int get_stats(void) { st.cpu = sg_get_cpu_percents(); if (!st.cpu) { LOG(LOG_INFO, "could not sg_get_cpu_stats"); } st.mem = sg_get_mem_stats(); if (!st.mem) { LOG(LOG_INFO, "could not sg_get_mem_stats"); } st.swap = sg_get_swap_stats(); if (!st.swap) { LOG(LOG_INFO, "could not get_swap_stats"); } st.load = sg_get_load_stats(); if (!st.load) { LOG(LOG_INFO, "could not get_load_stats"); } st.process = sg_get_process_stats(&st.process_entries); if (!st.process) { LOG(LOG_INFO, "could not get_process_stats"); } st.paging = sg_get_page_stats_diff(); if (!st.paging) { LOG(LOG_INFO, "could not get_page_stats_diff"); } = sg_get_network_io_stats_diff(&(st.network_entries)); if (! { LOG(LOG_INFO, "could not get_network_stats_diff"); } st.diskio = sg_get_disk_io_stats_diff(&(st.diskio_entries)); if (!st.diskio) { LOG(LOG_INFO, "could not get_diskio_stats_diff"); } st.disk = sg_get_fs_stats(&(st.disk_entries)); if (!st.disk) { LOG(LOG_INFO, "could not get_disk_stats"); } st.hostinfo = sg_get_host_info(); if (!st.hostinfo) { LOG(LOG_INFO, "could not get_host_info"); } st.user = sg_get_user_stats(); if (!st.user) { LOG(LOG_INFO, "could not get get_user_stats"); } return 1; }
void populate_swap() { sg_swap_stats *swap = sg_get_swap_stats(); if (swap != NULL) { add_stat(BYTES, &swap->total, "swap", "total", NULL); add_stat(BYTES, &swap->used, "swap", "used", NULL); add_stat(BYTES, &swap->free, "swap", "free", NULL); } }
static void populate_swap(void) { sg_swap_stats *swap = sg_get_swap_stats(NULL); if (swap != NULL) { add_stat(STAT_TYPE_BYTES, &swap->total, "swap", "total", NULL); add_stat(STAT_TYPE_BYTES, &swap->used, "swap", "used", NULL); add_stat(STAT_TYPE_BYTES, &swap->free, "swap", "free", NULL); } }
static int swap_read (void) /* {{{ */ { sg_swap_stats *swap; swap = sg_get_swap_stats (); if (swap == NULL) return (-1); swap_submit_gauge (NULL, "used", (gauge_t) swap->used); swap_submit_gauge (NULL, "free", (gauge_t) swap->free); return (0); } /* }}} int swap_read */
int get_stats() { stats.cpu_percents = sg_get_cpu_percents(); stats.mem_stats = sg_get_mem_stats(); stats.swap_stats = sg_get_swap_stats(); stats.load_stats = sg_get_load_stats(); stats.process_count = sg_get_process_count(); stats.page_stats = sg_get_page_stats_diff(); stats.network_io_stats = sg_get_network_io_stats_diff(&(stats.network_io_entries)); stats.disk_io_stats = sg_get_disk_io_stats_diff(&(stats.disk_io_entries)); stats.fs_stats = sg_get_fs_stats(&(stats.fs_entries)); stats.host_info = sg_get_host_info(); stats.user_stats = sg_get_user_stats(); return 1; }
/* * Swap statistics, see <tt>sg_get_swap_stats(3)</tt> manpage. */ static VALUE statgrab_swap_stats(VALUE self) { sg_swap_stats *stats; VALUE info; if ((stats = sg_get_swap_stats()) == NULL) statgrab_handle_error(); info = rb_hash_new(); rb_hash_aset(info, ID2SYM(rb_intern("total")), INT2NUM(stats->total/1024)); rb_hash_aset(info, ID2SYM(rb_intern("used")), INT2NUM(stats->used/1024)); rb_hash_aset(info, ID2SYM(rb_intern("free")), INT2NUM(stats->free/1024)); return info; }
int main(int argc, char **argv){ sg_mem_stats *mem_stats; sg_swap_stats *swap_stats; long long total, free; /* Initialise helper - e.g. logging, if any */ sg_log_init("libstatgrab-examples", "SGEXAMPLES_LOG_PROPERTIES", argc ? argv[0] : NULL); /* Initialise statgrab */ sg_init(1); /* Drop setuid/setgid privileges. */ if (sg_drop_privileges() != SG_ERROR_NONE) sg_die("Error. Failed to drop privileges", 1); if( ((mem_stats = sg_get_mem_stats(NULL)) != NULL) && ((swap_stats = sg_get_swap_stats(NULL)) != NULL) ) { printf("Total memory in bytes : %llu\n", mem_stats->total); printf("Used memory in bytes : %llu\n", mem_stats->used); printf("Cache memory in bytes : %llu\n", mem_stats->cache); printf("Free memory in bytes : %llu\n", mem_stats->free); printf("Swap total in bytes : %llu\n", swap_stats->total); printf("Swap used in bytes : %llu\n", swap_stats->used); printf("Swap free in bytes : %llu\n", swap_stats->free); total = mem_stats->total + swap_stats->total; free = mem_stats->free + swap_stats->free; printf("Total VM usage : %5.2f%%\n", 100 - (((float)total/(float)free))); } else { sg_die("Unable to get VM stats", 1); } exit(0); }
static int swap_read (void) { #if KERNEL_LINUX FILE *fh; char buffer[1024]; char *fields[8]; int numfields; unsigned long long swap_used = 0LL; unsigned long long swap_cached = 0LL; unsigned long long swap_free = 0LL; unsigned long long swap_total = 0LL; if ((fh = fopen ("/proc/meminfo", "r")) == NULL) { char errbuf[1024]; WARNING ("memory: fopen: %s", sstrerror (errno, errbuf, sizeof (errbuf))); return (-1); } while (fgets (buffer, 1024, fh) != NULL) { unsigned long long *val = NULL; if (strncasecmp (buffer, "SwapTotal:", 10) == 0) val = &swap_total; else if (strncasecmp (buffer, "SwapFree:", 9) == 0) val = &swap_free; else if (strncasecmp (buffer, "SwapCached:", 11) == 0) val = &swap_cached; else continue; numfields = strsplit (buffer, fields, 8); if (numfields < 2) continue; *val = atoll (fields[1]) * 1024LL; } if (fclose (fh)) { char errbuf[1024]; WARNING ("memory: fclose: %s", sstrerror (errno, errbuf, sizeof (errbuf))); } if ((swap_total == 0LL) || ((swap_free + swap_cached) > swap_total)) return (-1); swap_used = swap_total - (swap_free + swap_cached); swap_submit ("used", swap_used); swap_submit ("free", swap_free); swap_submit ("cached", swap_cached); /* #endif KERNEL_LINUX */ #elif HAVE_LIBKSTAT unsigned long long swap_alloc; unsigned long long swap_resv; unsigned long long swap_avail; struct anoninfo ai; if (swapctl (SC_AINFO, &ai) == -1) { char errbuf[1024]; ERROR ("swap plugin: swapctl failed: %s", sstrerror (errno, errbuf, sizeof (errbuf))); return (-1); } /* * Calculations from: * * Also see: * (outdated?) * /usr/include/vm/anon.h * * In short, swap -s shows: allocated + reserved = used, available * * However, Solaris does not allow to allocated/reserved more than the * available swap (physical memory + disk swap), so the pedant may * prefer: allocated + unallocated = reserved, available * * We map the above to: used + resv = n/a, free * * Does your brain hurt yet? - Christophe Kalt * * Oh, and in case you wonder, * swap_alloc = pagesize * ( ai.ani_max - ai.ani_free ); * can suffer from a 32bit overflow. */ swap_alloc = ai.ani_max - ai.ani_free; swap_alloc *= pagesize; swap_resv = ai.ani_resv + ai.ani_free - ai.ani_max; swap_resv *= pagesize; swap_avail = ai.ani_max - ai.ani_resv; swap_avail *= pagesize; swap_submit ("used", swap_alloc); swap_submit ("free", swap_avail); swap_submit ("reserved", swap_resv); /* #endif HAVE_LIBKSTAT */ #elif defined(VM_SWAPUSAGE) int mib[3]; size_t mib_len; struct xsw_usage sw_usage; size_t sw_usage_len; mib_len = 2; mib[0] = CTL_VM; mib[1] = VM_SWAPUSAGE; sw_usage_len = sizeof (struct xsw_usage); if (sysctl (mib, mib_len, &sw_usage, &sw_usage_len, NULL, 0) != 0) return (-1); /* The returned values are bytes. */ swap_submit ("used", sw_usage.xsu_used); swap_submit ("free", sw_usage.xsu_avail); /* #endif VM_SWAPUSAGE */ #elif HAVE_LIBKVM_GETSWAPINFO struct kvm_swap data_s; int status; unsigned long long used; unsigned long long free; unsigned long long total; if (kvm_obj == NULL) return (-1); /* only one structure => only get the grand total, no details */ status = kvm_getswapinfo (kvm_obj, &data_s, 1, 0); if (status == -1) return (-1); total = (unsigned long long) data_s.ksw_total; used = (unsigned long long) data_s.ksw_used; total *= (unsigned long long) kvm_pagesize; used *= (unsigned long long) kvm_pagesize; free = total - used; swap_submit ("used", used); swap_submit ("free", free); /* #endif HAVE_LIBKVM_GETSWAPINFO */ #elif HAVE_LIBSTATGRAB sg_swap_stats *swap; swap = sg_get_swap_stats (); if (swap == NULL) return (-1); swap_submit ("used", swap->used); swap_submit ("free", swap->free); #endif /* HAVE_LIBSTATGRAB */ return (0); } /* int swap_read */
static int swap_read (void) { #if KERNEL_LINUX FILE *fh; char buffer[1024]; char *fields[8]; int numfields; _Bool old_kernel=0; derive_t swap_used = 0; derive_t swap_cached = 0; derive_t swap_free = 0; derive_t swap_total = 0; derive_t swap_in = 0; derive_t swap_out = 0; if ((fh = fopen ("/proc/meminfo", "r")) == NULL) { char errbuf[1024]; WARNING ("memory: fopen: %s", sstrerror (errno, errbuf, sizeof (errbuf))); return (-1); } while (fgets (buffer, sizeof (buffer), fh) != NULL) { numfields = strsplit (buffer, fields, STATIC_ARRAY_SIZE (fields)); if (numfields < 2) continue; if (strcasecmp (fields[0], "SwapTotal:") == 0) strtoderive (fields[1], &swap_total); else if (strcasecmp (fields[0], "SwapFree:") == 0) strtoderive (fields[1], &swap_free); else if (strcasecmp (fields[0], "SwapCached:") == 0) strtoderive (fields[1], &swap_cached); } if (fclose (fh)) { char errbuf[1024]; WARNING ("memory: fclose: %s", sstrerror (errno, errbuf, sizeof (errbuf))); } if ((swap_total == 0LL) || ((swap_free + swap_cached) > swap_total)) return (-1); swap_used = swap_total - (swap_free + swap_cached); if ((fh = fopen ("/proc/vmstat", "r")) == NULL) { // /proc/vmstat does not exist in kernels <2.6 if ((fh = fopen ("/proc/stat", "r")) == NULL ) { char errbuf[1024]; WARNING ("swap: fopen: %s", sstrerror (errno, errbuf, sizeof (errbuf))); return (-1); } else old_kernel = 1; } while (fgets (buffer, sizeof (buffer), fh) != NULL) { numfields = strsplit (buffer, fields, STATIC_ARRAY_SIZE (fields)); if (!old_kernel) { if (numfields != 2) continue; if (strcasecmp ("pswpin", fields[0]) != 0) strtoderive (fields[1], &swap_in); else if (strcasecmp ("pswpout", fields[0]) == 0) strtoderive (fields[1], &swap_out); } else /* if (old_kernel) */ { if (numfields != 3) continue; if (strcasecmp ("page", fields[0]) == 0) { strtoderive (fields[1], &swap_in); strtoderive (fields[2], &swap_out); } } } /* while (fgets) */ if (fclose (fh)) { char errbuf[1024]; WARNING ("swap: fclose: %s", sstrerror (errno, errbuf, sizeof (errbuf))); } swap_submit ("used", 1024 * swap_used, DS_TYPE_GAUGE); swap_submit ("free", 1024 * swap_free, DS_TYPE_GAUGE); swap_submit ("cached", 1024 * swap_cached, DS_TYPE_GAUGE); swap_submit ("in", swap_in, DS_TYPE_DERIVE); swap_submit ("out", swap_out, DS_TYPE_DERIVE); /* #endif KERNEL_LINUX */ #elif HAVE_LIBKSTAT derive_t swap_alloc; derive_t swap_resv; derive_t swap_avail; struct anoninfo ai; if (swapctl (SC_AINFO, &ai) == -1) { char errbuf[1024]; ERROR ("swap plugin: swapctl failed: %s", sstrerror (errno, errbuf, sizeof (errbuf))); return (-1); } /* * Calculations from: * * Also see: * (outdated?) * /usr/include/vm/anon.h * * In short, swap -s shows: allocated + reserved = used, available * * However, Solaris does not allow to allocated/reserved more than the * available swap (physical memory + disk swap), so the pedant may * prefer: allocated + unallocated = reserved, available * * We map the above to: used + resv = n/a, free * * Does your brain hurt yet? - Christophe Kalt * * Oh, and in case you wonder, * swap_alloc = pagesize * ( ai.ani_max - ai.ani_free ); * can suffer from a 32bit overflow. */ swap_alloc = (derive_t) ((ai.ani_max - ai.ani_free) * pagesize); swap_resv = (derive_t) ((ai.ani_resv + ai.ani_free - ai.ani_max) * pagesize); swap_avail = (derive_t) ((ai.ani_max - ai.ani_resv) * pagesize); swap_submit ("used", swap_alloc, DS_TYPE_GAUGE); swap_submit ("free", swap_avail, DS_TYPE_GAUGE); swap_submit ("reserved", swap_resv, DS_TYPE_GAUGE); /* #endif HAVE_LIBKSTAT */ #elif HAVE_SWAPCTL struct swapent *swap_entries; int swap_num; int status; int i; derive_t used = 0; derive_t total = 0; /* * XXX: This is the syntax for the *BSD `swapctl', which has the * following prototype: * swapctl (int cmd, void *arg, int misc); * * HP-UX and Solaris (and possibly other UNIXes) provide `swapctl', * too, but with the following prototype: * swapctl (int cmd, void *arg); * * Solaris is usually handled in the KSTAT case above. For other UNIXes * a separate case for the other version of `swapctl' may be necessary. */ swap_num = swapctl (SWAP_NSWAP, NULL, 0); if (swap_num < 0) { ERROR ("swap plugin: swapctl (SWAP_NSWAP) failed with status %i.", swap_num); return (-1); } else if (swap_num == 0) return (0); swap_entries = calloc (swap_num, sizeof (*swap_entries)); if (swap_entries == NULL) { ERROR ("swap plugin: calloc failed."); return (-1); } status = swapctl (SWAP_STATS, swap_entries, swap_num); if (status != swap_num) { ERROR ("swap plugin: swapctl (SWAP_STATS) failed with status %i.", status); sfree (swap_entries); return (-1); } #if defined(DEV_BSIZE) && (DEV_BSIZE > 0) # define C_SWAP_BLOCK_SIZE ((derive_t) DEV_BSIZE) #else # define C_SWAP_BLOCK_SIZE ((derive_t) 512) #endif for (i = 0; i < swap_num; i++) { if ((swap_entries[i].se_flags & SWF_ENABLE) == 0) continue; used += ((derive_t) swap_entries[i].se_inuse) * C_SWAP_BLOCK_SIZE; total += ((derive_t) swap_entries[i].se_nblks) * C_SWAP_BLOCK_SIZE; } if (total < used) { ERROR ("swap plugin: Total swap space (%"PRIu64") " "is less than used swap space (%"PRIu64").", total, used); return (-1); } swap_submit ("used", used, DS_TYPE_GAUGE); swap_submit ("free", total - used, DS_TYPE_GAUGE); sfree (swap_entries); /* #endif HAVE_SWAPCTL */ #elif defined(VM_SWAPUSAGE) int mib[3]; size_t mib_len; struct xsw_usage sw_usage; size_t sw_usage_len; mib_len = 2; mib[0] = CTL_VM; mib[1] = VM_SWAPUSAGE; sw_usage_len = sizeof (struct xsw_usage); if (sysctl (mib, mib_len, &sw_usage, &sw_usage_len, NULL, 0) != 0) return (-1); /* The returned values are bytes. */ swap_submit ("used", (derive_t) sw_usage.xsu_used, DS_TYPE_GAUGE); swap_submit ("free", (derive_t) sw_usage.xsu_avail, DS_TYPE_GAUGE); /* #endif VM_SWAPUSAGE */ #elif HAVE_LIBKVM_GETSWAPINFO struct kvm_swap data_s; int status; derive_t used; derive_t free; derive_t total; if (kvm_obj == NULL) return (-1); /* only one structure => only get the grand total, no details */ status = kvm_getswapinfo (kvm_obj, &data_s, 1, 0); if (status == -1) return (-1); total = (derive_t) data_s.ksw_total; used = (derive_t) data_s.ksw_used; total *= (derive_t) kvm_pagesize; used *= (derive_t) kvm_pagesize; free = total - used; swap_submit ("used", used, DS_TYPE_GAUGE); swap_submit ("free", free, DS_TYPE_GAUGE); /* #endif HAVE_LIBKVM_GETSWAPINFO */ #elif HAVE_LIBSTATGRAB sg_swap_stats *swap; swap = sg_get_swap_stats (); if (swap == NULL) return (-1); swap_submit ("used", (derive_t) swap->used, DS_TYPE_GAUGE); swap_submit ("free", (derive_t) swap->free, DS_TYPE_GAUGE); /* #endif HAVE_LIBSTATGRAB */ #elif HAVE_PERFSTAT if(perfstat_memory_total(NULL, &pmemory, sizeof(perfstat_memory_total_t), 1) < 0) { char errbuf[1024]; WARNING ("memory plugin: perfstat_memory_total failed: %s", sstrerror (errno, errbuf, sizeof (errbuf))); return (-1); } swap_submit ("used", (derive_t) (pmemory.pgsp_total - pmemory.pgsp_free) * pagesize, DS_TYPE_GAUGE); swap_submit ("free", (derive_t) pmemory.pgsp_free * pagesize , DS_TYPE_GAUGE); #endif /* HAVE_PERFSTAT */ return (0); } /* int swap_read */