예제 #1
static void implicit_coefficients(const Quadratic& q, double p[coeff_count]) {
    double a, b, c;
    set_abc(&q[0].x, a, b, c);
    double d, e, f;
    set_abc(&q[0].y, d, e, f);
    // compute the implicit coefficients
    if (straight_forward) { // 42 muls, 13 adds
        p[xx_coeff] = d * d;
        p[xy_coeff] = -2 * a * d;
        p[yy_coeff] = a * a;
        p[x_coeff] = -2*c*d*d + b*e*d - a*e*e + 2*a*f*d;
        p[y_coeff] = -2*f*a*a + e*b*a - d*b*b + 2*d*c*a;
        p[c_coeff] = a*(a*f*f + c*e*e - c*f*d - b*e*f)
                   + d*(b*b*f + c*c*d - c*a*f - c*e*b);
    } else { // 26 muls, 11 adds
        double aa = a * a;
        double ad = a * d;
        double dd = d * d;
        p[xx_coeff] = dd;
        p[xy_coeff] = -2 * ad;
        p[yy_coeff] = aa;
        double be = b * e;
        double bde = be * d;
        double cdd = c * dd;
        double ee = e * e;
        p[x_coeff] =  -2*cdd + bde - a*ee + 2*ad*f;
        double aaf = aa * f;
        double abe = a * be;
        double ac = a * c;
        double bb_2ac = b*b - 2*ac;
        p[y_coeff] = -2*aaf + abe - d*bb_2ac;
        p[c_coeff] = aaf*f + ac*ee + d*f*bb_2ac - abe*f + c*cdd - c*bde;
예제 #2
static double tangent(const double* quadratic, double t) {
    double a, b, c;
    set_abc(quadratic, a, b, c);
    return 2 * a * t + b;
static int findRoots(const QuadImplicitForm& i, const Quadratic& q2, double roots[4],
        bool useCubic, bool& disregardCount) {
    double a, b, c;
    set_abc(&q2[0].x, a, b, c);
    double d, e, f;
    set_abc(&q2[0].y, d, e, f);
    const double t4 =     i.x2() *  a * a
                    +     i.xy() *  a * d
                    +     i.y2() *  d * d;
    const double t3 = 2 * i.x2() *  a * b
                    +     i.xy() * (a * e +     b * d)
                    + 2 * i.y2() *  d * e;
    const double t2 =     i.x2() * (b * b + 2 * a * c)
                    +     i.xy() * (c * d +     b * e + a * f)
                    +     i.y2() * (e * e + 2 * d * f)
                    +     i.x()  *  a
                    +     i.y()  *  d;
    const double t1 = 2 * i.x2() *  b * c
                    +     i.xy() * (c * e + b * f)
                    + 2 * i.y2() *  e * f
                    +     i.x()  *  b
                    +     i.y()  *  e;
    const double t0 =     i.x2() *  c * c
                    +     i.xy() *  c * f
                    +     i.y2() *  f * f
                    +     i.x()  *  c
                    +     i.y()  *  f
                    +     i.c();
    // create a string mathematica understands
    char str[1024];
    bzero(str, sizeof(str));
    sprintf(str, "Solve[%1.19g x^4 + %1.19g x^3 + %1.19g x^2 + %1.19g x + %1.19g == 0, x]",
        t4, t3, t2, t1, t0);
    if (approximately_zero(t4)) {
        disregardCount = true;
        if (approximately_zero(t3)) {
            return quadraticRootsX(t2, t1, t0, roots);
        return cubicRootsX(t3, t2, t1, t0, roots);
    if (approximately_zero(t0)) { // 0 is one root
        disregardCount = true;
        int num = cubicRootsX(t4, t3, t2, t1, roots);
        for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
            if (approximately_zero(roots[i])) {
                return num;
        roots[num++] = 0;
        return num;
    if (useCubic) {
        assert(approximately_zero(t4 + t3 + t2 + t1 + t0)); // 1 is one root
        int num = cubicRootsX(t4, t4 + t3, -(t1 + t0), -t0, roots); // note that -C==A+B+D+E
        for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
            if (approximately_equal(roots[i], 1)) {
                return num;
        roots[num++] = 1;
        return num;
    return quarticRoots(t4, t3, t2, t1, t0, roots);