예제 #1
파일: defines.c 프로젝트: Refandler/gentee
pvoid  STDCALL os_filefullname( pubyte filename, pvoid buf )
   pubyte  ptr;

#ifdef LINUX

   char  cur[512];
   if ( filename[0] != '/' )
      getcwd( cur, 512 );
      chdir( filename );
      basename( filename );
      getcwd( str_ptr( ( pstr )buf ), 512 );
      str_setlen( ( pstr )buf, strlen( str_ptr( ( pstr )buf ) ) );
      str_appendb( buf, '/' );
       str_appendp( buf, filename );
      chdir( cur );
   { //Ìîæåò ðàáîòàòü íåêîððåêòíî åñëè â àáñîëþòíîì ïóòè âñòðå÷àþòñÿ '.' '..'
       str_appendp( buf, filename );
   DWORD  temp;
   temp = GetFullPathName( filename, 512, str_ptr( ( pstr )buf ), &ptr );
   // äëÿ Windows
   CharLowerBuff( str_ptr( ( pstr )buf ), temp );
   str_setlen( ( pstr )buf, temp );
   return buf;
예제 #2
파일: defines.c 프로젝트: Refandler/gentee
pstr   STDCALL os_dirgetcur( pstr name )
   #ifdef LINUX
    return str_setlen( name,getcwd( str_ptr( name), 512 ));
    return str_setlen( name, GetCurrentDirectory( 512,str_ptr( str_reserve( name, 512 ))));
예제 #3
파일: file.c 프로젝트: Refandler/gentee
pstr  STDCALL gettempdir( pstr name )
   if ( !str_len( &_gentee.tempdir ))
      uint   id = 0;
      str    path;
      pstr   ps;

      ps = &_gentee.tempdir;

      os_tempdir( str_init( &path ));

      while ( 1 )
         str_clear( ps );
         str_printf( ps, (pubyte)("%s%cgentee%02X.tmp"), str_ptr( &path ), SLASH, id );
         _gentee.tempfile = os_fileopen( ps, FOP_CREATE | FOP_EXCLUSIVE );

         if ( !_gentee.tempfile )
            if ( id++ > 0xFFFF )
               msg( MFileopen | MSG_STR | MSG_EXIT, ps );
      os_dircreate( str_setlen( ps, str_len( ps ) - 4 ));
      str_delete( &path );
   return str_copy( name, &_gentee.tempdir );

   //return str_copy( name, os_gettemp());
예제 #4
파일: str.c 프로젝트: Refandler/gentee
pstr  STDCALL str_sprintf( pstr ps, pstr output, pcollect pclt ) 
   uint  args[32];
   uint  len = ps->use - 1;
   uint  i, k = 0, itype;

   str_expand( ps, 1024 );
   for ( i = 0; i < collect_count( pclt ); i++ )
      itype = collect_gettype( pclt, i );
      if ( itype == TDouble || itype == TLong || itype == TUlong )
         args[k++] = *( puint )collect_index( pclt, i );
         args[k++] = *(( puint )collect_index( pclt, i ) + 1 );
         args[k++] = *( puint )collect_index( pclt, i );
         if ( itype == TStr )
            args[k - 1] = (uint)(( pstr )args[k - 1])->data;
   str_setlen( ps, len + vsprintf( ps->data + len, output->data, (pubyte)args ));

   return ps;
예제 #5
파일: defines.c 프로젝트: Refandler/gentee
pstr  STDCALL os_tempdir( pstr name )
  #ifdef LINUX
   pstr stemp = os_gettemp();
   uint uLenTempStr  =  str_len(stemp);
   str_setlen( name, GetTempPath( 1024, str_reserve( name, 1024 )->data ));
  return str_trim( name, SLASH, TRIM_ONE | TRIM_RIGHT );
예제 #6
파일: file.c 프로젝트: Refandler/gentee
pstr  STDCALL getmodulename( pstr name )
 #ifdef WINDOWS
   uint  i;

   str_reserve( name, 512 );
   i = GetModuleFileName( 0, str_ptr( name ), 511 );
   str_setlen( name, i );
   return name;
예제 #7
파일: str.c 프로젝트: Refandler/gentee
pstr  CDECLCALL str_printf( pstr ps, pubyte output, ... ) 
   va_list args;
   uint    len = ps->use - 1;

   str_expand( ps, 512 );
   va_start( args, output );
   str_setlen( ps, len + vsprintf( ps->data + len, output, args ));
   va_end( args );

   return ps;
예제 #8
파일: str.c 프로젝트: Refandler/gentee
pstr STDCALL str_trim( pstr ps, uint symbol, uint flag )
   uint len = str_len( ps );
/*   uint rsymbol = symbol
   if flag & $TRIM_PAIR
      switch symbol
         case '(' : rsymbol = ')'
         case '{' : rsymbol = '}'
         case '[' : rsymbol = ']'
         case '<' : rsymbol = '>'
   if  ( flag & TRIM_RIGHT )
      uint i = len;

      while ( i && ps->data[ i - 1 ] == symbol )
         if ( flag & TRIM_ONE )
      if ( i < len )
         str_setlen( ps, i );
/*   if  flag & $TRIM_LEFT
      uint   cur = this.ptr()
      uint   end = cur + *this

      while cur < end && cur->byte == symbol
         if flag & $TRIM_ONE : break
      if cur != this.ptr() : this.del( 0, cur - this.ptr())
   return ps;
예제 #9
 * Create a new formatting context for a header line.
 * @param `field' is the header field name, without trailing ':'.
 * @param `separator' is the optional default separator to emit between
 * the values added via header_fmd_append_value().  To supersede the
 * default separator, use header_fmd_append() and specify another separator
 * explicitly.  If set to NULL, there will be no default separator and
 * values will be simply concatenated together.  The value given must
 * NOT be freed before the header_fmt_end() call (usually it will just
 * be a static string).  Trailing spaces in the separator will be stripped
 * if it is emitted at the end of a line before a continuation.
 * @param `len_hint' is the expected line size, for pre-sizing purposes.
 * (0 to guess).
 * @param `max_size' is the maximum header size, including the final "\r\n"
 * and the trailing NUL.  If the initial field name is larger than the
 * configured maximum size, the header field will remain completely empty.
 * @return pointer to the formatting object.
header_fmt_t *
header_fmt_make(const char *field, const char *separator,
	size_t len_hint, size_t max_size)
	struct header_fmt *hf;


	hf->magic = HEADER_FMT_MAGIC;
	hf->header = str_new(len_hint ? len_hint : HEADER_FMT_DFLT_LEN);
	hf->maxlen = HEADER_FMT_LINE_LEN;
	hf->data_emitted = FALSE;
	hf->frozen = FALSE;
	hf->max_size = max_size;
	hf->sep = atom_str_get(separator ? separator : "");
	hf->seplen = strlen(hf->sep);
	hf->stripped_seplen = stripped_strlen(hf->sep, hf->seplen);
	str_cat(hf->header, field);
	STR_CAT(hf->header, ": ");

	hf->current_len = str_len(hf->header);

	 * If right from the start the header would be larger than the configured
	 * size, force it to stay empty.  That means, the final string returned
	 * will be "", the empty string.

	if (str_len(hf->header) + sizeof("\r\n") > hf->max_size) {
		hf->empty = TRUE;
		str_setlen(hf->header, 0);
	} else {
		hf->empty = FALSE;


	return hf;
예제 #10
파일: defines.c 프로젝트: Refandler/gentee
pstr  STDCALL os_gettemp( void )
   uint  diskc = 0;
   pstr  temp;
   pstr  ret;
//   ubyte temp[ 512 ];
//   ubyte stemp[ 512 ];

//   str_lenset( dir, 0 );
//   str_isfree( dir, 512 );
/*#ifdef LINUX
   if ( !ggentee.tempfile )
      while( 1 )
         wsprintf( stemp, "/temp/gentee%02X.tmp", ggentee.tempid );
         ggentee.tempfile = file_open( stemp, FOP_CREATE | FOP_EXCLUSIVE );
         if ( ggentee.tempfile = -1 )
      stemp[ mem_len( stemp ) - 4 ] = 0;
//      wsprintf( stemp, "%s\\gentee%02X", temp, ggentee.tempid );
      mkdir( stemp, 700 );
      ggentee.tempdir = str_new( 0, stemp );
//   str_appendp( dir, str_ptr( ggentee.tempdir ));
   if ( !_gentee.tempfile )
      temp = str_new( NULL );
      ret = str_new( NULL );
      os_tempdir( temp );

      while ( 1 )
         str_clear( ret );
         str_printf( ret, "%s\\gentee%02X.tmp", str_ptr( temp ), _gentee.tempid );

         _gentee.tempfile = os_fileopen( ret, FOP_CREATE | FOP_EXCLUSIVE );

         if ( !_gentee.tempfile )
            if ( os_getattrib( ret ) == 0xFFFFFFFF )
               if ( !diskc )
                  str_copyzero( temp, "c:\\temp" );
                  os_dircreate( temp );
                  diskc = 1;
                  msg( MFileopen | MSG_STR, ret );
      str_setlen( ret, str_len( ret ) - 4 );
      os_dircreate( ret );
      str_copy( &_gentee.tempdir, ret );

      str_destroy( temp );
      str_destroy( ret );
   return &_gentee.tempdir;
예제 #11
 * Append data `str' to the header line, atomically.
 * @param `hf' no brief description.
 * @param `str' no brief description.
 * @param `separator' is an optional separator string that will be emitted
 *         BEFORE outputting the data, and only when nothing has been emitted
 *         already.
 * @param `slen' is the separator length, 0 if empty.
 * @param `sslen' is the stripped separator length, (size_t)-1 if unknown yet.
 * @return TRUE if we were able to fit the string, FALSE if it would have
 * resulted in the header being larger than the configured max size (the
 * header line is left in the state it was in upon entry, in that case).
static bool
header_fmt_append_full(header_fmt_t *hf, const char *str,
	const char *separator, size_t slen, size_t sslen)
	size_t len, curlen;
	gsize gslen;
	bool success;

	g_assert((size_t)-1 == sslen || size_is_non_negative(sslen));

	if (hf->empty)
		return FALSE;

	gslen = str_len(hf->header);
	len = strlen(str);
	curlen = hf->current_len;

	g_assert(len <= INT_MAX);	/* Legacy bug */

	if (
		size_saturate_add(curlen, size_saturate_add(len, slen)) >
	) {
		 * Emit sperator, if any and data was already emitted.

		if (separator != NULL && hf->data_emitted) {
			sslen = (size_t)-1 != sslen ? sslen :
				stripped_strlen(separator, slen);
			str_cat_len(hf->header, separator, sslen);

		STR_CAT(hf->header, "\r\n\t");			/* Includes continuation */
		curlen = 1;								/* One tab */
	} else if (hf->data_emitted) {
		str_cat(hf->header, separator);
		curlen += slen;

	str_cat(hf->header, str);

	 * Check for overflows, undoing string changes if needed.

	if (str_len(hf->header) + sizeof("\r\n") > hf->max_size) {
		success = FALSE;
		str_setlen(hf->header, gslen);			/* Undo! */
	} else {
		success = TRUE;
		hf->data_emitted = TRUE;
		hf->current_len = curlen + len;

	g_assert(str_len(hf->header) + sizeof("\r\n") <= hf->max_size);

	return success;
예제 #12
파일: defines.c 프로젝트: Refandler/gentee
pstr  STDCALL os_filefullname( pstr filename, pstr result )
   pubyte  ptr;

#ifdef LINUX
   //ubyte       exename[512];
   //ubyte       proname[ 512 ];
   pstr p_drive,p_path,p_fname,p_fext,p_slesh;
   ubyte ffn_drive[FILENAME_MAX+1];
   ubyte ffn_path[PATH_MAX+1];
   ubyte ffn_fname[FILENAME_MAX+1];
   ubyte ffn_fext[FILENAME_MAX+1];

   p_slesh = str_new((pubyte)"/");
   if (strlen(ffn_path)==0)
     char  cur[512];
     getcwd( cur, 512 );
     p_path = str_new(cur);
     p_path = str_new(ffn_path);

   p_fname = str_new(ffn_fname);
   p_fext = str_new(ffn_fext);


/*   char  cur[512];
   if ( filename[0] != '/' )
      getcwd( cur, 512 );
      chdir( filename );
      basename( filename );
      getcwd( str_ptr( ( pstr )buf ), 512 );
      str_setlen( ( pstr )buf, strlen( str_ptr( ( pstr )buf ) ) );
      str_appendb( buf, '/' );
       str_appendp( buf, filename );
      chdir( cur );
   { //Ìîæåò ðàáîòàòü íåêîððåêòíî åñëè â àáñîëþòíîì ïóòè âñòðå÷àþòñÿ '.' '..'
       str_appendp( buf, filename );
   uint len;
   str_reserve( result, 512 );

   len = GetFullPathName(str_ptr(filename), 512, str_ptr(result), &ptr );
   // äëÿ Windows
   str_setlen(result, len);
   return result;