예제 #1
파일: allocsup.c 프로젝트: conioh/os-design
UdfLookupMetaVsnOfExtent (
    IN PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext,
    IN PVCB Vcb,
    IN USHORT Reference,
    IN ULONG Lbn,
    IN ULONG Len,
    IN BOOLEAN ExactEnd


Routine Description:

    This routine maps the input logical block extent on a given partition to
    a starting virtual block in the metadata stream.  If a mapping does not
    exist, one will be created and the metadata stream extended.


    Vcb - Vcb of logical volume

    Reference - Partition reference to use in the mapping

    Lbn - Logical block number

    Len - Length of extent in bytes
    ExactEnd - Indicates the extension policy if these blocks are not mapped.

Return Value:

    ULONG virtual sector number

    Raised status if the Lbn extent is split across multiple Vbn extents.


    ULONG Vsn;
    ULONG Psn;
    ULONG SectorCount;

    BOOLEAN Result;

    BOOLEAN UnwindExtension = FALSE;
    LONGLONG UnwindAllocationSize;

    PFCB Fcb = NULL;

    //  Check inputs

    ASSERT_IRP_CONTEXT( IrpContext );
    ASSERT_VCB( Vcb );

    //  The extent must be an integral number of logical blocks in length.

    if (Len == 0 || BlockOffset( Vcb, Len )) {

        UdfRaiseStatus( IrpContext, STATUS_FILE_CORRUPT_ERROR );

    //  Get the physical mapping of the extent.  The Mcb package operates on ULONG/ULONG
    //  keys and values so we must render our 48bit address into 32.  We can do this since
    //  this is a single surface implementation, and it is guaranteed that a surface cannot
    //  contain more than MAXULONG physical sectors.

    Psn = UdfLookupPsnOfExtent( IrpContext,
                                Len );

    //  Use try-finally for cleanup

    try {

        //  We must safely establish a mapping and extend the metadata stream so that cached
        //  reads can occur on this new extent.

        Fcb = Vcb->MetadataFcb;
        UdfLockFcb( IrpContext, Fcb );
        Result = UdfVmcbLbnToVbn( &Vcb->Vmcb,
                                  &SectorCount );

        if (Result) {

            //  If the mapping covers the extent, we can give this back.

            if (BlocksFromSectors( Vcb, SectorCount ) >= BlocksFromBytes( Vcb, Len )) {

                try_leave( NOTHING );


            //  It is a fatal error if the extent we are mapping is not wholly contained
            //  by an extent of Vsns in the Vmcb.  This will indicate that some structure
            //  is trying to overlap another.

            UdfRaiseStatus( IrpContext, STATUS_FILE_CORRUPT_ERROR );

        //  Add the new mapping.  We know that it is being added to the end of the stream.

        UdfAddVmcbMapping( &Vcb->Vmcb,
                           SectorsFromBytes( Vcb, Len ),
                           &SectorCount );

        UnwindAllocationSize = Fcb->AllocationSize.QuadPart;
        UnwindExtension = TRUE;

        Fcb->AllocationSize.QuadPart =
        Fcb->FileSize.QuadPart =
        Fcb->ValidDataLength.QuadPart = LlBytesFromSectors( Vcb, Vsn + SectorCount);

        CcSetFileSizes( Fcb->FileObject, (PCC_FILE_SIZES) &Fcb->AllocationSize );
        UnwindExtension = FALSE;

        //  We do not need to purge the cache maps since the Vmcb will always be
        //  page aligned, and thus any reads will have filled it with valid data.

    } finally {

        if (UnwindExtension) {

            ULONG FirstZappedVsn;

            //  Strip off the additional mappings we made.

            Fcb->AllocationSize.QuadPart =
            Fcb->FileSize.QuadPart =
            Fcb->ValidDataLength.QuadPart = UnwindAllocationSize;

            FirstZappedVsn = SectorsFromBytes( Vcb, UnwindAllocationSize );

            UdfRemoveVmcbMapping( &Vcb->Vmcb,
                                  Vsn + SectorCount - FirstZappedVsn );

            CcSetFileSizes( Fcb->FileObject, (PCC_FILE_SIZES) &Fcb->AllocationSize );

        if (Fcb) { UdfUnlockFcb( IrpContext, Fcb ); }

    return Vsn;
예제 #2
파일: dirctrl.c 프로젝트: kcrazy/winekit
CdQueryDirectory (
    __inout PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext,
    __inout PIRP Irp,
    __in PFCB Fcb,
    __in PCCB Ccb


Routine Description:

    This routine performs the query directory operation.  It is responsible
    for either completing of enqueuing the input Irp.  We store the state of the
    search in the Ccb.


    Irp - Supplies the Irp to process

    IrpSp - Stack location for this Irp.

    Fcb - Fcb for this directory.

    Ccb - Ccb for this directory open.

Return Value:

    NTSTATUS - The return status for the operation


    ULONG Information = 0;

    ULONG LastEntry = 0;
    ULONG NextEntry = 0;

    ULONG FileNameBytes;
    ULONG SeparatorBytes;
    ULONG VersionStringBytes;

    FILE_ENUM_CONTEXT FileContext;
    PDIRENT ThisDirent = NULL;
    BOOLEAN InitialQuery;
    BOOLEAN ReturnNextEntry = FALSE;
    BOOLEAN ReturnSingleEntry;
    BOOLEAN Found;
    BOOLEAN DoCcbUpdate = FALSE;

    PCHAR UserBuffer;
    ULONG BytesRemainingInBuffer;

    ULONG BaseLength;



    //  Check if we support this search mode.  Also remember the size of the base part of
    //  each of these structures.

    switch (IrpSp->Parameters.QueryDirectory.FileInformationClass) {

    case FileDirectoryInformation:

                                   FileName[0] );

    case FileFullDirectoryInformation:

                                   FileName[0] );

    case FileIdFullDirectoryInformation:

                                   FileName[0] );

    case FileNamesInformation:

                                   FileName[0] );

    case FileBothDirectoryInformation:

                                   FileName[0] );

    case FileIdBothDirectoryInformation:

                                   FileName[0] );


        CdCompleteRequest( IrpContext, Irp, STATUS_INVALID_INFO_CLASS );

    //  Get the user buffer.

    CdMapUserBuffer( IrpContext, &UserBuffer);

    //  Initialize our search context.

    CdInitializeFileContext( IrpContext, &FileContext );

    //  Acquire the directory.

    CdAcquireFileShared( IrpContext, Fcb );

    //  Use a try-finally to facilitate cleanup.

    try {

        //  Verify the Fcb is still good.

        CdVerifyFcbOperation( IrpContext, Fcb );

        //  Start by getting the initial state for the enumeration.  This will set up the Ccb with
        //  the initial search parameters and let us know the starting offset in the directory
        //  to search.

        CdInitializeEnumeration( IrpContext,
                                 &InitialQuery );

        //  The current dirent is stored in the InitialDirent field.  We capture
        //  this here so that we have a valid restart point even if we don't
        //  find a single entry.

        ThisDirent = &FileContext.InitialDirent->Dirent;

        //  At this point we are about to enter our query loop.  We have
        //  determined the index into the directory file to begin the
        //  search.  LastEntry and NextEntry are used to index into the user
        //  buffer.  LastEntry is the last entry we've added, NextEntry is
        //  current one we're working on.  If NextEntry is non-zero, then
        //  at least one entry was added.

        while (TRUE) {

            //  If the user had requested only a single match and we have
            //  returned that, then we stop at this point.  We update the Ccb with
            //  the status based on the last entry returned.

            if ((NextEntry != 0) && ReturnSingleEntry) {

                DoCcbUpdate = TRUE;
                try_leave( Status );

            //  We try to locate the next matching dirent.  Our search if based on a starting
            //  dirent offset, whether we should return the current or next entry, whether
            //  we should be doing a short name search and finally whether we should be
            //  checking for a version match.

            Found = CdEnumerateIndex( IrpContext, Ccb, &FileContext, ReturnNextEntry );

            //  Initialize the value for the next search.

            ReturnNextEntry = TRUE;

            //  If we didn't receive a dirent, then we are at the end of the
            //  directory.  If we have returned any files, we exit with
            //  success, otherwise we return STATUS_NO_MORE_FILES.

            if (!Found) {

                if (NextEntry == 0) {

                    Status = STATUS_NO_MORE_FILES;

                    if (InitialQuery) {

                        Status = STATUS_NO_SUCH_FILE;

                DoCcbUpdate = TRUE;
                try_leave( Status );

            //  Remember the dirent for the file we just found.

            ThisDirent = &FileContext.InitialDirent->Dirent;

            //  Here are the rules concerning filling up the buffer:
            //  1.  The Io system garentees that there will always be
            //      enough room for at least one base record.
            //  2.  If the full first record (including file name) cannot
            //      fit, as much of the name as possible is copied and
            //      STATUS_BUFFER_OVERFLOW is returned.
            //  3.  If a subsequent record cannot completely fit into the
            //      buffer, none of it (as in 0 bytes) is copied, and
            //      STATUS_SUCCESS is returned.  A subsequent query will
            //      pick up with this record.

            //  Let's compute the number of bytes we need to transfer the current entry.

            SeparatorBytes =
            VersionStringBytes = 0;

            //  We can look directly at the dirent that we found.

            FileNameBytes = ThisDirent->CdFileName.FileName.Length;

            //  Compute the number of bytes for the version string if
            //  we will return this. Allow directories with illegal ";".

            if (((Ccb->SearchExpression.VersionString.Length != 0) ||
                 (FlagOn(ThisDirent->DirentFlags, CD_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY))) &&
                (ThisDirent->CdFileName.VersionString.Length != 0)) {

                SeparatorBytes = 2;

                VersionStringBytes = ThisDirent->CdFileName.VersionString.Length;

            //  If the slot for the next entry would be beyond the length of the
            //  user's buffer just exit (we know we've returned at least one entry
            //  already). This will happen when we align the pointer past the end.

            if (NextEntry > IrpSp->Parameters.QueryDirectory.Length) {

                ReturnNextEntry = FALSE;
                DoCcbUpdate = TRUE;
                try_leave( Status = STATUS_SUCCESS );

            //  Compute the number of bytes remaining in the buffer.  Round this
            //  down to a WCHAR boundary so we can copy full characters.

            BytesRemainingInBuffer = IrpSp->Parameters.QueryDirectory.Length - NextEntry;
            ClearFlag( BytesRemainingInBuffer, 1 );

            //  If this won't fit and we have returned a previous entry then just
            //  return STATUS_SUCCESS.

            if ((BaseLength + FileNameBytes + SeparatorBytes + VersionStringBytes) > BytesRemainingInBuffer) {

                //  If we already found an entry then just exit.

                if (NextEntry != 0) {

                    ReturnNextEntry = FALSE;
                    DoCcbUpdate = TRUE;
                    try_leave( Status = STATUS_SUCCESS );

                //  Don't even try to return the version string if it doesn't all fit.
                //  Reduce the FileNameBytes to just fit in the buffer.

                if ((BaseLength + FileNameBytes) > BytesRemainingInBuffer) {

                    FileNameBytes = BytesRemainingInBuffer - BaseLength;

                //  Don't return any version string bytes.

                VersionStringBytes =
                SeparatorBytes = 0;

                //  Use a status code of STATUS_BUFFER_OVERFLOW.  Also set
                //  ReturnSingleEntry so that we will exit the loop at the top.

                Status = STATUS_BUFFER_OVERFLOW;
                ReturnSingleEntry = TRUE;

            //  Protect access to the user buffer with an exception handler.
            //  Since (at our request) IO doesn't buffer these requests, we have
            //  to guard against a user messing with the page protection and other
            //  such trickery.
            try {
                //  Zero and initialize the base part of the current entry.

                RtlZeroMemory( Add2Ptr( UserBuffer, NextEntry, PVOID ),
                               BaseLength );
                //  Now we have an entry to return to our caller.
                //  We'll case on the type of information requested and fill up
                //  the user buffer if everything fits.

                switch (IrpSp->Parameters.QueryDirectory.FileInformationClass) {
                case FileBothDirectoryInformation:
                case FileFullDirectoryInformation:
                case FileIdBothDirectoryInformation:
                case FileIdFullDirectoryInformation:
                case FileDirectoryInformation:
                    DirInfo = Add2Ptr( UserBuffer, NextEntry, PFILE_BOTH_DIR_INFORMATION );
                    //  Use the create time for all the time stamps.
                    CdConvertCdTimeToNtTime( IrpContext,
                                             &DirInfo->CreationTime );
                    DirInfo->LastWriteTime = DirInfo->ChangeTime = DirInfo->CreationTime;
                    //  Set the attributes and sizes separately for directories and
                    //  files.
                    if (FlagOn( ThisDirent->DirentFlags, CD_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY )) {
                        DirInfo->EndOfFile.QuadPart = DirInfo->AllocationSize.QuadPart = 0;
                        SetFlag( DirInfo->FileAttributes, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY);
                    } else {
                        DirInfo->EndOfFile.QuadPart = FileContext.FileSize;
                        DirInfo->AllocationSize.QuadPart = LlSectorAlign( FileContext.FileSize );
                        SetFlag( DirInfo->FileAttributes, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY);

                    if (FlagOn( ThisDirent->DirentFlags,
                                CD_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN )) {
                        SetFlag( DirInfo->FileAttributes, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN );
                    DirInfo->FileIndex = ThisDirent->DirentOffset;
                    DirInfo->FileNameLength = FileNameBytes + SeparatorBytes + VersionStringBytes;
                case FileNamesInformation:
                    NamesInfo = Add2Ptr( UserBuffer, NextEntry, PFILE_NAMES_INFORMATION );
                    NamesInfo->FileIndex = ThisDirent->DirentOffset;
                    NamesInfo->FileNameLength = FileNameBytes + SeparatorBytes + VersionStringBytes;

                //  Fill in the FileId

                switch (IrpSp->Parameters.QueryDirectory.FileInformationClass) {

                case FileIdBothDirectoryInformation:

                    IdBothDirInfo = Add2Ptr( UserBuffer, NextEntry, PFILE_ID_BOTH_DIR_INFORMATION );
                    CdSetFidFromParentAndDirent( IdBothDirInfo->FileId, Fcb, ThisDirent );

                case FileIdFullDirectoryInformation:

                    IdFullDirInfo = Add2Ptr( UserBuffer, NextEntry, PFILE_ID_FULL_DIR_INFORMATION );
                    CdSetFidFromParentAndDirent( IdFullDirInfo->FileId, Fcb, ThisDirent );

                //  Now copy as much of the name as possible.  We also may have a version
                //  string to copy.
                if (FileNameBytes != 0) {
                    //  This is a Unicode name, we can copy the bytes directly.
                    RtlCopyMemory( Add2Ptr( UserBuffer, NextEntry + BaseLength, PVOID ),
                                   FileNameBytes );
                    if (SeparatorBytes != 0) {
                        *(Add2Ptr( UserBuffer,
                                   NextEntry + BaseLength + FileNameBytes,
                                   PWCHAR )) = L';';
                        if (VersionStringBytes != 0) {
                            RtlCopyMemory( Add2Ptr( UserBuffer,
                                                    NextEntry + BaseLength + FileNameBytes + sizeof( WCHAR ),
                                                    PVOID ),
                                           VersionStringBytes );

                //  Fill in the short name if we got STATUS_SUCCESS.  The short name
                //  may already be in the file context.  Otherwise we will check
                //  whether the long name is 8.3.  Special case the self and parent
                //  directory names.

                if ((Status == STATUS_SUCCESS) &&
                    (IrpSp->Parameters.QueryDirectory.FileInformationClass == FileBothDirectoryInformation ||
                     IrpSp->Parameters.QueryDirectory.FileInformationClass == FileIdBothDirectoryInformation) &&
                    (Ccb->SearchExpression.VersionString.Length == 0) &&
                    !FlagOn( ThisDirent->Flags, DIRENT_FLAG_CONSTANT_ENTRY )) {
                    //  If we already have the short name then copy into the user's buffer.
                    if (FileContext.ShortName.FileName.Length != 0) {
                        RtlCopyMemory( DirInfo->ShortName,
                                       FileContext.ShortName.FileName.Length );
                        DirInfo->ShortNameLength = (CCHAR) FileContext.ShortName.FileName.Length;
                    //  If the short name length is currently zero then check if
                    //  the long name is not 8.3.  We can copy the short name in
                    //  unicode form directly into the caller's buffer.
                    } else {
                        if (!CdIs8dot3Name( IrpContext,
                                            ThisDirent->CdFileName.FileName )) {
                            CdGenerate8dot3Name( IrpContext,
                                                 &FileContext.ShortName.FileName.Length );
                            DirInfo->ShortNameLength = (CCHAR) FileContext.ShortName.FileName.Length;

                //  Sum the total number of bytes for the information field.

                FileNameBytes += SeparatorBytes + VersionStringBytes;

                //  Update the information with the number of bytes stored in the
                //  buffer.  We quad-align the existing buffer to add any necessary
                //  pad bytes.

                Information = NextEntry + BaseLength + FileNameBytes;

                //  Go back to the previous entry and fill in the update to this entry.

                *(Add2Ptr( UserBuffer, LastEntry, PULONG )) = NextEntry - LastEntry;

                //  Set up our variables for the next dirent.

                InitialQuery = FALSE;

                LastEntry = NextEntry;
                NextEntry = QuadAlign( Information );
            } except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) {

                  //  We had a problem filling in the user's buffer, so stop and
                  //  fail this request.  This is the only reason any exception
                  //  would have occured at this level.
                  Information = 0;
                  try_leave( Status = GetExceptionCode());
        DoCcbUpdate = TRUE;

    } finally {

        //  Cleanup our search context - *before* aquiring the FCB mutex exclusive,
        //  else can block on threads in cdcreateinternalstream/purge which 
        //  hold the FCB but are waiting for all maps in this stream to be released.

        CdCleanupFileContext( IrpContext, &FileContext );

        //  Now we can safely aqure the FCB mutex if we need to.

        if (DoCcbUpdate && !NT_ERROR( Status )) {
            //  Update the Ccb to show the current state of the enumeration.

            CdLockFcb( IrpContext, Fcb );
            Ccb->CurrentDirentOffset = ThisDirent->DirentOffset;

            ClearFlag( Ccb->Flags, CCB_FLAG_ENUM_RETURN_NEXT );

            if (ReturnNextEntry) {

                SetFlag( Ccb->Flags, CCB_FLAG_ENUM_RETURN_NEXT );

            CdUnlockFcb( IrpContext, Fcb );

        //  Release the Fcb.

        CdReleaseFile( IrpContext, Fcb );

    //  Complete the request here.

    Irp->IoStatus.Information = Information;

    CdCompleteRequest( IrpContext, Irp, Status );
    return Status;
예제 #3
파일: lockctrl.c 프로젝트: conioh/os-design
UdfFastUnlockAllByKey (
    IN PFILE_OBJECT FileObject,
    PVOID ProcessId,
    ULONG Key,
    IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject


Routine Description:

    This is a call back routine for doing the fast unlock all by key call.


    FileObject - Supplies the file object used in this operation

    ProcessId - Supplies the process ID used in this operation

    Key - Supplies the key used in this operation

    Status - Receives the Status if this operation is successful

Return Value:

    BOOLEAN - TRUE if this operation completed and FALSE if caller
        needs to take the long route.


    BOOLEAN Results = FALSE;
    TYPE_OF_OPEN TypeOfOpen;
    PFCB Fcb;


    IoStatus->Information = 0;

    //  Decode the type of file object we're being asked to process and
    //  make sure that is is only a user file open.

    TypeOfOpen = UdfFastDecodeFileObject( FileObject, &Fcb );

    if (TypeOfOpen != UserFileOpen) {

        IoStatus->Status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER;
        return TRUE;

    //  Only deal with 'good' Fcb's.

    if (!UdfVerifyFcbOperation( NULL, Fcb )) {

        return FALSE;

    //  If there is no lock then return immediately.

    if (Fcb->FileLock == NULL) {

        IoStatus->Status = STATUS_RANGE_NOT_LOCKED;
        return TRUE;


    try {

        //  We check whether we can proceed based on the state of the file oplocks.

        if ((Fcb->Oplock != NULL) && !FsRtlOplockIsFastIoPossible( &Fcb->Oplock )) {

            try_leave( NOTHING );

        //  If we don't have a file lock, then get one now.

        if ((Fcb->FileLock == NULL) && !UdfCreateFileLock( NULL, Fcb, FALSE )) {

            try_leave( NOTHING );

        //  Now call the FsRtl routine to do the actual processing of the
        //  Lock request.  The call will always succeed.

        Results = TRUE;
        IoStatus->Status = FsRtlFastUnlockAllByKey( Fcb->FileLock,
                                                    NULL );

        //  Set the flag indicating if Fast I/O is possible

        UdfLockFcb( IrpContext, Fcb );
        Fcb->IsFastIoPossible = UdfIsFastIoPossible( Fcb );
        UdfUnlockFcb( IrpContext, Fcb );

    } finally {


    return Results;
예제 #4
파일: lockctrl.c 프로젝트: conioh/os-design
UdfFastLock (
    IN PFILE_OBJECT FileObject,
    PEPROCESS ProcessId,
    ULONG Key,
    BOOLEAN FailImmediately,
    BOOLEAN ExclusiveLock,
    IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject


Routine Description:

    This is a call back routine for doing the fast lock call.


    FileObject - Supplies the file object used in this operation

    FileOffset - Supplies the file offset used in this operation

    Length - Supplies the length used in this operation

    ProcessId - Supplies the process ID used in this operation

    Key - Supplies the key used in this operation

    FailImmediately - Indicates if the request should fail immediately
        if the lock cannot be granted.

    ExclusiveLock - Indicates if this is a request for an exclusive or
        shared lock

    IoStatus - Receives the Status if this operation is successful

Return Value:

    BOOLEAN - TRUE if this operation completed and FALSE if caller
        needs to take the long route.


    BOOLEAN Results = FALSE;

    PFCB Fcb;
    TYPE_OF_OPEN TypeOfOpen;


    ASSERT_FILE_OBJECT( FileObject );

    IoStatus->Information = 0;

    //  Decode the type of file object we're being asked to process and
    //  make sure that is is only a user file open.

    TypeOfOpen = UdfFastDecodeFileObject( FileObject, &Fcb );

    if (TypeOfOpen != UserFileOpen) {

        IoStatus->Status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER;
        return TRUE;

    //  Only deal with 'good' Fcb's.

    if (!UdfVerifyFcbOperation( NULL, Fcb )) {

        return FALSE;


    //  Use a try-finally to facilitate cleanup.

    try {

        //  We check whether we can proceed based on the state of the file oplocks.

        if ((Fcb->Oplock != NULL) && !FsRtlOplockIsFastIoPossible( &Fcb->Oplock )) {

            try_leave( NOTHING );

        //  If we don't have a file lock, then get one now.

        if ((Fcb->FileLock == NULL) && !UdfCreateFileLock( NULL, Fcb, FALSE )) {

            try_leave( NOTHING );

        //  Now call the FsRtl routine to perform the lock request.

        if (Results = FsRtlFastLock( Fcb->FileLock,
                                     FALSE )) {

            //  Set the flag indicating if Fast I/O is questionable.  We
            //  only change this flag if the current state is possible.
            //  Retest again after synchronizing on the header.

            if (Fcb->IsFastIoPossible == FastIoIsPossible) {

                UdfLockFcb( NULL, Fcb );
                Fcb->IsFastIoPossible = UdfIsFastIoPossible( Fcb );
                UdfUnlockFcb( NULL, Fcb );

    } finally {


    return Results;
예제 #5
파일: fileinfo.c 프로젝트: conioh/os-design
UdfCommonSetInfo (
    IN PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext,
    IN PIRP Irp


Routine Description:

    This is the common routine for set file information called by both the
    fsd and fsp threads.  We only support operations which set the file position.


    Irp - Supplies the Irp to process.

Return Value:

    NTSTATUS - The return status for this operation.



    TYPE_OF_OPEN TypeOfOpen;
    PFCB Fcb;
    PCCB Ccb;

    PIO_STACK_LOCATION IrpSp = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation( Irp );



    //  Decode the file object

    TypeOfOpen = UdfDecodeFileObject( IrpSp->FileObject, &Fcb, &Ccb );

    //  We only support a SetPositionInformation on a user file.

    if ((TypeOfOpen != UserFileOpen) ||
        (IrpSp->Parameters.QueryFile.FileInformationClass != FilePositionInformation)) {

        UdfCompleteRequest( IrpContext, Irp, Status );
        return Status;

    //  Acquire shared access to this file.

    UdfAcquireFileShared( IrpContext, Fcb );

    try {

        //  Make sure the Fcb is in a usable condition.  This
        //  will raise an error condition if the fcb is unusable

        UdfVerifyFcbOperation( IrpContext, Fcb );

        Buffer = Irp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer;

        //  Check if the file does not use intermediate buffering.  If it
        //  does not use intermediate buffering then the new position we're
        //  supplied must be aligned properly for the device

        if (FlagOn( IrpSp->FileObject->Flags, FO_NO_INTERMEDIATE_BUFFERING ) &&
            ((Buffer->CurrentByteOffset.LowPart & IrpSp->DeviceObject->AlignmentRequirement) != 0)) {

            try_leave( NOTHING );

        //  The input parameter is fine so set the current byte offset and
        //  complete the request

        //  Lock the Fcb to provide synchronization.

        UdfLockFcb( IrpContext, Fcb );
        IrpSp->FileObject->CurrentByteOffset = Buffer->CurrentByteOffset;
        UdfUnlockFcb( IrpContext, Fcb );

        Status = STATUS_SUCCESS;

    } finally {

        UdfReleaseFile( IrpContext, Fcb );

    //  Complete the request if there was no raise.

    UdfCompleteRequest( IrpContext, Irp, Status );
    return Status;
예제 #6
파일: fileinfo.c 프로젝트: conioh/os-design
UdfQueryAlternateNameInfo (
    IN PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext,
    IN PFCB Fcb,
    IN PCCB Ccb,
    IN OUT PULONG Length


Routine Description:

    This routine performs the query alternate name information function.
    We lookup the dirent for this file and then check if there is a
    short name.


    Fcb - Supplies the Fcb being queried, it has been verified.

    Ccb - Ccb for this open handle.

    Buffer - Supplies a pointer to the buffer where the information is to
        be returned.

    Length - Supplies the length of the buffer in bytes, and receives the
        remaining bytes free in the buffer upon return.

Return Value:

    NTSTATUS - STATUS_SUCCESS if the whole name would fit into the user buffer,
               STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND if we can't return the name,
               STATUS_BUFFER_OVERFLOW otherwise.



    DIR_ENUM_CONTEXT DirContext;

    PLCB Lcb;
    PFCB ParentFcb;
    BOOLEAN ReleaseParentFcb = FALSE;

    BOOLEAN CleanupDirContext = FALSE;
    BOOLEAN Result;


    UNICODE_STRING LocalShortName;
    WCHAR LocalShortNameBuffer[ BYTE_COUNT_8_DOT_3 / sizeof(WCHAR) ];

    //  Initialize the buffer length to zero.

    Buffer->FileNameLength = 0;

    //  If there was no associated Lcb then there is no short name.

    Lcb = Ccb->Lcb;
    if (Lcb == NULL) {


    //  Use a try-finally to cleanup the structures.

    try {

        if (FlagOn( Lcb->Flags, LCB_FLAG_SHORT_NAME )) {

            //  This caller opened the file by a generated short name, so simply hand it back.

            ShortName = &Lcb->FileName;
        } else {

            //  The open occured by a regular name.  Now, if this name is already 8.3 legal then
            //  there is no short name.

            if (UdfIs8dot3Name( IrpContext, Lcb->FileName )) {

                try_leave( Status = STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND );

            //  This name has a generated short name.  In order to calculate this name we have to
            //  retrieve the FID for this file, since UDF specifies that a short name is uniquified
            //  with a CRC of the original in-FID byte representation of the filename.
            //  N.B.: if this is a common operation, we may wish to cache the CRC in the Lcb.

            ParentFcb = Lcb->ParentFcb;
            UdfAcquireFileShared( IrpContext, ParentFcb );
            ReleaseParentFcb = TRUE;

            //  Now go find the FID for this filename in the parent.

            UdfInitializeDirContext( IrpContext, &DirContext );
            CleanupDirContext = TRUE;

            Result = UdfFindDirEntry( IrpContext,
                                      BooleanFlagOn( Lcb->Flags, LCB_FLAG_IGNORE_CASE ),
                                      &DirContext );
            //  We should always be able to find this entry, but don't bugcheck because
            //  we screwed this up.
            ASSERT( Result );
            if (!Result) {
                try_leave( Status = STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND );

            //  Build the local unicode string to use and fill it in.

            ShortName = &LocalShortName;

            LocalShortName.Buffer = LocalShortNameBuffer;
            LocalShortName.Length = 0;
            LocalShortName.MaximumLength = sizeof( LocalShortNameBuffer );

            UdfGenerate8dot3Name( IrpContext,
                                  ShortName );
        //  We now have the short name.  We have left it in Unicode form so copy it directly.

        Buffer->FileNameLength = ShortName->Length;

        if (Buffer->FileNameLength + sizeof( ULONG ) > *Length) {

            Buffer->FileNameLength = *Length - sizeof( ULONG );
            Status = STATUS_BUFFER_OVERFLOW;

        RtlCopyMemory( Buffer->FileName, ShortName->Buffer, Buffer->FileNameLength );

    } finally {

        if (CleanupDirContext) {

            UdfCleanupDirContext( IrpContext, &DirContext );

        if (ReleaseParentFcb) {

            UdfReleaseFile( IrpContext, ParentFcb );

    //  Reduce the available bytes by the amount stored into this buffer.


        *Length -= sizeof( ULONG ) + Buffer->FileNameLength;

    return Status;