fbstring Uri::authority() const { fbstring result; // Port is 5 characters max and we have up to 3 delimiters. result.reserve(host().size() + username().size() + password().size() + 8); if (!username().empty() || !password().empty()) { result.append(username()); if (!password().empty()) { result.push_back(':'); result.append(password()); } result.push_back('@'); } result.append(host()); if (port() != 0) { result.push_back(':'); toAppend(port(), &result); } return result; }
void CircleGauge::updateFillingView() { std::size_t indicatorIndex = 0; const float SEPARATION = maxValue_ / static_cast<float>(SEPARATOR); while(currentValue_ > SEPARATION * (indicatorIndex+1)) { ++indicatorIndex; } sf::Color color = INDICATORS.at(indicatorIndex); fillingView_.clear(); sf::Vertex toAppend (Vector2f(0.f,0.f), color); fillingView_.append(toAppend); const float PI = 3.1415926535f; const float ANGLE_OFFSET = - PI / 2.f; const float COUNTER_CLOCKWISE = -1.f; float radius = backgroundView_.getRadius() + 0.1f; float maxAngle = 2 * PI * (currentValue_ / maxValue_); float angleIncrement = maxAngle / FILLING_N_POINT; for(unsigned int i=0; i<FILLING_N_POINT+1; ++i) { float angle = COUNTER_CLOCKWISE * angleIncrement * static_cast<float>(i) + ANGLE_OFFSET; toAppend = sf::Vertex(Vector2f(radius * std::cos(angle), radius * std::sin(angle)), color); fillingView_.append(toAppend); } }
QString RpmBuildPlugin::replaceVariables(const QString &str, const Hash &variables) const { const int size = str.size(); QString result; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { QString toAppend(str[i]); if ( i < (size - static_cast<int>(sizeof("__a__"))) ) // enought chars to create shortest variable? { if (str[i] == '_' && str[i + 1] == '_') //prefix matches? (__) { const int j = i + 2; i = j; //jump over prefix toAppend += '_'; while ( (i + 1) < size && (str[i] != '_' || str[i + 1] != '_') ) //wait for suffix (__) toAppend += str[i++]; if (i + 1 < size && str[i] == '_' && str[i + 1] == '_') { toAppend += "__"; i++; //we got it! const int k = i - 2; //name without suffix const QString varName = str.mid(j, k - j + 1); if (variables.contains(varName)) { toAppend = variables[varName]; debug(DebugLevel::Info) << "Variable \"" << varName << "\" used in spec file. (value = \"" << variables[varName] << "\")"; } else debug(DebugLevel::Warning) << "Unknown variable \"" << varName << "\" used in spec file."; } } } result.append(toAppend); } return result; }