예제 #1
/// XFCPort constructor
XFCPort::XFCPort(const char * name) : asynPortDriver(
        1, /* maxAddr */
        1, /* max parameters */
        asynInt32Mask | asynDrvUserMask, /* interface mask*/
        asynInt32Mask, /* interrupt mask */
        0, /* non-blocking, no addresses */
        1, /* autoconnect */
        0, /* default priority */
        0) /* default stack size */
    printf("Creating XFCPort \"%s\"\n", name);
    createParam("MISSED", asynParamInt32, &P_Missed);
    setIntegerParam(P_Missed, 0);
예제 #2
void releaseBlockLocks(char* serviceName, int servicePort,
                       char* fileName, int lockID) {

    MessageClient client = newClient(serviceName, servicePort);
    Message m = newMessage();
    setStringParam(m, "functionName", "releaseblock");
    setStringParam(m, "fileName", fileName);
    setIntegerParam(m, "lockID", lockID);
    Message reply = clientCall(client, m);
예제 #3
void NDFileNexus::loadTemplateFile() {
  bool loadStatus;
  int addr = 0;
  char fullFilename[2*MAX_FILENAME_LEN] = "";
  char template_path[MAX_FILENAME_LEN] = "";
  char template_file[MAX_FILENAME_LEN] = "";
  static const char *functionName = "loadTemplateFile";

  /* get the filename to be used for nexus template */
  getStringParam(addr, NDFileNexusTemplatePath, sizeof(template_path), template_path);
  getStringParam(addr, NDFileNexusTemplateFile, sizeof(template_file), template_file);
  sprintf(fullFilename, "%s%s", template_path, template_file);
  if (strlen(fullFilename) == 0) return;

  /* Load the Nexus template file */
  loadStatus = this->configDoc.LoadFile(fullFilename);

  if (loadStatus != true ){
    asynPrint(this->pasynUserSelf, ASYN_TRACE_ERROR,
              "%s:%s: Parameter file %s is invalid\n",
              driverName, functionName, fullFilename);
    setIntegerParam(addr, NDFileNexusTemplateValid, 0);
    callParamCallbacks(addr, addr);
  else {
    asynPrint(this->pasynUserSelf, ASYN_TRACE_FLOW,
              "%s:%s: Parameter file %s was successfully loaded\n",
              driverName, functionName, fullFilename);
    setIntegerParam(addr, NDFileNexusTemplateValid, 1);
    callParamCallbacks(addr, addr);

  this->rootNode = this->configDoc.RootElement();

예제 #4
void asynNDArrayDriver::updateQueuedArrayCount()
    while (queuedArrayUpdateRun_) {
        // Exit early
        if (!queuedArrayUpdateRun_)

        setIntegerParam(NDNumQueuedArrays, getQueuedArrayCount());
예제 #5
파일: DSA2000.cpp 프로젝트: keenanlang/mca
/** Called when asyn clients call pasynInt32->write().
  * For all parameters it sets the value in the parameter library and calls any registered callbacks..
  * \param[in] pasynUser pasynUser structure that encodes the reason and address.
  * \param[in] value Value to write. */
asynStatus DSA2000::writeInt32(asynUser *pasynUser, epicsInt32 value)
    int function = pasynUser->reason;
    asynStatus status = asynSuccess;
    struct ncp_hcmd_resethvstatus resetCommand;
    int sendStatus;
    int response;
    int actual;
    const char *paramName;
    const char* functionName = "writeInt32";

    /* Set the parameter in the parameter library. */
    setIntegerParam(function, value);

    /* Fetch the parameter string name for possible use in debugging */
    getParamName(function, &paramName);

    if (function == P_HVRangeSetting) {
        /* Set the range */
        status = setHVStatus();
    if (function == P_HVReset) {
        /* Send the HV reset command */
        sendStatus = nmc_sendcmd(this->module, NCP_K_HCMD_RESETHVSTATUS, &resetCommand, sizeof(resetCommand),
                                 &response, sizeof(response), &actual, 0);
        if (sendStatus != 9) status = asynError;
    else if (function == P_ReadStatus) {
        status = getHVStatus();
    else {
        /* All other parameters just get set in parameter list, no need to
         * act on them here */

    /* Do callbacks so higher layers see any changes */

    if (status)
        epicsSnprintf(pasynUser->errorMessage, pasynUser->errorMessageSize,
                      "%s:%s: status=%d, function=%d, name=%s, value=%d",
                      driverName, functionName, status, function, paramName, value);
        asynPrint(pasynUser, ASYN_TRACEIO_DRIVER,
                  "%s:%s: function=%d, name=%s, value=%d\n",
                  driverName, functionName, function, paramName, value);
    return status;
예제 #6
/** Callback task that runs as a separate thread. */
void testErrors::callbackTask(void)
    asynStatus currentStatus;
    epicsInt32 iVal;
    epicsFloat64 dVal;
    int i;
    char octetValue[20];
    /* Loop forever */    
    while (1) {
        getIntegerParam(P_StatusReturn, (int*)&currentStatus);
        getIntegerParam(P_Int32Value, &iVal);
        if (iVal > 15) iVal=0;
        setIntegerParam(P_Int32Value, iVal);
        setParamStatus(P_Int32Value, currentStatus);
        getDoubleParam(P_Float64Value, &dVal);
        dVal += 0.1;
        setDoubleParam(P_Float64Value, dVal);
        setParamStatus(P_Float64Value, currentStatus);
        sprintf(octetValue, "%.1f", dVal); 
        setParamStatus(P_UInt32DigitalValue, currentStatus);
        setStringParam(P_OctetValue, octetValue);
        setParamStatus(P_OctetValue, currentStatus);
        setParamStatus(P_Float64ArrayValue, currentStatus);
        for (i=0; i<MAX_ARRAY_POINTS; i++) {
            int8ArrayValue_[i]    = iVal;
            int16ArrayValue_[i]   = iVal;
            int32ArrayValue_[i]   = iVal;
            float32ArrayValue_[i] = dVal;
            float64ArrayValue_[i] = dVal;
        setParamStatus(P_Int8ArrayValue, currentStatus);
        doCallbacksInt8Array(int8ArrayValue_, MAX_ARRAY_POINTS, P_Int8ArrayValue, 0);
        setParamStatus(P_Int16ArrayValue, currentStatus);
        doCallbacksInt16Array(int16ArrayValue_, MAX_ARRAY_POINTS, P_Int16ArrayValue, 0);
        setParamStatus(P_Int32ArrayValue, currentStatus);
        doCallbacksInt32Array(int32ArrayValue_, MAX_ARRAY_POINTS, P_Int32ArrayValue, 0);
        setParamStatus(P_Float32ArrayValue, currentStatus);
        doCallbacksFloat32Array(float32ArrayValue_, MAX_ARRAY_POINTS, P_Float32ArrayValue, 0);
        setParamStatus(P_Float64ArrayValue, currentStatus);
        doCallbacksFloat64Array(float64ArrayValue_, MAX_ARRAY_POINTS, P_Float64ArrayValue, 0);
// Jog
asynStatus SMC100Axis::moveVelocity(double minVelocity, double maxVelocity, double acceleration)
  double high_limit;
  double low_limit;
  asynStatus comStatus;
  static const char *functionName = "SMC100Axis::moveVelocity";

  asynPrint(pasynUser_, ASYN_TRACE_FLOW,
    "%s: minVelocity=%f, maxVelocity=%f, acceleration=%f\n",
    functionName, minVelocity, maxVelocity, acceleration);
  comStatus = sendAccelAndVelocity(acceleration, maxVelocity);
  if (comStatus) goto skip;

  /* SMC100 supports the notion of jog, but only for a remote control keypad */
  // SMC100 will not allow moves outside of those set with the SL and SR commands
  // first we query these limits and then make the jog a move to the limit
  // get the high limit
  sprintf(pC_->outString_, "%1dSR?", axisNo_ + 1);
  comStatus = pC_->writeReadController();
  if (comStatus) goto skip;
  // The response string is of the form "1SR25.0"
  high_limit = (atof(&pC_->inString_[3]));
    // get the low limit
  sprintf(pC_->outString_, "%1dSL?", axisNo_ + 1);
  comStatus = pC_->writeReadController();
  if (comStatus) goto skip;
  // The response string is of the form "1SL-5.0"
  low_limit = (atof(&pC_->inString_[3]));
  if (maxVelocity > 0.) {
    /* This is a positive move in SMC100 coordinates (egus) */
    sprintf(pC_->outString_, "%1dPA%f", axisNo_ + 1, high_limit);
  } else {
      /* This is a negative move in SMC100 coordinates (egus) */
      sprintf(pC_->outString_, "%1dPA%f", axisNo_ + 1, low_limit);
  comStatus = pC_->writeController();
  if (comStatus) goto skip;
  setIntegerParam(pC_->motorStatusProblem_, comStatus ? 1:0);
  return comStatus ? asynError : asynSuccess;

예제 #8
asynStatus NDPluginFile::writeNDArray(asynUser *pasynUser, void *genericPointer)
    NDArray *pArray = (NDArray *)genericPointer;
    asynStatus status = asynSuccess;
    //static const char *functionName = "writeNDArray";
    this->pArrays[0] = pArray;
    setIntegerParam(NDFileWriteMode, NDFileModeSingle);

    status = writeFileBase();

    /* Do callbacks so higher layers see any changes */
    status = callParamCallbacks();
    return status;
//! writeController()
//! reference ACRMotorDriver
//! Writes a string to the IMS controller.
//! Prepends deviceName to command string, if party mode not enabled, set device name to ""
//! @param[in] output the string to be written.
//! @param[in] timeout Timeout before returning an error.
asynStatus ImsMDrivePlusMotorController::writeController(const char *output, double timeout)
	size_t nwrite;
	asynStatus status;
	char outbuff[MAX_BUFF_LEN];
	static const char *functionName = "writeController()";

	// in party-mode Line Feed must follow command string
	sprintf(outbuff, "%s%s", deviceName, output);
	asynPrint(pasynUserSelf, ASYN_TRACEIO_DRIVER, "%s:%s: deviceName=%s, command=%s\n", DRIVER_NAME, functionName, deviceName, outbuff);
	status = pasynOctetSyncIO->write(pAsynUserIMS, outbuff, strlen(outbuff), timeout, &nwrite);
	if (status) { // update comm flag
		setIntegerParam(this->motorStatusCommsError_, 1);
	return status ;
예제 #10
/** Polls the axis.
  * This function reads the motor position, the limit status, the home status, the moving status, 
  * and the drive power-on status. 
  * It calls setIntegerParam() and setDoubleParam() for each item that it polls,
  * and then calls callParamCallbacks() at the end.
  * \param[out] moving A flag that is set indicating that the axis is moving (true) or done (false). */
asynStatus MCB4BAxis::poll(bool *moving)
  int done;
  int driveOn;
  int limit;
  double position;
  asynStatus comStatus;

  // Read the current motor position
  sprintf(pC_->outString_, "#%02dP", axisNo_);
  comStatus = pC_->writeReadController();
  if (comStatus) goto skip;
  // The response string is of the form "#01P=+1000"
  position = atof(&pC_->inString_[5]);
  setDoubleParam(pC_->motorPosition_, position);

  // Read the moving status of this motor
  sprintf(pC_->outString_, "#%02dX", axisNo_);
  comStatus = pC_->writeReadController();
  if (comStatus) goto skip;
  // The response string is of the form "#01X=1"
  done = (pC_->inString_[5] == '0') ? 1:0;
  setIntegerParam(pC_->motorStatusDone_, done);
  *moving = done ? false:true;

  // Read the limit status
  sprintf(pC_->outString_, "#%02dE", axisNo_);
  comStatus = pC_->writeReadController();
  if (comStatus) goto skip;
  // The response string is of the form "#01E=1"
  limit = (pC_->inString_[5] == '1') ? 1:0;
  setIntegerParam(pC_->motorStatusHighLimit_, limit);
  limit = (pC_->inString_[6] == '1') ? 1:0;
  setIntegerParam(pC_->motorStatusLowLimit_, limit);
  limit = (pC_->inString_[7] == '1') ? 1:0;
  setIntegerParam(pC_->motorStatusAtHome_, limit);

  // Read the drive power on status
  sprintf(pC_->outString_, "#%02dE", axisNo_);
  comStatus = pC_->writeReadController();
  if (comStatus) goto skip;
  driveOn = (pC_->inString_[5] == '1') ? 1:0;
  setIntegerParam(pC_->motorStatusPowerOn_, driveOn);
  setIntegerParam(pC_->motorStatusProblem_, 0);

  setIntegerParam(pC_->motorStatusProblem_, comStatus ? 1:0);
  return comStatus ? asynError : asynSuccess;
예제 #11
/// Constructor for the FileList class.
/// Calls constructor for the asynPortDriver base class.
FileList::FileList(const char *portName, const char *searchDir, const char *searchPat, int fullPath) 
   : asynPortDriver(portName, 
                    4, /* maxAddr */ 
					asynInt32Mask | asynOctetMask | asynDrvUserMask | asynFloat64Mask, /* Interface mask */
                    asynInt32Mask | asynOctetMask | asynFloat64Mask,  /* Interrupt mask */
                    0, /* asynFlags.  This driver can block but it is not multi-device */
                    1, /* Autoconnect */
                    0, /* Default priority */
                    0)	/* Default stack size*/,
	watchQueue_(10, sizeof(char *)), m_fullPath(fullPath != 0 ? true : false)
	int status = asynSuccess;
    const char *functionName = "FileList";

	createParam(P_DirBaseString, asynParamOctet, &P_DirBase);
	createParam(P_SearchString, asynParamOctet, &P_Search);
	createParam(P_CaseString, asynParamInt32, &P_CaseSensitive);
	createParam(P_JSONArrString, asynParamOctet, &P_JSONOutArr);

	//Allocate column data
	pJSONOut_ = (char *)calloc(OUT_CHAR_LIM, 1);

	setStringParam(P_DirBase, searchDir);
	setStringParam(P_Search, searchPat);
	setIntegerParam(P_CaseSensitive, 0);

	// Start filewatcher
	char * str = strdup(searchDir);
	watchQueue_.send((void*)&str, sizeof(char*));

	/* Do callbacks so higher layers see any changes */
	status |= (asynStatus)callParamCallbacks();

	// Create the thread that will service the file watcher
	// To write to the controller
                    (EPICSTHREADFUNC)fileWatcherThreadC, (void *)this);
	if (status) {
		std::cerr << status << "epicsThreadCreate failure" << std::endl;

asynStatus shamrock::getStatus()
    int error;
    asynStatus status;
    int grating;
    float wavelength;
    float width;
    int i;
    static const char *functionName = "getStatus";

    error = ShamrockGetGrating(shamrockId_, &grating);
    status = checkError(error, functionName, "ShamrockGetGrating");
    if (status) return asynError;
    setIntegerParam(SRGrating_, grating);

    error = ShamrockGetWavelength(shamrockId_, &wavelength);
    status = checkError(error, functionName, "ShamrockGetWavelength");
    if (status) return asynError;
    setDoubleParam(SRWavelength_, wavelength);

    for (i=0; i<MAX_SLITS; i++) {
        setDoubleParam(i, SRSlitSize_, 0.);
        if (slitIsPresent_[i] == 0) continue;
        error = ShamrockGetAutoSlitWidth(shamrockId_, i+1, &width);
        status = checkError(error, functionName, "ShamrockGetAutoSlitWidth");
        if (status) return asynError;
        setDoubleParam(i, SRSlitSize_, width);
    error = ShamrockGetCalibration(shamrockId_, calibration_, numPixels_);
    status = checkError(error, functionName, "ShamrockGetCalibration");
    setDoubleParam(0, SRMinWavelength_, calibration_[0]);
    setDoubleParam(0, SRMaxWavelength_, calibration_[numPixels_-1]);
    // We need to find a C/C++ library to do 3'rd order polynomial fit
    // For now we do a first order fit!
    double slope = (calibration_[numPixels_-1] - calibration_[0]) / (numPixels_-1);

    for (i=0; i<MAX_ADDR; i++) {
    doCallbacksFloat32Array(calibration_, numPixels_, SRCalibration_, 0);

    return asynSuccess;
예제 #13
/** This is called to write data a single NDArray to the file.  It can be called multiple times
 *  to add arrays to a single file in stream or capture mode */
asynStatus NDFileHDF5XML::writeFile(NDArray *pArray)
   unsigned long int stripsize;
   static const char *functionName = "writeFile";
   int sizex, sizey;
   int numToCapture;
   int imgc, nimg;
   int writeMode;

   sizex = pArray->dims[0].size;
   sizey = pArray->dims[1].size;


   getIntegerParam(NDFileFormat, &fileformat);
   getIntegerParam(NDFileWriteMode, &writeMode);

//   pArray->pAttributeList->report(20);
   hdf_interface->pArray = pArray;

   //This will write the image data...

   setIntegerParam(NDFileNumCaptured, this->nextRecord);
   getIntegerParam(NDFileNumCapture, &numToCapture);
/*   if ((((writeMode == NDFileModeStream) || (writeMode == NDFileModeCapture)) &&
         this->nextRecord >= numToCapture) )
      setIntegerParam(NDFileNumCaptured, numToCapture);
      hdf_interface->pArray = pArray;


   return (asynSuccess);
예제 #14
/** Called when asyn clients call pasynInt32->write().
  * This function sends a signal to the simTask thread if the value of P_Run has changed.
  * For all parameters it sets the value in the parameter library and calls any registered callbacks..
  * \param[in] pasynUser pasynUser structure that encodes the reason and address.
  * \param[in] value Value to write. */
asynStatus testAsynPortDriver::writeInt32(asynUser *pasynUser, epicsInt32 value)
    int function = pasynUser->reason;
    asynStatus status = asynSuccess;
    const char *paramName;
    const char* functionName = "writeInt32";

    /* Set the parameter in the parameter library. */
    status = (asynStatus) setIntegerParam(function, value);
    /* Fetch the parameter string name for possible use in debugging */
    getParamName(function, &paramName);

    if (function == P_Run) {
        /* If run was set then wake up the simulation task */
        if (value) epicsEventSignal(eventId_);
    else if (function == P_VertGainSelect) {
    else if (function == P_VoltsPerDivSelect) {
    else if (function == P_TimePerDivSelect) {
    else {
        /* All other parameters just get set in parameter list, no need to
         * act on them here */
    /* Do callbacks so higher layers see any changes */
    status = (asynStatus) callParamCallbacks();
    if (status) 
        epicsSnprintf(pasynUser->errorMessage, pasynUser->errorMessageSize, 
                  "%s:%s: status=%d, function=%d, name=%s, value=%d", 
                  driverName, functionName, status, function, paramName, value);
        asynPrint(pasynUser, ASYN_TRACEIO_DRIVER, 
              "%s:%s: function=%d, name=%s, value=%d\n", 
              driverName, functionName, function, paramName, value);
    return status;
예제 #15
/** Checks whether the directory specified NDFilePath parameter exists.
  * This is a convenience function that determinesthe directory specified NDFilePath parameter exists.
  * It sets the value of NDFilePathExists to 0 (does not exist) or 1 (exists).  
  * It also adds a trailing '/' character to the path if one is not present.
  * Returns a error status if the directory does not exist.
asynStatus asynNDArrayDriver::checkPath()
    /* Formats a complete file name from the components defined in NDStdDriverParams */
    asynStatus status = asynError;
    char filePath[MAX_FILENAME_LEN];
    char lastChar;
    int hasTerminator=0;
    struct stat buff;
    int istat;
    size_t len;
    int isDir=0;
    int pathExists=0;
    getStringParam(NDFilePath, sizeof(filePath), filePath);
    len = strlen(filePath);
    if (len == 0) return(asynSuccess);
    /* If the path contains a trailing '/' or '\' remove it, because Windows won't find
     * the directory if it has that trailing character */
    lastChar = filePath[len-1];
#ifdef _WIN32
    if ((lastChar == '/') || (lastChar == '\\'))
    if (lastChar == '/') 
        filePath[len-1] = 0;
    istat = stat(filePath, &buff);
    if (!istat) isDir = (S_IFDIR & buff.st_mode);
    if (!istat && isDir) {
        pathExists = 1;
        status = asynSuccess;
    /* If the path did not have a trailing terminator then add it if there is room */
    if (!hasTerminator) {
        if (len < MAX_FILENAME_LEN-2) strcat(filePath, delim);
        setStringParam(NDFilePath, filePath);
    setIntegerParam(NDFilePathExists, pathExists);
    return status;   
예제 #16
/** Called when asyn clients call pasynOctet->write().
  * For all parameters it sets the value in the parameter library and calls any
  * registered callbacks.
  * \param[in] pasynUser pasynUser structure that encodes the reason and
  *            address.
  * \param[in] value Address of the string to write.
  * \param[in] nChars Number of characters to write.
  * \param[out] nActual Number of characters actually written. */
asynStatus hdf5Driver::writeOctet (asynUser *pasynUser, const char *value,
                                    size_t nChars, size_t *nActual)
    int function = pasynUser->reason;
    asynStatus status = asynSuccess;
    const char *functionName = "writeOctet";

    // Not interested in base class parameters
    if(function < FIRST_HDF5_PARAM)
        return ADDriver::writeOctet(pasynUser, value, nChars, nActual);

    if(function == HDF5FilePath)
        bool exists = checkFilePath(value);
        setIntegerParam(HDF5FileExists, exists);
        setStringParam(function, value);
            int acquiring;
            getIntegerParam(ADStatus, &acquiring);
            if(acquiring != ADStatusAcquire)



    if (status)
        asynPrint(pasynUser, ASYN_TRACE_ERROR,
                "%s:%s: status=%d, function=%d, value=%s",
                driverName, functionName, status, function, value);
        asynPrint(pasynUser, ASYN_TRACEIO_DRIVER,
                "%s:%s: function=%d, value=%s\n",
                driverName, functionName, function, value);

    *nActual = nChars;
    return status;
예제 #17
/** Called when asyn clients call pasynInt32->write().
  * This function sends a signal to the simTask thread if the value of P_Run has changed.
  * For all parameters it sets the value in the parameter library and calls any registered callbacks..
  * \param[in] pasynUser pasynUser structure that encodes the reason and address.
  * \param[in] value Value to write. */
asynStatus testErrors::writeInt32(asynUser *pasynUser, epicsInt32 value)
    int function = pasynUser->reason;
    asynStatus status = asynSuccess;
    int itemp;
    const char *paramName;
    const char* functionName = "writeInt32";

    /* Fetch the parameter string name for use in debugging */
    getParamName(function, &paramName);

    /* Set the parameter value in the parameter library. */
    setIntegerParam(function, value);

    if (function == P_DoUpdate) {
    else if (function == P_StatusReturn) {
    else if (function == P_EnumOrder) {
    else {
        /* Set the parameter status in the parameter library except for the above commands with always return OK */
        /* Get the current error status */
        getIntegerParam(P_StatusReturn, &itemp); status = (asynStatus)itemp;
        setParamStatus(function, status);
    /* Do callbacks so higher layers see any changes */
    if (status) 
        epicsSnprintf(pasynUser->errorMessage, pasynUser->errorMessageSize, 
                  "%s:%s: status=%d, function=%d, name=%s, value=%d", 
                  driverName, functionName, status, function, paramName, value);
        asynPrint(pasynUser, ASYN_TRACEIO_DRIVER, 
              "%s:%s: function=%d, name=%s, value=%d\n", 
              driverName, functionName, function, paramName, value);
    return status;
예제 #18
/** Base method for reading a file
  * Creates the file name with NDPluginBase::createFileName, then calls the pure virtual functions openFile,
  * readFile and closeFile in the derived class.  Does callbacks with the NDArray that was read in. */
asynStatus NDPluginFile::readFileBase(void)
    asynStatus status = asynSuccess;
    char fullFileName[MAX_FILENAME_LEN];
    int dataType=0;
    NDArray *pArray=NULL;
    static const char* functionName = "readFileBase";

    status = (asynStatus)createFileName(MAX_FILENAME_LEN, fullFileName);
    if (status) { 
        asynPrint(this->pasynUserSelf, ASYN_TRACE_ERROR, 
              "%s:%s error creating full file name, fullFileName=%s, status=%d\n", 
              driverName, functionName, fullFileName, status);
    /* Call the readFile method in the derived class */
    /* Do this with the main lock released since it is slow */
    status = this->openFile(fullFileName, NDFileModeRead, pArray);
    status = this->readFile(&pArray);
    status = this->closeFile();
    /* If we got an error then return */
    if (status) return(status);
    /* Update the new values of dimensions and the array data */
    setIntegerParam(NDDataType, dataType);
    /* Call any registered clients */
    doCallbacksGenericPointer(pArray, NDArrayData, 0);

    /* Set the last array to be this one */
    this->pArrays[0] = pArray;    
asynStatus NDPluginAttribute::writeInt32(asynUser *pasynUser, epicsInt32 value)
    int function = pasynUser->reason;
    asynStatus status = asynSuccess;
    static const char *functionName = "NDPluginAttribute::writeInt32";

    /* Set the parameter in the parameter library. */
    status = (asynStatus) setIntegerParam(function, value);

    if (function == NDPluginAttributeReset) {
      setDoubleParam(NDPluginAttributeVal, 0.0);
      setDoubleParam(NDPluginAttributeValSum, 0.0);
      //Clear the time series array
      memset(pTimeSeries_, 0, maxTimeSeries_*sizeof(epicsFloat64));
      doCallbacksFloat64Array(this->pTimeSeries_, maxTimeSeries_, NDPluginAttributeArray, 0);
      currentPoint_ = 0;
      valueSum_ = 0.0;
    else if (function == NDPluginAttributeUpdate) {
      //Update the data array by hand.
      doCallbacksFloat64Array(this->pTimeSeries_, maxTimeSeries_, NDPluginAttributeArray, 0);
    else {
      /* If this parameter belongs to a base class call its method */
      if (function < FIRST_NDPLUGIN_ATTR_PARAM) 
        status = NDPluginDriver::writeInt32(pasynUser, value);

    /* Do callbacks so higher layers see any changes */
    status = (asynStatus) callParamCallbacks();
    if (status) 
        epicsSnprintf(pasynUser->errorMessage, pasynUser->errorMessageSize, 
                  "%s: status=%d, function=%d, value=%d", 
                  functionName, status, function, value);
        asynPrint(pasynUser, ASYN_TRACEIO_DRIVER, 
              "%s: function=%d, value=%d\n", 
              functionName, function, value);
    return status;
예제 #20
/** Called when asyn clients call pasynInt32->write().
  * This function performs actions for some parameters, including NDPluginDriverEnableCallbacks and
  * NDPluginDriverArrayAddr.
  * For all parameters it sets the value in the parameter library and calls any registered callbacks..
  * \param[in] pasynUser pasynUser structure that encodes the reason and address.
  * \param[in] value Value to write. */
asynStatus NDPluginROI::writeInt32(asynUser *pasynUser, epicsInt32 value)
    int function = pasynUser->reason;
    asynStatus status = asynSuccess;
    static const char* functionName = "writeInt32";

    /* Set the parameter in the parameter library. */
    status = (asynStatus) setIntegerParam(function, value);

    if        (function == NDPluginROIDim0Min) {
        requestedOffset_[0] = value;
    } else if (function == NDPluginROIDim1Min) {
        requestedOffset_[1] = value;
    } else if (function == NDPluginROIDim2Min) {
        requestedOffset_[2] = value;
    } else if (function == NDPluginROIDim0Size) {
        requestedSize_[0] = value;
    } else if (function == NDPluginROIDim1Size) {
        requestedSize_[1] = value;
    } else if (function == NDPluginROIDim2Size) {
        requestedSize_[2] = value;
    } else {
        /* If this parameter belongs to a base class call its method */
        if (function < FIRST_NDPLUGIN_ROI_PARAM) 
            status = NDPluginDriver::writeInt32(pasynUser, value);
    /* Do callbacks so higher layers see any changes */
    if (status) 
        asynPrint(pasynUser, ASYN_TRACE_ERROR, 
              "%s:%s: function=%d, value=%d\n", 
              driverName, functionName, function, value);
        asynPrint(pasynUser, ASYN_TRACEIO_DRIVER, 
              "%s:%s: function=%d, value=%d\n", 
              driverName, functionName, function, value);
    return status;
예제 #21
//! @brief   Called when asyn clients call pasynInt32->write().
//!          If pasynUser->reason is equal to
//!          - P_FanSpeed  the nominal fan speed will be changed to value
//!          - P_sysreset  a system reset of the crate will be performed
//! @param   [in]  pasynUser  pasynUser structure that encodes the reason and address
//! @param   [in]  value      Value to write
//! @return  in case of no error occured asynSuccess is returned. Otherwise
//!          asynError or asynTimeout is returned. A error message is stored
//!          in pasynUser->errorMessage.
asynStatus drvAsynWienerVme::writeInt32( asynUser *pasynUser, epicsInt32 value ) {
  int function = pasynUser->reason;
  asynStatus status = asynSuccess;
  static const char *functionName = "writeInt32";
  if ( ( function != P_FanSpeed ) && ( function != P_Sysreset ) ) return asynSuccess;
  status = (asynStatus) setIntegerParam( function, value );
  status = (asynStatus) callParamCallbacks();
  if( status ) 
    epicsSnprintf( pasynUser->errorMessage, pasynUser->errorMessageSize, 
                   "\033[31;1m%s:%s:%s: status=%d, function=%d, value=%d\033[0m", 
                   driverName, _deviceName, functionName, status, function, value );
    asynPrint( pasynUser, ASYN_TRACEIO_DEVICE, 
               "%s:%s:%s: function=%d, value=%d\n", 
               driverName, _deviceName, functionName, function, value );
  can_frame_t pframe;
  pframe.can_id  = ( 1 << 7 ) | _crateId;
  if ( function == P_FanSpeed ) {
    pframe.can_dlc = 2;
    pframe.data[0] = 0xc0;
    pframe.data[1] = (epicsUInt8)( value & 0xff );
  } else if ( function == P_Sysreset ) {
    pframe.can_dlc = 1;
    pframe.data[0] = 0x44;

  status = pasynGenericPointerSyncIO->write( _pasynGenericPointer, &pframe, pasynUser->timeout );
  if ( status ) {
    epicsSnprintf( pasynUser->errorMessage, pasynUser->errorMessageSize, 
                   "\033[31;1m%s:%s:%s: function=%d, Could not send can frame.\033[0m", 
                   driverName, _deviceName, functionName, function );
    return asynError;
  return status;
예제 #22
/** Called when asyn clients call pasynInt32->write().
  * Extracts the function and axis number from pasynUser.
  * Sets the value in the parameter library.
  * If the function is motorSetClosedLoop_ then it turns the drive power on or off.
  * If the function is ddriveReadBinaryIO_ then it reads the binary I/O registers on the controller.
  * For all other functions it calls asynMotorController::writeInt32.
  * Calls any registered callbacks for this pasynUser->reason and address.  
  * \param[in] pasynUser asynUser structure that encodes the reason and address.
  * \param[in] value     Value to write. */
asynStatus ddriveController::writeInt32(asynUser *pasynUser, epicsInt32 value)
  int function = pasynUser->reason;
  asynStatus status = asynSuccess;
  ddriveAxis *pAxis = getAxis(pasynUser);
  const char *paramName = "(unset)";

  /* Fetch the parameter string name for possible use in debugging */
  getParamName(function, &paramName);

  /* Set the parameter and readback in the parameter library.  This may be overwritten when we read back the
   * status at the end, but that's OK */
  status = setIntegerParam(pAxis->axisNo_, function, value);

  const DDParam *ddp = DDParamFromIndex(function);

  if (ddp && ddp->type == asynParamInt32) {
    if (ddp->global) {
        status = writeParameter(ddp, value);
    } else {
        status = pAxis->writeParameter(ddp, value);
  } else {
    /* Call base class method */
    status = asynMotorController::writeInt32(pasynUser, value);
  /* Do callbacks so higher layers see any changes */
  if (status) 
    asynPrint(pasynUser, ASYN_TRACE_ERROR, 
        "%s:%s: error, status=%d function=%s (%d), value=%d\n", 
        driverName, __func__, status, paramName, function, value);
    asynPrint(pasynUser, ASYN_TRACEIO_DRIVER, 
        "%s:%s: function=%s (%d), value=%d\n", 
        driverName, __func__, paramName, function, value);
  return status;
예제 #23
asynStatus ddriveAxis::writeParameter(const DDParam *param, int value) {
  if (!param || param->global)
    return asynError;

  if (param->service_param) {

    // Write the parameter
    pc_->write("wrmb,%d,%d,%d", axisNo_, param->service_param, value);
    asynStatus ret = queryParameter(param, value);
    if (ret == asynSuccess) 
      setIntegerParam(param->idx, value);

    pc_->exitServiceMode(); // queryparameter() should already do this
    return ret;
  } else {
    asynPrint(pc_->pasynUser_, ASYN_TRACE_FLOW,
              "-> write param: %s,%d,%d\n", 
              param->command, axisNo_, value);
    return pc_->write("%s,%d,%d", param->command, axisNo_, value);
예제 #24
void mar345::setShutter(int open)
    ADShutterMode_t shutterMode;
    int itemp;
    double delay;
    double shutterOpenDelay, shutterCloseDelay;
    getIntegerParam(ADShutterMode, &itemp); shutterMode = (ADShutterMode_t)itemp;
    getDoubleParam(ADShutterOpenDelay, &shutterOpenDelay);
    getDoubleParam(ADShutterCloseDelay, &shutterCloseDelay);
    switch (shutterMode) {
        case ADShutterModeDetector:
            if (open) {
                /* Open the shutter */
                writeServer("COMMAND SHUTTER OPEN");
                /* This delay is to get the exposure time correct.  
                * It is equal to the opening time of the shutter minus the
                * closing time.  If they are equal then no delay is needed, 
                * except use 1msec so delay is not negative and commands are 
                * not back-to-back */
                delay = shutterOpenDelay - shutterCloseDelay;
                if (delay < .001) delay=.001;
            } else {
                /* Close shutter */
                writeServer("COMMAND SHUTTER CLOSE");
            /* The mar345 does not provide a way to read the actual shutter status, so
             * set it to agree with the control value */
            setIntegerParam(ADShutterStatus, open);
예제 #25
/** Constructor for NDFileNexus; all parameters are simply passed to NDPluginFile::NDPluginFile.
  * \param[in] portName The name of the asyn port driver to be created.
  * \param[in] queueSize The number of NDArrays that the input queue for this plugin can hold when
  *            NDPluginDriverBlockingCallbacks=0.  Larger queues can decrease the number of dropped arrays,
  *            at the expense of more NDArray buffers being allocated from the underlying driver's NDArrayPool.
  * \param[in] blockingCallbacks Initial setting for the NDPluginDriverBlockingCallbacks flag.
  *            0=callbacks are queued and executed by the callback thread; 1 callbacks execute in the thread
  *            of the driver doing the callbacks.
  * \param[in] NDArrayPort Name of asyn port driver for initial source of NDArray callbacks.
  * \param[in] NDArrayAddr asyn port driver address for initial source of NDArray callbacks.
  * \param[in] priority The thread priority for the asyn port driver thread if ASYN_CANBLOCK is set in asynFlags.
  * \param[in] stackSize The stack size for the asyn port driver thread if ASYN_CANBLOCK is set in asynFlags.
NDFileNexus::NDFileNexus(const char *portName, int queueSize, int blockingCallbacks,
                         const char *NDArrayPort, int NDArrayAddr,
                         int priority, int stackSize)
  /* Invoke the base class constructor.
   * We allocate 2 NDArray of unlimited size in the NDArray pool.
   * This driver can block (because writing a file can be slow), and it is not multi-device.
   * Set autoconnect to 1.  priority and stacksize can be 0, which will use defaults. */
  : NDPluginFile(portName, queueSize, blockingCallbacks,
                 NDArrayPort, NDArrayAddr, 1, NUM_NDFILE_NEXUS_PARAMS,
                 2, 0, asynGenericPointerMask, asynGenericPointerMask,
                 ASYN_CANBLOCK, 1, priority, stackSize)
  //static const char *functionName = "NDFileNexus";
  createParam(NDFileNexusTemplatePathString,  asynParamOctet, &NDFileNexusTemplatePath);
  createParam(NDFileNexusTemplateFileString,  asynParamOctet, &NDFileNexusTemplateFile);
  createParam(NDFileNexusTemplateValidString, asynParamInt32, &NDFileNexusTemplateValid);

  this->pFileAttributes = new NDAttributeList;
  this->imageNumber = 0;
  setIntegerParam(NDFileNexusTemplateValid, 0);

  this->supportsMultipleArrays = 1;
예제 #26
asynStatus motorSimController::processDeferredMoves()
  asynStatus status = asynError;
  double position = 0.0;
  int axis;
  motorSimAxis *pAxis;

  for (axis=0; axis<numAxes_; axis++)
    pAxis = getAxis(axis);
    if (pAxis->deferred_move_) {
      position = pAxis->deferred_position_;
      /* Check to see if in hard limits */
      if ((pAxis->nextpoint_.axis[0].p >= pAxis->hiHardLimit_  &&  position > pAxis->nextpoint_.axis[0].p) ||
          (pAxis->nextpoint_.axis[0].p <= pAxis->lowHardLimit_ &&  position < pAxis->nextpoint_.axis[0].p)) return asynError;
      pAxis->endpoint_.axis[0].p = position - pAxis->enc_offset_;
      pAxis->endpoint_.axis[0].v = 0.0;    
      setIntegerParam(axis, motorStatusDone_, 0);
      pAxis->deferred_move_ = 0;
  return status;
예제 #27
/** Sets an int32 parameter.
  * \param[in] pasynUser asynUser structure that contains the function code in pasynUser->reason. 
  * \param[in] value The value for this parameter 
  * Takes action if the function code requires it.  ADAcquire, ADSizeX, and many other
  * function codes make calls to the Firewire library from this function. */
asynStatus shamrock::writeInt32( asynUser *pasynUser, epicsInt32 value)
    asynStatus status = asynSuccess;
    int error;
    int function = pasynUser->reason;
    int addr;
    static const char *functionName = "writeInt32";

    pasynManager->getAddr(pasynUser, &addr);
    if (addr < 0) addr=0;

    /* Set the value in the parameter library.  This may change later but that's OK */
    status = setIntegerParam(addr, function, value);

    if (function == SRGrating_) {
        error = ShamrockSetGrating(shamrockId_, value);
        status = checkError(error, functionName, "ShamrockSetGrating");
    // Port Information
    else if (function == SRFlipperMirrorPort_) {
        if (flipperMirrorIsPresent_[addr]) {
            error = ShamrockSetFlipperMirror(shamrockId_, addr+1, value);
            status = checkError(error, functionName, "ShamrockSetFlipperMirror");


    asynPrint(pasynUserSelf, ASYN_TRACEIO_DRIVER, 
        "%s::%s function=%d, value=%d, status=%d\n",
        driverName, functionName, function, value, status);
    return status;
예제 #28
/** Starts and stops the acquisition. **/
asynStatus mythen::setAcquire(epicsInt32 value)
    size_t nread;
    size_t nwrite;
    asynStatus status = asynSuccess;
    epicsInt32 eomReason;
    static const char *functionName = "setAcquire";
    // printf("setAcquire %d\n",value);
    if (value == 0) {
      //        while (1) {
      //            // Repeat sending STOP until we get only a 0 back
      //            status = pasynOctetSyncIO->setInputEos(pasynUserMeter_, "", 0);
      //            if (status) break;
      status = pasynOctetSyncIO->writeRead(pasynUserMeter_, "-stop", strlen(outString_),
                       inString_, sizeof(epicsInt32), M1K_TIMEOUT, &nwrite, &nread, &eomReason);
            setIntegerParam(ADStatus, getStatus());
        //            if (status == asynSuccess || status == asynTimeout) break;
        //        }
      acquiring_ = 0;
    } else {
        if(!(acquiring_)) {                 
          // Notify the read thread that acquisition has started
          acquiring_ = 1;
    if (status) {
        acquiring_ = 0;
    if(status != asynSuccess)
        asynPrint(pasynUserSelf, ASYN_TRACE_ERROR,
            "%s:%s: error!\n", driverName, functionName);
    return status;
예제 #29
파일: DSA2000.cpp 프로젝트: keenanlang/mca
asynStatus DSA2000::getHVStatus()
    struct ncp_hcmd_rethvstatus getCommand;
    struct ncp_mresp_rethvstatus getResponse;
    epicsUInt32 HVStatus;
    asynStatus status = asynSuccess;
    int sendStatus;
    int range;
    double DACVolts, ADCVolts, fullScale;
    int actual;

    sendStatus = nmc_sendcmd(this->module, NCP_K_HCMD_RETHVSTATUS, &getCommand, sizeof(getCommand),
                             &getResponse, sizeof(getResponse), &actual, 0);
    if (sendStatus != 233) status = asynError;
    HVStatus = getResponse.status;
    setUIntDigitalParam(P_HVStatus, HVStatus, 0xFFFFFFFF);
    if (HVStatus & HVPS_Negative) {
        fullScale = 5000.;
        range = rangeMinus5000;
    } else {
        if (HVStatus & HVPS_5000V) {
            fullScale = 5000;
            range = rangePlus5000;
        } else {
            fullScale = 1300.;
            range = rangePlus1300;
    setIntegerParam(P_HVRangeReadback, range);
    DACVolts = getResponse.DACValue * fullScale / 4095.;
    setDoubleParam(P_DACReadback, DACVolts);
    ADCVolts = getResponse.ADCValue * fullScale / 255.;
    setDoubleParam(P_ADCReadback, ADCVolts);

    return status;
예제 #30
int acquireLocks(char* serviceName, int servicePort, char* fileName,
                 int numLocks, int64_t offsets[], int64_t lengths[]) {
    int i;
    int lockID;

    printf("acquiring %d locks\n", numLocks);
    MessageClient client = newClient(serviceName, servicePort);

    Message m = newMessage();
    setStringParam(m, "functionName", "acquire");
    setStringParam(m, "fileName", fileName);
    setIntegerParam(m, "numLocks", numLocks);
    createLongArrayParam(m, "offsets", numLocks);
    createLongArrayParam(m, "lengths", numLocks);
    for (i = 0; i < numLocks; ++i) {
        setLongArrayParamValue(m, "offsets", i, offsets[i]);
        setLongArrayParamValue(m, "lengths", i, lengths[i]);

    //printf("acquirelocks: Message to be sent:\n");

    Message reply = clientCall(client, m);
    //printf("acquirelocks: Reply:\n");
    //printf("acquirelocks: before getIntegerParam()\n");
    lockID = getIntegerParam(reply, "lockID");


    return lockID;