예제 #1
unsigned int * PS3_allocTextureBuffer(int w, int h, int type) {
	//user interface texture
	if (type) {
		texture_buffer_ui = (u32*)rsxMemalign(128,(w * h * 4));
		if(!texture_buffer_ui) return  NULL;

		rsxAddressToOffset(texture_buffer_ui, &texture_offset_ui);

		textureW_ui = w;
		textureH_ui = h;

		return texture_buffer_ui;
	} else
	//video texture
		texture_buffer = (u32*)rsxMemalign(128,(w * h * 4));
		if(!texture_buffer) return  NULL;


		textureW = w;
		textureH = h;

		return texture_buffer;
예제 #2
파일: main.cpp 프로젝트: CaptainCPS/PSL1GHT
static SMeshBuffer* createCube(f32 size)
	u32 i;
	SMeshBuffer *buffer = new SMeshBuffer();
	const u16 u[36] = {   0,1,2,   0,2,3,   1,4,5,   1,5,2,   4,7,6,	 4,6,5, 
						  7,0,3,   7,3,6,   9,2,5,   9,5,8,   0,10,11,   0,7,10};

	buffer->cnt_indices = 36;
	buffer->indices = (u16*)rsxMemalign(128,buffer->cnt_indices*sizeof(u16));

	for(i=0;i<36;i++) buffer->indices[i] = u[i];

	buffer->cnt_vertices = 12;
	buffer->vertices = (S3DVertex*)rsxMemalign(128,buffer->cnt_vertices*sizeof(S3DVertex));

	buffer->vertices[0] = S3DVertex(0,0,0, -1,-1,-1, 1, 0);
	buffer->vertices[1] = S3DVertex(1,0,0,  1,-1,-1, 1, 1);
	buffer->vertices[2] = S3DVertex(1,1,0,  1, 1,-1, 0, 1);
	buffer->vertices[3] = S3DVertex(0,1,0, -1, 1,-1, 0, 0);
	buffer->vertices[4] = S3DVertex(1,0,1,  1,-1, 1, 1, 0);
	buffer->vertices[5] = S3DVertex(1,1,1,  1, 1, 1, 0, 0);
	buffer->vertices[6] = S3DVertex(0,1,1, -1, 1, 1, 0, 1);
	buffer->vertices[7] = S3DVertex(0,0,1, -1,-1, 1, 1, 1);
	buffer->vertices[8] = S3DVertex(0,1,1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 0);
	buffer->vertices[9] = S3DVertex(0,1,0, -1, 1,-1, 1, 1);
	buffer->vertices[10] = S3DVertex(1,0,1,  1,-1, 1, 0, 1);
	buffer->vertices[11] = S3DVertex(1,0,0,  1,-1,-1, 0, 0);

	for(i=0;i<12;i++) {
		buffer->vertices[i].pos -= Vector3(0.5f,0.5f,0.5f);
		buffer->vertices[i].pos *= size;

	return buffer;
예제 #3
static SMeshBuffer* createQuad(f32 size, float z)
	u32 i;
	SMeshBuffer *buffer = new SMeshBuffer();
	const u16 u[6] = {   0,1,2,   0,3,1};

	buffer->cnt_indices = 6;
	buffer->indices = (u16*)rsxMemalign(128, buffer->cnt_indices * sizeof(u16));

	for(i = 0; i < 6; i++) buffer->indices[i] = u[i];

	buffer->cnt_vertices = 4;
	buffer->vertices = (S3DVertex*)rsxMemalign(128, buffer->cnt_vertices * sizeof(S3DVertex));

	//                              position, normal,    texture
	buffer->vertices[0] = S3DVertex(0, -1, z,  0, 0, -1,  0, 1);
	buffer->vertices[1] = S3DVertex(1,  0, z,  0, 0, -1,  1, 0);
	buffer->vertices[2] = S3DVertex(0,  0, z,  0, 0, -1,  0, 0);
	buffer->vertices[3] = S3DVertex(1, -1, z,  0, 0, -1,  1, 1);

	//centre and resize
	for(i=0; i < 4; i++) {
		buffer->vertices[i].pos += Vector3(-0.5f, 0.5f, 0.0f);
		buffer->vertices[i].pos *= size;

	return buffer;
예제 #4
makeBuffer (rsxBuffer * buffer, u16 width, u16 height, int id)
  int depth = sizeof (u32);
  int pitch = depth * width;
  int size = depth * width * height;

  buffer->ptr = (uint32_t *) rsxMemalign (64, size);

  if (buffer->ptr == NULL)
    goto error;

  if (rsxAddressToOffset (buffer->ptr, &buffer->offset) != 0)
    goto error;

  /* Register the display buffer with the RSX */
  if (gcmSetDisplayBuffer (id, buffer->offset, pitch, width, height) != 0)
    goto error;

  buffer->width = width;
  buffer->height = height;
  buffer->id = id;

  return TRUE;

  if (buffer->ptr != NULL)
    rsxFree (buffer->ptr);

  return FALSE;
예제 #5
파일: main.cpp 프로젝트: CaptainCPS/PSL1GHT
void init_shader()
	u32 fpsize = 0;

	vp_ucode = rsxVertexProgramGetUCode(vpo);
	projMatrix_id = rsxVertexProgramGetConst(vpo,"projMatrix");
	modelViewMatrix_id = rsxVertexProgramGetConst(vpo,"modelViewMatrix");
	vertexPosition_id = rsxVertexProgramGetAttrib(vpo,"vertexPosition");
	vertexNormal_id = rsxVertexProgramGetAttrib(vpo,"vertexNormal");
	vertexTexcoord_id = rsxVertexProgramGetAttrib(vpo,"vertexTexcoord");

	fp_ucode = rsxFragmentProgramGetUCode(fpo,&fpsize);
	fp_buffer = (u32*)rsxMemalign(64,fpsize);

	textureUnit_id = rsxFragmentProgramGetAttrib(fpo,"texture");
	eyePosition_id = rsxFragmentProgramGetConst(fpo,"eyePosition");
	globalAmbient_id = rsxFragmentProgramGetConst(fpo,"globalAmbient");
	lightPosition_id = rsxFragmentProgramGetConst(fpo,"lightPosition");
	lightColor_id = rsxFragmentProgramGetConst(fpo,"lightColor");
	shininess_id = rsxFragmentProgramGetConst(fpo,"shininess");
	Ks_id = rsxFragmentProgramGetConst(fpo,"Ks");
	Kd_id = rsxFragmentProgramGetConst(fpo,"Kd");
예제 #6
파일: rsxutil.c 프로젝트: Estwald/PSDK3v2
initScreen (void *host_addr, u32 size)
  // gcmContextData *context = NULL; /* Context to keep track of the RSX
  // buffer. */
  videoState state;
  videoConfiguration vconfig;
  videoResolution res;		/* Screen Resolution */

  /* Initilise Reality, which sets up the command buffer and shared IO memory */
  context = rsxInit (CB_SIZE, size, host_addr);
  if (context == NULL)
    goto error;

  /* Get the state of the display */
  if (videoGetState (0, 0, &state) != 0)
    goto error;

  /* Make sure display is enabled */
  if (state.state != 0)
    goto error;

  /* Get the current resolution */
  if (videoGetResolution (state.displayMode.resolution, &res) != 0)
    goto error;

  /* Configure the buffer format to xRGB */
  memset (&vconfig, 0, sizeof (videoConfiguration));
  vconfig.resolution = state.displayMode.resolution;
  vconfig.format = VIDEO_BUFFER_FORMAT_XRGB;
  vconfig.pitch = res.width * sizeof (u32);
  vconfig.aspect = state.displayMode.aspect;

  waitRSXIdle (context);

  if (videoConfigure (0, &vconfig, NULL, 0) != 0)
    goto error;

  if (videoGetState (0, 0, &state) != 0)
    goto error;

  gcmSetFlipMode (GCM_FLIP_VSYNC);	// Wait for VSYNC to flip

  depth_pitch = res.width * sizeof (u32);
  depth_buffer = (u32 *) rsxMemalign (64, (res.height * depth_pitch) * 2);
  rsxAddressToOffset (depth_buffer, &depth_offset);

  gcmResetFlipStatus ();

  return 0;

  if (context)
    rsxFinish (context, 0);

  if (host_addr)
    free (host_addr);

  return 1;
static struct sw_displaytarget *
psl1ght_displaytarget_create(struct sw_winsys *ws,
			     unsigned tex_usage,
			     enum pipe_format format,
			     unsigned width, unsigned height,
			     unsigned alignment,
			     unsigned *stride)
   struct psl1ght_sw_winsys *psl1ght = psl1ght_sw_winsys(ws);
   struct psl1ght_sw_displaytarget *psdt;

   psdt = CALLOC_STRUCT(psl1ght_sw_displaytarget);
   if (!psdt)
      return NULL;

   psdt->width = width;
   psdt->height = height;
   psdt->stride = width * 4;
   psdt->bufferId = NO_BUFFER;

   psdt->data = rsxMemalign(64, psdt->height * psdt->stride);
   if (!psdt->data) {
      return NULL;
   if (rsxAddressToOffset(psdt->data, &psdt->offset)) {
      return NULL;

   *stride = psdt->stride;

   return (struct sw_displaytarget *) psdt;
예제 #8
void init_screen(void *host_addr,u32 size)
	printf("initializing screen....\n");

	context = rsxInit(CB_SIZE,size,host_addr);

	videoState state;


	videoConfiguration vconfig;

	vconfig.resolution = state.displayMode.resolution;
	vconfig.format = VIDEO_BUFFER_FORMAT_XRGB;
	vconfig.pitch = res.width*sizeof(u32);




	display_width = res.width;
	display_height = res.height;

	color_pitch = display_width*sizeof(u32);
	color_buffer[0] = (u32*)rsxMemalign(64,(display_height*color_pitch));
	color_buffer[1] = (u32*)rsxMemalign(64,(display_height*color_pitch));



	depth_pitch = display_width*sizeof(u32);
	depth_buffer = (u32*)rsxMemalign(64,(display_height*depth_pitch)*2);

	printf("screen initialized....\n");
예제 #9
파일: main.c 프로젝트: zerkman/fractal
/* Initilize everything. */
void init_screen(displayData *vdat) {
  int i;

  /* Allocate a 1Mb buffer, alligned to a 1Mb boundary to be our shared IO memory with the RSX. */
  void *host_addr = memalign(1024*1024, 1024*1024);
  assert(host_addr != NULL);

  /* Initilise libRSX, which sets up the command buffer and shared IO memory */
  vdat->context = rsxInit(0x10000, 1024*1024, host_addr);
  assert(vdat->context != NULL);

  videoState state;
  s32 status = videoGetState(0, 0, &state); // Get the state of the display
  assert(status == 0);
  assert(state.state == 0); // Make sure display is enabled

  /* Get the current resolution */
  status = videoGetResolution(state.displayMode.resolution, &vdat->res);
  assert(status == 0);

  /* Configure the buffer format to xRGB */
  videoConfiguration vconfig;
  memset(&vconfig, 0, sizeof(videoConfiguration));
  vconfig.resolution = state.displayMode.resolution;
  vconfig.format = VIDEO_BUFFER_FORMAT_XRGB;
  vconfig.pitch = vdat->res.width * 4;

  status = videoConfigure(0, &vconfig, NULL, 0);
  assert(status == 0);
  status = videoGetState(0, 0, &state);
  assert(status == 0);

  gcmSetFlipMode(GCM_FLIP_VSYNC); /* Wait for VSYNC to flip */

  /* Allocate and setup two buffers for the RSX to draw to the screen (double buffering) */
  vdat->pitch = vdat->res.width*sizeof(u32);
  for (i=0; i<2; ++i) {
    vdat->buffer[i] = (u32*)rsxMemalign(64,vdat->res.width*vdat->pitch);
    assert(vdat->buffer[i] != NULL);
    status = rsxAddressToOffset(vdat->buffer[i], &vdat->offset[i]);
    status = gcmSetDisplayBuffer(i, vdat->offset[i], vdat->pitch, vdat->res.width, vdat->res.height);

  vdat->curr_fb = 0;
  vdat->framecnt = 0;
예제 #10
파일: main.cpp 프로젝트: CaptainCPS/PSL1GHT
static void init_texture()
	u32 i;
	u8 *buffer;
	const u8 *data = acid.pixel_data;

	texture_buffer = (u32*)rsxMemalign(128,(acid.width*acid.height*4));
	if(!texture_buffer) return;


	buffer = (u8*)texture_buffer;
	for(i=0;i<acid.width*acid.height*4;i+=4) {
		buffer[i + 1] = *data++;
		buffer[i + 2] = *data++;
		buffer[i + 3] = *data++;
		buffer[i + 0] = *data++;
예제 #11
void init_shader()
	u32 fpsize = 0;

	vp_ucode = rsxVertexProgramGetUCode(vpo);
	projMatrix_id = rsxVertexProgramGetConst(vpo, "projMatrix");
	modelViewMatrix_id = rsxVertexProgramGetConst(vpo, "modelViewMatrix");
	vertexPosition_id = rsxVertexProgramGetAttrib(vpo, "vertexPosition");
	vertexNormal_id = rsxVertexProgramGetAttrib(vpo, "vertexNormal");
	vertexTexcoord_id = rsxVertexProgramGetAttrib(vpo, "vertexTexcoord");

	fp_ucode = rsxFragmentProgramGetUCode(fpo, &fpsize);
	fp_buffer = (u32*) rsxMemalign(64, fpsize);
	memcpy(fp_buffer, fp_ucode, fpsize);
	rsxAddressToOffset(fp_buffer, &fp_offset);

	textureUnit_id = rsxFragmentProgramGetAttrib(fpo, "texture");
	scanline_id = rsxFragmentProgramGetConst(fpo, "scanline");
예제 #12
파일: resc.c 프로젝트: an0nym0u5/PSL1GHT
/* initialize resc */
rescInitialize ( videoData *vdata )
  dbgprintf ( "initializing" ) ;

  static s32 ret ;

  /* Get the state of the display */
  ret = videoGetState (VIDEO_PRIMARY, 0, &vdata->state) ;
  if (ret != 0)
    errprintf ( "ERROR %x", ret ) ;
    goto error;

  /* Make sure display is enabled */
  if (vdata->state.state != 0 )
    errprintf ( "ERROR %x", vdata->state.state ) ;
    goto error;

  /* initialize resc configuration */
  memset (&vdata->rconfig, 0, (size_t)sizeof( rescInitConfig ));

  vdata->rconfig.size = sizeof( rescInitConfig ) ;
  vdata->rconfig.resourcePolicy = RESC_MINIMUM_GPU_LOAD | RESC_CONSTANT_VRAM ;
  vdata->rconfig.supportModes = RESC_1920x1080 | RESC_1280x720 | RESC_720x576 | RESC_720x480 ;
  vdata->rconfig.ratioMode = (vdata->state.displayMode.aspect == ASPECT_4_3) ? RESC_LETTERBOX : RESC_FULLSCREEN ;
  vdata->rconfig.palTemporalMode = RESC_PAL_50 ;
  vdata->rconfig.interlaceMode = RESC_NORMAL_BILINEAR ;
  vdata->rconfig.flipMode = RESC_DISPLAY_VSYNC ;

  ret = rescInit ( &vdata->rconfig ) ;
  if ( ret != 0 )
    errprintf ( "ERROR %x", ret ) ;
    goto error;

  rescVideoResolution2RescBufferMode ( vdata->state.displayMode.resolution, &vdata->bufMode ) ;

  /* 0 */
    vdata->dsts[0].format = RESC_SURFACE_A8R8G8B8 ;
    vdata->dsts[0].pitch = 0xc00 ;
    vdata->dsts[0].heightAlign = 64 ;

    ret = rescSetDsts ( RESC_720x480, &vdata->dsts[0] ) ;
    if ( ret != 0 )
      errprintf ( "ERROR %x", ret ) ;
      goto error;

  /* 1 */
    vdata->dsts[1].format = RESC_SURFACE_A8R8G8B8 ;
    vdata->dsts[1].pitch = 0xc00 ;
    vdata->dsts[1].heightAlign = 64 ;

    ret = rescSetDsts ( RESC_720x576, &vdata->dsts[1] ) ;
    if ( ret != 0 )
      errprintf ( "ERROR %x", ret ) ;
      goto error;

  /* 2 */
    vdata->dsts[2].format = RESC_SURFACE_A8R8G8B8 ;
    vdata->dsts[2].pitch = 0x1400 ;
    vdata->dsts[2].heightAlign = 64 ;

    ret = rescSetDsts ( RESC_1280x720, &vdata->dsts[2] ) ;
    if ( ret != 0 )
      errprintf ( "ERROR %x", ret ) ;
      goto error;

  /* 3 */
    vdata->dsts[3].format = RESC_SURFACE_A8R8G8B8 ;
    vdata->dsts[3].pitch = 0x2000 ;
    vdata->dsts[3].heightAlign = 32 ;

    ret = rescSetDsts ( RESC_1920x1080, &vdata->dsts[3] ) ;
    if ( ret != 0 )
      errprintf ( "ERROR %x", ret ) ;
      goto error;

  ret = rescSetDisplayMode ( vdata->bufMode ) ;
  if ( ret != 0 )
    errprintf ( "ERROR %d", ret ) ;
    goto error;

  ret = rescGetBufferSize ( &vdata->cbuf.size, &vdata->vertbuf.size, &vdata->fragbuf.size ) ;
  if ( ret != 0 )
    errprintf ( "ERROR %d", ret ) ;
    goto error;

  vdata->cbuf.ptr = (void*) rsxMemalign ( 0x10000, vdata->cbuf.size ) ;
  vdata->vertbuf.ptr = (void*) rsxMemalign ( 0x80, vdata->vertbuf.size ) ;
  vdata->fragbuf.ptr = (void*) rsxMemalign ( 0x80, vdata->fragbuf.size ) ;

  ret = rescSetBufferAddress ( vdata->cbuf.ptr, vdata->vertbuf.ptr, vdata->fragbuf.ptr ) ;
  if ( ret != 0 )
    errprintf ( "ERROR %d", ret ) ;
    goto error;

  argprintf("Required size,  color: 0x%x vertex: 0x%x fragment: 0x%x", vdata->cbuf.size, vdata->vertbuf.size, vdata->fragbuf.size);
  argprintf("Buf addr given, color: %p vertex: %p fragment: %p", vdata->cbuf.ptr, vdata->vertbuf.ptr, vdata->fragbuf.ptr);

  /* */
  /* */

  rescSetFlipHandler ( rescFlipCallback ) ;

  rescSetRenderTarget ( vdata ) ;

  return ;
    return ;
예제 #13
파일: tiny3d.c 프로젝트: KorbenGIT/tiny3D
void * tiny3d_AllocTexture(u32 size)
   return rsxMemalign(16, size);
예제 #14
파일: main.cpp 프로젝트: CaptainCPS/PSL1GHT
static SMeshBuffer* createSphere(f32 radius,u32 polyCntX,u32 polyCntY)
	u32 i,p1,p2,level;
	u32 x,y,polyCntXpitch;
	const f32 RECIPROCAL_PI = 1.0f/M_PI;
	SMeshBuffer *buffer = new SMeshBuffer();

	if(polyCntX<2) polyCntX = 2;
	if(polyCntY<2) polyCntY = 2;
	if(polyCntX*polyCntY>32767) {
			polyCntX = 32767/polyCntY-1;
			polyCntY = 32767/(polyCntX+1);
	polyCntXpitch = polyCntX+1;

	buffer->cnt_vertices = (polyCntXpitch*polyCntY)+2;
	buffer->vertices = (S3DVertex*)rsxMemalign(128,buffer->cnt_vertices*sizeof(S3DVertex));

	buffer->cnt_indices = (polyCntX*polyCntY)*6;
	buffer->indices = (u16*)rsxMemalign(128,buffer->cnt_indices*sizeof(u16));

	i = 0;
	level = 0;
	for(p1=0;p1<polyCntY-1;p1++) {
		for(p2=0;p2<polyCntX-1;p2++) {
			const u32 curr = level + p2;
			buffer->indices[i++] = curr;
			buffer->indices[i++] = curr + polyCntXpitch;
			buffer->indices[i++] = curr + 1 + polyCntXpitch;

			buffer->indices[i++] = curr;
			buffer->indices[i++] = curr + 1 + polyCntXpitch;
			buffer->indices[i++] = curr + 1;

		buffer->indices[i++] = level + polyCntX;
		buffer->indices[i++] = level + polyCntX - 1;
		buffer->indices[i++] = level + polyCntX - 1 + polyCntXpitch;

		buffer->indices[i++] = level + polyCntX;
		buffer->indices[i++] = level + polyCntX - 1 + polyCntXpitch;
		buffer->indices[i++] = level + polyCntX + polyCntXpitch;

		level += polyCntXpitch;

	const u32 polyCntSq = polyCntXpitch*polyCntY;
	const u32 polyCntSq1 = polyCntSq+1;
	const u32 polyCntSqM1 = (polyCntY-1)*polyCntXpitch;

	for(p2=0;p2<polyCntX-1;p2++) {
		buffer->indices[i++] = polyCntSq;
		buffer->indices[i++] = p2;
		buffer->indices[i++] = p2+1;

		buffer->indices[i++] = polyCntSq1;
		buffer->indices[i++] = polyCntSqM1+p2;
		buffer->indices[i++] = polyCntSqM1+p2+1;

	buffer->indices[i++] = polyCntSq;
	buffer->indices[i++] = polyCntX-1;
	buffer->indices[i++] = polyCntX;

	buffer->indices[i++] = polyCntSq1;
	buffer->indices[i++] = polyCntSqM1;
	buffer->indices[i++] = polyCntSqM1+polyCntX-1;

	f32 axz;
	f32 ay = 0;
	const f32 angelX = 2*M_PI/polyCntX;
	const f32 angelY = M_PI/polyCntY;

	i = 0;
	for(y=0;y<polyCntY;y++) {
		axz = 0;
		ay += angelY;
		const f32 sinay = sinf(ay);
		for(x=0;x<polyCntX;x++) {
			const Vector3 pos(static_cast<f32>(radius*cosf(axz)*sinay), static_cast<f32>(radius*cosf(ay)), static_cast<f32>(radius*sinf(axz)*sinay));
			Vector3 normal = normalize(pos);
			f32 tu = 0.5F;
			if(y==0) {
				if(normal.getY()!=-1.0F && normal.getY()!=1.0F)
					tu = static_cast<f32>(acosf(clamp(normal.getX()/sinay,-1.0f,1.0f))*0.5F*RECIPROCAL_PI);
					tu = 1-tu;
			} else
				tu = buffer->vertices[i - polyCntXpitch].u;

			buffer->vertices[i] = S3DVertex(pos.getX(),pos.getY(),pos.getZ(),normal.getX(),normal.getY(),normal.getZ(),tu,static_cast<f32>(ay*RECIPROCAL_PI));
			axz += angelX;
		buffer->vertices[i] = S3DVertex(buffer->vertices[i-polyCntX]);
		buffer->vertices[i].u = 1.0F;

	buffer->vertices[i++] = S3DVertex(0.0F,radius,0.0F,0.0F,1.0F,0.0F,0.5F,0.0F);
	buffer->vertices[i] = S3DVertex(0.0F,-radius,0.0F,0.0F,-1.0F,0.0F,0.5F,1.0F);

	return buffer;
예제 #15
파일: main.cpp 프로젝트: CaptainCPS/PSL1GHT
static SMeshBuffer* createDonut(f32 outerRadius,f32 innerRadius,u32 polyCntX,u32 polyCntY)
	u32 i,x,y,level;
	SMeshBuffer *buffer = new SMeshBuffer();

	if(polyCntX<2) polyCntX = 2;
	if(polyCntY<2) polyCntY = 2;
	while(polyCntX*polyCntY>32767) {
		polyCntX /= 2;
		polyCntY /= 2;

	f32 ay = 0;
	const f32 angleX = 2*M_PI/polyCntX;
	const f32 angleY = 2*M_PI/polyCntY;
	const u32 polyCntXpitch = polyCntX +1;
	const u32 polyCntYpitch = polyCntY + 1;

	buffer->cnt_vertices = polyCntYpitch*polyCntXpitch;
	buffer->vertices = (S3DVertex*)rsxMemalign(128,buffer->cnt_vertices*sizeof(S3DVertex));

	buffer->cnt_indices = polyCntY*polyCntX*6;
	buffer->indices = (u16*)rsxMemalign(128,buffer->cnt_indices*sizeof(u16));

	i = 0;
	for(y=0;y<=polyCntY;y++) {
		f32 axz = 0;

		const f32 sinay = sinf(ay);
		const f32 cosay = cosf(ay);
		const f32 tu = (f32)y/(f32)polyCntY;
		for(x=0;x<=polyCntX;x++) {
			const Vector3 pos(static_cast<f32>((outerRadius - (innerRadius*cosf(axz)))*cosay),
									  static_cast<f32>((outerRadius - (innerRadius*cosf(axz)))*sinay),
			const Vector3 nrm(static_cast<f32>(-cosf(axz)*cosay),

			buffer->vertices[i] = S3DVertex(pos.getX(),pos.getY(),pos.getZ(),nrm.getX(),nrm.getY(),nrm.getZ(),tu,(f32)x/(f32)polyCntX);

			axz += angleX;
		ay += angleY;

	i = 0;
	level = 0;
	for(y=0;y<polyCntY;y++) {
		for(x=0;x<polyCntX - 1;x++) {
			const u32 curr = level + x;
			buffer->indices[i++] = curr;
			buffer->indices[i++] = curr + polyCntXpitch;
			buffer->indices[i++] = curr + 1 + polyCntXpitch;
			buffer->indices[i++] = curr;
			buffer->indices[i++] = curr + 1 + polyCntXpitch;
			buffer->indices[i++] = curr + 1;

		buffer->indices[i++] = level + polyCntX;
		buffer->indices[i++] = level + polyCntX - 1;
		buffer->indices[i++] = level + polyCntX - 1 + polyCntXpitch;
		buffer->indices[i++] = level + polyCntX;
		buffer->indices[i++] = level + polyCntX - 1 + polyCntXpitch;
		buffer->indices[i++] = level + polyCntX + polyCntXpitch;

		level += polyCntXpitch;

	return buffer;
예제 #16
파일: rsxutil.c 프로젝트: KorbenGIT/tiny3D
// Initilize and rsx
void init_screen(int command_buffer, int z_method) {
	// Allocate a 1Mb buffer, alligned to a 1Mb boundary to be our shared IO memory with the RSX.
	void *host_addr = memalign(1024*1024, command_buffer);
	assert(host_addr != NULL);
    if(z_method) zformat = REALITY_TARGET_FORMAT_ZETA_Z24S8; else zformat = REALITY_TARGET_FORMAT_ZETA_Z16;

	// Initilise Reality, which sets up the command buffer and shared IO memory
	context = rsxInit(0x10000, command_buffer, host_addr); 
	assert(context != NULL);

	videoState state;
	assert(videoGetState(0, 0, &state) == 0); // Get the state of the display
	assert(state.state == 0); // Make sure display is enabled

	// Get the current resolution
	assert(videoGetResolution(state.displayMode.resolution, &Video_Resolution) == 0);
	Video_pitch = 4 * ((Video_Resolution.width + 15)/16) * 16; // each pixel is 4 bytes
    // 16 bit float. Note it uses 1920 as minimun because i thinking to use buffer Z with setupRenderTarget2() with one surface > screen 
	    depth_pitch = 2 * ((Video_Resolution.width > 1920) ? (((Video_Resolution.width+31)/32)*32) : 1920); 
    // 32 bit float. Note it uses 1920 as minimun because i thinking to use buffer Z with setupRenderTarget2() with one surface > screen 
        depth_pitch = 4 * ((Video_Resolution.width > 1920) ? (((Video_Resolution.width+15)/16)*16) : 1920);

	// Configure the buffer format to xRGB
	videoConfiguration vconfig;
	memset(&vconfig, 0, sizeof(videoConfiguration));
	vconfig.resolution = state.displayMode.resolution;
	vconfig.format = VIDEO_BUFFER_FORMAT_XRGB;
	vconfig.pitch = Video_pitch;

	assert(videoConfigure(0, &vconfig, NULL, 0) == 0);
	assert(videoGetState(0, 0, &state) == 0); 

	s32 buffer_size = Video_pitch * Video_Resolution.height; 
	s32 depth_buffer_size;
    // 16 bit float. Note it uses 1088 as minimun because i thinking to use buffer Z with setupRenderTarget2() with one surface > screen 
        depth_buffer_size = depth_pitch * ((Video_Resolution.height > 1088) ? (((Video_Resolution.height+31)/32)*32) : 1088);
    // 32 bit float. Note it uses 1920 as minimun because i thinking to use buffer Z with setupRenderTarget2() with one surface > screen
        depth_buffer_size = depth_pitch * ((Video_Resolution.height > 1088) ? (((Video_Resolution.height+15)/16)*16) : 1088);
	printf("buffers will be 0x%x bytes\n", buffer_size);
	gcmSetFlipMode(GCM_FLIP_VSYNC); // Wait for VSYNC to flip

	// Allocate two buffers for the RSX to draw to the screen (double buffering)
	Video_buffer[0] = rsxMemalign(64, buffer_size);
	Video_buffer[1] = rsxMemalign(64, buffer_size);
	assert(Video_buffer[0] != NULL && Video_buffer[1] != NULL);

	depth_buffer = rsxMemalign(64, depth_buffer_size);

	assert(rsxAddressToOffset(Video_buffer[0], &offset[0]) == 0);
	assert(rsxAddressToOffset(Video_buffer[1], &offset[1]) == 0);
	// Setup the display buffers
	assert(gcmSetDisplayBuffer(0, offset[0], Video_pitch, Video_Resolution.width, Video_Resolution.height) == 0);
	assert(gcmSetDisplayBuffer(1, offset[1], Video_pitch, Video_Resolution.width, Video_Resolution.height) == 0);

	assert(rsxAddressToOffset(depth_buffer, &depth_offset) == 0);

예제 #17
파일: tiny3d.c 프로젝트: KorbenGIT/tiny3D
int tiny3d_Init(u32 vertex_buff_size)
    static int inited= 0;

    int n;
    int use_Z32 = 1;

    if(vertex_buff_size & TINY3D_Z16) use_Z32 = 0;

    vertex_buff_size &= 0x3fffffff;

    flag_vertex = VERTEX_LOCK;

    if(inited) return TINY3D_CANNOTINIT;

    inited = 1;

    if(vertex_buff_size <= 1024*1024) vertex_buff_size = 1024*1024;
    size_rsx_vertex = vertex_buff_size;

    init_screen(1024*1024*2, use_Z32);

    CtrlReg = gcmGetControlRegister();
    n = 0;

    while(fpshader_list[n]) {

        // install fragments shaders in rsx memory
        u32 *frag_mem = rsxMemalign(256, (((realityFragmentProgram_internal *) fpshader_list[n])->size * 4 + 255) & ~255);
        if(!frag_mem) return TINY3D_OUTMEMORY;

        internal_reality_InstallFragmentProgram(context, fpshader_list[n], frag_mem);

    // shaders datas
    for(n = 0; n < 12; n++) {
        data_shader[n].off_project  = internal_reality_VertexProgramGetConstant((internal_reality_VertexProgram*)       vshader_text_normal_bin, "ProjMatrix");
        data_shader[n].off_modelv   = internal_reality_VertexProgramGetConstant((internal_reality_VertexProgram*)       vshader_text_normal_bin, "WorldMatrix");
        data_shader[n].off_position = internal_reality_VertexProgramGetInputAttribute((internal_reality_VertexProgram*) vshader_text_normal_bin, "inputvertex.vertex");
        data_shader[n].off_texture  = internal_reality_VertexProgramGetInputAttribute((internal_reality_VertexProgram*) vshader_text_normal_bin, "inputvertex.texcoord");
        data_shader[n].off_texture2 = internal_reality_VertexProgramGetInputAttribute((internal_reality_VertexProgram*) vshader_text_normal_bin, "inputvertex.texcoord2");
        data_shader[n].off_color    = internal_reality_VertexProgramGetInputAttribute((internal_reality_VertexProgram*) vshader_text_normal_bin, "inputvertex.color");
        data_shader[n].off_normal   = internal_reality_VertexProgramGetInputAttribute((internal_reality_VertexProgram*) vshader_text_normal_bin, "inputvertex.normal");
        data_shader[n].vp           = (void *) vshader_text_normal_bin;
        data_shader[n].fp_alt[0]    = (void *) NULL;
        data_shader[n].fp_alt[1]    = (void *) NULL;
        data_shader[n].fp_yuv[0]    = (void *) NULL;
        data_shader[n].fp_yuv[1]    = (void *) NULL;

        data_shader[n].off_lightAmbient   = internal_reality_VertexProgramGetConstant((internal_reality_VertexProgram*) vshader_text_normal_bin, "lightAmbient");
        data_shader[n].off_lightColor     = internal_reality_VertexProgramGetConstant((internal_reality_VertexProgram*) vshader_text_normal_bin, "lightColor");
        data_shader[n].off_lightPosition  = internal_reality_VertexProgramGetConstant((internal_reality_VertexProgram*) vshader_text_normal_bin, "lightPosition");
        data_shader[n].off_cameraPosition = internal_reality_VertexProgramGetConstant((internal_reality_VertexProgram*) vshader_text_normal_bin, "CameraPosition");
        data_shader[n].off_emissive       = internal_reality_VertexProgramGetConstant((internal_reality_VertexProgram*) vshader_text_normal_bin, "Memissive");
        data_shader[n].off_ambient        = internal_reality_VertexProgramGetConstant((internal_reality_VertexProgram*) vshader_text_normal_bin, "Mambient");
        data_shader[n].off_diffuse        = internal_reality_VertexProgramGetConstant((internal_reality_VertexProgram*) vshader_text_normal_bin, "Mdiffuse");
        data_shader[n].off_specular       = internal_reality_VertexProgramGetConstant((internal_reality_VertexProgram*) vshader_text_normal_bin, "Mspecular");

        data_shader[n].fixed_color = 0;
    data_shader[0].off_texture  = -1; // colorf
    data_shader[0].off_texture2 = -1;
    data_shader[0].off_normal   = -1;
    data_shader[0].fp           = &nv30_fp_color;
    data_shader[0].size_vertex  = 16+16;

    data_shader[1].fixed_color  = 1; // colori
    data_shader[1].off_texture  = -1;
    data_shader[1].off_texture2 = -1;
    data_shader[1].off_normal   = -1;
    data_shader[1].fp           = &nv30_fp_color;
    data_shader[1].size_vertex  = 16+4;

    data_shader[2].off_texture2 = -1; // texture
    data_shader[2].off_color    = -1;
    data_shader[2].off_normal   = -1;
    data_shader[2].fp           = &nv30_fp_texture;
    data_shader[2].fp_yuv[0]    = &nv30_fp_yuv;
    data_shader[2].fp_yuv[1]    = &nv30_fp_yuv8;
    data_shader[2].size_vertex  = 16+8;

    data_shader[3].off_color    = -1; // texture + texture2
    data_shader[3].off_normal   = -1;
    data_shader[3].fp           = &nv30_fp_texture2;
    data_shader[3].fp_alt[0]    = &nv30_fp_texture2_alt;
    data_shader[3].fp_alt[1]    = &nv30_fp_texture2_alt2;
    data_shader[3].size_vertex  = 16+8+8;

    data_shader[4].off_texture2 = -1; // texture + colorf
    data_shader[4].off_normal   = -1;
    data_shader[4].fp           = &nv30_fp_texture_color;
    data_shader[4].fp_yuv[0]    = &nv30_fp_yuv_color;
    data_shader[4].fp_yuv[1]    = &nv30_fp_yuv_color8;
    data_shader[4].size_vertex  = 16+16+8;

    data_shader[5].off_normal   = -1; // texture + texture2 + colorf
    data_shader[5].fp           = &nv30_fp_texture_color2;
    data_shader[5].fp_alt[0]    = &nv30_fp_texture_color2_alt;
    data_shader[5].fp_alt[1]    = &nv30_fp_texture_color2_alt2;
    data_shader[5].size_vertex  = 16+16+8+8;
    data_shader[6].fixed_color  = 1; // texture + colori
    data_shader[6].off_texture2 = -1;
    data_shader[6].off_normal   = -1;
    data_shader[6].fp           = &nv30_fp_texture_color;
    data_shader[6].fp_yuv[0]    = &nv30_fp_yuv_color;
    data_shader[6].fp_yuv[1]    = &nv30_fp_yuv_color8;
    data_shader[6].size_vertex  = 16+4+8;
    data_shader[7].fixed_color  = 1; // texture + texture2 + colori
    data_shader[7].off_normal   = -1;
    data_shader[7].fp           = &nv30_fp_texture_color2;
    data_shader[7].fp_alt[0]    = &nv30_fp_texture_color2_alt;
    data_shader[7].fp_alt[1]    = &nv30_fp_texture_color2_alt2;
    data_shader[7].size_vertex  = 16+4+8+8;

    data_shader[8].off_texture  = -1; // normal
    data_shader[8].off_texture2 = -1;
    data_shader[8].off_color    = -1;
    data_shader[8].fp           = &nv30_fp_color;
    data_shader[8].size_vertex  = 16+12;

    data_shader[9].off_texture2 = -1; // normal + texture
    data_shader[9].off_color    = -1;
    data_shader[9].fp           = &nv30_fp_texture_color;
    data_shader[9].size_vertex  = 16+12+8;

    data_shader[10].off_color    = -1; // normal + texture + texture2
    data_shader[10].fp           = &nv30_fp_texture_color2;
    data_shader[10].fp_alt[0]    = &nv30_fp_texture_color2_alt;
    data_shader[10].fp_alt[1]    = &nv30_fp_texture_color2_alt2;
    data_shader[10].size_vertex  = 16+12+8+8;

    current_shader = -1;

    rsx_vertex = rsxMemalign(64, vertex_buff_size);

    pos_rsx_vertex = 0;

    polygon = -1;
    off_head_vertex = off_start_vertex = 0;

    sysUtilRegisterCallback(SYSUTIL_EVENT_SLOT3, tiny3d_callback, NULL);
    return TINY3D_OK;
예제 #18
void* PS3_mallocRsx(int size) {
	return rsxMemalign(128, size);
예제 #19
파일: pngdec.c 프로젝트: an0nym0u5/PSL1GHT
static s32 decodePNG(pngDecSource *src,pngData *out)
	s32 mHandle,sHandle,ret;
	u32 space_allocated;
	u64 bytes_per_line;
	pngDecInfo DecInfo;
	pngDecInParam inParam;
	pngDecOutParam outParam;
	pngDecDataInfo DecDataInfo;
	pngDecThreadInParam InThdParam;
	pngDecThreadOutParam OutThdParam;

	InThdParam.enable = 0;
	InThdParam.ppu_prio = 512;
	InThdParam.spu_prio = 200;
	InThdParam.malloc_func = __get_addr32(__get_opd32(png_malloc));
	InThdParam.malloc_arg = 0; // no args
	InThdParam.free_func = __get_addr32(__get_opd32(png_free));
	InThdParam.free_arg = 0; // no args

	ret= pngDecCreate(&mHandle, &InThdParam, &OutThdParam);

	out->bmp_out = NULL;
	if(ret==0) {
		ret = pngDecOpen(mHandle,&sHandle,src,&space_allocated);
		if(ret==0) {
			ret = pngDecReadHeader(mHandle,sHandle,&DecInfo);
			if(ret==0) {
				inParam.cmd_ptr = 0;
				inParam.mode = PNGDEC_TOP_TO_BOTTOM;
				inParam.space = PNGDEC_ARGB;
				inParam.bit_depth = 8;
				inParam.pack_flag = 1;
				if(DecInfo.space==PNGDEC_GRAYSCALE_ALPHA || DecInfo.space==PNGDEC_RGBA || DecInfo.chunk_info&0x10)
					inParam.alpha_select = 0;
					inParam.alpha_select = 1;

				inParam.alpha = 0xff;

				ret = pngDecSetParameter(mHandle,sHandle,&inParam,&outParam);

			if(ret==0) {
				out->pitch = bytes_per_line = outParam.width*4;
				//out->bmp_out = malloc(out->pitch*outParam.height);
				out->bmp_out = rsxMemalign(64, out->pitch*outParam.height);
					ret = -1;
				else {
					ret = pngDecDecodeData(mHandle,sHandle,out->bmp_out,&bytes_per_line,&DecDataInfo);
					if(ret==0 && DecDataInfo.status==0) {
						out->width = outParam.width;
						out->height = outParam.height;

						ret = 0;
		if(ret && out->bmp_out) {
			out->bmp_out = NULL;

	return ret;