예제 #1
static void http_da_calc_HA1(struct soap *soap, void **context, char *alg, char *userid, char *realm, char *passwd, char *nonce, char *cnonce, char HA1hex[33])
  char HA1[16];

  md5_handler(soap, context, MD5_INIT, NULL, 0);
  md5_handler(soap, context, MD5_UPDATE, userid, strlen(userid));
  md5_handler(soap, context, MD5_UPDATE, ":", 1);
  md5_handler(soap, context, MD5_UPDATE, realm, strlen(realm));
  md5_handler(soap, context, MD5_UPDATE, ":", 1);
  md5_handler(soap, context, MD5_UPDATE, passwd, strlen(passwd));
  md5_handler(soap, context, MD5_FINAL, HA1, 0);

  if (alg && !soap_tag_cmp(alg, "MD5-sess"))
    md5_handler(soap, context, MD5_INIT, NULL, 0);
    md5_handler(soap, context, MD5_UPDATE, HA1, 16);
    md5_handler(soap, context, MD5_UPDATE, ":", 1);
    md5_handler(soap, context, MD5_UPDATE, nonce, strlen(nonce));
    md5_handler(soap, context, MD5_UPDATE, ":", 1);
    md5_handler(soap, context, MD5_UPDATE, cnonce, strlen(cnonce));
    md5_handler(soap, context, MD5_FINAL, HA1, 0);

  soap_s2hex(soap, (unsigned char*)HA1, HA1hex, 16);
예제 #2
static void http_da_calc_response(struct soap *soap, void **context, char HA1hex[33], const char *nonce, const char *ncount, const char *cnonce, const char *qop, const char *method, const char *uri, char entityHAhex[33], char response[33])
  char HA2[16], HA2hex[33], responseHA[16];

  md5_handler(soap, context, MD5_INIT, NULL, 0);
  md5_handler(soap, context, MD5_UPDATE, (char*)method, strlen(method));
  md5_handler(soap, context, MD5_UPDATE, (char*)":", 1);
  md5_handler(soap, context, MD5_UPDATE, (char*)uri, strlen(uri));
  if (qop && !soap_tag_cmp(qop, "auth-int"))
    md5_handler(soap, context, MD5_UPDATE, (char*)":", 1);
    md5_handler(soap, context, MD5_UPDATE, entityHAhex, 32);
  md5_handler(soap, context, MD5_FINAL, HA2, 0);

  soap_s2hex(soap, (unsigned char*)HA2, HA2hex, 16);

  md5_handler(soap, context, MD5_INIT, NULL, 0);
  md5_handler(soap, context, MD5_UPDATE, HA1hex, 32);
  if (nonce)
    md5_handler(soap, context, MD5_UPDATE, (char*)":", 1);
    md5_handler(soap, context, MD5_UPDATE, (char*)nonce, strlen(nonce));
  md5_handler(soap, context, MD5_UPDATE, (char*)":", 1);
  if (qop && *qop)
    md5_handler(soap, context, MD5_UPDATE, (char*)ncount, strlen(ncount));
    md5_handler(soap, context, MD5_UPDATE, (char*)":", 1);
    md5_handler(soap, context, MD5_UPDATE, (char*)cnonce, strlen(cnonce));
    md5_handler(soap, context, MD5_UPDATE, (char*)":", 1);
    md5_handler(soap, context, MD5_UPDATE, (char*)qop, strlen(qop));
    md5_handler(soap, context, MD5_UPDATE, (char*)":", 1);
  md5_handler(soap, context, MD5_UPDATE, HA2hex, 32);
  md5_handler(soap, context, MD5_FINAL, responseHA, 0);

  soap_s2hex(soap, (unsigned char*)responseHA, response, 16);
예제 #3
static int http_da_calc_HA1(struct soap *soap, struct soap_smd_data *smd_data, const char *alg, const char *userid, const char *realm, const char *passwd, const char *nonce, const char *cnonce, char HA1hex[65])
  int smd_alg = SOAP_SMD_DGST_MD5;
  size_t smd_len = 16;
  char HA1[32];

  if (alg && !soap_tag_cmp(alg, "SHA-256*"))
    smd_alg = SOAP_SMD_DGST_SHA256;
    smd_len = 32;

  if (soap_smd_init(soap, smd_data, smd_alg, NULL, 0)
   || soap_smd_update(soap, smd_data, userid, strlen(userid))
   || soap_smd_update(soap, smd_data, ":", 1)
   || soap_smd_update(soap, smd_data, realm, strlen(realm))
   || soap_smd_update(soap, smd_data, ":", 1)
   || soap_smd_update(soap, smd_data, passwd, strlen(passwd))
   || soap_smd_final(soap, smd_data, HA1, NULL))
    return soap->error;

  if (alg && !soap_tag_cmp(alg, "*-sess"))
    if (soap_smd_init(soap, smd_data, smd_alg, NULL, 0)
     || soap_smd_update(soap, smd_data, HA1, smd_len))
      return soap->error;

    if (nonce)
      if (soap_smd_update(soap, smd_data, ":", 1)
       || soap_smd_update(soap, smd_data, nonce, strlen(nonce)))
        return soap->error;

    if (soap_smd_update(soap, smd_data, ":", 1)
     || soap_smd_update(soap, smd_data, cnonce, strlen(cnonce))
     || soap_smd_final(soap, smd_data, HA1, NULL))
      return soap->error;

  (void)soap_s2hex(soap, (unsigned char*)HA1, HA1hex, smd_len);

  return SOAP_OK;
예제 #4
static int http_da_verify_method(struct soap *soap, const char *method, const char *passwd)
  struct http_da_data *data = (struct http_da_data*)soap_lookup_plugin(soap, http_da_id);
  char HA1hex[65], entityHAhex[65], response[65], responseHA[32];
  size_t smd_len = 16;

  if (!data)
    return SOAP_ERR;

  if (data->alg && !soap_tag_cmp(data->alg, "SHA-256*"))
    smd_len = 32;

  /* reject if none or basic authentication was used */
  if (!soap->authrealm
   || !soap->userid
   || soap->passwd)     /* passwd is set when basic auth is used */
    return SOAP_ERR;

  /* require at least qop="auth" to prevent replay attacks */
  if (!data->qop)
    return SOAP_ERR;

  if (http_da_session_update(soap->authrealm, data->nonce, data->opaque, data->cnonce, data->ncount))
    return SOAP_ERR;

  if (http_da_calc_HA1(soap, &data->smd_data, data->alg, soap->userid, soap->authrealm, passwd, data->nonce, data->cnonce, HA1hex))
    return soap->error;

  if (!soap_tag_cmp(data->qop, "auth-int"))
    (void)soap_s2hex(soap, (unsigned char*)data->digest, entityHAhex, smd_len);

  if (http_da_calc_response(soap, &data->smd_data, data->alg, HA1hex, data->nonce, data->ncount, data->cnonce, data->qop, method, soap->path, entityHAhex, response, responseHA))
    return soap->error;

  /* check digest response values */
  if (memcmp(data->response, responseHA, smd_len))
    return SOAP_ERR;

  return SOAP_OK;
예제 #5
static int http_da_verify_method(struct soap *soap, char *method, char *passwd)
  struct http_da_data *data = (struct http_da_data*)soap_lookup_plugin(soap, http_da_id);
  char HA1[33], entityHAhex[33], response[33];

  if (!data)
    return SOAP_ERR;

  /* reject if none or basic authentication was used */
  if (!soap->authrealm
   || !soap->userid
   || soap->passwd)	/* passwd is set when basic auth is used */
    return SOAP_ERR;

  /* require at least qop="auth" to prevent replay attacks */
  if (!data->qop)
    return SOAP_ERR;

  if (http_da_session_update(soap->authrealm, data->nonce, data->opaque, data->cnonce, data->ncount))
    return SOAP_ERR;

  http_da_calc_HA1(soap, &data->context, NULL, soap->userid, soap->authrealm, passwd, data->nonce, data->cnonce, HA1);

  if (!soap_tag_cmp(data->qop, "auth-int"))
    soap_s2hex(soap, (unsigned char*)data->digest, entityHAhex, 16);

  http_da_calc_response(soap, &data->context, HA1, data->nonce, data->ncount, data->cnonce, data->qop, method, soap->path, entityHAhex, response);

  fprintf(stderr, "Debug message: verifying client response=%s with calculated digest=%s\n", data->response, response);

  /* check digest response values */
  if (strcmp(data->response, response))
    return SOAP_ERR;

  return SOAP_OK;
예제 #6
static int http_da_post_header(struct soap *soap, const char *key, const char *val)
  struct http_da_data *data = (struct http_da_data*)soap_lookup_plugin(soap, http_da_id);

  if (!data)

  /* client's HTTP Authorization response */
  if (key && !strcmp(key, "Authorization"))
    char HA1[33], entityHAhex[33], response[33];
    char cnonce[HTTP_DA_NONCELEN];
    char ncount[9];
    char *qop, *method;

    md5_handler(soap, &data->context, MD5_FINAL, data->digest, 0);

    http_da_calc_nonce(soap, cnonce);
    http_da_calc_HA1(soap, &data->context, data->alg, soap->userid, soap->authrealm, soap->passwd, data->nonce, cnonce, HA1);

    if (data->qop && !soap_tag_cmp(data->qop, "*auth-int*"))
      qop = "auth-int";
      soap_s2hex(soap, (unsigned char*)data->digest, entityHAhex, 16);
    else if (data->qop)
      qop = "auth";
      qop = NULL;

    if (soap->status == SOAP_GET)
      method = "GET";
      method = "POST";

    sprintf(ncount, "%8.8lx", data->nc++);

    http_da_calc_response(soap, &data->context, HA1, data->nonce, ncount, cnonce, qop, method, soap->path, entityHAhex, response);

    sprintf(soap->tmpbuf, "Digest realm=\"%s\", username=\"%s\", nonce=\"%s\", uri=\"%s\", nc=%s, cnonce=\"%s\", response=\"%s\"", soap->authrealm, soap->userid, data->nonce, soap->path, ncount, cnonce, response);
    if (data->opaque)
      sprintf(soap->tmpbuf + strlen(soap->tmpbuf), ", opaque=\"%s\"", data->opaque);
    if (qop)
      sprintf(soap->tmpbuf + strlen(soap->tmpbuf), ", qop=\"%s\"", qop);

    return data->fposthdr(soap, key, soap->tmpbuf);

  /* server's HTTP Authorization response */
  if (key && !strcmp(key, "WWW-Authenticate"))
    char nonce[HTTP_DA_NONCELEN];
    char opaque[HTTP_DA_OPAQUELEN];

    http_da_calc_nonce(soap, nonce);
    http_da_calc_opaque(soap, opaque);

    http_da_session_start(soap->authrealm, nonce, opaque);

    sprintf(soap->tmpbuf, "Digest realm=\"%s\", qop=\"auth,auth-int\", nonce=\"%s\", opaque=\"%s\"", soap->authrealm, nonce, opaque);

    return data->fposthdr(soap, key, soap->tmpbuf);

  return data->fposthdr(soap, key, val);
예제 #7
static int http_da_post_header(struct soap *soap, const char *key, const char *val)
  struct http_da_data *data = (struct http_da_data*)soap_lookup_plugin(soap, http_da_id);

  if (!data)

  /* client's HTTP Authorization request */
  if (key && (!strcmp(key, "Authorization") || !strcmp(key, "Proxy-Authorization")))
    char HA1[33], entityHAhex[33], response[33];
    char cnonce[HTTP_DA_NONCELEN];
    char ncount[9];
    const char *qop, *method;
    const char *userid = (*key == 'A' ? soap->userid : soap->proxy_userid);
    const char *passwd = (*key == 'A' ? soap->passwd : soap->proxy_passwd);

    md5_handler(soap, &data->context, MD5_FINAL, data->digest, 0);

    if (!userid || !passwd || !soap->authrealm || !data->nonce)
      fprintf(stderr, "Debug message: authentication header failed, missing authentication data\n");
      return SOAP_OK;

    http_da_calc_nonce(soap, cnonce);
    http_da_calc_HA1(soap, &data->context, data->alg, userid, soap->authrealm, passwd, data->nonce, cnonce, HA1);

    if (data->qop && !soap_tag_cmp(data->qop, "*auth-int*"))
      qop = "auth-int";
      soap_s2hex(soap, (unsigned char*)data->digest, entityHAhex, 16);
    else if (data->qop)
      qop = "auth";
      qop = NULL;

    if (soap->status == SOAP_GET)
      method = "GET";
    else if (soap->status == SOAP_CONNECT)
      method = "CONNECT";
      method = "POST";

    soap_snprintf(ncount, sizeof(ncount), "%8.8lx", data->nc++);
    sprintf(ncount, "%8.8lx", data->nc++);

    http_da_calc_response(soap, &data->context, HA1, data->nonce, ncount, cnonce, qop, method, soap->path, entityHAhex, response);

    soap_snprintf(soap->tmpbuf, sizeof(soap->tmpbuf), "Digest realm=\"%s\", username=\"%s\", nonce=\"%s\", uri=\"%s\", nc=%s, cnonce=\"%s\", response=\"%s\"", soap->authrealm, userid, data->nonce, soap->path, ncount, cnonce, response);
    sprintf(soap->tmpbuf, "Digest realm=\"%s\", username=\"%s\", nonce=\"%s\", uri=\"%s\", nc=%s, cnonce=\"%s\", response=\"%s\"", soap->authrealm, userid, data->nonce, soap->path, ncount, cnonce, response);
    if (data->opaque)
      soap_snprintf(soap->tmpbuf + strlen(soap->tmpbuf), sizeof(soap->tmpbuf) - strlen(soap->tmpbuf), ", opaque=\"%s\"", data->opaque);
      sprintf(soap->tmpbuf + strlen(soap->tmpbuf), ", opaque=\"%s\"", data->opaque);
    if (qop)
      soap_snprintf(soap->tmpbuf + strlen(soap->tmpbuf), sizeof(soap->tmpbuf) - strlen(soap->tmpbuf), ", qop=\"%s\"", qop);
      sprintf(soap->tmpbuf + strlen(soap->tmpbuf), ", qop=\"%s\"", qop);

    return data->fposthdr(soap, key, soap->tmpbuf);

  /* server's HTTP Authorization challenge/response */
  if (key && (!strcmp(key, "WWW-Authenticate") || !strcmp(key, "Proxy-Authenticate")))
    char nonce[HTTP_DA_NONCELEN];
    char opaque[HTTP_DA_OPAQUELEN];

    http_da_calc_nonce(soap, nonce);
    http_da_calc_opaque(soap, opaque);

    http_da_session_start(soap->authrealm, nonce, opaque);

    soap_snprintf(soap->tmpbuf, sizeof(soap->tmpbuf), "Digest realm=\"%s\", qop=\"auth,auth-int\", nonce=\"%s\", opaque=\"%s\"", soap->authrealm, nonce, opaque);
    sprintf(soap->tmpbuf, "Digest realm=\"%s\", qop=\"auth,auth-int\", nonce=\"%s\", opaque=\"%s\"", soap->authrealm, nonce, opaque);

    return data->fposthdr(soap, key, soap->tmpbuf);

  return data->fposthdr(soap, key, val);
예제 #8
static int http_da_post_header(struct soap *soap, const char *key, const char *val)
  struct http_da_data *data = (struct http_da_data*)soap_lookup_plugin(soap, http_da_id);

  if (!data)

  /* client's HTTP Authorization request */
  if (key && (!strcmp(key, "Authorization") || !strcmp(key, "Proxy-Authorization")))
    char HA1hex[65], entityHAhex[65], response[65], responseHA[32];
    char cnonce[HTTP_DA_NONCELEN];
    char ncount[9];
    const char *qop, *method;
    const char *userid = (*key == 'A' ? soap->userid : soap->proxy_userid);
    const char *passwd = (*key == 'A' ? soap->passwd : soap->proxy_passwd);
    size_t smd_len = 16;

    if (data->alg && !soap_tag_cmp(data->alg, "SHA-256*"))
      smd_len = 32;

    if (soap_smd_final(soap, &data->smd_data, data->digest, NULL))
      return soap->error;

    if (!userid || !passwd || !soap->authrealm || !data->nonce)
      fprintf(stderr, "Debug message: authentication header construction failed, missing some of the authentication data!\n");
      return SOAP_OK;

    http_da_calc_nonce(soap, cnonce);

    if (http_da_calc_HA1(soap, &data->smd_data, data->alg, userid, soap->authrealm, passwd, data->nonce, cnonce, HA1hex))
      return soap->error;

    if (soap->status != SOAP_GET && soap->status != SOAP_CONNECT && data->qop && !soap_tag_cmp(data->qop, "*auth-int*"))
      qop = "auth-int";
      (void)soap_s2hex(soap, (unsigned char*)data->digest, entityHAhex, smd_len);
    else if (data->qop)
      qop = "auth";
      qop = NULL;

    if (soap->status == SOAP_GET)
      method = "GET";
    else if (soap->status == SOAP_CONNECT)
      method = "CONNECT";
      method = "POST";

    (SOAP_SNPRINTF(ncount, sizeof(ncount), 8), "%8.8lx", data->nc++);

    if (http_da_calc_response(soap, &data->smd_data, data->alg, HA1hex, data->nonce, ncount, cnonce, qop, method, soap->path, entityHAhex, response, responseHA))
      return soap->error;

    (SOAP_SNPRINTF(soap->tmpbuf, sizeof(soap->tmpbuf), strlen(soap->authrealm) + strlen(userid) + strlen(data->nonce) + strlen(soap->path) + strlen(ncount) + strlen(cnonce) + strlen(response) + 75), "Digest algorithm=%s, realm=\"%s\", username=\"%s\", nonce=\"%s\", uri=\"%s\", nc=%s, cnonce=\"%s\", response=\"%s\"", data->alg ? data->alg : "MD5", soap->authrealm, userid, data->nonce, soap->path, ncount, cnonce, response);

    if (data->opaque)
    { size_t l = strlen(soap->tmpbuf);
      (SOAP_SNPRINTF(soap->tmpbuf + l, sizeof(soap->tmpbuf) - l, strlen(data->opaque) + 11), ", opaque=\"%s\"", data->opaque);

    if (qop)
    { size_t l = strlen(soap->tmpbuf);
      (SOAP_SNPRINTF(soap->tmpbuf + l, sizeof(soap->tmpbuf) - l, strlen(qop) + 8), ", qop=\"%s\"", qop);

    return data->fposthdr(soap, key, soap->tmpbuf);

  /* server's HTTP Authorization challenge/response */
  if (key && (!strcmp(key, "WWW-Authenticate") || !strcmp(key, "Proxy-Authenticate")))
    static const char *algos[] = { "MD5", "MD5-sess", "SHA-256", "SHA-256-sess", "SHA-512-256", "SHA-512-256-sess" };
    const char *alg = algos[data->option];
    char nonce[HTTP_DA_NONCELEN];
    char opaque[HTTP_DA_OPAQUELEN];

    http_da_calc_nonce(soap, nonce);
    http_da_calc_opaque(soap, opaque);

    http_da_session_start(soap->authrealm, nonce, opaque);

    if (data->option > 0)
      (SOAP_SNPRINTF(soap->tmpbuf, sizeof(soap->tmpbuf), strlen(soap->authrealm) + strlen(nonce) + strlen(opaque) + 59), "Digest algorithm=%s, realm=\"%s\", qop=\"auth,auth-int\", nonce=\"%s\", opaque=\"%s\"", alg, soap->authrealm, nonce, opaque);
      if (data->fposthdr(soap, key, soap->tmpbuf))
        return soap->error;
    (SOAP_SNPRINTF(soap->tmpbuf, sizeof(soap->tmpbuf), strlen(soap->authrealm) + strlen(nonce) + strlen(opaque) + 59), "Digest algorithm=MD5, realm=\"%s\", qop=\"auth,auth-int\", nonce=\"%s\", opaque=\"%s\"", soap->authrealm, nonce, opaque);
    return data->fposthdr(soap, key, soap->tmpbuf);

  return data->fposthdr(soap, key, val);
예제 #9
static int http_da_calc_response(struct soap *soap, struct soap_smd_data *smd_data, const char *alg, char HA1hex[65], const char *nonce, const char *ncount, const char *cnonce, const char *qop, const char *method, const char *uri, char entityHAhex[65], char response[65], char responseHA[32])
  int smd_alg = SOAP_SMD_DGST_MD5;
  size_t smd_len = 16;
  char HA2[32], HA2hex[65];

  if (alg && !soap_tag_cmp(alg, "SHA-256*"))
    smd_alg = SOAP_SMD_DGST_SHA256;
    smd_len = 32;

  if (soap_smd_init(soap, smd_data, smd_alg, NULL, 0)
   || soap_smd_update(soap, smd_data, method, strlen(method))
   || soap_smd_update(soap, smd_data, ":", 1)
   || soap_smd_update(soap, smd_data, uri, strlen(uri)))
    return soap->error;

  if (qop && !soap_tag_cmp(qop, "auth-int"))
    if (soap_smd_update(soap, smd_data, ":", 1)
     || soap_smd_update(soap, smd_data, entityHAhex, 2*smd_len))
      return soap->error;

  if (soap_smd_final(soap, smd_data, HA2, NULL))
    return soap->error;

  (void)soap_s2hex(soap, (unsigned char*)HA2, HA2hex, smd_len);

  if (soap_smd_init(soap, smd_data, smd_alg, NULL, 0)
   || soap_smd_update(soap, smd_data, HA1hex, 2*smd_len))
    return soap->error;

  if (nonce)
    if (soap_smd_update(soap, smd_data, ":", 1)
     || soap_smd_update(soap, smd_data, nonce, strlen(nonce)))
      return soap->error;

  if (qop && *qop)
    if (soap_smd_update(soap, smd_data, ":", 1)
     || soap_smd_update(soap, smd_data, ncount, strlen(ncount))
     || soap_smd_update(soap, smd_data, ":", 1)
     || soap_smd_update(soap, smd_data, cnonce, strlen(cnonce))
     || soap_smd_update(soap, smd_data, ":", 1)
     || soap_smd_update(soap, smd_data, qop, strlen(qop)))
      return soap->error;

  if (soap_smd_update(soap, smd_data, ":", 1)
   || soap_smd_update(soap, smd_data, HA2hex, 2*smd_len)
   || soap_smd_final(soap, smd_data, responseHA, NULL))
    return soap->error;

  (void)soap_s2hex(soap, (unsigned char*)responseHA, response, smd_len);

  return SOAP_OK;