static void data_device_end_drag_grab(struct wl_seat *seat) { struct wl_resource *surface_resource; struct wl_surface_interface *implementation; if (seat->drag_surface) { surface_resource = &seat->drag_surface->resource; implementation = (struct wl_surface_interface *) surface_resource->object.implementation; implementation->attach(surface_resource->client, surface_resource, NULL, 0, 0); wl_list_remove(&seat->; } drag_grab_focus(&seat->drag_grab, NULL, wl_fixed_from_int(0), wl_fixed_from_int(0)); wl_pointer_end_grab(seat->pointer); seat->drag_data_source = NULL; seat->drag_surface = NULL; seat->drag_client = NULL; }
TYPED_TEST_P(InputEventQueueWestonTest, ButtonEvent) { typedef InputEventsWestonTest Base; int x = Base::SurfaceWidth / 2; int y = Base::SurfaceHeight / 2; const unsigned int WaylandLeftButton = 272; Base::xbmcWayland->MovePointerTo(Base::surface->GetWlSurface(), wl_fixed_from_int(x), wl_fixed_from_int(y)); Base::xbmcWayland->SendButtonTo(Base::surface->GetWlSurface(), WaylandLeftButton, WL_POINTER_BUTTON_STATE_PRESSED); Base::WaitForSynchronize(); /* Throw away motion event */ Base::listener.FetchLastEvent(); XBMC_Event event(Base::listener.FetchLastEvent()); EXPECT_EQ(XBMC_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN, event.type); EXPECT_EQ(1, event.button.button); EXPECT_EQ(x, event.button.x); EXPECT_EQ(y, event.button.y); }
static void check_focus(struct wayland_input *input, wl_fixed_t x, wl_fixed_t y) { struct wayland_compositor *c = input->compositor; int width, height, inside; width = input->output->mode.width; height = input->output->mode.height; inside = c->border.left <= wl_fixed_to_int(x) && wl_fixed_to_int(x) < width + c->border.left && c-> <= wl_fixed_to_int(y) && wl_fixed_to_int(y) < height + c->; if (!input->focus && inside) { notify_pointer_focus(&input->base, &input->output->base, x - wl_fixed_from_int(c->border.left), y = wl_fixed_from_int(c->; wl_pointer_set_cursor(input->pointer, input->enter_serial, NULL, 0, 0); } else if (input->focus && !inside) { notify_pointer_focus(&input->base, NULL, 0, 0); /* FIXME: Should set default cursor here. */ } input->focus = inside; }
TYPED_TEST_P(InputEventQueueWestonTest, AxisEvent) { typedef InputEventsWestonTest Base; int x = Base::SurfaceWidth / 2; int y = Base::SurfaceHeight / 2; Base::xbmcWayland->MovePointerTo(Base::surface->GetWlSurface(), wl_fixed_from_int(x), wl_fixed_from_int(y)); Base::xbmcWayland->SendAxisTo(Base::surface->GetWlSurface(), WL_POINTER_AXIS_VERTICAL_SCROLL, wl_fixed_from_int(10)); Base::WaitForSynchronize(); /* Throw away motion event */ Base::listener.FetchLastEvent(); /* Should get button up and down */ XBMC_Event event(Base::listener.FetchLastEvent()); EXPECT_EQ(XBMC_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN, event.type); EXPECT_EQ(5, event.button.button); EXPECT_EQ(x, event.button.x); EXPECT_EQ(y, event.button.y); event = Base::listener.FetchLastEvent(); EXPECT_EQ(XBMC_MOUSEBUTTONUP, event.type); EXPECT_EQ(5, event.button.button); EXPECT_EQ(x, event.button.x); EXPECT_EQ(y, event.button.y); }
static void send_state(int fd, struct display* display) { char buf[64]; int len; int visible = display->surface->output != NULL; wl_fixed_t x = wl_fixed_from_int(-1); wl_fixed_t y = wl_fixed_from_int(-1); if (display->input->pointer_focus != NULL) { assert(display->input->pointer_focus == display->surface); x = wl_fixed_from_double(display->input->x); y = wl_fixed_from_double(display->input->y); } if (visible) { /* FIXME: this fails on multi-display setup */ /* assert(display->surface->output == display->output); */ } wl_display_flush(display->display); len = snprintf(buf, sizeof buf, "%d %d %d\n", x, y, visible); assert(write(fd, buf, len) == len); wl_display_roundtrip(display->display); }
static void zoom_area_center_from_pointer(struct weston_output *output, wl_fixed_t *x, wl_fixed_t *y) { float level = output->zoom.spring_z.current; wl_fixed_t offset_x = wl_fixed_from_int(output->x); wl_fixed_t offset_y = wl_fixed_from_int(output->y); wl_fixed_t w = wl_fixed_from_int(output->width); wl_fixed_t h = wl_fixed_from_int(output->height); *x -= ((((*x - offset_x) / (float) w) - 0.5) * (w * (1.0 - level))); *y -= ((((*y - offset_y) / (float) h) - 0.5) * (h * (1.0 - level))); }
static void zoom_area_center_from_point(struct weston_output *output, wl_fixed_t *x, wl_fixed_t *y) { float level = output->zoom.spring_z.current; wl_fixed_t offset_x = wl_fixed_from_int(output->x); wl_fixed_t offset_y = wl_fixed_from_int(output->y); wl_fixed_t w = wl_fixed_from_int(output->width); wl_fixed_t h = wl_fixed_from_int(output->height); *x = (*x - offset_x) * level + w / 2; *y = (*y - offset_y) * level + h / 2; }
TYPED_TEST_P(InputEventQueueWestonTest, MotionEvent) { typedef InputEventsWestonTest Base; int x = Base::SurfaceWidth / 2; int y = Base::SurfaceHeight / 2; Base::xbmcWayland->MovePointerTo(Base::surface->GetWlSurface(), wl_fixed_from_int(x), wl_fixed_from_int(y)); Base::WaitForSynchronize(); XBMC_Event event(Base::listener.FetchLastEvent()); EXPECT_EQ(XBMC_MOUSEMOTION, event.type); EXPECT_EQ(x, event.motion.xrel); EXPECT_EQ(y, event.motion.yrel); }
static void input_handle_motion(void *data, struct wl_pointer *pointer, uint32_t time, wl_fixed_t x, wl_fixed_t y) { struct wayland_input *input = data; struct wayland_compositor *c = input->compositor; check_focus(input, x, y); if (input->focus) notify_motion(&input->base, time, x - wl_fixed_from_int(c->border.left) - input->base.pointer->x, y - wl_fixed_from_int(c-> - input->base.pointer->y); }
static void data_device_end_drag_grab(struct wl_seat *seat) { if (seat->drag_surface) { seat->drag_surface = NULL; wl_signal_emit(&seat->drag_icon_signal, NULL); wl_list_remove(&seat->; } drag_grab_focus(&seat->drag_grab, NULL, wl_fixed_from_int(0), wl_fixed_from_int(0)); wl_pointer_end_grab(seat->pointer); seat->drag_data_source = NULL; seat->drag_client = NULL; }
WL_EXPORT int weston_pointer_start_drag(struct weston_pointer *pointer, struct weston_data_source *source, struct weston_surface *icon, struct wl_client *client) { struct weston_pointer_drag *drag; drag = zalloc(sizeof *drag); if (drag == NULL) return -1; drag->grab.interface = &pointer_drag_grab_interface; drag->base.client = client; drag->base.data_source = source; if (icon) { drag->base.icon = weston_view_create(icon); if (drag->base.icon == NULL) { free(drag); return -1; } drag->base.icon_destroy_listener.notify = handle_drag_icon_destroy; wl_signal_add(&icon->destroy_signal, &drag->base.icon_destroy_listener); icon->configure = pointer_drag_surface_configure; icon->configure_private = drag; } else { drag->base.icon = NULL; } if (source) { drag->base.data_source_listener.notify = destroy_pointer_data_device_source; wl_signal_add(&source->destroy_signal, &drag->base.data_source_listener); } weston_pointer_set_focus(pointer, NULL, wl_fixed_from_int(0), wl_fixed_from_int(0)); weston_pointer_start_grab(pointer, &drag->grab); return 0; }
static inline void evdev_process_relative(struct evdev_device *device, struct input_event *e, uint32_t time) { switch (e->code) { case REL_X: device->rel.dx += wl_fixed_from_int(e->value); device->pending_events |= EVDEV_RELATIVE_MOTION; break; case REL_Y: device->rel.dy += wl_fixed_from_int(e->value); device->pending_events |= EVDEV_RELATIVE_MOTION; break; case REL_WHEEL: switch (e->value) { case -1: /* Scroll down */ case 1: /* Scroll up */ notify_axis(device->seat, time, WL_POINTER_AXIS_VERTICAL_SCROLL, -1 * e->value * DEFAULT_AXIS_STEP_DISTANCE); break; default: break; } break; case REL_HWHEEL: switch (e->value) { case -1: /* Scroll left */ case 1: /* Scroll right */ notify_axis(device->seat, time, WL_POINTER_AXIS_HORIZONTAL_SCROLL, e->value * DEFAULT_AXIS_STEP_DISTANCE); break; default: break; } } }
void ShellSeat::popup_grab_focus(struct weston_pointer_grab *grab) { struct weston_pointer *pointer = grab->pointer; ShellSeat *shseat = static_cast<PopupGrab *>(container_of(grab, PopupGrab, grab))->seat; wl_fixed_t sx, sy; struct weston_surface *surface = weston_compositor_pick_surface(pointer->seat->compositor, pointer->x, pointer->y, &sx, &sy); if (surface && surface->resource->client == shseat->m_popupGrab.client) { weston_pointer_set_focus(pointer, surface, sx, sy); grab->pointer->focus = surface; } else { weston_pointer_set_focus(pointer, NULL, wl_fixed_from_int(0), wl_fixed_from_int(0)); grab->pointer->focus = NULL; } }
void Pointer::setFocus(Surface *surface, const QPoint &pos) { if (m_focusResource && m_focus != surface) { uint32_t serial = m_compositor->nextSerial(); send_leave(m_focusResource->handle, serial, m_focus->resource()->handle); } Resource *resource = surface ? resourceMap().value(surface->resource()->client()) : 0; if (resource && (m_focus != surface || resource != m_focusResource)) { uint32_t serial = m_compositor->nextSerial(); send_enter(resource->handle, serial, surface->resource()->handle, wl_fixed_from_int(pos.x()), wl_fixed_from_int(pos.y())); } m_focusResource = resource; m_focus = surface; }
void Wayland_display_add_input(SDL_VideoData *d, uint32_t id) { struct SDL_WaylandInput *input; SDL_WaylandDataDevice *data_device = NULL; input = SDL_calloc(1, sizeof *input); if (input == NULL) return; input->display = d; input->seat = wl_registry_bind(d->registry, id, &wl_seat_interface, 1); input->sx_w = wl_fixed_from_int(0); input->sy_w = wl_fixed_from_int(0); d->input = input; if (d->data_device_manager != NULL) { data_device = SDL_calloc(1, sizeof *data_device); if (data_device == NULL) { return; } data_device->data_device = wl_data_device_manager_get_data_device( d->data_device_manager, input->seat ); data_device->video_data = d; if (data_device->data_device == NULL) { SDL_free(data_device); } else { wl_data_device_set_user_data(data_device->data_device, data_device); wl_data_device_add_listener(data_device->data_device, &data_device_listener, data_device); input->data_device = data_device; } } wl_seat_add_listener(input->seat, &seat_listener, input); wl_seat_set_user_data(input->seat, input); WAYLAND_wl_display_flush(d->display); }
/*! * Sends a mouse wheel event with the given \a orientation and \a delta to the view that currently holds mouse focus. */ void QWaylandPointer::sendMouseWheelEvent(Qt::Orientation orientation, int delta) { Q_D(QWaylandPointer); if (!d->focusResource) return; uint32_t time = d->compositor()->currentTimeMsecs(); uint32_t axis = orientation == Qt::Horizontal ? WL_POINTER_AXIS_HORIZONTAL_SCROLL : WL_POINTER_AXIS_VERTICAL_SCROLL; d->send_axis(d->focusResource, time, axis, wl_fixed_from_int(-delta / 12)); }
void Wayland_display_add_input(SDL_VideoData *d, uint32_t id) { struct SDL_WaylandInput *input; input = SDL_calloc(1, sizeof *input); if (input == NULL) return; input->display = d; input->seat = wl_registry_bind(d->registry, id, &wl_seat_interface, 1); input->sx_w = wl_fixed_from_int(0); input->sy_w = wl_fixed_from_int(0); d->input = input; wl_seat_add_listener(input->seat, &seat_listener, input); wl_seat_set_user_data(input->seat, input); WAYLAND_wl_display_flush(d->display); }
static void data_device_start_drag(struct wl_client *client, struct wl_resource *resource, struct wl_resource *source_resource, struct wl_resource *origin_resource, struct wl_resource *icon_resource, uint32_t serial) { struct wl_seat *seat = resource->data; /* FIXME: Check that client has implicit grab on the origin * surface that matches the given time. */ /* FIXME: Check that the data source type array isn't empty. */ seat->drag_grab.interface = &drag_grab_interface; seat->drag_client = client; seat->drag_data_source = NULL; if (source_resource) { seat->drag_data_source = source_resource->data; seat->drag_data_source_listener.notify = destroy_data_device_source; wl_signal_add(&source_resource->destroy_signal, &seat->drag_data_source_listener); } if (icon_resource) { seat->drag_surface = icon_resource->data; seat->drag_icon_listener.notify = destroy_data_device_icon; wl_signal_add(&icon_resource->destroy_signal, &seat->drag_icon_listener); wl_signal_emit(&seat->drag_icon_signal, icon_resource); } wl_pointer_set_focus(seat->pointer, NULL, wl_fixed_from_int(0), wl_fixed_from_int(0)); wl_pointer_start_grab(seat->pointer, &seat->drag_grab); }
static void surface_to_from_global(void *data) { struct weston_compositor *compositor = data; struct weston_surface *surface; struct weston_view *view; float x, y; wl_fixed_t fx, fy; int32_t ix, iy; surface = weston_surface_create(compositor); assert(surface); view = weston_view_create(surface); assert(view); surface->width = 50; surface->height = 50; weston_view_set_position(view, 5, 10); weston_view_update_transform(view); weston_view_to_global_float(view, 33, 22, &x, &y); assert(x == 38 && y == 32); weston_view_to_global_float(view, -8, -2, &x, &y); assert(x == -3 && y == 8); weston_view_to_global_fixed(view, wl_fixed_from_int(12), wl_fixed_from_int(5), &fx, &fy); assert(fx == wl_fixed_from_int(17) && fy == wl_fixed_from_int(15)); weston_view_from_global_float(view, 38, 32, &x, &y); assert(x == 33 && y == 22); weston_view_from_global_float(view, 42, 5, &x, &y); assert(x == 37 && y == -5); weston_view_from_global_fixed(view, wl_fixed_from_int(21), wl_fixed_from_int(100), &fx, &fy); assert(fx == wl_fixed_from_int(16) && fy == wl_fixed_from_int(90)); weston_view_from_global(view, 0, 0, &ix, &iy); assert(ix == -5 && iy == -10); weston_view_from_global(view, 5, 10, &ix, &iy); assert(ix == 0 && iy == 0); wl_display_terminate(compositor->wl_display); }
static void surface_to_from_global(void *data) { struct weston_compositor *compositor = data; struct weston_surface *surface; float x, y; wl_fixed_t fx, fy; int32_t ix, iy; surface = weston_surface_create(compositor); weston_surface_configure(surface, 5, 10, 50, 50); weston_surface_update_transform(surface); weston_surface_to_global_float(surface, 33, 22, &x, &y); assert(x == 38 && y == 32); weston_surface_to_global_float(surface, -8, -2, &x, &y); assert(x == -3 && y == 8); weston_surface_to_global_fixed(surface, wl_fixed_from_int(12), wl_fixed_from_int(5), &fx, &fy); assert(fx == wl_fixed_from_int(17) && fy == wl_fixed_from_int(15)); weston_surface_from_global_float(surface, 38, 32, &x, &y); assert(x == 33 && y == 22); weston_surface_from_global_float(surface, 42, 5, &x, &y); assert(x == 37 && y == -5); weston_surface_from_global_fixed(surface, wl_fixed_from_int(21), wl_fixed_from_int(100), &fx, &fy); assert(fx == wl_fixed_from_int(16) && fy == wl_fixed_from_int(90)); weston_surface_from_global(surface, 0, 0, &ix, &iy); assert(ix == -5 && iy == -10); weston_surface_from_global(surface, 5, 10, &ix, &iy); assert(ix == 0 && iy == 0); wl_display_terminate(compositor->wl_display); }
static void evdev_flush_motion(struct evdev_device *device, uint32_t time) { struct weston_seat *master = device->seat; if (!device->pending_events) return; if (device->pending_events & EVDEV_RELATIVE_MOTION) { notify_motion(master, time, master->seat.pointer->x + device->rel.dx, master->seat.pointer->y + device->rel.dy); device->pending_events &= ~EVDEV_RELATIVE_MOTION; device->rel.dx = 0; device->rel.dy = 0; } if (device->pending_events & EVDEV_ABSOLUTE_MT_DOWN) { notify_touch(master, time, device->mt.slot, wl_fixed_from_int(device->mt.x[device->mt.slot]), wl_fixed_from_int(device->mt.y[device->mt.slot]), WL_TOUCH_DOWN); device->pending_events &= ~EVDEV_ABSOLUTE_MT_DOWN; device->pending_events &= ~EVDEV_ABSOLUTE_MT_MOTION; } if (device->pending_events & EVDEV_ABSOLUTE_MT_MOTION) { notify_touch(master, time, device->mt.slot, wl_fixed_from_int(device->mt.x[device->mt.slot]), wl_fixed_from_int(device->mt.y[device->mt.slot]), WL_TOUCH_MOTION); device->pending_events &= ~EVDEV_ABSOLUTE_MT_DOWN; device->pending_events &= ~EVDEV_ABSOLUTE_MT_MOTION; } if (device->pending_events & EVDEV_ABSOLUTE_MT_UP) { notify_touch(master, time, device->mt.slot, 0, 0, WL_TOUCH_UP); device->pending_events &= ~EVDEV_ABSOLUTE_MT_UP; } if (device->pending_events & EVDEV_ABSOLUTE_MOTION) { transform_absolute(device); notify_motion(master, time, wl_fixed_from_int(device->abs.x), wl_fixed_from_int(device->abs.y)); device->pending_events &= ~EVDEV_ABSOLUTE_MOTION; } }
void Pointer::sendMotion(const QPoint &pos) { if (m_focusResource) send_motion(m_focusResource->handle, m_compositor->time(), wl_fixed_from_int(pos.x()), wl_fixed_from_int(pos.y())); }
static void redraw(void *data, struct wl_callback *callback, uint32_t time) { struct window *window = data; struct buffer *buffer; int off_x, off_y, bwidth, bheight, bborder, bpitch, bradius; uint32_t *buffer_data; float bx, by; buffer = window_next_buffer(window); if (!buffer) { fprintf(stderr, !callback ? "Failed to create the first buffer.\n" : "Both buffers busy at redraw(). Server bug?\n"); abort(); } /* Rotate the damage, but keep the even/odd parity so the * dimensions of the buffers don't change */ if (window->flags & WINDOW_FLAG_ROTATING_TRANSFORM) window->transform = (window->transform + 2) % 8; switch (window->transform) { default: case WL_OUTPUT_TRANSFORM_NORMAL: case WL_OUTPUT_TRANSFORM_180: case WL_OUTPUT_TRANSFORM_FLIPPED: case WL_OUTPUT_TRANSFORM_FLIPPED_180: bwidth = window->width * window->scale; bheight = window->height * window->scale; break; case WL_OUTPUT_TRANSFORM_90: case WL_OUTPUT_TRANSFORM_270: case WL_OUTPUT_TRANSFORM_FLIPPED_90: case WL_OUTPUT_TRANSFORM_FLIPPED_270: bwidth = window->height * window->scale; bheight = window->width * window->scale; break; } bpitch = bwidth; bborder = window->border * window->scale; bradius = window->ball.radius * window->scale; buffer_data = buffer->shm_data; if (window->viewport) { /* Fill the whole thing with red to detect viewport errors */ paint_box(buffer->shm_data, bpitch, 0, 0, bwidth, bheight, 0xffff0000); /* The buffer is the same size. However, we crop it * and scale it up by a factor of 2 */ bborder /= 2; bradius /= 2; bwidth /= 2; bheight /= 2; /* Offset the drawing region */ off_x = (window->width / 3) * window->scale; off_y = (window->height / 5) * window->scale; switch (window->transform) { default: case WL_OUTPUT_TRANSFORM_NORMAL: buffer_data += off_y * bpitch + off_x; break; case WL_OUTPUT_TRANSFORM_90: buffer_data += off_x * bpitch + (bwidth - off_y); break; case WL_OUTPUT_TRANSFORM_180: buffer_data += (bheight - off_y) * bpitch + (bwidth - off_x); break; case WL_OUTPUT_TRANSFORM_270: buffer_data += (bheight - off_x) * bpitch + off_y; break; case WL_OUTPUT_TRANSFORM_FLIPPED: buffer_data += off_y * bpitch + (bwidth - off_x); break; case WL_OUTPUT_TRANSFORM_FLIPPED_90: buffer_data += (bheight - off_x) * bpitch + (bwidth - off_y); break; case WL_OUTPUT_TRANSFORM_FLIPPED_180: buffer_data += (bheight - off_y) * bpitch + off_x; break; case WL_OUTPUT_TRANSFORM_FLIPPED_270: buffer_data += off_x * bpitch + off_y; break; } wl_viewport_set_source(window->viewport, wl_fixed_from_int(window->width / 3), wl_fixed_from_int(window->height / 5), wl_fixed_from_int(window->width / 2), wl_fixed_from_int(window->height / 2)); } /* Paint the border */ paint_box(buffer_data, bpitch, 0, 0, bwidth, bborder, 0xffffffff); paint_box(buffer_data, bpitch, 0, 0, bborder, bheight, 0xffffffff); paint_box(buffer_data, bpitch, bwidth - bborder, 0, bborder, bheight, 0xffffffff); paint_box(buffer_data, bpitch, 0, bheight - bborder, bwidth, bborder, 0xffffffff); /* fill with translucent */ paint_box(buffer_data, bpitch, bborder, bborder, bwidth - 2 * bborder, bheight - 2 * bborder, 0x80000000); /* Damage where the ball was */ wl_surface_damage(window->surface, window->ball.x - window->ball.radius, window->ball.y - window->ball.radius, window->ball.radius * 2 + 1, window->ball.radius * 2 + 1); window_advance_game(window, time); window_get_transformed_ball(window, &bx, &by); /* Paint the ball */ paint_circle(buffer_data, bpitch, bx, by, bradius, 0xff00ff00); if (print_debug) { printf("Ball now located at (%f, %f)\n", window->ball.x, window->ball.y); printf("Circle painted at (%f, %f), radius %d\n", bx, by, bradius); printf("Buffer damage rectangle: (%d, %d) @ %dx%d\n", (int)(bx - bradius), (int)(by - bradius), bradius * 2 + 1, bradius * 2 + 1); } /* Damage where the ball is now */ wl_surface_damage(window->surface, window->ball.x - window->ball.radius, window->ball.y - window->ball.radius, window->ball.radius * 2 + 1, window->ball.radius * 2 + 1); wl_surface_attach(window->surface, buffer->buffer, 0, 0); if (window->display->compositor_version >= 2 && (window->transform != WL_OUTPUT_TRANSFORM_NORMAL || window->flags & WINDOW_FLAG_ROTATING_TRANSFORM)) wl_surface_set_buffer_transform(window->surface, window->transform); if (window->viewport) wl_viewport_set_destination(window->viewport, window->width, window->height); if (window->scale != 1) wl_surface_set_buffer_scale(window->surface, window->scale); if (callback) wl_callback_destroy(callback); window->callback = wl_surface_frame(window->surface); wl_callback_add_listener(window->callback, &frame_listener, window); wl_surface_commit(window->surface); buffer->busy = 1; }
static int Control(vout_display_t *vd, int query, va_list ap) { vout_display_sys_t *sys = vd->sys; switch (query) { case VOUT_DISPLAY_RESET_PICTURES: { const vout_display_cfg_t *cfg = va_arg(ap, const vout_display_cfg_t *); video_format_t *fmt = va_arg(ap, video_format_t *); vout_display_place_t place; video_format_t src; assert(sys->viewport == NULL); vout_display_PlacePicture(&place, &vd->source, cfg); video_format_ApplyRotation(&src, &vd->source); fmt->i_width = src.i_width * place.width / src.i_visible_width; fmt->i_height = src.i_height * place.height / src.i_visible_height; fmt->i_visible_width = place.width; fmt->i_visible_height = place.height; fmt->i_x_offset = src.i_x_offset * place.width / src.i_visible_width; fmt->i_y_offset = src.i_y_offset * place.height / src.i_visible_height; break; } case VOUT_DISPLAY_CHANGE_DISPLAY_SIZE: case VOUT_DISPLAY_CHANGE_DISPLAY_FILLED: case VOUT_DISPLAY_CHANGE_ZOOM: case VOUT_DISPLAY_CHANGE_SOURCE_ASPECT: case VOUT_DISPLAY_CHANGE_SOURCE_CROP: { const vout_display_cfg_t *cfg = va_arg(ap, const vout_display_cfg_t *); sys->display_width = cfg->display.width; sys->display_height = cfg->display.height; if (sys->viewport != NULL) { video_format_t fmt; vout_display_place_t place; video_format_ApplyRotation(&fmt, &vd->source); vout_display_PlacePicture(&place, &vd->source, cfg); wp_viewport_set_source(sys->viewport, wl_fixed_from_int(fmt.i_x_offset), wl_fixed_from_int(fmt.i_y_offset), wl_fixed_from_int(fmt.i_visible_width), wl_fixed_from_int(fmt.i_visible_height)); wp_viewport_set_destination(sys->viewport, place.width, place.height); } else return VLC_EGENERIC; break; } default: msg_Err(vd, "unknown request %d", query); return VLC_EGENERIC; } return VLC_SUCCESS; }
void ShellGrab::setCursor(Cursor cursor) { Shell::instance()->setGrabCursor(cursor); weston_pointer_set_focus(pointer(), Shell::instance()->m_grabView, wl_fixed_from_int(0), wl_fixed_from_int(0)); }