예제 #1
/* load a random map */
map_random ()
    _direntry *destart,
    char path[LEN_PATHFILENAME];
    int max,

    sprintf (path, "%s/maps", bman.datapath);
    desel = destart = s_getdir (path);

    for (max = 0, de = destart; de != NULL; de = de->next)
        if ((de->flags & DF_file) == DF_file)

    sel = s_random (max);
    for (max = 0, de = destart; max <= sel && de != NULL; de = de->next)
        if ((de->flags & DF_file) == DF_file) {
            desel = de;

    d_printf ("Random Map %s (%d on %d)\n", desel->name, sel, max);

    if (desel != NULL)
        sprintf (map.map, "%s/maps/%s", bman.datapath, desel->name);
예제 #2
map_place_player(int pl)
    int index;
    int start_points;
    int idx;
    int i;
    start_points = map_num_defined_start_points();
    index = (s_random(MAX_PLAYERS) + 1) % start_points;
    for (i = 0; i < start_points; i++) {
        idx = (index + i) % start_points;
        if ((!map.start_point[idx].used) && (map.start_point[idx].pos.x != -1)
            && (map.start_point[idx].pos.y != -1)) {
            players[pl].pos.x = map.start_point[idx].pos.x;
            players[pl].pos.y = map.start_point[idx].pos.y;
            map.start_point[idx].used = 1;
            return 1;
    return 0;
예제 #3
map_respawn_player(int pl)
    int x;
    int y;
    do {
        x = s_random (map.size.x - 2) + 1;
        y = s_random (map.size.y - 2) + 1;
    } while (!map_is_possible_start_point(x, y));
    players[pl].pos.x = x;
    players[pl].pos.y = y;
    return 1;
예제 #4
 float Distribution::gen() const
     if (_type == UNIFORM)
         return s_random(_value.uniform.min, _value.uniform.max);
     return _value.constant;
예제 #5
/* random choose direction */
ai_choosedir (int dir, int nearbomb, int oldpos)
    int rdir[4];
    int bdir[4 * 3];
    int i,

    for (rnr = bnr = i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
        if ((dir & (1 << i)) != 0) {
            rdir[rnr] = i;
        if (((nearbomb & (DIRM_up + DIRM_down)) != 0) && ((dir & (1 << i)) != 0)
            && (i == left || i == right) && i != ai_invertdir (oldpos)) {
            bdir[bnr] = i;
        if (((nearbomb & (DIRM_left + DIRM_right)) != 0) && ((dir & (1 << i)) != 0)
            && (i == down || i == up) && i != ai_invertdir (oldpos)) {
            bdir[bnr] = i;

    if (rnr == 0)
        return (s_random (4));

    if (bnr != 0)
        i = bdir[s_random (bnr)];
        i = rdir[s_random (rnr)];

    return i;
예제 #6
map_genmorerandom ()
    int x,

    /* This is an enhanced version of genrandom() used by "more random" */
    d_printf("genmorerandom: *** init ***\n");
    /* if we can't load the map check first the fieldsize settings */
    if (map.size.x < MIN_FIELDSIZE_X)
        map.size.x = MIN_FIELDSIZE_X;
    if (map.size.x > MAX_FIELDSIZE_X)
        map.size.x = MAX_FIELDSIZE_X;

    for (x = 0; x < map.size.x; x++)
        for (y = 0; y < map.size.y; y++) {
            if ((y == 0) || (y == map.size.y - 1))
                map.field[x][y].type = FT_block;
            else if ((x == 0) || (x == map.size.x - 1))
                map.field[x][y].type = FT_block;
            else {
                // create random field
                ra = s_random (256) & 3;
                d_printf("genmorerandom: ra = %i\n", ra);
                if (ra == 0)
                    map.field[x][y].type = FT_nothing;
                else if (ra == 1)
                    map.field[x][y].type = FT_block;
                    map.field[x][y].type = FT_stone;

            for (d = 0; d < 4; d++)
                map.field[x][y].ex[d].frame = map.field[x][y].ex[d].count = 0;
            map.field[x][y].ex_nr = -1;
            map.field[x][y].frame = 0.0f;
            map.field[x][y].special = FT_nothing;
	d_printf("genmorerandom: *** exit ***\n");
	/* set the corners of the map to be valid start points */
	// map_ensure_corner_start_points();
예제 #7
/* create a giving number of ai players */
single_create_ai (int num_players)
    int p,
      i = 0;
    _player *pl = NULL;

    for (count = 0; count < num_players; count++) {
        /* find free players */
        for (pl = NULL, p = 0; (pl == NULL && p < MAX_PLAYERS);p++)
            if (p < MAX_PLAYERS && !(PS_IS_used (players[p].state))) {
                pl = &players[p];
                sprintf (pl->name, "AI %d", p + 1);
                pl->state |= PSF_used + PSF_alife + PSF_playing + PSF_ai;
                pl->net.flags = NETF_firewall;
                sprintf (pl->net.addr.host, "localhost");
                sprintf (pl->net.addr.port, "11000");
				try = 0;
                do {
                    gfx_sel = s_random (gfx.player_gfx_count);
                    MW_IS_GFX_SELECT (gfx_sel, i);
                } while (try < 100 && i != -1);
				pl->wins = 0;
				pl->points = 0;
				pl->team_nr = -1;
                player_set_gfx (pl, gfx_sel);
				team_choose (pl);

        if (pl == NULL) {
			d_printf ("single_create_ai: No free Player found.\n"); 
            return -1;
			d_printf ("single_create_ai: Player %d Created  Name:%s\n", pl - players, pl->name); 
	if (pl != NULL)
		return pl - players;
	return -1;	
예제 #8
map_genrandom ()
    int x,

    /* if we can't load the map check first the fieldsize settings */
    if (map.size.x < MIN_FIELDSIZE_X)
        map.size.x = MIN_FIELDSIZE_X;
    if (map.size.x > MAX_FIELDSIZE_X)
        map.size.x = MAX_FIELDSIZE_X;

    for (x = 0; x < map.size.x; x++)
        for (y = 0; y < map.size.y; y++) {
            if ((y == 0) || (y == map.size.y - 1))
                map.field[x][y].type = FT_block;
            else if ((x == 0) || (x == map.size.x - 1))
                map.field[x][y].type = FT_block;
            else if (((x & 1) == 0) && ((y & 1) == 0))
                map.field[x][y].type = FT_block;
            else {
                // create random field
                if ((s_random (256) & 3) == 0)
                    map.field[x][y].type = FT_nothing;
                    map.field[x][y].type = FT_stone;

            for (d = 0; d < 4; d++)
                map.field[x][y].ex[d].frame = map.field[x][y].ex[d].count = 0;
            map.field[x][y].ex_nr = -1;
            map.field[x][y].frame = 0.0f;
            map.field[x][y].special = FT_nothing;
	/* set the corners of the map to be valid start points */
	// map_ensure_corner_start_points();
예제 #9
map_create_and_add_start_point(int tol)
    int x;
    int y;
    int dx;
    int dy;

    int init_x;
    int init_y;
    int end_x;
    int end_y;
    int step_x;
    int step_y;
    /* this changes how we traverse the map when looking for a place to put
     * a start point.  this is so all the start points don't get stuck in one
     * part of the map if the map is large enough
    if (s_random(100) % 2) {
        init_x = 0;
        end_x = map.size.x;
        step_x = 1;
    } else {
        init_x = map.size.x - 1;
        end_x = -1;
        step_x = -1;
    if (s_random(100) % 2) {
        init_y = 0;
        end_y = map.size.y;
        step_y = 1;
    } else {
        init_y = map.size.y - 1;
        end_y = -1;
        step_y = -1;
    /* first try only FT_nothing fields as start points */
    for (x = init_x; x != end_x; x += step_x) {
        for (y = init_y; y != end_y; y+= step_y) {
            if ((map.field[x][y].type == FT_nothing) && (map_check_start_point(x, y, tol))) {
                dx = (x >= map.size.x - 2) ? -1:1;
                dy = (y >= map.size.y - 2) ? -1:1;
                if ((map_is_removable_field(x+dx, y)) && (map_is_removable_field(x, y+dy))) {
                    /* printf("Creating Start Point (%d, %d).\n", x, y); */
                    map.field[x][y].type = FT_nothing;
                    map.field[x+dx][y].type = FT_nothing;
                    map.field[x][y+dy].type = FT_nothing;
                    map_add_start_point(x, y);
                    return 1;
    /* if we get here we didn't find a useful FT_nothing field, so check the FT_stone
     * fields
    for (x = init_x; x != end_x; x += step_x) {
        for (y = init_y; y != end_y; y+= step_y) {
            if ((map.field[x][y].type == FT_stone) && (map_check_start_point(x, y, tol))) {
                dx = (x >= map.size.x - 2) ? -1:1;
                dy = (y >= map.size.y - 2) ? -1:1;
                if ((map_is_removable_field(x+dx, y)) && (map_is_removable_field(x, y+dy))) {
                    /* printf("Creating Start Point (%d, %d).\n", x, y); */
                    map.field[x][y].type = FT_nothing;
                    map.field[x+dx][y].type = FT_nothing;
                    map.field[x][y+dy].type = FT_nothing;
                    map_add_start_point(x, y);
                    return 1;
    /* if we get to this point, we tried every field that we want to turn into a
     * start point, so we return 0 indicating failure
    return 0;
예제 #10
// loads or generate an map
map_new (char *filename)
    int x,
    FILE *fmap;
    signed char old_maptype = map.type;
    int pl_cnt, pl;
    /* initialize the start_point array in the _map struct */

    if (filename) {
        fmap = fopen (filename, "r");

        /* if we can't open the given filename for any reason, reverting 
           to default value else, load the file map */
        if (fmap)
            map_load (fmap);
        fmap = NULL;

    // Clean and create the field //
    if (fmap == NULL)
		map_genrandom ();
	/* Generate a More random map if requested */
    if (map.map_selection == MAPS_morerand)
    if (map.type == -1)
        map.type = s_random (MAPT_max);

    if (map.type == MAPT_tunnel) {
        /* insert tunnels */
        for (x = 0; x < GAME_MAX_TUNNELS; x++)
            map.tunnel[x].x = map.tunnel[x].y = -1;
        map.field[3][3].type = FT_tunnel;
        map.field[3][3].special = 0;
        map.field[map.size.x - 4][map.size.y - 4].type = FT_tunnel;
        map.field[map.size.x - 4][map.size.y - 4].special = 1;

        if (map.size.y > 12) {
            map.field[map.size.x - 4][3].type = FT_tunnel;
            map.field[map.size.x - 4][3].special = 2;
            map.field[3][map.size.y - 4].type = FT_tunnel;
            map.field[3][map.size.y - 4].special = 3;

            map.tunnel[0].x = map.size.x - 4;
            map.tunnel[0].y = 3;
            map.tunnel[1].x = 3;
            map.tunnel[1].y = map.size.y - 4;
            map.tunnel[2].x = map.size.x - 4;
            map.tunnel[2].y = map.size.y - 4;
            map.tunnel[3].x = 3;
            map.tunnel[3].y = 3;
        else {
            map.tunnel[0].x = map.size.x - 4;
            map.tunnel[0].y = map.size.y - 4;
            map.tunnel[1].x = 3;
            map.tunnel[1].y = 3;

    /* delete the bfield data */
    for (x = 0; x < MAX_FIELDSIZE_X; x++)
        for (y = 0; y < MAX_FIELDSIZE_Y; y++)
            map.bfield[x][y] = 0;

    /* count the number of players on this map so we know how many starting points
     * to find
    pl_cnt = 0;
    for (pl = 0; pl < MAX_PLAYERS; pl++) {
        if (PS_IS_used (players[pl].state)) {
    /* identify possible starting positions for players and store them in the
     * start_point array in the _map struct.  This will always succeed.  If
     * it cannot find starting points within the tolerance, it first attempts
     * to create start points within the tolerence and otherwise lowers the
     * tolerence until it can satisfy the proper number of start points.
     * eventually the tolerence reaches 0, so it can, in the worst case, start
     * all players at the same start point.
    map_find_and_add_start_points(pl_cnt - map_num_defined_start_points(), MAP_POSITION_TOLERENCE);

    /* Set the Playerinformation */
    map_set_playerposition (fmap != NULL);

    /* put the fire powerups in the field */
    map_fillitems (FT_fire, map.fire);
    /* put the bomb powerups in the field */
    map_fillitems (FT_bomb, map.bombs);
    /* put the shoe powerup in the field */
    map_fillitems (FT_shoe, map.shoes);
    /* put the death ?powerups? in the field */
    map_fillitems (FT_death, map.death);
    /* put the mixed powerrup in the field */
    map_fillitems (FT_mixed, map.mixed);
    /* put the trigger special in the field */
    map_fillitems (FT_sp_trigger, map.sp_trigger);
    /* put the row special in the field */
    map_fillitems (FT_sp_row, map.sp_row);
    /* put the push special in the field */
    map_fillitems (FT_sp_push, map.sp_push);
    map_fillitems (FT_sp_liquid, map.sp_push);
    map_fillitems (FT_sp_moved, map.sp_push);
    /* put the push special in the field */

    map.type = old_maptype;
예제 #11
/* single player loop for calculating the ai players */
single_loop ()
    int p;
    _player *pl;
    _point plpos;
    int nearbomb = 0,
    _airunaway rawdir;

    if (GT_MP_PTPS)             // we are not the master so no need for this.

    for (p = 0; p < MAX_PLAYERS; p++)
        if (p != bman.p_nr && PS_IS_aiplayer (players[p].state)) {
            if (PS_IS_alife (players[p].state)) {
                pl = &players[p];

                i = ai_checkpos (pl, &plpos);

                if (!i)
                    /* we're still moving */
                    pl->m = 1;
                else {
                    nearbomb = ai_findnearbombs (plpos);
                    if (nearbomb == 0) { // no bombs found
                        bestbdir = ai_findbestbombdir (plpos, pl->d, pl->range);
                        if (bestbdir & DIRM_under) {
                            if (ai_easyrunaway (plpos, pl->range) != 0)
                                player_drop_bomb (p);
                        else if (bestbdir == 0) {
                            pl->d = s_random (4);
                            pl->m = 1;
                        else {
                            pl->d = ai_choosedir (bestbdir, 0, pl->d);
                            pl->m = 1;
                        if (!ai_checknewpos (plpos, pl->d))
                            pl->m = 0;
                    else {
                        // bombs in the near found
                        rawdir = ai_runawayfrom (plpos, nearbomb, pl->range, 0);
                        if (rawdir.dir != 0 && rawdir.bestdir == -1) {
                            pl->d = ai_choosedir (rawdir.dir, nearbomb, pl->d); // we have to make a choice.. do it
                            pl->m = 1;
                        else if (rawdir.bestdir != -1) {
                            pl->d = rawdir.bestdir;
                            pl->m = 1;
						else if (rawdir.bestdir == -1 && rawdir.dir == 0) {
							/* no good ways found, just run in the opposite direction of the bomb */
							if (map.field[(int) pl->pos.x][(int) pl->pos.y].type == FT_nothing ||
								map.field[(int) pl->pos.x][(int) pl->pos.y].type >= FT_tunnel)
									pl->m = 1;

                    if (pl->m == 0 && map.field[(int) pl->pos.x][(int) pl->pos.y].type == FT_tunnel)
                        pl->m = 1;
                player_ilness_loop (p);
                player_move (p);
				player_checkdeath (p);

예제 #12
/* give the run away direction 
  the return value:				*/
ai_runawayfrom (_point p, int nearbomb, int range, signed char norecursive)
    int i,
      done = 0,
        bdirpoints = 10,
		dist = 0;
    _airunaway res;
    _point pos[4],

    res.dir = 0;
    res.bestdir = -1;

    for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
        pos[i] = p;
        pos[i].x += dir_change[i].x;
        pos[i].y += dir_change[i].y;

    /* test if we just have to move to the side */
    if (!norecursive)
        for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
            if (ai_checkfield (pos[i].x, pos[i].y) && ai_findnearbombs (pos[i]) == 0) {
                bdirpoints = 0;
                res.bestdir = i;
                res.dir |= (1 << i);

    /* test the possible ways */
    while (!done) {
        done = 1;
        for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
            /* check if we are still in the game field */
            if (pos[i].x <= 0 || pos[i].y <= 0 || pos[i].x >= map.size.x - 1
                || pos[i].y >= map.size.y - 1)
                pos[i].x = pos[i].y = -1;

            if (pos[i].x != -1 && pos[i].y != -1) {
                /* check if this place is free to go to */
                if (ai_checkfield (pos[i].x, pos[i].y)) {
                    done = 0;
                    /* check the field left and right beside */
                    for (j = 0; j < 4; j++)
                        if (((i == left || i == right) && (j == up || j == down)) ||
                            ((j == left || j == right) && (i == up || i == down))) {
                            c = 10;
                            tpos.x = pos[i].x + dir_change[j].x;
                            tpos.y = pos[i].y + dir_change[j].y;
                            if (ai_checkfield (tpos.x, tpos.y)) {
                                nbomb = ai_findnearbombs (tpos);
                                c = s_countbits (nbomb, 5);
                                if (!norecursive) {
                                    tdir = ai_runawayfrom (tpos, nbomb, range, 1).dir;
                                    _i = ai_invertdir (i);
                                    if (tdir != (1 << _i)) { // usefull direction
                                        res.dir |= (1 << i); // add this one
                                    else {
                                        c = -1;
                                    res.dir |= (1 << i);

                                /* check for the best direction */
                                if (c != -1 && !norecursive) {
                                    if (c < bdirpoints) {
                                        bdirpoints = c;
                                        res.bestdir = i;
                                    else if (bdirpoints != 0 && c == bdirpoints && c < 5
                                             && s_random (2) == 0)
                                        res.bestdir = i; // random if the points are equal
                    pos[i].x += dir_change[i].x;
                    pos[i].y += dir_change[i].y;
					if (dist > range && res.bestdir == -1) {
						res.dir |= (1 << i);
						res.bestdir = i;
    return res;