예제 #1
파일: main.C 프로젝트: cdiss/POP_REU_2014
void print_firstlast_selection(wkf_timerhandle timer, int n, int *on) {
  int sel, rc;
  rc = find_first_selection_aligned(n, on, &sel);
  printf("first selection: %d  time: %f\n", sel, wkf_timer_time(timer));

  rc = find_last_selection_aligned(n, on, &sel);
  printf("last selection: %d  time: %f\n", sel, wkf_timer_time(timer));
예제 #2
/// return true if it's time to print a status update message
int wkf_msg_timer_timeout(wkfmsgtimer *mt) {
  double elapsed = wkf_timer_timenow(mt->timer);
  if (elapsed > mt->updatetime) {
    // reset the clock and return true that our timer expired
    return 1;
  } else if (elapsed < 0) {
    // time went backwards, best reset our clock!
  return 0;
예제 #3
파일: main.C 프로젝트: cdiss/POP_REU_2014
void print_analyze_selection(wkf_timerhandle timer, int n, int *on) {
  int first, last, selected;
  analyze_selection_aligned(n, on, &first, &last, &selected);
  printf("selection stats: first %d  last %d  sel %d  time: %f\n", 
         first, last, selected, wkf_timer_time(timer));
예제 #4
/// initialize status message timer
wkfmsgtimer * wkf_msg_timer_create(double updatetime) {
  wkfmsgtimer *mt;
  mt = (wkfmsgtimer *) malloc(sizeof(wkfmsgtimer));
  if (mt != NULL) {
    mt->timer = wkf_timer_create();
    mt->updatetime = updatetime;
  return mt;
예제 #5
파일: main.C 프로젝트: cdiss/POP_REU_2014
int main() {
  int i;
  float minfv[3], maxfv[3];
  float minf, maxf;
  int isz = 100000000;
  int sz = 3 * isz;
  int *on = (int *) malloc(isz * sizeof(int));
  float *fv = (float *) malloc(sz * sizeof(float));

  for (i=0; i<sz; i++) 
    fv[i] = (float) i; 

  wkf_timerhandle timer = wkf_timer_create();

  int j;
  for (j=0; j<1; j++) {
    memset(on, 0, isz*sizeof(int));

    minmax_1fv_aligned(fv, sz, &minf, &maxf);
    printf("minmax_1fv_aligned: %f\n", wkf_timer_time(timer));
//  printf("min: %f max: %f\n", minf, maxf);

    minmax_3fv_aligned(fv, sz/3, minfv, maxfv);
    printf("minmax_3fv_aligned: %f\n", wkf_timer_time(timer));
    for (i=0; i<3; i++) {
      minf += minfv[i];
      maxf += maxfv[i];

    // set exactly one selected atom to measure perf of the
    // fast first/last selection traversal loops
    on[isz/2 + 7] = 1;
    print_firstlast_selection(timer, isz, on);
    print_analyze_selection(timer, isz, on);

#if 1
    minmax_selected_3fv_aligned(fv, on, isz, 0, isz-1, minfv, maxfv);
    printf("minmax_selected_3fv_aligned(  0%%): %f\n", wkf_timer_time(timer));

    for (i=0; i<(isz-7); i+=8) {
      on[i+7] = 1;
    print_analyze_selection(timer, isz, on);
    minmax_selected_3fv_aligned(fv, on, isz, 0, isz-1, minfv, maxfv);
    printf("minmax_selected_3fv_aligned( 12%%): %f\n", wkf_timer_time(timer));
    for (i=0; i<3; i++) {
      minf += minfv[i];
      maxf += maxfv[i];

    for (i=0; i<(isz-7); i+=8) {
      on[i+6] = 1;
    print_analyze_selection(timer, isz, on);
    minmax_selected_3fv_aligned(fv, on, isz, 0, isz-1, minfv, maxfv);
    printf("minmax_selected_3fv_aligned( 25%%): %f\n", wkf_timer_time(timer));
    for (i=0; i<3; i++) {
      minf += minfv[i];
      maxf += maxfv[i];

    for (i=0; i<(isz-7); i+=8) {
      on[i+4] = 1;
      on[i+5] = 1;
      on[i+6] = 1;
      on[i+7] = 1;
    print_analyze_selection(timer, isz, on);
    minmax_selected_3fv_aligned(fv, on, isz, 0, isz-1, minfv, maxfv);
    printf("minmax_selected_3fv_aligned( 50%%): %f\n", wkf_timer_time(timer));
    for (i=0; i<3; i++) {
      minf += minfv[i];
      maxf += maxfv[i];

    for (i=0; i<isz; i++)
      on[i] = 1;
    print_analyze_selection(timer, isz, on);
    minmax_selected_3fv_aligned(fv, on, isz, 0, isz-1, minfv, maxfv);
    printf("minmax_selected_3fv_aligned(100%%): %f\n", wkf_timer_time(timer));
    for (i=0; i<3; i++) {
      minf += minfv[i];
      maxf += maxfv[i];

    msmparms mp;
    printf("MSM testmsm(): %f\n", wkf_timer_time(timer));



  printf("checking sum: %g\n", minf+maxf);

  return 0;
예제 #6
int QuickSurf::calc_surf(AtomSel *atomSel, DrawMolecule *mol,
                         const float *atompos, const float *atomradii,
                         int quality, float radscale, float gridspacing,
                         float isoval, const int *colidx, const float *cmap,
                         VMDDisplayList *cmdList) {
    int colorperatom = (colidx != NULL && cmap != NULL);
    int usebeads=0;

    // clean up any existing CPU arrays before going any further...
    if (voltexmap != NULL)
    voltexmap = NULL;

    ResizeArray<float> beadpos(64 + (3 * atomSel->selected) / 20);
    ResizeArray<float> beadradii(64 + (3 * atomSel->selected) / 20);
    ResizeArray<float> beadcolors(64 + (3 * atomSel->selected) / 20);

    if (getenv("VMDQUICKSURFBEADS")) {
#if !defined(ARCH_BLUEWATERS)
        printf("QuickSurf using residue beads representation...\n");

    int numbeads = 0;
    if (usebeads) {
        int i, resid, numres;

        // draw a bead for each residue
        numres = mol->residueList.num();
        for (resid=0; resid<numres; resid++) {
            float com[3] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0};
            const ResizeArray<int> &atoms = mol->residueList[resid]->atoms;
            int numatoms = atoms.num();
            int oncount = 0;

            // find COM for residue
            for (i=0; i<numatoms; i++) {
                int idx = atoms[i];
                if (atomSel->on[idx]) {
                    vec_add(com, com, atompos + 3*idx);

            if (oncount < 1)
                continue; // exit if there weren't any atoms

            vec_scale(com, 1.0f / (float) oncount, com);

            // find radius of bounding sphere and save last atom index for color
            int atomcolorindex=0; // initialize, to please compilers
            float boundradsq = 0.0f;
            for (i=0; i<numatoms; i++) {
                int idx = atoms[i];
                if (atomSel->on[idx]) {
                    float tmpdist[3];
                    atomcolorindex = idx;
                    vec_sub(tmpdist, com, atompos + 3*idx);
                    float distsq = dot_prod(tmpdist, tmpdist);
                    if (distsq > boundradsq) {
                        boundradsq = distsq;

            beadradii.append(sqrtf(boundradsq) + 1.0f);

            if (colorperatom) {
                const float *cp = &cmap[colidx[atomcolorindex] * 3];

            // XXX still need to add pick points...

        numbeads = beadpos.num() / 3;

    // initialize class variables

    // If no volumetric texture will be computed we will use the cmap
    // parameter to pass in the solid color to be applied to all vertices
    vec_copy(solidcolor, cmap);

    // compute min/max atom radius, build list of selected atom radii,
    // and compute bounding box for the selected atoms
    float minx, miny, minz, maxx, maxy, maxz;
    float minrad, maxrad;
    int i;
    if (usebeads) {
        minx = maxx = beadpos[0];
        miny = maxy = beadpos[1];
        minz = maxz = beadpos[2];
        minrad = maxrad = beadradii[0];
        for (i=0; i<numbeads; i++) {
            int ind = i * 3;
            float tmpx = beadpos[ind  ];
            float tmpy = beadpos[ind+1];
            float tmpz = beadpos[ind+2];

            minx = (tmpx < minx) ? tmpx : minx;
            maxx = (tmpx > maxx) ? tmpx : maxx;

            miny = (tmpy < miny) ? tmpy : miny;
            maxy = (tmpy > maxy) ? tmpy : maxy;

            minz = (tmpz < minz) ? tmpz : minz;
            maxz = (tmpz > maxz) ? tmpz : maxz;

            // we always have to compute the rmin/rmax for beads
            // since these radii are defined on-the-fly
            float r = beadradii[i];
            minrad = (r < minrad) ? r : minrad;
            maxrad = (r > maxrad) ? r : maxrad;
    } else {
        minx = maxx = atompos[atomSel->firstsel*3  ];
        miny = maxy = atompos[atomSel->firstsel*3+1];
        minz = maxz = atompos[atomSel->firstsel*3+2];

        // Query min/max atom radii for the entire molecule
        mol->get_radii_minmax(minrad, maxrad);

        // We only compute rmin/rmax for the actual group of selected atoms if
        // (rmax/rmin > 2.5) for the whole molecule, otherwise it's a small
        // enough range that we don't care since it won't hurt our performance.
        if (minrad <= 0.001 || maxrad/minrad > 2.5) {
            minrad = maxrad = atomradii[atomSel->firstsel];
            for (i=atomSel->firstsel; i<=atomSel->lastsel; i++) {
                if (atomSel->on[i]) {
                    int ind = i * 3;
                    float tmpx = atompos[ind  ];
                    float tmpy = atompos[ind+1];
                    float tmpz = atompos[ind+2];

                    minx = (tmpx < minx) ? tmpx : minx;
                    maxx = (tmpx > maxx) ? tmpx : maxx;

                    miny = (tmpy < miny) ? tmpy : miny;
                    maxy = (tmpy > maxy) ? tmpy : maxy;

                    minz = (tmpz < minz) ? tmpz : minz;
                    maxz = (tmpz > maxz) ? tmpz : maxz;

                    float r = atomradii[i];
                    minrad = (r < minrad) ? r : minrad;
                    maxrad = (r > maxrad) ? r : maxrad;
        } else {
            for (i=atomSel->firstsel; i<=atomSel->lastsel; i++) {
                if (atomSel->on[i]) {
                    int ind = i * 3;
                    float tmpx = atompos[ind  ];
                    float tmpy = atompos[ind+1];
                    float tmpz = atompos[ind+2];

                    minx = (tmpx < minx) ? tmpx : minx;
                    maxx = (tmpx > maxx) ? tmpx : maxx;

                    miny = (tmpy < miny) ? tmpy : miny;
                    maxy = (tmpy > maxy) ? tmpy : maxy;

                    minz = (tmpz < minz) ? tmpz : minz;
                    maxz = (tmpz > maxz) ? tmpz : maxz;

    float mincoord[3], maxcoord[3];
    mincoord[0] = minx;
    mincoord[1] = miny;
    mincoord[2] = minz;
    maxcoord[0] = maxx;
    maxcoord[1] = maxy;
    maxcoord[2] = maxz;

    // crude estimate of the grid padding we require to prevent the
    // resulting isosurface from being clipped
    float gridpadding = radscale * maxrad * 1.70f;
    float padrad = gridpadding;
    padrad = 0.65f * sqrtf(4.0f/3.0f*((float) VMD_PI)*padrad*padrad*padrad);
    gridpadding = MAX(gridpadding, padrad);

    // Handle coarse-grained structures and whole-cell models
    // XXX The switch at 4.0A from an assumed all-atom scale structure to
    //     CG or cell models is a simple heuristic at a somewhat arbitrary
    //     threshold value.
    //     For all-atom models the units shown in the GUI are in Angstroms
    //     and are absolute, but for CG or cell models the units in the GUI
    //     are relative to the atom with the minimum radius.
    //     This code doesn't do anything to handle structures with a minrad
    //     of zero, where perhaps only one particle has an unset radius.
    if (minrad > 4.0f) {
        gridspacing *= minrad;

#if !defined(ARCH_BLUEWATERS)
    printf("QuickSurf: R*%.1f, I=%.1f, H=%.1f Pad: %.1f minR: %.1f maxR: %.1f)\n",
           radscale, isovalue, gridspacing, gridpadding, minrad, maxrad);

    mincoord[0] -= gridpadding;
    mincoord[1] -= gridpadding;
    mincoord[2] -= gridpadding;
    maxcoord[0] += gridpadding;
    maxcoord[1] += gridpadding;
    maxcoord[2] += gridpadding;

    // compute the real grid dimensions from the selected atoms
    xaxis[0] = maxcoord[0]-mincoord[0];
    yaxis[1] = maxcoord[1]-mincoord[1];
    zaxis[2] = maxcoord[2]-mincoord[2];
    numvoxels[0] = (int) ceil(xaxis[0] / gridspacing);
    numvoxels[1] = (int) ceil(yaxis[1] / gridspacing);
    numvoxels[2] = (int) ceil(zaxis[2] / gridspacing);

    // recalc the grid dimensions from rounded/padded voxel counts
    xaxis[0] = (numvoxels[0]-1) * gridspacing;
    yaxis[1] = (numvoxels[1]-1) * gridspacing;
    zaxis[2] = (numvoxels[2]-1) * gridspacing;
    maxcoord[0] = mincoord[0] + xaxis[0];
    maxcoord[1] = mincoord[1] + yaxis[1];
    maxcoord[2] = mincoord[2] + zaxis[2];

#if !defined(ARCH_BLUEWATERS)
    printf("  GridSZ: (%4d %4d %4d)  BBox: (%.1f %.1f %.1f)->(%.1f %.1f %.1f)\n",
           numvoxels[0], numvoxels[1], numvoxels[2],
           mincoord[0], mincoord[1], mincoord[2],
           maxcoord[0], maxcoord[1], maxcoord[2]);

    vec_copy(origin, mincoord);

    // build compacted lists of bead coordinates, radii, and colors
    float *xyzr = NULL;
    float *colors = NULL;
    if (usebeads) {
        int ind =0;
        int ind4=0;
        xyzr = (float *) malloc(numbeads * sizeof(float) * 4);
        if (colorperatom) {
            colors = (float *) malloc(numbeads * sizeof(float) * 4);

            // build compacted lists of bead coordinates, radii, and colors
            for (i=0; i<numbeads; i++) {
                const float *fp = &beadpos[0] + ind;
                xyzr[ind4    ] = fp[0]-origin[0];
                xyzr[ind4 + 1] = fp[1]-origin[1];
                xyzr[ind4 + 2] = fp[2]-origin[2];
                xyzr[ind4 + 3] = beadradii[i];

                const float *cp = &beadcolors[0] + ind;
                colors[ind4    ] = cp[0];
                colors[ind4 + 1] = cp[1];
                colors[ind4 + 2] = cp[2];
                colors[ind4 + 3] = 1.0f;
                ind4 += 4;
                ind += 3;
        } else {
            // build compacted lists of bead coordinates and radii only
            for (i=0; i<numbeads; i++) {
                const float *fp = &beadpos[0] + ind;
                xyzr[ind4    ] = fp[0]-origin[0];
                xyzr[ind4 + 1] = fp[1]-origin[1];
                xyzr[ind4 + 2] = fp[2]-origin[2];
                xyzr[ind4 + 3] = beadradii[i];
                ind4 += 4;
                ind += 3;
    } else {
        int ind = atomSel->firstsel * 3;
        int ind4=0;
        xyzr = (float *) malloc(atomSel->selected * sizeof(float) * 4);
        if (colorperatom) {
            colors = (float *) malloc(atomSel->selected * sizeof(float) * 4);

            // build compacted lists of atom coordinates, radii, and colors
            for (i=atomSel->firstsel; i <= atomSel->lastsel; i++) {
                if (atomSel->on[i]) {
                    const float *fp = atompos + ind;
                    xyzr[ind4    ] = fp[0]-origin[0];
                    xyzr[ind4 + 1] = fp[1]-origin[1];
                    xyzr[ind4 + 2] = fp[2]-origin[2];
                    xyzr[ind4 + 3] = atomradii[i];

                    const float *cp = &cmap[colidx[i] * 3];
                    colors[ind4    ] = cp[0];
                    colors[ind4 + 1] = cp[1];
                    colors[ind4 + 2] = cp[2];
                    colors[ind4 + 3] = 1.0f;
                    ind4 += 4;
                ind += 3;
        } else {
            // build compacted lists of atom coordinates and radii only
            for (i=atomSel->firstsel; i <= atomSel->lastsel; i++) {
                if (atomSel->on[i]) {
                    const float *fp = atompos + ind;
                    xyzr[ind4    ] = fp[0]-origin[0];
                    xyzr[ind4 + 1] = fp[1]-origin[1];
                    xyzr[ind4 + 2] = fp[2]-origin[2];
                    xyzr[ind4 + 3] = atomradii[i];
                    ind4 += 4;
                ind += 3;

    // set gaussian window size based on user-specified quality parameter
    float gausslim = 2.0f;
    switch (quality) {
    case 3:
        gausslim = 4.0f;
        break; // max quality

    case 2:
        gausslim = 3.0f;
        break; // high quality

    case 1:
        gausslim = 2.5f;
        break; // medium quality

    case 0:
        gausslim = 2.0f; // low quality

    pretime = wkf_timer_timenow(timer);

#if defined(VMDCUDA)
    if (!getenv("VMDNOCUDA")) {
        // compute both density map and floating point color texture map
        int pcount = (usebeads) ? numbeads : atomSel->selected;
        int rc = cudaqs->calc_surf(pcount, &xyzr[0],
                                   (colorperatom) ? &colors[0] : &cmap[0],
                                   colorperatom, origin, numvoxels, maxrad,
                                   radscale, gridspacing, isovalue, gausslim,

        if (rc == 0) {
            if (colors)

            voltime = wkf_timer_timenow(timer);
            return 0;

#if !defined(ARCH_BLUEWATERS)
    printf("  Computing density map grid on CPUs ");

    long volsz = numvoxels[0] * numvoxels[1] * numvoxels[2];
    volmap = new float[volsz];
    if (colidx != NULL && cmap != NULL) {
        voltexmap = (float*) calloc(1, 3 * sizeof(float) * numvoxels[0] * numvoxels[1] * numvoxels[2]);

    memset(volmap, 0, sizeof(float) * volsz);
    if ((volsz * atomSel->selected) > 20000000) {
        vmd_gaussdensity_threaded(atomSel->selected, &xyzr[0],
                                  (voltexmap!=NULL) ? &colors[0] : NULL,
                                  volmap, voltexmap, numvoxels, radscale,
                                  gridspacing, isovalue, gausslim);
    } else {
        vmd_gaussdensity_opt(atomSel->selected, &xyzr[0],
                             (voltexmap!=NULL) ? &colors[0] : NULL,
                             volmap, voltexmap,
                             numvoxels, radscale, gridspacing, isovalue, gausslim);

    if (colors)

    voltime = wkf_timer_timenow(timer);

    // draw the surface

#if !defined(ARCH_BLUEWATERS)
    printf(" Done.\n");
    return 0;
예제 #7
void DrawMolItem::draw_orbital(int density, int wavefnctype, int wavefncspin, 
                               int wavefncexcitation, int orbid, 
                               float isovalue, 
                               int drawbox, int style, 
                               float gridspacing, int stepsize, int thickness) {
  if (!mol->numframes() || gridspacing <= 0.0f)

  // only recalculate the orbital grid if necessary
  int regenorbital=0;
  if (density != orbgridisdensity ||
      wavefnctype != waveftype ||
      wavefncspin != wavefspin ||
      wavefncexcitation != wavefexcitation ||
      orbid != gridorbid ||
      gridspacing != orbgridspacing ||
      orbvol == NULL || 
      needRegenerate & MOL_REGEN ||
      needRegenerate & SEL_REGEN) {

  double motime=0, voltime=0, gradtime=0;
  wkf_timerhandle timer = wkf_timer_create();

  if (regenorbital) {
    // XXX this needs to be fixed so that things like the
    //     draw multiple frames feature will work correctly for Orbitals
    int frame = mol->frame(); // draw currently active frame
    const Timestep *ts = mol->get_frame(frame);

    if (!ts->qm_timestep || !mol->qm_data || 
        !mol->qm_data->num_basis || orbid < 1) {

    // Find the  timestep independent wavefunction ID tag
    // by comparing type, spin, and excitation with the
    // signatures of existing wavefunctions.
    int waveid = mol->qm_data->find_wavef_id_from_gui_specs(
                  wavefnctype, wavefncspin, wavefncexcitation);

    // Translate the wavefunction ID into the index the
    // wavefunction has in this timestep
    int iwave = ts->qm_timestep->get_wavef_index(waveid);

    if (iwave<0 || 
        !ts->qm_timestep->get_wavecoeffs(iwave) ||
        !ts->qm_timestep->get_num_orbitals(iwave) ||
        orbid > ts->qm_timestep->get_num_orbitals(iwave)) {

    // Get the orbital index for this timestep from the orbital ID.
    int orbindex = ts->qm_timestep->get_orbital_index_from_id(iwave, orbid);

    // Build an Orbital object and prepare to calculate a grid
    Orbital *orbital = mol->qm_data->create_orbital(iwave, orbindex, 
                                                    ts->pos, ts->qm_timestep);

    // Set the bounding box of the atom coordinates as the grid dimensions
    orbital->set_grid_to_bbox(ts->pos, 3.0, gridspacing);

    // XXX needs more testing, can get stuck for certain orbitals
#if 0
    // XXX for GPU, we need to only optimize to a stepsize of 4 or more, as
    //     otherwise doing this actually slows us down rather than speeding up
    //     orbital.find_optimal_grid(0.01, 4, 8);
    // optimize: minstep 2, maxstep 8, threshold 0.01
    orbital->find_optimal_grid(0.01, 2, 8);

    // Calculate the molecular orbital
    orbital->calculate_mo(mol, density);

    motime = wkf_timer_timenow(timer);

    // query orbital grid origin, dimensions, and axes 
    const int *numvoxels = orbital->get_numvoxels();
    const float *origin = orbital->get_origin();

    float xaxis[3], yaxis[3], zaxis[3];
    orbital->get_grid_axes(xaxis, yaxis, zaxis);

    // build a VolumetricData object for rendering
    char dataname[64];
    sprintf(dataname, "molecular orbital %i", orbid);

    // update attributes of cached orbital grid
    orbgridisdensity = density;
    waveftype = wavefnctype;
    wavefspin = wavefncspin;
    wavefexcitation = wavefncexcitation;
    gridorbid = orbid;
    orbgridspacing = gridspacing;
    delete orbvol;
    orbvol = new VolumetricData(dataname, origin, 
                                xaxis, yaxis, zaxis,
                                numvoxels[0], numvoxels[1], numvoxels[2],
    delete orbital;

    voltime = wkf_timer_timenow(timer);

    orbvol->compute_volume_gradient(); // calc gradients: smooth vertex normals

    gradtime = wkf_timer_timenow(timer);
  } // regen the orbital grid...

  // draw the newly created VolumetricData object 
  sprintf(commentBuffer, "MoleculeID: %d ReprID: %d Beginning Orbital",
          mol->id(), repNumber);
  cmdCommentX.putdata(commentBuffer, cmdList);

  if (drawbox > 0) {
    // don't texture the box if color by volume is active
    if (atomColor->method() == AtomColor::VOLUME) {
    // wireframe only?  or solid?
    if (style > 0 || drawbox == 2) {
    } else {
    if (atomColor->method() == AtomColor::VOLUME) {

  if ((drawbox == 2) || (drawbox == 0)) {
    switch (style) {
      case 3:
        // shaded points isosurface looping over X-axis, 1 point per voxel
        draw_volume_isosurface_lit_points(orbvol, isovalue, stepsize, thickness);

      case 2:
        // points isosurface looping over X-axis, max of 1 point per voxel
        draw_volume_isosurface_points(orbvol, isovalue, stepsize, thickness);

      case 1:
        // lines implementation, max of 18 line per voxel (3-per triangle)
        draw_volume_isosurface_lines(orbvol, isovalue, stepsize, thickness);

      case 0:
        // trimesh polygonalized surface, max of 6 triangles per voxel
        draw_volume_isosurface_trimesh(orbvol, isovalue, stepsize);

  if (regenorbital) {
    double surftime = wkf_timer_timenow(timer);
    if (surftime > 5) {
      char strmsg[1024];
      sprintf(strmsg, "Total MO rep time: %.3f [MO: %.3f vol: %.3f grad: %.3f surf: %.2f]",
              surftime, motime, voltime - motime, gradtime - motime, surftime - gradtime);

      msgInfo << strmsg << sendmsg;

예제 #8
CoorPluginData::CoorPluginData(const char *nm, Molecule *m, MolFilePlugin *p,
    int input, int first, int stride, int last, const int *sel) 
: CoorData(nm), is_input(input), begFrame(first), frameSkip(stride), 
  endFrame(last) {

  /// selection is NULL by default, indicating all atoms are to be written
  selection = NULL;

  /// set plugin NULL to indicate trouble if we early exit
  plugin = NULL;

  /// initialize timer handle

  /// initialize data size variables

  // make sure frame data is correct
  if(begFrame < 0)
    begFrame = 0;
  if(endFrame < begFrame)
    endFrame = (-1);
  if(frameSkip <= 0)
    frameSkip = 1;
  recentFrame = -1;

  // make sure frame data is valid
  if(!m || (!is_input && 
              ( m->numframes() < begFrame || endFrame >= m->numframes() ) 
           ) ) {
    msgErr << "Illegal frames requested for coordinate file I/O" << sendmsg;
  if (is_input) {
    // Checks for and reject attempts to use selections when reading
    // coordinates.  The most useful thing to do would be to allow coordinate
    // files to contain whatever number of atoms you want, and then use the
    // selection to filter those atoms.  However, one could go a number of ways
    // with this.  Should the selection be reparsed using the structure and/or
    // coordinate data in the new file in order to determine which atoms to
    // read, or should one simply use the already-computed atom indices?  I can
    // think of situations where both of those behaviors would be desirable.
    if (sel) {
      msgErr << "Internal error: cannot read selection of coordinates"
             << sendmsg;
    // make sure that the number of atoms in the coordinate file is either valid
    // or unknown.
    if (p->natoms() != m->nAtoms) {
      if (p->natoms() == -1) {
      } else {
        msgErr << "Incorrect number of atoms (" << p->natoms() << ") in" 
               << sendmsg;
        msgErr << "coordinate file " << nm << sendmsg;

  // make plugin and selection information valid
  plugin = p;
  if (sel) {
    selection = new int[m->nAtoms];
    memcpy(selection, sel, m->nAtoms * sizeof(int));


  // If this is output, write the structure now.  
  if (!is_input && plugin->can_write_structure()) {
    if (plugin->write_structure(m, selection) == MOLFILE_SUCCESS) {
    } else {
      plugin = NULL;

  if (is_input) {
    kbytesperframe = (p->natoms() * 12) / 1024;
  } else {
    kbytesperframe = (m->nAtoms * 12) / 1024;