예제 #1
void ApproximateValueManager::Initialize( BroadcastMultiReceiver::Ptr inputs,
                                          ros::NodeHandle& ph )
	WriteLock lock( _mutex );

	_receiver = inputs;
	unsigned int inputDim = _receiver->GetDim();
	ros::NodeHandle vh( ph.resolveName( "approximator" ) );
	_value.Initialize( inputDim, vh );

	_getParamServer = ph.advertiseService( "get_params", &ApproximateValueManager::GetParamsCallback, this );
	_setParamServer = ph.advertiseService( "set_params", &ApproximateValueManager::SetParamsCallback, this );

	std::string valueName;
	GetParamRequired( ph, "value_name", valueName );
	register_lookup_target( ph, valueName );

	ValueInfo info;
	info.inputDim = _receiver->GetDim();
	info.paramQueryService = ph.resolveName( "get_params" );
	info.paramSetService = ph.resolveName( "set_params" );
	GetParamRequired( vh, "", info.approximatorInfo );
	if( !_infoManager.WriteMemberInfo( valueName, info, true, ros::Duration( 10.0 ) ) )
		throw std::runtime_error( "Could not write value info!" );
예제 #2
vec3 TerrainNoise::getNormal(float x, float y, float eps) const

    float   ha = getHauteur2(x,y);
    float   g = getHauteur2(x-eps,y),
            d = getHauteur2(x+eps,y),
            b = getHauteur2(x,y+eps),
            h = getHauteur2(x,y-eps);
    vec3        vg(-eps, 0, g-ha),
                vd(eps, 0, d-ha),
                vb(0, eps, b-ha),
                vh(0, -eps, h-ha);
    float   distg = length(vg),
            distd = length(vd),
            distb = length(vb),
            disth = length(vh);
    vec3        v1 = cross(vg,vh),
                v2 = cross(vh,vd),
                v3 = cross(vd,vb),
                v4 = cross(vb,vg);
    v1 = normalize(v1);
    v2 = normalize(v2);
    v3 = normalize(v3);
    v4 = normalize(v4);
    vec3 normale = v1*distg*disth + v2*disth*distd + v3*distd*distb + v4*distb*distg;
    return normalize(normale);
예제 #3
파일: RBEC.cpp 프로젝트: FengYueZJU/Study
void RBEC::initialValue()

    Initial_Re  phi_re_0(omega);
    Initial_Im  phi_im_0(omega);

    FEMFunction <double, DIM> phi_star_0(fem_space);

    Operator::L2Project(phi_re_0, phi_re, Operator::LOCAL_LEAST_SQUARE, 3);
    Operator::L2Project(phi_im_0, phi_im, Operator::LOCAL_LEAST_SQUARE, 3);

    int n_dof = fem_space.n_dof();

    for (int i = 0; i < n_dof;++i)
	phi_star_0(i) = phi_re(i);

    double L2Phi_0 = Functional::L2Norm(phi_re, 6);
    std::cout << "L2Norm = " << L2Phi_0 << std::endl;

    for (int i = 0; i < n_dof; ++i)
	phi_re(i) /= L2Phi_0;
	phi_im(i) /= L2Phi_0; 

    FEMFunction<double, DIM> vh(fem_space);
    Potential V(gamma_x, gamma_y);
    Operator::L2Project(V, vh, Operator::LOCAL_LEAST_SQUARE, 3);
예제 #4
gmVector3 ParticleMesh::getPosition(unsigned int i)
	ParticleOpenMesh::VertexHandle vh(i);
	if (vh.is_valid())
		ParticleOpenMesh::Point p(mesh.point(vh));
		return gmVector3(p[0],p[1],p[2]);
	return gmVector3();
예제 #5
std::string Table::saveState()
    QTableWidget *tablewidget = static_cast<QTableWidget*>(getQWidget());
    QByteArray hhState = tablewidget->horizontalHeader()->saveState();
    QByteArray vhState = tablewidget->verticalHeader()->saveState();
    size_t len1 = hhState.length(), len2 = vhState.length();
    std::string hh(hhState.constData(), hhState.length()), vh(vhState.constData(), vhState.length());
    std::string state = boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(len1) + ":" + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(len2) + ":" + hh + vh;
    return state;
예제 #6
void HE_Mesh::checkModel(std::vector<ModelProblem>& problems)
    for (int f = 0; f < faces.size(); f++)
        if (faces[f].edge_idx[0] < 0) { problems.emplace_back("face doesn't know its edges! : " + std::to_string(f)); continue; }
        if (faces[f].edge_idx[1] < 0) { problems.emplace_back("face doesn't know its edges! : " + std::to_string(f)); continue; }
        if (faces[f].edge_idx[2] < 0) { problems.emplace_back("face doesn't know its edges! : " + std::to_string(f)); continue; }
        HE_FaceHandle fh(*this, f);
        if (fh.edge0().next() != fh.edge1()) problems.emplace_back("disconnected prev-next edges : " + std::to_string(f));
        if (fh.edge1().next() != fh.edge2()) problems.emplace_back("disconnected prev-next edges : " + std::to_string(f));
        if (fh.edge2().next() != fh.edge0()) problems.emplace_back("disconnected prev-next edges : " + std::to_string(f));
        if (fh.edge0().face() != fh) problems.emplace_back("face's edge not connected to face : " + std::to_string(f));
        if (fh.edge1().face() != fh) problems.emplace_back("face's edge not connected to face : " + std::to_string(f));
        if (fh.edge2().face() != fh) problems.emplace_back("face's edge not connected to face : " + std::to_string(f));
    for (int e = 0; e < edges.size(); e++)
        bool hasNull = false;
        if(edges[e].from_vert_idx < 0) { problems.emplace_back("edge doesn't know its vert! : " + std::to_string(e)); hasNull = true; }
        if(edges[e].next_edge_idx < 0) { problems.emplace_back("edge doesn't know its next edge! : " + std::to_string(e)); hasNull = true; }
        if(edges[e].converse_edge_idx < 0) { problems.emplace_back("edge doesn't know its converse! : " + std::to_string(e)); hasNull = true; }
        if(edges[e].face_idx < 0) { problems.emplace_back("edge doesn't know its face! : " + std::to_string(e)); hasNull = true; }
        if (hasNull) continue;

        HE_EdgeHandle eh(*this, e);
        if(eh.converse().converse() != eh) problems.emplace_back("edge isn't the converse of its converse : " + std::to_string(e));

        int counter = 0;
        HE_EdgeHandle eh2 = eh;
            if (counter > MAX_EDGES_PER_VERTEX) {
                problems.emplace_back("edges don't form a circular loop! : " + std::to_string(e)); break; } // continue outer for-loop
            eh2 = eh2.converse().next(); counter++;
        } while (eh2 != eh);
        // dont put more code here
    for (int v = 0; v < vertices.size(); v++)
        if (vertices[v].someEdge_idx < 0) { problems.emplace_back("vertex doesn't know any edge! : " + std::to_string(v)); continue; }
        HE_VertexHandle vh(*this, v);

// done for each edge!
//        int counter = 0;
//        HE_EdgeHandle eh = vh.someEdge();
//        do
//        {
//            if (counter > MAX_EDGES_PER_VERTEX) { problems.emplace_back("vertex edges don't form a circular loop!"); break; } // continue outer for-loop
//            eh = eh.converse().next(); counter++;
//        } while (eh != vh.someEdge());
//        // dont put more code here

예제 #7
int SerializerReader::local_version(int v)
	int32_t vh(-1);
	recv((char *)&vh,sizeof(int32_t));
		return -1;
	return vh;
예제 #8
THStack *getstack(TTree *nt, TString name, TString var, vector<TString> cuts,int bins = 100, float xmin = 0, float xmax = 200)
  THStack *hs = new THStack(name,name);
  int N = cuts.size();
  vector<TH1F *> vh(N);
  for (int i=0;i<N;i++) {
    vh[i] = geth(Form("%s%d",name.Data(),i),bins,xmin,xmax);


  return hs;
예제 #9
파일: clark_wright.cpp 프로젝트: jonac/TSP
void clarke_wright(std::vector<Vertices> vec, float** distances ){
	Vertice hub = vec.front();
	std::vector<Vertices> vh(vec);
	std::vector<Vertice> savings; 
	std::vector<Vertices>::iterator i;
	std::vector<Vertices>::iterator j;
	float a,b,ij;
	for (i= vec.begin(); i < vec.end(); ++i){
		for (j = veg.begin(); j < vec.end(); ++j){
			a = euclidianDistance(hub, vh[i], distances);
			b = euclidianDistance(hub, vh[j], distances);
			ij = euclidianDistance(vh[i], vh[j], distances);
			Vertice vi;
			vi.x = i;
			vi.y = j;


예제 #10
int SerializerWriter::local_version(int v)
	int32_t vh(v);
	send((char *)&vh,sizeof(int32_t));
	return v;
예제 #11
void ParticleMesh::setPosition(unsigned int i, gmVector3 p)
	ParticleOpenMesh::VertexHandle vh(i);
	if (vh.is_valid())
		mesh.set_point(vh,ParticleOpenMesh::Point((ParticleMeshTraits::Scaler) p[0],(ParticleMeshTraits::Scaler) p[1],(ParticleMeshTraits::Scaler) p[2]));
예제 #12
// FIXME: use ct_setparam to avoid copying data
void command::set_params(sybase_query &query, const QoreListNode *args, ExceptionSink *xsink) {
   unsigned nparams = query.param_list.size();

   for (unsigned i = 0; i < nparams; ++i) {
      if (query.param_list[i] == 'd')

      const AbstractQoreNode *val = args ? args->retrieve_entry(i) : NULL;

      CS_DATAFMT datafmt;
      memset(&datafmt, 0, sizeof(datafmt));
      datafmt.status = CS_INPUTVALUE;
      datafmt.namelen = CS_NULLTERM;
      sprintf(datafmt.name, "@par%d", int(i + 1));
      datafmt.maxlength = CS_UNUSED;
      datafmt.count = 1;

      CS_RETCODE err = CS_FAIL;

      if (!val || is_null(val) || is_nothing(val)) {
#ifdef FREETDS
	 // it seems to be necessary to specify a type like
	 // this to get a null value to be bound with freetds
	 datafmt.datatype = CS_CHAR_TYPE;
	 datafmt.format = CS_FMT_NULLTERM;
	 datafmt.maxlength = 1;
	 // SQL NULL value
	 err = ct_param(m_cmd, &datafmt, 0, CS_UNUSED, -1);
	 if (err != CS_SUCCEED) {
	    m_conn.do_exception(xsink, "DBI:SYBASE:EXEC-ERROR",
				"ct_param() for 'null' failed for parameter %u with error %d",
				i, (int)err);

      qore_type_t ntype = val ? val->getType() : 0;

      switch (ntype) {
	 case NT_STRING: {
	    const QoreStringNode *str = reinterpret_cast<const QoreStringNode *>(val);
	    // ensure we bind with the proper encoding for the connection
	    TempEncodingHelper s(str, m_conn.getEncoding(), xsink);
	    if (!s) throw ss::Error("DBI:SYBASE:EXEC-ERROR", "encoding");

	    int slen = s->strlen();
	    datafmt.datatype = CS_CHAR_TYPE;
	    datafmt.format = CS_FMT_NULLTERM;
	    // NOTE: setting large sizes here like 2GB works for sybase ctlib,
	    // not for freetds
	    datafmt.maxlength = slen + 1;
	    err = ct_param(m_cmd, &datafmt, (CS_VOID*)s->getBuffer(), slen, 0);

	 case NT_NUMBER: {
	    QoreStringValueHelper vh(val);
	    int slen = vh->strlen();
	    datafmt.datatype = CS_CHAR_TYPE;
	    datafmt.format = CS_FMT_NULLTERM;
	    datafmt.maxlength = slen + 1;
	    err = ct_param(m_cmd, &datafmt, (CS_VOID *)vh->getBuffer(), slen, 0);

	 case NT_DATE: {
	    const DateTimeNode *date = reinterpret_cast<const DateTimeNode *>(val);
	    CS_DATETIME dt;
	    ss::Conversions conv;
	    if (conv.DateTime_to_DATETIME(date, dt, xsink))
	       throw ss::Error("DBI:SYBASE:EXEC-ERROR", "can't convert date");

	    datafmt.datatype = CS_DATETIME_TYPE;
	    err = ct_param(m_cmd, &datafmt, &dt, sizeof(dt), 0);

	 case NT_INT: {
	    datafmt.datatype = CS_BIGINT_TYPE;
	    err = ct_param(m_cmd, &datafmt, &(const_cast<QoreBigIntNode *>(reinterpret_cast<const QoreBigIntNode *>(val))->val), sizeof(int64), 0);
	    int64 ival = reinterpret_cast<const QoreBigIntNode *>(val)->val;
	    // if it's a 32-bit integer, bind as integer
	    if (ival <= 2147483647 && ival >= -2147483647) {
	       datafmt.datatype = CS_INT_TYPE;
	       CS_INT vint = ival;
	       err = ct_param(m_cmd, &datafmt, &vint, sizeof(CS_INT), 0);
	    else { // bind as float
	       CS_FLOAT fval = ival;
	       datafmt.datatype = CS_FLOAT_TYPE;
	       err = ct_param(m_cmd, &datafmt, &fval, sizeof(CS_FLOAT), 0);

	 case NT_BOOLEAN: {
	    // Seems mssql doesn't like  CS_BIT_TYPE for some reason.
	    // Replacing by CS_INT_TYPE helps
	    // The "BIT" code is supposed to be like this:
	    // datafmt.datatype = CS_BIT_TYPE;
	    // err = ct_param(m_cmd, &datafmt, &bval, sizeof(bval), 0);
	    // ... but it doesn't work

	    CS_BIT bval = reinterpret_cast<const QoreBoolNode *>(val)->getValue();
	    datafmt.datatype = CS_INT_TYPE;
	    int64 ival = bval ? 1 : 0;
	    err = ct_param(m_cmd, &datafmt, &ival, sizeof(ival), 0);

	 case NT_FLOAT: {
	    CS_FLOAT fval = reinterpret_cast<const QoreFloatNode *>(val)->f;
	    datafmt.datatype = CS_FLOAT_TYPE;
	    err = ct_param(m_cmd, &datafmt, &fval, sizeof(CS_FLOAT), 0);

	 case NT_BINARY: {
	    const BinaryNode *b = reinterpret_cast<const BinaryNode *>(val);
	    datafmt.datatype = CS_BINARY_TYPE;
	    datafmt.maxlength = b->size();
	    datafmt.count = 1;
	    err = ct_param(m_cmd, &datafmt, (void *)b->getPtr(), b->size(), 0);

	    m_conn.do_exception(xsink, "DBI:SYBASE:BIND-ERROR",
				"do not know how to bind values of type '%s'",
      } // switch(ntype)

      if (err != CS_SUCCEED) {
	 m_conn.do_exception(xsink, "DBI:SYBASE:EXEC-ERROR",
			     "ct_param() for binary parameter %u failed with error",
			     i, (int)err);
  void MeshConversion<SensorT>::fromPointCloud(
    const typename pcl::PointCloud<PointT>::ConstPtr& pc, MeshT& mesh)
    typedef typename MeshT::VertexHandle VertexHandle;

    int rows = pc->height - 1; // last row
    int cols = pc->width - 1; // last column
    int row_offset;
    // [h]orizontal, [v]ertical, [l]eft, [r]ight edge check
    std::vector<std::vector<bool> > h(rows+1, std::vector<bool>(cols,true));
    std::vector<std::vector<bool> > v(rows, std::vector<bool>(cols+1,true));
    std::vector<std::vector<bool> > l(rows, std::vector<bool>(cols,true));
    std::vector<std::vector<bool> > r(rows, std::vector<bool>(cols,true));
    std::vector<std::vector<VertexHandle> >
      vh(rows+1, std::vector<VertexHandle>(cols+1)); // vertex handles

     * +--+--+   p00  h00  p01  h01  p02
     * |  |  |   v00 lr00  v01 lr01  v02
     * +--+--+   p10  h10  p11  h11  p12
     * |  |  |   v10 lr10  v11 lr11  v12
     * +--+--+   p20  h20  p21  h21  p22

    // corners
    h.front().front() = v.front().front() = r.front().front() = false;
    h.front().back()  = v.front().back()  = l.front().back()  = false;
    h.back().front() = v.back().front() = l.back().front() = false;
    h.back().back()  = v.back().back()  = r.back().back()  = false;

    // first and last row
    for(int x = 1; x<cols; ++x)
      h.front()[x-1] = false;
      h.front()[x  ] = false;
      v.front()[x  ] = false;
      l.front()[x-1] = false;
      r.front()[x  ] = false;
      h.back ()[x-1] = false;
      h.back ()[x  ] = false;
      v.back ()[x  ] = false;
      r.back ()[x-1] = false;
      l.back ()[x  ] = false;

    for(int y = 1; y<rows; ++y)
      // left column and right column
      h[y  ].front() = false;
      v[y-1].front() = false;
      v[y  ].front() = false;
      l[y-1].front() = false;
      r[y  ].front() = false;
      h[y  ].back()  = false;
      v[y-1].back()  = false;
      v[y  ].back()  = false;
      r[y-1].back()  = false;
      l[y  ].back()  = false;

      row_offset = y*(cols+1);
      // iterate remaining
      for(int x=1; x<cols; ++x)
        const PointT* p = &(*pc)[row_offset+x];
        if( p->z != p->z )
          v[y-1][x  ] = false;
          v[y  ][x  ] = false;
          h[y  ][x-1] = false;
          h[y  ][x  ] = false;
          l[y-1][x  ] = false;
          l[y  ][x-1] = false;
          r[y-1][x-1] = false;
          r[y  ][x  ] = false;
          vh[y][x] = mesh.addVertex(y*pc->width+x, *p);

    // iterate h and v to check if edge is valid
    typename std::vector<PointT, Eigen::aligned_allocator_indirection<PointT> >
      ::const_iterator pii = pc->points.begin();
    typename std::vector<PointT, Eigen::aligned_allocator_indirection<PointT> >
      ::const_iterator pij = pii + 1; // right
    typename std::vector<PointT, Eigen::aligned_allocator_indirection<PointT> >
      ::const_iterator pji = pii + 1 + cols; // below
    typename std::vector<PointT, Eigen::aligned_allocator_indirection<PointT> >
      ::const_iterator pjj = pji + 1; // below right

    for(int y=0; y<rows; ++y)
      for(int x=0; x<cols; ++x)
        // check horizontal and vertical
        if (h[y][x])
          h[y][x] = isNeighbor(pii->getVector3fMap(), pij->getVector3fMap());
        if (v[y][x])
          v[y][x] = isNeighbor(pii->getVector3fMap(), pji->getVector3fMap());

        // check diagonal
        unsigned char status = (l[y][x] << 1) | r[y][x];
        case 0b00:
        case 0b01:
          r[y][x] = isNeighbor(pii->getVector3fMap(), pjj->getVector3fMap());
        case 0b10:
          l[y][x] = isNeighbor(pij->getVector3fMap(), pji->getVector3fMap());
        case 0b11:
          if( (pij->z - pji->z) > (pii->z - pjj->z) )
            r[y][x] = false;
            l[y][x] = isNeighbor(pij->getVector3fMap(), pji->getVector3fMap());
            l[y][x] = false;
            r[y][x] = isNeighbor(pii->getVector3fMap(), pjj->getVector3fMap());
        ++pii; ++pij; ++pji; ++pjj;
      // skip the last column
      // note that in the very last iteration, pjj points beyond end()
      ++pii; ++pij; ++pji; ++pjj;

    for(int y=0; y<rows; ++y)
      for(int x=0; x<cols; ++x)
        /* ii-ji-ij | ij-ji-jj | ii-jj-ij | ii-ji-jj
         *  +-+     |    +     |  +-+     |  +
         *  |/      |   /|     |   \|     |  |\
         *  +       |  +-+     |    +     |  +-+     */
          if (h[y  ][x] && v[y][x  ])
            mesh.addFace(vh[y][x  ], vh[y+1][x], vh[y  ][x+1]);
          if (h[y+1][x] && v[y][x+1])
            mesh.addFace(vh[y][x+1], vh[y+1][x], vh[y+1][x+1]);
        else if (r[y][x])
          if (h[y][x] && v[y][x+1])
            mesh.addFace(vh[y][x], vh[y+1][x+1], vh[y][x+1]);
          if (v[y][x] && h[y+1][x])
            mesh.addFace(vh[y][x], vh[y+1][x], vh[y+1][x+1]);