예제 #1
CustomMailPage::CustomMailPage(IGateways *AGateways, IMessageWidgets *AMessageWidgets, IRosterIndex *AMailIndex, const Jid &AServiceJid, QWidget *AParent) : QWidget(AParent)
	setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose, true);
	setWindowTitle(tr("Write a mail"));

	FGateways = AGateways;
	FMessageWidgets = AMessageWidgets;

	FMailIndex = AMailIndex;
	FServiceJid = AServiceJid;
	FDescriptor = FGateways->serviceDescriptor(streamJid(),serviceJid());

	connect(ui.lneContactMail,SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString &)),SLOT(onContactMailChanged(const QString &)));

	connect(FGateways->instance(),SIGNAL(userJidReceived(const QString &, const Jid &)),
		SLOT(onUserJidReceived(const QString &, const Jid &)));
	connect(FGateways->instance(),SIGNAL(errorReceived(const QString &, const QString &)),
		SLOT(onErrorReceived(const QString &, const QString &)));

	connect(FMailIndex->instance(),SIGNAL(dataChanged(IRosterIndex *, int)),SLOT(onMailIndexDataChanged(IRosterIndex *, int)));

예제 #2
// Trigger request from server for it to return the list of all subscriptions
void OnSipXmppBase::getSubscriptions(ResultHandler *resultHandler)
	_checkThread.CheckSameThread();	// Verify we are single threaded for this object
	// Get the current subscriptions
	JID serviceJid( "pubsub.active-calls.xmpp.onsip.com" );
	_ASSERT( resultHandler != NULL );
	m_pubSub->getSubscriptions( serviceJid, resultHandler );
예제 #3
void CustomMailPage::onContinueButtonClicked()
	QString contact = FGateways->normalizedContactLogin(FDescriptor,ui.lneContactMail->text().trimmed());
	FRequestId = FGateways->sendUserJidRequest(streamJid(),serviceJid(),contact);
	if (!FRequestId.isEmpty())
예제 #4
// Enable call events on OnSIP PBX
// returns the Id used for event
//  expireTime in XMPP format, e.g. 2006-03-31T23:59Z
//  can pass empty string to not have field passed in subscribe request
string OnSipXmppBase::SubscribeCallEvents(const string& expireTime,ResultHandler* resultHandler)
	Logger::log_debug("OnSipXmppBase::SubscribeCallEvents expireTime='%s' rh=%p", expireTime.c_str(), resultHandler );
	_checkThread.CheckSameThread();	// Verify we are single threaded for this object

	JID serviceJid( "pubsub.active-calls.xmpp.onsip.com" );
	string node = Strings::stringFormat("/%s/%s", m_login.m_domain.c_str(), m_login.m_name.c_str() );

	_ASSERT( resultHandler != NULL );
	string id = m_pubSub->subscribe( serviceJid, node, resultHandler, m_gloox->jid().full(), PubSub::SubscriptionItems, 0, expireTime  );

	Logger::log_debug("OnSipXmppBase::SubscribeCallEvents sending id=%s", id.c_str() );
	return id;
예제 #5
// Unscribe call events on OnSIP PBX, pass the subid
// used in the resulting subscribe success
// returns the context id for the Iq event
long OnSipXmppBase::UnsubscribeCallEvents(const string& nodeid, const string& subid,ResultHandler* resultHandler,IqHandler* iqHandler)
	Logger::log_debug("OnSipXmppBase::UnsubscribeCallEvents nodeid=%s subid=%s rh=%p iq=%p", nodeid.c_str(), subid.c_str(), resultHandler, iqHandler );
	_checkThread.CheckSameThread();	// Verify we are single threaded for this object

	JID serviceJid( "pubsub.active-calls.xmpp.onsip.com" );
	string node = Strings::stringFormat("/%s/%s", m_login.m_domain.c_str(), m_login.m_name.c_str() );

	_ASSERT( resultHandler != NULL );
	string id = m_pubSub->unsubscribe( serviceJid, node, subid, resultHandler, m_gloox->jid() );

	// Not supposed to use this method, it is depracted.
	// But could not get gloox to call back on the pubsub events or iq 
	// events without doing this.  May be due to PubSub is using newer
	// subscribe/unsubscribe model than gloox is updated for.
	// e.g. had to create custom extension (OnSipStanzaExtensions.cpp)
	// for subscribe to work.
	long contextId = getUniqueId();
	_ASSERT( iqHandler != NULL );
	m_gloox->trackID( iqHandler, id, contextId  );
	Logger::log_debug("OnSipXmppBase::UnsubscribeCallEvents sending id=%s, contextId=%ld", id.c_str(), contextId );
	return contextId;
예제 #6
QString CustomMailPage::tabPageId() const
	return "CustomMailPage|"+streamJid().pBare()+"|"+serviceJid().pBare();