int dm_StrCopyOut2_U8toW ( SQLCHAR * inStr, SQLWCHAR * outStr, size_t size, u_short * result) { size_t length; if (!inStr) return -1; length = utf8_len (inStr, SQL_NTS); if (result) *result = (u_short) length; if (!outStr) return 0; if (size >= length + 1) { length = utf8towcs (inStr, outStr, size); outStr[length] = L'\0'; return 0; } if (size > 0) { length = utf8towcs (inStr, outStr, size - 1); outStr[length] = L'\0'; } return -1; }
void RimeWithWeaselHandler::_GetCandidateInfo(weasel::CandidateInfo & cinfo, RimeContext & ctx) { cinfo.candies.resize(; cinfo.comments.resize(; cinfo.labels.resize(; for (int i = 0; i <; ++i) { cinfo.candies[i].str = utf8towcs([i].text); if ([i].comment) { cinfo.comments[i].str = utf8towcs([i].comment); } if (RIME_STRUCT_HAS_MEMBER(ctx, ctx.select_labels) && ctx.select_labels) { cinfo.labels[i].str = utf8towcs(ctx.select_labels[i]); } else if ( { cinfo.labels[i].str = std::wstring(1,[i]); } else { cinfo.labels[i].str = std::to_wstring((i + 1) % 10); } } cinfo.highlighted =; cinfo.currentPage =; }
/* TODO: respect hadj */ void swfTextUTF8(double x, double y, const char *str, double rot, double hadj, const pGEcontext gc, pDevDesc dd) { #ifdef SWF_DEBUG Rprintf("textUTF8 called\n"); Rprintf("** family = %s, font = %d\n", gc->fontfamily, gc->fontface); Rprintf("** textUTF8(str[0] = %d, str[1] = %d, str[2] = %d, str[3] = %d)\n", str[0], str[1], str[2], str[3]); #endif pswfDesc swfInfo = (pswfDesc) dd->deviceSpecific; SWFShape text = newSWFShape(); SWFDisplayItem text_display; /* Convert UTF-8 string to Unicode array */ int maxLen = strlen(str); wchar_t *unicode = (wchar_t *) calloc(maxLen + 1, sizeof(wchar_t)); int len = utf8towcs(unicode, str, maxLen); FT_Face face = swfGetFTFace(gc, swfInfo); double fontSize = gc->ps * gc->cex; swfSetTextColor(text, gc, swfInfo); SWFShape_addString(text, unicode, len, fontSize, face, &(swfInfo->outlnFuns)); text_display = SWFMovieClip_add(swfInfo->currentFrame, (SWFBlock) text); SWFDisplayItem_moveTo(text_display, x, y); SWFDisplayItem_rotate(text_display, rot); }
void RimeWithWeaselHandler::_GetContext(weasel::Context & weasel_context, UINT session_id) { RIME_STRUCT(RimeContext, ctx); if (RimeGetContext(session_id, &ctx)) { if (ctx.composition.length > 0) { weasel_context.preedit.str = utf8towcs(ctx.composition.preedit); if (ctx.composition.sel_start < ctx.composition.sel_end) { weasel::TextAttribute attr; attr.type = weasel::HIGHLIGHTED; attr.range.start = utf8towcslen(ctx.composition.preedit, ctx.composition.sel_start); attr.range.end = utf8towcslen(ctx.composition.preedit, ctx.composition.sel_end); weasel_context.preedit.attributes.push_back(attr); } } if ( { weasel::CandidateInfo &cinfo(weasel_context.cinfo); _GetCandidateInfo(cinfo, ctx); } RimeFreeContext(&ctx); } }
void DictManagementDialog::Populate() { RimeUserDictIterator iter = {0}; api_->user_dict_iterator_init(&iter); while (const char* dict = api_->next_user_dict(&iter)) { user_dict_list_.AddString(utf8towcs(dict)); } api_->user_dict_iterator_destroy(&iter); user_dict_list_.SetCurSel(-1); }
void UIStyleSettingsDialog::Preview(int index) { if (index < 0 || index >= preset_.size()) return; const std::string file_path(settings_->GetColorSchemePreview(preset_[index].color_scheme_id)); if (file_path.empty()) return; image_.Destroy(); image_.Load(utf8towcs(file_path.c_str())); if (!image_.IsNull()) { preview_.SetBitmap(image_); } }
int System(char *command) /* command is a UTF-8 string */ { STARTUPINFOW sinfo; PROCESS_INFORMATION pinfo; int shell_rval; size_t len; wchar_t *wcmd; memset(&sinfo, 0, sizeof(sinfo)); sinfo.cb = sizeof(sinfo); len = utf8_strlen(command, strlen(command)); wcmd = PL_malloc((len+1)*sizeof(wchar_t)); utf8towcs(wcmd, command); if ( CreateProcessW(NULL, /* module */ wcmd, /* command line */ NULL, /* Security stuff */ NULL, /* Thread security stuff */ FALSE, /* Inherit handles */ CREATE_NO_WINDOW, /* flags */ NULL, /* environment */ NULL, /* CWD */ &sinfo, /* startup info */ &pinfo) ) /* process into */ { BOOL rval; DWORD code; CloseHandle(pinfo.hThread); /* don't need this */ PL_free(wcmd); do { MSG msg; if ( PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE) ) { TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessage(&msg); } else Sleep(50); rval = GetExitCodeProcess(pinfo.hProcess, &code); } while(rval == TRUE && code == STILL_ACTIVE); shell_rval = (rval == TRUE ? code : -1); CloseHandle(pinfo.hProcess); } else { PL_free(wcmd); return shell_rval = -1; } return shell_rval; }
void SwitcherSettingsDialog::Populate() { if (!settings_) return; RimeSchemaList available = {0}; api_->get_available_schema_list(settings_, &available); RimeSchemaList selected = {0}; api_->get_selected_schema_list(settings_, &selected); schema_list_.DeleteAllItems(); size_t k = 0; std::set<RimeSchemaInfo*> recruited; for (size_t i = 0; i < selected.size; ++i) { const char* schema_id = selected.list[i].schema_id; for (size_t j = 0; j < available.size; ++j) { RimeSchemaListItem& item(available.list[j]); RimeSchemaInfo* info = (RimeSchemaInfo*)item.reserved; if (!strcmp(item.schema_id, schema_id) && recruited.find(info) == recruited.end()) { recruited.insert(info); schema_list_.AddItem(k, 0, utf8towcs(; schema_list_.SetItemData(k, (DWORD_PTR)info); schema_list_.SetCheckState(k, TRUE); ++k; break; } } } for (size_t i = 0; i < available.size; ++i) { RimeSchemaListItem& item(available.list[i]); RimeSchemaInfo* info = (RimeSchemaInfo*)item.reserved; if (recruited.find(info) == recruited.end()) { recruited.insert(info); schema_list_.AddItem(k, 0, utf8towcs(; schema_list_.SetItemData(k, (DWORD_PTR)info); ++k; } } hotkeys_.SetWindowTextW(utf8towcs(api_->get_hotkeys(settings_))); loaded_ = true; modified_ = false; }
void SwitcherSettingsDialog::ShowDetails(RimeSchemaInfo* info) { if (!info) return; std::string details; if (const char* name = api_->get_schema_name(info)) { details += name; } if (const char* author = api_->get_schema_author(info)) { (details += "\n\n") += author; } if (const char* description = api_->get_schema_description(info)) { (details += "\n\n") += description; } description_.SetWindowTextW(utf8towcs(details.c_str())); }
void RimeWithWeaselHandler::_UpdateUI(UINT session_id) { weasel::Status weasel_status; weasel::Context weasel_context; bool is_tsf = _IsSessionTSF(session_id); if (session_id == 0) weasel_status.disabled = m_disabled; _GetStatus(weasel_status, session_id); if (!is_tsf) { _GetContext(weasel_context, session_id); } if (!m_ui) return; if (RimeGetOption(session_id, "inline_preedit")) m_ui->style().client_caps |= weasel::INLINE_PREEDIT_CAPABLE; else m_ui->style().client_caps &= ~weasel::INLINE_PREEDIT_CAPABLE; if (weasel_status.composing) { m_ui->Update(weasel_context, weasel_status); if (!is_tsf) m_ui->Show(); } else if (!_ShowMessage(weasel_context, weasel_status)) { m_ui->Hide(); m_ui->Update(weasel_context, weasel_status); } // Dangerous, don't touch static char app_name[50]; RimeGetProperty(session_id, "client_app", app_name, sizeof(app_name) - 1); if (utf8towcs(app_name) == std::wstring(L"explorer.exe") && m_vista_greater) { boost::thread th([=]() { ::Sleep(100); if (_UpdateUICallback) _UpdateUICallback(); }); } else { if (_UpdateUICallback) _UpdateUICallback(); } m_message_type.clear(); m_message_value.clear(); }
int FilterAddKeyword(Document *doc, const TCHAR *fieldName, const char *value, bool includeInEverything) { TCHAR tbuf[TBUF_CHARS + 1]; utf8towcs(tbuf, value, TBUF_CHARS); doc->add(*Field::Keyword(fieldName, tbuf)); if (includeInEverything) { doc->add(*Field::Keyword(_T("everything"), tbuf)); } return 0; }
void UIStyleSettingsDialog::Populate() { if (!settings_) return; std::string active(settings_->GetActiveColorScheme()); int active_index = -1; settings_->GetPresetColorSchemes(&preset_); for (size_t i = 0; i < preset_.size(); ++i) { color_schemes_.AddString(utf8towcs(preset_[i].name.c_str())); if (preset_[i].color_scheme_id == active) { active_index = i; } } if (active_index >= 0) { color_schemes_.SetCurSel(active_index); Preview(active_index); } loaded_ = true; }
codecvt_base::result codecvt_utf8::do_in(mbstate_t &state, const char *from, const char *from_end, const char *&from_next, wchar_t *to, wchar_t *to_limit, wchar_t *&to_next) const { int len = from_end - from; int destlen = to_limit - to; int res = utf8towcs(from, &len , to, &destlen); from_next = from + len; to_next = to + destlen; if (res < 0) return codecvt_base::error; else if (res == 1) return codecvt_base::partial; return codecvt_base::ok; }
static SQLWCHAR * strdup_U8toW (SQLCHAR * str) { SQLWCHAR *ret; size_t len; if (!str) return NULL; len = utf8_len (str, SQL_NTS); if ((ret = (SQLWCHAR *) malloc ((len + 1) * sizeof (SQLWCHAR))) == NULL) return NULL; len = utf8towcs (str, ret, len); ret[len] = L'\0'; return ret; }
int FilterAddTextWithBoost(Document *doc, const TCHAR *fieldName, const char *value, float_t boost, bool includeInEverything) { Field *f; TCHAR tbuf[TBUF_CHARS + 1]; utf8towcs(tbuf, value, TBUF_CHARS); f = Field::Text(fieldName, tbuf); f->setBoost(boost); doc->add(*f); if (includeInEverything) { f = Field::Text(_T("everything"), tbuf); f->setBoost(boost); doc->add(*f); } return 0; }
void RimeWithWeaselHandler::_GetStatus(weasel::Status & stat, UINT session_id) { RIME_STRUCT(RimeStatus, status); if (RimeGetStatus(session_id, &status)) { std::string schema_id = status.schema_id; if (schema_id != m_last_schema_id) { m_last_schema_id = schema_id; RimeSetOption(session_id, "__synced", false); // Sync new schema options with front end _LoadSchemaSpecificSettings(schema_id); } stat.schema_name = utf8towcs(status.schema_name); stat.ascii_mode = !!status.is_ascii_mode; stat.composing = !!status.is_composing; stat.disabled = !!status.is_disabled; RimeFreeStatus(&status); } }
int FilterAddText(Document *doc, const TCHAR *fieldName, const char *value, bool includeInEverything) { TCHAR tbuf[TBUF_CHARS + 1]; int dbg; if (!value) { return 1; } dbg = utf8towcs(tbuf, value, TBUF_CHARS); doc->add(*Field::Text(fieldName, tbuf)); if (includeInEverything) { doc->add(*Field::Text(_T("everything"), tbuf)); } return 0; }
double swfStrWidthUTF8(const char *str, const pGEcontext gc, pDevDesc dd) { #ifdef SWF_DEBUG Rprintf("strWidthUTF8 called\n"); Rprintf("** family = %s, str[0] = %d, str[1] = %d\n", gc->fontfamily, str[0], str[1]); #endif /* Convert UTF-8 string to Unicode array */ int maxLen = strlen(str); wchar_t *unicode = (wchar_t *) calloc(maxLen + 1, sizeof(wchar_t)); int len = utf8towcs(unicode, str, maxLen); /* Get the font face object */ FT_Face face = swfGetFTFace(gc); FT_Error err; double fontSize = gc->ps * gc->cex; double ratio = fontSize / face->units_per_EM; double width = 0.0; int i; /* Add up the 'advance' of each character */ for(i = 0; i < len; i++) { err = FT_Load_Char(face, unicode[i], FT_LOAD_NO_SCALE); if(err) { errorcode(err); continue; } width += face->glyph->metrics.horiAdvance * ratio; } free(unicode); #ifdef SWF_DEBUG Rprintf("** strWidthUTF8(width = %f)\n", width); #endif return width; }
xhn::Unicode::Unicode(const char* sz) { vector< wchar_t, FGetCharRealSizeProc<wchar_t> > buf; utf8towcs(sz, buf); m_unicode = wstring(buf); }
bool RimeWithWeaselHandler::_Respond(UINT session_id, EatLine eat) { std::set<std::string> actions; std::list<std::string> messages; // extract information RIME_STRUCT(RimeCommit, commit); if (RimeGetCommit(session_id, &commit)) { actions.insert("commit"); messages.push_back(std::string("commit=") + commit.text + '\n'); RimeFreeCommit(&commit); } bool is_composing = false; RIME_STRUCT(RimeStatus, status); if (RimeGetStatus(session_id, &status)) { is_composing = !!status.is_composing; actions.insert("status"); messages.push_back(std::string("status.ascii_mode=") + std::to_string(status.is_ascii_mode) + '\n'); messages.push_back(std::string("status.composing=") + std::to_string(status.is_composing) + '\n'); messages.push_back(std::string("status.disabled=") + std::to_string(status.is_disabled) + '\n'); RimeFreeStatus(&status); } RIME_STRUCT(RimeContext, ctx); if (RimeGetContext(session_id, &ctx)) { if (is_composing) { actions.insert("ctx"); switch (m_ui->style().preedit_type) { case weasel::UIStyle::PREVIEW: if (ctx.commit_text_preview != NULL) { std::string first = ctx.commit_text_preview; messages.push_back(std::string("ctx.preedit=") + first + '\n'); messages.push_back(std::string("ctx.preedit.cursor=") + std::to_string(utf8towcslen(first.c_str(), 0)) + ',' + std::to_string(utf8towcslen(first.c_str(), first.size())) + '\n'); break; } // no preview, fall back to composition case weasel::UIStyle::COMPOSITION: messages.push_back(std::string("ctx.preedit=") + ctx.composition.preedit + '\n'); if (ctx.composition.sel_start <= ctx.composition.sel_end) { messages.push_back(std::string("ctx.preedit.cursor=") + std::to_string(utf8towcslen(ctx.composition.preedit, ctx.composition.sel_start)) + ',' + std::to_string(utf8towcslen(ctx.composition.preedit, ctx.composition.sel_end)) + '\n'); } break; } } if ( { weasel::CandidateInfo cinfo; std::wstringstream ss; boost::archive::text_woarchive oa(ss); _GetCandidateInfo(cinfo, ctx); oa << cinfo; messages.push_back(std::string("ctx.cand=") + wcstoutf8(ss.str().c_str()) + '\n'); } RimeFreeContext(&ctx); } // configuration information actions.insert("config"); messages.push_back(std::string("config.inline_preedit=") + std::to_string((int)m_ui->style().inline_preedit) + '\n'); // style bool has_synced = RimeGetOption(session_id, "__synced"); if (!has_synced) { std::wstringstream ss; boost::archive::text_woarchive oa(ss); oa << m_ui->style(); actions.insert("style"); messages.push_back(std::string("style=") + wcstoutf8(ss.str().c_str()) + '\n'); RimeSetOption(session_id, "__synced", true); } // summarize if (actions.empty()) { messages.insert(messages.begin(), std::string("action=noop\n")); } else { std::string actionList(join(actions, ",")); messages.insert(messages.begin(), std::string("action=") + actionList + '\n'); } messages.push_back(std::string(".\n")); return std::all_of(messages.begin(), messages.end(), [&eat](std::string &msg) { return eat(std::wstring(utf8towcs(msg.c_str()))); }); }
FILE * pt_popen(const char *cmd, const char *mode) { FILE *fptr = NULL; PROCESS_INFORMATION piProcInfo; STARTUPINFOW siStartInfo; int success, redirect_error = 0; wchar_t *wcmd = NULL; wchar_t *err2out; pipe_context *pc; size_t utf8len = utf8_strlen(cmd, strlen(cmd)); if ( !(wcmd = malloc((utf8len+1)*sizeof(wchar_t))) ) { return NULL; } utf8towcs(wcmd, cmd); if ( !(pc=allocPipeContext()) ) goto finito; if ( !mode || !*mode ) goto finito; pc->mode = *mode; if ( pc->mode != 'r' && pc->mode != 'w' ) goto finito; /* * Shall we redirect stderr to stdout ? */ if ( (err2out=wcsstr(wcmd, L"2>&1")) != NULL) { /* this option doesn't apply to win32 shells, so we clear it out! */ wcsncpy(err2out, L" ", 4); redirect_error = 1; } /* * Create the Pipes... */ if (my_pipe(pc->in) == -1 || my_pipe(pc->out) == -1) goto finito; if ( !redirect_error ) { if ( my_pipe(pc->err) == -1) goto finito; } /* * Now create the child process */ ZeroMemory(&siStartInfo, sizeof(STARTUPINFO)); siStartInfo.cb = sizeof(STARTUPINFO); siStartInfo.hStdInput = pc->in[0]; siStartInfo.hStdOutput = pc->out[1]; if ( redirect_error ) siStartInfo.hStdError = pc->out[1]; else siStartInfo.hStdError = pc->err[1]; siStartInfo.dwFlags = STARTF_USESTDHANDLES; success = CreateProcessW(NULL, wcmd, // command line NULL, // process security attributes NULL, // primary thread security attributes TRUE, // handles are inherited CREATE_NO_WINDOW, // creation flags: without window (?) NULL, // use parent's environment NULL, // use parent's current directory &siStartInfo, // STARTUPINFO pointer &piProcInfo); // receives PROCESS_INFORMATION if ( !success ) goto finito; CloseHandle(piProcInfo.hThread); CloseHandle(piProcInfo.hProcess); /* * These handles listen to the Child process */ CloseHandle(pc->in[0]); pc->in[0] = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; CloseHandle(pc->out[1]); pc->out[1] = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; if ( pc->err[1] != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { CloseHandle(pc->err[1]); pc->err[1] = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } if ( pc->mode == 'r' ) fptr = _fdopen(_open_osfhandle((intptr_t)pc->out[0],_O_BINARY),"r"); else fptr = _fdopen(_open_osfhandle((intptr_t)pc->in[1],_O_BINARY),"w"); finito: if ( fptr ) { pc->fd = fptr; linkPipeContext(pc); } else { if ( pc ) discardPipeContext(pc); } if ( wcmd ) free(wcmd); return fptr; }
static void _UpdateUIStyle(RimeConfig* config, weasel::UI* ui, bool initialize) { if (!ui) return; weasel::UIStyle &style(ui->style()); const int BUF_SIZE = 99; char buffer[BUF_SIZE + 1]; memset(buffer, '\0', sizeof(buffer)); if (RimeConfigGetString(config, "style/font_face", buffer, BUF_SIZE)) { style.font_face = utf8towcs(buffer); } RimeConfigGetInt(config, "style/font_point", &style.font_point); Bool inline_preedit = False; if (RimeConfigGetBool(config, "style/inline_preedit", &inline_preedit) || initialize) { style.inline_preedit = !!inline_preedit; } char preedit_type[20] = { 0 }; if (RimeConfigGetString(config, "style/preedit_type", preedit_type, sizeof(preedit_type) - 1)) { if (!std::strcmp(preedit_type, "composition")) style.preedit_type = weasel::UIStyle::COMPOSITION; else if (!std::strcmp(preedit_type, "preview")) style.preedit_type = weasel::UIStyle::PREVIEW; } Bool display_tray_icon = False; if (RimeConfigGetBool(config, "style/display_tray_icon", &display_tray_icon) || initialize) { style.display_tray_icon = !!display_tray_icon; } Bool horizontal = False; if (RimeConfigGetBool(config, "style/horizontal", &horizontal) || initialize) { style.layout_type = horizontal ? weasel::UIStyle::LAYOUT_HORIZONTAL : weasel::UIStyle::LAYOUT_VERTICAL; } Bool fullscreen = False; if (RimeConfigGetBool(config, "style/fullscreen", &fullscreen) && fullscreen) { style.layout_type = (style.layout_type == weasel::UIStyle::LAYOUT_HORIZONTAL) ? weasel::UIStyle::LAYOUT_HORIZONTAL_FULLSCREEN : weasel::UIStyle::LAYOUT_VERTICAL_FULLSCREEN; } char label_text_format[128] = { 0 }; if (RimeConfigGetString(config, "style/label_format", label_text_format, sizeof(label_text_format) - 1)) { style.label_text_format = utf8towcs(label_text_format); } // layout (alternative to style/horizontal) char layout_type[256] = {0}; if (RimeConfigGetString(config, "style/layout/type", layout_type, sizeof(layout_type) - 1)) { if (!std::strcmp(layout_type, "vertical")) style.layout_type = weasel::UIStyle::LAYOUT_VERTICAL; else if (!std::strcmp(layout_type, "horizontal")) style.layout_type = weasel::UIStyle::LAYOUT_HORIZONTAL; if (!std::strcmp(layout_type, "vertical+fullscreen")) style.layout_type = weasel::UIStyle::LAYOUT_VERTICAL_FULLSCREEN; else if (!std::strcmp(layout_type, "horizontal+fullscreen")) style.layout_type = weasel::UIStyle::LAYOUT_HORIZONTAL_FULLSCREEN; else LOG(WARNING) << "Invalid style type: " << layout_type; } RimeConfigGetInt(config, "style/layout/min_width", &style.min_width); RimeConfigGetInt(config, "style/layout/min_height", &style.min_height); if (!RimeConfigGetInt(config, "style/layout/border", &style.border)) { RimeConfigGetInt(config, "style/layout/border_width", &style.border); } RimeConfigGetInt(config, "style/layout/margin_x", &style.margin_x); RimeConfigGetInt(config, "style/layout/margin_y", &style.margin_y); RimeConfigGetInt(config, "style/layout/spacing", &style.spacing); RimeConfigGetInt(config, "style/layout/candidate_spacing", &style.candidate_spacing); RimeConfigGetInt(config, "style/layout/hilite_spacing", &style.hilite_spacing); RimeConfigGetInt(config, "style/layout/hilite_padding", &style.hilite_padding); RimeConfigGetInt(config, "style/layout/round_corner", &style.round_corner); // color scheme if (initialize && RimeConfigGetString(config, "style/color_scheme", buffer, BUF_SIZE)) { std::string prefix("preset_color_schemes/"); prefix += buffer; RimeConfigGetInt(config, (prefix + "/text_color").c_str(), &style.text_color); if (!RimeConfigGetInt(config, (prefix + "/candidate_text_color").c_str(), &style.candidate_text_color)) { style.candidate_text_color = style.text_color; } RimeConfigGetInt(config, (prefix + "/back_color").c_str(), &style.back_color); if (!RimeConfigGetInt(config, (prefix + "/border_color").c_str(), &style.border_color)) { style.border_color = style.text_color; } if (!RimeConfigGetInt(config, (prefix + "/hilited_text_color").c_str(), &style.hilited_text_color)) { style.hilited_text_color = style.text_color; } if (!RimeConfigGetInt(config, (prefix + "/hilited_back_color").c_str(), &style.hilited_back_color)) { style.hilited_back_color = style.back_color; } if (!RimeConfigGetInt(config, (prefix + "/hilited_candidate_text_color").c_str(), &style.hilited_candidate_text_color)) { style.hilited_candidate_text_color = style.hilited_text_color; } if (!RimeConfigGetInt(config, (prefix + "/hilited_candidate_back_color").c_str(), &style.hilited_candidate_back_color)) { style.hilited_candidate_back_color = style.hilited_back_color; } if (!RimeConfigGetInt(config, (prefix + "/label_color").c_str(), &style.label_text_color)) { style.label_text_color = blend_colors(style.candidate_text_color, style.back_color); } if (!RimeConfigGetInt(config, (prefix + "/hilited_label_color").c_str(), &style.hilited_label_text_color)) { style.hilited_label_text_color = blend_colors(style.hilited_candidate_text_color, style.hilited_candidate_back_color); } style.comment_text_color = style.label_text_color; style.hilited_comment_text_color = style.hilited_label_text_color; if (RimeConfigGetInt(config, (prefix + "/comment_text_color").c_str(), &style.comment_text_color)) { style.hilited_comment_text_color = style.comment_text_color; } RimeConfigGetInt(config, (prefix + "/hilited_comment_text_color").c_str(), &style.hilited_comment_text_color); } }
void RimeWithWeaselHandler::_UpdateUI(UINT session_id) { weasel::Status weasel_status; weasel::Context weasel_context; if (session_id == 0) weasel_status.disabled = m_disabled; RimeStatus status = {0}; RIME_STRUCT_INIT(RimeStatus, status); if (RimeGetStatus(session_id, &status)) { weasel_status.schema_name = utf8towcs(status.schema_name); weasel_status.ascii_mode = status.is_ascii_mode; weasel_status.composing = status.is_composing; weasel_status.disabled = status.is_disabled; RimeFreeStatus(&status); } RimeContext ctx = {0}; RIME_STRUCT_INIT(RimeContext, ctx); if (RimeGetContext(session_id, &ctx)) { if (ctx.composition.length > 0) { weasel_context.preedit.str = utf8towcs(ctx.composition.preedit); if (ctx.composition.sel_start < ctx.composition.sel_end) { weasel::TextAttribute attr; attr.type = weasel::HIGHLIGHTED; attr.range.start = utf8towcslen(ctx.composition.preedit, ctx.composition.sel_start); attr.range.end = utf8towcslen(ctx.composition.preedit, ctx.composition.sel_end); weasel_context.preedit.attributes.push_back(attr); } } if ( { weasel::CandidateInfo &cinfo(weasel_context.cinfo); cinfo.candies.resize(; cinfo.comments.resize(; for (int i = 0; i <; ++i) { cinfo.candies[i].str = utf8towcs([i].text); if ([i].comment) { cinfo.comments[i].str = utf8towcs([i].comment); } } cinfo.highlighted =; cinfo.currentPage =; cinfo.labels =; } RimeFreeContext(&ctx); } if (!m_ui) return; if (RimeGetOption(session_id, "inline_preedit")) m_ui->style().client_caps |= weasel::INLINE_PREEDIT_CAPABLE; else m_ui->style().client_caps &= ~weasel::INLINE_PREEDIT_CAPABLE; if (weasel_status.composing) { m_ui->Update(weasel_context, weasel_status); m_ui->Show(); } else if (!_ShowMessage(weasel_context, weasel_status)) { m_ui->Hide(); m_ui->Update(weasel_context, weasel_status); } m_message_type.clear(); m_message_value.clear(); }
int FilterAddSummaryInfo(Document *doc, DStoreDocInfo *info) { char buf[CONN_BUFSIZE + 1]; TCHAR tbuf[TBUF_CHARS + 1]; Field *f; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), GUID_FMT, info->guid); utf8towcs(tbuf, buf, TBUF_CHARS); doc->add(*Field::Keyword(_T("nmap.guid"), tbuf)); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), GUID_FMT, info->conversation); utf8towcs(tbuf, buf, TBUF_CHARS); doc->add(*Field::Keyword(_T("nmap.conversation"), tbuf)); if (info->type & STORE_DOCTYPE_FOLDER) { utf8towcs(tbuf, "folder", TBUF_CHARS); doc->add(*Field::Keyword(_T("nmap.type"), tbuf)); } if (info->type & STORE_DOCTYPE_SHARED) { utf8towcs(tbuf, "shared", TBUF_CHARS); doc->add(*Field::Keyword(_T("nmap.type"), tbuf)); } AddFlags(doc, info); char sortstr[CONN_BUFSIZE]; char *type = NULL; switch (info->type) { BongoCalTime t; case STORE_DOCTYPE_MAIL: type = "mail"; t = BongoCalTimeNewFromUint64(info->data.mail.sent, FALSE, NULL); BongoCalTimeToIcal(t, sortstr, sizeof(sortstr)); break; case STORE_DOCTYPE_EVENT: type = "event"; snprintf(sortstr, sizeof(sortstr), "%s%x", info->data.event.start, info->guid); break; case STORE_DOCTYPE_AB: type = "addressbook"; /* FIXME: use the contact name */ t = BongoCalTimeNewFromUint64(info->timeCreatedUTC, FALSE, NULL); BongoCalTimeToIcal(t, sortstr, sizeof(sortstr)); break; case STORE_DOCTYPE_CONVERSATION: type = "conversation"; /* FIXME: use the contact name */ t = BongoCalTimeNewFromUint64(info->data.conversation.lastMessageDate, FALSE, NULL); BongoCalTimeToIcal(t, sortstr, sizeof(sortstr)); break; default: break; } if (type != NULL) { utf8towcs(tbuf, type, TBUF_CHARS); doc->add(*Field::Keyword(_T("nmap.type"), tbuf)); utf8towcs(tbuf, sortstr, TBUF_CHARS); doc->add(*Field::Keyword(_T("nmap.sort"), tbuf)); } return 0; }
bool RimeWithWeaselHandler::_Respond(UINT session_id, LPWSTR buffer) { std::set<std::string> actions; std::list<std::string> messages; // extract information RimeCommit commit = {0}; if (RimeGetCommit(session_id, &commit)) { actions.insert("commit"); messages.push_back(boost::str(boost::format("commit=%s\n") % commit.text)); RimeFreeCommit(&commit); } bool is_composing; RimeStatus status = {0}; RIME_STRUCT_INIT(RimeStatus, status); if (RimeGetStatus(session_id, &status)) { is_composing = status.is_composing; actions.insert("status"); messages.push_back(boost::str(boost::format("status.ascii_mode=%d\n") % status.is_ascii_mode)); messages.push_back(boost::str(boost::format("status.composing=%d\n") % status.is_composing)); messages.push_back(boost::str(boost::format("status.disabled=%d\n") % status.is_disabled)); RimeFreeStatus(&status); } RimeContext ctx = {0}; RIME_STRUCT_INIT(RimeContext, ctx); if (RimeGetContext(session_id, &ctx)) { if (is_composing) { actions.insert("ctx"); messages.push_back(boost::str(boost::format("ctx.preedit=%s\n") % ctx.composition.preedit)); if (ctx.composition.sel_start <= ctx.composition.sel_end) { messages.push_back(boost::str(boost::format("ctx.preedit.cursor=%d,%d\n") % utf8towcslen(ctx.composition.preedit, ctx.composition.sel_start) % utf8towcslen(ctx.composition.preedit, ctx.composition.sel_end))); } } RimeFreeContext(&ctx); } // configuration information actions.insert("config"); messages.push_back(boost::str(boost::format("config.inline_preedit=%d\n") % (int) m_ui->style().inline_preedit)); // summarize if (actions.empty()) { messages.insert(messages.begin(), std::string("action=noop\n")); } else { std::string actionList(boost::join(actions, ",")); messages.insert(messages.begin(), boost::str(boost::format("action=%s\n") % actionList)); } messages.push_back(std::string(".\n")); // printing to stream memset(buffer, 0, WEASEL_IPC_BUFFER_SIZE); wbufferstream bs(buffer, WEASEL_IPC_BUFFER_LENGTH); BOOST_FOREACH(const std::string &msg, messages) { bs << utf8towcs(msg.c_str()); if (!bs.good()) { // response text toooo long! return false; } }