QTextCodec::setCodecForCStrings( QTextCodec::codecForName("utf8") ); connect(,SIGNAL(readyRead()),SLOT(readFromServer()),Qt::QueuedConnection); }
intrupt(fd_set * readfds) { time_t time(time_t *); unsigned long t; udcounter++; #ifdef RECORDGAME if (playback) needredraw |= readFromFile(); else #endif needredraw |= readFromServer(readfds); t = msetime(); if (needredraw && (t >= lastredraw + redrawDelay * 100)) { lastredraw = t; needredraw = 0; lastread = time(NULL); redraw(); updateMaxStats(0); /* Update the max stats * * * <isae> */ #ifdef WIN32 W_FlushScrollingWindow(messwa); W_FlushScrollingWindow(messwt); W_FlushScrollingWindow(messwi); W_FlushScrollingWindow(messwk); W_FlushScrollingWindow(reviewWin); W_FlushScrollingWindow(phaserwin); #endif UpdatePlayerList(); } if (reinitPlanets) { initPlanets(); reinitPlanets = 0; } if (me->p_status == POUTFIT) { death(); } }
int getConfiguration(int *type, char *fname, int *nThread) { char conf[M_SIZE]; char *p; int i; readFromServer(conf); p=strtok(conf,":"); printf("%s\n",p); *type=atoi(p); p=strtok(NULL,":"); i=strlen(p); strncpy(fname, p,i); p=strtok(NULL,":"); *nThread=atoi(p); return 0; }
/* Attempt to pick specified team & ship */ static int teamRequest(int team, int ship) { int lastTime; extern int lastTeamReq; if (!playback) lastTeamReq = team; pickOk = -1; sendTeamReq(team, ship); lastTime = time(NULL); while (pickOk == -1) { if (lastTime + 3 < time(NULL)) { sendTeamReq(team, ship); lastTime = time(NULL); } socketPause(0, 20000); readFromServer(); if (isServerDead()) { printf("Whoops! We've been ghostbusted!\n"); printf("Pray for a miracle!\n"); /* UDP fail-safe */ commMode = commModeReq = COMM_TCP; commSwitchTimeout = 0; if (udpSock >= 0) closeUdpConn(); if (udpWin) { udprefresh(UDP_CURRENT); udprefresh(UDP_STATUS); } connectToServer(nextSocket); printf("Yea! We've been resurrected!\n"); pickOk = 0; break; } } if (pickOk) { me->p_status = PALIVE; /* we got a ship. We must be alive */ timeBank[T_SHIP] = time(NULL); } return (pickOk); }
checkpassword(void) /* Check dude's password. If he is ok, move to state ST_DONE. */ { char *s; sendLoginReq(tempname, password1, login, 0); loginAccept = -1; while (loginAccept == -1) { socketPause(); readFromServer(NULL); if (isServerDead()) { printf("Server is hosed.\n"); #ifdef AUTOKEY if (autoKey) W_AutoRepeatOn(); #endif terminate(0); } } if (loginAccept == 0) { if (!autolog) { s = "Bad password!"; W_WriteText(w, 100, 100, textColor, s, strlen(s), W_BoldFont); (void) W_EventsPending(); sleep(3); W_ClearWindow(w); } else noautologin(); *tempname = 0; state = ST_GETNAME; return; } STRNCPY(me->p_name, tempname, sizeof(tempname)); keeppeace = (me->p_stats.st_flags / ST_KEEPPEACE) & 1; state = ST_DONE; }
FTPUpdate::FTPUpdate(QString ftpHost, QString ftpDirectory, ArpmanetDC *parent) : QObject(parent) { //Constructor pParent = parent; pFtpDirectory = ftpDirectory; pFtpHost = ftpHost; downloadListIndex = -1; downloadGetIndex = -1; listIndex = -1; ftpServer = new QFtp(this); connect(ftpServer, SIGNAL(listInfo(const QUrlInfo &)), this, SLOT(listInfoReceived(const QUrlInfo &))); connect(ftpServer, SIGNAL(done(bool)), this, SLOT(ftpServerDone(bool))); connect(ftpServer, SIGNAL(commandFinished(int, bool)), this, SLOT(commandFinished(int, bool))); connect(ftpServer, SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(readFromServer())); connect(ftpServer, SIGNAL(dataTransferProgress(qint64, qint64)), this, SIGNAL(dataTransferProgress(qint64, qint64))); }
RaceClient::RaceClient(QString host, int port, QObject *parent) { m_host = host; m_port = port; m_socket = new QTcpSocket(this); m_state = RaceClient::Connecting; createNet(false); emit stateChanged(m_state); connect(m_socket, SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(readFromServer())); connect(m_socket, SIGNAL(connected()), this, SLOT(onConnected())); connect(m_socket, SIGNAL(error(QAbstractSocket::SocketError)), this, SLOT(onError(QAbstractSocket::SocketError))); }
void intrupt(void) { static struct timeval lastredraw = {0, 0}; struct timeval t; static int needredraw=0; udcounter++; needredraw += readFromServer(); gettimeofday(&t, NULL); if (needredraw && ((unsigned int) redrawDelay * 100000 < (unsigned int) ((t.tv_sec - lastredraw.tv_sec) * 1000000 + (t.tv_usec - lastredraw.tv_usec)))) { needredraw = 0; lastredraw=t; if (!playback || (pb_update && ((!pb_scan) || !(udcounter % pb_advance)))) { redraw(); playerlist2(); } if (playback) { if(!pb_scan) { if (pb_advance > 0) { if ((pb_advance -= pb_update) <= 0) { pb_advance = 0; paused = 1; } } else if (pb_advance < 0) { switch (pb_advance) { case PB_REDALERT: if (me->p_flags & PFRED) { pb_advance = 0; paused = 1; } break; case PB_YELLOWALERT: if (me->p_flags & PFYELLOW) { pb_advance = 0; paused = 1; } break; case PB_DEATH: default: if (me->p_status != PALIVE) { pb_advance = 0; paused = 1; } break; } } } pb_update = 0; } if (recordGame) writeUpdateMarker(); } if (me->p_status == POUTFIT) { death(); } }
getname(char *defname, char *defpasswd) /* Let person identify themselves from w */ { register char ch; int secondsLeft = 199, laststate; char tempstr[40]; LONG lasttime; char *namptr, *passptr; register int j; struct timeval timeout; fd_set readfds; autolog = (*defpasswd && *defname) ? 1 : 0; MZERO(mystats, sizeof(struct stats)); mystats->st_tticks = 1; for (j = 0; j < 95; j++) { mystats->st_keymap[j] = j + 32; mystats->st_keymap[j + 96] = j + 32 + 96; #ifdef MOUSE_AS_SHIFT mystats->st_keymap[j + 192] = j + 32; mystats->st_keymap[j + 288] = j + 32; mystats->st_keymap[j + 384] = j + 32; #endif } mystats->st_keymap[95] = 0; mystats->st_flags = ST_MAPMODE + ST_NAMEMODE + ST_SHOWSHIELDS + ST_KEEPPEACE + ST_SHOWLOCAL * 2 + ST_SHOWGLOBAL * 2; lasttime = time(NULL); if (ghoststart) return; tempname[0] = '\0'; password1[0] = '\0'; password2[0] = '\0'; laststate = state = ST_GETNAME; displayStartup(defname); while (1) { handleWEvents(defname); if (!autolog) { #ifndef HAVE_WIN32 W_FullScreen(baseWin); timeout.tv_sec = 1; timeout.tv_usec = 0; #else /* Since we don't have a socket to check on Win32 for windowing * * system events, we set the timeout to zero and effectively poll. * * Yes, I could do the correct thing and call * * WaitForMultipleObjects() etc. but I don't feel like it */ timeout.tv_sec = 0; timeout.tv_usec = 100000; #endif FD_ZERO(&readfds); FD_SET(sock, &readfds); if (udpSock >= 0) FD_SET(udpSock, &readfds); #ifndef HAVE_WIN32 FD_SET(W_Socket(), &readfds); #endif if (SELECT(32, &readfds, 0, 0, &timeout) < 0) { perror("select"); continue; } if (FD_ISSET(sock, &readfds) || (udpSock >= 0 && FD_ISSET(udpSock, &readfds))) readFromServer(&readfds); #ifndef HAVE_WIN32 if (FD_ISSET(W_Socket(), &readfds)) #else if (W_EventsPending()) #endif handleWEvents(defname); } else { readFromServer(&readfds); } if (isServerDead()) { printf("Shit, we were ghostbusted\n"); #ifdef HAVE_XPM W_GalacticBgd(GHOST_PIX); #endif #ifdef AUTOKEY if (autoKey) W_AutoRepeatOn(); #endif terminate(0); } if (time(0) != lasttime) { lasttime++; secondsLeft--; showreadme(); if (!autolog) { sprintf(tempstr, "Seconds to go: %d ", secondsLeft); W_WriteText(w, 100, 400, textColor, tempstr, strlen(tempstr), W_RegularFont); } if (secondsLeft == 0) { me->p_status = PFREE; printf("Timed Out.\n"); #ifdef AUTOKEY if (autoKey) W_AutoRepeatOn(); #endif terminate(0); } } if (state == ST_DONE) { W_ClearWindow(w); W_ClearWindow(mapw); return; } if (autolog) { switch (state) { case ST_GETNAME: tempname[0] = '\0'; ch = 13; j = 0; break; case ST_GETPASS: case ST_MAKEPASS1: case ST_MAKEPASS2: ch = defpasswd[j++]; if (ch == '\0') { j = 0; ch = 13; } break; default: break; } loginproced(ch, defname); } laststate = state; } }
loaddude(void) { char ppwd[16]; STRNCPY(ppwd, "\0\0\0", 4); if (strncmp(tempname, "Guest", 5) == 0 || strncmp(tempname, "guest", 5) == 0) { loginAccept = -1; sendLoginReq(tempname, ppwd, login, 0); state = ST_DONE; me->p_pos = -1; me->p_stats.st_tticks = 1; /* prevent overflow */ STRNCPY(me->p_name, tempname, sizeof(tempname)); while (loginAccept == -1) { socketPause(); readFromServer(NULL); if (isServerDead()) { printf("Server is hosed.\n"); #ifdef AUTOKEY if (autoKey) W_AutoRepeatOn(); #endif terminate(0); } } if (loginAccept == 0) { char *s = "Server refuses guest login, use another name."; W_WriteText(w, 100, 70, textColor, s, strlen(s), W_BoldFont); (void) W_EventsPending(); sleep(3); W_ClearWindow(w); state = ST_GETNAME; *tempname = 0; #ifdef AUTOKEY if (autoKey) W_AutoRepeatOn(); #endif } return; } /* Ask about the user */ loginAccept = -1; sendLoginReq(tempname, ppwd, login, 1); while (loginAccept == -1) { socketPause(); readFromServer(NULL); if (isServerDead()) { printf("Server is hosed.\n"); #ifdef AUTOKEY if (autoKey) W_AutoRepeatOn(); #endif terminate(0); } } *password1 = *password2 = 0; if (loginAccept == 0) { state = ST_MAKEPASS1; } else { state = ST_GETPASS; } }
void new_entrywindow(int *team, int *s_type) { int i; int lastplayercount[4]; /* number of players on each team */ int okayMask, lastOkayMask; /* teams you're allowed to choose */ char buf[100]; /* OUTFIT timeout stuff */ long startTime = -1; long lasttime = -1; int spareTime = 0; if (fastQuit) { *team = -1; return; } lastOkayMask = okayMask = tournMask; /* erase packet lights to make Bob happy [BDyess] */ light_erase(); /* map all team selection windows, and stripe out those that are unchoosable */ for (i = 0; i < number_of_teams; i++) { W_MapWindow(teamWin[i]); lastplayercount[i] = -1; } W_MapWindow(qwin); /* no team selected yet */ *team = -1; /* set to team index (0..n-1) to choose a team. set to n if you want to quit */ /* I don't know why this restriction is in place - RF */ if (me->p_whydead != KWINNER && me->p_whydead != KGENOCIDE) { showMotd(w); W_ClearWindow(mapw); showValues(mapw); redraw_death_messages(); } do { /* set team to n if you want to quit */ while (!W_EventsPending() && (me->p_status == POUTFIT || me->p_status == PTQUEUE)) { /* no window events, just process socket stuff */ fd_set mask; light_erase(); readFromServer(); if (me->p_status == POUTFIT || me->p_status == PTQUEUE) { /* wait up to a half-second for input from the window system */ struct timeval tv; tv.tv_sec = 0; tv.tv_usec = 500000; FD_ZERO(&mask); FD_SET(W_Socket(), &mask); select(W_Socket() + 1, &mask, 0, 0, &tv); } #if SHOW_MAP_AT_MOTD_DATA_ITEM_IMPLEMENTED if(showMapAtMotd) { map(); } #endif redraw_death_messages(); if (me->p_status == PTQUEUE) startTime = -1; if (me->p_status == POUTFIT) { /* time only elapses in OUTFIT mode */ if (startTime == -1) { /* we were on the tqueue */ /* I hate this [BDyess] */ W_Deiconify(baseWin); /* we changed status. alert the user */ startTime = time(0); spareTime = 480; /* Allow them extra time, as long */ /* as they are active */ } elapsed = time(0) - startTime; if (elapsed > autoQuit) { printf("Auto-Quit.\n"); *team = number_of_teams; break; } } if (lasttime != time(0)) { if (W_IsMapped(playerw)) playerlist2(); if (newMotdStuff) { showMotd(w); showValues(mapw); redraw_death_messages(); } if (me->p_status == POUTFIT) { showTimeLeft(elapsed, autoQuit); } lasttime = time(0); } okayMask = tournMask; /* redraw those windows whose choosable status has changed */ for (i = 0; i < number_of_teams; i++) { if ((okayMask ^ lastOkayMask) & (1 << i)) { lastplayercount[i] = -1; /* force update */ } redrawTeam(teamWin[i], i, &lastplayercount[i]); } lastOkayMask = okayMask; } if (playback) /* silly. Shouldn't even be mapping team windows. */ break; /* they quit or ran out of time */ if (*team == number_of_teams) { me->p_status = PFREE; /* exit outer while loop */ break; } /* this makes them eventually run out of time no matter how awake they are. Only affects the OUTFIT screen. */ if (me->p_status == POUTFIT && startTime != -1) { if (time(0) - startTime <= spareTime) { spareTime -= time(0) - startTime; startTime = time(0); } else { startTime += spareTime; spareTime = 0; } } if (!W_EventsPending()) continue; /* ok, there's a window event pending */ /* thiswill set p_status to PFREE if they decide to quit */ get_N_dispatch_outfit_event(team, s_type, lastplayercount); } while ((me->p_status == POUTFIT || me->p_status == PTQUEUE) && (!pb_update) ); if (*team >= 0) { strcpy(buf, "Welcome aboard "); if (paradise) strcat(buf, ranks2[me->p_stats2.st_rank].name); else strcat(buf, ranks[me->p_stats.st_rank].name); sprintf(buf, "Welcome aboard %s!", get_players_rank_name(me)); warning(buf); } if (playback) { extern int lastTeamReq; *team = me->p_teami = lastTeamReq; } else /* if they quit or ran out of time */ if (me->p_status == PFREE) *team = -1; else if (me->p_status == PALIVE || me->p_status == POBSERVE) if (*team == -1) *team = me->p_teami; else me->p_teami = *team; for (i = 0; i < number_of_teams; i++) W_UnmapWindow(teamWin[i]); W_UnmapWindow(qwin); }
int clientReceiveNet() { readFromServer(message); return 0; }
findslot(void) { int oldcount = -1; W_Window waitWin, qwin, countWin, motdButtonWin; W_Window motdWin; extern int MaxMotdLine; int WaitMotdLine = 0; int mapMotd = booleanDefault("showMotd", 1); W_Event event; /* Wait for some kind of indication about in/not in */ while (queuePos == -1) { socketPause(); if (isServerDead()) { #if defined(SOUND) && !defined(HAVE_SDL) Exit_Sound(); #endif printf("Shit! Ghostbusted!\n"); terminate(0); } readFromServer(NULL); if (me != NULL) { /* We are in! */ ANNOUNCESOCKET; return (me->p_no); } } /* We have to wait. Make appropriate windows, etc... */ waitWin = W_MakeWindow("wait", 0, 0, WAITWIDTH, WAITHEIGHT, NULL, 2, foreColor); countWin = W_MakeWindow("count", WAITWIDTH / 3, WAITTITLE, WAITWIDTH / 3, WAITHEIGHT - WAITTITLE, waitWin, 1, foreColor); qwin = W_MakeWindow("waitquit", 0, WAITTITLE, WAITWIDTH / 3, WAITHEIGHT - WAITTITLE, waitWin, 1, foreColor); motdButtonWin = W_MakeWindow("motdbutton", 2 * WAITWIDTH / 3, WAITTITLE, WAITWIDTH / 3, WAITHEIGHT - WAITTITLE, waitWin, 1, foreColor); W_MapWindow(waitWin); W_MapWindow(countWin); W_MapWindow(motdButtonWin); W_MapWindow(qwin); if (mapMotd) { motdWin = W_MakeWindow("waitmotd", 1, WAITWIDTH + 1, TWINSIDE, TWINSIDE, 0, 2, foreColor); W_MapWindow(motdWin); showMotd(motdWin, WaitMotdLine); } for (;;) { socketPause(); readFromServer(NULL); if (isServerDead()) { #if defined(SOUND) && !defined(HAVE_SDL) Exit_Sound(); #endif printf("Damn, We've been ghostbusted!\n"); terminate(0); } while (W_EventsPending()) { W_NextEvent(&event); switch ((int) event.type) { case W_EV_BUTTON: case W_EV_KEY: if (mapMotd && event.Window == motdWin) { if (event.key == ' ' || event.key == 'q') { W_DestroyWindow(motdWin); mapMotd = !mapMotd; } else { if (event.key == 'b') { WaitMotdLine -= 28; WaitMotdLine = MAX(WaitMotdLine, 0); } else { WaitMotdLine += 28; /* scroll to start if it goes over */ if (WaitMotdLine > MaxMotdLine) WaitMotdLine = 0; } W_ClearWindow(motdWin); showMotd(motdWin, WaitMotdLine); break; } } else if (event.Window == motdButtonWin) { if (mapMotd) { W_DestroyWindow(motdWin); } else { motdWin = W_MakeWindow("waitmotd", 1, WAITWIDTH + 1, TWINSIDE, TWINSIDE, 0, 2, foreColor); W_MapWindow(motdWin); showMotd(motdWin, WaitMotdLine); } mapMotd = !mapMotd; } else if (event.Window == qwin) { #if defined(SOUND) && !defined(HAVE_SDL) Exit_Sound(); #endif printf("OK, bye!\n"); terminate(0); } break; case W_EV_EXPOSE: if (event.Window == waitWin) { mapWaitWin(waitWin); } else if (event.Window == motdWin) { showMotd(motdWin, WaitMotdLine); } else if (event.Window == qwin) { mapWaitQuit(qwin); } else if (event.Window == countWin) { mapWaitCount(waitWin, countWin, queuePos); } else if (event.Window == motdButtonWin) { mapWaitMotdButton(motdButtonWin); } break; default: break; } } if (queuePos != oldcount) { mapWaitCount(waitWin, countWin, queuePos); oldcount = queuePos; } if (me != NULL) { W_DestroyWindow(waitWin); if (mapMotd) { W_DestroyWindow(motdWin); } ANNOUNCESOCKET; W_Beep(); W_Beep(); return (me->p_no); } } }
int main(int argc, char * argv[]) { killOldProcNannies(); debugPrint("staring main\n"); if (pipe(newProcessToChild) < 0) { fprintf(stderr,"pipe error"); exit(0); } if (pipe(killCountPipe) < 0) { fprintf(stderr,"pipe error"); exit(0); } fcntl(killCountPipe[0], F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK); debugPrint("connecting to %s on port %d \n", argv[1], atoi(argv[2])); MY_PORT = atoi(argv[2]); /* Put here the name of the sun on which the server is executed */ host = gethostbyname (argv[1]); int firstTime = 1; if (host == NULL) { perror ("Client: cannot get host description"); exit (1); } s = socket (AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (s < 0) { perror ("Client: cannot open socket"); exit (1); } bzero (&server, sizeof (server)); bcopy (host->h_addr, & (server.sin_addr), host->h_length); server.sin_family = host->h_addrtype; server.sin_port = htons (MY_PORT); while (connect (s, (struct sockaddr*) & server, sizeof (server))) { perror ("Client: cannot connect to server"); debugPrint("Tring again\n"); //exit (1); } char * pipeBuffer = NULL; /* char * procInfoRequest = malloc(200); */ /* snprintf(procInfoRequest,200, "%-200s", procInfoString); */ /* char * a = "test\0"; */ char a[200] = "test"; char * processName = NULL; int len = 0; int numberofProcesses = 0; int processLifeSpan = 0; int PID = 0; char * pointerToProcessName = NULL; char * pointerToPipeBuffer = NULL; while (keepLooping == 1) { // use this loop to get process lists pipeBuffer = malloc(63); pointerToPipeBuffer = pipeBuffer; debugPrint("writing server\n"); writeToServer(a); readFromServer(pipeBuffer); debugPrint("got %s\n", pipeBuffer); if (pipeBuffer[0] == '!') { keepLooping = 0; debugPrint("got exit signal!!!!!\n"); continue; } // char * tmpBuffer = pipeBuffer; // char * processName; len = 0; numberofProcesses = 0; processLifeSpan = 0; PID = 0; len = strchr(pipeBuffer,'#') - pipeBuffer; processName = malloc(len+1); pointerToProcessName = processName; strncpy(processName, pipeBuffer, len); processName[len] = '\0'; processName[strlen(processName) - 1] = '\0'; pipeBuffer = strchr(pipeBuffer,'#'); numberofProcesses = atoi(pipeBuffer+1); processLifeSpan = atoi(strchr(pipeBuffer,'!')+1); debugPrint("server: we have %d different procs to monitor\n", numberofProcesses); if (processLifeSpan == 99) { // 99 is the code indicating that the // server received a sighup // so flush our linked list record // of processes free(pointerToPipeBuffer); free(pointerToProcessName); pipeBuffer = NULL; processName = NULL; if (processList) { freeList(processList); // free it in case it is still set processList = NULL; } pipeBuffer = malloc(63); pointerToPipeBuffer = pipeBuffer; // debugPrint("writing server\n"); // writeToServer(a); // we likely dont need to write test again cuz // our initial message should still be there readFromServer(pipeBuffer); debugPrint("got %s\n", pipeBuffer); if (pipeBuffer[0] == '!') { keepLooping = 0; debugPrint("got exit signal!!!!!\n"); continue; } // char * tmpBuffer = pipeBuffer; // char * processName; len = 0; numberofProcesses = 0; processLifeSpan = 0; PID = 0; len = strchr(pipeBuffer,'#') - pipeBuffer; processName = malloc(len+1); pointerToProcessName = processName; strncpy(processName, pipeBuffer, len); processName[len] = '\0'; processName[strlen(processName) - 1] = '\0'; pipeBuffer = strchr(pipeBuffer,'#'); numberofProcesses = atoi(pipeBuffer+1); processLifeSpan = atoi(strchr(pipeBuffer,'!')+1); debugPrint("server: we have %d different procs to monitor\n", numberofProcesses); } free(pointerToPipeBuffer); free(pointerToProcessName); pipeBuffer = NULL; processName = NULL; // free(processName); while(numberofProcesses > 0) { // char * processName = NULL; len = 0; processLifeSpan = 0; PID = 0; numberofProcesses--; pipeBuffer = malloc(63); pointerToPipeBuffer = pipeBuffer; readFromServer(pipeBuffer); len = strchr(pipeBuffer,'#') - pipeBuffer; processName = malloc(len+1); pointerToProcessName = processName; //processName = (char *)realloc(processName, len+1); strncpy(processName, pipeBuffer, len); processName[len] = '\0'; processName[strlen(processName) - 1] = '\0'; pipeBuffer = strchr(pipeBuffer,'#'); PID = atoi(pipeBuffer+1); processLifeSpan = atoi(strchr(pipeBuffer,'!')+1); char *newP = trimwhitespace(processName); debugPrint("for PID = %d\n", PID); debugPrint("name: %s \n", newP); debugPrint("life span: %d \n", processLifeSpan); debugPrint("pid: %d \n", PID); // close (s); debugPrint("Process %d got %s\n", getpid (), pipeBuffer); if (processList) { if ( searchNodes(processList, newP, processLifeSpan) == -1) { debugPrint("%d adding node \n", getpid()); addNode(processList, newP, processLifeSpan); } } else { debugPrint("creating process list... %d processListing node \n", getpid()); processList = init(newP, processLifeSpan); } debugPrint("finished setting/looking thro processList\n"); free(pointerToPipeBuffer); free(pointerToProcessName); pipeBuffer = NULL; processName = NULL; } sleep (5); updateKillCount(); debugPrint("********************\n"); debugPrint("number of freechildren is %d: \n", freeChildren); debugPrint("number of messages from children is %d: \n", messagesFromChildren); struct node * cursorNode; int i = 0; debugPrint("processes we monitored are: \n"); cursorNode = monitoredPIDs; if (monitoredPIDs) { for (i = 0; i < getSize(monitoredPIDs); i++) { debugPrint("value: %s, key: %d\n", cursorNode->value, cursorNode->key); cursorNode = cursorNode->next; } } debugPrint("process we got are: \n"); cursorNode = processList; for (i = 0; i < getSize(processList); i++) { debugPrint("for %s, %d \n",cursorNode->value, cursorNode->key); if (getNumberOfPIDsForProcess(cursorNode->value) > 0 || firstTime == 1) { debugPrint("calling monitorProcess \n"); monitorProcess(cursorNode->value, cursorNode->key); } else { debugPrint("NOT calling monitorProcess \n"); debugPrint("No %s proc found.\n", cursorNode->value); } cursorNode = cursorNode->next; } firstTime = 0; debugPrint("done listing processes in processList\n"); } free(pipeBuffer); // free(processName); freeList(processList); freeList(monitoredPIDs); freeList(childPIDs); return 0; }
void maitreClient() { fd_set fdread; struct timeval tv; int n, i, r, m, start; #ifdef DEBUG char dbg[16]; #endif struct flock lock; int t; maitreLecteur = dp.maitre[0]; FD_ZERO(&fdread); tv.tv_sec = 50; tv.tv_usec = 0; n = fdServeur > maitreLecteur ? fdServeur : maitreLecteur; printf("Maitre CLient - fdServeur=%d\n", fdServeur); while (1) { /* On ajoute les descripteurs esclave et serveur */ /* Add slave and server pipe file descriptors */ FD_ZERO(&fdread); FD_SET(fdServeur, &fdread); FD_SET(maitreLecteur, &fdread); r = select(n + 1, &fdread, NULL, NULL, &tv); if (r < 0) { perror("select:\n"); continue; } if (r == 0) { exit(0); } if (FD_ISSET(fdServeur, &fdread)) { /* On vient de recevoir une information du serveur * On la retransmet aux esclaves */ /* We just have received information from the server. * We repeat it to slaves. */ i = readFromServer(message); t = message[0]; switch (t) { case 'L': /* Instruction : Lock. Dans ce cas il faut envoyer a chaque processus une section differente a locker */ /* Lock instruction. We need to send a different section to lock to each process */ unSerialiseFLock(&lock); start = lock.l_start; for (i = 0; i < dp.nclnt; i++) { lock.l_start = start + i; serialiseFLock(&lock); write(dp.lclnt[i][1], message, M_SIZE); } printf("\n"); continue; case 'T': /* Instruction: Test. Il s'agit d'une trame annoncant un nouveau test : on verifie qu'il ne s'agit pas d'une * demande de FIN des tests */ /* Test instruction. Ensure server is not sending the FIN(ish) instruction to end tests */ /* A re-ecrire un peu mieux des que possible */ /* To be rewritten asap */ m = atoi(&(message[2])); if (m == FIN) break; if (m == CLEAN) printf("\n"); serverSendLocal(); continue; } break; } else { /* Dans le cas inverse, on lis les esclaves et on remonte l'information au serveur */ /* Else, we read information from slaves and repeat them to the server */ for (i = 0; i < dp.nclnt; i++) { r = read(maitreLecteur, message, M_SIZE); r = write(fdServeur, message, M_SIZE); if (r < 0) perror("write : "); } continue; } } /* On vient de recevoir la trame FIN de programme */ /* Receive the FIN(ish) instruction */ /* On la communique a tous les esclaves */ /* Repeat it to the slaves */ printf("Fin du programme en cours...\n"); serverSendLocal(); /* Et c'est fini! */ /* Ok, we can quit */ printf("Bye :)\n"); }
intrupt() { static long lastread; static int prevread; int cr_time; /* handle torp firing */ do_torps(); _tcheck = 0; keep_reading: ; #ifdef ATM if (readFromServer(pollmode)) { /* should be 0 */ #else if (readFromServer()) { #endif cr_time = mtime(0); _cycletime = cr_time - prevread; _serverdelay = ((double)_cycletime/100.); _udnonsync++; /* can't be less than 100 ms */ if(_serverdelay < 1.) _serverdelay = 1.; if (DEBUG & DEBUG_SERVER) { printf("cycletime = %dms\n", _cycletime); printf("wait for input = %dms\n", cr_time - _waiting_for_input); } prevread = cr_time; if(_state.borg_detect) borg_detect(); } else { /* * We haven't heard from server for 3 secs... Strategy: send a * useless packet to "ping" server. */ /* If server is dead, just give up */ if (isServerDead()) exitRobot(0); if(!pollmode){ int now = time(NULL)-3; mprintf("sending wakeup packet at %s", ctime(&now)); sendWarReq(me->p_hostile); } } if (me->p_status == POUTFIT) { death(); } if(me->p_status != PALIVE) goto keep_reading; } /* borg detect */ borg_detect() { register Player *p; register struct player *j; int last_speedc, last_dirc; register i; for(i=0, p=_state.players; i < MAXPLAYER; i++,p++){ if(!p->p || (p->p->p_status != PALIVE) || p->invisible) continue; j = p->p; /* check for simultaneous torp & phaser but in different directions. -- Very common borg maneuver */ if(_udnonsync - p->tfire_t < 2){ if(p->tfire_t == p->pfire_t){ if(p->tfire_dir > -1){ if(angdist(p->tfire_dir, p->pfire_dir) > 2){ /* printf("%s BORG %d\n", j->p_mapchars, angdist(p->tfire_dir, p->pfire_dir)); printf("current p: %d\n", p->bp1); */ p->bp1 ++; } } } } /* check for recent change in direction far away from current torp or phaser fire */ if(j->p_speed > 1){ if(_udnonsync - p->tfire_t < 2){ if(_udnonsync - p->turn_t < 2){ if(angdist(j->p_dir, p->tfire_t) > 64){ /* printf("%s tfire BORG %d\n", j->p_mapchars, angdist(j->p_dir, p->tfire_t)); */ p->bp2 ++; } } } if(_udnonsync - p->pfire_t < 2){ if(_udnonsync - p->turn_t < 2){ if(angdist(j->p_dir, p->pfire_t) > 64){ /* printf("%s pfire BORG %d\n", j->p_mapchars, angdist(j->p_dir, p->pfire_t)); */ p->bp3 ++; } } } } if(p->bdc < 1.0) p->borg_probability = 0.0; else p->borg_probability = (double)(p->bp1 * 10 + p->bp2 + p->bp3)/ (double)p->bdc; } } /* maybe later */ #ifdef nodef if(_udcounter - p->tfire_t < 3){ last_speedc = p->tfire_t - p->speed_t; /* fired, then observed speed change within 5 cycles */ if(last_speedc < 5 && p->tfire_dir > -1){ /* player direction and torp fire direction greater than 64 */ if(angdist(j->p_dir, p->tfire_dir) > 64){ mprintf("speed detect\n"); p->borg_probability ++; } } last_dirc = p->tfire_t - p->turn_t; /* fired, then observed direction change within 5 cycles */ if(last_dirc < 5 && p->tfire_dir > -1){ /* player direction and torp fire direction greater than 64 */ if(angdist(j->p_dir, p->tfire_dir) > 64){ mprintf("direction detect\n"); p->borg_probability ++; } } }