예제 #1
파일: show.c 프로젝트: castro732/X-Weather
void glcd_image(long mempointer  /*This is the image location in program memory*/) 
{  int j, i; 
   int page = 0xB8; 
   char chipsel; 
   char buffer[1]; 
   output_low(GLCD_DI);                // Set for instruction 
   glcd_writeByte(GLCD_CS1, 0x40);     // Set the column address to 0 
   glcd_writeByte(GLCD_CS2, 0x40); 
   glcd_writeByte(GLCD_CS1, page);     // Set the page address to 0 
   glcd_writeByte(GLCD_CS2, page); 
   for (j = 0; j < 8; j++, page+=1) 
   {  output_low(GLCD_DI); 
      glcd_writeByte(GLCD_CS1, page); 
      glcd_writeByte(GLCD_CS2, page); 
      for (i = 0; i < 128; i++) 
         if ( i < 64) 
            chipsel = GLCD_CS1; 
            chipsel = GLCD_CS2; 
         read_program_memory(mempointer, buffer, 1); 
         glcd_writeByte(chipsel, *buffer); 
예제 #2
//Write to Flash ROM.
// location - flash program memory address
// src - pointer to data to write
// size - number of bytes to write to flash
// Here is the sequence of events:
//   1.) Goes to the beginning of the first erase block for this address
//   2.) Reads n records to ram, where n is the PIC's flash erase size
//   3.) Erases block in flash
//   4.) Modifies block in RAM
//   5.) Writes changed block back to FLASH.  Writes in chunks defined by PIC's flash write size
//   6.) Goes back to step1 if there is still more data to be written
void rom_w(int32 location, char *src, int16 size)
   int8 block[EEPROM_ERASE_SIZE];
   int32 block_start;
   int8 i;
   int8 num;

   block_start = location & (~((int32)EEPROM_ERASE_SIZE-1));

   while (size) 
      read_program_memory(block_start, block, sizeof(block));  //read entire block to ram buffer

      if (size>(EEPROM_ERASE_SIZE-i)) {num=EEPROM_ERASE_SIZE-i;} else {num=size;}

      memcpy(&block[i],src,num);    //modify ram buffer

      erase_program_eeprom(block_start);     //erase entire block

      write_program_memory(block_start, block, sizeof(block));    //write modified block

예제 #3
void memcpypgm2ram(unsigned int8 *d, __ADDRESS__ s, unsigned int16 n)
   //printf("ROM_0x%LX-to-0x%LX ", d, s);
  #if (getenv("PROGRAM_MEMORY") > 0x10000)
   #warning temporary ccs bug fix
   s |= 0x10000;
   read_program_memory(s, d, n);
예제 #4
파일: bootload.c 프로젝트: arnans/pitopping
void writeFlash(int16 memoryBlockAddress, int16 positionInMemoryBlock, int16 len, int *Buffer) {

   int writeBuffer[getenv("FLASH_ERASE_SIZE")];
   int16 i, counter;
   int16 writeLenInThisBlock;
   int1 notDone = 1;
   do {
      // read the entire erase block to memory
      read_program_memory(memoryBlockAddress, writeBuffer, getenv("FLASH_ERASE_SIZE"));
      // if write len is longer than the current memory block -> trim it
      if ( len > (getenv("FLASH_ERASE_SIZE") - positionInMemoryBlock)) {
         writeLenInThisBlock = getenv("FLASH_ERASE_SIZE") - positionInMemoryBlock;
      } else {
         writeLenInThisBlock = len;
      // modify parts of the block with the new data
      for (i=positionInMemoryBlock, counter=0; counter<writeLenInThisBlock; i++, counter++) {
         writeBuffer[i] = *(Buffer+counter);

      // write the block back to the flash memory. 
      for (i=0 ; i< (getenv("FLASH_ERASE_SIZE") / getenv("FLASH_WRITE_SIZE")); i++) {
         write_program_memory( memoryBlockAddress + (i * getenv("FLASH_WRITE_SIZE")) ,
                               writeBuffer + (i * getenv("FLASH_WRITE_SIZE")), 
      // if write-data overlaps between memory blocks -> update variables and
      // loop to write the next block
      if ((positionInMemoryBlock + len) > getenv("FLASH_ERASE_SIZE")) {
         memoryBlockAddress += getenv("FLASH_ERASE_SIZE");
         len -= getenv("FLASH_ERASE_SIZE") - positionInMemoryBlock;
         Buffer += getenv("FLASH_ERASE_SIZE") - positionInMemoryBlock;
         positionInMemoryBlock = 0;

      } else {
         notDone = 0;
   } while (notDone);

예제 #5
파일: bootload.c 프로젝트: arnans/pitopping
void downloadBootloader()
   int Buffer[SerBufferSize];    // serial input buffer   

   int1 notDone = 1;

   unsigned int recLen;   // HEX file record length
   unsigned int16 writeAddr;  // HEX file write address
   unsigned char recType;  // HEX file record type

   unsigned char i=0,j;   // general counters
///   unsigned int16 UserBootVectorAddr; // holds the address of our new boot vector
   unsigned int positionInMemoryBlock;
   unsigned int16 memoryBlockAddress;
   unsigned int bufferIndex;
   unsigned int writeLen;
   int16 BankAddress;
   int1 skipWriting=0;
   int relocateCount=0;
   #define REC_SIZE  0x10
   int relocateRecordLen[6];
   int relocateOriginalAddress[6];

//   int flashReadBuffer[getenv("FLASH_ERASE_SIZE")];  // buffer for the relocated first mem block
   int flashReadBuffer[REC_SIZE];  // buffer for the relocated first mem block


      while (notDone) {

         /// Wait for ':'

         do {
            while (!usb_cdc_kbhit());
         } while (usb_cdc_getc() != ':');

         //  Record length

         recLen = read8();

         //  Write Address

         writeAddr  = ((int16)read8() << 8) + read8();

         //  Rec Type

         usb_cdc_getc();  // ignore the first digit, it is always '0'
         recType = usb_cdc_getc();

         if (recType == '1') { // End of file record
            notDone = 0;

         } else if (recType == '4') {  // bank select record

            BankAddress = (read8()<<8) + read8();
            if (BankAddress != 0)
               skipWriting = 1;
               skipWriting = 0;
         } else if ((recType == '0') && !(skipWriting)) { // data record

            /// get the data
            for (i=0; i < recLen ; i++) {
                Buffer[i] = read8();
/*            // if data is in the EEPROM area -> do nothing
            if ((writeAddr >= 0x2100) && (writeAddr <= 0x21FF)) {
               // we don't support EEPROM records yet

            // if writing to the first memory block -> we need to temporarily 
            // relocate it elsewhere. Since this area contains the boot and 
            // interrupt vectors -> it should be written as the very last memory 
            // block.
            if (writeAddr & (0xFFFF ^ (getenv("FLASH_ERASE_SIZE")-1)) == 0) {
               relocateOriginalAddress[relocateCount] = writeAddr; // remmber the orginal location
               relocateRecordLen[relocateCount] = recLen; // remember each record's len

               writeAddr = RESERVED_MEMORY_START + (relocateCount * REC_SIZE);
            positionInMemoryBlock = writeAddr & (getenv("FLASH_ERASE_SIZE")-1);
            memoryBlockAddress = writeAddr & (0xFFFF ^ (getenv("FLASH_ERASE_SIZE")-1));
            writeFlash(memoryBlockAddress, positionInMemoryBlock, recLen, Buffer);

         if (notDone)
            // Tells the PC to send the next line
            printf(active_comm_putc, "%c",READY_FOR_NEXT);

       // Tells the PC that we are finished
      printf(active_comm_putc,"%c", FINISH_FLAG);
      //  Now we move the relocated first block to its original place 

      // read the entire flash block to memory


      for (i=0;i<relocateCount;i++) {

         read_program_memory(RESERVED_MEMORY_START + (i*REC_SIZE), flashReadBuffer, REC_SIZE);

         writeAddr = relocateOriginalAddress[i];
         writeFlash(0x0, writeAddr, relocateRecordLen[i], flashReadBuffer );


