예제 #1
double maxwell_velocitiesC(int part_id, int N_T) {
  double v[3], v_av[3],uniran[2];
  int i;
  int flag=1;
  v_av[0] = v_av[1] = v_av[2] = 0.0;
  for (i=part_id; i < part_id+N_T; i++) {
    if(flag == 1 ) {
      v[0] = pow((-2. * log(uniran[0])),0.5) * cos (2. * PI * uniran[1]) * time_step;
      v[1] = pow((-2. * log(uniran[1])),0.5) * sin (2. * PI * uniran[0]) * time_step;
      v[2] = pow((-2. * log(uniran[0])),0.5) * cos (2. * PI * uniran[1]) * time_step;
      flag = 0;
    } else {
      v[0] = pow((-2. * log(uniran[1])),0.5) * sin (2. * PI * uniran[0]) * time_step;
      v[1] = pow((-2. * log(uniran[0])),0.5) * cos (2. * PI * uniran[1]) * time_step;
      v[2] = pow((-2. * log(uniran[1])),0.5) * sin (2. * PI * uniran[0]) * time_step;
      flag = 1;      
    //printf("%f \n %f \n %f \n",v[0],v[1],v[2]);
    v_av[0]+=v[0]; v_av[1]+=v[1]; v_av[2]+=v[2];
    if (set_particle_v(i, v)==ES_ERROR) {
      fprintf(stderr, "INTERNAL ERROR: failed upon setting one of the velocities in Espresso (current average: %f)!\n",sqrt(SQR(v_av[0])+SQR(v_av[1])+SQR(v_av[2]))); 
      fprintf(stderr, "Aborting...\n"); errexit();
  // note that time_step == -1, as long as it is not yet set
  return ( sqrt(SQR(v_av[0])+SQR(v_av[1])+SQR(v_av[2])) / fabs(time_step) );
예제 #2
double velocitiesC(double v_max, int part_id, int N_T) {
  double v[3], v_av[3];
  int i;

  v_av[0] = v_av[1] = v_av[2] = 0.0;
  for (i=part_id; i < part_id+N_T; i++) {
    do {
      v[0] = v_max * 2.*(d_random()-.5) * time_step;
      v[1] = v_max * 2.*(d_random()-.5) * time_step;
      v[2] = v_max * 2.*(d_random()-.5) * time_step;
      // note that time_step == -1, as long as it is not yet set
    } while ( sqrt(SQR(v[0])+SQR(v[1])+SQR(v[2])) > v_max * fabs(time_step));
    v_av[0]+=v[0]; v_av[1]+=v[1]; v_av[2]+=v[2];
    if (set_particle_v(i, v)==ES_ERROR) {
      fprintf(stderr, "INTERNAL ERROR: failed upon setting one of the velocities in Espresso (current average: %f)!\n",
      fprintf(stderr, "Aborting...\n"); errexit();
  // note that time_step == -1, as long as it is not yet set
  return ( sqrt(SQR(v_av[0])+SQR(v_av[1])+SQR(v_av[2])) / fabs(time_step) );
예제 #3
int tclcommand_readmd(ClientData dummy, Tcl_Interp *interp,
	   int argc, char **argv)
  char *row;
  int pos_row[3] = { -1 }, v_row[3] = { -1 }, 
  #ifdef DIPOLES 
  dip_row[3] = { -1 }, 
  f_row[3] = { -1 };
  int av_pos = 0, av_v = 0, 
#ifdef DIPOLES 
#ifdef MASS
    av_f = 0,
    av_q = 0,
    av_type = 0;
  int node, i;
  struct MDHeader header;
  Particle data;
  int tcl_file_mode;
  Tcl_Channel channel;

  if (argc != 2) {
    Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "wrong # args:  should be \"",
		     argv[0], " <file>\"",
		     (char *) NULL);
    return (TCL_ERROR);

  if ((channel = Tcl_GetChannel(interp, argv[1], &tcl_file_mode)) == NULL)
    return (TCL_ERROR);

  /* tune channel to binary translation, e.g. none */
  Tcl_SetChannelOption(interp, channel, "-translation", "binary");

  Tcl_Read(channel, (char *)&header, sizeof(header));
  /* check token */
  if (strncmp(header.magic, MDMAGIC, 4) || header.n_rows < 0) {
    Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "data file \"", argv[1],
		     "\" does not contain tcl MD data",
		     (char *) NULL);
    return (TCL_ERROR);

  if (!particle_node)

  /* parse rows */
  row = (char*)malloc(header.n_rows*sizeof(char));
  for (i = 0; i < header.n_rows; i++) {
    Tcl_Read(channel, (char *)&row[i], sizeof(char));
    switch (row[i]) {
    case POSX: pos_row[0] = i; break;
    case POSY: pos_row[1] = i; break;
    case POSZ: pos_row[2] = i; break;
    case   VX:   v_row[0] = i; break;
    case   VY:   v_row[1] = i; break;
    case   VZ:   v_row[2] = i; break;
#ifdef DIPOLES
    case   MX:   dip_row[0] = i; break;
    case   MY:   dip_row[1] = i; break;
    case   MZ:   dip_row[2] = i; break;
    case   FX:   f_row[0] = i; break;
    case   FY:   f_row[1] = i; break;
    case   FZ:   f_row[2] = i; break;
#ifdef MASS
    case MASSES: av_mass  = 1; break;
    case SOLVATION: av_solvation = 1; break;
    case    Q:   av_q     = 1; break;
    case TYPE:   av_type  = 1; break;

  /* *_row[0] tells if * data is completely available -
   * otherwise we ignore it */
  if (pos_row[0] != -1 && pos_row[1] != -1 && pos_row[2] != -1) {
    av_pos = 1;
  if (v_row[0] != -1 && v_row[1] != -1 && v_row[2] != -1) {
    av_v = 1;
  if (f_row[0] != -1 && f_row[1] != -1 && f_row[2] != -1) {
    av_f = 1;
  #ifdef DIPOLES
  if (dip_row[0] != -1 && dip_row[1] != -1 && dip_row[2] != -1) {
    av_dip = 1;

  while (!Tcl_Eof(channel)) {
    Tcl_Read(channel, (char *)&data.p.identity, sizeof(int));
    if (data.p.identity == -1)

    /* printf("id=%d\n", data.identity); */

    if (data.p.identity < 0) {
      Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "illegal data format in data file \"", argv[1],
		       "\", perhaps wrong file?",
		       (char *) NULL);
      return (TCL_ERROR);

    for (i = 0; i < header.n_rows; i++) {
      switch (row[i]) {
      case POSX: Tcl_Read(channel, (char *)&data.r.p[0], sizeof(double)); break;
      case POSY: Tcl_Read(channel, (char *)&data.r.p[1], sizeof(double)); break;
      case POSZ: Tcl_Read(channel, (char *)&data.r.p[2], sizeof(double)); break;
      case   VX: Tcl_Read(channel, (char *)&data.m.v[0], sizeof(double)); break;
      case   VY: Tcl_Read(channel, (char *)&data.m.v[1], sizeof(double)); break;
      case   VZ: Tcl_Read(channel, (char *)&data.m.v[2], sizeof(double)); break;
      case   FX: Tcl_Read(channel, (char *)&data.f.f[0], sizeof(double)); break;
      case   FY: Tcl_Read(channel, (char *)&data.f.f[1], sizeof(double)); break;
      case   FZ: Tcl_Read(channel, (char *)&data.f.f[2], sizeof(double)); break;
      case MASSES:
#ifdef MASS
          Tcl_Read(channel, (char *)&data.p.mass, sizeof(double)); break;
              double dummy_mass;
              Tcl_Read(channel, (char *)&dummy_mass, sizeof(double)); break;
      case    Q: Tcl_Read(channel, (char *)&data.p.q, sizeof(double)); break;
#ifdef DIPOLES
      case   MX: Tcl_Read(channel, (char *)&data.r.dip[0], sizeof(double)); break;
      case   MY: Tcl_Read(channel, (char *)&data.r.dip[1], sizeof(double)); break;
      case   MZ: Tcl_Read(channel, (char *)&data.r.dip[2], sizeof(double)); break;

      case TYPE: Tcl_Read(channel, (char *)&data.p.type, sizeof(int)); break;

    node = (data.p.identity <= max_seen_particle) ? particle_node[data.p.identity] : -1;
    if (node == -1) {
      if (!av_pos) {
	Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "new particle without position data",
			 (char *) NULL);
	return (TCL_ERROR);

    if (av_pos)
      place_particle(data.p.identity, data.r.p);
#ifdef MASS
    if (av_mass)
      set_particle_mass(data.p.identity, data.p.mass);
    if (av_solvation)
      set_particle_solvation(data.p.identity, data.p.solvation);
    if (av_q)
      set_particle_q(data.p.identity, data.p.q);
#ifdef DIPOLES
    if (av_dip)
      set_particle_dip(data.p.identity, data.r.dip);
    if (av_v)
      set_particle_v(data.p.identity, data.m.v);
    if (av_f)
      set_particle_f(data.p.identity, data.f.f);
    if (av_type)
      set_particle_type(data.p.identity, data.p.type);

  return TCL_OK;