예제 #1
파일: rpmgensig.c 프로젝트: jwakely/rpm
static rpmRC replaceSigDigests(FD_t fd, const char *rpm, Header *sigp,
			       off_t sigStart, off_t sigTargetSize,
			       char *SHA1, uint8_t *MD5)
    off_t archiveSize;
    rpmRC rc = RPMRC_OK;

    if (Fseek(fd, sigStart, SEEK_SET) < 0) {
	rpmlog(RPMLOG_ERR, _("Could not seek in file %s: %s\n"),
		rpm, Fstrerror(fd));
	goto exit;

    /* Get payload size from signature tag */
    archiveSize = headerGetNumber(*sigp, RPMSIGTAG_PAYLOADSIZE);
    if (!archiveSize) {
	archiveSize = headerGetNumber(*sigp, RPMSIGTAG_LONGARCHIVESIZE);

    /* Set reserved space to 0 */
    addMacro(NULL, "__gpg_reserved_space", NULL, 0, RMIL_GLOBAL);

    /* Replace old digests in sigh */
    rc = rpmGenerateSignature(SHA1, MD5, sigTargetSize, archiveSize, fd);
    if (rc != RPMRC_OK) {
	rpmlog(RPMLOG_ERR, _("generateSignature failed\n"));
	goto exit;

    if (Fseek(fd, sigStart, SEEK_SET) < 0) {
	rpmlog(RPMLOG_ERR, _("Could not seek in file %s: %s\n"),
		rpm, Fstrerror(fd));
	goto exit;

    rc = rpmReadSignature(fd, sigp, RPMSIGTYPE_HEADERSIG, NULL);
    if (rc != RPMRC_OK) {
	rpmlog(RPMLOG_ERR, _("rpmReadSignature failed\n"));
	goto exit;

    return rc;
예제 #2
파일: pack.c 프로젝트: nforro/rpm
 * This is more than just a little insane:
 * In order to write the signature, we need to know the size and
 * the size and digests of the header and payload, which are located
 * after the signature on disk. We also need a digest of the compressed
 * payload for the main header, and of course the payload is after the
 * header on disk. So we need to create placeholders for both the
 * signature and main header that exactly match the final sizes, calculate
 * the payload digest, then generate and write the real main header to
 * be able to FINALLY calculate the digests we need for the signature
 * header. In other words, we need to write things in the exact opposite
 * order to how the RPM format is laid on disk.
static rpmRC writeRPM(Package pkg, unsigned char ** pkgidp,
		      const char *fileName, char **cookie)
    FD_t fd = NULL;
    char * rpmio_flags = NULL;
    char * SHA1 = NULL;
    char * SHA256 = NULL;
    uint8_t * MD5 = NULL;
    char * pld = NULL;
    uint32_t pld_algo = PGPHASHALGO_SHA256; /* TODO: macro configuration */
    rpmRC rc = RPMRC_FAIL; /* assume failure */
    rpm_loff_t archiveSize = 0;
    off_t sigStart, hdrStart, payloadStart, payloadEnd;

    if (pkgidp)
	*pkgidp = NULL;

    rpmio_flags = getIOFlags(pkg);
    if (!rpmio_flags)
	goto exit;


    /* Create and add the cookie */
    if (cookie) {
	rasprintf(cookie, "%s %d", buildHost(), (int) (*getBuildTime()));
	headerPutString(pkg->header, RPMTAG_COOKIE, *cookie);

    /* Create a dummy payload digest to get the header size right */
    pld = nullDigest(pld_algo, 1);
    headerPutUint32(pkg->header, RPMTAG_PAYLOADDIGESTALGO, &pld_algo, 1);
    headerPutString(pkg->header, RPMTAG_PAYLOADDIGEST, pld);
    pld = _free(pld);
    /* Check for UTF-8 encoding of string tags, add encoding tag if all good */
    if (checkForEncoding(pkg->header, 1))
	goto exit;

    /* Open the output file */
    fd = Fopen(fileName, "w+.ufdio");
    if (fd == NULL || Ferror(fd)) {
	rpmlog(RPMLOG_ERR, _("Could not open %s: %s\n"),
		fileName, Fstrerror(fd));
	goto exit;

    /* Write the lead section into the package. */
    if (rpmLeadWrite(fd, pkg->header)) {
	rpmlog(RPMLOG_ERR, _("Unable to write package: %s\n"), Fstrerror(fd));
	goto exit;

    /* Save the position of signature section */
    sigStart = Ftell(fd);

    /* Generate and write a placeholder signature header */
    SHA1 = nullDigest(PGPHASHALGO_SHA1, 1);
    SHA256 = nullDigest(PGPHASHALGO_SHA256, 1);
    MD5 = nullDigest(PGPHASHALGO_MD5, 0);
    if (rpmGenerateSignature(SHA256, SHA1, MD5, 0, 0, fd))
	goto exit;
    SHA1 = _free(SHA1);
    SHA256 = _free(SHA256);
    MD5 = _free(MD5);

    /* Write a placeholder header. */
    hdrStart = Ftell(fd);
    if (writeHdr(fd, pkg->header))
	goto exit;

    /* Write payload section (cpio archive) */
    payloadStart = Ftell(fd);
    if (cpio_doio(fd, pkg, rpmio_flags, &archiveSize))
	goto exit;
    payloadEnd = Ftell(fd);

    /* Re-read payload to calculate compressed digest */
    fdInitDigestID(fd, pld_algo, RPMTAG_PAYLOADDIGEST, 0);
    if (fdConsume(fd, payloadStart, payloadEnd - payloadStart))
	goto exit;
    fdFiniDigest(fd, RPMTAG_PAYLOADDIGEST, (void **)&pld, NULL, 1);

    /* Insert the payload digest in main header */
    headerDel(pkg->header, RPMTAG_PAYLOADDIGEST);
    headerPutString(pkg->header, RPMTAG_PAYLOADDIGEST, pld);
    pld = _free(pld);

    /* Write the final header */
    if (fdJump(fd, hdrStart))
	goto exit;
    if (writeHdr(fd, pkg->header))
	goto exit;

    /* Calculate digests: SHA on header, legacy MD5 on header + payload */
    fdInitDigestID(fd, PGPHASHALGO_MD5, RPMTAG_SIGMD5, 0);
    fdInitDigestID(fd, PGPHASHALGO_SHA256, RPMTAG_SHA256HEADER, 0);
    if (fdConsume(fd, hdrStart, payloadStart - hdrStart))
	goto exit;
    fdFiniDigest(fd, RPMTAG_SHA1HEADER, (void **)&SHA1, NULL, 1);
    fdFiniDigest(fd, RPMTAG_SHA256HEADER, (void **)&SHA256, NULL, 1);

    if (fdConsume(fd, 0, payloadEnd - payloadStart))
	goto exit;
    fdFiniDigest(fd, RPMTAG_SIGMD5, (void **)&MD5, NULL, 0);

    if (fdJump(fd, sigStart))
	goto exit;

    /* Generate the signature. Now with right values */
    if (rpmGenerateSignature(SHA256, SHA1, MD5, payloadEnd - hdrStart, archiveSize, fd))
	goto exit;

    rc = RPMRC_OK;


    /* XXX Fish the pkgid out of the signature header. */
    if (pkgidp != NULL) {
	if (MD5 != NULL) {
	    *pkgidp = MD5;
    } else {


    if (rc == RPMRC_OK)
	rpmlog(RPMLOG_NOTICE, _("Wrote: %s\n"), fileName);
	(void) unlink(fileName);

    return rc;