예제 #1
TEUCHOS_UNIT_TEST( WuBasis, wu_basis_order_2 )
    typedef DataTransferKit::WuBasis<2> BasisType;
    typedef DataTransferKit::RadialBasisPolicy<BasisType> BP;

    int dim = 3;

    Teuchos::Array<double> x1(dim, 0.5);
    Teuchos::Array<double> x2(dim, 0.75);

    double radius_1 = 1.0;
    Teuchos::RCP<BasisType> basis_1 = BP::create();

    double dist = DataTransferKit::EuclideanDistance<3>::distance( 
	x1.getRawPtr(), x2.getRawPtr() );
    double basis_value = BP::evaluateValue( *basis_1, radius_1, dist );
    double basis_grad = BP::evaluateGradient( *basis_1, radius_1, dist );

    double x = 0.0;
    for ( int i = 0; i < dim; ++i )
	x += (x2[i]-x1[i])*(x2[i]-x1[i]);
    x = std::sqrt(x);
    double test_value = (1.0-x)*(1.0-x)*(1.0-x)*(1.0-x)*(1.0-x) *
			( 5.0*x*x*x*x+25.0*x*x*x+48.0*x*x+40.0*x+8.0 );
    double test_grad = -9.0*(x-1.0)*(x-1.0)*(x-1.0)*(x-1.0)*x *
		       ( 5.0*x*x*x+20.0*x*x+29.0*x+16.0 );

    TEST_EQUALITY( test_value, basis_value );
    TEST_FLOATING_EQUALITY( test_grad, basis_grad, epsilon );

    double radius_2 = 0.1;
    BasisType basis_2;

    basis_value = BP::evaluateValue( basis_2, radius_2, dist );
    basis_grad = BP::evaluateGradient( basis_2, radius_2, dist );

    TEST_EQUALITY( 0.0, basis_value );
    TEST_EQUALITY( 0.0, basis_grad );
예제 #2
  double probability_x_less_than_y(const std::valarray<double>& x, const std::valarray<double>& y)
    vector<double> x2(x.size());
    for(int i=0;i<x2.size();i++)
      x2[i] = x[i];

    vector<double> y2(y.size());
    for(int i=0;i<y2.size();i++)
      y2[i] = y[i];

    valarray<double> FX(y.size());
    int dx=0;
    for(int dy=0;dy<FX.size();dy++) {
      while((dx<x2.size()) and (x2[dx]<y2[dy]))
      FX[dy] = double(dx)/x2.size();
    return FX.sum()/FX.size();
예제 #3
LUALIB_API int luaX_loadstring(lua_State* L, LPCTSTR code, LPCTSTR name)
	CString x1(code);
	int sz = x1.GetLength();
	int bs = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_THREAD_ACP, 0, x1, sz + 1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);
	char* b1 = new char[bs];
	int rs = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_THREAD_ACP, 0, x1, sz + 1, b1, bs, NULL, NULL);

	CString x2(name);
	x2 = CString("=String-") + x2;
	sz = x2.GetLength();
	bs = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_THREAD_ACP, 0, x2, sz + 1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);
	char* b2 = new char[bs];
	WideCharToMultiByte(CP_THREAD_ACP, 0, x2, sz + 1, b2, bs, NULL, NULL);

	int r = luaL_loadbuffer(L, b1, rs - 1, b2);

	delete b1;
	delete b2;
	return r;
예제 #4
void DrawVisibility(QPainter *p,pigalePaint *paint)
  {TopologicalGraph G(paint->GCP);
  Prop<Tpoint> P1(G.Set(tedge()),PROP_DRAW_POINT_1);
  Prop<Tpoint> P2(G.Set(tedge()),PROP_DRAW_POINT_2);
  Prop<int> x1(G.Set(tvertex()),PROP_DRAW_INT_1);
  Prop<int> x2(G.Set(tvertex()),PROP_DRAW_INT_2);
  Prop<int> y(G.Set(tvertex()),PROP_DRAW_INT_5);
  Prop<short> ecolor(G.Set(tedge()),PROP_COLOR);
  Prop<short> vcolor(G.Set(tvertex()),PROP_COLOR);

  double alpha=0.35;
  p->setFont(QFont("sans",Min((int)(1.8*alpha * Min(paint->xscale,paint->yscale) + .5),13)));
  Tpoint a,b;
  for(tvertex v=1;v<=G.nv();v++)
      paint->DrawText(p,x1[v]-alpha,y[v]+alpha, x2[v]-x1[v]+2*alpha,2*alpha,v,vcolor[v]);
  for (tedge e = 1;e <= G.ne();e++)
      {a.x() = P1[e].x(); a.y() = P1[e].y() + alpha;
      b.x() = P1[e].x();  b.y() = P2[e].y() - alpha;
예제 #5
   Punct x1(10, 10), x2(100, 200);
   Dreptunghi d1(x1, x2), d2(10, 20, 14, 50);


   if (d1 == d2)
      cout<<"d1 = d2";
      cout<<"d1 != d2";
   cout<<d1.Lung_lat1()<<' '<<d1.Lung_lat2();
   cout<<d2.Lung_lat1()<<' '<<d2.Lung_lat2();
   cout<<"Perimetrul d1: "<<d1.Perimetru();
   cout<<"Perimetrul d2: "<<d2.Perimetru();
   cout<<"d1, colt stanga sus : "<<d1.Colt_st_sus();
   cout<<"d1, colt dreapta jos : "<<d1.Colt_dr_jos();

   return 0;
예제 #6
    void run() {
 * note: this test will deadlock if the code breaks

#if defined(__linux__) || defined(__APPLE__)

        // create
        pthread_rwlock_t lk;
        verify(pthread_rwlock_init(&lk, 0) == 0);

        // read lock
        verify(pthread_rwlock_rdlock(&lk) == 0);

        AtomicUInt32 x1(0);
        stdx::thread t1(stdx::bind(worker1, &lk, &x1));
        while (!x1.load())
        verify(x1.load() == 1);
        verify(x1.load() == 1);

        AtomicUInt32 x2(0);

        stdx::thread t2(stdx::bind(worker2, &lk, &x2));
        verify(x2.load() == 1);


        for (int i = 0; i < 2000; i++) {
            if (x1.load() == 2)

        verify(x1.load() == 2);
double testCosineTransform (long n) {
	try {
		autoNUMvector<double> x (1, n);
		autoNUMvector<double> y (1, n);
		autoNUMvector<double> x2 (1, n);
		autoNUMmatrix<double> cosinesTable (NUMcosinesTable (n), 1, 1);
		for (long i = 1 ; i <= n; i++) {
			x[i] = NUMrandomUniform (0, 70);
		NUMcosineTransform (x.peek(), y.peek(), n, cosinesTable.peek());
		NUMinverseCosineTransform (y.peek(), x2.peek(), n, cosinesTable.peek());
		double delta = 0;
		for (long i =1 ; i <= n; i++) {
			double dif = x[i] - x2[i];
			delta += dif * dif;
		delta = sqrt (delta);
		return delta;
	} catch (MelderError) {
		Melder_throw ("Test cosine transform error");
예제 #8
// Tests.
TEUCHOS_UNIT_TEST( WendlandBasis, dim_1_order_0 )
    typedef DataTransferKit::WendlandBasis<0> BasisType;
    typedef DataTransferKit::RadialBasisPolicy<BasisType> BP;

    int dim = 1;

    Teuchos::Array<double> x1(dim, 0.5);
    Teuchos::Array<double> x2(dim, 0.75);

    double radius_1 = 1.0;
    Teuchos::RCP<BasisType> basis_1 = BP::create( radius_1 );

    double dist = DataTransferKit::EuclideanDistance<1>::distance( 
	x1.getRawPtr(), x2.getRawPtr() );
    double basis_value = BP::evaluateValue( *basis_1, dist );
    double basis_grad = BP::evaluateGradient( *basis_1, dist );

    double x = 0.0;
    for ( int i = 0; i < dim; ++i )
	x += (x2[i]-x1[i])*(x2[i]-x1[i]);
    x = std::sqrt(x);
    double test_value = (1.0-x)*(1.0-x);
    double test_grad = 2.0*x-2.0;

    TEST_EQUALITY( test_value, basis_value );
    TEST_EQUALITY( test_grad, basis_grad );

    double radius_2 = 0.1;
    BasisType basis_2( radius_2 );

    basis_value = BP::evaluateValue( basis_2, dist );
    basis_grad = BP::evaluateGradient( basis_2, dist );

    TEST_EQUALITY( 0.0, basis_value );
    TEST_EQUALITY( 0.0, basis_grad );
예제 #9
// Interpolates between the click points
static void interpolate (const dataVec& dataIn, dataVec& dataOut)
	const size_t nSteps = 10;
	const size_t interpolatedSize = (dataIn.size() - 1) * nSteps;

	std::vector<double> x(dataIn.size()), y(dataIn.size());
	std::transform(begin(dataIn), end(dataIn), begin(x), [](lk::trackDatum d){ return std::get<1>(d).x; });
	std::transform(begin(dataIn), end(dataIn), begin(y), [](lk::trackDatum d){ return std::get<1>(d).y; });

	std::vector<size_t> frameIndices(interpolatedSize);
	std::iota(begin(frameIndices), end(frameIndices), 0);

	std::vector<double> x2(interpolatedSize), y2(interpolatedSize);
	interpolation::cubic(begin(x), end(x), begin(x2), nSteps);
	interpolation::cubic(begin(y), end(y), begin(y2), nSteps);

	for (size_t i = 0; i < interpolatedSize; i++)
		dataOut[i] = lk::trackDatum(frameIndices[i], cv::Point2d(x2[i], y2[i]));
boost::shared_ptr<Mesh<Simplex<2> > >
    typedef Mesh<Simplex<2> > mesh_type;
    double meshSize = option("gmsh.hsize").as<double>();
    GeoTool::Node x1(-2,-1);
    GeoTool::Node x2(2,1);
    GeoTool::Rectangle R( meshSize ,"OMEGA",x1,x2);
    GeoTool::Node x3(0,0); //center
    GeoTool::Node x4(1);//majorRadiusParam
    GeoTool::Node x5(0.7);//minorRadiusParam
    GeoTool::Node x6(0.1);//penautRadiusParam
    GeoTool::Peanut P( meshSize ,"OMEGA2",x3,x4,x5,x6);
    auto mesh = (R-P).createMesh(_mesh=new mesh_type,_name="mymesh.msh");

    return mesh;
예제 #11
Foliage::Fixed Foliage::FastMath::cos(const Foliage::Fixed x)
	if (x < Sint16(0))
		return cos(x.opposite());
	if (x > F_TWOPI)
		return cos(x - F_TWOPI);
	if (x > F_PI)
		return cos(x - F_PI).opposite();
	if (x > F_PI_2)
		return cos(F_PI - x).opposite();
	Fixed x2(x);
	x2 *= F_2000_OVER_PI;
	Sint16 i = Sint16(x2);
	return Foliage::FastMath::cos_t[i];
예제 #12
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {

    // Los vectores en C++ son escencialmente arreglos en C con una interfaz
    // más conveniente. Donde sea que se pueda usar arreglos, se puede usar
    // vectores. Cuando se necesita la dirección de memoria de un arreglo, hay
    // que usar la dirección del primer elemento del vector: &x[0].  x por sí
    // solo no sirve ya que es un objeto que encapsula al verdadero arreglo.

    std::vector<float> x1;

    // copiar datos del archivo de entrada al vector
    std::ifstream input_file(data_file_name, std::ios::binary | std::ios::in);
    if (!input_file) {
        std::cerr << "No se pudo abrir el archivo " << data_file_name << std::endl;
    input_file.read((char *) &x1[0], N * sizeof(float));

    // crear una copia del vector, de modo de tener
    // uno para mapear en la GPU y otro en la CPU
    std::vector<float> x2(x1);

    // mapear x1 en la CPU y x2 en la GPU
    gpu_map(&x2[0], x2.size());

    // verificar que los resultados son prácticamente iguales
    float squared_diff_norm = 0.0;
#   define SQUARED(x) ((x) * (x))
#   pragma omp parallel reduction(+: squared_diff_norm)
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < N; ++i)
        squared_diff_norm += SQUARED(x1[i] - x2[i]);
    std::cout << "Norma de la diferencia: " << std::sqrt(squared_diff_norm) << std::endl;
예제 #13
파일: TPZFracSet.cpp 프로젝트: labmec/neopz
/// return the index of the MHM domain of a fracture
int TPZFracSet::MHMDomain(TPZFracture &frac)
    TPZManVector<REAL,3> x1(3), x2(3), xmid(3);
    std::pair<uint32_t,uint32_t> key0 = NodeKey(frac.fNodes[0]);
    std::pair<uint32_t,uint32_t> key1 = NodeKey(frac.fNodes[1]);
    if(key0.first == key1.first && key0.first%fMHMSpacingInt[0] == 0)
        return -1;
    if(key0.second == key1.second && key0.second%fMHMSpacingInt[1] == 0)
        return -1;
    for (int i=0; i<3; i++) {
        xmid[i] = (x1[i]+x2[i])*0.5-fLowLeft[i];
    int numfacex = (fTopRight[0]-fLowLeft[0])/fMHMSpacing[0];

    int numx = (xmid[0])/fMHMSpacing[0];
    int numy = (xmid[1])/fMHMSpacing[1];
    return numy*numfacex+numx;
int fevec5(Epetra_Comm& Comm, bool verbose)
  int NumElements = 4;
  Epetra_Map     Map(NumElements, 0, Comm);
  Epetra_FEVector x1(Map);
  x1.PutScalar (0);

        // let all processors set global entry 0 to 1
  const int GID = 0;
  const double value = 1;
  x1.ReplaceGlobalValues(1, &GID, &value);
  x1.GlobalAssemble (Insert);
  if (Comm.MyPID()==0)
    std::cout << "Entry " << GID << " after construct & set: " 
        << x1[0][0] << std::endl;

        // copy vector
  Epetra_FEVector x2 (x1);


        // re-apply 1 to the vector, but only on the
        // owning processor. should be enough to set
        // the value (as non-local data in x1 should
        // have been eliminated after calling
        // GlobalAssemble).
  if (Comm.MyPID()==0)
    x2.ReplaceGlobalValues(1, &GID, &value);
  x2.GlobalAssemble (Insert);

  if (Comm.MyPID()==0)
    std::cout << "Entry " << GID << " after copy & set:      " 
        << x2[0][0] << std::endl;

  return 0;
예제 #15
TEST(StanAgradRevInternal, precomp_vv_vari) {
  double value, gradient1, gradient2;
  AVAR x1(2), x2(3);
  AVAR y;
  value = 1;
  gradient1 = 4;
  gradient2 = 5;

  AVEC vars = createAVEC(x1, x2);

      = stan::math::var(new stan::math::precomp_vv_vari(value, 
          x1.vi_, x2.vi_, gradient1, gradient2)));
  EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(value, y.val());

  VEC g;
  EXPECT_NO_THROW(y.grad(vars, g));
  ASSERT_EQ(2U, g.size());
  EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(gradient1, g[0]);
  EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(gradient2, g[1]);

예제 #16
파일: rsa.cpp 프로젝트: Mellnik/hash-plugin
void RSA_TestInstantiations()
	RSASS<PKCS1v15, SHA1>::Verifier x1(1, 1);
	RSASS<PKCS1v15, SHA1>::Signer x2(NullRNG(), 1);
	RSASS<PKCS1v15, SHA1>::Verifier x3(x2);
	RSASS<PKCS1v15, SHA1>::Verifier x4(x2.GetKey());
	RSASS<PSS, SHA1>::Verifier x5(x3);
#ifndef __MWERKS__
	RSASS<PSSR, SHA1>::Signer x6 = x2;
	x3 = x2;
	x6 = x2;
	RSAES<PKCS1v15>::Encryptor x7(x2);
#ifndef __GNUC__
	RSAES<PKCS1v15>::Encryptor x8(x3);
	RSAES<OAEP<SHA1> >::Encryptor x9(x2);
	x4 = x2.GetKey();

	RSASS<PKCS1v15, SHA3_256>::Verifier x10(1, 1);
	RSASS<PKCS1v15, SHA3_256>::Signer x11(NullRNG(), 1);
	RSASS<PKCS1v15, SHA3_256>::Verifier x12(x11);
	RSASS<PKCS1v15, SHA3_256>::Verifier x13(x11.GetKey());
예제 #17
  TEUCHOS_UNIT_TEST( Stokhos_NormalizedHermiteBasis, QuadPointsForUQTK ) {
    int n = static_cast<int>(std::ceil((setup.p+1)/2.0));
    Teuchos::Array<double> x1, w1;
    Teuchos::Array< Teuchos::Array<double> > v1;
    setup.basis.getQuadPoints(setup.p, x1, w1, v1);

    Teuchos::Array<double> x2(n), w2(n);
    Teuchos::Array< Teuchos::Array<double> > v2(n);
    int kind = 4;
    int kpts = 0;
    double endpts[2] = {0.0, 0.0};
    Teuchos::Array<double> b(n);
    double alpha = 0.0;
    double beta = 0.0;
    GAUSSQ_F77(&kind, &n, &alpha, &beta, &kpts, endpts, &b[0], &x2[0], &w2[0]);

    for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
      w2[i] *= 0.5/std::sqrt(std::atan(1.0)); // 1/sqrt(pi)
      x2[i] *= std::sqrt(2.0);
      setup.basis.evaluateBases(x2[i], v2[i]);
    success = true;
    success = success && 
      Stokhos::compareArrays(x1, "x1", x2, "x2", setup.rtol, setup.atol, out);
    success = success && 
      Stokhos::compareArrays(w1, "w1", w2, "w2", setup.rtol, setup.atol, out);
    for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
      std::stringstream ss1, ss2;
      ss1 << "v1[" << i << "]";
      ss2 << "v2[" << i << "]";
      success = success && 
	Stokhos::compareArrays(v1[i], ss1.str(), v2[i], ss2.str(), 
			       setup.rtol, setup.atol, out);
예제 #18
파일: reftest.cpp 프로젝트: pyal/eos_cpp
void test1() {
    Y *y1p = new Y;
    Y *y2p = new Y;
    cout << "X::nx after init: " << X::nx << "(2)" << endl;
    cout << "y1p->nreference() after init: " << y1p->nreference() << "(0)" << endl;
    X *x1p = y1p;
    X *x2p = y2p;
    void *vy1p = (void *)y1p;
    void *vy2p = (void *)y2p;
    void *vx1p = (void *)x1p;
    void *vx2p = (void *)x2p;
    Ref<Y> y1 = y1p;
    Ref<Y> y2 = y2p;
    cout << "X::nx after Ref<Y> assignment: " << X::nx << "(2)" << endl;
    cout << "y1->nreference() after Ref<Y> assignment: " << y1->nreference() << "(1)"
         << endl;
    Ref<X> x1(y1);
    Ref<X> x2(y2);
    cout << "X::nx after Ref<X> assignment: " << X::nx << "(2)" << endl;
    cout << "y1->nreference() after Ref<X> assignment: " << y1->nreference() << "(2)"
         << endl;
    x1 = y1;
    x2 = y2;
    Ref<Y> yb1, yb2;
    yb1 << x1;
    yb2 << x2;

    cout << "x1 = " << (void *)x1.pointer() << "(" << vx1p << ")" << endl;
    cout << "x2 = " << (void *)x2.pointer() << "(" << vx2p << ")" << endl;
    cout << "y1 = " << (void *)y1.pointer() << "(" << vy1p << ")" << endl;
    cout << "y2 = " << (void *)y2.pointer() << "(" << vy2p << ")" << endl;
    cout << "yb1 = " << (void *)yb1.pointer() << "(" << (void *)y1.pointer() << ")"
         << endl;
    cout << "yb2 = " << (void *)yb2.pointer() << "(" << (void *)y2.pointer() << ")"
         << endl;
예제 #19
scrollable_widget_rep::scroll_event_hor (SI& x, SI& bef, SI& af) {
  abs_round (x);
  if ((x + x1() - ox) < ex1) x = ex1 - x1() + ox;
  if ((x + x2() - ox) > ex2) x = ex2 - x2() + ox;

  if (attached ()) {
    int dx= max (-w, min (w, x- scx));
    if ((dx>-w) && (dx<w) && (dx!=0)) {
      win->translate (x1(), y1(), x2(), y2(), -dx, 0);
    if (dx>0) this << emit_invalidate (x2()-ox-dx, y1()-oy, x2()-ox, y2()-oy);
    if (dx<0) this << emit_invalidate (x1()-ox, y1()-oy, x1()-ox-dx, y2()-oy);

  scx      = x;
  bef      = ox- x1();
  af       = x2()- ox;
  a[0]->ox = ox- scx;
예제 #20
파일: UN.hpp 프로젝트: jimgoo/Elemental
inline void
TrsvUN( UnitOrNonUnit diag, const DistMatrix<F>& U, DistMatrix<F>& x )
#ifndef RELEASE
    if( U.Grid() != x.Grid() )
        throw std::logic_error("{U,x} must be distributed over the same grid");
    if( U.Height() != U.Width() )
        throw std::logic_error("U must be square");
    if( x.Width() != 1 && x.Height() != 1 )
        throw std::logic_error("x must be a vector");
    const int xLength = ( x.Width() == 1 ? x.Height() : x.Width() );
    if( U.Width() != xLength )
        throw std::logic_error("Nonconformal TrsvUN");
    const Grid& g = U.Grid();

    if( x.Width() == 1 )
        // Matrix views 
        DistMatrix<F> U01(g),
            xT(g),  x0(g),
            xB(g),  x1(g),

        // Temporary distributions
        DistMatrix<F,STAR,STAR> U11_STAR_STAR(g);
        DistMatrix<F,STAR,STAR> x1_STAR_STAR(g);
        DistMatrix<F,MR,  STAR> x1_MR_STAR(g);
        DistMatrix<F,MC,  STAR> z_MC_STAR(g);

        // Views of z[MC,* ], which will store updates to x
        DistMatrix<F,MC,STAR> z0_MC_STAR(g),

        z_MC_STAR.AlignWith( U );
        Zeros( x.Height(), 1, z_MC_STAR );

        // Start the algorithm
        ( x, xT,
             xB, 0 );
        while( xT.Height() > 0 )
            ( xT,  x0,
             /**/ /**/
              xB,  x2 );

            const int n0 = x0.Height();
            const int n1 = x1.Height();
            LockedView( U01, U, 0,  n0, n0, n1 );
            LockedView( U11, U, n0, n0, n1, n1 );
            View( z0_MC_STAR, z_MC_STAR, 0,  0, n0, 1 );
            View( z1_MC_STAR, z_MC_STAR, n0, 0, n1, 1 );

            x1_MR_STAR.AlignWith( U01 );
            if( x2.Height() != 0 )
                x1.SumScatterUpdate( F(1), z1_MC_STAR );

            x1_STAR_STAR = x1;
            U11_STAR_STAR = U11;
            ( UPPER, NORMAL, diag,
              x1_STAR_STAR.LocalMatrix() );
            x1 = x1_STAR_STAR;

            x1_MR_STAR = x1_STAR_STAR;
            ( NORMAL, F(-1), 
              F(1), z0_MC_STAR.LocalMatrix() );

            ( xT,  x0,
             /**/ /**/
              xB,  x2 );
        // Matrix views 
        DistMatrix<F> U01(g),
            xL(g), xR(g),
            x0(g), x1(g), x2(g);

        // Temporary distributions
        DistMatrix<F,STAR,STAR> U11_STAR_STAR(g);
        DistMatrix<F,STAR,STAR> x1_STAR_STAR(g);
        DistMatrix<F,STAR,MR  > x1_STAR_MR(g);
        DistMatrix<F,MC,  MR  > z1(g);
        DistMatrix<F,MR,  MC  > z1_MR_MC(g);
        DistMatrix<F,STAR,MC  > z_STAR_MC(g);

        // Views of z[* ,MC]
        DistMatrix<F,STAR,MC>  z0_STAR_MC(g),

        z_STAR_MC.AlignWith( U );
        Zeros( 1, x.Width(), z_STAR_MC );

        // Start the algorithm
        PartitionLeft( x,  xL, xR, 0 );
        while( xL.Width() > 0 )
            ( xL,     /**/ xR,
              x0, x1, /**/ x2 );

            const int n0 = x0.Width();
            const int n1 = x1.Width();
            LockedView( U01, U, 0,  n0, n0, n1 );
            LockedView( U11, U, n0, n0, n1, n1 );
            View( z0_STAR_MC, z_STAR_MC, 0, 0,  1, n0 );
            View( z1_STAR_MC, z_STAR_MC, 0, n0, 1, n1 );

            x1_STAR_MR.AlignWith( U01 );
            z1.AlignWith( x1 );
            if( x2.Width() != 0 )
                z1_MR_MC.SumScatterFrom( z1_STAR_MC );
                z1 = z1_MR_MC;
                Axpy( F(1), z1, x1 );

            x1_STAR_STAR = x1;
            U11_STAR_STAR = U11;
            ( UPPER, NORMAL, diag,
              x1_STAR_STAR.LocalMatrix() );
            x1 = x1_STAR_STAR;

            x1_STAR_MR = x1_STAR_STAR;
            ( NORMAL, F(-1), 
              F(1), z0_STAR_MC.LocalMatrix() );

            ( xL, /**/ xR,
              x0, /**/ x1, x2 );
#ifndef RELEASE
예제 #21
파일: Forcing.cpp 프로젝트: gaoak/nektar
        void Forcing::EvaluateFunction(
                Array<OneD, MultiRegions::ExpListSharedPtr>       pFields,
                LibUtilities::SessionReaderSharedPtr              pSession,
                std::string                                       pFieldName,
                Array<OneD, NekDouble>&                           pArray,
                const std::string&                                pFunctionName,
                NekDouble                                         pTime)
                     "Function '" + pFunctionName + "' does not exist.");

            unsigned int nq = pFields[0]->GetNpoints();
            if (pArray.num_elements() != nq)
                pArray = Array<OneD, NekDouble> (nq);

            LibUtilities::FunctionType vType;
            vType = pSession->GetFunctionType(pFunctionName, pFieldName);
            if (vType == LibUtilities::eFunctionTypeExpression)
                Array<OneD, NekDouble> x0(nq);
                Array<OneD, NekDouble> x1(nq);
                Array<OneD, NekDouble> x2(nq);

                pFields[0]->GetCoords(x0, x1, x2);
                LibUtilities::EquationSharedPtr ffunc =
                        pSession->GetFunction(pFunctionName, pFieldName);

                ffunc->Evaluate(x0, x1, x2, pTime, pArray);
            else if (vType == LibUtilities::eFunctionTypeFile)
                std::string filename = pSession->GetFunctionFilename(

                std::vector<LibUtilities::FieldDefinitionsSharedPtr> FieldDef;
                std::vector<std::vector<NekDouble> > FieldData;
                Array<OneD, NekDouble> vCoeffs(pFields[0]->GetNcoeffs());
                Vmath::Zero(vCoeffs.num_elements(), vCoeffs, 1);

                LibUtilities::FieldIOSharedPtr fld =
                fld->Import(filename, FieldDef, FieldData);

                int idx = -1;
                for (int i = 0; i < FieldDef.size(); ++i)
                    for (int j = 0; j < FieldDef[i]->m_fields.size(); ++j)
                        if (FieldDef[i]->m_fields[j] == pFieldName)
                            idx = j;

                    if (idx >= 0)
                        cout << "Field " + pFieldName + " not found." << endl;
                pFields[0]->BwdTrans_IterPerExp(vCoeffs, pArray);
예제 #22
bool SVGLineElement::hasRelativeValues() const
    return (x1().isRelative() || y1().isRelative() ||
            x2().isRelative() || y2().isRelative());
예제 #23
Path SVGLineElement::toPathData() const
    return Path::createLine(FloatPoint(x1().value(), y1().value()),
                            FloatPoint(x2().value(), y2().value()));
예제 #24
파일: mathplot.cpp 프로젝트: zhoajianjun/QT
void MathPlot::setupMultiAxisDemo(QCustomPlot *customPlot)
  customPlot->setInteractions(QCP::iRangeDrag | QCP::iRangeZoom);

  customPlot->setLocale(QLocale(QLocale::English, QLocale::UnitedKingdom)); // period as decimal separator and comma as thousand separator
  QFont legendFont = font();  // start out with MainWindow's font..
  legendFont.setPointSize(9); // and make a bit smaller for legend
  // by default, the legend is in the inset layout of the main axis rect. So this is how we access it to change legend placement:
  customPlot->axisRect()->insetLayout()->setInsetAlignment(0, Qt::AlignBottom|Qt::AlignRight);

  // setup for graph 0: key axis left, value axis bottom
  // will contain left maxwell-like function
  customPlot->addGraph(customPlot->yAxis, customPlot->xAxis);
  customPlot->graph(0)->setPen(QPen(QColor(255, 100, 0)));
  customPlot->graph(0)->setBrush(QBrush(QPixmap("://skin/images/balboa.jpg"))); // fill with texture of specified image
  customPlot->graph(0)->setScatterStyle(QCPScatterStyle(QCPScatterStyle::ssDisc, 5));
  customPlot->graph(0)->setName("Left maxwell function");

  // setup for graph 1: key axis bottom, value axis left (those are the default axes)
  // will contain bottom maxwell-like function
  customPlot->graph(1)->setBrush(QBrush(QPixmap("://skin/images/balboa.jpg"))); // same fill as we used for graph 0
  customPlot->graph(1)->setScatterStyle(QCPScatterStyle(QCPScatterStyle::ssCircle, Qt::red, Qt::white, 7));
  customPlot->graph(1)->setName("Bottom maxwell function");

  // setup for graph 2: key axis top, value axis right
  // will contain high frequency sine with low frequency beating:
  customPlot->addGraph(customPlot->xAxis2, customPlot->yAxis2);
  customPlot->graph(2)->setName("High frequency sine");

  // setup for graph 3: same axes as graph 2
  // will contain low frequency beating envelope of graph 2
  customPlot->addGraph(customPlot->xAxis2, customPlot->yAxis2);
  QPen blueDotPen;
  blueDotPen.setColor(QColor(30, 40, 255, 150));
  customPlot->graph(3)->setName("Sine envelope");

  // setup for graph 4: key axis right, value axis top
  // will contain parabolically distributed data points with some random perturbance
  customPlot->addGraph(customPlot->yAxis2, customPlot->xAxis2);
  customPlot->graph(4)->setPen(QColor(50, 50, 50, 255));
  customPlot->graph(4)->setScatterStyle(QCPScatterStyle(QCPScatterStyle::ssCircle, 4));
  customPlot->graph(4)->setName("Some random data around\na quadratic function");

  // generate data, just playing with numbers, not much to learn here:
  QVector<double> x0(25), y0(25);
  QVector<double> x1(15), y1(15), y1err(15);
  QVector<double> x2(250), y2(250);
  QVector<double> x3(250), y3(250);
  QVector<double> x4(250), y4(250);
  for (int i=0; i<25; ++i) // data for graph 0
    x0[i] = 3*i/25.0;
    y0[i] = exp(-x0[i]*x0[i]*0.8)*(x0[i]*x0[i]+x0[i]);
  for (int i=0; i<15; ++i) // data for graph 1
    x1[i] = 3*i/15.0;;
    y1[i] = exp(-x1[i]*x1[i])*(x1[i]*x1[i])*2.6;
    y1err[i] = y1[i]*0.25;
  for (int i=0; i<250; ++i) // data for graphs 2, 3 and 4
    x2[i] = i/250.0*3*M_PI;
    x3[i] = x2[i];
    x4[i] = i/250.0*100-50;
    y2[i] = sin(x2[i]*12)*cos(x2[i])*10;
    y3[i] = cos(x3[i])*10;
    y4[i] = 0.01*x4[i]*x4[i] + 1.5*(rand()/(double)RAND_MAX-0.5) + 1.5*M_PI;

  // pass data points to graphs:
  customPlot->graph(0)->setData(x0, y0);
  customPlot->graph(1)->setDataValueError(x1, y1, y1err);
  customPlot->graph(2)->setData(x2, y2);
  customPlot->graph(3)->setData(x3, y3);
  customPlot->graph(4)->setData(x4, y4);
  // activate top and right axes, which are invisible by default:
  // set ranges appropriate to show data:
  customPlot->xAxis->setRange(0, 2.7);
  customPlot->yAxis->setRange(0, 2.6);
  customPlot->xAxis2->setRange(0, 3.0*M_PI);
  customPlot->yAxis2->setRange(-70, 35);
  // set pi ticks on top axis:
  QVector<double> piTicks;
  QVector<QString> piLabels;
  piTicks << 0  << 0.5*M_PI << M_PI << 1.5*M_PI << 2*M_PI << 2.5*M_PI << 3*M_PI;
  piLabels << "0" << QString::fromUtf8("½π") << QString::fromUtf8("π") << QString::fromUtf8("1½π") << QString::fromUtf8("2π") << QString::fromUtf8("2½π") << QString::fromUtf8("3π");
  // add title layout element:
  customPlot->plotLayout()->addElement(0, 0, new QCPPlotTitle(customPlot, "Way too many graphs in one plot"));
  // set labels:
  customPlot->xAxis->setLabel("Bottom axis with outward ticks");
  customPlot->yAxis->setLabel("Left axis label");
  customPlot->xAxis2->setLabel("Top axis label");
  customPlot->yAxis2->setLabel("Right axis label");
  // make ticks on bottom axis go outward:
  customPlot->xAxis->setTickLength(0, 5);
  customPlot->xAxis->setSubTickLength(0, 3);
  // make ticks on right axis go inward and outward:
  customPlot->yAxis2->setTickLength(3, 3);
  customPlot->yAxis2->setSubTickLength(1, 1);
예제 #25
파일: ilosocpex1.cpp 프로젝트: renvieir/ioc
// This function creates the following model:
//   Minimize
//    obj: x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5 + x6
//   Subject To
//    c1: x1 + x2      + x5      = 8
//    c2:           x3 + x5 + x6 = 10
//    q1: [ -x1^2 + x2^2 + x3^2 ] <= 0
//    q2: [ -x4^2 + x5^2 ] <= 0
//   Bounds
//    x2 Free
//    x3 Free
//    x5 Free
//   End
// which is a second order cone program in standard form.
// The function returns objective, variables and constraints in the
// values obj, vars and rngs.
// The function also sets up cone so that for a column j we have
// cone[j] >= 0               Column j is in a cone constraint and is the
//                            cone's head variable.
// cone[j] == NOT_CONE_HEAD   Column j is in a cone constraint but is
//                            not the cone's head variable..
// cone[j] == NOT_IN_CONE     Column j is not contained in any cone constraint.
static void
createmodel (IloModel& model, IloObjective &obj, IloNumVarArray &vars,
             IloRangeArray &rngs, IloIntArray& cone)
   // The indices we assign as user objects to the modeling objects.
   // We define them as static data so that we don't have to worry about
   // dynamic memory allocation/leakage.
   static int indices[] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 };

   IloEnv env = model.getEnv();

   // Create variables.
   IloNumVar x1(env,            0, IloInfinity, "x1");
   IloNumVar x2(env, -IloInfinity, IloInfinity, "x2");
   IloNumVar x3(env, -IloInfinity, IloInfinity, "x3");
   IloNumVar x4(env,            0, IloInfinity, "x4");
   IloNumVar x5(env, -IloInfinity, IloInfinity, "x5");
   IloNumVar x6(env,            0, IloInfinity, "x6");

   // Create objective function and immediately store it in return value.
   obj = IloMinimize(env, x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5 + x6);

   // Create constraints.
   IloRange c1(env, 8,  x1 + x2      + x5,       8, "c1");
   IloRange c2(env, 10,           x3 + x5 + x6, 10, "c2");
   IloRange q1(env, -IloInfinity, -x1*x1 + x2*x2 + x3*x3, 0, "q1");
   cone.add(2);             // x1, cone head of constraint at index 2
   cone.add(NOT_CONE_HEAD); // x2
   cone.add(NOT_CONE_HEAD); // x3
   IloRange q2(env, -IloInfinity, -x4*x4 + x5*x5, 0, "q2");
   cone.add(3);             // x4, cone head of constraint at index 3
   cone.add(NOT_CONE_HEAD); // x5

   cone.add(NOT_IN_CONE);   // x6

   // Setup model.

   // Setup return values.


   // We set the user object for each modeling object to its index in the
   // respective array. This makes the code in checkkkt a little simpler.
   for (IloInt i = 0; i < vars.getSize(); ++i)
   for (IloInt i = 0; i < rngs.getSize(); ++i)
예제 #26
// Private methods
// determine the slave/master pair in contact, and setup Vectors (N,T1,T2)
int ZeroLengthInterface2D::contactDetect(int s, int m1, int m2, int stage)
  // NOTES: some methods to get displacements from nodes
  // getDisp() :         get commit(k-1) disp, will be commit(k) after commit
  // getTrialDisp():     get Trial(k) disp
  // getIncrDisp():      get Trial(k)-Commit(k-1), will be 0 after commit
  // getIncrDeltaDisp(): get Trial(k)-Trial(k-1),  will be 0 after commit
  ////////////////////////////// for transient gap ///////////////////////////////////
  // DEFINE:
  // gap = (U_master-U_slave) / dot(ContactNormal),
  // defines overlapped normal distance, always keep positive (+) when contacted
  // get current position and after trial displacement for (slave, master1, master2) nodes
  int i;
  const Vector &xs = nodePointers[s]->getCrds();
  const Vector &uxs = nodePointers[s]->getTrialDisp();
  const Vector &x1 = nodePointers[m1]->getCrds();
  const Vector &ux1= nodePointers[m1]->getTrialDisp();
  const Vector &x2 = nodePointers[m2]->getCrds();
  const Vector &ux2= nodePointers[m2]->getTrialDisp();
  Vector trial_slave(2), trial_master1(2), trial_master2(2);
  for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
    trial_slave(i) = xs(i) + uxs(i);
    trial_master1(i) = x1(i) + ux1(i);
    trial_master2(i) = x2(i) + ux2(i);
    //opserr << "trial_slave: " << trial_slave(i) << "\n";
    //opserr << "trial_master1: " << trial_master1(i) << "\n";
    //opserr << "trial_master2: " << trial_master2(i) << "\n";
  // calculate normal gap for contact
  Vector diff(2);
  Vector ContactTangent(2);
  for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
    diff(i) = trial_master2(i) - trial_master1(i);
    //opserr << "diff: " << diff(i) << "\n";
  double L  = diff.Norm();
  // tangent vector
  for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) ContactTangent(i) = (1/L) * (trial_master2(i) - trial_master1(i));
  // normal vector
  ContactNormal(0) = - ContactTangent(1);
  ContactNormal(1) = ContactTangent(0);
  normal_gap(s) = 0;
  double alpha = 0;
  double alpha_bar = 0;
  for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
    alpha += (1/L) * (trial_slave(i) - trial_master1(i)) * ContactTangent(i);
    normal_gap(s) += (trial_slave(i) - trial_master1(i)) * ContactNormal(i);
    diff(i) = x2(i) - x1(i);
  double gapgap = normal_gap(s);
  double L_bar = diff.Norm();
  for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) alpha_bar += (1/L_bar) * (xs(i) - x1(i)) * ContactTangent(i);
  shear_gap(s) = (alpha - alpha_bar) * L_bar;
    /////////////////////////////// for transient gap ///////////////////////////////
    // we have another way to define the gap, can replace previous code block if want
    ////////////////////////////// for dynamic gap //////////////////////////////////
    const Vector   // get current trial incremental position
    &U_slave = nodePointers[0]->getCrds() + nodePointers[0]->getIncrDisp();
    const Vector
    &U_master= nodePointers[1]->getCrds() + nodePointers[1]->getIncrDisp();
    int i;
    for (i=0; i<2; i++){
    gap += (U_master(i)-U_slave(i))* ContactNormal(i);
    ///////////////// for dynamic gap //////////////////////
  // stage = 0 means searching slave nodes against master segments
  // stage = 1 means searching master nodes against slave segments
  if ((stage == 0  && normal_gap(s) >= 0 && alpha > 0 && alpha < 1) ||
      (stage == 1  && normal_gap(s) >= 0 && alpha >= 0 && alpha <= 1)) { // in contact
    N(0) = ContactNormal(0);
    N(1) = ContactNormal(1);
    N(2) = -(1 - alpha) * N(0);
    N(3) = -(1 - alpha) * N(1);
    N(4) = -(alpha) * N(0);
    N(5) = -(alpha) * N(1);
    T(0) = ContactTangent(0);
    T(1) = ContactTangent(1);
    T(2) = -(1-alpha) * T(0);
    T(3) = -(1-alpha) * T(1);
    T(4) = -(alpha) * T(0);
    T(5) = -(alpha) * T(1);
    return 1;
  } else {
    return 0; // Not in contact
예제 #27
LEPlic :: doLagrangianPhase(TimeStep *atTime)
    //Maps element nodes along trajectories using basic Runge-Kutta method (midpoint rule)
    int i, ci, ndofman = domain->giveNumberOfDofManagers();
    int nsd = 2;
    double dt = atTime->giveTimeIncrement();
    DofManager *dman;
    Node *inode;
    IntArray velocityMask;
    FloatArray x, x2(nsd), v_t, v_tn1;
    FloatMatrix t;
#if 1
    EngngModel *emodel = domain->giveEngngModel();
    int err;
    velocityMask.setValues(2, V_u, V_v);


    for ( i = 1; i <= ndofman; i++ ) {
        dman = domain->giveDofManager(i);
        // skip dofmanagers with no position information
        if ( ( dman->giveClassID() != NodeClass ) && ( dman->giveClassID() != RigidArmNodeClass ) && ( dman->giveClassID() != HangingNodeClass ) ) {

        inode = ( Node * ) dman;
        // get node coordinates
        x = * ( inode->giveCoordinates() );
        // get velocity field v(tn, x(tn)) for dof manager

#if 1
        /* Original version */
        dman->giveUnknownVector( v_t, velocityMask, EID_MomentumBalance, VM_Total, atTime->givePreviousStep() );
        /* Modified version */
        //dman->giveUnknownVector(v_t, velocityMask, EID_MomentumBalance, VM_Total, atTime);

        // Original version
        // compute updated position x(tn)+0.5*dt*v(tn,x(tn))
        for ( ci = 1; ci <= nsd; ci++ ) {
            x2.at(ci) = x.at(ci) + 0.5 *dt *v_t.at(ci);

        // compute interpolated velocity field at x2 [ v(tn+1, x(tn)+0.5*dt*v(tn,x(tn))) = v(tn+1, x2) ]
        Field *vfield;
        vfield = emodel->giveContext()->giveFieldManager()->giveField(FT_Velocity);
        if ( vfield == NULL ) {
            _error("doLagrangianPhase: Velocity field not available");

        err = vfield->evaluateAt(v_tn1, x2, VM_Total, atTime);
        if ( err == 1 ) {
            // point outside domain -> be explicit
            v_tn1 = v_t;
        } else if ( err != 0 ) {
            _error2("doLagrangianPhase: vfield->evaluateAt failed, error code %d", err);

        // compute final updated position
        for ( ci = 1; ci <= nsd; ci++ ) {
            x2.at(ci) = x.at(ci) + dt *v_tn1.at(ci);

        // pure explicit version
        dman->giveUnknownVector(v_t, velocityMask, EID_MomentumBalance, VM_Total, atTime);

        for ( ci = 1; ci <= nsd; ci++ ) {
            x2.at(ci) = x.at(ci) + dt *v_t.at(ci);

        // store updated node position
        updated_XCoords.at(i) = x2.at(1);
        updated_YCoords.at(i) = x2.at(2);
예제 #28
void VCharUnit::run() {
    VChar    x1('x');
    VChar    x2(0x78);
    VUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_LABELED(x1, 'x', "character ctor");
    VUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_LABELED(x2, 'x', "integer ctor");
    VUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_LABELED(x1, x2, "ctor equality");

    x1 = 'y';
    x2 = 0x79;
    VUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_LABELED(x1, 'y', "character assignment");
    VUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_LABELED(x2, 'y', "integer assignment");
    VUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_LABELED(x1, x2, "assignment equality");

    x1 = 'a';
    VUNIT_ASSERT_TRUE_LABELED(x1.isLowerCase(), "lower case");
    VUNIT_ASSERT_TRUE_LABELED(! x1.isUpperCase(), "not upper case");
    x2 = 'A';
    VUNIT_ASSERT_TRUE_LABELED(! x2.isLowerCase(), "not lower case");
    VUNIT_ASSERT_TRUE_LABELED(x2.isUpperCase(), "upper case");
    VUNIT_ASSERT_TRUE_LABELED(x2.isLowerCase(), "to lower case");
    VUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_LABELED(x2, x1, "to lower case equality");
    VUNIT_ASSERT_TRUE_LABELED(x1.isUpperCase(), "to upper case");
    VUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_LABELED(x1, 'A', "to upper case equality");

    x1 = 'b';
    VChar bigB = x1.upperCase();
    VUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_LABELED(bigB, 'B', "return upper case");
    VChar littleB = bigB.lowerCase();
    VUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_LABELED(littleB, 'b', "return lower case");
    VUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_LABELED(littleB.charValue(), 'b', "char value");
    VUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_LABELED(littleB.intValue(), 0x62, "int value");

    VUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_LABELED(x1, 'c', "set char");
    VUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_LABELED(x1, 'd', "set int");

    x1 = 'd';
    char littleD = x1;
    VUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_LABELED(littleD, 'd', "operator char");

    VChar    i1('i');
    VChar    i2('i');
    VChar    j1('j');
    VChar    j2('j');
    VUNIT_ASSERT_TRUE_LABELED(i1 != j1, "inequality");
    VUNIT_ASSERT_TRUE_LABELED(!(i1 < i2), "not LT");
    VUNIT_ASSERT_TRUE_LABELED(!(j1 > j2), "not GT");
    VUNIT_ASSERT_TRUE_LABELED(!(j1 <= i1), "not LTE");
    VUNIT_ASSERT_TRUE_LABELED(!(i1 >= j1), "not GTE");

    VUNIT_ASSERT_TRUE_LABELED(VChar::equalsIgnoreCase(VChar('x'), VChar('X')), "equalsIgnoreCase 1");
    VUNIT_ASSERT_TRUE_LABELED(VChar::equalsIgnoreCase('x', VChar('X')), "equalsIgnoreCase 2");
    VUNIT_ASSERT_TRUE_LABELED(VChar::equalsIgnoreCase(VChar('x'), 'X'), "equalsIgnoreCase 3");
    VUNIT_ASSERT_TRUE_LABELED(VChar::equalsIgnoreCase('x', 'X'), "equalsIgnoreCase 4");
    VUNIT_ASSERT_TRUE_LABELED(VChar::equalsIgnoreCase(VChar('5'), VChar('5')), "equalsIgnoreCase 5"); // test numbers
    VUNIT_ASSERT_TRUE_LABELED(VChar::equalsIgnoreCase(VChar('!'), VChar('!')), "equalsIgnoreCase 6"); // test punctuation
    VUNIT_ASSERT_TRUE_LABELED(VChar::equalsIgnoreCase(VChar(' '), VChar(' ')), "equalsIgnoreCase 7"); // test whitespace

    VUNIT_ASSERT_FALSE_LABELED(VChar::equalsIgnoreCase(VChar('x'), VChar('y')), "!equalsIgnoreCase 1");
    VUNIT_ASSERT_FALSE_LABELED(VChar::equalsIgnoreCase('x', VChar('y')), "!equalsIgnoreCase 2");
    VUNIT_ASSERT_FALSE_LABELED(VChar::equalsIgnoreCase(VChar('x'), 'y'), "!equalsIgnoreCase 3");
    VUNIT_ASSERT_FALSE_LABELED(VChar::equalsIgnoreCase('x', 'y'), "!equalsIgnoreCase 4");
    VUNIT_ASSERT_FALSE_LABELED(VChar::equalsIgnoreCase(VChar('5'), VChar('6')), "!equalsIgnoreCase 5"); // test numbers
    VUNIT_ASSERT_FALSE_LABELED(VChar::equalsIgnoreCase(VChar('!'), VChar('@')), "!equalsIgnoreCase 6"); // test punctuation
    VUNIT_ASSERT_FALSE_LABELED(VChar::equalsIgnoreCase(VChar(' '), VChar('\t')), "!equalsIgnoreCase 7"); // test whitespace

    // Test the known ranges of alpha/numeric/whitespace values.
    for (int i = 0; i < 256; ++i) {
        VChar    c(i);

        if ((i <= 0x20) || (i == 0x7F)) {
            // This is the range VChar considers "whitespace".
                !c.isLowerCase() &&
                !c.isUpperCase() &&
                (c.intValue() == i) &&
                !c.isAlpha() &&
                !c.isNumeric() &&
                !c.isAlphaNumeric() &&
                VSTRING_FORMAT("%d char properties", i));
        } else if (i <= 0x2F) {
            // This is all punctuation.
                !c.isLowerCase() &&
                !c.isUpperCase() &&
                (c.intValue() == i) &&
                !c.isAlpha() &&
                !c.isNumeric() &&
                !c.isAlphaNumeric() &&
                VSTRING_FORMAT("%d char properties", i));
        } else if (i <= 0x39) {
            // This is 0 thru 9.
                !c.isLowerCase() &&
                !c.isUpperCase() &&
                (c.intValue() == i) &&
                !c.isAlpha() &&
                c.isNumeric() &&
                c.isAlphaNumeric() &&
                VSTRING_FORMAT("%d char properties", i));
        } else if (i <= 0x40) {
            // This is all punctuation.
                !c.isLowerCase() &&
                !c.isUpperCase() &&
                (c.intValue() == i) &&
                !c.isAlpha() &&
                !c.isNumeric() &&
                !c.isAlphaNumeric() &&
                VSTRING_FORMAT("%d char properties", i));
        } else if (i <= 0x5A) {
            // This is A thru Z.
                !c.isLowerCase() &&
                c.isUpperCase() &&
                (c.intValue() == i) &&
                c.isAlpha() &&
                !c.isNumeric() &&
                c.isAlphaNumeric() &&
                VSTRING_FORMAT("%d char properties", i));
        } else if (i <= 0x60) {
            // This is all punctuation.
                !c.isLowerCase() &&
                !c.isUpperCase() &&
                (c.intValue() == i) &&
                !c.isAlpha() &&
                !c.isNumeric() &&
                !c.isAlphaNumeric() &&
                VSTRING_FORMAT("%d char properties", i));
        } else if (i <= 0x7A) {
            // This is a thru z.
                c.isLowerCase() &&
                !c.isUpperCase() &&
                (c.intValue() == i) &&
                c.isAlpha() &&
                !c.isNumeric() &&
                c.isAlphaNumeric() &&
                VSTRING_FORMAT("%d char properties", i));
        } else if (i <= 0x7E) {
            // This is all punctuation.
                !c.isLowerCase() &&
                !c.isUpperCase() &&
                (c.intValue() == i) &&
                !c.isAlpha() &&
                !c.isNumeric() &&
                !c.isAlphaNumeric() &&
                VSTRING_FORMAT("%d char properties", i));
        } else { // (we already checked 0x7F) so 0x80 <= i <= 0xFF
            // Properties of stuff at 0x80 and higher are not well-defined
            // and may vary based on the platform's ideas about upper case,
            // lower case, alphanumeric-ness, etc. Just test the basics.
                (c.intValue() == i) &&
                VSTRING_FORMAT("%d char properties", i));

예제 #29
파일: kf.cpp 프로젝트: CSL-KU/Autoware
void ApplyNonMaximumSuppresion(std::vector< kstate >& in_source, float in_nms_threshold)
	std::vector< kstate > tmp_source = in_source;

	if (tmp_source.empty())
		return ;

	unsigned int size = in_source.size();

	std::vector<float> area(size);
	std::vector<float> scores(size);
	std::vector<int> x1(size);
	std::vector<int> y1(size);
	std::vector<int> x2(size);
	std::vector<int> y2(size);
	std::vector<unsigned int> indices(size);
	std::vector<bool> is_suppresed(size);

	for(unsigned int i = 0; i< in_source.size(); i++)
		kstate tmp = in_source[i];
		area[i] = tmp.pos.width * tmp.pos.height;
		indices[i] = i;
		is_suppresed[i] = false;
		scores[i] = tmp.score;
		x1[i] = tmp.pos.x;
		y1[i] = tmp.pos.y;
		x2[i] = tmp.pos.width + tmp.pos.x;
		y2[i] = tmp.pos.height + tmp.pos.y;

	Sort(scores, indices);//returns indices ordered based on scores

	for(unsigned int i=0; i< size; i++)
			for(unsigned int j= i+1; j< size; j++)
				int x1_max = std::max(x1[indices[i]], x1[indices[j]]);
				int x2_min = std::min(x2[indices[i]], x2[indices[j]]);
				int y1_max = std::max(y1[indices[i]], y1[indices[j]]);
				int y2_min = std::min(y2[indices[i]], y2[indices[j]]);
				int overlap_width = x2_min - x1_max + 1;
				int overlap_height = y2_min - y1_max + 1;
				if(overlap_width > 0 && overlap_height>0)
					float overlap_part = (overlap_width*overlap_height)/area[indices[j]];
					if(overlap_part > in_nms_threshold)
						is_suppresed[indices[j]] = true;

	unsigned int size_out = 0;
	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < size; i++)
		if (!is_suppresed[i])

	std::vector< kstate > filtered_detections(size_out);

	unsigned int index = 0;
	for(unsigned int i = 0 ; i < size_out; i++)
			filtered_detections[index] = in_source[indices[i]];//x1[indices[i]];
	in_source = filtered_detections;
예제 #30
// ** Temporary version
ClpPdco::pdco( ClpPdcoBase * stuff, Options &options, Info &info, Outfo &outfo)
//    D1, D2 are positive-definite diagonal matrices defined from d1, d2.
//           In particular, d2 indicates the accuracy required for
//           satisfying each row of Ax = b.
// D1 and D2 (via d1 and d2) provide primal and dual regularization
// respectively.  They ensure that the primal and dual solutions
// (x,r) and (y,z) are unique and bounded.
// A scalar d1 is equivalent to d1 = ones(n,1), D1 = diag(d1).
// A scalar d2 is equivalent to d2 = ones(m,1), D2 = diag(d2).
// Typically, d1 = d2 = 1e-4.
// These values perturb phi(x) only slightly  (by about 1e-8) and request
// that A*x = b be satisfied quite accurately (to about 1e-8).
// Set d1 = 1e-4, d2 = 1 for least-squares problems with bound constraints.
// The problem is then
//    minimize    phi(x) + 1/2 norm(d1*x)^2 + 1/2 norm(A*x - b)^2
//    subject to  bl <= x <= bu.
// More generally, d1 and d2 may be n and m vectors containing any positive
// values (preferably not too small, and typically no larger than 1).
// Bigger elements of d1 and d2 improve the stability of the solver.
// At an optimal solution, if x(j) is on its lower or upper bound,
// the corresponding z(j) is positive or negative respectively.
// If x(j) is between its bounds, z(j) = 0.
// If bl(j) = bu(j), x(j) is fixed at that value and z(j) may have
// either sign.
// Also, r and y satisfy r = D2 y, so that Ax + D2^2 y = b.
// Thus if d2(i) = 1e-4, the i-th row of Ax = b will be satisfied to
// approximately 1e-8.  This determines how large d2(i) can safely be.
// options         = pdcoSet;                  provided with pdco.m
// [obj,grad,hess] = pdObj( x );               provided by user
//               y = pdMat( name,mode,m,n,x ); provided by user if pdMat
//                                             is a string, not a matrix
// pdObj      is a string containing the name of a function pdObj.m
//            or a function_handle for such a function
//            such that [obj,grad,hess] = pdObj(x) defines
//            obj  = phi(x)              : a scalar,
//            grad = gradient of phi(x)  : an n-vector,
//            hess = diag(Hessian of phi): an n-vector.
//         Examples:
//            If phi(x) is the linear function c"x, pdObj should return
//               [obj,grad,hess] = [c"*x, c, zeros(n,1)].
//            If phi(x) is the entropy function E(x) = sum x(j) log x(j),
//               [obj,grad,hess] = [E(x), log(x)+1, 1./x].
// pdMat      may be an ifexplicit m x n matrix A (preferably sparse!),
//            or a string containing the name of a function pdMat.m
//            or a function_handle for such a function
//            such that y = pdMat( name,mode,m,n,x )
//            returns   y = A*x (mode=1)  or  y = A"*x (mode=2).
//            The input parameter "name" will be the string pdMat.
// b          is an m-vector.
// bl         is an n-vector of lower bounds.  Non-existent bounds
//            may be represented by bl(j) = -Inf or bl(j) <= -1e+20.
// bu         is an n-vector of upper bounds.  Non-existent bounds
//            may be represented by bu(j) =  Inf or bu(j) >=  1e+20.
// d1, d2     may be positive scalars or positive vectors (see above).
// options    is a structure that may be set and altered by pdcoSet
//            (type help pdcoSet).
// x0, y0, z0 provide an initial solution.
// xsize, zsize are estimates of the biggest x and z at the solution.
//            They are used to scale (x,y,z).  Good estimates
//            should improve the performance of the barrier method.
// x          is the primal solution.
// y          is the dual solution associated with Ax + D2 r = b.
// z          is the dual solution associated with bl <= x <= bu.
// inform = 0 if a solution is found;
//        = 1 if too many iterations were required;
//        = 2 if the linesearch failed too often.
// PDitns     is the number of Primal-Dual Barrier iterations required.
// CGitns     is the number of Conjugate-Gradient  iterations required
//            if an iterative solver is used (LSQR).
// time       is the cpu time used.

//    pdxxxbounds
//    pdxxxdistrib
//    pdxxxlsqr
//    pdxxxlsqrmat
//    pdxxxmat
//    pdxxxmerit
//    pdxxxresid1
//    pdxxxresid2
//    pdxxxstep
//    global pdDDD1 pdDDD2 pdDDD3
// The matrix A should be reasonably well scaled: norm(A,inf) =~ 1.
// The vector b and objective phi(x) may be of any size, but ensure that
// xsize and zsize are reasonably close to norm(x,inf) and norm(z,inf)
// at the solution.
// The files defining pdObj  and pdMat
// must not be called Fname.m or Aname.m!!
//    Michael Saunders, Systems Optimization Laboratory (SOL),
//    Stanford University, Stanford, California, USA.
//    [email protected]
//    Byunggyoo Kim, SOL, Stanford University.
//    [email protected]
// 20 Jun 1997: Original version of pdsco.m derived from pdlp0.m.
// 29 Sep 2002: Original version of pdco.m  derived from pdsco.m.
//              Introduced D1, D2 in place of gamma*I, delta*I
//              and allowed for general bounds bl <= x <= bu.
// 06 Oct 2002: Allowed for fixed variabes: bl(j) = bu(j) for any j.
// 15 Oct 2002: Eliminated some work vectors (since m, n might be LARGE).
//              Modularized residuals, linesearch
// 16 Oct 2002: pdxxx..., pdDDD... names rationalized.
//              pdAAA eliminated (global copy of A).
//              Aname is now used directly as an ifexplicit A or a function.
//              NOTE: If Aname is a function, it now has an extra parameter.
// 23 Oct 2002: Fname and Aname can now be function handles.
// 01 Nov 2002: Bug fixed in feval in pdxxxmat.

//  global pdDDD1 pdDDD2 pdDDD3
     double inf = 1.0e30;
     double eps = 1.0e-15;
     double atolold = -1.0, r3ratio = -1.0, Pinf, Dinf, Cinf, Cinf0;

     printf("\n   --------------------------------------------------------");
     printf("\n   pdco.m                            Version of 01 Nov 2002");
     printf("\n   Primal-dual barrier method to minimize a convex function");
     printf("\n   subject to linear constraints Ax + r = b,  bl <= x <= bu");
     printf("\n   --------------------------------------------------------\n");

     int m = numberRows_;
     int n = numberColumns_;
     bool ifexplicit = true;

     CoinDenseVector<double> b(m, rhs_);
     CoinDenseVector<double> x(n, x_);
     CoinDenseVector<double> y(m, y_);
     CoinDenseVector<double> z(n, dj_);
     //delete old arrays
     delete [] rhs_;
     delete [] x_;
     delete [] y_;
     delete [] dj_;
     rhs_ = NULL;
     x_ = NULL;
     y_ = NULL;
     dj_ = NULL;

     // Save stuff so available elsewhere
     pdcoStuff_ = stuff;

     double normb  = b.infNorm();
     double normx0 = x.infNorm();
     double normy0 = y.infNorm();
     double normz0 = z.infNorm();

     printf("\nmax |b | = %8g     max |x0| = %8g", normb , normx0);
     printf(                "      xsize   = %8g", xsize_);
     printf("\nmax |y0| = %8g     max |z0| = %8g", normy0, normz0);
     printf(                "      zsize   = %8g", zsize_);

     // Initialize.
     //true   = 1;
     //false  = 0;
     //zn     = zeros(n,1);
     //int nb     = n + m;
     int CGitns = 0;
     int inform = 0;
     //  Only allow scalar d1, d2 for now
     if (d1_->size()==1)
         d1_->resize(n, d1_->getElements()[0]);  // Allow scalar d1, d2
     if (d2_->size()==1)
         d2->resize(m, d2->getElements()[0]);  // to mean dk * unit vector
     assert (stuff->sizeD1() == 1);
     double d1 = stuff->getD1();
     double d2 = stuff->getD2();

     // Grab input options.
     int  maxitn    = options.MaxIter;
     double featol    = options.FeaTol;
     double opttol    = options.OptTol;
     double steptol   = options.StepTol;
     int  stepSame  = 1;  /* options.StepSame;   // 1 means stepx == stepz */
     double x0min     = options.x0min;
     double z0min     = options.z0min;
     double mu0       = options.mu0;
     int  LSproblem = options.LSproblem;  // See below
     int  LSmethod  = options.LSmethod;   // 1=Cholesky    2=QR    3=LSQR
     int  itnlim    = options.LSQRMaxIter * CoinMin(m, n);
     double atol1     = options.LSQRatol1;  // Initial  atol
     double atol2     = options.LSQRatol2;  // Smallest atol,unless atol1 is smaller
     double conlim    = options.LSQRconlim;
     //int  wait      = options.wait;

     // LSproblem:
     //  1 = dy          2 = dy shifted, DLS
     // 11 = s          12 =  s shifted, DLS    (dx = Ds)
     // 21 = dx
     // 31 = 3x3 system, symmetrized by Z^{1/2}
     // 32 = 2x2 system, symmetrized by X^{1/2}

     // Set other parameters.
     int  kminor    = 0;      // 1 stops after each iteration
     double eta       = 1e-4;   // Linesearch tolerance for "sufficient descent"
     double maxf      = 10;     // Linesearch backtrack limit (function evaluations)
     double maxfail   = 1;      // Linesearch failure limit (consecutive iterations)
     double bigcenter = 1e+3;   // mu is reduced if center < bigcenter.

     // Parameters for LSQR.
     double atolmin   = eps;    // Smallest atol if linesearch back-tracks
     double btol      = 0;      // Should be small (zero is ok)
     double show      = false;  // Controls lsqr iteration log
     double gamma     = d1->infNorm();
     double delta     = d2->infNorm();
     double gamma = d1;
     double delta = d2;

     printf("\n\nx0min    = %8g     featol   = %8.1e", x0min, featol);
     printf(                  "      d1max   = %8.1e", gamma);
     printf(  "\nz0min    = %8g     opttol   = %8.1e", z0min, opttol);
     printf(                  "      d2max   = %8.1e", delta);
     printf(  "\nmu0      = %8.1e     steptol  = %8g", mu0  , steptol);
     printf(                  "     bigcenter= %8g"  , bigcenter);

     printf("\natol1    = %8.1e     atol2    = %8.1e", atol1 , atol2 );
     printf(                  "      btol    = %8.1e", btol );
     printf("\nconlim   = %8.1e     itnlim   = %8d"  , conlim, itnlim);
     printf(                  "      show    = %8g"  , show );

// LSmethod  = 3;  ////// Hardwire LSQR
// LSproblem = 1;  ////// and LS problem defining "dy".
       if wait
         printf("\n\nReview parameters... then type "return"\n")
     if (eta < 0)
          printf("\n\nLinesearch disabled by eta < 0");

     // All parameters have now been set.
     double time    = CoinCpuTime();
     //bool useChol = (LSmethod == 1);
     //bool useQR   = (LSmethod == 2);
     bool direct  = (LSmethod <= 2 && ifexplicit);
     char solver[7];
     strncpy(solver, "  LSQR", 7);

     // Categorize bounds and allow for fixed variables by modifying b.

     int nlow, nupp, nfix;
     int *bptrs[3] = {0};
     getBoundTypes(&nlow, &nupp, &nfix, bptrs );
     int *low = bptrs[0];
     int *upp = bptrs[1];
     int *fix = bptrs[2];

     int nU = n;
     if (nupp == 0) nU = 1;  //Make dummy vectors if no Upper bounds

     //  Get pointers to local copy of model bounds

     CoinDenseVector<double> bl(n, columnLower_);
     double *bl_elts = bl.getElements();
     CoinDenseVector<double> bu(nU, columnUpper_);  // this is dummy if no UB
     double *bu_elts = bu.getElements();

     CoinDenseVector<double> r1(m, 0.0);
     double *r1_elts = r1.getElements();
     CoinDenseVector<double> x1(n, 0.0);
     double *x1_elts = x1.getElements();

     if (nfix > 0) {
          for (int k = 0; k < nfix; k++)
               x1_elts[fix[k]] = bl[fix[k]];
          matVecMult(1, r1, x1);
          b = b - r1;
          // At some stage, might want to look at normfix = norm(r1,inf);

     // Scale the input data.
     // The scaled variables are
     //    xbar     = x/beta,
     //    ybar     = y/zeta,
     //    zbar     = z/zeta.
     // Define
     //    theta    = beta*zeta;
     // The scaled function is
     //    phibar   = ( 1   /theta) fbar(beta*xbar),
     //    gradient = (beta /theta) grad,
     //    Hessian  = (beta2/theta) hess.
     double beta = xsize_;
     if (beta == 0) beta = 1; // beta scales b, x.
     double zeta = zsize_;
     if (zeta == 0) zeta = 1; // zeta scales y, z.
     double theta  = beta * zeta;                          // theta scales obj.
     // (theta could be anything, but theta = beta*zeta makes
     // scaled grad = grad/zeta = 1 approximately if zeta is chosen right.)

     for (int k = 0; k < nlow; k++)
          bl_elts[low[k]] = bl_elts[low[k]] / beta;
     for (int k = 0; k < nupp; k++)
          bu_elts[upp[k]] = bu_elts[upp[k]] / beta;
     d1     = d1 * ( beta / sqrt(theta) );
     d2     = d2 * ( sqrt(theta) / beta );

     double beta2  = beta * beta;
     b.scale( (1.0 / beta) );
     y.scale( (1.0 / zeta) );
     x.scale( (1.0 / beta) );
     z.scale( (1.0 / zeta) );

     // Initialize vectors that are not fully used if bounds are missing.
     CoinDenseVector<double> rL(n, 0.0);
     CoinDenseVector<double> cL(n, 0.0);
     CoinDenseVector<double> z1(n, 0.0);
     CoinDenseVector<double> dx1(n, 0.0);
     CoinDenseVector<double> dz1(n, 0.0);
     CoinDenseVector<double> r2(n, 0.0);

     // Assign upper bd regions (dummy if no UBs)

     CoinDenseVector<double> rU(nU, 0.0);
     CoinDenseVector<double> cU(nU, 0.0);
     CoinDenseVector<double> x2(nU, 0.0);
     CoinDenseVector<double> z2(nU, 0.0);
     CoinDenseVector<double> dx2(nU, 0.0);
     CoinDenseVector<double> dz2(nU, 0.0);

     // Initialize x, y, z, objective, etc.
     CoinDenseVector<double> dx(n, 0.0);
     CoinDenseVector<double> dy(m, 0.0);
     CoinDenseVector<double> Pr(m);
     CoinDenseVector<double> D(n);
     double *D_elts = D.getElements();
     CoinDenseVector<double> w(n);
     double *w_elts = w.getElements();
     CoinDenseVector<double> rhs(m + n);

     // Pull out the element array pointers for efficiency
     double *x_elts  = x.getElements();
     double *x2_elts = x2.getElements();
     double *z_elts  = z.getElements();
     double *z1_elts = z1.getElements();
     double *z2_elts = z2.getElements();

     for (int k = 0; k < nlow; k++) {
          x_elts[low[k]]  = CoinMax( x_elts[low[k]], bl[low[k]]);
          x1_elts[low[k]] = CoinMax( x_elts[low[k]] - bl[low[k]], x0min  );
          z1_elts[low[k]] = CoinMax( z_elts[low[k]], z0min  );
     for (int k = 0; k < nupp; k++) {
          x_elts[upp[k]]  = CoinMin( x_elts[upp[k]], bu[upp[k]]);
          x2_elts[upp[k]] = CoinMax(bu[upp[k]] -  x_elts[upp[k]], x0min  );
          z2_elts[upp[k]] = CoinMax(-z_elts[upp[k]], z0min  );
     //////////////////// Assume hessian is diagonal. //////////////////////

//  [obj,grad,hess] = feval( Fname, (x*beta) );
     double obj = getObj(x);
     CoinDenseVector<double> grad(n);
     getGrad(x, grad);
     CoinDenseVector<double> H(n);
     getHessian(x , H);
     x.scale((1.0 / beta));

     //double * g_elts = grad.getElements();
     double * H_elts = H.getElements();

     obj /= theta;                       // Scaled obj.
     grad = grad * (beta / theta) + (d1 * d1) * x; // grad includes x regularization.
     H  = H * (beta2 / theta) + (d1 * d1)      ; // H    includes x regularization.

     // Compute primal and dual residuals:
     // r1 =  b - Aprod(x) - d2*d2*y;
     // r2 =  grad - Atprod(y) + z2 - z1;
     //  rL =  bl - x + x1;
     //  rU =  x + x2 - bu; */
     //  [r1,r2,rL,rU,Pinf,Dinf] = ...
     //      pdxxxresid1( Aname,fix,low,upp, ...
     //                   b,bl,bu,d1,d2,grad,rL,rU,x,x1,x2,y,z1,z2 );
     pdxxxresid1( this, nlow, nupp, nfix, low, upp, fix,
                  b, bl_elts, bu_elts, d1, d2, grad, rL, rU, x, x1, x2, y, z1, z2,
                  r1, r2, &Pinf, &Dinf);
     // Initialize mu and complementarity residuals:
     //    cL   = mu*e - X1*z1.
     //    cU   = mu*e - X2*z2.
     // 25 Jan 2001: Now that b and obj are scaled (and hence x,y,z),
     //              we should be able to use mufirst = mu0 (absolute value).
     //              0.1 worked poorly on StarTest1 with x0min = z0min = 0.1.
     // 29 Jan 2001: We might as well use mu0 = x0min * z0min;
     //              so that most variables are centered after a warm start.
     // 29 Sep 2002: Use mufirst = mu0*(x0min * z0min),
     //              regarding mu0 as a scaling of the initial center.
     //  double mufirst = mu0*(x0min * z0min);
     double mufirst = mu0;   // revert to absolute value
     double mulast  = 0.1 * opttol;
     mulast  = CoinMin( mulast, mufirst );
     double mu      = mufirst;
     double center,  fmerit;
     pdxxxresid2( mu, nlow, nupp, low, upp, cL, cU, x1, x2,
                  z1, z2, &center, &Cinf, &Cinf0 );
     fmerit = pdxxxmerit(nlow, nupp, low, upp, r1, r2, rL, rU, cL, cU );

     // Initialize other things.

     bool  precon   = true;
     double PDitns    = 0;
     //bool converged = false;
     double atol      = atol1;
     atol2     = CoinMax( atol2, atolmin );
     atolmin   = atol2;
     //  pdDDD2    = d2;    // Global vector for diagonal matrix D2

     //  Iteration log.

     int nf      = 0;
     int itncg   = 0;
     int nfail   = 0;

     printf("\n\nItn   mu   stepx   stepz  Pinf  Dinf");
     printf("  Cinf   Objective    nf  center");
     if (direct) {
     } else {
          printf("  atol   solver   Inexact\n");

     double regx = (d1 * x).twoNorm();
     double regy = (d2 * y).twoNorm();
     //  regterm = twoNorm(d1.*x)^2  +  norm(d2.*y)^2;
     double regterm = regx * regx + regy * regy;
     double objreg  = obj  +  0.5 * regterm;
     double objtrue = objreg * theta;

     printf("\n%3g                     ", PDitns        );
     printf("%6.1f%6.1f" , log10(Pinf ), log10(Dinf));
     printf("%6.1f%15.7e", log10(Cinf0), objtrue    );
     printf("   %8.1f\n"   , center                   );
     if kminor
       printf("\n\nStart of first minor itn...\n");
     // Main loop.
     // Lsqr
     ClpLsqr  thisLsqr(this);
     //  while (converged) {
     while(PDitns < maxitn) {
          PDitns = PDitns + 1;

          // 31 Jan 2001: Set atol according to progress, a la Inexact Newton.
          // 07 Feb 2001: 0.1 not small enough for Satellite problem.  Try 0.01.
          // 25 Apr 2001: 0.01 seems wasteful for Star problem.
          //              Now that starting conditions are better, go back to 0.1.

          double r3norm = CoinMax(Pinf,   CoinMax(Dinf,  Cinf));
          atol   = CoinMin(atol,  r3norm * 0.1);
          atol   = CoinMax(atol,  atolmin   );
          info.r3norm = r3norm;

          //  Define a damped Newton iteration for solving f = 0,
          //  keeping  x1, x2, z1, z2 > 0.  We eliminate dx1, dx2, dz1, dz2
          //  to obtain the system
          //     [-H2  A"  ] [ dx ] = [ w ],   H2 = H + D1^2 + X1inv Z1 + X2inv Z2,
          //     [ A   D2^2] [ dy ] = [ r1]    w  = r2 - X1inv(cL + Z1 rL)
          //                                           + X2inv(cU + Z2 rU),
          //  which is equivalent to the least-squares problem
          //     min || [ D A"]dy  -  [  D w   ] ||,   D = H2^{-1/2}.         (*)
          //         || [  D2 ]       [D2inv r1] ||
          for (int k = 0; k < nlow; k++)
               H_elts[low[k]]  = H_elts[low[k]] + z1[low[k]] / x1[low[k]];
          for (int k = 0; k < nupp; k++)
               H[upp[k]]  = H[upp[k]] + z2[upp[k]] / x2[upp[k]];
          w = r2;
          for (int k = 0; k < nlow; k++)
               w[low[k]]  = w[low[k]] - (cL[low[k]] + z1[low[k]] * rL[low[k]]) / x1[low[k]];
          for (int k = 0; k < nupp; k++)
               w[upp[k]]  = w[upp[k]] + (cU[upp[k]] + z2[upp[k]] * rU[upp[k]]) / x2[upp[k]];

          if (LSproblem == 1) {
               //  Solve (*) for dy.
               H      = 1.0 / H;  // H is now Hinv (NOTE!)
               for (int k = 0; k < nfix; k++)
                    H[fix[k]] = 0;
               for (int k = 0; k < n; k++)
                    D_elts[k] = sqrt(H_elts[k]);
               thisLsqr.diag2_ = d2;

               if (direct) {
                    // Omit direct option for now
               } else {// Iterative solve using LSQR.
                    //rhs     = [ D.*w; r1./d2 ];
                    for (int k = 0; k < n; k++)
                         rhs[k] = D_elts[k] * w_elts[k];
                    for (int k = 0; k < m; k++)
                         rhs[n+k] = r1_elts[k] * (1.0 / d2);
                    double damp    = 0;

                    if (precon) {   // Construct diagonal preconditioner for LSQR
                         matPrecon(d2, Pr, D);
                    	rw(7)        = precon;
                            info.atolmin = atolmin;
                            info.r3norm  = fmerit;  // Must be the 2-norm here.

                            [ dy, istop, itncg, outfo ] = ...
                       pdxxxlsqr( nb,m,"pdxxxlsqrmat",Aname,rw,rhs,damp, ...
                                  atol,btol,conlim,itnlim,show,info );

                    	thisLsqr.input->rhs_vec = &rhs;
                    	thisLsqr.input->sol_vec = &dy;
                    	thisLsqr.input->rel_mat_err = atol;
                    //  New version of lsqr

                    int istop;
                    show = false;
                    info.atolmin = atolmin;
                    info.r3norm  = fmerit;  // Must be the 2-norm here.

                    thisLsqr.do_lsqr( rhs, damp, atol, btol, conlim, itnlim,
                                      show, info, dy , &istop, &itncg, &outfo, precon, Pr);
                    if (precon)
                         dy = dy * Pr;

                    if (!precon && itncg > 999999)
                         precon = true;

                    if (istop == 3  ||  istop == 7 )  // conlim or itnlim
                         printf("\n    LSQR stopped early:  istop = //%d", istop);

                    atolold   = outfo.atolold;
                    atol      = outfo.atolnew;
                    r3ratio   = outfo.r3ratio;
               }// LSproblem 1

               //      grad      = pdxxxmat( Aname,2,m,n,dy );   // grad = A"dy
               matVecMult(2, grad, dy);
               for (int k = 0; k < nfix; k++)
                    grad[fix[k]] = 0;                            // grad is a work vector
               dx = H * (grad - w);

          } else {
               perror( "This LSproblem not yet implemented\n" );

          CGitns += itncg;

          // dx and dy are now known.  Get dx1, dx2, dz1, dz2.
          for (int k = 0; k < nlow; k++) {
               dx1[low[k]] = - rL[low[k]] + dx[low[k]];
               dz1[low[k]] =  (cL[low[k]] - z1[low[k]] * dx1[low[k]]) / x1[low[k]];
          for (int k = 0; k < nupp; k++) {
               dx2[upp[k]] = - rU[upp[k]] - dx[upp[k]];
               dz2[upp[k]] =  (cU[upp[k]] - z2[upp[k]] * dx2[upp[k]]) / x2[upp[k]];
          // Find the maximum step.
          double stepx1 = pdxxxstep(nlow, low, x1, dx1 );
          double stepx2 = inf;
          if (nupp > 0)
               stepx2 = pdxxxstep(nupp, upp, x2, dx2 );
          double stepz1 = pdxxxstep( z1     , dz1      );
          double stepz2 = inf;
          if (nupp > 0)
               stepz2 = pdxxxstep( z2     , dz2      );
          double stepx  = CoinMin( stepx1, stepx2 );
          double stepz  = CoinMin( stepz1, stepz2 );
          stepx  = CoinMin( steptol * stepx, 1.0 );
          stepz  = CoinMin( steptol * stepz, 1.0 );
          if (stepSame) {                  // For NLPs, force same step
               stepx = CoinMin( stepx, stepz );   // (true Newton method)
               stepz = stepx;

          // Backtracking linesearch.
          bool fail     =  true;
          nf       =  0;

          while (nf < maxf) {
               nf      = nf + 1;
               x       = x        +  stepx * dx;
               y       = y        +  stepz * dy;
               for (int k = 0; k < nlow; k++) {
                    x1[low[k]] = x1[low[k]]  +  stepx * dx1[low[k]];
                    z1[low[k]] = z1[low[k]]  +  stepz * dz1[low[k]];
               for (int k = 0; k < nupp; k++) {
                    x2[upp[k]] = x2[upp[k]]  +  stepx * dx2[upp[k]];
                    z2[upp[k]] = z2[upp[k]]  +  stepz * dz2[upp[k]];
               //      [obj,grad,hess] = feval( Fname, (x*beta) );
               obj = getObj(x);
               getGrad(x, grad);
               getHessian(x, H);
               x.scale((1.0 / beta));

               obj        /= theta;
               grad       = grad * (beta / theta)  +  d1 * d1 * x;
               H          = H * (beta2 / theta)  +  d1 * d1;

               //      [r1,r2,rL,rU,Pinf,Dinf] = ...
               pdxxxresid1( this, nlow, nupp, nfix, low, upp, fix,
                            b, bl_elts, bu_elts, d1, d2, grad, rL, rU, x, x1, x2,
                            y, z1, z2, r1, r2, &Pinf, &Dinf );
               //double center, Cinf, Cinf0;
               //      [cL,cU,center,Cinf,Cinf0] = ...
               pdxxxresid2( mu, nlow, nupp, low, upp, cL, cU, x1, x2, z1, z2,
                            &center, &Cinf, &Cinf0);
               double fmeritnew = pdxxxmerit(nlow, nupp, low, upp, r1, r2, rL, rU, cL, cU );
               double step      = CoinMin( stepx, stepz );

               if (fmeritnew <= (1 - eta * step)*fmerit) {
                    fail = false;

               // Merit function didn"t decrease.
               // Restore variables to previous values.
               // (This introduces a little error, but save lots of space.)

               x       = x        -  stepx * dx;
               y       = y        -  stepz * dy;
               for (int k = 0; k < nlow; k++) {
                    x1[low[k]] = x1[low[k]]  -  stepx * dx1[low[k]];
                    z1[low[k]] = z1[low[k]]  -  stepz * dz1[low[k]];
               for (int k = 0; k < nupp; k++) {
                    x2[upp[k]] = x2[upp[k]]  -  stepx * dx2[upp[k]];
                    z2[upp[k]] = z2[upp[k]]  -  stepz * dz2[upp[k]];
               // Back-track.
               // If it"s the first time,
               // make stepx and stepz the same.

               if (nf == 1 && stepx != stepz) {
                    stepx = step;
               } else if (nf < maxf) {
                    stepx = stepx / 2;
               stepz = stepx;

          if (fail) {
               printf("\n     Linesearch failed (nf too big)");
               nfail += 1;
          } else {
               nfail = 0;

          // Set convergence measures.
          regx = (d1 * x).twoNorm();
          regy = (d2 * y).twoNorm();
          regterm = regx * regx + regy * regy;
          objreg  = obj  +  0.5 * regterm;
          objtrue = objreg * theta;

          bool primalfeas    = Pinf  <=  featol;
          bool dualfeas      = Dinf  <=  featol;
          bool complementary = Cinf0 <=  opttol;
          bool enough        = PDitns >=       4; // Prevent premature termination.
          bool converged     = primalfeas  &  dualfeas  &  complementary  &  enough;

          // Iteration log.
          char str1[100], str2[100], str3[100], str4[100], str5[100];
          sprintf(str1, "\n%3g%5.1f" , PDitns      , log10(mu)   );
          sprintf(str2, "%8.5f%8.5f" , stepx       , stepz       );
          if (stepx < 0.0001 || stepz < 0.0001) {
               sprintf(str2, " %6.1e %6.1e" , stepx       , stepz       );

          sprintf(str3, "%6.1f%6.1f" , log10(Pinf) , log10(Dinf));
          sprintf(str4, "%6.1f%15.7e", log10(Cinf0), objtrue     );
          sprintf(str5, "%3d%8.1f"   , nf          , center      );
          if (center > 99999) {
               sprintf(str5, "%3d%8.1e"   , nf          , center      );
          printf("%s%s%s%s%s", str1, str2, str3, str4, str5);
          if (direct) {
               // relax
          } else {
               printf(" %5.1f%7d%7.3f", log10(atolold), itncg, r3ratio);
          // Test for termination.
          if (kminor) {
               printf( "\nStart of next minor itn...\n");
               //      keyboard;

          if (converged) {
               printf("\n   Converged");
          } else if (PDitns >= maxitn) {
               printf("\n   Too many iterations");
               inform = 1;
          } else if (nfail  >= maxfail) {
               printf("\n   Too many linesearch failures");
               inform = 2;
          } else {

               // Reduce mu, and reset certain residuals.

               double stepmu  = CoinMin( stepx , stepz   );
               stepmu  = CoinMin( stepmu, steptol );
               double muold   = mu;
               mu      = mu   -  stepmu * mu;
               if (center >= bigcenter)
                    mu = muold;

               // mutrad = mu0*(sum(Xz)/n); // 24 May 1998: Traditional value, but
               // mu     = CoinMin(mu,mutrad ); // it seemed to decrease mu too much.

               mu      = CoinMax(mu, mulast); // 13 Jun 1998: No need for smaller mu.
               //      [cL,cU,center,Cinf,Cinf0] = ...
               pdxxxresid2( mu, nlow, nupp, low, upp, cL, cU, x1, x2, z1, z2,
                            &center, &Cinf, &Cinf0 );
               fmerit = pdxxxmerit( nlow, nupp, low, upp, r1, r2, rL, rU, cL, cU );

               // Reduce atol for LSQR (and SYMMLQ).
               // NOW DONE AT TOP OF LOOP.

               atolold = atol;
               // if atol > atol2
               //   atolfac = (mu/mufirst)^0.25;
               //   atol    = CoinMax( atol*atolfac, atol2 );
               // end

               // atol = CoinMin( atol, mu );     // 22 Jan 2001: a la Inexact Newton.
               // atol = CoinMin( atol, 0.5*mu ); // 30 Jan 2001: A bit tighter

               // If the linesearch took more than one function (nf > 1),
               // we assume the search direction needed more accuracy
               // (though this may be true only for LPs).
               // 12 Jun 1998: Ask for more accuracy if nf > 2.
               // 24 Nov 2000: Also if the steps are small.
               // 30 Jan 2001: Small steps might be ok with warm start.
               // 06 Feb 2001: Not necessarily.  Reinstated tests in next line.

               if (nf > 2  ||  CoinMin( stepx, stepz ) <= 0.01)
                    atol = atolold * 0.1;
          // End of main loop.

     for (int k = 0; k < nfix; k++)
          x[fix[k]] = bl[fix[k]];
     z      = z1;
     if (nupp > 0)
          z = z - z2;
     printf("\n\nmax |x| =%10.3f", x.infNorm() );
     printf("    max |y| =%10.3f", y.infNorm() );
     printf("    max |z| =%10.3f", z.infNorm() );
     printf("   scaled");

     z.scale(zeta);   // Unscale x, y, z.

     printf(  "\nmax |x| =%10.3f", x.infNorm() );
     printf("    max |y| =%10.3f", y.infNorm() );
     printf("    max |z| =%10.3f", z.infNorm() );
     printf(" unscaled\n");

     time   = CoinCpuTime() - time;
     char str1[100], str2[100];
     sprintf(str1, "\nPDitns  =%10g", PDitns );
     sprintf(str2, "itns =%10d", CGitns );
     //  printf( [str1 " " solver str2] );
     printf("    time    =%10.1f\n", time);
     pdxxxdistrib( abs(x),abs(z) );   // Private function

     if (wait)
// End function pdco.m
     /*  printf("Solution x values:\n\n");
       for (int k=0; k<n; k++)
         printf(" %d   %e\n", k, x[k]);
// Print distribution
     double thresh[9] = { 0.00000001, 0.0000001, 0.000001, 0.00001, 0.0001, 0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 1.00001};
     int counts[9] = {0};
     for (int ij = 0; ij < n; ij++) {
          for (int j = 0; j < 9; j++) {
               if(x[ij] < thresh[j]) {
                    counts[j] += 1;
     printf ("Distribution of Solution Values\n");
     for (int j = 8; j > 1; j--)
          printf(" %g  to  %g %d\n", thresh[j-1], thresh[j], counts[j]);
     printf("   Less than   %g %d\n", thresh[2], counts[0]);

     return inform;