int cgi_FindAllClubs::FindAllClubs( ostream &os ) { cgidata data; vector<Club*> sv; HTMLTemplate templ( "/web/kochut/public_html/FindAllClubs-Result.html" ); Club *c; char *subs[1][2]; strstream clubs; int i; try { sv = ctrl_FindAllClubs::FindAllClubs(); sort( sv.begin(), sv.end(), CompClubsPtr() ); for( i = 0; i < sv.size(); i++ ) { c = (Club*) sv[ i ]; clubs << "<li>" << *c << "</li>"; } subs[0][0] = "%CLUBS%"; if ( clubs.str() == NULL ) subs[0][1] = "No clubs have been defined"; else subs[0][1] = clubs.str(); templ.Instantiate( os, subs, 1 ); } catch( ClubsException ce ) { HTMLTemplate templ( "/web/kochut/public_html/FindAllClubs-Error.html" ); subs[0][0] = "%REASON%"; subs[0][1] = ce.get_Msg(); templ.Instantiate( os, subs, 1 ); return 0; } catch( HTMLTemplateException te ) { HTMLTemplate templ( "/web/kochut/public_html/FindAllClubs-Error.html" ); subs[0][0] = "%REASON%"; subs[0][1] = te.get_Msg(); templ.Instantiate( os, subs, 1 ); return 0; } return 0; }
void CGen::process () { // Creating header and implementation files openFile(H, ctx().baseName() + ".h"); openFile(C, ctx().baseName() + ".c"); Templ h(templ()), c(templ()); file(H) << h.str("h/header") << std::endl << std::endl; file(C) << c.str("c/header") << std::endl << std::endl << c.str("c/str-api") << std::endl << std::endl; if (ctx().cacheLimit() > 0) file(C) << c.str("c/cache-api") << std::endl << std::endl; h.load("h/tab"); c.load("c/tab-id"); BOOST_FOREACH(const meta::Tab &tab, db().tabs()) { setTab(; file(H) << h.str() << std::endl << std::endl; file(C) << c.str() << std::endl; Templ h2(h), c2(c); BOOST_FOREACH(const meta::Col &col, tab.cols()) { setCol(; file(H) << h2.str("h/col") << std::endl; file(C) << c2.str("c/col-id") << std::endl; if (col.nullable()) file(H) << h2.str("h/col-null") << std::endl; switch (col.type()) { case meta::TYPE_INT: file(H) << h2.str("h/col-int") << std::endl; break; case meta::TYPE_REAL: file(H) << h2.str("h/col-real") << std::endl; break; case meta::TYPE_TEXT: file(H) << h2.str("h/col-text") << std::endl; break; case meta::TYPE_BLOB: file(H) << h2.str("h/col-blob") << std::endl; break; } file(H) << std::endl; file(C) << std::endl; } } file(H) << h.str("h/footer") << std::endl; }
void KAccountTemplateSelector::slotLoadCountry(void) { #ifndef KMM_DESIGNER KListViewItem* parent = new KListViewItem(m_groupList, d->it_m.key()); parent->setSelectable(false); QStringList::iterator it; for(it = d->dirlist.begin(); it != d->dirlist.end(); ++it) { QStringList::iterator it_f; QDir dir(QString("%1%2").arg(*it).arg(*(d->it_m))); if(dir.exists()) { QStringList files = dir.entryList("*", QDir::Files); for(it_f = files.begin(); it_f != files.end(); ++it_f) { MyMoneyTemplate templ(QString("%1/%2").arg(dir.canonicalPath()).arg(*it_f)); d->m_templates[QString("%1").arg(d->id)] = templ; new KListViewItem(parent, templ.title(), templ.shortDescription(), QString("%1").arg(d->id)); ++d->id; } } } ++d->it_m; if(d->it_m != d->countries.end()) QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT(slotLoadCountry())); else { d->loadHierarchy(); } #endif }
void SearchEditor::onLoad() { EditorBase::onLoad(); String path = utils::makeFilePath(utils::makeFolderPath(g_componentsPath, _S("search")), _S("search_editor.xsl")); shared_ptr<XMLStylesheet> stylesheet(OS_NEW XMLStylesheet()); // Inizializza le funzioni del template getPage()->initStylesheet(stylesheet); // Carica l'xsl if(stylesheet->parseFile(path)) { // URGENT devo per forza creare un documento? // Se il secondo parametro della XSLControl nullptr non crea il controllo, // e non posso passare una "getDocument()" perch se una nuova istanza nullptr pure lui... shared_ptr<XMLDocument> document(OS_NEW XMLDocument()); shared_ptr<XMLNode> root = document->create(OS_MODULES_SEARCH_ROOT); shared_ptr<HtmlXSLControl> templ(OS_NEW HtmlXSLControl(stylesheet, document)); templ->addChildParam(m_globalParams); templ->addChildParam(m_showParams); templ->addChildParam(m_directRun); templ->addChildParam(m_allowRss); templ->addChildParam(m_rssDescription); templ->addChildParam(m_rssBody); getControls()->add(templ); } }
void Features::resize(unsigned int numVectors, unsigned int numFeatures) { std::vector<double> templ(numFeatures, 0.0); _features.resize(numVectors, templ); }
GPU_PERF_TEST(MatchTemplate_32F, cv::gpu::DeviceInfo, cv::Size, TemplateSize, Channels, TemplateMethod) { cv::gpu::DeviceInfo devInfo = GET_PARAM(0); cv::gpu::setDevice(devInfo.deviceID()); cv::Size size = GET_PARAM(1); cv::Size templ_size = GET_PARAM(2); int cn = GET_PARAM(3); int method = GET_PARAM(4); cv::Mat image_host(size, CV_MAKE_TYPE(CV_32F, cn)); fill(image_host, 0, 255); cv::Mat templ_host(templ_size, CV_MAKE_TYPE(CV_32F, cn)); fill(templ_host, 0, 255); cv::gpu::GpuMat image(image_host); cv::gpu::GpuMat templ(templ_host); cv::gpu::GpuMat dst; cv::gpu::matchTemplate(image, templ, dst, method); TEST_CYCLE() { cv::gpu::matchTemplate(image, templ, dst, method); } };
bool FUNCREFID::execute(void) { bool result= false; VMPTR<TES3REFERENCE*> pref(machine); VMPTR<TES3REFERENCE> ref(machine); VMPTR<TES3TEMPLATE> templ(machine); VMPTR<TES3IDSTRING> id(machine); const char* idstring= "null"; try { pref= (TES3REFERENCE**)reltolinear(SCRIPTTARGETREF_IMAGE); ref= *pref; templ= ref->templ; id= (VPIDSTRING)templ->objectid; idstring= strings.add((const char*)id->id); result= machine.push((VMREGTYPE)idstring); } catch(...) { result= false; } return result; }
static bool copy_pro_file_template( const SEARCH_STACK& aSearchS, const wxString& aDestination ) { if( aDestination.IsEmpty() ) { wxLogTrace( tracePathsAndFiles, "%s: destination is empty.", __func__ ); return false; } wxString templateFile = wxT( "kicad." ) + ProjectFileExtension; wxString kicad_pro_template = aSearchS.FindValidPath( templateFile ); if( !kicad_pro_template ) { wxLogTrace( tracePathsAndFiles, "%s: template file '%s' not found using search paths.", __func__, TO_UTF8( templateFile ) ); wxFileName templ( wxStandardPaths::Get().GetDocumentsDir(), wxT( "kicad" ), ProjectFileExtension ); if( !templ.IsFileReadable() ) { wxString msg = wxString::Format( _( "Unable to find \"%s\" template config file." ), GetChars( templateFile ) ); DisplayErrorMessage( nullptr, _( "Error copying project file template" ), msg ); return false; } kicad_pro_template = templ.GetFullPath(); } wxLogTrace( tracePathsAndFiles, "%s: using template file '%s' as project file.", __func__, TO_UTF8( kicad_pro_template ) ); // Verify aDestination can be created. if this is not the case, wxCopyFile // will generate a crappy log error message, and we *do not want* this kind // of stupid message wxFileName fn( aDestination ); bool success = true; if( fn.IsOk() && fn.IsDirWritable() ) success = wxCopyFile( kicad_pro_template, aDestination ); else { wxLogMessage( _( "Cannot create prj file \"%s\" (Directory not writable)" ), GetChars( aDestination) ); success = false; } return success; }
void SLAPrint::_infill_layer(size_t i, const Fill* _fill) { Layer &layer = this->layers[i]; const float shell_thickness = this->config.get_abs_value("perimeter_extrusion_width", this->config.layer_height.value); // In order to detect what regions of this layer need to be solid, // perform an intersection with layers within the requested shell thickness. Polygons internal = layer.slices; for (size_t j = 0; j < this->layers.size(); ++j) { const Layer &other = this->layers[j]; if (abs(other.print_z - layer.print_z) > shell_thickness) continue; if (j == 0 || j == this->layers.size()-1) { internal.clear(); break; } else if (i != j) { internal = intersection(internal, other.slices); if (internal.empty()) break; } } // If we have no internal infill, just print the whole layer as a solid slice. if (internal.empty()) return; layer.solid = false; const Polygons infill = offset(layer.slices, -scale_(shell_thickness)); // Generate solid infill layer.solid_infill << diff_ex(infill, internal, true); // Generate internal infill { std::auto_ptr<Fill> fill(_fill->clone()); fill->layer_id = i; fill->z = layer.print_z; ExtrusionPath templ(erInternalInfill); templ.width = fill->spacing; const ExPolygons internal_ex = intersection_ex(infill, internal); for (ExPolygons::const_iterator it = internal_ex.begin(); it != internal_ex.end(); ++it) { Polylines polylines = fill->fill_surface(Surface(stInternal, *it)); layer.infill.append(polylines, templ); } } // Generate perimeter(s). layer.perimeters << diff_ex( layer.slices, offset(layer.slices, -scale_(shell_thickness)) ); }
bool REFERENCE::GetInventory(TES3MACHINE& machine, VPREFERENCE pref, VPLISTNODE& firststack) { firststack= 0; VMPTR<TES3REFERENCE> ref(machine,pref); VMPTR<TES3TEMPLATE> templ(machine,ref->templ); if(isContainer(templ)) firststack= templ->inventory.first; return true; }
util::Error Factory::Initialize() { std::unique_ptr<Factory> factory(new Factory()); auto textpath = fs::Path(cfg::Get().Datapath()) / "text"; try { util::path::DirIterator it(textpath.ToString()); util::path::DirIterator end; // let's get all error's in one go int errors = 0; for (; it != end; ++it) { fs::Path p(*it); if (p.Extension() != "tmpl") continue; fs::Path file(textpath / p); std::string name = p.NoExtension(); util::ToLower(name); try { TemplateParser templ(file.ToString()); factory->templates.insert(std::make_pair(name, templ.Create())); } catch (const text::TemplateError& e) { logs::Error("Template Initialize error (%1%): %2%", *it, e.Message()); ++errors; } } if (errors > 0) { std::ostringstream os; os << errors << " template errors. Please review errors above."; throw text::TemplateError(os.str()); } } catch (const util::SystemError& e) { logs::Error("Unable to open template directory: %1%", e.Message()); return util::Error::Failure(e.Message()); } std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex); instance = std::move(factory); return util::Error::Success(); }
String Log::apply_template(ssh_wcs fn, ssh_wcs fl, int ln, int tp, ssh_wcs msg, ssh_wcs tpl) const { String tmp; String templ(tpl); static ssh_wcs m_types[] = {L"INFO", L"ASSERT", L"EXCEPTION", L"TRACE"}; static ssh_wcs rpl[] = {L"$DT", L"$fn", L"$ln", L"$fl", L"$ms", L"$tm", L"$dt", L"$us", L"$cm", L"$nm", L"$tp", nullptr}; tmp.fmt(L"%s\1%s\1%i\1%s\1%s\1%s\1%s\1%s\1%s\1%s\1%s\1\1", Time::current().fmt(L"$d.$m.$y"), fn, ln, fl, msg, Time::current().fmt(L"$h:$nm:$s"), Time::current().fmt(L"$d $MN)+ $Y ($dW)"), ssh_system_paths(SystemInfo::siUserName), ssh_system_paths(SystemInfo::siCompName), ssh_system_paths(SystemInfo::siNameProg), m_types[tp]); tmp.replace(L'\1', L'\0'); return templ.replace(rpl, tmp); }
bool FUNCREFTYPE::execute(void) { bool result= false; VMPTR<TES3REFERENCE*> pref(machine); VMPTR<TES3REFERENCE> ref(machine); VMPTR<TES3TEMPLATE> templ(machine); try { pref= (TES3REFERENCE**)reltolinear(SCRIPTTARGETREF_IMAGE); ref= *pref; templ= ref->templ; result= machine.push((VMREGTYPE)templ->type); } catch(...) { result= false; } return result; }
int cgi_JoinClub::ListAllPersonsClubs( ostream &os ) { vector<Person*> svp; vector<Club*> svc; HTMLTemplate templ( "/web/kochut/public_html/JoinClub-PersonsClubs.html" ); Person *p; Club *c; char *subs[2][2]; strstream persons; strstream clubs; int i; try { // get persons // svp = ctrl_FindAllPersons::FindAllPersons(); for( i = 0; i < svp.size(); i++ ) { p = (Person*) svp[ i ]; persons << "<option value=\"" << p->get_SSN() << "\">" << p->get_LastName() << ", " << p->get_FirstName() << "</option>\n"; } subs[0][0] = "%PERSONS%"; subs[0][1] = persons.str(); // get clubs // svc = ctrl_FindAllClubs::FindAllClubs(); for( i = 0; i < svc.size(); i++ ) { c = (Club*) svc[ i ]; clubs << "<option>" << c->get_Name() << "</option>\n"; } subs[1][0] = "%CLUBS%"; subs[1][1] = clubs.str(); templ.Instantiate( cout, subs, 2 ); } catch( ClubsException ce ) { HTMLTemplate templ( "/web/kochut/public_html/JoinClub-Error.html" ); subs[0][0] = "%REASON%"; subs[0][1] = ce.get_Msg(); templ.Instantiate( os, subs, 1 ); return 0; } catch( HTMLTemplateException te ) { HTMLTemplate templ( "/web/kochut/public_html/JoinClub-Error.html" ); subs[0][0] = "%REASON%"; subs[0][1] = te.get_Msg(); templ.Instantiate( os, subs, 1 ); return 0; } return 1; }
int cgi_JoinClub::JoinClub( ostream &os, char *ssn, char *club ) { HTMLTemplate templ( "/web/kochut/public_html/JoinClub-Result.html" ); char *subs[2][2]; if ( ssn == NULL || club == NULL ) { HTMLTemplate templ( "/web/kochut/public_html/JoinClub-Error.html" ); subs[0][0] = "%REASON%"; subs[0][1] = "Insufficient data was specified."; templ.Instantiate( os, subs, 1 ); return 0; } try { // person with 'ssn' joins 'club' // ctrl_JoinClub::JoinClub( ssn, club ); subs[0][0] = "%SSN%"; subs[0][1] = ssn; subs[1][0] = "%CLUB%"; subs[1][1] = club; templ.Instantiate( cout, subs, 2 ); } catch( ClubsException ce ) { HTMLTemplate templ( "/web/kochut/public_html/JoinClub-Error.html" ); subs[0][0] = "%REASON%"; subs[0][1] = ce.get_Msg(); templ.Instantiate( os, subs, 1 ); return 0; } catch( HTMLTemplateException te ) { HTMLTemplate templ( "/web/kochut/public_html/JoinClub-Error.html" ); subs[0][0] = "%REASON%"; subs[0][1] = te.get_Msg(); templ.Instantiate( os, subs, 1 ); return 0; } return 1; }
wxConfigBase* PROJECT::configCreate( const SEARCH_STACK& aSList, const wxString& aFileName, const wxString& aGroupName, bool aForceUseLocalConfig ) { wxConfigBase* cfg = 0; wxFileName fn = aFileName; fn.SetExt( ProjectFileExtension ); wxString cur_pro_fn = fn.GetFullPath(); // is there an edge transition, a change in m_project_filename? if( m_project_name != cur_pro_fn ) { m_sch_search.Clear(); // to the empty lists, add project dir as first m_sch_search.AddPaths( fn.GetPath() ); // append all paths from aSList add_search_paths( &m_sch_search, aSList, -1 ); // addLibrarySearchPaths( SEARCH_STACK* aSP, wxConfigBase* aCfg ) // This is undocumented, but somebody wanted to store !schematic! // library search paths in the .kicad_common file? add_search_paths( &m_sch_search, Pgm().CommonSettings(), -1 ); #if 1 && defined(DEBUG) m_sch_search.Show( __func__ ); #endif } // Init local config filename if( aForceUseLocalConfig || fn.FileExists() ) { cfg = new wxFileConfig( wxEmptyString, wxEmptyString, cur_pro_fn, wxEmptyString ); cfg->DontCreateOnDemand(); if( aForceUseLocalConfig ) { SetProjectFullName( cur_pro_fn ); return cfg; } /* Check the application version against the version saved in the * project file. * * TODO: Push the version test up the stack so that when one of the * KiCad application version changes, the other applications * settings do not get updated. Practically, this can go away. * It isn't used anywhere as far as I know (WLS). */ cfg->SetPath( aGroupName ); int def_version = 0; int version = cfg->Read( wxT( "version" ), def_version ); if( version > 0 ) { cfg->SetPath( wxCONFIG_PATH_SEPARATOR ); SetProjectFullName( cur_pro_fn ); return cfg; } else // Version incorrect { wxLogDebug( wxT( "Project file version is zero, not using this old project file, going with template." ) ); delete cfg; cfg = 0; } } // No suitable pro file was found, either does not exist, or is too old. // Use the template file. Find it by using caller's SEARCH_STACK. wxString templateFile = wxT( "kicad." ) + ProjectFileExtension; wxString kicad_pro_template = aSList.FindValidPath( templateFile ); if( !kicad_pro_template ) { wxLogDebug( wxT( "Template file <%s> not found using search paths." ), GetChars( templateFile ) ); wxFileName templ( wxStandardPaths::Get().GetDocumentsDir(), wxT( "kicad" ), ProjectFileExtension ); if( !templ.IsFileReadable() ) { wxString msg = wxString::Format( _( "Unable to find %s template config file." ), GetChars( templateFile ) ); DisplayError( NULL, msg ); return NULL; } kicad_pro_template = templ.GetFullPath(); } // The project config file is not found (happens for new projects, // or if the schematic editor is run outside an existing project // In this case the default template ( is used cur_pro_fn = kicad_pro_template; wxLogDebug( wxT( "Use template file '%s' as project file." ), GetChars( cur_pro_fn ) ); cfg = new wxFileConfig( wxEmptyString, wxEmptyString, cur_pro_fn, wxEmptyString ); cfg->DontCreateOnDemand(); SetProjectFullName( cur_pro_fn ); return cfg; }
bool SCgTranslateGWFToSc::translate(QIODevice &device, ScMemoryInterface *memory, const ScUri &set) { mScMemory = memory; Q_ASSERT(mScMemory != 0); QScopedPointer<ScHelperInterface> helper(SCgPlugin::rootInterface()->scHelper(mScMemory)); // read data from gwf GwfObjectInfoReader reader; if (! { qDebug() << "Error while translate to sc-code: " << reader.lastError(); return false; } // iterate all objects and resolve them GwfObjectInfoReader::TypeToObjectsMap::const_iterator it; for (it = reader.objectsInfo().begin(); it != reader.objectsInfo().end(); ++it) { GwfObjectInfoReader::ObjectInfoList::const_iterator it_info; for (it_info = (*it).begin(); it_info != (*it).end(); ++it_info) resolveObject(*it_info); } // setup pair begin and end objects const GwfObjectInfoReader::ObjectInfoList &list = reader.objectsInfo()[SCgVisualObject::SCgPairType]; GwfObjectInfoReader::ObjectInfoList::const_iterator it_info; for (it_info = list.begin(); it_info != list.end(); ++it_info) { SCgPairInfo *pairInfo = static_cast<SCgPairInfo*>(*it_info); ScUri pair_uri = mIdToScUri[pairInfo->id()]; // get begin and end uri's ScUri b = mIdToScUri[pairInfo->beginObjectId()]; ScUri e = mIdToScUri[pairInfo->endObjectId()]; // setup begin and end mScMemory->set_beg(pair_uri, b); mScMemory->set_end(pair_uri, e); } // append objects into parent sets for (it = reader.objectsInfo().begin(); it != reader.objectsInfo().end(); ++it) for (it_info = (*it).begin(); it_info != (*it).end(); ++it_info) { SCgObjectInfo *info = *it_info; // check if object has a parent if (info->parentId() != "0" && !info->parentId().isEmpty()) { ScUri uri = mIdToScUri[info->id()]; ScUri parent = mIdToScUri[info->parentId()]; // generate 5 elements construction to append new arc between parent and child into output set ScUriVector res; ScTemplate templ(parent, ScElementType(ScArcMain | ScConst | ScPos), uri, ScElementType(ScArcMain | ScConst | ScPos), set); if (!helper->genElStr(templ, res)) SuiExcept(SuiExceptionInternalError, QString("Can't append '%1' into '%1'").arg(uri.value()).arg(parent.value()), "bool SCgTranslateGWFToSc::translate(QIODevice &device, ScMemoryInterface *memory, const ScUri &set)"); } } // append all translated objects into output set ScUriList::iterator it_list; ScUriVector res; for (it_list = mTranslatedObjects.begin(); it_list != mTranslatedObjects.end(); ++it_list) if (!helper->genElStr(ScTemplate() << set << ScElementType(ScArcMain | ScConst| ScPos) << *it_list, res)) SuiExcept(SuiExceptionInternalError, QString("Can't append '%1 into output set '%2").arg((*it_list).value()).arg(set.value()), "bool SCgTranslateGWFToSc::translate(QIODevice &device, ScMemoryInterface *memory, const ScUri &set)"); return true; }
/// The LayerRegion at this point of time may contain /// surfaces of various types (internal/bridge/top/bottom/solid). /// The infills are generated on the groups of surfaces with a compatible type. /// Fills an array of ExtrusionPathCollection objects containing the infills generated now /// and the thin fills generated by generate_perimeters(). void LayerRegion::make_fill() { this->fills.clear(); const double fill_density = this->region()->config.fill_density; const Flow infill_flow = this->flow(frInfill); const Flow solid_infill_flow = this->flow(frSolidInfill); const Flow top_solid_infill_flow = this->flow(frTopSolidInfill); const coord_t perimeter_spacing = this->flow(frPerimeter).scaled_spacing(); SurfaceCollection surfaces; // merge adjacent surfaces // in case of bridge surfaces, the ones with defined angle will be attached to the ones // without any angle (shouldn't this logic be moved to process_external_surfaces()?) { Polygons polygons_bridged; polygons_bridged.reserve(this->fill_surfaces.surfaces.size()); for (Surfaces::const_iterator it = this->fill_surfaces.surfaces.begin(); it != this->fill_surfaces.surfaces.end(); ++it) if (it->is_bridge() && it->bridge_angle >= 0) append_to(polygons_bridged, (Polygons)*it); // group surfaces by distinct properties (equal surface_type, thickness, thickness_layers, bridge_angle) // group is of type SurfaceCollection // FIXME: Use some smart heuristics to merge similar surfaces to eliminate tiny regions. std::vector<SurfacesConstPtr> groups; this->; // merge compatible solid groups (we can generate continuous infill for them) { // cache flow widths and patterns used for all solid groups // (we'll use them for comparing compatible groups) std::vector<SurfaceGroupAttrib> group_attrib(groups.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < groups.size(); ++i) { const Surface &surface = *groups[i].front(); // we can only merge solid non-bridge surfaces, so discard // non-solid or bridge surfaces if (!surface.is_solid() || surface.is_bridge()) continue; group_attrib[i].is_solid = true; group_attrib[i].fw = (surface.is_top()) ? top_solid_infill_flow.width : solid_infill_flow.width; group_attrib[i].pattern = surface.is_top() ? this->region()->config.top_infill_pattern.value : surface.is_bottom() ? this->region()->config.bottom_infill_pattern.value : ipRectilinear; } // Loop through solid groups, find compatible groups and append them to this one. for (size_t i = 0; i < groups.size(); ++i) { if (!group_attrib[i].is_solid) continue; for (size_t j = i + 1; j < groups.size();) { if (group_attrib[i] == group_attrib[j]) { // groups are compatible, merge them append_to(groups[i], groups[j]); groups.erase(groups.begin() + j); group_attrib.erase(group_attrib.begin() + j); } else { ++j; } } } } // Give priority to oriented bridges. Process the bridges in the first round, the rest of the surfaces in the 2nd round. for (size_t round = 0; round < 2; ++ round) { for (std::vector<SurfacesConstPtr>::const_iterator it_group = groups.begin(); it_group != groups.end(); ++ it_group) { const SurfacesConstPtr &group = *it_group; const bool is_oriented_bridge = group.front()->is_bridge() && group.front()->bridge_angle >= 0; if (is_oriented_bridge != (round == 0)) continue; // Make a union of polygons defining the infiill regions of a group, use a safety offset. Polygons union_p = union_(to_polygons(group), true); // Subtract surfaces having a defined bridge_angle from any other, use a safety offset. if (!is_oriented_bridge && !polygons_bridged.empty()) union_p = diff(union_p, polygons_bridged, true); // subtract any other surface already processed //FIXME Vojtech: Because the bridge surfaces came first, they are subtracted twice! surfaces.append( diff_ex(union_p, to_polygons(surfaces), true), *group.front() // template ); } } } // we need to detect any narrow surfaces that might collapse // when adding spacing below // such narrow surfaces are often generated in sloping walls // by bridge_over_infill() and combine_infill() as a result of the // subtraction of the combinable area from the layer infill area, // which leaves small areas near the perimeters // we are going to grow such regions by overlapping them with the void (if any) // TODO: detect and investigate whether there could be narrow regions without // any void neighbors { coord_t distance_between_surfaces = std::max( std::max(infill_flow.scaled_spacing(), solid_infill_flow.scaled_spacing()), top_solid_infill_flow.scaled_spacing() ); Polygons surfaces_polygons = (Polygons)surfaces; Polygons collapsed = diff( surfaces_polygons, offset2(surfaces_polygons, -distance_between_surfaces/2, +distance_between_surfaces/2), true ); Polygons to_subtract; surfaces.filter_by_type((stInternal | stVoid), &to_subtract); append_to(to_subtract, collapsed); surfaces.append( intersection_ex( offset(collapsed, distance_between_surfaces), to_subtract, true ), (stInternal | stSolid) ); } if (false) { // require "Slic3r/"; // Slic3r::SVG::output("fill_" . $layerm->print_z . ".svg", // expolygons => [ map $_->expolygon, grep !$_->is_solid, @surfaces ], // red_expolygons => [ map $_->expolygon, grep $_->is_solid, @surfaces ], // ); } for (Surfaces::const_iterator surface_it = surfaces.surfaces.begin(); surface_it != surfaces.surfaces.end(); ++surface_it) { const Surface &surface = *surface_it; if (surface.surface_type == (stInternal | stVoid)) continue; InfillPattern fill_pattern = this->region()->config.fill_pattern.value; double density = fill_density; FlowRole role = (surface.is_top()) ? frTopSolidInfill : surface.is_solid() ? frSolidInfill : frInfill; const bool is_bridge = this->layer()->id() > 0 && surface.is_bridge(); if (surface.is_solid()) { density = 100.; fill_pattern = (surface.is_top()) ? this->region()->config.top_infill_pattern.value : (surface.is_bottom() && !is_bridge) ? this->region()->config.bottom_infill_pattern.value : ipRectilinear; } else if (density <= 0) continue; // get filler object #if SLIC3R_CPPVER >= 11 std::unique_ptr<Fill> f = std::unique_ptr<Fill>(Fill::new_from_type(fill_pattern)); #else std::auto_ptr<Fill> f = std::auto_ptr<Fill>(Fill::new_from_type(fill_pattern)); #endif // switch to rectilinear if this pattern doesn't support solid infill if (density > 99 && !f->can_solid()) #if SLIC3R_CPPVER >= 11 f = std::unique_ptr<Fill>(Fill::new_from_type(ipRectilinear)); #else f = std::auto_ptr<Fill>(Fill::new_from_type(ipRectilinear)); #endif f->bounding_box = this->layer()->object()->bounding_box(); // calculate the actual flow we'll be using for this infill coordf_t h = (surface.thickness == -1) ? this->layer()->height : surface.thickness; Flow flow = this->region()->flow( role, h, is_bridge || f->use_bridge_flow(), // bridge flow? this->layer()->id() == 0, // first layer? -1, // auto width *this->layer()->object() ); // calculate flow spacing for infill pattern generation bool using_internal_flow = false; if (!surface.is_solid() && !is_bridge) { // it's internal infill, so we can calculate a generic flow spacing // for all layers, for avoiding the ugly effect of // misaligned infill on first layer because of different extrusion width and // layer height Flow internal_flow = this->region()->flow( frInfill, h, // use the calculated surface thickness here for internal infill instead of the layer height to account for infill_every_layers false, // no bridge false, // no first layer -1, // auto width *this->layer()->object() ); f->min_spacing = internal_flow.spacing(); using_internal_flow = true; } else { f->min_spacing = flow.spacing(); } f->endpoints_overlap = scale_(this->region()->config.get_abs_value("infill_overlap", (unscale(perimeter_spacing) + (f->min_spacing))/2)); f->layer_id = this->layer()->id(); f->z = this->layer()->print_z; f->angle = Geometry::deg2rad(this->region()->config.fill_angle.value); // Maximum length of the perimeter segment linking two infill lines. f->link_max_length = (!is_bridge && density > 80) ? scale_(3 * f->min_spacing) : 0; // Used by the concentric infill pattern to clip the loops to create extrusion paths. f->loop_clipping = scale_(flow.nozzle_diameter) * LOOP_CLIPPING_LENGTH_OVER_NOZZLE_DIAMETER; // apply half spacing using this flow's own spacing and generate infill f->density = density/100; f->dont_adjust = false; /* std::cout << surface.expolygon.dump_perl() << std::endl << " layer_id: " << f->layer_id << " z: " << f->z << " angle: " << f->angle << " min-spacing: " << f->min_spacing << " endpoints_overlap: " << f->endpoints_overlap << std::endl << std::endl; */ Polylines polylines = f->fill_surface(surface); if (polylines.empty()) continue; // calculate actual flow from spacing (which might have been adjusted by the infill // pattern generator) if (using_internal_flow) { // if we used the internal flow we're not doing a solid infill // so we can safely ignore the slight variation that might have // been applied to f->spacing() } else { flow = Flow::new_from_spacing(f->spacing(), flow.nozzle_diameter, h, is_bridge || f->use_bridge_flow()); } // Save into layer. ExtrusionEntityCollection* coll = new ExtrusionEntityCollection(); coll->no_sort = f->no_sort(); this->fills.entities.push_back(coll); { ExtrusionRole role; if (is_bridge) { role = erBridgeInfill; } else if (surface.is_solid()) { role = (surface.is_top()) ? erTopSolidInfill : erSolidInfill; } else { role = erInternalInfill; } ExtrusionPath templ(role); templ.mm3_per_mm = flow.mm3_per_mm(); templ.width = flow.width; templ.height = flow.height; coll->append(STDMOVE(polylines), templ); } } // add thin fill regions // thin_fills are of C++ Slic3r::ExtrusionEntityCollection, perl type Slic3r::ExtrusionPath::Collection // Unpacks the collection, creates multiple collections per path so that they will // be individually included in the nearest neighbor search. // The path type could be ExtrusionPath, ExtrusionLoop or ExtrusionEntityCollection. for (ExtrusionEntitiesPtr::const_iterator thin_fill = this->thin_fills.entities.begin(); thin_fill != this->thin_fills.entities.end(); ++ thin_fill) { ExtrusionEntityCollection* coll = new ExtrusionEntityCollection(); this->fills.entities.push_back(coll); coll->append(**thin_fill); } }
bool Robot::adjustWorldCoordinate(IplImage* image, double coordAdjustRate) { IplImage *img; IplImage* src1=cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(image),IPL_DEPTH_8U,1); if(image->nChannels==3) { IplImage *hsv_img = get_hsv(image); img=worldMap.getField(hsv_img); cvReleaseImage(&hsv_img); src1=img; } else { img=image; src1=img; //cvCvtColor(img, src1, CV_BGR2GRAY); } if( img != 0 ) { IplImage* dst = cvCreateImage( cvGetSize(img), 8, 1 ); IplImage* color_dst = cvCreateImage( cvGetSize(img), 8, 3 ); CvMemStorage* storage = cvCreateMemStorage(0); CvSeq* ls = 0; int i; cvCanny( src1, dst, 50, 200, 3 ); cvCvtColor( dst, color_dst, CV_GRAY2BGR ); ls = cvHoughLines2( dst, storage, CV_HOUGH_PROBABILISTIC, 2, CV_PI/90, 20, 5, 30 ); //ls = cvHoughLines2( dst, storage, CV_HOUGH_PROBABILISTIC, 5, CV_PI/30, 10, 20, 5 ); vector<myLine> tmplines; for( i = 0; i < ls->total; i++ ) { CvPoint* tmpl = (CvPoint*)cvGetSeqElem(ls,i); cvLine( color_dst, tmpl[0], tmpl[1], CV_RGB(255,0,0), 1, 8 ); cv::Point2f tmpp[2]; cv::Point2f scrPos(tmpl[0].x,tmpl[0].y); cv::Point2f roboPos=worldMap.coord_screen2robot(scrPos,true); cv::Point2f worldPos=worldMap.coord_robot2world(roboPos); tmpp[0]=worldPos; scrPos=cv::Point2f(tmpl[1].x,tmpl[1].y); roboPos=worldMap.coord_screen2robot(scrPos,true); worldPos=worldMap.coord_robot2world(roboPos); tmpp[1]=worldPos; myLine templ(tmpp[0],tmpp[1]); if(templ.l>LINE_LENGTH_LBOUND) tmplines.push_back(templ); // //printf("length=%f angle=%f\n",sqrt(float((tmpl[1].y-tmpl[0].y)*(tmpl[1].y-tmpl[0].y)); // +float((tmpl[1].x-tmpl[0].x)*(tmpl[1].x-tmpl[0].x))) // ,atan2(float(tmpl[1].y-tmpl[0].y),float(tmpl[1].x-tmpl[0].x))); } //printf("\n"); cvNamedWindow( "Source", 1 ); cvShowImage( "Source", img ); cvNamedWindow( "Hough", 1 ); cvShowImage( "Hough", color_dst ); cvWaitKey(10); cvReleaseImage(&dst); cvReleaseImage(&src1); cvReleaseImage(&color_dst); cvReleaseMemStorage(&storage); if(coordAdjustRate==0) { for(i=0;i<tmplines.size();++i) { lines.push_back(tmplines[i]); } } else if(coordAdjustRate==2) { for(i=0;i<tmplines.size();++i) { lines.push_back(tmplines[i]); } //vector<double> oris; vector<int> lineNums; vector<double> lineValues; int groupId=0; for(i=0;i<lines.size();++i) { bool classified=false; int j; for(j=0;j<i;++j) { double angle=lines[i].theta-lines[j].theta+CV_PI/4.0; //to make the process simple, add 45 degree //to turn the cared angles to the middle of a phase if(angle<0) angle+=CV_PI*2.0; int phase=(int)(angle/(CV_PI/2.0)); double angle90=angle-CV_PI/2.0*(double)phase; phase%=2; if(abs(angle90-CV_PI/4.0)<CV_PI/60.0)//subtract the added 45 degree { lines[i].clsId=lines[j].clsId/2*2+phase; ++lineNums[lines[i].clsId]; lineValues[lines[i].clsId]+=lines[i].l; classified=true; break; } } if(classified==false) { lines[i].clsId=groupId; lineNums.push_back(1); lineNums.push_back(0); lineValues.push_back(lines[i].l); lineValues.push_back(0); groupId+=2; } } int maxValueGroup=0; double maxValue=0; for(i=0;i<lineNums.size();i+=2) { if(lineValues[i]+lineValues[i+1]>maxValue) { maxValue=lineValues[i]+lineValues[i+1]; maxValueGroup=i; } } maxValueGroup/=2; double sumAngle=0; double sumL=0; for(i=0;i<lines.size();++i) { if(lines[i].clsId/2==maxValueGroup) { double angle=lines[i].theta+CV_PI/4.0;//similar strategy, add 45 degree if(angle<0) angle+=CV_PI*2.0; double angle90=angle-CV_PI/2.0*(double)((int)(angle/(CV_PI/2.0))); sumAngle+=(angle90-CV_PI/4.0)*lines[i].l;//subtract 45 degree sumL+=lines[i].l; } } if(sumL==0) { //printf("false 2 sumL=0\n"); return false; } mainAngle=sumAngle/sumL; mainGroupId=maxValueGroup; //printf("mainAngle=%f mainGroupId=%d\n",mainAngle,mainGroupId); } else if(coordAdjustRate==1) { CvRect bBox=worldMap.getMap_bbox(); //printf("in func param=1\n"); //printf("tmplines.size=%d\n",tmplines.size()); for(i=0;i<tmplines.size();++i) { cv::Point2f imgPos=world2image(tmplines[i].p[0]); if(!(imgPos.x>bBox.x-BBOX_DELTA && imgPos.x<bBox.x+bBox.width+BBOX_DELTA && imgPos.y>bBox.y-BBOX_DELTA && imgPos.y<bBox.y+bBox.height+BBOX_DELTA)) continue; bool classified=false; double minAngle=CV_PI; int minAnglePhase=0; int bestJ=-1; int j; for(j=0;j<lines.size();++j) { if(lines[j].clsId/2!=mainGroupId) continue; double angle=tmplines[i].theta-lines[j].theta+CV_PI/4.0; //to make the process simple, add 45 degree //to turn the cared angles to the middle of a phase if(angle<0) angle+=CV_PI*2.0; int phase=(int)(angle/(CV_PI/2.0)); double angle90=angle-CV_PI/2.0*(double)phase; phase%=2; if(abs(angle90-CV_PI/4.0)<minAngle)//subtract the added 45 degree { minAngle=abs(angle90-CV_PI/4.0); bestJ=j; minAnglePhase=phase; } } if(bestJ>-1) { //if(minAngle<CV_PI/6.0) tmplines[i].clsId=mainGroupId*2+minAnglePhase; classified=true; //printf("nearest main ori found. angle diff=%f\n",minAngle); } } double sumAngle=0; double sumL=0; for(i=0;i<tmplines.size();++i) { if(tmplines[i].clsId/2==mainGroupId) { //printf("comparing with a main line..i=%d\n",i); double angle=tmplines[i].theta+CV_PI/4.0;//similar strategy, add 45 degree if(angle<0) angle+=CV_PI*2.0; double angle90=angle-CV_PI/2.0*double((int)(angle/(CV_PI/2.0))); sumAngle+=angle90*tmplines[i].l;//use the 45 degree to balance the unwanted lines sumL+=tmplines[i].l; } } if(sumL<LINE_LENGTH_SUM_LBOUND) { //printf("false sumL=%f<%d\n",sumL,LINE_LENGTH_SUM_LBOUND); return false; } double curAngle=sumAngle/sumL-CV_PI/4.0;//subtract 45 degree ori+=curAngle-mainAngle; //printf("true oriChange=%f\n",curAngle-mainAngle); } } return true; }