bool removeFileInDir(const char* d, const char* fname) { WIN32_FIND_DATA FileData; HANDLE hFind; wchar_t toFind [512]; wchar_t szNewPath [512]; bool ret = false; DWORD dwAttrs; BOOL fFinished = FALSE; WCHAR* dir = toWideChar(d); if (fname) { WCHAR* filename = toWideChar(fname); wsprintf(toFind, TEXT("%s/%s"), dir, filename); delete [] filename; filename = NULL; } else { wsprintf(toFind, TEXT("%s/*.*"), dir); } hFind = FindFirstFile(toFind, &FileData); if (hFind != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { while (!fFinished) { wsprintf(szNewPath, TEXT("%s/%s"), dir, FileData.cFileName); dwAttrs = GetFileAttributes(szNewPath); if (dwAttrs == FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) { } // do anything for subdirectory else { DeleteFile(szNewPath); } if (!FindNextFile(hFind, &FileData)) { if (GetLastError() == ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES) { fFinished = TRUE; } else { goto finally; } } } FindClose(hFind); } ret = true; finally: if (dir) { delete [] dir; } return ret; }
/* * Sets a property value. * * @param property - the property name * @param value - the property value (zero terminated string) */ void DeviceManagementNode::setPropertyValue(const char* prop, const char* value) { if ((prop == NULL) || (value == NULL)) { return; } HKEY key; DWORD res; TCHAR *p = NULL; TCHAR *v = NULL; RegCreateKeyEx( HKEY_DM_ROOT, fullContext, 0, NULL, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, NULL, &key, &res ); if (key == 0) { //lastErrorCode = ERR_INVALID_CONTEXT; //sprintf(lastErrorMsg, "Invalid context path: %s", fullContext); setErrorF(ERR_INVALID_CONTEXT, "Invalid context path: %s", fullContext); goto finally; } p = toWideChar(prop); v = toWideChar(value); RegSetValueEx( key, p, NULL, REG_SZ, // we currently support only strings (UCHAR*)v, (wcslen(v)+1)*sizeof(WCHAR) ); delete [] p; delete [] v; RegFlushKey(key); finally: if (key != 0) { RegCloseKey(key); } }
bool saveFile(const char *filename, const char *buffer, size_t len, bool binary) { bool ret = false; // Convert to wide-char to be compatible with international chars. // If using char and UTF-8, fopen() is not working correctly and // will fail with special chars. (with UTF-8... why?) // So we use _wfopen() and a wide-char path. const WCHAR* mode = binary ? TEXT("wb") : TEXT("w"); WCHAR* wpath = toWideChar(filename); FILE *f = _wfopen(wpath, mode); if(!f) { goto finally; } if (fwrite(buffer, sizeof(char), len, f) != len) { fclose(f); goto finally; } fclose(f); ret = true; finally: delete [] wpath; return ret; }
/// Loads data for testing the 'testFileName' file. void loadTestFileData(const char* testFileName) { fileName = getTestFileFullPath(SAMPLE_FILES_DIR, testFileName); const char* fileContent = loadTestFile(SAMPLE_FILES_DIR, testFileName, true); // must be binary mode! int fileSize = (int)fgetsize(fileName.c_str()); const WCHAR* wtestFileName = toWideChar(testFileName); FileData fileData; fileData.setName(wtestFileName); fileData.setSize(fileSize); fileData.setBody(fileContent, fileSize); unsigned long tstamp = getFileModTime(fileName); StringBuffer modTime = unixTimeToString(tstamp, true); // file's mod time is already in UTC WString wmodTime; wmodTime = modTime; fileData.setModified(wmodTime); fileDataContent = fileData.format(); fileDataSize = (int)strlen(fileDataContent); delete [] wtestFileName; delete [] fileContent; }
winLog::winLog(bool resetLog, const char* path, const char* name) { setLogPath(path); setLogName(name); // MUST use a wchar_t* logDir to manage correctly international chars. // If using char* logDir and UTF-8, fopen() is not working correctly and // will fail to open the log file. (with UTF-8... why?) // So we use _wfopen() and a wchar_t* logDir. StringBuffer logDir; logDir.sprintf("%s\\%s", logPath.c_str(), logName.c_str()); WCHAR* tmp = toWideChar(logDir.c_str()); wlogDir = tmp; delete [] tmp; // // Test to ensure the log file is writable (only if path is set) // if (path) { logFile = _wfopen(wlogDir.c_str(), TEXT("a+")); if (logFile == NULL) { WCHAR tmp[512]; wsprintf(tmp, TEXT("Unable to write log file: \"%s\".\nPlease check your user's permissions."), wlogDir.c_str()); MessageBox(NULL, tmp, TEXT("Funambol"), MB_SETFOREGROUND | MB_OK); } else { fclose(logFile); if (resetLog) { reset(FUNAMBOL_HEADER); } } } }
wstring formatDate(StringBuffer& date) { wstring dd(TEXT("")); wchar_t* wdate = toWideChar(date); if (wdate == NULL) { return dd; } wchar_t data[80]; wchar_t formatDate[80]; int found = 0; SYSTEMTIME timeDest; swscanf_s(wdate, L"%4d%2d%2d", &timeDest.wYear, &timeDest.wMonth, &timeDest.wDay); GetLocaleInfo(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, LOCALE_SLONGDATE, data, 80); dd = data; if ((found = dd.find(TEXT("dddd, "))) != wstring::npos) { dd.replace(found, 6, TEXT("")); } else if ((found = dd.find(TEXT("dddd,"))) != wstring::npos) { dd.replace(found, 5, TEXT("")); }else if ((found = dd.find(TEXT("dddd"))) != wstring::npos) { dd.replace(found, 4, TEXT("")); } trim(dd); GetDateFormat(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, NULL, &timeDest, dd.c_str(), formatDate, 80); dd = formatDate; return dd; }
FILE* fileOpen(const char* filename, const char* mode) { if (!filename || !mode) { return NULL; } const WCHAR* wfilename = toWideChar(filename); const WCHAR* wmode = toWideChar(mode); // MUST use a wchar_t* to manage correctly international chars. // If using char* and UTF-8, fopen() is not working correctly and // will fail to open the file, on Windows platform. FILE* f = _wfopen(wfilename, wmode); delete [] wfilename; delete [] wmode; return f; }
END_TEST /** * Removed the STATUS from the winevent parser */ BEGIN_TEST(WinEventNoSTATUS) { int ret = 0; SyncItem* item = NULL; WCHAR* internalKey = NULL; wstring propValue; WindowsSyncSource* ss = createAppointmentWindowsSyncSource(); WIN_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(ss, TEXT("The syncSource is null.")); StringBuffer VCal; VCal.append("BEGIN:VCALENDAR\r\n"); VCal.append("VERSION:1.0\r\n"); VCal.append("BEGIN:VEVENT\r\n"); VCal.append("X-FUNAMBOL-FOLDER:DEFAULT_FOLDER\r\n"); VCal.append("X-FUNAMBOL-ALLDAY:1\r\n"); VCal.append("DTSTART:20110407\r\n"); VCal.append("DTEND:20110408\r\n"); VCal.append("X-MICROSOFT-CDO-BUSYSTATUS:FREE\r\n"); VCal.append("CATEGORIES:\r\n"); VCal.append("DESCRIPTION:\r\n"); VCal.append("LOCATION:Roma\r\n"); VCal.append("PRIORITY:1\r\n"); VCal.append("STATUS:NEED ACTION\r\n"); VCal.append("X-MICROSOFT-CDO-REPLYTIME:\r\n"); VCal.append("SUMMARY;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE;CHARSET=UTF-8:Da test\r\n"); VCal.append("CLASS:PUBLIC\r\n"); VCal.append("AALARM:20110406T060000Z;;0;\r\n"); VCal.append("RRULE:\r\n"); VCal.append("X-FUNAMBOL-BILLINGINFO:\r\n"); VCal.append("X-FUNAMBOL-COMPANIES:\r\n"); VCal.append("X-FUNAMBOL-MILEAGE:\r\n"); VCal.append("X-FUNAMBOL-NOAGING:0 \r\n"); VCal.append("END:VEVENT\r\n"); VCal.append("END:VCALENDAR"); item = new SyncItem(TEXT("GUID")); item->setData(VCal.c_str(), VCal.length()); WCHAR* tt = toWideChar(VCal.c_str()); WinEvent d(tt); printf("%S", d.toString().c_str()); // insert test item ret = ss->addItem(*item); WIN_ASSERT_EQUAL(ret, 201, TEXT("Adding item is not correct")); internalKey = (WCHAR*)item->getKey(); delete item; delete ss; }
void winLog::setLogPath(const char* configLogPath) { if (configLogPath != NULL) { logPath = configLogPath; } else { logPath = "."; } if (logName.length() > 0){ StringBuffer logDir; logDir.sprintf("%s\\%s", logPath.c_str(), logName.c_str()); WCHAR* tmp = toWideChar(logDir.c_str()); wlogDir = tmp; delete [] tmp; } }
void winLog::setLogName(const char* configLogName) { if (configLogName != NULL) { logName = configLogName; } else { logName = LOG_NAME; } if (logPath){ StringBuffer logDir; logDir.sprintf("%s\\%s", logPath.c_str(), logName.c_str()); WCHAR* tmp = toWideChar(logDir.c_str()); wlogDir = tmp; delete [] tmp; } }
int stat(const char* filename, struct stat* Stat) { int ret = -1; DWORD lpFileSizeHigh = 0; DWORD dwSize = 0; WCHAR* wfile = NULL; if (filename == NULL) { LOG.error("wm stat: the filename is null"); goto finally; } WIN32_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DATA wdata; wfile = toWideChar(filename); BOOL res = GetFileAttributesEx(wfile, GetFileExInfoStandard, &wdata); if (res == 0) { LOG.error("wm error in GetFileAttributesEx: %i", GetLastError()); goto finally; } Stat->st_mode = (unsigned short)wdata.dwFileAttributes; Stat->st_mtime = FileTimeToTime_t(wdata.ftLastWriteTime); // only write: it is the modification Stat->st_atime = FileTimeToTime_t(wdata.ftLastAccessTime); // both read/write Stat->st_ctime = FileTimeToTime_t(wdata.ftCreationTime); Stat->st_size = wdata.nFileSizeLow; if (Stat->st_size == 0xFFFFFFFF) { Stat->st_size = 0;"wm: the filesize low is 0xFFFFFFFF"); } ret = 0; finally: if (ret == -1) { Stat->st_atime = 0; Stat->st_ctime = 0; Stat->st_mode = 0; Stat->st_mtime = 0; Stat->st_size = -1; } delete [] wfile; return ret; }
void UpdateManager::startUpgrade(const UpdaterConfig& config) { SHELLEXECUTEINFO lpExecInfo; memset(&lpExecInfo, 0, sizeof(SHELLEXECUTEINFO)); lpExecInfo.cbSize = sizeof(SHELLEXECUTEINFO); wchar_t* site = toWideChar(config.getUrlUpdate().c_str()); lpExecInfo.lpFile = site; lpExecInfo.nShow = SW_SHOWNORMAL; lpExecInfo.lpVerb = TEXT("open"); ShellExecuteEx(&lpExecInfo); if (site) { delete [] site; site = NULL; } }
SyncSource *createSource(int source, const char *trackingSuffix) { class RawFileSyncSourceWithReport : public RawFileSyncSource { public: RawFileSyncSourceWithReport(const char* nodeName, const WCHAR* name, SyncSourceConfig* sc) : RawFileSyncSource(name, sc), fileNode(nodeName) { setReport(&report); setFileNode(&fileNode); /* * Keeping track if changes is done via time() with a resolution of seconds. * Sleep a bit to ensure that enough time passes. */ #ifdef WIN32 Sleep(1000); #else sleep(1); #endif } private: SyncSourceReport report; DeviceManagementNode fileNode; }; CPPUNIT_ASSERT(source < (int)sources.size()); ManagementNode *sourceNode = config->getSyncSourceNode(sources[source].c_str()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(sourceNode); char *fullName = sourceNode->createFullName(); std::string nodeName = std::string(fullName) + "/changes_" + trackingSuffix; std::string dirName = sources[source] + "_" + clientID; WCHAR *name = toWideChar(sources[source].c_str()); delete [] fullName; FileSyncSource *ss = new RawFileSyncSourceWithReport( nodeName.c_str(), name, config->getSyncSourceConfig(sources[source].c_str())); delete [] name; #ifdef WIN32 _mkdir(dirName.c_str()); #else mkdir(dirName.c_str(), S_IRWXU); #endif ss->setDir(dirName.c_str()); return ss; }
/** * Return the next SyncItem of updated one. It is used in case of fast sync * and retrieve the new data source content. */ SyncItem* CacheSyncSource::getNextDeletedItem() { SyncItem* syncItem = NULL; if (deletedKeys && deletedKeys->hasMoreElement()) { StringBuffer* s = (StringBuffer*)deletedKeys->getNextElement(); if (!s) { return NULL; } WCHAR* wkey = toWideChar(s->c_str()); syncItem = new SyncItem(wkey); if (wkey) { delete [] wkey; wkey = NULL; } } if (!syncItem) {"There are no more deleted items to be exchanged. Return NULL"); } return syncItem; }
void testExtSetters(){ const WCHAR* accountIdw = NULL; const char* accountId = NULL; MailAccount account; account.parse(ACCOUNT_FOLDER); account.setVisibleName(_VISIBLENAME); account.setEmailAddress(_EMAILADDRESS); account.setProtocol(_PROTOCOL); account.setUsername(_USERNAME); account.setPassword(_PASSWORD); account.setInServer(_IN_SERVER); account.setOutServer(_OUT_SERVER); account.setInPort(_IN_PORT); account.setOutPort(_OUT_PORT); account.setInSSL(_IN_SSL); account.setOutSSL(_OUT_SSL); account.setSignature(_SIGNATURE); account.setDomainName(_DOMAINNAME); accountIdw = toWideChar(_ID); account.setID(accountIdw); delete [] accountIdw; accountId = toMultibyte(account.getID()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( strcmp(account.getVisibleName(), _VISIBLENAME) == 0 ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( strcmp(account.getEmailAddress(), _EMAILADDRESS) == 0 ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( strcmp(account.getProtocol(), _PROTOCOL) == 0 ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( strcmp(account.getUsername(), _USERNAME) == 0 ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( strcmp(account.getPassword(), _PASSWORD) == 0 ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( strcmp(account.getInServer(), _IN_SERVER) == 0 ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( strcmp(account.getOutServer(), _OUT_SERVER) == 0 ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( strcmp(account.getInPort(), _IN_PORT) == 0 ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( strcmp(account.getOutPort(), _OUT_PORT) == 0 ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( strcmp(account.getInSSL(), _IN_SSL) == 0 ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( strcmp(account.getOutSSL(), _OUT_SSL) == 0 ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( strcmp(account.getSignature(), _SIGNATURE) == 0 ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( strcmp(account.getDomainName(), _DOMAINNAME) == 0 ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( strcmp(accountId, _ID) == 0 ); delete [] accountId; }
END_TEST WinContact* updateOutlookItem(WindowsSyncSource* ss, SyncItem* item) { int ret = ss->updateItem(*item); WIN_ASSERT_EQUAL(ret, 200, TEXT("Update item is not correct")); wstring keyModified = item->getKey(); SyncItem* itemTmp = ss->getItemFromId(keyModified.c_str()); WIN_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(item, TEXT("The item retrieved from the backend is null.")); WCHAR* wcon = toWideChar((const char*)itemTmp->getData()); wstring wcontact(wcon); delete [] wcon; WinContact* winC = new WinContact(wcontact); return winC; }
bool readFile(const char* path, char **message, size_t *len, bool binary) { bool ret = false; FILE *f; size_t msglen=0; char *msg=0; // Convert to wide-char to be compatible with international chars. // If using char and UTF-8, fopen() is not working correctly and // will fail with special chars. (with UTF-8... why?) // So we use _wfopen() and a wide-char path. const WCHAR* mode = binary ? TEXT("rb") : TEXT("r"); WCHAR* wpath = toWideChar(path); f = _wfopen(wpath, mode); if ( !f ) { goto finally; } msglen = fgetsize(f); msg = new char[msglen+1]; *len=fread(msg, sizeof(char), msglen, f); if(ferror(f)) { delete [] msg; goto finally; } fclose(f); // Terminate the read msg msg[*len] = 0; // Set return parameters *message= msg ; //*len=msglen; ret = true; finally: delete [] wpath; return ret; }
/** * Creates a folder, and all needed folders. * @return 0 on success, -1 otherwise. */ int createFolder(const char *path) { wchar_t *wpath=toWideChar(path); wchar_t *tpath=0; wchar_t tsep=0; int ret = 0; BOOL success = 0; // Skip C:/ tpath = wcschr(wpath, ':'); if(tpath){ tpath++; } else { tpath = wpath; } // Create upper folders while( (tpath=wcspbrk(tpath+1, TEXT("\\/"))) ) { tsep=*tpath; *tpath=0; success = CreateDirectory(wpath, NULL); *tpath=tsep; if(!success && GetLastError() != ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) { LOG.error("createFolder: error creating folder %s", path); ret = -1; break; } } // Create last folder if (ret == 0) { success = CreateDirectory(wpath,NULL); if(!success && GetLastError() != ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) { LOG.error("createFolder: error creating folder %s", path); ret = -1; } } delete [] wpath; return ret; }
SyncItem* CacheSyncSource::fillSyncItem(StringBuffer* key) { SyncItem* syncItem = NULL; size_t size = 0; void* content = NULL; if (!key) { return NULL; } LOG.debug("[%s] Filling item with key %s", getName(), key->c_str()); content = getItemContent((*key), &size); WCHAR* wkey = toWideChar(key->c_str()); syncItem = new SyncItem(wkey); syncItem->setData(content, size); if (wkey) { delete [] wkey; wkey = NULL; } if (content) { delete [] (char*)content; content = NULL; } return syncItem; }
StringBuffer MailMessage::decodeHeader(StringBuffer line) { if (!line || line.empty()) { return line; } size_t startPos = 0; StringBuffer ret; StringBuffer charset; while( (startPos = line.find("=?", startPos)) != StringBuffer::npos) { // Skip the '=?' startPos += 2; // Find the first '?' size_t firstMark = line.find("?", startPos); if (firstMark == StringBuffer::npos) { LOG.error("Invalid encoded header"); return line; } // Find the second '?' size_t secondMark = line.find("?", firstMark+1); if (secondMark == StringBuffer::npos) { LOG.error("Invalid encoded header"); return line; } // Find the final '?=' size_t endPos = line.find("?=", secondMark+1); if (endPos == StringBuffer::npos) { LOG.error("Invalid encoded header"); return line; } charset = line.substr(startPos, firstMark - startPos); StringBuffer encoding = line.substr(firstMark+1, secondMark - (firstMark + 1)); StringBuffer text = line.substr(secondMark+1, endPos - (secondMark + 1)); if (encoding.icmp("Q")) { // quoted-printable text.replaceAll("_", " "); char* dec = qp_decode(text); if (startPos >= 2 && ret.length() == 0) { ret += line.substr(0, startPos - 2); } ret += dec; delete [] dec; } else if (encoding.icmp("B")){ // base64 char* dec = new char[text.length()]; int len = b64_decode((void *)dec, text); dec[len]=0; if (startPos >= 2 && ret.length() == 0) { ret += line.substr(0, startPos - 2); } ret += dec; delete [] dec; } startPos = endPos; } if (ret.length() == 0) { ret += line; } WCHAR* wret = toWideChar(ret, charset); ret.set(NULL); char* t = toMultibyte(wret); ret.set(t); if (wret) {delete [] wret;} if (t) {delete [] t;} return ret; }
bool VConverter::readFieldBody(WCHAR* buffer, VProperty* vprop) { int i = 0; int j = 0; int len = 0; int offset = 0; bool ret = false; WCHAR* value = NULL; WCHAR* allValues = NULL; WCHAR* c = NULL; // Get length of all values while (buffer[i] != '\0') { if ((buffer[i] == '\r') || buffer[i] == '\n') { // Get offset of next property for (j=i+1; buffer[j] != '\0'; j++) { if((buffer[j] != '\r') && (buffer[j] != '\n')) break; } offset = j; break; } i++; } len = i; if (!len) { // This field is empty, we MUST consider it adding an empty value // so any value on client will be deleted. vprop->addValue(TEXT("")); ret = true; goto finally; } // This is a string with all values for this property (to parse) allValues = new WCHAR[len + 1]; wcsncpy(allValues, buffer, len); allValues[len] = 0; // // If needed, decode QP string and copy to 'allValues'. // if(vprop->equalsEncoding(TEXT("QUOTED-PRINTABLE"))) { char* buf = toMultibyte(allValues); char* dec = qp_decode(buf); len = strlen(dec); delete [] buf; if (dec) { char* t = toMultibyte(vprop->getParameterValue(TEXT("CHARSET"))); WCHAR* wdecoded = toWideChar(dec, t); delete [] dec; delete [] t; if (wdecoded) { wcsncpy(allValues, wdecoded, len); allValues[len] = 0; delete [] wdecoded; } } if (!len) { goto finally; } } /* --- base64 is not decoded ---- IT IS NOT POSSIBLE TO DECODE BASE64 PARAMETERS IN A WCHAR AND TAKE THE LENGHT OF A BINARY!! */ // This is a buffer for each single value value = new WCHAR[len + 1]; wcscpy(value, TEXT("")); // // Extract values and add to Vproperty // j=0; c = allValues; for (i=0; i<len; i++) { // End of value if (c[i] == ';') { vprop->addValue(value); j = 0; wcscpy(value, TEXT("")); } else { // Manage escaped chars: jump back-slash if (c[i] == '\\') { if (c[i+1]=='n') { // none: this is "\n" sequence (formatted line ending for 3.0) } else { i++; if (c[i] == '\0') break; } } value[j] = c[i]; j++; value[j] = '\0'; } } vprop->addValue(value); ret = true; finally: // Shift buffer for next property to parse //wcscpy(buffer, buffer+offset); memmove(buffer, buffer+offset, (wcslen(buffer+offset) + 1)*sizeof(*buffer)); if (value) { delete [] value; value = NULL; } if (allValues) { delete [] allValues; allValues = NULL; } return ret; }
void MailSourceManagementNode::getMailAccounts() { char nname[512]; char* tmp; char* fullcontext = toMultibyte(getFullContext()); sprintf(nname, "%s/%s", fullcontext , PROPERTY_MAIL_ACCOUNT_ROOT); DeviceManagementNode* dmn = new DeviceManagementNode(nname); int numchild = dmn->getChildrenMaxCount(); char** accountNames = dmn->getChildrenNames(); for ( int p = 0; p<numchild; p++){ MailAccount ma; char valname[512]; char fullname[512]; sprintf(fullname, "%s/%s", fullcontext, PROPERTY_MAIL_ACCOUNT_ROOT); const char* name = stringdup(accountNames[p]); DeviceManagementNode* mn = new DeviceManagementNode(fullname,name); ma.setName(name); sprintf(valname,PROPERTY_MAIL_ACCOUNT_VISIBLE_NAME,name); tmp = mn->readPropertyValue(valname); ma.setVisibleName(tmp); safeDel(&tmp); sprintf(valname,PROPERTY_MAIL_ACCOUNT_EMAILADDRESS,name); tmp = mn->readPropertyValue(valname); ma.setEmailAddress(tmp); safeDel(&tmp); sprintf(valname,PROPERTY_MAIL_ACCOUNT_PROTOCOL,name); tmp = mn->readPropertyValue(valname); ma.setProtocol(tmp); safeDel(&tmp); sprintf(valname,PROPERTY_MAIL_ACCOUNT_USERNAME,name); tmp = mn->readPropertyValue(valname); ma.setUsername(tmp); safeDel(&tmp); sprintf(valname,PROPERTY_MAIL_ACCOUNT_PASSWORD,name); tmp = mn->readPropertyValue(valname); ma.setPassword(tmp); safeDel(&tmp); sprintf(valname,PROPERTY_MAIL_ACCOUNT_IN_SERVER,name); tmp = mn->readPropertyValue(valname); ma.setInServer(tmp); safeDel(&tmp); sprintf(valname,PROPERTY_MAIL_ACCOUNT_OUT_SERVER,name); tmp = mn->readPropertyValue(valname); ma.setOutServer(tmp); safeDel(&tmp); sprintf(valname,PROPERTY_MAIL_ACCOUNT_IN_PORT,name); tmp = mn->readPropertyValue(valname); ma.setInPort(tmp); safeDel(&tmp); sprintf(valname,PROPERTY_MAIL_ACCOUNT_OUT_PORT,name); tmp = mn->readPropertyValue(valname); ma.setOutPort(tmp); safeDel(&tmp); sprintf(valname,PROPERTY_MAIL_ACCOUNT_IN_SSL,name); tmp = mn->readPropertyValue(valname); ma.setInSSL(tmp); safeDel(&tmp); sprintf(valname,PROPERTY_MAIL_ACCOUNT_OUT_SSL,name); tmp = mn->readPropertyValue(valname); ma.setOutSSL(tmp); safeDel(&tmp); sprintf(valname,PROPERTY_MAIL_ACCOUNT_SIGNATURE,name); tmp = mn->readPropertyValue(valname); ma.setSignature(tmp); safeDel(&tmp); sprintf(valname,PROPERTY_MAIL_ACCOUNT_DOMAINNAME,name); tmp = mn->readPropertyValue(valname); ma.setDomainName(tmp); safeDel(&tmp); sprintf(valname,PROPERTY_MAIL_ACCOUNT_TO_BE_CLEANED,name); tmp = mn->readPropertyValue(valname); if(strcmp(tmp, "1") == 0){ ma.setToBeCleaned(true); } sprintf(valname,PROPERTY_MAIL_ACCOUNT_ID,name); tmp = mn->readPropertyValue(valname); WCHAR* idW = toWideChar(tmp); safeDel(&tmp); ma.setID(idW); if (idW) { delete [] idW; } config.addMailAccount(ma); delete [] name; } delete [] fullcontext; }
int HttpConnection::open(const URL& url, RequestMethod method, bool log_request) { WCHAR* wurlHost = NULL; WCHAR* wurlResource = NULL; WString headers; const WCHAR* http_verb = METHOD_POST; WCHAR* ua = NULL; DWORD flags = INTERNET_FLAG_RELOAD | INTERNET_FLAG_NO_CACHE_WRITE | INTERNET_FLAG_KEEP_CONNECTION | // This is necessary if authentication is required. INTERNET_FLAG_NO_COOKIES; // This is used to avoid possible server errors on successive sessions. LPCWSTR acceptTypes[2] = {TEXT("*/*"), NULL}; int ret = 0; this->url = url; // A non-null UserAgent is required if (userAgent.empty()) { userAgent = USER_AGENT; } setURL(url); // set the url in the main AbstractHttpConnection if ((url.fullURL == NULL) || (strlen(url.fullURL) == 0)) { setErrorF(ERR_HOST_NOT_FOUND, "%s: %s.", __FUNCTION__, ERRMSG_HOST_NOT_FOUND); return StatusInternalError; } if (url.isSecure()) { if (getSSLVerifyServer() == false) { flags = flags| INTERNET_FLAG_SECURE | INTERNET_FLAG_IGNORE_CERT_CN_INVALID | INTERNET_FLAG_IGNORE_CERT_DATE_INVALID | SECURITY_FLAG_IGNORE_REVOCATION | SECURITY_FLAG_IGNORE_UNKNOWN_CA | SECURITY_FLAG_IGNORE_WRONG_USAGE; } else { flags = flags| INTERNET_FLAG_SECURE; } } ua = toWideChar(userAgent); // open connection. inet = InternetOpen (ua, INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_PRECONFIG, NULL, 0, 0); if (ua) { delete [] ua; ua = NULL; } if (!inet) { DWORD code = GetLastError(); char* tmp = createHttpErrorMessage(code); setErrorF(ERR_NETWORK_INIT, "InternetOpen Error: %d - %s", code, tmp); delete [] tmp; close(); return StatusNetworkError; } LOG.debug("Connecting to %s",; // // Open an HTTP session for a specified site by using lpszServer. // wurlHost = toWideChar(; if (!(connection = InternetConnect (inet, wurlHost, url.port, NULL, // username NULL, // password INTERNET_SERVICE_HTTP, 0, 0))) { DWORD code = GetLastError(); char* tmp = createHttpErrorMessage(code); setErrorF(ERR_CONNECT, "InternetConnect Error: %d - %s", code, tmp); delete [] tmp; close(); return StatusNetworkError; } // // Open an HTTP request handle. By default it uses the POST method (see constructor). // it could be set the GET if someone would use it. The api doesn't use // GET at all. // switch (method) { case MethodGet: http_verb = METHOD_GET; break; case MethodPost: http_verb = METHOD_POST; break; default: // HTTP method not supported... LOG.error("%s: unsupported HTTP request type", __FUNCTION__); close(); return StatusInternalError; } LOG.debug("%s: HTTP verb type: %S", __FUNCTION__, http_verb); wurlResource = toWideChar(url.resource); // just to avoid printing passwords in the log if (log_request) { LOG.debug("%s: HTTP url resource: %S", __FUNCTION__, wurlResource); } if (!(req = HttpOpenRequest(connection, http_verb, wurlResource, HTTP_VERSION, NULL, acceptTypes, flags, 0))) { DWORD code = GetLastError(); char* tmp = createHttpErrorMessage(code); setErrorF(ERR_CONNECT, "HttpOpenRequest Error: %d - %s", code, tmp); delete [] tmp; close(); ret = StatusNetworkError; } // save static handles lastInet = inet; lastConnection = connection; lastReq = req; delete [] wurlResource; return ret; }
void MailSourceManagementNode::setMailAccounts(MailSyncSourceConfig& c){ char t[512]; ArrayList mailAccounts = config.getMailAccounts(); int accountNum = mailAccounts.size(); if (accountNum) { char* fullcontext = toMultibyte(getFullContext()); DeviceManagementNode* mn = new DeviceManagementNode(fullcontext, PROPERTY_MAIL_ACCOUNT_ROOT); for (int i = 0; i < accountNum; i ++) { if (((MailAccount*)mailAccounts[i])->getDeleted()){ WCHAR* wname = toWideChar(((MailAccount*)mailAccounts[i])->getName()); WCHAR* node = new WCHAR[wcslen(getFullContext()) + wcslen(wname) + wcslen(TEXT("\\mailAccounts\\")) +1]; wsprintf(node, TEXT("%s\\mailAccounts\\%s"), getFullContext(), wname); deletePropertyNode(node); config.delMailAccount(((MailAccount*)mailAccounts[i])->getName()); delete [] wname; delete [] node; } } delete mn; mailAccounts = config.getMailAccounts(); c.setMailAccounts(mailAccounts); accountNum = mailAccounts.size(); for (int i = 0; i < accountNum; i++) { MailAccount* account = static_cast<MailAccount*>(mailAccounts[i]); char valname[512]; const char* name = stringdup(((StringBuffer)account->getName()).c_str()); char fullname[512]; sprintf(fullname, "%s/%s", fullcontext, PROPERTY_MAIL_ACCOUNT_ROOT); DeviceManagementNode* mn = new DeviceManagementNode(fullname,name); sprintf(valname, PROPERTY_MAIL_ACCOUNT_VISIBLE_NAME, name); sprintf(t, "%s", account->getVisibleName()); mn->setPropertyValue(valname, t); sprintf(valname, PROPERTY_MAIL_ACCOUNT_EMAILADDRESS, name); sprintf(t, "%s", account->getEmailAddress()); mn->setPropertyValue(valname, t); sprintf(valname, PROPERTY_MAIL_ACCOUNT_PROTOCOL, name); sprintf(t, "%s", account->getProtocol()); mn->setPropertyValue(valname, t); sprintf(valname, PROPERTY_MAIL_ACCOUNT_USERNAME, name); sprintf(t, "%s", account->getUsername()); mn->setPropertyValue(valname, t); sprintf(valname, PROPERTY_MAIL_ACCOUNT_PASSWORD, name); sprintf(t, "%s", account->getPassword()); mn->setPropertyValue(valname, t); sprintf(valname, PROPERTY_MAIL_ACCOUNT_IN_SERVER, name); sprintf(t, "%s", account->getInServer()); mn->setPropertyValue(valname, t); sprintf(valname, PROPERTY_MAIL_ACCOUNT_OUT_SERVER, name); sprintf(t, "%s", account->getOutServer()); mn->setPropertyValue(valname, t); sprintf(valname, PROPERTY_MAIL_ACCOUNT_IN_PORT, name); sprintf(t, "%s", account->getInPort()); mn->setPropertyValue(valname, t); sprintf(valname, PROPERTY_MAIL_ACCOUNT_OUT_PORT, name); sprintf(t, "%s", account->getOutPort()); mn->setPropertyValue(valname, t); sprintf(valname, PROPERTY_MAIL_ACCOUNT_IN_SSL, name); sprintf(t, "%s", account->getInSSL()); mn->setPropertyValue(valname, t); sprintf(valname, PROPERTY_MAIL_ACCOUNT_OUT_SSL, name); sprintf(t, "%s", account->getOutSSL()); mn->setPropertyValue(valname, t); sprintf(valname, PROPERTY_MAIL_ACCOUNT_SIGNATURE, name); sprintf(t, "%s", account->getSignature()); mn->setPropertyValue(valname, t); sprintf(valname, PROPERTY_MAIL_ACCOUNT_DOMAINNAME, name); sprintf(t, "%s", account->getDomainName()); mn->setPropertyValue(valname, t); sprintf(valname, PROPERTY_MAIL_ACCOUNT_TO_BE_CLEANED, name); int toBeCleaned = 0; if (account->getToBeCleaned()){ toBeCleaned = 1; } sprintf(t, "%d", toBeCleaned); mn->setPropertyValue(valname, t); sprintf(valname, PROPERTY_MAIL_ACCOUNT_ID, name); const WCHAR* accountIdw = account->getID(); const char *accountId = toMultibyte(accountIdw); sprintf(t, "%s", accountId); delete [] accountId; mn->setPropertyValue(valname, t); delete mn; delete [] name; } delete [] fullcontext; } }
BOOL CProxySettings::OnInitDialog() { CString s1, s2; s1.LoadString(IDS_PROXY_SETTINGS2); SetWindowText(s1); CDialog::OnInitDialog(); const char* proxyUser = NULL; const char* proxyPass = NULL; editUser.SetLimitText(EDIT_TEXT_MAXLENGTH); editPass.SetLimitText(EDIT_TEXT_MAXLENGTH); s1.LoadString(IDS_ACCOUNT_USEPROXY); SetDlgItemText(IDC_PROXY_ENABLE, s1); s1.LoadString(IDS_ACCOUNT_PROXY_AUTH); SetDlgItemText(IDC_PROXY_AUTH, s1); s1.LoadString(IDS_ACCOUNT_PROXY_USER); SetDlgItemText(IDC_PROXY_STATIC_USER, s1); s1.LoadString(IDS_ACCOUNT_PROXY_PASS); SetDlgItemText(IDC_PROXY_STATIC_PASSWORD, s1); // read config from Registry OutlookConfig* conf = (OutlookConfig*)getConfig(); proxyUser = conf->getAccessConfig().getProxyUsername(); proxyPass = conf->getAccessConfig().getProxyPassword(); // proxy authentication if( (strcmp(proxyUser,"")) && (strcmp(proxyPass,"")) ) { // proxy authentication required checkAuth.SetCheck(BST_CHECKED); editUser.EnableWindow(TRUE); editPass.EnableWindow(TRUE); GetDlgItem(IDC_PROXY_STATIC_USER)->EnableWindow(TRUE); GetDlgItem(IDC_PROXY_STATIC_PASSWORD)->EnableWindow(TRUE); // Note: use 'toWideChar' because we need UTF-8 conversion. WCHAR* tmp = toWideChar(proxyUser); s2 = tmp; SetDlgItemText(IDC_PROXY_EDIT_USER, s2); delete [] tmp; // Note: use 'toWideChar' because we need UTF-8 conversion. tmp = toWideChar(proxyUser); s2 = tmp; SetDlgItemText(IDC_PROXY_EDIT_PASS, s2); delete [] tmp; } else { checkAuth.SetCheck(BST_UNCHECKED); editUser.EnableWindow(FALSE); editPass.EnableWindow(FALSE); GetDlgItem(IDC_PROXY_STATIC_USER)->EnableWindow(FALSE); GetDlgItem(IDC_PROXY_STATIC_PASSWORD)->EnableWindow(FALSE); } // use proxy if(conf->getAccessConfig().getUseProxy()) { checkEnable.SetCheck(BST_CHECKED); } else { checkEnable.SetCheck(BST_UNCHECKED); checkAuth.EnableWindow(FALSE); editUser.EnableWindow(FALSE); editPass.EnableWindow(FALSE); GetDlgItem(IDC_PROXY_STATIC_USER)->EnableWindow(FALSE); GetDlgItem(IDC_PROXY_STATIC_PASSWORD)->EnableWindow(FALSE); } checkEnable.SetFocus(); return FALSE; }
int SyncMLProcessor::processItemStatus(SyncSource& source, SyncBody* syncBody) { ArrayList* items = NULL; Item* item = NULL; SourceRef* sourceRef = NULL; Status* s = NULL; const char* name = NULL; Data* data = NULL; int ret = 0; ArrayList* list = getCommands(syncBody, STATUS); for (int i = 0; i < list->size(); i++) { s = (Status*)list->get(i); name = s->getCmd(); data = s->getData(); if (strcmp(name, SYNC) == 0){ char *srcname = toMultibyte(source.getName()); int alertStatus = getAlertStatusCode(s, srcname); delete [] srcname; /* * Try to find if the server send a message together the error code if any * The items in the status message should be always one... */ char *statusMessage = NULL; items = s->getItems(); for (int k = 0; k < items->size(); k++) { item = (Item*)items->get(k); if (item) { ComplexData* cd = item->getData(); if (cd) { statusMessage = stringdup(cd->getData()); } } } // Fire Sync Status Event: sync status from server fireSyncStatusEvent(SYNC, s->getStatusCode(), source.getConfig().getName(), source.getConfig().getURI(), NULL, SERVER_STATUS); if(alertStatus < 0 || alertStatus >=300){ if (statusMessage) { //strcpy(lastErrorMsg, statusMessage); setError( alertStatus, statusMessage); } else { //strcpy(lastErrorMsg, "Error in sync status sent by server."); setError( alertStatus, "Error in sync status sent by server."); } if ((ret = alertStatus) < 0) LOG.error("processItemStatus: status not found in SYNC"); else LOG.error("processItemStatus: server sent status %d in SYNC", alertStatus); break; } if (statusMessage) { delete [] statusMessage; } } else if (strcmp(name, ADD) == 0 || strcmp(name, REPLACE) == 0 || strcmp(name, DEL) == 0) { int k; items = s->getItems(); long val = strtol(data->getData() , NULL, 10); for (k = 0; k < items->size(); k++) { item = (Item*)items->get(k); if (item) { Source* itemSource = item->getSource(); if (itemSource) { WCHAR *uri = toWideChar(itemSource->getLocURI()); ComplexData* cd = item->getData(); WCHAR *statusMessage = NULL; if (cd) { statusMessage = toWideChar(cd->getData()); } // Fire Sync Status Event: item status from server fireSyncStatusEvent(s->getCmd(), s->getStatusCode(), source.getConfig().getName(), source.getConfig().getURI(), uri, SERVER_STATUS); // Update SyncReport source.getReport()->addItem(SERVER, s->getCmd(), uri, s->getStatusCode(), statusMessage); source.setItemStatus(uri, val, name); delete [] uri; if (statusMessage) delete [] statusMessage; } else { // the item might consist of additional information, as in: // <SourceRef>pas-id-44B544A600000092</SourceRef> // <Data>200</Data> // <Item><Data>Conflict resolved by server</Data></Item> } } } items = s->getSourceRef(); for (k = 0; k < items->size(); k++) { sourceRef = (SourceRef*)items->get(k); if (sourceRef) { WCHAR *srcref = toWideChar(sourceRef->getValue()); // Fire Sync Status Event: item status from server fireSyncStatusEvent(s->getCmd(), s->getStatusCode(), source.getConfig().getName(), source.getConfig().getURI(), srcref, SERVER_STATUS); // Update SyncReport source.getReport()->addItem(SERVER, s->getCmd(), srcref, s->getStatusCode(), NULL); source.setItemStatus(srcref, val, name); delete [] srcref; } } } } //deleteArrayList(&list); if (list){ delete list; list = NULL; } return ret; }
std::string digidoc::util::String::convertUTF8(const std::string &in, bool to_UTF) { int inFormat = to_UTF ? CP_ACP : CP_UTF8; int outFormat = to_UTF ? CP_UTF8 : CP_ACP; return toMultiByte(outFormat, toWideChar(inFormat, in)); }
int HttpConnection::sendData(const char* data, int data_len) { int totalBytesRead = 0; int ret = 0; DWORD bytesWritten = 0; DWORD errorCode = 0; if (!InternetWriteFile(req, data, data_len, &bytesWritten)) { errorCode = GetLastError(); char* tmp = createHttpErrorMessage(errorCode); setErrorF(errorCode, "InternetWriteFile error %d: %s", errorCode, tmp);"%s", getLastErrorMsg()); delete [] tmp; tmp = NULL; // // The certificate is not trusted. Send the right error code to the // client // if (errorCode == ERROR_INTERNET_INVALID_CA) { setError(ERR_HTTPS_INVALID_CA, "The certificate is invalid"); LOG.error("%s", getLastErrorMsg()); // try to understand a bit more on the certificate INTERNET_CERTIFICATE_INFO certificateInfo; DWORD certInfoLength = sizeof(INTERNET_CERTIFICATE_INFO); if (TRUE == InternetQueryOption(req, INTERNET_OPTION_SECURITY_CERTIFICATE_STRUCT, &certificateInfo, &certInfoLength)) { char* subj = (char*)certificateInfo.lpszSubjectInfo; char* issuer = (char*)certificateInfo.lpszIssuerInfo; LOG.debug("Cert Subject %s", subj); LOG.debug("Cert Issuer %s", issuer); } else { LOG.debug("Cannot retrieve info about the certificate"); } } else if (errorCode == ERROR_INTERNET_OFFLINE_MODE) { // 00002 -> retry LOG.debug("Offline mode detected: go-online and retry..."); WCHAR* wurl = toWideChar(url.fullURL); InternetGoOnline(wurl, NULL, NULL); delete [] wurl; } else if (errorCode == ERROR_INTERNET_TIMEOUT || // 12002 -> out code 2007 errorCode == ERROR_INTERNET_INCORRECT_HANDLE_STATE) { // 12019 -> out code 2007 setError(ERR_HTTP_TIME_OUT, "Network error: the request has timed out -> exit."); LOG.debug("%s", getLastErrorMsg()); } else if (errorCode == ERROR_INTERNET_CANNOT_CONNECT) { // 12029 -> out code 2001 setError(ERR_CONNECT, "Network error: the attempt to connect to the server failed -> exit"); LOG.debug("%s", getLastErrorMsg()); } // Other network error: retry."Network error writing data from client"); resetError(); } if (bytesWritten != data_len) { LOG.error("[%s] Warning: possible loss of data: %d bytes read, %d bytes written", __FUNCTION__, data_len, bytesWritten); } return errorCode; }
/* * Returns the value of the given property * the value is returned as a new char array and must be free'd by the user * * @param property - the property name */ char* DeviceManagementNode::readPropertyValue(const char* prop) { HKEY key = NULL; DWORD res; long err = 0; char *ret=NULL; TCHAR *p = toWideChar(prop); ULONG dim = 0; RegCreateKeyEx( HKEY_DM_ROOT, fullContext, 0, NULL, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, NULL, &key, &res ); if (key == 0) { //lastErrorCode = ERR_INVALID_CONTEXT; //sprintf(lastErrorMsg, "Invalid context path: %ls", fullContext); setErrorF(ERR_INVALID_CONTEXT, "Invalid context path: %ls", fullContext); goto finally; } // Get value length err = RegQueryValueEx( key, p, NULL, NULL, // we currently support only strings NULL, &dim ); if (err == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (dim > 0) { TCHAR *buf = new TCHAR[dim + 1]; err = RegQueryValueEx( key, p, NULL, NULL, // we currently support only strings (UCHAR*)buf, &dim ); if (err == ERROR_SUCCESS) ret = toMultibyte(buf); delete [] buf; } } //else MessageBox(NULL, "Error", "getConfigParameter", MB_OK); if (!ret) ret = stringdup(""); finally: if (p) delete [] p; if (key != 0) { RegCloseKey(key); } return ret; }
int HttpConnection::checkResponseStatus() { DWORD status, size; size = sizeof(status); HttpQueryInfo (req, HTTP_QUERY_STATUS_CODE | HTTP_QUERY_FLAG_NUMBER, (LPDWORD)&status, (LPDWORD)&size, NULL); // data sent OK if (isErrorStatus(status) == false) { if (status == HTTP_STATUS_OK) { LOG.debug("data sent successfully: server responds OK"); } else if (status == HTTP_RESUME_INCOMPLETE) { LOG.debug("HTTP 308 (Resume Incomplete)"); } } #if defined(WIN32) && !defined(_WIN32_WCE) // // Proxy Authentication Required (407) / Server Authentication Required (401). // Need to set username/password. // else if (status == HTTP_STATUS_DENIED) {"%s: received status 401 from server", __FUNCTION__); return HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED; } else if(status == HTTP_STATUS_PROXY_AUTH_REQ) { LOG.debug("%s: HTTP Proxy Authentication required.", __FUNCTION__); // DWORD dwSize, dwCode; CHAR szData[1024]; dwSize = sizeof (DWORD); do { InternetReadFile (req, (LPVOID)szData, 1023, &dwSize); } while (dwSize != 0); ////////////////// // Automatic authentication (user/pass stored in win reg key). if (strcmp(proxy.user, "") && strcmp(proxy.password, "") && !auth && (numberOfRetryForProxy == MAX_PROXY_RETRY)) { LOG.debug("%s: using proxy username and password store in config", __FUNCTION__); WCHAR* wUser = toWideChar(proxy.user); WCHAR* wPwd = toWideChar(proxy.password); InternetSetOption(req, INTERNET_OPTION_PROXY_USERNAME, wUser, wcslen(wUser)+1); InternetSetOption(req, INTERNET_OPTION_PROXY_PASSWORD, wPwd, wcslen(wPwd)+1); delete [] wUser; delete [] wPwd; status = ERROR_INTERNET_FORCE_RETRY; numberOfRetryForProxy++; } else { LOG.debug("%s: return proxy auth required error", __FUNCTION__); numberOfRetryForProxy = 1; // reset the value } } #endif // #if defined(WIN32) && !defined(_WIN32_WCE) else { LOG.error("[HttpConnection]: server returned HTTP status code %d", status); } return status; }