예제 #1
   void vhatg_c ( ConstSpiceDouble   * v1,
                  SpiceInt             ndim,
                  SpiceDouble        * vout ) 


   --------  ---  -------------------------------------------------- 
   v1         I   Vector to be normalized. 
   ndim       I   Dimension of v1 (and also vout). 
   vout       O   Unit vector v1 / |v1|. 
                  If v1 = 0, vout will also be zero. 
                  vout can overwrite v1. 

    v1            This is any double precision vector of arbitrary
                  dimension.  This routine will detect if is V1 the
                  zero vector, and will not attempt to divide by zero.
    ndim          is the dimension of V1 (and also VOUT). 
    vout          contains the unit vector in the direction of v1. If
                  v1 represents the zero vector, then vout will also be
                  the zero vector.  vout may overwrite v1.
   vhatg_c determines the magnitude of V1 and then divides each 
   component of V1 by the magnitude.  This process is highly stable 
   over the whole range of multi-dimensional vectors. 
   The following table shows how selected v1 maps to vout. 

   v1                    ndim            vout 
   (5, 12, 0, 0)           4            (5/13, 12/13, 0, 0) 
   (1e-7, 2D-e, 2e-7)      3            (1/3, 2/3, 2/3) 
   The relative number of cases whereby floating point overflow may 
   occur is negligible. Thus, no error recovery or reporting scheme 
   is incorporated into this subroutine. 
   Error free. 
   N.J. Bachman    (JPL)
   W.M. Owen       (JPL) 
   -CSPICE Version 1.0.0, 13-JUL-1999 (NJB) (WMO)

   unitize a n-dimensional vector 

{ /* Begin vhatg_c */

   Local variables
   SpiceDouble             vmag;
   SpiceInt                i;

   Obtain the magnitude of v1.
   vmag = vnormg_c ( v1, ndim );
   If vmag is nonzero, then normalize.  Note that this process is
   numerically stable: overflow could only happen if vmag were small,
   but this could only happen if each component of v1 were small.
   In fact, the magnitude of any vector is never less than the
   magnitude of any component.
   if ( vmag > 0.0 )
      for (  i = 0;  i < ndim;  i++  )
         vout[i] = v1[i] / vmag;
      for (  i = 0;  i < ndim;  i++  )
         vout[i] = 0.;

} /* End vhatg_c */
예제 #2
파일: vrelg_c.c 프로젝트: Dbelsa/coft
   SpiceDouble vrelg_c ( ConstSpiceDouble * v1,
                         ConstSpiceDouble * v2,
                         SpiceInt           ndim  )



   Variable  I/O  Description
   --------  ---  --------------------------------------------------
    v1,v2     I   Input vectors.
    ndim      I   Dimension of v1 and v2.


    v1, v2        are two vectors for which the relative difference
                  is to be computed.

    ndim          is the dimension of v1 and v2.


    vrelg_c       is the relative difference between v1 and v2.
                  It is defined as:
                                              || v1 - v2 ||
                            vrelg_c  =   ----------------------
                                       max ( ||v1||, ||v2|| )

                  where || x || indicates the euclidean norm of
                  the vector x ( ||x|| = sqrt( x . x ) ).

                  vrelg_c assumes values in the range [0,2]. If both
                  v1 and v2 are zero vectors then vrelg_c is defined
                  to be zero.




   Error free.

   If both v1 and v2 are zero vectors then vrelg_c is defined to be




   This function computes the relative difference between two vectors
   of general dimension as defined above.

   The function vrel_c may be used to find the relative difference
   for two 3-dimensional vectors.


   This example determines if the state of Jupiter, with respect
   to Voyager 2, for a set of times is the same for two different
   ephemeris files. Instead of insisting on absolute equality
   between the state vectors, the program will check if the relative
   difference between the vectors is greater than a fixed tolerance.

         #include "SpiceUsr.h"
         The NAIF code for Jupiter is 599 and for Voyager 2 is -32.
         Set the tolerance to be 0.0005.

         #define            NUM   500
         #define            JUP   599
         #define            VG2   -32
         #define            TOL   .0005

         Local variables
         SpiceDouble        state1 [6][NUM];
         SpiceDouble        state2 [6][NUM];
         SpiceDouble        et     [NUM];
         SpiceDouble        lt;
         SpiceDouble        diff;

         SpiceInt           i;


         Load  the first SPK file.
         furnsh_c ( "VG2_SOURCE_1.BSP" );

         Find the states for each time in the array ET.
         This example assumes that the SPK file can
         provide states for all of the times in the array.
         for ( i = 0; i < NUM; i++ )
            spkez_c ( JUP, et[i], "J2000", "lt", VG2,
                                   state1[1][i], &lt  );

         Unload the first file and load the second one.
         unload_c ( "VG2_SOURCE_1.BSP" );

         furnsh_c ( "VG2_SOURCE_2.BSP" );

         Find the states from the new file.
         for ( i = 0; i < NUM; i++ )
            spkez_c ( JUP, et[i], "J2000", "lt",
                      VG2, state2[1][i], &lt  );

         Now compare the two state vectors for each time.
         for ( i = 0; i < NUM; i++ )
            diff = vrelg_c ( state1[1][i], state2[1][i], 6 );

            if ( diff > TOL )






   J.M. Lynch     (JPL)
   E.D. Wright    (JPL)


   -CSPICE Version 1.1.0, 28-AUG-2001 (NJB) 
      Include interface macro definition file SpiceZim.h. 
      Made some minor updates and corrections in the code example.
   -CSPICE Version 1.0.0, 6-JUL-1999


   relative difference of n-dimensional vectors


{ /* Begin vrelg_c */

   Local variables
   SpiceDouble       nunorm;
   SpiceDouble       denorm;

   /* If the vectors are both zero or equivalent, return 0. */

   nunorm = vdistg_c ( v1, v2, ndim );

   if ( nunorm == 0. )
      return 0.;
      denorm = MaxVal( vnormg_c( v1, ndim ), vnormg_c( v2, ndim ) );
      return ( nunorm/denorm );

} /* End vrelg_c */
예제 #3
   SpiceDouble vsepg_c ( ConstSpiceDouble * v1,
                         ConstSpiceDouble * v2,
                         SpiceInt           ndim )



    --------  ---  --------------------------------------------------
     v1        I     First vector.
     v2        I     Second vector.
     ndim      I     The number of elements in v1 and v2.


    v1      is any double precision vector of arbitrary dimension.
    v2      is also a double precision vector of arbitrary dimension.
            v1 or v2 or both may be the zero vector.
    ndim    is the dimension of the both of the input vectors
            v1 and v2.


    vsepg_c the angle between v1 and v2 expressed in radians.
            vsepg_c is strictly non-negative.  For input vectors of
            four or more dimensions, the angle is defined as the
            generalization of the definition for three dimensions.
            If either v1 or v2 is the zero vector, then vsepg_c is
            defined to be 0 radians.




    In four or more dimensions this angle does not have a physically
    realizable interpretation.  However, the angle is defined as
    the generalization of the following definition which is valid in
    three or two dimensions:

    In the plane, it is a simple matter to calculate the angle
    between two vectors once the two vectors have been made to be
    unit length.  Then, since the two vectors form the two equal
    sides of an isosceles triangle, the length of the third side
    is given by the expression

          length = 2.0 * sine ( vsepg/2.0 )

    The length is given by the magnitude of the difference of the
    two unit vectors

          length = norm ( u1 - u2 )

    Once the length is found, the value of vsepg_c may be calculated
    by inverting the first expression given above as

          vsepg_c = 2.0 * arcsine ( length/2.0 )

    This expression becomes increasingly unstable when vsepg_c gets
    larger than pi/2 or 90 degrees.  In this situation (which is
    easily detected by determining the sign of the dot product of
    v1 and v2) the supplementary angle is calculated first and
    then vsepg_c is given by

          vsepg_c = pi - SUPPLEMENTARY_ANGLE


    The following table gives sample values for v1, v2 and vsepg_c
    implied by the inputs.

    v1               v2               ndim          vsepg_c
    (1, 0, 0, 0)     (1, 0, 0, 0)       4           0.0
    (1, 0, 0)        (0, 1, 0)          3           pi/2 (=1.71...)
    (3, 0)           (-5, 0)            2           pi   (=3.14...)


    The user is required to insure that the input vectors will not
    cause floating point overflow upon calculation of the vector
    dot product since no error detection or correction code is
    implemented.  In practice, this is not a significant


   Error free.




   C.A. Curzon     (JPL)
   K.R. Gehringer  (JPL)
   H.A. Neilan     (JPL)
   W.L. Taber      (JPL)
   E.D. Wright     (JPL)




   -CSPICE Version 1.0.0, 29-JUN-1999


   angular separation of n-dimensional vectors


{ /* Begin vsepg_c */

   Local variables
   SpiceDouble       mag1;
   SpiceDouble       mag2;
   SpiceDouble       mag_dif;
   SpiceDouble       r1;
   SpiceDouble       r2;
   SpiceInt          i;

   mag1 = vnormg_c( v1, ndim);
   mag2 = vnormg_c( v2, ndim);

   If either v1 or v2 have magnitude zero, the separation is 0.
   if ( ( mag1 == 0.) || ( mag2 == 0.) )
      return 0;

   if ( vdotg_c( v1, v2, ndim ) < 0. )
      r1      = 1./mag1;
      r2      = 1./mag2;
      mag_dif = 0.;

      for ( i = 0; i < ndim; i++ )
         mag_dif += pow( ( v1[i]*r1 - v2[i]*r2 ), 2);

      mag_dif = sqrt(mag_dif);

      return ( 2. * asin (0.5 * mag_dif) );

   else if ( vdotg_c (v1, v2, ndim) > 0. )
      r1      = 1./mag1;
      r2      = 1./mag2;
      mag_dif = 0.;

      for ( i = 0; i < ndim; i++ )
         mag_dif += pow( ( v1[i]*r1 + v2[i]*r2 ), 2);

      mag_dif = sqrt(mag_dif);

      return ( pi_c() - 2. * asin (0.5 * mag_dif) );

   return ( halfpi_c());

} /* End vsepg_c */
예제 #4
   void unormg_c ( ConstSpiceDouble  * v1,
                   SpiceInt            ndim,
                   SpiceDouble       * vout,
                   SpiceDouble       * vmag )


   --------  ---  --------------------------------------------------
    v1        I     Vector to be normalized.
    ndim      I     Dimension of v1 (and also vout).
    vout      O     Unit vector v1 / |v1|.
                    If v1 = 0, vout will also be zero.
                    vout can overwrite v1.
    vmag      O     Magnitude of v1, that is, |v1|.


   v1      This variable may contain any vector of arbitrary
           dimension, including the zero vector.
   ndim    This is the dimension of v1 and vout.


   vout    This variable contains the unit vector in the direction
           of v1.  If v1 is the zero vector, then vout will also be
           the zero vector.

   vmag    This is the magnitude of v1.




   unormg_c references a function called vnormg_c (which itself is
   numerically stable) to calculate the norm of the input vector v1.
   If the norm is equal to zero, then each component of the output
   vector vout is set to zero.  Otherwise, vout is calculated by
   dividing v1 by the norm.  No error detection or correction is


   The following table shows how selected v1 implies vout and mag.

   v1                    ndim   vout                   mag
   (5, 12)               2      (5/13, 12/13)          13
   (1D-7, 2D-7, 2D-7)    3      (1/3, 2/3, 2/3)        3D-7


   No error checking is implemented in this subroutine to guard
   against numeric overflow.


   1)  If ndim is not physically realistic, greater than zero, a
       BADDIMENSION error is flagged.




   W.M. Owen       (JPL)
   W.L. Taber      (JPL)
   E.D. Wright     (JPL)




   -CSPICE Version 1.1.0, 22-OCT-1998 (NJB)

      Made input vector const.  Converted check-in style to discovery.

   -CSPICE Version 1.0.0, 31-MAR-1998   (EDW)


   n-dimensional unit vector and norm


{ /* Begin unormg_c */

   Local variables
   SpiceInt                i;

   Use discovery check-in.

   /* Check ndim is cool.  Dimension is positive definite. */
   if ( ndim <= 0 )
      chkin_c    ( "unormg_c"                                    );
      SpiceError ( "Vector dimension less than or equal to zero",
                   "BADDIMENSION"                                );
      chkout_c   ( "unormg_c"                                    );

   /* Get the magnitude of the vector. */
   *vmag = vnormg_c ( v1, ndim );

   If vmag is nonzero, then normalize.  Note that this process is
   numerically stable: overflow could only happen if vmag were small,
   but this could only happen if each component of v1 were also small.
   In fact, the magnitude of any vector is never less than the
   magnitude of any component.

   if ( *vmag > 0. )

      for ( i = 0; i < ndim; i++ )
         vout[i] = v1[i]/ (*vmag);


      for ( i = 0; i < ndim ; i++ );
         vout[i] = 0.;


} /* End unormg_c */