예제 #1
void get_mem_info( void )
#ifdef __OS2__
    ULONG       mem;

    DosMemAvail( &mem );
    techoutput( "\nAmount of free memory %ld bytes\n", (ULONG) mem );
    union REGS          regs;
    unsigned long       mem;

    regs.h.ah = 0x88;
    int86( 0x15, &regs, &regs );
    techoutput( "\nAmount of extended memory is: %dK\n", regs.x.ax );
    int86( 0x12, &regs, &regs );
    techoutput( "Amount of base memory is: %dK\n", regs.x.ax );
    regs.h.ah = 0x48;
    regs.x.bx = 0xffff;
    int86( 0x21, &regs, &regs );
    if( regs.w.cflag != 0 ) {
        mem = regs.x.bx;
        mem *= 16;
        techoutput( "Amount of free base memory is: %l bytes\n", mem );
예제 #2
void get_wsql_patch( void )
/*   This function first dumps out all relevant WATCOM environment vars    */
/*   It then uses bpatch to find patch levels of compiler executables.     */
    char *              path;
    unsigned            i;

    techoutput( "------------------Watcom SQL Environment Variables ----------------\n" );
    for( i = 0; WSQL_EnvVars[i] != NULL; ++i ) {
        print_env_var( WSQL_EnvVars[i] );

    path = getenv( "SQLANY" );
    if( path == NULL ) {
        path = getenv( "WSQL" );
    if( path != NULL ) {
        strcpy( WATCOMPATH, path );
        fflush( stdout );
        for( i = 0; WSQL_Tools[i] != NULL; ++i ) {
            patch_tool( WSQL_Tools[i], WSQL_Dirs );
    } else {
        techoutput( "... ERROR...SQLANY environment variable not set.\n" );
예제 #3
void patch_tool( char *tool, char **dirs )
    char            toolbuff[159];
    int             i;
    unsigned        rc;
    struct stat     info;

    for( i = 0; dirs[i] != NULL; ++i ) {
        strcpy( toolbuff, WATCOMPATH );
        strcat( toolbuff, dirs[i] );
        strcat( toolbuff, "\\" );
        strcat( toolbuff, tool );
        strcat( toolbuff, ".exe" );
        rc = stat( toolbuff, &info );
        if( rc == 0 ){
#if 0
            spawnl( P_WAIT, BPATCHPATH, BPATCHPATH, "-q", toolbuff, NULL );
            GetLevel( toolbuff );
            if( CurrLevel[ 0 ] == '\0' ) {
                techoutput( "File '%s' has not been patched\n", toolbuff );
            } else {
                techoutput( "File '%s' has been patched to level '%s'\n",
                        toolbuff, CurrLevel );
예제 #4
void do_company_header( void )
    time_t              time_of_day;

    time_of_day = time( NULL );
    techoutput( BANNER "\n" );
    techoutput( "Current Time: %s", ctime( &time_of_day) );
    techoutput( "Visit http://www.openwatcom.org/\n" );
    techoutput( "\n" );
예제 #5
void check_dos_comm( void )
    /*   Check for the share and append utilities    */
    union REGS          regs;

    techoutput( "\n------------------------------------------------------\n");
    regs.w.ax = 0xB700;
    int86( 0x2F, &regs, &regs );
    if( regs.h.al == 0xFF )
        techoutput( "APPEND                  INSTALLED\n" );
        techoutput( "APPEND                  NOT INSTALLED\n" );
예제 #6
void print_env_var( const char * env_var )
    char        *path;

    path = getenv( env_var );
    if( path != NULL ) {
        if( (strlen( env_var ) + strlen( path )) > 76 ) LineCount++;
        techoutput( "%s=<%s>\n", env_var, path );
예제 #7
void dump_files( char drive_name )
    char               filename[17];
    FILE               *fp;
    char               buffer[256];

    filename[0] = drive_name;
    strcpy( &filename[1], ":\\CONFIG.SYS" );
    techoutput( "\n------------%s-------------\n", filename );
    fp = fopen( filename, "r" );
    if( fp != NULL ) {
        while( fgets( buffer, 256, fp ) != NULL ) {
            if( strlen( buffer ) > 80 ) LineCount++;
            techoutput( "%s", buffer );
        fclose( fp );
    } else {
        techoutput( "Cannot find %s\n", filename );

    strcpy( &filename[1], ":\\AUTOEXEC.BAT" );
    techoutput( "\n------------%s-------------\n", filename );
    fp = fopen( filename, "r" );
    if( fp != NULL ) {
        while( fgets( buffer, 256, fp ) != NULL ) {
            if( strlen( buffer ) > 80 ) LineCount++;
            techoutput( "%s", buffer );
        fclose( fp );
    } else {
        techoutput( "Cannot find %s\n", filename );
예제 #8
void machine_type( int print )
    int manuf, plevel, buswidth, ndptype, ndp;

    techoutput( "\n------------------------------------------------------\n");
    manuf = 0;
    buswidth = 0;
    plevel = PType();
    if( plevel < 2 ) buswidth = PBus();
    if( plevel < 1 ) manuf = PPrefix();
    ndptype = NDPType();
    if( (plevel ==  4) && (ndptype == 3) ) ndptype = 4;
    if( (plevel ==  5) && (ndptype == 3) ) ndptype = 5;
    if( (plevel ==  6) && (ndptype == 3) ) ndptype = 6;
    if( (plevel ==  7) && (ndptype == 3) ) ndptype = 7;
    techoutput( "An %s processor is installed in this system.\n",
                ProcessorType[manuf][plevel][buswidth] );

#ifdef __OS2__
    DosDevConfig( &ndp, 3, 0 );
    if( ndp != 0 ) ndp = 1;
    ndp = NDPEquip();
    techoutput( "%s math coprocessor (NDP) is present\n",
                CoProcessorType[ ndptype ] );
    techoutput( "\tand Equipment Flags say math coprocessor %s present.\n",
                IsNotIs[ ndp ] );
#ifdef __OS2__
    techoutput( "Skipping math coprocessor interrupt check since this is not DOS.\n" );
    print = print; /* stop the warning message */
    if( ndptype != 0 ) {
        techoutput( "The next test may cause the system to hang if math\n"
                "\tcoprocessor (NDP) interrupts are not handled properly.\n" );
        techoutput( "%s (NDP) interrupts are %s.\n",
                    CoProcessorType[ ndptype ],
                    monint( print ) ?
                        "properly enabled" :
                        "not enabled (math exceptions will not be detected!)"
    } else {
        techoutput( "Skipping math coprocessor interrupt check.\n" );
예제 #9
int monint( int print )
    int i;

    for( i = 0; i < NUM_INTS; i++ ) {
        prev_int[i] = _dos_getvect( i );

    if( print ) techoutput( "\nInstalling interrupt handlers\n" );
    for( i = NUM_INTS - 1 ; i >= 0; i-- ) {
        _dos_setvect( i, new_int[i] );

    if( print ) {
        Sample_On = 1;
        while( int_tick[ 8 ] < 24 );
        Sample_On = 0;

        techoutput( "Normal system operation:\n" );
        memset( (void *)int_tick, 0, sizeof( int_tick ) );

        techoutput( "Starting exception test...\n" );
    Sample_On = 1;
    while( int_tick[ 8 ] < 24 );
    Sample_On = 0;


    NDP_Status = NDP_Env.status_word;

    if( print ) {
        techoutput( "System operation with NDP divide by zero exception:\n" );
        techoutput( "Restoring interrupt handlers\n" );
    for( i = NUM_INTS - 1 ; i >= 0; i-- ) {
        _dos_setvect( i, prev_int[i] );

#define TEST_FPU(x,y) techoutput( "\t%s " y "\n", \
                ((NDP_Status & x) ? "  " : "No") )

    if( print ) {
        techoutput( "80x87 status:\n" );
        TEST_FPU( SW_INVALID, "invalid operation" );
        TEST_FPU( SW_DENORMAL, "denormalized operand" );
        TEST_FPU( SW_ZERODIVIDE, "divide by zero" );
        TEST_FPU( SW_OVERFLOW, "overflow" );
        TEST_FPU( SW_UNDERFLOW, "underflow" );
        TEST_FPU( SW_INEXACT, "inexact result" );

    return( (int_tick[ 2 ] != 0) && ((NDP_Status & SW_ZERODIVIDE) != 0) );
예제 #10
void get_config_files( void )
    int                 drive_name;
#ifdef __OS2__
    SEL                 gbl_seg;
    SEL                 lcl_seg;
    PGINFOSEG           gbl;

    DosGetInfoSeg( &gbl_seg, &lcl_seg );
    gbl = MK_FP( gbl_seg, 0 );
    techoutput( "OS/2 Version %d.%d%c\n", gbl->uchMajorVersion,
                gbl->uchMinorVersion, gbl->chRevisionLetter);
    drive_name = gbl->bootdrive + 'A' - 1;
    union REGS          regs;
    char                *comspec;

    regs.h.ah = 0x30;
    intdos( &regs, &regs );
    techoutput( "DOS Version %d.%d\n", regs.h.al, regs.h.ah );
    /*   Get Drive that user booted off of   */
    if( regs.h.al >= 0x04 ) {
        regs.w.ax = 0x3305;
        intdos( &regs, &regs );
        drive_name = regs.h.dl + 'A' - 1;
    } else {
        comspec = getenv( "COMSPEC" );
        if( comspec != NULL ) {
            drive_name = toupper( *comspec );
        } else {
    dump_files( drive_name );
예제 #11
static void int_summary( void )
    int i;

    for( i = 0; i < NUM_INTS; i++ ) {
        if( int_tick[ i ] != 0 ) {
            techoutput( "\tint %02.2x ticks = %8d", i, int_tick[ i ] );
            if( i == 0x00 ) techoutput( " divide error interrupt" );
            if( i == 0x01 ) techoutput( " single-step interrupt" );
            if( i == 0x02 ) techoutput( " hardware NMI interrupt" );
            if( i == 0x03 ) techoutput( " break-point interrupt" );
            if( i == 0x04 ) techoutput( " overflow interrupt" );
            if( i == 0x05 ) techoutput( " print-screen interrupt" );
            if( i == 0x06 ) techoutput( " undefined opcode interrupt" );
            if( i == 0x07 ) techoutput( " no math unit interrupt" );
            if( i == 0x08 ) techoutput( " IRQ 0 timer interrupt" );
            if( i == 0x09 ) techoutput( " IRQ 1 keyboard interrupt" );
            if( i == 0x0a ) techoutput( " IRQ 2 EGA vert retrace interrupt" );
            if( i == 0x0b ) techoutput( " IRQ 3 COM2 interrupt" );
            if( i == 0x0c ) techoutput( " IRQ 4 COM1 interrupt" );
            if( i == 0x0d ) techoutput( " IRQ 5 fixed disk interrupt" );
            if( i == 0x0e ) techoutput( " IRQ 6 diskette interrupt" );
            if( i == 0x0f ) techoutput( " IRQ 7 printer interrupt" );
            if( i == 0x10 ) techoutput( " video interrupt" );
            if( i == 0x11 ) techoutput( " equip. determination" );
            if( i == 0x12 ) techoutput( " memory size" );
            if( i == 0x13 ) techoutput( " disk interrupt" );
            if( i == 0x14 ) techoutput( " serial i/o s/w interrupt" );
            if( i == 0x15 ) techoutput( " misc s/w interrupt" );
            if( i == 0x16 ) techoutput( " keyboard s/w interrupt" );
            if( i == 0x17 ) techoutput( " printer interrupt" );
            if( i == 0x18 ) techoutput( " xfer to ROM BASIC" );
            if( i == 0x19 ) techoutput( " disk boot" );
            if( i == 0x1a ) techoutput( " clock s/w interrupt" );
            if( i == 0x1b ) techoutput( " ctrl/break interrupt" );
            if( i == 0x1c ) techoutput( " clock tick interrupt" );
            if( i == 0x20 ) techoutput( " prog. termination" );
            if( i == 0x21 ) techoutput( " DOS s/w interrupt" );
            if( i == 0x29 ) techoutput( " fast putchar interrupt" );
            if( i == 0x2a ) techoutput( " network interrupt" );
            if( i == 0x33 ) techoutput( " mouse interrupt" );
            if( i == 0x70 ) techoutput( " IRQ 8 real time clock interrupt" );
            if( i == 0x71 ) techoutput( " IRQ 9 redirect cascade interrupt" );
            if( i == 0x72 ) techoutput( " IRQ10 reserved interrupt" );
            if( i == 0x73 ) techoutput( " IRQ11 reserved interrupt" );
            if( i == 0x74 ) techoutput( " IRQ12 mouse interrupt" );
            if( i == 0x75 ) techoutput( " IRQ13 math coprocessor exception interrupt" );
            if( i == 0x76 ) techoutput( " IRQ14 fixed disk interrupt" );
            if( i == 0x77 ) techoutput( " IRQ15 reserved interrupt" );
            techoutput( "\n" );