/* initialize all attributes */
static void *make_cookietrack_settings(apr_pool_t *p, char *d)
    cookietrack_settings_rec *dcfg;

    dcfg = (cookietrack_settings_rec *) apr_pcalloc(p, sizeof(cookietrack_settings_rec));
    dcfg->cookie_name       = COOKIE_NAME;
    dcfg->cookie_domain     = NULL;
    dcfg->cookie_ip_header  = NULL;
    dcfg->style             = CT_UNSET;
    dcfg->enabled           = 0;
    dcfg->expires           = 0;
    dcfg->note_name         = NOTE_NAME;
    dcfg->header_name       = HEADER_NAME;
    dcfg->send_header       = 0;
    dcfg->dnt_value         = DNT_VALUE;
    dcfg->set_dnt_cookie    = 1;
    dcfg->comply_with_dnt   = 1;
    dcfg->dnt_expires       = DNT_EXPIRES;
    dcfg->dnt_max_age       = DNT_MAX_AGE;
    dcfg->dnt_exempt        = apr_array_make(p, 2, sizeof(const char*) );

    /* In case the user does not use the CookieName directive,
     * we need to compile the regexp for the default cookie name. */
    set_and_comp_regexp(dcfg, p, COOKIE_NAME);

    return dcfg;
예제 #2
static void *make_cookie_dir(apr_pool_t *p, char *d)
    cookie_dir_rec *dcfg;

    dcfg = (cookie_dir_rec *) apr_pcalloc(p, sizeof(cookie_dir_rec));
    dcfg->cookie_name = COOKIE_NAME;
    dcfg->cookie_domain = NULL;
    dcfg->style = CT_UNSET;
    dcfg->enabled = 0;

    /* In case the user does not use the CookieName directive,
     * we need to compile the regexp for the default cookie name. */
    set_and_comp_regexp(dcfg, p, COOKIE_NAME);

    return dcfg;
예제 #3
static const char *set_cookie_name(cmd_parms *cmd, void *mconfig,
                                   const char *name)
    cookie_dir_rec *dcfg = (cookie_dir_rec *) mconfig;

    dcfg->cookie_name = name;

    set_and_comp_regexp(dcfg, cmd->pool, name);

    if (dcfg->regexp == NULL) {
        return "Regular expression could not be compiled.";
    if (dcfg->regexp->re_nsub + 1 != NUM_SUBS) {
        return apr_pstrcat(cmd->pool, "Invalid cookie name \"",
                           name, "\"", NULL);

    return NULL;
/* Set the value of a config variabe, strings only */
static const char *set_config_value(cmd_parms *cmd, void *mconfig,
                                    const char *value)
    cookietrack_settings_rec *dcfg;

    dcfg = (cookietrack_settings_rec *) mconfig;

    char name[50];
    sprintf( name, "%s", cmd->cmd->name );

    /* Unfortunately, C does not have the equivalent of Perls
       $struct->$name = $value. So we're using a switch instead.
       Suggestions welcome.
    /* Oh hey, switch statements aren't for strings, so we're
       going to be using if (strcasecmp(name, "y") == 0) {
       instead. sexy times!

     * Apply restrictions on attributes.
    if( strlen(value) == 0 ) {
        return apr_psprintf(cmd->pool, "%s not allowed to be NULL", name);

    /* Name of the cookie header to send */
    if( strcasecmp(name, "CookieHeaderName") == 0 ) {
        dcfg->header_name   = apr_pstrdup(cmd->pool, value);

    /* Name of the note to use in the logs */
    } else if( strcasecmp(name, "CookieNoteName") == 0 ) {
        dcfg->note_name     = apr_pstrdup(cmd->pool, value);

    /* Value to use if setting a DNT cookie */
    } else if( strcasecmp(name, "CookieDNTValue") == 0 ) {
        dcfg->dnt_value     = apr_pstrdup(cmd->pool, value);

    /* Cookie style to sue */
    } else if( strcasecmp(name, "CookieStyle") == 0 ) {

        if( strcasecmp(value, "Netscape") == 0 ) {
            dcfg->style = CT_NETSCAPE;

        } else if( (strcasecmp(value, "Cookie") == 0)
                 || (strcasecmp(value, "RFC2109") == 0) ) {
            dcfg->style = CT_COOKIE;

        } else if( (strcasecmp(value, "Cookie2") == 0)
                 || (strcasecmp(value, "RFC2965") == 0) ) {
            dcfg->style = CT_COOKIE2;

        } else {
            return apr_psprintf(cmd->pool, "Invalid %s: %s", name, value);

    /* Name of the note to use in the logs */
    } else if( strcasecmp(name, "CookieIPHeader") == 0 ) {
        dcfg->cookie_ip_header  = apr_pstrdup(cmd->pool, value);

    /* Domain to set the cookie in */
    } else if( strcasecmp(name, "CookieDomain") == 0 ) {

        if( value[0] != '.' ) {
            return "CookieDomain values must begin with a dot";

        if( ap_strchr_c( &value[1], '.' ) == NULL ) {
            return "CookieDomain values must contain at least one embedded dot";

        dcfg->cookie_domain = apr_pstrdup(cmd->pool, value);

    /* Name of the cookie */
    } else if( strcasecmp(name, "CookieName") == 0 ) {
        dcfg->cookie_name = apr_pstrdup(cmd->pool, value);

        /* build regex to compare against */
        set_and_comp_regexp(dcfg, cmd->pool, value);

        if (dcfg->regexp == NULL) {
            return "Regular expression could not be compiled.";

        if (dcfg->regexp->re_nsub + 1 != NUM_SUBS) {
            return apr_psprintf(cmd->pool, "Invalid cookie name: %s", value);

    } else if( strcasecmp(name, "CookieDNTExempt") == 0 ) {

        // following tutorial here:
        // http://dev.ariel-networks.com/apr/apr-tutorial/html/apr-tutorial-19.html
        const char *str                                 = apr_pstrdup(cmd->pool, value);
        *(const char**)apr_array_push(dcfg->dnt_exempt) = str;

        _DEBUG && fprintf( stderr, "dnt exempt = %s\n", str );

        char *ary = apr_array_pstrcat( cmd->pool, dcfg->dnt_exempt, '-' );
        _DEBUG && fprintf( stderr, "dnt exempt as str = %s\n", ary );

    } else {
        return apr_psprintf(cmd->pool, "No such variable %s", name);

    return NULL;