예제 #1
void PlListViewItemDelegate::paint( QPainter * painter, const QStyleOptionViewItem & option, const QModelIndex & index ) const
    QString title = VLCModel::getMeta( index, COLUMN_TITLE );
    QString duration = VLCModel::getMeta( index, COLUMN_DURATION );
    if( !duration.isEmpty() ) title += QString(" [%1]").arg( duration );

    QString artist = VLCModel::getMeta( index, COLUMN_ARTIST );
    QString album = VLCModel::getMeta( index, COLUMN_ALBUM );
    QString trackNum = VLCModel::getMeta( index, COLUMN_TRACK_NUMBER );
    QString artistAlbum = artist;
    if( !album.isEmpty() )
        if( !artist.isEmpty() ) artistAlbum += ": ";
        artistAlbum += album;
        if( !trackNum.isEmpty() ) artistAlbum += QString( " [#%1]" ).arg( trackNum );

    QPixmap artPix = VLCModel::getArtPixmap( index, QSize( LISTVIEW_ART_SIZE, LISTVIEW_ART_SIZE ) );

    //Draw selection rectangle and current playing item indication
    paintBackground( painter, option, index );

    QRect artRect( artPix.rect() );
    artRect.moveCenter( QPoint( artRect.center().x() + 3,
                                option.rect.center().y() ) );
    //Draw album art
    painter->drawPixmap( artRect, artPix );

    //Start drawing text

    if( option.state & QStyle::State_Selected )
        painter->setPen( option.palette.color( QPalette::HighlightedText ) );

    QTextOption textOpt( Qt::AlignVCenter | Qt::AlignLeft );
    textOpt.setWrapMode( QTextOption::NoWrap );

    QFont f( index.data( Qt::FontRole ).value<QFont>() );

    //Draw title info
    f.setItalic( true );
    f.setPointSize( __MAX( f.pointSize() + i_zoom, 4 ) );
    f.setBold( index.data( PLModel::IsCurrentRole ).toBool() );
    painter->setFont( f );
    QFontMetrics fm( painter->fontMetrics() );

    QRect textRect = option.rect.adjusted( LISTVIEW_ART_SIZE + 10, 0, -10, 0 );
    if( !artistAlbum.isEmpty() )
        textRect.setHeight( fm.height() );
        textRect.moveBottom( option.rect.center().y() - 2 );

    //Draw children indicator
    if( !index.data( PLModel::IsLeafNodeRole ).toBool() )
        QPixmap dirPix = QPixmap( ":/type/node" );
        painter->drawPixmap( QPoint( textRect.x(), textRect.center().y() - dirPix.height() / 2 ),
                             dirPix );
        textRect.setLeft( textRect.x() + dirPix.width() + 5 );

    painter->drawText( textRect,
                       fm.elidedText( title, Qt::ElideRight, textRect.width() ),
                       textOpt );

    // Draw artist and album info
    if( !artistAlbum.isEmpty() )
        f.setItalic( false );
        painter->setFont( f );
        fm = painter->fontMetrics();

        textRect.moveTop( textRect.bottom() + 4 );
        textRect.setLeft( textRect.x() + 20 );

        painter->drawText( textRect,
                           fm.elidedText( artistAlbum, Qt::ElideRight, textRect.width() ),
                           textOpt );

예제 #2
void ezQGridBarWidget::paintEvent(QPaintEvent* e)
  if (!MapFromSceneFunc.IsValid())

  QPainter Painter(this);
  QPainter* painter = &Painter;

  QRect areaRect = rect();

  // background
  painter->fillRect(areaRect, palette().button());
  painter->translate(0.5, 0.5);

  // render fine grid stop lines
    double fSceneMinX, fSceneMaxX;
    ezWidgetUtils::ComputeGridExtentsX(m_viewportSceneRect, m_fFineGridStops, fSceneMinX, fSceneMaxX);
    fSceneMinX = ezMath::Max(fSceneMinX, 0.0);


    ezHybridArray<QLine, 100> lines;

    // some overcompensation for the case that the GraphicsView displays a scrollbar at the side
    for (double x = fSceneMinX; x <= fSceneMaxX + m_fTextGridStops; x += m_fFineGridStops)
      const QPoint pos = MapFromSceneFunc(QPointF(x, 0));

      QLine& l = lines.ExpandAndGetRef();
      l.setLine(pos.x(), areaRect.bottom() - 3, pos.x(), areaRect.bottom());

    painter->drawLines(lines.GetData(), lines.GetCount());

  // Grid Stop Value Text
    double fSceneMinX, fSceneMaxX;
    ezWidgetUtils::ComputeGridExtentsX(m_viewportSceneRect, m_fTextGridStops, fSceneMinX, fSceneMaxX);
    fSceneMinX = ezMath::Max(fSceneMinX, 0.0);

    QTextOption textOpt(Qt::AlignCenter);
    QRectF textRect;


    ezStringBuilder tmp;

    for (double x = fSceneMinX; x <= fSceneMaxX; x += m_fTextGridStops)
      const QPoint pos = MapFromSceneFunc(QPointF(x, 0));

      textRect.setRect(pos.x() - 50, areaRect.top(), 99, areaRect.height());
      tmp.Format("{0}", ezArgF(x));

      painter->drawText(textRect, tmp.GetData(), textOpt);