예제 #1
void find_candidate(ghost_t *rec)
	 * Try to find an existing host definition for this ghost.
	 * We look at the IP-address.
	 * If the ghost reports with a FQDN, look for a host with
	 * the same hostname without domain.
	 * If the ghost reports a plain hostname (no domain), look
	 * for a FQDN record with the same plain hostname.

	void *hrec;
	int found;
	char *gdelim, *tdelim, *ghostnofqdn, *hname;

	ghostnofqdn = rec->name;
	if ((gdelim = strchr(ghostnofqdn, '.')) != NULL) *gdelim = '\0';

	for (hrec = first_host(), found = 0; (hrec && !found); hrec = next_host(hrec, 0)) {
		/* Check the IP */
		found = (strcmp(rec->sender, xmh_item(hrec, XMH_IP)) == 0);

		if (!found) {
			/* Check if hostnames w/o domain match */
			hname = xmh_item(hrec, XMH_HOSTNAME);
			if ((tdelim = strchr(hname, '.')) != NULL) *tdelim = '\0';
			found = (strcasecmp(ghostnofqdn, hname) == 0);
			if (tdelim) *tdelim = '.';

		if (found) rec->candidate = hrec;

	if (gdelim) *gdelim = '.';
예제 #2
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	void *walk;

	load_hostnames(xgetenv("HOSTSCFG"), NULL, get_fqdn());

	for (walk = first_host(); (walk); walk=next_host(walk, 0)) {
		char *nk, *nktime, *tok;

		nk = xmh_item(walk, XMH_NK); if (!nk) continue;
		nktime = xmh_item(walk, XMH_NKTIME);

		nk = strdup(nk);

		tok = strtok(nk, ",");
		while (tok) {
			char *hostname = xmh_item(walk, XMH_HOSTNAME);
			char *startstr = "", *endstr = "", *ttgroup = "", *ttextra = "", *updinfo = "Migrated";
			int priority = 2;

			fprintf(stdout, "%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%d|%s|%s|%s\n",
				hostname, tok,
				startstr, endstr,
				(nktime ? nktime : ""),
				priority, ttgroup, ttextra, updinfo);

			tok = strtok(NULL, ",");


	return 0;
예제 #3
static void count_events(countlist_t **hostcounthead, countlist_t **svccounthead)
	void *hostwalk;

	for (hostwalk = first_host(); (hostwalk); hostwalk = next_host(hostwalk, 0)) {
		eventcount_t *swalk;
		countlist_t *hrec, *srec;

		swalk = (eventcount_t *)xmh_item(hostwalk, XMH_DATA); if (!swalk) continue;

		hrec = (countlist_t *)malloc(sizeof(countlist_t));
		hrec->src = hostwalk;
		hrec->total = 0;
		hrec->next = *hostcounthead;
		*hostcounthead = hrec;

		for (swalk = (eventcount_t *)xmh_item(hostwalk, XMH_DATA); (swalk); swalk = swalk->next) {
			hrec->total += swalk->count;
			for (srec = *svccounthead; (srec && (srec->src != (void *)swalk->service)); srec = srec->next) ;
			if (!srec) {
				srec = (countlist_t *)malloc(sizeof(countlist_t));
				srec->src = (void *)swalk->service;
				srec->total = 0;
				srec->next = *svccounthead;
				*svccounthead = srec;
			srec->total += swalk->count;
예제 #4
static void dump_eventtree(void)
	void *hwalk;
	elist_t *lwalk;
	ed_t *ewalk;

	for (hwalk = first_host(); (hwalk); hwalk = next_host(hwalk, 0)) {
		printf("%s\n", xmh_item(hwalk, XMH_HOSTNAME));
		lwalk = (elist_t *)xmh_item(hwalk, XMH_DATA);
		while (lwalk) {
			printf("\t%s\n", lwalk->svc->name);
			ewalk = lwalk->head;
			while (ewalk) {
				printf("\t\t%ld->%ld = %6ld %s\n",
					(long) ewalk->event->changetime,
					(long) ewalk->event->eventtime,
					(long) ewalk->event->duration,
				ewalk = ewalk->next;
			lwalk = lwalk->next;
예제 #5
void dump_countlists(countlist_t *hosthead, countlist_t *svchead)
	countlist_t *cwalk;

	for (cwalk = hosthead; (cwalk); cwalk = cwalk->next) {
		printf("\t%20s : %lu\n", xmh_item(cwalk->src, XMH_HOSTNAME), cwalk->total);

	for (cwalk = svchead; (cwalk); cwalk = cwalk->next) {
		printf("\t%20s : %lu\n", ((htnames_t *)cwalk->src)->name, cwalk->total);
예제 #6
static void add_to_sub_queue(myconn_t *rec, char *moduleid, char *location, ...)
	va_list extraparams;
	char *s;
	strbuffer_t *extrastr = newstrbuffer(0);

	if (!rec || !moduleid) return;

	va_start(extraparams, location);
	while ((s = va_arg(extraparams, char *)) != NULL) {
		if (STRBUFLEN(extrastr) > 0) addtobuffer(extrastr, "\t");
		addtobuffer(extrastr, s);

	xymon_sqldb_netmodule_additem(moduleid, location, xmh_item(rec->hostinfo, XMH_HOSTNAME), rec->netparams.destinationip, rec->testspec, STRBUF(extrastr), rec->interval*1000, rec->timeout*1000);
예제 #7
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	int argi;
	char *envarea = NULL;
	char *hffile = "ghosts";
	int bgcolor = COL_BLUE;
	char *ghosts = NULL;
	sendreturn_t *sres;

	for (argi = 1; (argi < argc); argi++) {
		if (argnmatch(argv[argi], "--env=")) {
			char *p = strchr(argv[argi], '=');
			loadenv(p+1, envarea);
		else if (argnmatch(argv[argi], "--area=")) {
			char *p = strchr(argv[argi], '=');
			envarea = strdup(p+1);
		else if (strcmp(argv[argi], "--debug") == 0) {
			debug = 1;
		else if (argnmatch(argv[argi], "--hffile=")) {
			char *p = strchr(argv[argi], '=');
			hffile = strdup(p+1);

	load_hostnames(xgetenv("HOSTSCFG"), NULL, get_fqdn());

	switch (outform) {
	  case O_HTML:
		fprintf(stdout, "Content-type: %s\n\n", xgetenv("HTMLCONTENTTYPE"));
		headfoot(stdout, hffile, "", "header", bgcolor);
	  case O_TXT:
		fprintf(stdout, "Content-type: text/plain\n\n");

	sres = newsendreturnbuf(1, NULL);

	if (sendmessage("ghostlist", NULL, XYMON_TIMEOUT, sres) == XYMONSEND_OK) {
		char *bol, *eoln, *name, *sender, *timestr;
		time_t tstamp, now;
		int count, idx;
		ghost_t *ghosttable;

		ghosts = getsendreturnstr(sres, 1);

		/* Count the number of lines */
		for (bol = ghosts, count=0; (bol); bol = strchr(bol, '\n')) {
			if (*bol == '\n') bol++;
		ghosttable = (ghost_t *)calloc(count+1, sizeof(ghost_t));

		idx = count = 0;
		tstamp = now = getcurrenttime(NULL);
		bol = ghosts;
		while (bol) {
			name = sender = timestr = NULL;

			eoln = strchr(bol, '\n'); if (eoln) *eoln = '\0';
			name = strtok(bol, "|");
			if (name) sender = strtok(NULL, "|");
			if (sender) timestr = strtok(NULL, "|");

			if (timestr) tstamp = atol(timestr);

			if (name && sender && timestr && (tstamp > (now - maxage))) {
				int i1, i2, i3, i4;

				sscanf(sender, "%d.%d.%d.%d", &i1, &i2, &i3, &i4);
				ghosttable[idx].sender = sender;
				ghosttable[idx].senderval = (i1 << 24) + (i2 << 16) + (i3 << 8) + i4;
				ghosttable[idx].name = name;
				ghosttable[idx].tstamp = tstamp;
				idx++; count++;

			if (eoln) eoln++;
			bol = eoln;

		switch (sorttype) {
		  case S_NAME:
			qsort(&ghosttable[0], count, sizeof(ghost_t), hostname_compare);

		  case S_SENDER:
			qsort(&ghosttable[0], count, sizeof(ghost_t), sender_compare);

		  case S_TIME:
			qsort(&ghosttable[0], count, sizeof(ghost_t), time_compare);

		if (outform == O_HTML) {
			fprintf(stdout, "<table align=center>\n");
			fprintf(stdout, "<tr>");
			fprintf(stdout, "<th align=left><a href=\"ghostlist.sh?SORT=name&MAXAGE=%d\">Hostname</a></th>", maxage);
			fprintf(stdout, "<th align=left><a href=\"ghostlist.sh?SORT=sender&MAXAGE=%d\">Sent from</a></th>", maxage);
			fprintf(stdout, "<th align=left>Candidate</th>");
			fprintf(stdout, "<th align=right><a href=\"ghostlist.sh?SORT=time&MAXAGE=%d\">Report age</a></th>", maxage);
			fprintf(stdout, "</tr>\n");

		for (idx = 0; (idx < count); idx++) {
			if (!ghosttable[idx].name) continue;
			if (!ghosttable[idx].sender) continue;

			switch (outform) {
			  case O_HTML:
				fprintf(stdout, "<tr><td align=left>%s</td><td align=left>%s</td>",

				if (ghosttable[idx].candidate) {
					fprintf(stdout, "<td align=left><a href=\"%s\">%s</a></td>",
						hostsvcurl(xmh_item(ghosttable[idx].candidate, XMH_HOSTNAME), xgetenv("INFOCOLUMN"), 1),
						xmh_item(ghosttable[idx].candidate, XMH_HOSTNAME));
				else {
					fprintf(stdout, "<td>&nbsp;</td>");

				fprintf(stdout, "<td align=right>%ld:%02ld</td></tr>\n",
					(now - ghosttable[idx].tstamp)/60, (now - ghosttable[idx].tstamp)%60);

			  case O_TXT:
				fprintf(stdout, "%s\t\t%s\n", ghosttable[idx].sender, ghosttable[idx].name);

		if (outform == O_HTML) {
			fprintf(stdout, "</table>\n");
			fprintf(stdout, "<br><br><center><a href=\"ghostlist.sh?SORT=%s&MAXAGE=%d&TEXT\">Text report</a></center>\n", htmlquoted(sortstring), maxage);
		fprintf(stdout, "<h3><center>Failed to retrieve ghostlist from server</center></h3>\n");


	if (outform == O_HTML) {
		headfoot(stdout, hffile, "", "footer", bgcolor);

	return 0;
예제 #8
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	void *hostwalk, *clonewalk;
	int argi;
	char *envarea = NULL;

	strbuffer_t *outbuf;
	char msgline[4096];
	char oneurl[10240];
	int gotany = 0;
	enum { OP_INITIAL, OP_YES, OP_NO } gotonepage = OP_INITIAL; /* Tracks if all matches are on one page */
	char *onepage = NULL;	/* If gotonepage==OP_YES, then this is the page */

	/*[wm] regex support */
	#define BUFSIZE		256
	regex_t re;
	char    re_errstr[BUFSIZE];
	int 	re_status;

	for (argi=1; (argi < argc); argi++) {
		if (argnmatch(argv[argi], "--env=")) {
			char *p = strchr(argv[argi], '=');
			loadenv(p+1, envarea);
		else if (argnmatch(argv[argi], "--area=")) {
			char *p = strchr(argv[argi], '=');
			envarea = strdup(p+1);


	cgidata = cgi_request();
	if (cgidata == NULL) {
		/* Present the query form */
		sethostenv("", "", "", colorname(COL_BLUE), NULL);
		printf("Content-type: %s\n\n", xgetenv("HTMLCONTENTTYPE"));
		showform(stdout, "findhost", "findhost_form", COL_BLUE, getcurrenttime(NULL), NULL, NULL);
		return 0;


	if ( (re_status = regcomp(&re, pSearchPat, re_flag)) != 0 ) {
		regerror(re_status, &re, re_errstr, BUFSIZE);

		printf("<tr><td align=left><font color=red>%s</font></td>\n",  pSearchPat);
		printf("<td align=left><font color=red>%s</font></td></tr>\n", re_errstr);

		return 0;

	outbuf = newstrbuffer(0);
	load_hostnames(xgetenv("HOSTSCFG"), NULL, get_fqdn());
	hostwalk = first_host();
	while (hostwalk) {
		 * [wm] - Allow the search to be done on the hostname
		 * 	also on the "displayname" and the host comment
		 *	Maybe this should be implemented by changing the HTML form, but until than..
		 * we're supposing that hostname will NEVER be null	
		char *hostname, *displayname, *comment, *ip;

		hostname = xmh_item(hostwalk, XMH_HOSTNAME);
		displayname = xmh_item(hostwalk, XMH_DISPLAYNAME);
		comment = xmh_item(hostwalk, XMH_COMMENT);
		ip = xmh_item(hostwalk, XMH_IP);

       		if ( regexec (&re, hostname, (size_t)0, NULL, 0) == 0  ||
			(regexec(&re, ip, (size_t)0, NULL, 0) == 0)    ||
       			(displayname && regexec (&re, displayname, (size_t)0, NULL, 0) == 0) ||
			(comment     && regexec (&re, comment, 	   (size_t)0, NULL, 0) == 0)   ) {
			/*  match */
			addtobuffer(outbuf, "<tr>\n");
			sprintf(msgline, "<td align=left> %s </td>\n", displayname ? displayname : hostname);
			addtobuffer(outbuf, msgline);
			sprintf(oneurl, "%s/%s/#%s",
				xgetenv("XYMONWEB"), xmh_item(hostwalk, XMH_PAGEPATH), hostname);
			sprintf(msgline, "<td align=left> <a href=\"%s\">%s</a>\n",
				oneurl, xmh_item(hostwalk, XMH_PAGEPATHTITLE));
			addtobuffer(outbuf, msgline);

			/* See if all of the matches so far are on one page */
			switch (gotonepage) {
			  case OP_INITIAL:
				gotonepage = OP_YES;
				onepage = xmh_item(hostwalk, XMH_PAGEPATH);

			  case OP_YES:
				if (strcmp(onepage, xmh_item(hostwalk, XMH_PAGEPATH)) != 0) gotonepage = OP_NO;

			  case OP_NO:

			clonewalk = next_host(hostwalk, 1);
			while (clonewalk && (strcmp(xmh_item(hostwalk, XMH_HOSTNAME), xmh_item(clonewalk, XMH_HOSTNAME)) == 0)) {
				sprintf(msgline, "<br><a href=\"%s/%s/#%s\">%s</a>\n",
					xmh_item(clonewalk, XMH_PAGEPATH),
					xmh_item(clonewalk, XMH_HOSTNAME),
					xmh_item(clonewalk, XMH_PAGEPATHTITLE));
				addtobuffer(outbuf, msgline);
				clonewalk = next_host(clonewalk, 1);

			addtobuffer(outbuf, "</td>\n</tr>\n");
			hostwalk = clonewalk;
		else {
			hostwalk = next_host(hostwalk, 0);
	regfree (&re); 	/*[wm] - free regex compiled patern */
	if (dojump) {
		if (gotany == 1) {
			printf("Location: %s%s\n\n", xgetenv("XYMONWEBHOST"), oneurl);
			return 0;
		else if ((gotany > 1) && (gotonepage == OP_YES)) {
			printf("Location: %s%s/%s/\n\n", 
			       xgetenv("XYMONWEBHOST"), xgetenv("XYMONWEB"), onepage);
			return 0;

	if (!gotany) {
		printf("<tr><td align=left>%s</td><td align=left>Not found</td></tr>\n", pSearchPat);
	else {
		printf("%s", grabstrbuffer(outbuf));

	/* [wm] - Free the strdup allocated memory */
	if (pSearchPat) xfree(pSearchPat);

	return 0;
예제 #9
listhead_t *run_net_tests(int concurrency, char *sourceip4, char *sourceip6)
	int maxfd;


	 * Determine how many tests can run in parallel.
	 * If no --concurrency set by user, default to (FD_SETSIZE / 4) - typically 256.
	 * But never go above the ressource limit that is set, or above FD_SETSIZE.
	 * And we save some fd's - 20 - for stdio, libs etc.
		int absmaxconcurrency = (FD_SETSIZE - 20);
		struct rlimit lim;

		getrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE, &lim);
		if ((lim.rlim_cur > 20) && ((lim.rlim_cur - 20) < absmaxconcurrency)) absmaxconcurrency = (lim.rlim_cur - 20);

		if (concurrency == 0) concurrency = (FD_SETSIZE / 4);
		if (concurrency > absmaxconcurrency) concurrency = absmaxconcurrency;

	/* Loop to process data */
	do {
		fd_set fdread, fdwrite;
		int n;
		struct timeval tmo;
		myconn_t *rec;
		listitem_t *pcur, *pnext;
		int lookupsposted = 0;

		dbgprintf("*** Starting test loop ***\n");
		/* Start some more tests */
		pcur = pendingtests->head;
		while (pcur && (activetests->len < concurrency) && (lookupsposted < concurrency)) {
			rec = (myconn_t *)pcur->data;

			dbgprintf("  Test: %s\n", rec->testspec);

			 * Must save the pointer to the next pending test now, 
			 * since we may move the current item from the pending
			 * list to the active list before going to the next
			 * item in the pending-list.
			pnext = pcur->next;

			if (rec->netparams.lookupstatus == LOOKUP_NEEDED) {
				dbgprintf("    LOOKUP_NEEDED\n");

			if ((rec->netparams.lookupstatus == LOOKUP_ACTIVE) || (rec->netparams.lookupstatus == LOOKUP_NEEDED)) {
				/* DNS lookup in progress, skip this test until lookup completes */
				dbgprintf("    lookup in progress: %s\n", (rec->netparams.lookupstatus == LOOKUP_ACTIVE) ? "ACTIVE" : "NEEDED");
				pcur = pnext;
			else if (rec->netparams.lookupstatus == LOOKUP_FAILED) {
				/* DNS lookup determined that this host does not have a valid IP. */
				dbgprintf("    LOOKUP_FAILED\n");
				switch (dnsstrategy) {
					/* DNS failed -> test failed */
					list_item_move(donetests, pcur, rec->testspec);
					rec->talkresult = TALK_CANNOT_RESOLVE;
				  case DNS_STRATEGY_IP:	/* This one cannot really happen */
					/* Use IP from hosts.cfg, if it is valid */
					if (!conn_null_ip(xmh_item(rec->hostinfo, XMH_IP))) {
						rec->netparams.destinationip = strdup(xmh_item(rec->hostinfo, XMH_IP));
						rec->netparams.lookupstatus = LOOKUP_COMPLETED;
					else {
						list_item_move(donetests, pcur, rec->testspec);
						rec->talkresult = TALK_CANNOT_RESOLVE;
				pcur = pnext;

			switch (rec->talkprotocol) {
			  case TALK_PROTO_HTTP:
			  case TALK_PROTO_NTP:
			  case TALK_PROTO_LDAP:
				if (!rec->teststarttime) rec->teststarttime = getcurrenttime(NULL);
				dbgprintf("    conn_prepare_connection()\n");
				if (!rec->netparams.sourceip && (sourceip4 || sourceip6)) {
					switch (conn_is_ip(rec->netparams.destinationip)) {
					  case 4: rec->netparams.sourceip = sourceip4; break;
					  case 6: rec->netparams.sourceip = sourceip6; break;
				if (conn_prepare_connection(rec->netparams.destinationip, 
							rec->netparams.sslhandling, rec->netparams.sslname, rec->netparams.sslcertfn, rec->netparams.sslkeyfn, 
							rec->netparams.callback, rec)) {
					dbgprintf("\tmoved to activetests, target %s, timeout %d\n", 
						  rec->netparams.destinationip, rec->timeout);
					list_item_move(activetests, pcur, rec->testspec);
				else {
					dbgprintf("\tmoved to failedtests\n");
					rec->talkresult = TALK_CONN_FAILED;
					list_item_move(donetests, pcur, rec->testspec);

				dbgprintf("    dns_start_query()\n");
				if (dns_start_query(rec, rec->netparams.destinationip)) {
					dbgprintf("\tmoved to activetests\n");
					list_item_move(activetests, pcur, rec->testspec);
				else {
					dbgprintf("\tmoved to failedtests\n");
					rec->talkresult = TALK_CONN_FAILED;
					list_item_move(donetests, pcur, rec->testspec);

			  case TALK_PROTO_PING:
				dbgprintf("    PING test, queued\n");
				rec->talkresult = TALK_OK;
				list_item_move(donetests, pcur, rec->testspec);

				dbgprintf("    Huh?\n");

			pcur = pnext;

		maxfd = conn_fdset(&fdread, &fdwrite);
		// dbgprintf("Setting up select - conn_fdset has maxfd=%d\n", maxfd);
		dns_add_active_fds(activetests, &maxfd, &fdread, &fdwrite);
		// dbgprintf("Setting up select - dns_add_active_fds set maxfd=%d\n", maxfd);

		if (maxfd > 0) {
			tmo.tv_sec = 1; tmo.tv_usec = 0;
			n = select(maxfd+1, &fdread, &fdwrite, NULL, &tmo);
			if (n < 0) {
				if (errno != EINTR) {
					errprintf("FATAL: select() returned error %s\n", strerror(errno));
					return NULL;

			conn_process_active(&fdread, &fdwrite);
			dns_process_active(activetests, &fdread, &fdwrite);

		dbgprintf("Active: %d, pending: %d\n", activetests->len, pendingtests->len);
	while ((activetests->len + pendingtests->len) > 0);


	return donetests;
예제 #10
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	char *msg;
	int seq;
	int argi;
	int alertcolors, alertinterval;
	char *configfn = NULL;
	char *checkfn = NULL;
	int checkpointinterval = 900;
	char acklogfn[PATH_MAX];
	FILE *acklogfd = NULL;
	char notiflogfn[PATH_MAX];
	FILE *notiflogfd = NULL;
	char *tracefn = NULL;
	struct sigaction sa;
	int configchanged;
	time_t lastxmit = 0;



	/* Dont save the error buffer */
	save_errbuf = 0;

	/* Load alert config */
	alertcolors = colorset(xgetenv("ALERTCOLORS"), ((1 << COL_GREEN) | (1 << COL_BLUE)));
	alertinterval = 60*atoi(xgetenv("ALERTREPEAT"));

	/* Create our loookup-trees */
	hostnames = xtreeNew(strcasecmp);
	testnames = xtreeNew(strcasecmp);
	locations = xtreeNew(strcasecmp);

	for (argi=1; (argi < argc); argi++) {
		if (argnmatch(argv[argi], "--config=")) {
			configfn = strdup(strchr(argv[argi], '=')+1);
		else if (argnmatch(argv[argi], "--checkpoint-file=")) {
			checkfn = strdup(strchr(argv[argi], '=')+1);
		else if (argnmatch(argv[argi], "--checkpoint-interval=")) {
			char *p = strchr(argv[argi], '=') + 1;
			checkpointinterval = atoi(p);
		else if (argnmatch(argv[argi], "--dump-config")) {
			load_alertconfig(configfn, alertcolors, alertinterval);
			return 0;
		else if (argnmatch(argv[argi], "--cfid")) {
			include_configid = 1;
		else if (argnmatch(argv[argi], "--test")) {
			char *testhost = NULL, *testservice = NULL, *testpage = NULL, 
			     *testcolor = "red", *testgroups = NULL;
			void *hinfo;
			int testdur = 0;
			FILE *logfd = NULL;
			activealerts_t *awalk = NULL;
			int paramno = 0;

			argi++; if (argi < argc) testhost = argv[argi];
			argi++; if (argi < argc) testservice = argv[argi];
			while (argi < argc) {
				if (strncasecmp(argv[argi], "--duration=", 11) == 0) {
					testdur = durationvalue(strchr(argv[argi], '=')+1);
				else if (strncasecmp(argv[argi], "--color=", 8) == 0) {
					testcolor = strchr(argv[argi], '=')+1;
				else if (strncasecmp(argv[argi], "--group=", 8) == 0) {
					testgroups = strchr(argv[argi], '=')+1;
				else if (strncasecmp(argv[argi], "--time=", 7) == 0) {
					fakestarttime = (time_t)atoi(strchr(argv[argi], '=')+1);
				else {
					if (paramno == 1) testdur = atoi(argv[argi]);
					else if (paramno == 2) testcolor = argv[argi];
					else if (paramno == 3) fakestarttime = (time_t) atoi(argv[argi]);


			if ((testhost == NULL) || (testservice == NULL)) {
				printf("Usage: xymond_alert --test HOST SERVICE [options]\n");
				printf("Possible options:\n\t[--duration=MINUTES]\n\t[--color=COLOR]\n\t[--group=GROUPNAME]\n\t[--time=TIMESPEC]\n");

				return 1;

			load_hostnames(xgetenv("HOSTSCFG"), NULL, get_fqdn());
			hinfo = hostinfo(testhost);
			if (hinfo) {
				testpage = strdup(xmh_item(hinfo, XMH_ALLPAGEPATHS));
			else {
				errprintf("Host not found in hosts.cfg - assuming it is on the top page\n");
				testpage = "";

			awalk = (activealerts_t *)calloc(1, sizeof(activealerts_t));
			awalk->hostname = find_name(hostnames, testhost);
			awalk->testname = find_name(testnames, testservice);
			awalk->location = find_name(locations, testpage);
			awalk->ip = strdup("");
			awalk->color = awalk->maxcolor = parse_color(testcolor);
			awalk->pagemessage = "Test of the alert configuration";
			awalk->eventstart = getcurrenttime(NULL) - testdur*60;
			awalk->groups = (testgroups ? strdup(testgroups) : NULL);
			awalk->state = A_PAGING;
			awalk->cookie = 12345;
			awalk->next = NULL;

			logfd = fopen("/dev/null", "w");
			testonly = 1;

			load_alertconfig(configfn, alertcolors, alertinterval);
			send_alert(awalk, logfd);
			return 0;
		else if (argnmatch(argv[argi], "--trace=")) {
			tracefn = strdup(strchr(argv[argi], '=')+1);
		else if (net_worker_option(argv[argi])) {
			/* Handled in the subroutine */
		else if (standardoption(argv[argi])) {
			if (showhelp) return 0;
		else {
			errprintf("Unknown option '%s'\n", argv[argi]);

	/* Do the network stuff if needed */

	if (checkfn) {
		nextcheckpoint = gettimer() + checkpointinterval;
		dbgprintf("Next checkpoint at %d, interval %d\n", (int) nextcheckpoint, checkpointinterval);

	/* Need to handle these ourselves, so we can shutdown and save state-info */
	memset(&sa, 0, sizeof(sa));
	sa.sa_handler = sig_handler;
	sigaction(SIGPIPE, &sa, NULL);
	sigaction(SIGTERM, &sa, NULL);
	sigaction(SIGINT,  &sa, NULL);
	sigaction(SIGCHLD, &sa, NULL);
	sigaction(SIGUSR1, &sa, NULL);
	sigaction(SIGHUP,  &sa, NULL);

	if (xgetenv("XYMONSERVERLOGS")) {
		sprintf(acklogfn, "%s/acknowledge.log", xgetenv("XYMONSERVERLOGS"));
		acklogfd = fopen(acklogfn, "a");
		sprintf(notiflogfn, "%s/notifications.log", xgetenv("XYMONSERVERLOGS"));
		notiflogfd = fopen(notiflogfn, "a");

	 * The general idea here is that this loop handles receiving of alert-
	 * and ack-messages from the master daemon, and maintains a list of 
	 * host+test combinations that may have alerts going out.
	 * This module does not deal with any specific alert-configuration, 
	 * it just picks up the alert messages, maintains the list of 
	 * known tests that are in some sort of critical condition, and
	 * periodically pushes alerts to the do_alert.c module for handling.
	 * The only modification of alerts that happen here is the handling
	 * of when the next alert is due. It calls into the next_alert() 
	 * routine to learn when an alert should be repeated, and also 
	 * deals with Acknowledgments that stop alerts from going out for
	 * a period of time.
	while (running) {
		char *eoln, *restofmsg;
		char *metadata[20];
		char *p;
		int metacount;
		char *hostname = NULL, *testname = NULL;
		struct timespec timeout;
		time_t now, nowtimer;
		int anytogo;
		activealerts_t *awalk;
		int childstat;

		nowtimer = gettimer();
		if (checkfn && (nowtimer > nextcheckpoint)) {
			dbgprintf("Saving checkpoint\n");
			nextcheckpoint = nowtimer + checkpointinterval;

			if (acklogfd) acklogfd = freopen(acklogfn, "a", acklogfd);
			if (notiflogfd) notiflogfd = freopen(notiflogfn, "a", notiflogfd);

		timeout.tv_sec = 60; timeout.tv_nsec = 0;
		msg = get_xymond_message(C_PAGE, "xymond_alert", &seq, &timeout);
		if (msg == NULL) {
			running = 0;

		/* See what time it is - must happen AFTER the timeout */
		now = getcurrenttime(NULL);

		/* Split the message in the first line (with meta-data), and the rest */
 		eoln = strchr(msg, '\n');
		if (eoln) {
			*eoln = '\0';
			restofmsg = eoln+1;
		else {
			restofmsg = "";

		 * Now parse the meta-data into elements.
		 * We use our own "gettok()" routine which works
		 * like strtok(), but can handle empty elements.
		metacount = 0; 
		memset(&metadata, 0, sizeof(metadata));
		p = gettok(msg, "|");
		while (p && (metacount < 19)) {
			metadata[metacount] = p;
			p = gettok(NULL, "|");
		metadata[metacount] = NULL;

		if (metacount > 3) hostname = metadata[3];
		if (metacount > 4) testname = metadata[4];

		if ((metacount > 10) && (strncmp(metadata[0], "@@page", 6) == 0)) {
			/* @@page|timestamp|sender|hostname|testname|hostip|expiretime|color|prevcolor|changetime|location|cookie|osname|classname|grouplist|modifiers */

			int newcolor, newalertstatus, oldalertstatus;

			dbgprintf("Got page message from %s:%s\n", hostname, testname);
			traceprintf("@@page %s:%s:%s=%s\n", hostname, testname, metadata[10], metadata[7]);

			awalk = find_active(hostname, testname);
			if (awalk == NULL) {
				char *hwalk = find_name(hostnames, hostname);
				char *twalk = find_name(testnames, testname);
				char *pwalk = find_name(locations, metadata[10]);

				awalk = (activealerts_t *)calloc(1, sizeof(activealerts_t));
				awalk->hostname = hwalk;
				awalk->testname = twalk;
				awalk->location = pwalk;
				awalk->cookie = -1;
				awalk->state = A_DEAD;
				 * Use changetime here, if we restart the alert module then
				 * this gets the duration values more right than using "now".
				 * Also, define this only when a new alert arrives - we should
				 * NOT clear this when a status goes yellow->red, or if it
				 * flaps between yellow and red.
				awalk->eventstart = atoi(metadata[9]);
				add_active(awalk->hostname, awalk);
				traceprintf("New record\n");

			newcolor = parse_color(metadata[7]);
			oldalertstatus = ((alertcolors & (1 << awalk->color)) != 0);
			newalertstatus = ((alertcolors & (1 << newcolor)) != 0);

			traceprintf("state %d->%d\n", oldalertstatus, newalertstatus);

			if (newalertstatus) {
				/* It's in an alert state. */
				awalk->color = newcolor;
				awalk->state = A_PAGING;

				if (newcolor > awalk->maxcolor) {
					if (awalk->maxcolor != 0) {
						 * Severity has increased (yellow -> red).
						 * Clear the repeat-interval, and set maxcolor to
						 * the new color. If it drops to yellow again,
						 * maxcolor stays at red, so a test that flaps
						 * between yellow and red will only alert on red
						 * the first time, and then follow the repeat
						 * interval.
						dbgprintf("Severity increased, cleared repeat interval: %s/%s %s->%s\n",
							awalk->hostname, awalk->testname,
							colorname(awalk->maxcolor), colorname(newcolor));

					awalk->maxcolor = newcolor;
			else {
				 * Send one "recovered" message out now, then go to A_DEAD.
				 * Dont update the color here - we want recoveries to go out 
				 * only if the alert color triggered an alert
				awalk->state = (newcolor == COL_BLUE) ? A_DISABLED : A_RECOVERED;

			if (oldalertstatus != newalertstatus) {
				dbgprintf("Alert status changed from %d to %d\n", oldalertstatus, newalertstatus);

			if (awalk->ip) xfree(awalk->ip);
			awalk->ip = strdup(metadata[5]);
			awalk->cookie = atoi(metadata[11]);
			if (awalk->osname) xfree(awalk->osname);
			awalk->osname    = (metadata[12] ? strdup(metadata[12]) : NULL);
			if (awalk->classname) xfree(awalk->classname);
			awalk->classname = (metadata[13] ? strdup(metadata[13]) : NULL);
			if (awalk->groups) xfree(awalk->groups);
			awalk->groups    = (metadata[14] ? strdup(metadata[14]) : NULL);
			if (awalk->pagemessage) xfree(awalk->pagemessage);
			if (metadata[15]) {
				/* Modifiers are more interesting than the message itself */
				awalk->pagemessage = (char *)malloc(strlen(awalk->hostname) + strlen(awalk->testname) + strlen(colorname(awalk->color)) + strlen(metadata[15]) + strlen(restofmsg) + 10);
				sprintf(awalk->pagemessage, "%s:%s %s\n%s\n%s",
					awalk->hostname, awalk->testname, colorname(awalk->color), metadata[15], restofmsg);
			else {
				awalk->pagemessage = strdup(restofmsg);
		else if ((metacount > 5) && (strncmp(metadata[0], "@@ack", 5) == 0)) {
 			/* @@ack|timestamp|sender|hostname|testname|hostip|expiretime */

			 * An ack is handled simply by setting the next
			 * alert-time to when the ack expires.
			time_t nextalert = atoi(metadata[6]);

			dbgprintf("Got ack message from %s:%s\n", hostname, testname);
			traceprintf("@@ack: %s:%s now=%d, ackeduntil %d\n",
				     hostname, testname, (int)now, (int)nextalert);

			awalk = find_active(hostname, testname);

			if (acklogfd) {
				int cookie = (awalk ? awalk->cookie : -1);
				int color  = (awalk ? awalk->color : 0);

				fprintf(acklogfd, "%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%s\t%s.%s\t%s\t%s\n",
					(int)now, cookie, 
					(int)((nextalert - now) / 60), cookie,
					hostname, testname, 

			if (awalk && (awalk->state == A_PAGING)) {
				traceprintf("Record updated\n");
				awalk->state = A_ACKED;
				awalk->nextalerttime = nextalert;
				if (awalk->ackmessage) xfree(awalk->ackmessage);
				awalk->ackmessage = strdup(restofmsg);
			else {
				traceprintf("No record\n");
		else if ((metacount > 4) && (strncmp(metadata[0], "@@notify", 5) == 0)) {
			/* @@notify|timestamp|sender|hostname|testname|pagepath */

			char *hwalk = find_name(hostnames, hostname);
			char *twalk = find_name(testnames, testname);
			char *pwalk = find_name(locations, (metadata[5] ? metadata[5] : ""));

			awalk = (activealerts_t *)calloc(1, sizeof(activealerts_t));
			awalk->hostname = hwalk;
			awalk->testname = twalk;
			awalk->location = pwalk;
			awalk->cookie = -1;
			awalk->pagemessage = strdup(restofmsg);
			awalk->eventstart = getcurrenttime(NULL);
			awalk->state = A_NOTIFY;
			add_active(awalk->hostname, awalk);
		else if ((metacount > 3) && 
			 ((strncmp(metadata[0], "@@drophost", 10) == 0) || (strncmp(metadata[0], "@@dropstate", 11) == 0))) {
			/* @@drophost|timestamp|sender|hostname */
			/* @@dropstate|timestamp|sender|hostname */
			xtreePos_t handle;

			handle = xtreeFind(hostnames, hostname);
			if (handle != xtreeEnd(hostnames)) {
				alertanchor_t *anchor = (alertanchor_t *)xtreeData(hostnames, handle);
				for (awalk = anchor->head; (awalk); awalk = awalk->next) awalk->state = A_DEAD;
		else if ((metacount > 4) && (strncmp(metadata[0], "@@droptest", 10) == 0)) {
			/* @@droptest|timestamp|sender|hostname|testname */

			awalk = find_active(hostname, testname);
			if (awalk) awalk->state = A_DEAD;
		else if ((metacount > 4) && (strncmp(metadata[0], "@@renamehost", 12) == 0)) {
			/* @@renamehost|timestamp|sender|hostname|newhostname */

			 * We handle rename's simply by dropping the alert. If there is still an
			 * active alert for the host, it will have to be dealt with when the next
			 * status update arrives.
			xtreePos_t handle;

			handle = xtreeFind(hostnames, hostname);
			if (handle != xtreeEnd(hostnames)) {
				alertanchor_t *anchor = (alertanchor_t *)xtreeData(hostnames, handle);
				for (awalk = anchor->head; (awalk); awalk = awalk->next) awalk->state = A_DEAD;
		else if ((metacount > 5) && (strncmp(metadata[0], "@@renametest", 12) == 0)) {
			/* @@renametest|timestamp|sender|hostname|oldtestname|newtestname */

			 * We handle rename's simply by dropping the alert. If there is still an
			 * active alert for the host, it will have to be dealt with when the next
			 * status update arrives.
			awalk = find_active(hostname, testname);
			if (awalk) awalk->state = A_DEAD;
		else if (strncmp(metadata[0], "@@shutdown", 10) == 0) {
			running = 0;
			errprintf("Got a shutdown message\n");
		else if (strncmp(metadata[0], "@@logrotate", 11) == 0) {
			char *fn = xgetenv("XYMONCHANNEL_LOGFILENAME");
			if (fn && strlen(fn)) {
				reopen_file(fn, "a", stdout);
				reopen_file(fn, "a", stderr);

				if (tracefn) {
		else if (strncmp(metadata[0], "@@reload", 8) == 0) {
			/* Nothing ... right now */
		else if (strncmp(metadata[0], "@@idle", 6) == 0) {
			/* Timeout */

		 * When a burst of alerts happen, we get lots of alert messages
		 * coming in quickly. So lets handle them in bunches and only 
		 * do the full alert handling once every 10 secs - that lets us
		 * combine a bunch of alerts into one transmission process.
		if (nowtimer < (lastxmit+10)) continue;
		lastxmit = nowtimer;

		 * Loop through the activealerts list and see if anything is pending.
		 * This is an optimization, we could just as well just fork off the
		 * notification child and let it handle all of it. But there is no
		 * reason to fork a child process unless it is going to do something.
		configchanged = load_alertconfig(configfn, alertcolors, alertinterval);
		configchanged += load_holidays(0);
		anytogo = 0;
		for (awalk = alistBegin(); (awalk); awalk = alistNext()) {
			int anymatch = 0;

			switch (awalk->state) {
			  case A_NORECIP:
				if (!configchanged) break;

				/* The configuration has changed - switch NORECIP -> PAGING */
				awalk->state = A_PAGING;
				/* Fall through */

			  case A_PAGING:
				if (have_recipient(awalk, &anymatch)) {
					if (awalk->nextalerttime <= now) anytogo++;
				else {
					if (!anymatch) {
						awalk->state = A_NORECIP;

			  case A_ACKED:
				if (awalk->nextalerttime <= now) {
					/* An ack has expired, so drop the ack message and switch to A_PAGING */
					if (awalk->ackmessage) xfree(awalk->ackmessage);
					awalk->state = A_PAGING;

			  case A_RECOVERED:
			  case A_DISABLED:
			  case A_NOTIFY:

			  case A_DEAD:
		dbgprintf("%d alerts to go\n", anytogo);

		if (anytogo) {
			pid_t childpid;

			childpid = fork();
			if (childpid == 0) {
				/* The child */
				for (awalk = alistBegin(); (awalk); awalk = alistNext()) {
					switch (awalk->state) {
					  case A_PAGING:
						if (awalk->nextalerttime <= now) {
							send_alert(awalk, notiflogfd);

					  case A_ACKED:
						/* Cannot be A_ACKED unless the ack is still valid, so no alert. */

					  case A_RECOVERED:
					  case A_DISABLED:
					  case A_NOTIFY:
						send_alert(awalk, notiflogfd);

					  case A_NORECIP:
					  case A_DEAD:

				/* Child does not continue */
			else if (childpid < 0) {
				errprintf("Fork failed, cannot send alerts: %s\n", strerror(errno));

		/* Update the state flag and the next-alert timestamp */
		for (awalk = alistBegin(); (awalk); awalk = alistNext()) {
			switch (awalk->state) {
			  case A_PAGING:
				if (awalk->nextalerttime <= now) awalk->nextalerttime = next_alert(awalk);

			  case A_NORECIP:

			  case A_ACKED:
				/* Still cannot get here except if ack is still valid */

			  case A_RECOVERED:
			  case A_DISABLED:
			  case A_NOTIFY:
				awalk->state = A_DEAD;
				/* Fall through */

			  case A_DEAD:


		/* Pickup any finished child processes to avoid zombies */
		while (wait3(&childstat, WNOHANG, NULL) > 0) ;

	if (checkfn) save_checkpoint(checkfn);
	if (acklogfd) fclose(acklogfd);
	if (notiflogfd) fclose(notiflogfd);


	if (termsig >= 0) {
		errprintf("Terminated by signal %d\n", termsig);

	return 0;
예제 #11
void show_topchanges(FILE *output, 
		     countlist_t *hostcounthead, countlist_t *svccounthead, event_t *eventhead, 
		     int topcount, time_t firstevent, time_t lastevent)
	fprintf(output, "<p><font size=+1>%s</font></p>\n", periodstring);

	fprintf(output, "<table summary=\"Top changing hosts and services\" border=1>\n");
	fprintf(output, "<tr>\n");
	if (hostcounthead && (output != NULL)) {
		countlist_t *cwalk;
		int i;
		unsigned long others = 0, totalcount = 0;
		strbuffer_t *s = newstrbuffer(0);
		strbuffer_t *othercriteria = newstrbuffer(0);

		if (hostregex) {
			addtobuffer(othercriteria, "&amp;HOSTMATCH=");
			addtobuffer(othercriteria, hostregex);
		if (exhostregex) addtobuffer(s, exhostregex);
		if (testregex) {
			addtobuffer(othercriteria, "&amp;TESTMATCH=");
			addtobuffer(othercriteria, testregex);
		if (extestregex) {
			addtobuffer(othercriteria, "&amp;EXTESTMATCH=");
			addtobuffer(othercriteria, extestregex);
		if (pageregex) {
			addtobuffer(othercriteria, "&amp;PAGEMATCH=");
			addtobuffer(othercriteria, pageregex);
		if (expageregex) {
			addtobuffer(othercriteria, "&amp;EXPAGEMATCH=");
			addtobuffer(othercriteria, expageregex);
		if (colorregex) {
			addtobuffer(othercriteria, "&amp;COLORMATCH=");
			addtobuffer(othercriteria, colorregex);
		if (ignoredialups) {
			addtobuffer(othercriteria, "&amp;NODIALUPS=on");
		addtobuffer(othercriteria, "&amp;SUMMARY=services");
		addtobuffer(othercriteria, "&amp;TIMETXT=");
		addtobuffer(othercriteria, periodstring);
		if (counttype == XYMON_COUNT_EVENTS) addtobuffer(othercriteria, "&amp;COUNTTYPE=events");
		else if (counttype == XYMON_COUNT_DURATION) addtobuffer(othercriteria, "&amp;COUNTTYPE=duration");

		fprintf(output, "<td width=40%% align=center valign=top>\n");
		fprintf(output, "   <table summary=\"Top %d hosts\" border=0>\n", topcount);
		fprintf(output, "      <tr><th colspan=3>Top %d hosts</th></tr>\n", topcount);
		fprintf(output, "      <tr><th align=left>Host</th><th align=left colspan=2>%s</th></tr>\n",
			(counttype == XYMON_COUNT_EVENTS) ? "State changes" : "Seconds red/yellow");

		/* Compute the total count */
		for (i=0, cwalk=hostcounthead; (cwalk); i++, cwalk=cwalk->next) totalcount += cwalk->total;

		for (i=0, cwalk=hostcounthead; (cwalk && (cwalk->total > 0)); i++, cwalk=cwalk->next) {
			if (i < topcount) {
				fprintf(output, "      <tr><td align=left><a href=\"eventlog.sh?HOSTMATCH=^%s$&amp;MAXCOUNT=-1&amp;MAXTIME=-1&amp;FROMTIME=%lu&amp;TOTIME=%lu%s\">%s</a></td><td align=right>%lu</td><td align=right>(%6.2f %%)</td></tr>\n", 
					xmh_item(cwalk->src, XMH_HOSTNAME), 
					(unsigned long)firstevent, (unsigned long)lastevent,
					xmh_item(cwalk->src, XMH_HOSTNAME), 
					cwalk->total, ((100.0 * cwalk->total) / totalcount));
				if (STRBUFLEN(s) > 0) addtobuffer(s, "|"); 
				addtobuffer(s, "^");
				addtobuffer(s, xmh_item(cwalk->src, XMH_HOSTNAME));
				addtobuffer(s, "$");
			else {
				others += cwalk->total;
		fprintf(output, "      <tr><td align=left><a href=\"eventlog.sh?EXHOSTMATCH=%s&amp;MAXCOUNT=-1&amp;MAXTIME=-1&amp;FROMTIME=%lu&amp;TOTIME=%lu%s\">%s</a></td><td align=right>%lu</td><td align=right>(%6.2f %%)</td></tr>\n", 
			(unsigned long)firstevent, (unsigned long)lastevent,
			"Other hosts", 
			others, ((100.0 * others) / totalcount));
		fprintf(output, "      <tr><td colspan=3><hr width=\"100%%\"></td></tr>\n");
		fprintf(output, "      <tr><th>Total</th><th>%lu</th><th>&nbsp;</th></tr>\n", totalcount);
		fprintf(output, "   </table>\n");
		fprintf(output, "</td>\n");

	if (svccounthead && (output != NULL)) {
		countlist_t *cwalk;
		int i;
		unsigned long others = 0, totalcount = 0;
		strbuffer_t *s = newstrbuffer(0);
		strbuffer_t *othercriteria = newstrbuffer(0);

		if (hostregex) {
			addtobuffer(othercriteria, "&amp;HOSTMATCH=");
			addtobuffer(othercriteria, hostregex);
		if (exhostregex) {
			addtobuffer(othercriteria, "&amp;EXHOSTMATCH=");
			addtobuffer(othercriteria, exhostregex);
		if (testregex) {
			addtobuffer(othercriteria, "&amp;TESTMATCH=");
			addtobuffer(othercriteria, testregex);
		if (extestregex) addtobuffer(s, extestregex);
		if (pageregex) {
			addtobuffer(othercriteria, "&amp;PAGEMATCH=");
			addtobuffer(othercriteria, pageregex);
		if (expageregex) {
			addtobuffer(othercriteria, "&amp;EXPAGEMATCH=");
			addtobuffer(othercriteria, expageregex);
		if (colorregex) {
			addtobuffer(othercriteria, "&amp;COLORMATCH=");
			addtobuffer(othercriteria, colorregex);
		if (ignoredialups) {
			addtobuffer(othercriteria, "&amp;NODIALUPS=on");
		addtobuffer(othercriteria, "&amp;SUMMARY=hosts");
		addtobuffer(othercriteria, "&amp;TIMETXT=");
		addtobuffer(othercriteria, periodstring);
		if (counttype == XYMON_COUNT_EVENTS) addtobuffer(othercriteria, "&amp;COUNTTYPE=events");
		else if (counttype == XYMON_COUNT_DURATION) addtobuffer(othercriteria, "&amp;COUNTTYPE=duration");

		fprintf(output, "<td width=40%% align=center valign=top>\n");
		fprintf(output, "   <table summary=\"Top %d services\" border=0>\n", topcount);
		fprintf(output, "      <tr><th colspan=3>Top %d services</th></tr>\n", topcount);
		fprintf(output, "      <tr><th align=left>Service</th><th align=left colspan=2>%s</th></tr>\n",
			(counttype == XYMON_COUNT_EVENTS) ? "State changes" : "Seconds red/yellow");

		/* Compute the total count */
		for (i=0, cwalk=svccounthead; (cwalk); i++, cwalk=cwalk->next) totalcount += cwalk->total;

		for (i=0, cwalk=svccounthead; (cwalk && (cwalk->total > 0)); i++, cwalk=cwalk->next) {
			if (i < topcount) {
				fprintf(output, "      <tr><td align=left><a href=\"eventlog.sh?TESTMATCH=^%s$&amp;MAXCOUNT=-1&amp;MAXTIME=-1&amp;FROMTIME=%lu&amp;TOTIME=%lu%s\">%s</a></td><td align=right>%lu</td><td align=right>(%6.2f %%)</td></tr>\n", 
					((htnames_t *)cwalk->src)->name, 
					(unsigned long)firstevent, (unsigned long)lastevent,
					((htnames_t *)cwalk->src)->name, 
					cwalk->total, ((100.0 * cwalk->total) / totalcount));
				if (STRBUFLEN(s) > 0) addtobuffer(s, "|"); 
				addtobuffer(s, "^");
				addtobuffer(s, ((htnames_t *)cwalk->src)->name);
				addtobuffer(s, "$");
			else {
				others += cwalk->total;
		fprintf(output, "      <tr><td align=left><a href=\"eventlog.sh?EXTESTMATCH=%s&amp;MAXCOUNT=-1&amp;MAXTIME=-1&amp;FROMTIME=%lu&amp;TOTIME=%lu%s\">%s</td><td align=right>%lu</td><td align=right>(%6.2f %%)</td></tr>\n", 
			(unsigned long)firstevent, (unsigned long)lastevent,
			"Other services", 
			others, ((100.0 * others) / totalcount));
		fprintf(output, "      <tr><td colspan=3><hr width=\"100%%\"></td></tr>\n");
		fprintf(output, "      <tr><th>Total</th><th>%lu</th><th>&nbsp;</th></tr>\n", totalcount);
		fprintf(output, "   </table>\n");
		fprintf(output, "</td>\n");

	fprintf(output, "</tr>\n");
	fprintf(output, "</table>\n");
예제 #12
static int criteriamatch(activealerts_t *alert, criteria_t *crit, criteria_t *rulecrit, int *anymatch, time_t *nexttime)
	 * See if the "crit" matches the "alert".
	 * Match on pagespec, dgspec, hostspec, svcspec, classspec, groupspec, colors, timespec, minduration, maxduration, sendrecovered

	static char *pgnames = NULL;
	int pgmatchres, pgexclres;
	time_t duration = (getcurrenttime(NULL) - alert->eventstart);
	int result, cfid = 0;
	char *pgtok, *cfline = NULL;
	void *hinfo = hostinfo(alert->hostname);

	/* The top-level page needs a name - cannot match against an empty string */
	if (pgnames) xfree(pgnames);
	pgnames = strdup((*alert->location == '\0') ? "/" : alert->location);

	if (crit) { cfid = crit->cfid; cfline = crit->cfline; }
	if (!cfid && rulecrit) cfid = rulecrit->cfid;
	if (!cfline && rulecrit) cfline = rulecrit->cfline;
	if (!cfline) cfline = "<undefined>";

	traceprintf("Matching host:service:dgroup:page '%s:%s:%s:%s' against rule line %d\n",
			alert->hostname, alert->testname, xmh_item(hinfo, XMH_DGNAME), alert->location, cfid);

	if (alert->state == A_PAGING) {
		/* Check max-duration now - it's fast and easy. */
		if (crit && crit->maxduration && (duration > crit->maxduration)) { 
			traceprintf("Failed '%s' (max. duration %d>%d)\n", cfline, duration, crit->maxduration);
			if (!printmode) return 0; 

	if (crit && crit->classspec && !namematch(alert->classname, crit->classspec, crit->classspecre)) { 
		traceprintf("Failed '%s' (class not in include list)\n", cfline);
		return 0; 
	if (crit && crit->exclassspec && namematch(alert->classname, crit->exclassspec, crit->exclassspecre)) { 
		traceprintf("Failed '%s' (class excluded)\n", cfline);
		return 0; 

	/* alert->groups is a comma-separated list of groups, so it needs some special handling */
	 * NB: Dont check groups when RECOVERED - the group list for recovery messages is always empty.
	 * It doesn't matter if we match a recipient who was not in the group that originally
	 * got the alert - we will later check who has received the alert, and only those that
	 * have will get the recovery message.
	if (crit && (crit->groupspec || crit->exgroupspec) && (alert->state != A_RECOVERED)) {
		char *grouplist;
		char *tokptr;

		grouplist = (alert->groups && (*(alert->groups))) ? strdup(alert->groups) : NULL;
		if (crit->groupspec) {
			char *onegroup;
			int iswanted = 0;

			if (grouplist) {
				/* There is a group label on the alert, so it must match */
				onegroup = strtok_r(grouplist, ",", &tokptr);
				while (onegroup && !iswanted) {
					iswanted = (namematch(onegroup, crit->groupspec, crit->groupspecre));
					onegroup = strtok_r(NULL, ",", &tokptr);

			if (!iswanted) {
				 * Either the alert had a group list that didn't match, or
				 * there was no group list and the rule listed one.
				 * In both cases, it's a failed match.
				traceprintf("Failed '%s' (group not in include list)\n", cfline);
				if (grouplist) xfree(grouplist);
				return 0; 

		if (crit->exgroupspec && grouplist) {
			char *onegroup;

			/* Excluded groups are only handled when the alert does have a group list */

			strcpy(grouplist, alert->groups); /* Might have been used in the include list */
			onegroup = strtok_r(grouplist, ",", &tokptr);
			while (onegroup) {
				if (namematch(onegroup, crit->exgroupspec, crit->exgroupspecre)) { 
					traceprintf("Failed '%s' (group excluded)\n", cfline);
					return 0; 
				onegroup = strtok_r(NULL, ",", &tokptr);

		if (grouplist) xfree(grouplist);

	pgmatchres = pgexclres = -1;
	pgtok = strtok(pgnames, ",");
	while (pgtok) {
		if (crit && crit->pagespec && (pgmatchres != 1))
			pgmatchres = (namematch(pgtok, crit->pagespec, crit->pagespecre) ? 1 : 0);

		if (crit && crit->expagespec && (pgexclres != 1))
			pgexclres = (namematch(pgtok, crit->expagespec, crit->expagespecre) ? 1 : 0);

		pgtok = strtok(NULL, ",");
	if (pgexclres == 1) {
		traceprintf("Failed '%s' (pagename excluded)\n", cfline);
		return 0; 
	if (pgmatchres == 0) {
		traceprintf("Failed '%s' (pagename not in include list)\n", cfline);
		return 0;

	if (crit && crit->dgspec && !namematch(xmh_item(hinfo, XMH_DGNAME), crit->dgspec, crit->dgspecre)) { 
		traceprintf("Failed '%s' (displaygroup not in include list)\n", cfline);
		return 0; 
	if (crit && crit->exdgspec && namematch(xmh_item(hinfo, XMH_DGNAME), crit->exdgspec, crit->exdgspecre)) { 
		traceprintf("Failed '%s' (displaygroup excluded)\n", cfline);
		return 0; 

	if (crit && crit->hostspec && !namematch(alert->hostname, crit->hostspec, crit->hostspecre)) { 
		traceprintf("Failed '%s' (hostname not in include list)\n", cfline);
		return 0; 
	if (crit && crit->exhostspec && namematch(alert->hostname, crit->exhostspec, crit->exhostspecre)) { 
		traceprintf("Failed '%s' (hostname excluded)\n", cfline);
		return 0; 

	if (crit && crit->svcspec && !namematch(alert->testname, crit->svcspec, crit->svcspecre))  { 
		traceprintf("Failed '%s' (service not in include list)\n", cfline);
		return 0; 
	if (crit && crit->exsvcspec && namematch(alert->testname, crit->exsvcspec, crit->exsvcspecre))  { 
		traceprintf("Failed '%s' (service excluded)\n", cfline);
		return 0; 

	if (alert->state == A_NOTIFY) {
		 * Dont do the check until we are checking individual recipients (rulecrit is set).
		 * You dont need to have NOTICE on the top-level rule, it's enough if a recipient
		 * has it set. However, we do want to allow there to be a default defined in the
		 * rule; but it doesn't take effect until we start checking the recipients.
		if (rulecrit) {
			int n = (crit ? crit->sendnotice : -1);
			traceprintf("Checking NOTICE setting %d (rule:%d)\n", n, rulecrit->sendnotice);
			if (crit && (crit->sendnotice == SR_NOTWANTED)) result = 0;	/* Explicit NONOTICE */
			else if (crit && (crit->sendnotice == SR_WANTED)) result = 1;	/* Explicit NOTICE */
			else result = (rulecrit->sendnotice == SR_WANTED);		/* Not set, but rule has NOTICE */
		else {
			result = 1;

		if (!result) traceprintf("Failed '%s' (notice not wanted)\n", cfline);
		return result;

	/* At this point, we know the configuration may result in an alert. */
	if (anymatch) (*anymatch)++;

	 * Duration checks should be done on real paging messages only. 
	 * Not on recovery- or notify-messages.
	if (alert->state == A_PAGING) {
		if (crit && crit->minduration && (duration < crit->minduration)) { 
			if (nexttime) {
				time_t mynext = alert->eventstart + crit->minduration;

				if ((*nexttime == -1) || (*nexttime > mynext)) *nexttime = mynext;
			traceprintf("Failed '%s' (min. duration %d<%d)\n", cfline, duration, crit->minduration);
			if (!printmode) return 0; 

	 * Time restrictions apply to ALL messages.
	 * Before 4.2, these were only applied to ALERT messages,
	 * not RECOVERED and NOTIFY messages. This caused some
	 * unfortunate alerts in the middle of the night because
	 * some random system recovered ... not good. So apply
	 * this check to all messages.
	if (crit && crit->timespec && !timematch(xmh_item(hinfo, XMH_HOLIDAYS), crit->timespec)) {
		traceprintf("Failed '%s' (time criteria)\n", cfline);
		if (!printmode) return 0; 

	/* Check color. For RECOVERED messages, this holds the color of the alert, not the recovery state */
	if (crit && crit->colors) {
		result = (((1 << alert->color) & crit->colors) != 0);
		if (printmode) return 1;
	else {
		result = (((1 << alert->color) & defaultcolors) != 0);
		if (printmode) return 1;
	if (!result) {
		traceprintf("Failed '%s' (color)\n", cfline);
		return result;

	if ((alert->state == A_RECOVERED) || (alert->state == A_DISABLED)) {
		 * Dont do the check until we are checking individual recipients (rulecrit is set).
		 * You dont need to have RECOVERED on the top-level rule, it's enough if a recipient
		 * has it set. However, we do want to allow there to be a default defined in the
		 * rule; but it doesn't take effect until we start checking the recipients.
		if (rulecrit) {
			int n = (crit ? crit->sendrecovered : -1);
			traceprintf("Checking recovered setting %d (rule:%d)\n", n, rulecrit->sendrecovered);
			if (crit && (crit->sendrecovered == SR_NOTWANTED)) result = 0;		/* Explicit NORECOVERED */
			else if (crit && (crit->sendrecovered == SR_WANTED)) result = 1;	/* Explicit RECOVERED */
			else result = (rulecrit->sendrecovered == SR_WANTED);	/* Not set, but rule has RECOVERED */
		else {
			result = 1;

		if (printmode) return result;

	if (result) {
		traceprintf("*** Match with '%s' ***\n", cfline);

	return result;
예제 #13
파일: do_alert.c 프로젝트: osvaldsson/xymon
void send_alert(activealerts_t *alert, FILE *logfd)
    recip_t *recip;
    int first = 1;
    int alertcount = 0;
    time_t now = getcurrenttime(NULL);
    char *alerttxt[A_DEAD+1] = { "Paging", "Norecip", "Acked", "Recovered", "Disabled", "Notify", "Dead" };

    dbgprintf("send_alert %s:%s state %d\n", alert->hostname, alert->testname, (int)alert->state);
    traceprintf("send_alert %s:%s state %s\n",
                alert->hostname, alert->testname, alerttxt[alert->state]);

    stoprulefound = 0;

    while (!stoprulefound && ((recip = next_recipient(alert, &first, NULL, NULL)) != NULL)) {
        /* If this is an "UNMATCHED" rule, ignore it if we have already sent out some alert */
        if (recip->unmatchedonly && (alertcount != 0)) {
            traceprintf("Recipient '%s' dropped, not unmatched (count=%d)\n", recip->recipient, alertcount);

        if (recip->noalerts && ((alert->state == A_PAGING) || (alert->state == A_RECOVERED) || (alert->state == A_DISABLED))) {
            traceprintf("Recipient '%s' dropped (NOALERT)\n", recip->recipient);

        if (recip->method == M_IGNORE) {
            traceprintf("IGNORE rule found\n");

        if (alert->state == A_PAGING) {
            repeat_t *rpt = NULL;

             * This runs in a child-process context, so the record we
             * might create here is NOT used later on.
            rpt = find_repeatinfo(alert, recip, 1);
            if (!rpt) continue;	/* Happens for e.g. M_IGNORE recipients */

            dbgprintf("  repeat %s at %d\n", rpt->recipid, rpt->nextalert);
            if (rpt->nextalert > now) {
                traceprintf("Recipient '%s' dropped, next alert due at %ld > %ld\n",
                            rpt->recipid, (long)rpt->nextalert, (long)now);
        else if ((alert->state == A_RECOVERED) || (alert->state == A_DISABLED)) {
            /* RECOVERED messages require that we've sent out an alert before */
            repeat_t *rpt = NULL;

            rpt = find_repeatinfo(alert, recip, 0);
            if (!rpt) continue;

        dbgprintf("  Alert for %s:%s to %s\n", alert->hostname, alert->testname, recip->recipient);
        switch (recip->method) {
        case M_IGNORE:

        case M_MAIL:
            char cmd[32768];
            char *mailsubj;
            char *mailrecip;
            FILE *mailpipe;


            mailsubj = message_subject(alert, recip);
            mailrecip = message_recipient(recip->recipient, alert->hostname, alert->testname, colorname(alert->color));

            if (mailsubj) {
                if (xgetenv("MAIL"))
                    sprintf(cmd, "%s \"%s\" ", xgetenv("MAIL"), mailsubj);
                else if (xgetenv("MAILC"))
                    sprintf(cmd, "%s -s \"%s\" ", xgetenv("MAILC"), mailsubj);
                    sprintf(cmd, "mail -s \"%s\" ", mailsubj);
            else {
                if (xgetenv("MAILC"))
                    sprintf(cmd, "%s ", xgetenv("MAILC"));
                    sprintf(cmd, "mail ");
            strcat(cmd, mailrecip);

            traceprintf("Mail alert with command '%s'\n", cmd);
            if (testonly) {

            mailpipe = popen(cmd, "w");
            if (mailpipe) {
                fprintf(mailpipe, "%s", message_text(alert, recip));
                if (logfd) {
                    fprintf(logfd, "%s %s.%s (%s) %s[%d] %ld %d",
                            timestamp, alert->hostname, alert->testname,
                            alert->ip, mailrecip, recip->cfid,
                            (long)now, servicecode(alert->testname));
                    if ((alert->state == A_RECOVERED) || (alert->state == A_DISABLED)) {
                        fprintf(logfd, " %ld\n", (long)(now - alert->eventstart));
                    else {
                        fprintf(logfd, "\n");
            else {
                errprintf("ERROR: Cannot open command pipe for '%s' - alert lost!\n", cmd);
                traceprintf("Mail pipe failed - alert lost\n");


        case M_SCRIPT:
            pid_t scriptpid;
            char *scriptrecip;

            traceprintf("Script alert with command '%s' and recipient %s\n", recip->scriptname, recip->recipient);
            if (testonly) break;

            scriptrecip = message_recipient(recip->recipient, alert->hostname, alert->testname, colorname(alert->color));
            scriptpid = fork();
            if (scriptpid == 0) {
                /* Setup all of the environment for a paging script */
                void *hinfo;
                char *p;
                int ip1=0, ip2=0, ip3=0, ip4=0;
                char *bbalphamsg, *ackcode, *rcpt, *bbhostname, *bbhostsvc, *bbhostsvccommas, *bbnumeric, *machip, *bbsvcname, *bbsvcnum, *bbcolorlevel, *recovered, *downsecs, *eventtstamp, *downsecsmsg, *cfidtxt;
                char *alertid, *alertidenv;
                int msglen;

                cfidtxt = (char *)malloc(strlen("CFID=") + 10);
                sprintf(cfidtxt, "CFID=%d", recip->cfid);

                p = message_text(alert, recip);
                msglen = strlen(p);
                if (msglen > MAX_ALERTMSG_SCRIPTS) {
                    dbgprintf("Cropping large alert message from %d to %d bytes\n", msglen, MAX_ALERTMSG_SCRIPTS);
                    msglen = MAX_ALERTMSG_SCRIPTS;
                msglen += strlen("BBALPHAMSG=");
                bbalphamsg = (char *)malloc(msglen + 1);
                snprintf(bbalphamsg, msglen+1, "BBALPHAMSG=%s", p);

                ackcode = (char *)malloc(strlen("ACKCODE=") + 10);
                sprintf(ackcode, "ACKCODE=%d", alert->cookie);

                rcpt = (char *)malloc(strlen("RCPT=") + strlen(scriptrecip) + 1);
                sprintf(rcpt, "RCPT=%s", scriptrecip);

                bbhostname = (char *)malloc(strlen("BBHOSTNAME=") + strlen(alert->hostname) + 1);
                sprintf(bbhostname, "BBHOSTNAME=%s", alert->hostname);

                bbhostsvc = (char *)malloc(strlen("BBHOSTSVC=") + strlen(alert->hostname) + 1 + strlen(alert->testname) + 1);
                sprintf(bbhostsvc, "BBHOSTSVC=%s.%s", alert->hostname, alert->testname);

                bbhostsvccommas = (char *)malloc(strlen("BBHOSTSVCCOMMAS=") + strlen(alert->hostname) + 1 + strlen(alert->testname) + 1);
                sprintf(bbhostsvccommas, "BBHOSTSVCCOMMAS=%s.%s", commafy(alert->hostname), alert->testname);

                bbnumeric = (char *)malloc(strlen("BBNUMERIC=") + 22 + 1);
                p = bbnumeric;
                p += sprintf(p, "BBNUMERIC=");
                p += sprintf(p, "%03d", servicecode(alert->testname));
                sscanf(alert->ip, "%d.%d.%d.%d", &ip1, &ip2, &ip3, &ip4);
                p += sprintf(p, "%03d%03d%03d%03d", ip1, ip2, ip3, ip4);
                p += sprintf(p, "%d", alert->cookie);

                machip = (char *)malloc(strlen("MACHIP=") + 13);
                sprintf(machip, "MACHIP=%03d%03d%03d%03d", ip1, ip2, ip3, ip4);

                bbsvcname = (char *)malloc(strlen("BBSVCNAME=") + strlen(alert->testname) + 1);
                sprintf(bbsvcname, "BBSVCNAME=%s", alert->testname);

                bbsvcnum = (char *)malloc(strlen("BBSVCNUM=") + 10);
                sprintf(bbsvcnum, "BBSVCNUM=%d", servicecode(alert->testname));

                bbcolorlevel = (char *)malloc(strlen("BBCOLORLEVEL=") + strlen(colorname(alert->color)) + 1);
                sprintf(bbcolorlevel, "BBCOLORLEVEL=%s", colorname(alert->color));

                recovered = (char *)malloc(strlen("RECOVERED=") + 2);
                switch (alert->state) {
                case A_RECOVERED:
                    strcpy(recovered, "RECOVERED=1");
                case A_DISABLED:
                    strcpy(recovered, "RECOVERED=2");
                    strcpy(recovered, "RECOVERED=0");

                downsecs = (char *)malloc(strlen("DOWNSECS=") + 20);
                sprintf(downsecs, "DOWNSECS=%ld", (long)(getcurrenttime(NULL) - alert->eventstart));

                eventtstamp = (char *)malloc(strlen("EVENTSTART=") + 20);
                sprintf(eventtstamp, "EVENTSTART=%ld", (long)alert->eventstart);

                if ((alert->state == A_RECOVERED) || (alert->state == A_DISABLED)) {
                    downsecsmsg = (char *)malloc(strlen("DOWNSECSMSG=Event duration :") + 20);
                    sprintf(downsecsmsg, "DOWNSECSMSG=Event duration : %ld", (long)(getcurrenttime(NULL) - alert->eventstart));
                else {
                    downsecsmsg = strdup("DOWNSECSMSG=");

                alertid = make_alertid(alert->hostname, alert->testname, alert->eventstart);
                alertidenv = (char *)malloc(strlen("ALERTID=") + strlen(alertid) + 10);
                sprintf(alertidenv, "ALERTID=%s", alertid);

                hinfo = hostinfo(alert->hostname);
                if (hinfo) {
                    enum xmh_item_t walk;
                    char *itm, *id, *bbhenv;

                    for (walk = 0; (walk < XMH_LAST); walk++) {
                        itm = xmh_item(hinfo, walk);
                        id = xmh_item_id(walk);
                        if (itm && id) {
                            bbhenv = (char *)malloc(strlen(id) + strlen(itm) + 2);
                            sprintf(bbhenv, "%s=%s", id, itm);

                /* The child starts the script */
                execlp(recip->scriptname, recip->scriptname, NULL);
                errprintf("Could not launch paging script %s: %s\n",
                          recip->scriptname, strerror(errno));
            else if (scriptpid > 0) {
                /* Parent waits for child to complete */
                int childstat;

                if (WIFEXITED(childstat) && (WEXITSTATUS(childstat) != 0)) {
                    errprintf("Paging script %s terminated with status %d\n",
                              recip->scriptname, WEXITSTATUS(childstat));
                else if (WIFSIGNALED(childstat)) {
                    errprintf("Paging script %s terminated by signal %d\n",
                              recip->scriptname, WTERMSIG(childstat));

                if (logfd) {
                    fprintf(logfd, "%s %s.%s (%s) %s %ld %d",
                            timestamp, alert->hostname, alert->testname,
                            alert->ip, scriptrecip, (long)now,
                    if ((alert->state == A_RECOVERED) || (alert->state == A_DISABLED)) {
                        fprintf(logfd, " %ld\n", (long)(now - alert->eventstart));
                    else {
                        fprintf(logfd, "\n");
            else {
                errprintf("ERROR: Fork failed to launch script '%s' - alert lost\n", recip->scriptname);
                traceprintf("Script fork failed - alert lost\n");
예제 #14
static void count_duration(time_t fromtime, time_t totime,
			   pcre *pageregexp, pcre *expageregexp,
			   pcre *hostregexp, pcre *exhostregexp,
			   pcre *testregexp, pcre *extestregexp,
			   int ignoredialups, f_hostcheck hostcheck,
			   event_t *eventhead, countlist_t **hostcounthead, countlist_t **svccounthead)
	void *hwalk;
	elist_t *lwalk;
	event_t *ewalk;
	ed_t *ed;
	sendreturn_t *bdata;

	 * Restructure the event-list so we have a tree instead:
	 *      HostRecord
	 *      |  *Data ---->  EventList
	 *      |               |  *Service
	 *      |               |  *EventHead --> Event --> Event --> Event
	 *      |               |  *EventTail --------------------------^
	 *      |               |
	 *      |               v
	 *      |
	 *      v
	for (ewalk = eventhead; (ewalk); ewalk = ewalk->next) {
		lwalk = (elist_t *)xmh_item(ewalk->host, XMH_DATA);
		while (lwalk && (lwalk->svc != ewalk->service)) lwalk = lwalk->next;
		if (lwalk == NULL) {
			lwalk = (elist_t *)calloc(1, sizeof(elist_t));
			lwalk->svc = ewalk->service;
			lwalk->next = (elist_t *)xmh_item(ewalk->host, XMH_DATA);
			xmh_set_item(ewalk->host, XMH_DATA, (void *)lwalk);

		ed = (ed_t *)calloc(1, sizeof(ed_t));
		ed->event = ewalk;
		ed->next = lwalk->head;
		if (lwalk->head == NULL) lwalk->tail = ed;
		lwalk->head = ed;

	if (debug) {
		printf("\n\nEventtree before fixups\n\n");
	 * Next, we must add a pseudo record for the current state.
	 * This is for those statuses that haven't changed since the 
	 * start of our data-collection period - they won't have any events
	 * so we cannot tell what color they are. By grabbing the current
	 * color we can add a pseudo-event that lets us determine what the 
	 * color has been since the start of the event-period.
	bdata = newsendreturnbuf(1, NULL);
	if (sendmessage("xymondboard fields=hostname,testname,color,lastchange", NULL, XYMON_TIMEOUT, bdata) == XYMONSEND_OK) {
		char *bol, *eol;
		char *hname, *tname;
		int color;
		time_t lastchange;
		void *hrec;
		htnames_t *srec;
		char *icname = xgetenv("INFOCOLUMN");
		char *tcname = xgetenv("TRENDSCOLUMN");

		bol = getsendreturnstr(bdata, 0);
		while (bol) {
			eol = strchr(bol, '\n'); if (eol) *eol = '\0';
			hname = strtok(bol, "|");
			tname = (hname ? strtok(NULL, "|") : NULL);
			color = (tname ? parse_color(strtok(NULL, "|")) : -1);
			lastchange = ((color != -1) ? atol(strtok(NULL, "\n")) : totime+1);

			if (hname && tname && (color != -1) && (strcmp(tname, icname) != 0) && (strcmp(tname, tcname) != 0)) {
				hrec = hostinfo(hname);
				srec = getname(tname, 1);

				if (eventfilter(hrec, tname, 
						pageregexp, expageregexp, 
						hostregexp, exhostregexp,
						testregexp, extestregexp,
						ignoredialups, hostcheck) == 0) goto nextrecord;

				lwalk = (elist_t *)xmh_item(hrec, XMH_DATA);
				while (lwalk && (lwalk->svc != srec)) lwalk = lwalk->next;
				if (lwalk == NULL) {
					lwalk = (elist_t *)calloc(1, sizeof(elist_t));
					lwalk->svc = srec;
					lwalk->next = (elist_t *)xmh_item(hrec, XMH_DATA);
					xmh_set_item(hrec, XMH_DATA, (void *)lwalk);

				/* See if we already have an event past the "totime" value */
				if (lwalk->head) {
					ed = lwalk->head;
					while (ed && (ed->event->eventtime < totime)) ed = ed->next;

					if (ed) {
						ed->next = NULL;
						lwalk->tail = ed;
					else {
						ed = (ed_t *)calloc(1, sizeof(ed_t));
						ed->event = (event_t *)calloc(1, sizeof(event_t));
						lwalk->tail->next = ed;

						ed->event->host = hrec;
						ed->event->service = srec;
						ed->event->eventtime = totime;
						ed->event->changetime = lwalk->tail->event->eventtime;
						ed->event->duration = (totime - lwalk->tail->event->eventtime);
						ed->event->newcolor = -1;
						ed->event->oldcolor = lwalk->tail->event->newcolor;
						ed->event->next = NULL;
						ed->next = NULL;

						lwalk->tail = ed;
				else if (lastchange < totime) {
					ed = (ed_t *)calloc(1, sizeof(ed_t));
					ed->event = (event_t *)calloc(1, sizeof(event_t));
					ed->event->host = hrec;
					ed->event->service = srec;
					ed->event->eventtime = totime;
					ed->event->changetime = (lwalk->tail ? lwalk->tail->event->eventtime : fromtime);
					ed->event->duration = (totime - ed->event->changetime);
					ed->event->newcolor = color;
					ed->event->oldcolor = (lwalk->tail ? lwalk->tail->event->newcolor : color);
					ed->event->next = NULL;
					ed->next = NULL;

					lwalk->head = lwalk->tail = ed;

			bol = (eol ? eol+1 : NULL);

	else {
		errprintf("Cannot get the current state\n");

	if (debug) {
		printf("\n\nEventtree after pseudo-events\n\n");
	 * Fixup the beginning-time (and duration) of the first events recorded.
	 * This is to handle events that begin BEFORE our event-logging period.
	 * Fixup the end-time (and duration) of the last events recorded.
	 * This is to handle events that end AFTER our event-logging period.
	for (hwalk = first_host(); (hwalk); hwalk = next_host(hwalk, 0)) {
		elist_t *lwalk;
		event_t *erec;
		ed_t *ewalk;

		lwalk = (elist_t *)xmh_item(hwalk, XMH_DATA); 
		while (lwalk) {
			if (lwalk->head) {
				erec = lwalk->head->event;
				if (erec->changetime > totime) {
					/* First event is after our start-time. Drop the events */
					lwalk->head = lwalk->tail = NULL;
				else if (erec->changetime < fromtime) {
					/* First event is before our start-time. Adjust to starttime. */
					erec->changetime = fromtime;
					erec->duration = (erec->eventtime - fromtime);

				ewalk = lwalk->head;
				while (ewalk && (ewalk->event->eventtime < totime)) ewalk = ewalk->next;
				if (ewalk) {
					lwalk->tail = ewalk;
					lwalk->tail->next = 0;

				if (lwalk->tail) {
					erec = lwalk->tail->event;
					if (erec->eventtime > totime) {
						/* Last event is after our end-time. Adjust to end-time */
						erec->eventtime = totime;
						erec->duration = (totime - erec->changetime);

			lwalk = lwalk->next;

	if (debug) {
		printf("\n\nEventtree after fixups\n\n");

	for (hwalk = first_host(); (hwalk); hwalk = next_host(hwalk, 0)) {
		countlist_t *hrec, *srec;

		hrec = (countlist_t *)malloc(sizeof(countlist_t));
		hrec->src = hwalk;
		hrec->total = 0;
		hrec->next = *hostcounthead;
		*hostcounthead = hrec;

		lwalk = (elist_t *)xmh_item(hwalk, XMH_DATA);
		while (lwalk) {
			for (srec = *svccounthead; (srec && (srec->src != (void *)lwalk->svc)); srec = srec->next) ;
			if (!srec) {
				srec = (countlist_t *)malloc(sizeof(countlist_t));
				srec->src = (void *)lwalk->svc;
				srec->total = 0;
				srec->next = *svccounthead;
				*svccounthead = srec;

			if (lwalk->head) {
				ed_t *ewalk = lwalk->head;

				while (ewalk) {
					if (ewalk->event->oldcolor >= COL_YELLOW) {
						hrec->total += ewalk->event->duration;
						srec->total += ewalk->event->duration;
					ewalk = ewalk->next;

			lwalk = lwalk->next;

	if (debug) dump_countlists(*hostcounthead, *svccounthead);
예제 #15
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	char histlogfn[PATH_MAX];
	FILE *fd;
	char textrepfullfn[PATH_MAX], textrepfn[1024], textrepurl[PATH_MAX];
	FILE *textrep;
	reportinfo_t repinfo;
	int argi;
	char *envarea = NULL;
	void *hinfo;

	for (argi=1; (argi < argc); argi++) {
		if (argnmatch(argv[argi], "--env=")) {
			char *p = strchr(argv[argi], '=');
			loadenv(p+1, envarea);
		else if (argnmatch(argv[argi], "--area=")) {
			char *p = strchr(argv[argi], '=');
			envarea = strdup(p+1);


	cgidata = cgi_request();
	load_hostnames(xgetenv("HOSTSCFG"), NULL, get_fqdn());
        if ((hinfo = hostinfo(hostname)) == NULL) {
		errormsg("No such host");
		return 1;
	ip = xmh_item(hinfo, XMH_IP);
	displayname = xmh_item(hinfo, XMH_DISPLAYNAME);
	if (!displayname) displayname = hostname;

	sprintf(histlogfn, "%s/%s.%s", xgetenv("XYMONHISTDIR"), commafy(hostname), service);
	fd = fopen(histlogfn, "r");
	if (fd == NULL) {
		errormsg("Cannot open history file");

	color = parse_historyfile(fd, &repinfo, hostname, service, st, end, 0, reportwarnlevel, reportgreenlevel, reportwarnstops, reporttime);

	sprintf(textrepfn, "avail-%s-%s-%u-%u.txt", hostname, service, (unsigned int)getcurrenttime(NULL), (int)getpid());
	sprintf(textrepfullfn, "%s/%s", xgetenv("XYMONREPDIR"), textrepfn);
	sprintf(textrepurl, "%s/%s", xgetenv("XYMONREPURL"), textrepfn);
	textrep = fopen(textrepfullfn, "w");

	/* Now generate the webpage */
	printf("Content-Type: %s\n\n", xgetenv("HTMLCONTENTTYPE"));

	generate_replog(stdout, textrep, textrepurl, 
			hostname, service, color, style, 
			ip, displayname,
			st, end, reportwarnlevel, reportgreenlevel, reportwarnstops, 

	if (textrep) fclose(textrep);
	return 0;
예제 #16
void do_acknowledgementslog(FILE *output, 
		  int maxcount, int maxminutes, char *fromtime, char *totime, 
		  char *pageregex, char *expageregex,
		  char *hostregex, char *exhostregex,
		  char *testregex, char *extestregex,
		  char *rcptregex, char *exrcptregex)
	FILE *acknowledgementslog;
	char acknowledgementslogfilename[PATH_MAX];
	time_t firstevent = 0;
	time_t lastevent = getcurrenttime(NULL);
	acknowledgements_t *head, *walk;
	struct stat st;
	char l[MAX_LINE_LEN];
	char title[200];

	/* For the PCRE matching */
	const char *errmsg = NULL;
	int errofs = 0;
	pcre *pageregexp = NULL;
	pcre *expageregexp = NULL;
	pcre *hostregexp = NULL;
	pcre *exhostregexp = NULL;
	pcre *testregexp = NULL;
	pcre *extestregexp = NULL;
	pcre *rcptregexp = NULL;
	pcre *exrcptregexp = NULL;

	if (maxminutes && (fromtime || totime)) {
		fprintf(output, "<B>Only one time interval type is allowed!</B>");

	if (fromtime) {
		firstevent = convert_time(fromtime);
		if(firstevent < 0) {
			fprintf(output,"<B>Invalid 'from' time: %s</B>", htmlquoted(fromtime));
	else if (maxminutes) {
		firstevent = getcurrenttime(NULL) - maxminutes*60;
	else {
		firstevent = getcurrenttime(NULL) - 86400;

	if (totime) {
		lastevent = convert_time(totime);
		if (lastevent < 0) {
			fprintf(output,"<B>Invalid 'to' time: %s</B>", htmlquoted(totime));
		if (lastevent < firstevent) {
			fprintf(output,"<B>'to' time must be after 'from' time.</B>");

	if (!maxcount) maxcount = 100;

	if (pageregex && *pageregex) pageregexp = pcre_compile(pageregex, PCRE_CASELESS, &errmsg, &errofs, NULL);
	if (expageregex && *expageregex) expageregexp = pcre_compile(expageregex, PCRE_CASELESS, &errmsg, &errofs, NULL);
	if (hostregex && *hostregex) hostregexp = pcre_compile(hostregex, PCRE_CASELESS, &errmsg, &errofs, NULL);
	if (exhostregex && *exhostregex) exhostregexp = pcre_compile(exhostregex, PCRE_CASELESS, &errmsg, &errofs, NULL);
	if (testregex && *testregex) testregexp = pcre_compile(testregex, PCRE_CASELESS, &errmsg, &errofs, NULL);
	if (extestregex && *extestregex) extestregexp = pcre_compile(extestregex, PCRE_CASELESS, &errmsg, &errofs, NULL);
	if (rcptregex && *rcptregex) rcptregexp = pcre_compile(rcptregex, PCRE_CASELESS, &errmsg, &errofs, NULL);
	if (exrcptregex && *exrcptregex) exrcptregexp = pcre_compile(exrcptregex, PCRE_CASELESS, &errmsg, &errofs, NULL);

	sprintf(acknowledgementslogfilename, "%s/acknowledge.log", xgetenv("XYMONSERVERLOGS"));
	acknowledgementslog = fopen(acknowledgementslogfilename, "r");

	if (acknowledgementslog && (stat(acknowledgementslogfilename, &st) == 0)) {
		time_t curtime;
		int done = 0;

		/* Find a spot in the acknowledgements log file close to where the firstevent time is */
		fseeko(acknowledgementslog, 0, SEEK_END);
		do {
			/* Go back maxcount*80 bytes - one entry is ~80 bytes */
			if (ftello(acknowledgementslog) > maxcount*80) {
				unsigned int uicurtime;
				fseeko(acknowledgementslog, -maxcount*80, SEEK_CUR); 
				if (fgets(l, sizeof(l), acknowledgementslog) && /* Skip to start of line */
				    fgets(l, sizeof(l), acknowledgementslog)) {
                                        /* 2015-03-07 18:17:03 myserver disk andy 1 1425724570 1425752223 1425838623 testing message */
					if ( sscanf(l, "%*u-%*u-%*u %*u:%*u:%*u %*s %*s %*s %*u %*u %u %*u %*s", &uicurtime) == 0 ) {
					    /* that didnt work - try the old format
						1430040985      630949  30      630949  np_filename_not_used    myserver.procs red     testing log format \nAcked by: andy ( */
					    sscanf(l, "%u\t%*u\t%*u\t%*u\tnp_filename_not_used\t%*s\t%*s\t%*s", &uicurtime);
					curtime = uicurtime;
					done = (curtime < firstevent);
				else { 
					fprintf(output, "Error reading logfile %s: %s\n", acknowledgementslogfilename, strerror(errno));
			else {
				done = 1;
		} while (!done);
	head = NULL;

	while (acknowledgementslog && (fgets(l, sizeof(l), acknowledgementslog))) {

		unsigned int etim;
		unsigned int valid;
		int duration;
		time_t eventtime;
		time_t validity;
		char host[MAX_LINE_LEN];
		char svc[MAX_LINE_LEN];
		char recipient[MAX_LINE_LEN];
		char message[MAX_LINE_LEN];
		char *hostname, *svcname, *p;
		int itemsfound, pagematch, hostmatch, testmatch, rcptmatch;
		acknowledgements_t *newrec;
		void *eventhost;
		struct htnames_t *eventcolumn;
		int ovector[30];

                /* 2015-03-07 18:17:03 myserver disk andy 1 1425724570 1425752223 1425838623 testing message */
		itemsfound = sscanf(l, "%*u-%*u-%*u %*u:%*u:%*u %s %s %s %*u %*u %u %u %[^\t\n]", host, svc, recipient, &etim, &valid, message);
		if (itemsfound != 6) {
		    /* 1430040985      630949  30      630949  np_filename_not_used    myserver.procs red     testing log format \nAcked by: andy ( */
		    itemsfound = sscanf(l, "%u\t%*u\t%d\t%*u\tnp_filename_not_used\t%s\t%*s\t%[^\n]", &etim, &duration, host, message);
		    if (itemsfound != 4) continue;
		    p = strrchr(host, '.');
		    if (p) {
                        *p = '\0';
		    /* Xymon uses \n in the ack message, for the "acked by" data. Cut it off. */
		    p = strstr(message, "\\nAcked by:");
		    if (p) {
                        *(p-1) = '\0';
		    else {
		    p = strchr(recipient, '('); if (p) *(p-1) = '\0';
		eventtime = etim;
		if (eventtime < firstevent) continue;
		if (eventtime > lastevent) break;

		validity = duration ? (etim + duration * 60) : valid;

		hostname = host; svcname = svc;
		eventhost = hostinfo(hostname);
		if (!eventhost) continue; /* Dont report hosts that no longer exist */
		eventcolumn = getname(svcname, 1);

		p = strchr(recipient, '['); if (p) *p = '\0';

		if (pageregexp) {
			char *pagename;

			pagename = xmh_item_multi(eventhost, XMH_PAGEPATH);
			pagematch = 0;
			while (!pagematch && pagename) {
			pagematch = (pcre_exec(pageregexp, NULL, pagename, strlen(pagename), 0, 0, 
					ovector, (sizeof(ovector)/sizeof(int))) >= 0);
				pagename = xmh_item_multi(NULL, XMH_PAGEPATH);
			pagematch = 1;
		if (!pagematch) continue;

		if (expageregexp) {
			char *pagename;

			pagename = xmh_item_multi(eventhost, XMH_PAGEPATH);
			pagematch = 0;
			while (!pagematch && pagename) {
			pagematch = (pcre_exec(expageregexp, NULL, pagename, strlen(pagename), 0, 0, 
					ovector, (sizeof(ovector)/sizeof(int))) >= 0);
				pagename = xmh_item_multi(NULL, XMH_PAGEPATH);
			pagematch = 0;
		if (pagematch) continue;

		if (hostregexp)
			hostmatch = (pcre_exec(hostregexp, NULL, hostname, strlen(hostname), 0, 0, 
					ovector, (sizeof(ovector)/sizeof(int))) >= 0);
			hostmatch = 1;
		if (!hostmatch) continue;

		if (exhostregexp)
			hostmatch = (pcre_exec(exhostregexp, NULL, hostname, strlen(hostname), 0, 0, 
					ovector, (sizeof(ovector)/sizeof(int))) >= 0);
			hostmatch = 0;
		if (hostmatch) continue;

		if (testregexp)
			testmatch = (pcre_exec(testregexp, NULL, svcname, strlen(svcname), 0, 0, 
					ovector, (sizeof(ovector)/sizeof(int))) >= 0);
			testmatch = 1;
		if (!testmatch) continue;

		if (extestregexp)
			testmatch = (pcre_exec(extestregexp, NULL, svcname, strlen(svcname), 0, 0, 
					ovector, (sizeof(ovector)/sizeof(int))) >= 0);
			testmatch = 0;
		if (testmatch) continue;

		if (rcptregexp)
			rcptmatch = (pcre_exec(rcptregexp, NULL, recipient, strlen(recipient), 0, 0, 
					ovector, (sizeof(ovector)/sizeof(int))) >= 0);
			rcptmatch = 1;
		if (!rcptmatch) continue;

		if (exrcptregexp)
			rcptmatch = (pcre_exec(exrcptregexp, NULL, recipient, strlen(recipient), 0, 0, 
					ovector, (sizeof(ovector)/sizeof(int))) >= 0);
			rcptmatch = 0;
		if (rcptmatch) continue;

		newrec = (acknowledgements_t *) malloc(sizeof(acknowledgements_t));
		newrec->host       = eventhost;
		newrec->service    = eventcolumn;
		newrec->eventtime  = eventtime;
		newrec->validity   = validity;
		newrec->recipient  = strdup(recipient);
		newrec->message  = strdup(message);
		newrec->next       = head;
		head = newrec;

	if (head) {
		char *bgcolors[2] = { "#000000", "#000066" };
		int  bgcolor = 0;
		int  count;
		struct acknowledgements_t *lasttoshow = head;

		do {
			lasttoshow = walk;
			walk = walk->next;
		} while (walk && (count<maxcount));

		if (maxminutes)  { 
			sprintf(title, "%d acknowledgements in the past %u minutes", 
				count, (unsigned int)((getcurrenttime(NULL) - lasttoshow->eventtime) / 60));
		else {
			sprintf(title, "%d events acknowledged.", count);

		fprintf(output, "<BR><BR>\n");
		fprintf(output, "<TABLE SUMMARY=\"Acknowledgements log\" BORDER=0>\n");
		fprintf(output, "<TR BGCOLOR=\"#333333\">\n");
		fprintf(output, "<TD ALIGN=CENTER COLSPAN=6><FONT SIZE=-1 COLOR=\"#33ebf4\">%s</FONT></TD></TR>\n", htmlquoted(title));
		fprintf(output, "<TR BGCOLOR=\"#333333\"><TH>Time</TH><TH>Valid Until</TH><TH>Host</TH><TH>Service</TH><TH>Acknowledged By</TH><TH>Message</TH></TR>\n");

		for (walk=head; (walk != lasttoshow->next); walk=walk->next) {
			char *hostname = xmh_item(walk->host, XMH_HOSTNAME);

			fprintf(output, "<TR BGCOLOR=%s>\n", bgcolors[bgcolor]);
			bgcolor = ((bgcolor + 1) % 2);

			fprintf(output, "<TD ALIGN=LEFT>%s</TD>\n", ctime(&walk->eventtime));
			fprintf(output, "<TD ALIGN=LEFT>%s</TD>\n", ctime(&walk->validity));

			fprintf(output, "<TD ALIGN=LEFT>%s</TD>\n", hostname);
			fprintf(output, "<TD ALIGN=LEFT>%s</TD>\n", walk->service->name);
			fprintf(output, "<TD ALIGN=LEFT>%s</TD>\n", walk->recipient);
			fprintf(output, "<TD ALIGN=LEFT>%s</TD>\n", walk->message);

		fprintf(output, "</TABLE>\n");

		/* Clean up */
		walk = head;
		do {
			struct acknowledgements_t *tmp = walk;

			walk = walk->next;
		} while (walk);
	else {
		/* No acknowledgements during the past maxminutes */
		if (acknowledgementslog)
			sprintf(title, "No events acknowledged in the last %d minutes", maxminutes);
			strcpy(title, "No acknowledgements logged");

		fprintf(output, "<CENTER><BR>\n");
		fprintf(output, "<TABLE SUMMARY=\"%s\" BORDER=0>\n", title);
		fprintf(output, "<TR BGCOLOR=\"#333333\">\n");
		fprintf(output, "<TD ALIGN=CENTER COLSPAN=6><FONT SIZE=-1 COLOR=\"#33ebf4\">%s</FONT></TD>\n", htmlquoted(title));
		fprintf(output, "</TR>\n");
		fprintf(output, "</TABLE>\n");
		fprintf(output, "</CENTER>\n");

	if (acknowledgementslog) fclose(acknowledgementslog);

	if (pageregexp)   pcre_free(pageregexp);
	if (expageregexp) pcre_free(expageregexp);
	if (hostregexp)   pcre_free(hostregexp);
	if (exhostregexp) pcre_free(exhostregexp);
	if (testregexp)   pcre_free(testregexp);
	if (extestregexp) pcre_free(extestregexp);
	if (rcptregexp)   pcre_free(rcptregexp);
	if (exrcptregexp) pcre_free(exrcptregexp);
예제 #17
void print_hoststatus(FILE *output, hstatus_t *itm, RbtHandle columns, int prio, int firsthost)
	void *hinfo;
	char *dispname, *ip, *key;
	time_t now;
	RbtIterator colhandle;

	now = getcurrenttime(NULL);
	hinfo = hostinfo(itm->hostname);
	dispname = xmh_item(hinfo, XMH_DISPLAYNAME);
	ip = xmh_item(hinfo, XMH_IP);

	fprintf(output, "<TR>\n");

	/* Print the priority */
	fprintf(output, "<TD ALIGN=LEFT VALIGN=TOP WIDTH=25%% NOWRAP>");
	if (firsthost) 
		fprintf(output, "<FONT %s>PRIO %d</FONT>", xgetenv("XYMONPAGEROWFONT"), prio);
		fprintf(output, "&nbsp;");
	fprintf(output, "</TD>\n");

	/* Print the hostname with a link to the critical systems info page */
	fprintf(output, "<TD ALIGN=LEFT>%s</TD>\n", hostnamehtml(itm->hostname, NULL, usetooltips));

	key = (char *)malloc(strlen(itm->hostname) + 1024);
	for (colhandle = rbtBegin(columns); (colhandle != rbtEnd(columns)); colhandle = rbtNext(columns, colhandle)) {
		void *k1, *k2;
		char *colname;
		RbtIterator sthandle;

		fprintf(output, "<TD ALIGN=CENTER>");

		rbtKeyValue(columns, colhandle, &k1, &k2);
		colname = (char *)k1;
		sprintf(key, "%s|%s", itm->hostname, colname);
		sthandle = rbtFind(rbstate, key);
		if (sthandle == rbtEnd(rbstate)) {
			fprintf(output, "-");
		else {
			hstatus_t *column;
			char *htmlalttag;
			char *htmlackstr;

			rbtKeyValue(rbstate, sthandle, &k1, &k2);
			column = (hstatus_t *)k2;
			if (column->config->priority != prio) 
				fprintf(output, "-");
			else {
				time_t age = now - column->lastchange;
				char *htmlgroupstr;
				char *htmlextrastr;

				htmlalttag = alttag(colname, column->color, 0, 1, agestring(age));
				htmlackstr = (column->ackmsg ? column->ackmsg : "");
				htmlgroupstr = strdup(urlencode(column->config->ttgroup ? column->config->ttgroup : ""));
				htmlextrastr = strdup(urlencode(column->config->ttextra ? column->config->ttextra : ""));
				fprintf(output, "<A HREF=\"%s&amp;NKPRIO=%d&amp;NKTTGROUP=%s&amp;NKTTEXTRA=%s\">",
					hostsvcurl(itm->hostname, colname, 1),
					htmlgroupstr, htmlextrastr);
				fprintf(output, "<IMG SRC=\"%s/%s\" ALT=\"%s\" TITLE=\"%s %s\" HEIGHT=\"%s\" WIDTH=\"%s\" BORDER=0></A>",
					dotgiffilename(column->color, (column->acktime > 0), (age > oldlimit)),
					colorname(column->color), htmlalttag, htmlackstr,
					xgetenv("DOTHEIGHT"), xgetenv("DOTWIDTH"));

		fprintf(output, "</TD>\n");

	fprintf(output, "</TR>\n");
예제 #18
파일: webaccess.c 프로젝트: Kotty666/xymon
int web_access_allowed(char *username, char *hostname, char *testname, web_access_type_t acc)

	void *hinfo;
	char *pages, *onepg, *key;

	hinfo = hostinfo(hostname);
	if (!hinfo || !acctree || !username) return 0;

	/* Check for "root" access first */
	key = (char *)malloc(strlen(username) + 6);
	sprintf(key, "root %s", username);
	if (xtreeFind(acctree, key) != xtreeEnd(acctree)) {
		return 1;

	pages = strdup(xmh_item(hinfo, XMH_ALLPAGEPATHS));
	onepg = strtok(pages, ",");
	while (onepg) {
		char *p;

		p = strchr(onepg, '/'); if (p) *p = '\0'; /* Will only look at the top-level path element */

		key = (char *)malloc(strlen(onepg) + strlen(username) + 2);
		sprintf(key, "%s %s", onepg, username);
		if (xtreeFind(acctree, key) != xtreeEnd(acctree)) {
			return 1;

		onepg = strtok(NULL, ",");

	if (hostname) {
		/* See if user is a member of a group named by the hostname */
		key = (char *)malloc(strlen(hostname) + strlen(username) + 2);
		sprintf(key, "%s %s", hostname, username);
		if (xtreeFind(acctree, key) != xtreeEnd(acctree)) {
			return 1;

	if (testname) {
		/* See if user is a member of a group named by the testname */
		key = (char *)malloc(strlen(testname) + strlen(username) + 2);
		sprintf(key, "%s %s", testname, username);
		if (xtreeFind(acctree, key) != xtreeEnd(acctree)) {
			return 1;

	return 0;
예제 #19
void print_hoststatus(FILE *output, hstatus_t *itm, void * statetree, void * columns, int prio, int firsthost, int firsthostever)
	void *hinfo;
	char *dispname, *ip, *key;
	time_t now;
	xtreePos_t colhandle;

	now = getcurrenttime(NULL);
	hinfo = hostinfo(itm->hostname);
	dispname = xmh_item(hinfo, XMH_DISPLAYNAME);
	ip = xmh_item(hinfo, XMH_IP);

	fprintf(output, "<TR>\n");

	/* Print the priority */
	fprintf(output, "<TD ALIGN=LEFT VALIGN=TOP WIDTH=10%% NOWRAP>");
	if (firsthost) 
		if (prio == 99) {
			if (firsthostever)
				/* Only non-prioritised hosts, so just drop that text */
				fprintf(output, "&nbsp;");
				fprintf(output, "<FONT %s>No priority</FONT>", xgetenv("XYMONPAGEROWFONT"));
		else {
			fprintf(output, "<FONT %s>PRIO %d</FONT>", xgetenv("XYMONPAGEROWFONT"), prio);

		fprintf(output, "&nbsp;");
	fprintf(output, "</TD>\n");

	/* Print the hostname with a link to the critical systems info page */
	fprintf(output, "<TD ALIGN=LEFT>%s</TD>\n", hostnamehtml(itm->hostname, NULL, usetooltips));

	key = (char *)malloc(1024);
	for (colhandle = xtreeFirst(columns); (colhandle != xtreeEnd(columns)); colhandle = xtreeNext(columns, colhandle)) {
		char *colname;
		xtreePos_t sthandle;

		fprintf(output, "<TD ALIGN=CENTER>");

		colname = (char *)xtreeKey(columns, colhandle);
		key = (char *)realloc(key, 2 + strlen(itm->hostname) + strlen(colname));
		sprintf(key, "%s|%s", itm->hostname, colname);
		sthandle = xtreeFind(statetree, key);
		if (sthandle == xtreeEnd(statetree)) {
			fprintf(output, "-");
		else {
			hstatus_t *column;
			char *htmlalttag;
			char *htmlackstr;

			column = (hstatus_t *)xtreeData(statetree, sthandle);
			if (column->config->priority != prio) 
				fprintf(output, "-");
			else {
				time_t age = now - column->lastchange;
				char *htmlgroupstr;
				char *htmlextrastr;

				htmlalttag = alttag(colname, column->color, 0, 1, agestring(age));
				htmlackstr = (column->ackmsg ? column->ackmsg : "");
				htmlgroupstr = strdup(urlencode(column->config->ttgroup ? column->config->ttgroup : ""));
				htmlextrastr = strdup(urlencode(column->config->ttextra ? column->config->ttextra : ""));
				fprintf(output, "<A HREF=\"%s&amp;NKPRIO=%d&amp;NKTTGROUP=%s&amp;NKTTEXTRA=%s\">",
					hostsvcurl(itm->hostname, colname, 1),
					htmlgroupstr, htmlextrastr);
				fprintf(output, "<IMG SRC=\"%s/%s\" ALT=\"%s\" TITLE=\"%s %s\" HEIGHT=\"%s\" WIDTH=\"%s\" BORDER=0></A>",
					dotgiffilename(column->color, (column->acktime > 0), (age > oldlimit)),
					colorname(column->color), htmlalttag, htmlackstr,
					xgetenv("DOTHEIGHT"), xgetenv("DOTWIDTH"));

		fprintf(output, "</TD>\n");

	fprintf(output, "</TR>\n");
예제 #20
void send_test_results(listhead_t *head, char *collector, int issubmodule, char *location, int usebackfeed)
	char msgline[4096];
	listitem_t *walk;
	xtreePos_t handle;
	void *hostresults = xtreeNew(strcasecmp);

	if (usebackfeed) combo_start_local(); else combo_start();
	for (walk = head->head; (walk); walk = walk->next) {
		hostresult_t *hres;
		myconn_t *rec = (myconn_t *)walk->data;
		char *s;

		if (rec->ignoreresult) continue;

		switch (rec->talkprotocol) {
			if (!issubmodule && (rec->talkresult == TALK_OK)) {
				add_to_sub_queue(rec, "ping", location, NULL);

#ifdef HAVE_LDAP
			if (!issubmodule && (rec->talkresult == TALK_OK)) {
				char *creds = xmh_item(rec->hostinfo, XMH_LDAPLOGIN);

				add_to_sub_queue(rec, "ldap", location, creds, NULL);

			if (!issubmodule && (rec->talkresult == TALK_OK)) {
				if (strncmp(rec->testspec, "rpc=", 4) == 0)
					add_to_sub_queue(rec, "rpc", location, NULL);
					add_to_sub_queue(rec, rec->testspec, location, NULL);


		handle = xtreeFind(hostresults, xmh_item(rec->hostinfo, XMH_HOSTNAME));
		if (handle == xtreeEnd(hostresults)) {
			hres = (hostresult_t *)calloc(1, sizeof(hostresult_t));
			hres->hinfo = rec->hostinfo;
			hres->txt = newstrbuffer(0);
			xtreeAdd(hostresults, xmh_item(rec->hostinfo, XMH_HOSTNAME), hres);

			snprintf(msgline, sizeof(msgline), "client/%s %s.netcollect netcollect\n", 
				collector, xmh_item(rec->hostinfo, XMH_HOSTNAME));
			addtobuffer(hres->txt, msgline);
		else {
			hres = xtreeData(hostresults, handle);

		switch (rec->talkprotocol) {
			snprintf(msgline, sizeof(msgline), "\n[dns=%s]\n", rec->testspec);
			addtobuffer(hres->txt, msgline);
			snprintf(msgline, sizeof(msgline), "\n[ping=%s]\n", rec->netparams.destinationip);
			addtobuffer(hres->txt, msgline);
			snprintf(msgline, sizeof(msgline), "SourceSpec: %s\n", rec->testspec);
			addtobuffer(hres->txt, msgline);
			snprintf(msgline, sizeof(msgline), "\n[%s]\n", rec->testspec);
			addtobuffer(hres->txt, msgline);

		snprintf(msgline, sizeof(msgline), "Handler: %s\n", talkproto_names[rec->talkprotocol]);
		addtobuffer(hres->txt, msgline);

		snprintf(msgline, sizeof(msgline), "StartTime: %d\nEndTime: %d\n", (int)rec->teststarttime, (int)rec->testendtime);
		addtobuffer(hres->txt, msgline);

		if (rec->netparams.lookupstring) {
			snprintf(msgline, sizeof(msgline), "TargetHostname: %s\n", rec->netparams.lookupstring);
			addtobuffer(hres->txt, msgline);
		snprintf(msgline, sizeof(msgline), "TargetIP: %s\n", rec->netparams.destinationip);
		addtobuffer(hres->txt, msgline);
		snprintf(msgline, sizeof(msgline), "TargetPort: %d\n", rec->netparams.destinationport);
		addtobuffer(hres->txt, msgline);
		if (rec->netparams.sourceip) {
			snprintf(msgline, sizeof(msgline), "SourceIP: %s\n", rec->netparams.sourceip);
			addtobuffer(hres->txt, msgline);

		if (location) {
			snprintf(msgline, sizeof(msgline), "Location: %s\n", location);
			addtobuffer(hres->txt, msgline);

		if (rec->talkprotocol == TALK_PROTO_PING)
			s = "ICMP";
		else {
			switch (rec->netparams.socktype) {
			  case CONN_SOCKTYPE_STREAM: s = "TCP"; break;
			  case CONN_SOCKTYPE_DGRAM: s = "UDP"; break;
			  default: s = "UNKNOWN"; break;
		snprintf(msgline, sizeof(msgline), "Protocol: %s\n", s);
		addtobuffer(hres->txt, msgline);

		switch (rec->netparams.sslhandling) {
		  case CONN_SSL_NO: s = "NO"; break;
		  case CONN_SSL_YES: s = "YES"; break;
		  default: s = "UNKNOWN"; break;
		snprintf(msgline, sizeof(msgline), "SSL: %s\n", s);
		addtobuffer(hres->txt, msgline);

		switch (rec->talkresult) {
		  case TALK_CONN_FAILED: s = "CONN_FAILED"; break;
		  case TALK_CONN_TIMEOUT: s = "CONN_TIMEOUT"; break;
		  case TALK_OK: s = "OK"; break;
		  case TALK_BADDATA: s = "BADDATA"; break;
		  case TALK_INTERRUPTED: s = "INTERRUPTED"; break;
		  case TALK_MODULE_FAILED: s = "MODULE_FAILED"; break;
		  default: s = "UNKNOWN"; break;
		snprintf(msgline, sizeof(msgline), "Status: %s\n", s);
		addtobuffer(hres->txt, msgline);

		snprintf(msgline, sizeof(msgline), "TestID: %lu\nElapsedMS: %d.%02d\nDNSMS: %d.%02d\nTimeoutMS: %d\nIntervalMS: %d\n",
			(rec->elapsedus / 1000), (rec->elapsedus % 1000), 
			(rec->dnselapsedus / 1000), (rec->dnselapsedus % 1000), 
			rec->timeout*1000, rec->interval*1000);
		addtobuffer(hres->txt, msgline);

		snprintf(msgline, sizeof(msgline), "BytesRead: %u\nBytesWritten: %u\n", rec->bytesread, rec->byteswritten);
		addtobuffer(hres->txt, msgline);

		if (rec->peercertificate) {
			char exps[50];

			addtobuffer(hres->txt, "PeerCertificateSubject: ");
			addtobuffer(hres->txt, rec->peercertificate);
			addtobuffer(hres->txt, "\n");
			addtobuffer(hres->txt, "PeerCertificateIssuer: ");
			addtobuffer(hres->txt, rec->peercertificateissuer);
			addtobuffer(hres->txt, "\n");

			strftime(exps, sizeof(exps), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S UTC", gmtime(&rec->peercertificatestart));
			snprintf(msgline, sizeof(msgline), "PeerCertificateStart: %d %s\n", (int)rec->peercertificatestart, exps);
			addtobuffer(hres->txt, msgline);

			strftime(exps, sizeof(exps), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S UTC", gmtime(&rec->peercertificateexpiry));
			snprintf(msgline, sizeof(msgline), "PeerCertificateExpiry: %d %s\n", (int)rec->peercertificateexpiry, exps);
			addtobuffer(hres->txt, msgline);

			snprintf(msgline, sizeof(msgline), "PeerCertificateKeysize: %d\n", (int)rec->peercertificatekeysize);
			addtobuffer(hres->txt, msgline);

			snprintf(msgline, sizeof(msgline), "PeerCertificateDetails: %d\n", (int)strlen(rec->peercertificatedetails)+1);
			addtobuffer(hres->txt, msgline);
			addtobuffer(hres->txt, rec->peercertificatedetails);
			addtobuffer(hres->txt, "\n");

		switch (rec->talkprotocol) {
		  case TALK_PROTO_PLAIN: result_plain(rec, hres->txt); break;
		  case TALK_PROTO_NTP: result_ntp(rec, hres->txt); break;
		  case TALK_PROTO_HTTP: result_http(rec, hres->txt); break;
		  case TALK_PROTO_DNSQUERY: result_dns(rec, hres->txt); break;
		  case TALK_PROTO_PING: result_subqueue("PING", rec, hres->txt); break;
#ifdef HAVE_LDAP
		  case TALK_PROTO_LDAP: result_subqueue("LDAP", rec, hres->txt); break;
		  case TALK_PROTO_EXTERNAL: result_subqueue(rec->testspec, rec, hres->txt); break;
		  default: break;

	for (handle = xtreeFirst(hostresults); handle != xtreeEnd(hostresults); handle = xtreeNext(hostresults, handle)) {
		hostresult_t *hres = xtreeData(hostresults, handle);

		xtreeDelete(hostresults, xmh_item(hres->hinfo, XMH_HOSTNAME));

예제 #21
static int  eventfilter(void *hinfo, char *testname,
			pcre *pageregexp, pcre *expageregexp,
			pcre *hostregexp, pcre *exhostregexp,
			pcre *testregexp, pcre *extestregexp,
			int ignoredialups, f_hostcheck hostcheck)
	int pagematch, hostmatch, testmatch;
	char *hostname = xmh_item(hinfo, XMH_HOSTNAME);
	int ovector[30];

	if (ignoredialups && xmh_item(hinfo, XMH_FLAG_DIALUP)) return 0;
	if (hostcheck && (hostcheck(hostname) == 0)) return 0;

	if (pageregexp) {
		char *pagename;

		pagename = xmh_item_multi(hinfo, XMH_PAGEPATH);
		pagematch = 0;
		while (!pagematch && pagename) {
			pagematch = (pcre_exec(pageregexp, NULL, pagename, strlen(pagename), 0, 0, 
					ovector, (sizeof(ovector)/sizeof(int))) >= 0);
			pagename = xmh_item_multi(NULL, XMH_PAGEPATH);
		pagematch = 1;
	if (!pagematch) return 0;

	if (expageregexp) {
		char *pagename;

		pagename = xmh_item_multi(hinfo, XMH_PAGEPATH);
		pagematch = 0;
		while (!pagematch && pagename) {
			pagematch = (pcre_exec(expageregexp, NULL, pagename, strlen(pagename), 0, 0, 
					ovector, (sizeof(ovector)/sizeof(int))) >= 0);
			pagename = xmh_item_multi(NULL, XMH_PAGEPATH);
		pagematch = 0;
	if (pagematch) return 0;

	if (hostregexp)
		hostmatch = (pcre_exec(hostregexp, NULL, hostname, strlen(hostname), 0, 0, 
				ovector, (sizeof(ovector)/sizeof(int))) >= 0);
		hostmatch = 1;
	if (!hostmatch) return 0;

	if (exhostregexp)
		hostmatch = (pcre_exec(exhostregexp, NULL, hostname, strlen(hostname), 0, 0, 
				ovector, (sizeof(ovector)/sizeof(int))) >= 0);
		hostmatch = 0;
	if (hostmatch) return 0;

	if (testregexp)
		testmatch = (pcre_exec(testregexp, NULL, testname, strlen(testname), 0, 0, 
				ovector, (sizeof(ovector)/sizeof(int))) >= 0);
		testmatch = 1;
	if (!testmatch) return 0;

	if (extestregexp)
		testmatch = (pcre_exec(extestregexp, NULL, testname, strlen(testname), 0, 0, 
				ovector, (sizeof(ovector)/sizeof(int))) >= 0);
		testmatch = 0;
	if (testmatch) return 0;

	return 1;
예제 #22
void add_http_test(testitem_t *t)
	http_data_t *httptest;

	char *dnsip = NULL;
	ssloptions_t *sslopt = NULL;
	char *sslopt_ciphers = NULL;
	int sslopt_version = SSLVERSION_DEFAULT;
	char *sslopt_clientcert = NULL;
	int  httpversion = HTTPVER_11;
	cookielist_t *ck = NULL;
	int firstcookie = 1;
	char *decodedurl;
	strbuffer_t *httprequest = newstrbuffer(0);

	/* Allocate the private data and initialize it */
	httptest = (http_data_t *) calloc(1, sizeof(http_data_t));
	t->privdata = (void *) httptest;

	decodedurl = decode_url(t->testspec, &httptest->weburl);
	if (!decodedurl) {
		errprintf("Invalid URL for http check: %s\n", t->testspec);

	httptest->url = strdup(decodedurl);
	httptest->contlen = -1;
	httptest->parsestatus = (httptest->weburl.proxyurl ? httptest->weburl.proxyurl->parseerror : httptest->weburl.desturl->parseerror);

	/* If there was a parse error in the URL, dont run the test */
	if (httptest->parsestatus) return;

	if (httptest->weburl.proxyurl && (httptest->weburl.proxyurl->ip == NULL)) {
		dnsip = dnsresolve(httptest->weburl.proxyurl->host);
		if (dnsip) {
			httptest->weburl.proxyurl->ip = strdup(dnsip);
		else {
			dbgprintf("Could not resolve URL hostname '%s'\n", httptest->weburl.proxyurl->host);
	else if (httptest->weburl.desturl->ip == NULL) {
		dnsip = dnsresolve(httptest->weburl.desturl->host);
		if (dnsip) {
			httptest->weburl.desturl->ip = strdup(dnsip);
		else {
			dbgprintf("Could not resolve URL hostname '%s'\n", httptest->weburl.desturl->host);

	switch (httptest->weburl.testtype) {
		httptest->contentcheck = CONTENTCHECK_NONE;

			FILE *contentfd;
			char contentfn[PATH_MAX];
			sprintf(contentfn, "%s/content/%s.substring", xgetenv("XYMONHOME"), commafy(t->host->hostname));
			contentfd = fopen(contentfn, "r");
			if (contentfd) {
				char l[MAX_LINE_LEN];
				char *p;

				if (fgets(l, sizeof(l), contentfd)) {
					p = strchr(l, '\n'); if (p) { *p = '\0'; };
					httptest->weburl.expdata = strdup(l);
				else {
					httptest->contstatus = STATUS_CONTENTMATCH_NOFILE;
			else {
				httptest->contstatus = STATUS_CONTENTMATCH_NOFILE;
			httptest->contentcheck = CONTENTCHECK_REGEX;

		httptest->contentcheck = ((*httptest->weburl.expdata == '#') ?  CONTENTCHECK_DIGEST : CONTENTCHECK_REGEX);

		httptest->contentcheck = CONTENTCHECK_NOREGEX;

		if (httptest->weburl.expdata == NULL) {
			httptest->contentcheck = CONTENTCHECK_NONE;
		else {
			httptest->contentcheck = ((*httptest->weburl.expdata == '#') ?  CONTENTCHECK_DIGEST : CONTENTCHECK_REGEX);

		if (httptest->weburl.expdata == NULL) {
			httptest->contentcheck = CONTENTCHECK_NONE;
		else {
			httptest->contentcheck = CONTENTCHECK_NOREGEX;

		httptest->contentcheck = CONTENTCHECK_CONTENTTYPE;

	/* Compile the hashes and regex's for those tests that use it */
	switch (httptest->contentcheck) {
			char *hashfunc;

			httptest->exp = (void *) strdup(httptest->weburl.expdata+1);
			hashfunc = strchr(httptest->exp, ':');
			if (hashfunc) {
				*hashfunc = '\0';
				httptest->digestctx = digest_init(httptest->exp);
				*hashfunc = ':';

			int status;

			httptest->exp = (void *) malloc(sizeof(regex_t));
			status = regcomp((regex_t *)httptest->exp, httptest->weburl.expdata, REG_EXTENDED|REG_NOSUB);
			if (status) {
				errprintf("Failed to compile regexp '%s' for URL %s\n", httptest->weburl.expdata, httptest->url);
				httptest->contstatus = STATUS_CONTENTMATCH_BADREGEX;

		httptest->exp = httptest->weburl.expdata;

	if (httptest->weburl.desturl->schemeopts) {
		if      (strstr(httptest->weburl.desturl->schemeopts, "3"))      sslopt_version = SSLVERSION_V3;
		else if (strstr(httptest->weburl.desturl->schemeopts, "2"))      sslopt_version = SSLVERSION_V2;

		if      (strstr(httptest->weburl.desturl->schemeopts, "h"))      sslopt_ciphers = ciphershigh;
		else if (strstr(httptest->weburl.desturl->schemeopts, "m"))      sslopt_ciphers = ciphersmedium;

		if      (strstr(httptest->weburl.desturl->schemeopts, "10"))     httpversion    = HTTPVER_10;
		else if (strstr(httptest->weburl.desturl->schemeopts, "11"))     httpversion    = HTTPVER_11;

	/* Get any cookies */

	/* Generate the request */
	addtobuffer(httprequest, (httptest->weburl.postdata ? "POST " : "GET "));
	switch (httpversion) {
		case HTTPVER_10: 
			addtobuffer(httprequest, (httptest->weburl.proxyurl ? httptest->url : httptest->weburl.desturl->relurl));
			addtobuffer(httprequest, " HTTP/1.0\r\n"); 

		case HTTPVER_11: 
			 * Experience shows that even though HTTP/1.1 says you should send the
			 * full URL, some servers (e.g. SunOne App server 7) choke on it.
			 * So just send the good-old relative URL unless we're proxying.
			addtobuffer(httprequest, (httptest->weburl.proxyurl ? httptest->url : httptest->weburl.desturl->relurl));
			addtobuffer(httprequest, " HTTP/1.1\r\n"); 
			addtobuffer(httprequest, "Connection: close\r\n"); 

	addtobuffer(httprequest, "Host: ");
	addtobuffer(httprequest, httptest->weburl.desturl->host);
	if ((httptest->weburl.desturl->port != 80) && (httptest->weburl.desturl->port != 443)) {
		char hostporthdr[20];

		sprintf(hostporthdr, ":%d", httptest->weburl.desturl->port);
		addtobuffer(httprequest, hostporthdr);
	addtobuffer(httprequest, "\r\n");

	if (httptest->weburl.postdata) {
		char hdr[100];
		int contlen = strlen(httptest->weburl.postdata);

		if (strncmp(httptest->weburl.postdata, "file:", 5) == 0) {
			/* Load the POST data from a file */
			FILE *pf = fopen(httptest->weburl.postdata+5, "r");
			if (pf == NULL) {
				errprintf("Cannot open POST data file %s\n", httptest->weburl.postdata+5);
				httptest->weburl.postdata = strdup("");
				contlen = 0;
			else {
				struct stat st;

				if (fstat(fileno(pf), &st) == 0) {
					int n;

					httptest->weburl.postdata = (char *)malloc(st.st_size + 1); *(httptest->weburl.postdata) = '\0';
					n = fread(httptest->weburl.postdata, 1, st.st_size, pf);
					if (n == st.st_size) {
						*(httptest->weburl.postdata+n) = '\0';
						contlen = n;
					else {
						errprintf("Cannot read file %s: %s\n", httptest->weburl.postdata+5, strerror(errno));
						contlen = 0;
				else {
					errprintf("Cannot stat file %s\n", httptest->weburl.postdata+5);
					httptest->weburl.postdata = strdup("");
					contlen = 0;


		addtobuffer(httprequest, "Content-type: ");
		if      (httptest->weburl.postcontenttype) 
			addtobuffer(httprequest, httptest->weburl.postcontenttype);
		else if ((httptest->weburl.testtype == WEBTEST_SOAP) || (httptest->weburl.testtype == WEBTEST_NOSOAP)) 
			addtobuffer(httprequest, "application/soap+xml; charset=utf-8");
			addtobuffer(httprequest, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
		addtobuffer(httprequest, "\r\n");

		sprintf(hdr, "Content-Length: %d\r\n", contlen);
		addtobuffer(httprequest, hdr);
		char useragent[100];
		void *hinfo;
		char *browser = NULL;

		hinfo = hostinfo(t->host->hostname);
		if (hinfo) browser = xmh_item(hinfo, XMH_BROWSER);

		if (browser) {
			sprintf(useragent, "User-Agent: %s\r\n", browser);
		else {
			sprintf(useragent, "User-Agent: Xymon xymonnet/%s\r\n", VERSION);

		addtobuffer(httprequest, useragent);
	if (httptest->weburl.desturl->auth) {
		if (strncmp(httptest->weburl.desturl->auth, "CERT:", 5) == 0) {
			sslopt_clientcert = httptest->weburl.desturl->auth+5;
		else {
			addtobuffer(httprequest, "Authorization: Basic ");
			addtobuffer(httprequest, base64encode(httptest->weburl.desturl->auth));
			addtobuffer(httprequest, "\r\n");
	if (httptest->weburl.proxyurl && httptest->weburl.proxyurl->auth) {
		addtobuffer(httprequest, "Proxy-Authorization: Basic ");
		addtobuffer(httprequest, base64encode(httptest->weburl.proxyurl->auth));
		addtobuffer(httprequest, "\r\n");
	for (ck = cookiehead; (ck); ck = ck->next) {
		int useit = 0;

		if (ck->tailmatch) {
			int startpos = strlen(httptest->weburl.desturl->host) - strlen(ck->host);

			if (startpos > 0) useit = (strcmp(httptest->weburl.desturl->host+startpos, ck->host) == 0);
		else useit = (strcmp(httptest->weburl.desturl->host, ck->host) == 0);
		if (useit) useit = (strncmp(ck->path, httptest->weburl.desturl->relurl, strlen(ck->path)) == 0);

		if (useit) {
			if (firstcookie) {
				addtobuffer(httprequest, "Cookie: ");
				firstcookie = 0;
			addtobuffer(httprequest, ck->name);
			addtobuffer(httprequest, "=");
			addtobuffer(httprequest, ck->value);
			addtobuffer(httprequest, "\r\n");

	/* Some standard stuff */
	addtobuffer(httprequest, "Accept: */*\r\n");
	addtobuffer(httprequest, "Pragma: no-cache\r\n");

	if ((httptest->weburl.testtype == WEBTEST_SOAP) || (httptest->weburl.testtype == WEBTEST_NOSOAP)) {
		/* Must provide a SOAPAction header */
		addtobuffer(httprequest, "SOAPAction: ");
		addtobuffer(httprequest, httptest->url);
		addtobuffer(httprequest, "\r\n");
	/* The final blank line terminates the headers */
	addtobuffer(httprequest, "\r\n");

	/* Post data goes last */
	if (httptest->weburl.postdata) addtobuffer(httprequest, httptest->weburl.postdata);

	/* Pickup any SSL options the user wants */
	if (sslopt_ciphers || (sslopt_version != SSLVERSION_DEFAULT) || sslopt_clientcert){
		sslopt = (ssloptions_t *) malloc(sizeof(ssloptions_t));
		sslopt->cipherlist = sslopt_ciphers;
		sslopt->sslversion = sslopt_version;
		sslopt->clientcert = sslopt_clientcert;

	/* Add to TCP test queue */
	if (httptest->weburl.proxyurl == NULL) {
		httptest->tcptest = add_tcp_test(httptest->weburl.desturl->ip, 
						 sslopt, t->srcip,
						 t->testspec, t->silenttest, grabstrbuffer(httprequest), 
						 httptest, tcp_http_data_callback, tcp_http_final_callback);
	else {
		httptest->tcptest = add_tcp_test(httptest->weburl.proxyurl->ip, 
						 sslopt, t->srcip,
						 t->testspec, t->silenttest, grabstrbuffer(httprequest), 
						 httptest, tcp_http_data_callback, tcp_http_final_callback);
예제 #23
void do_eventlog(FILE *output, int maxcount, int maxminutes, char *fromtime, char *totime, 
		char *pageregex, char *expageregex,
		char *hostregex, char *exhostregex,
		char *testregex, char *extestregex,
		char *colrregex, int ignoredialups,
		f_hostcheck hostcheck,
		event_t **eventlist, countlist_t **hostcounts, countlist_t **servicecounts,
		countsummary_t counttype, eventsummary_t sumtype, char *periodstring)
	FILE *eventlog;
	char eventlogfilename[PATH_MAX];
	time_t firstevent = 0;
	time_t lastevent = getcurrenttime(NULL);
	event_t	*eventhead = NULL;
	struct stat st;
	char l[MAX_LINE_LEN];
	char title[200];

	/* For the PCRE matching */
	const char *errmsg = NULL;
	int errofs = 0;
	pcre *pageregexp = NULL;
	pcre *expageregexp = NULL;
	pcre *hostregexp = NULL;
	pcre *exhostregexp = NULL;
	pcre *testregexp = NULL;
	pcre *extestregexp = NULL;
	pcre *colrregexp = NULL;
	countlist_t *hostcounthead = NULL, *svccounthead = NULL;

	if (eventlist) *eventlist = NULL;
	if (hostcounts) *hostcounts = NULL;
	if (servicecounts) *servicecounts = NULL;

	havedoneeventlog = 1;

	if ((maxminutes > 0) && (fromtime || totime)) {
		fprintf(output, "<B>Only one time interval type is allowed!</B>");

	if (fromtime) {
		firstevent = eventreport_time(fromtime);
		if(firstevent < 0) {
			if (output) fprintf(output,"<B>Invalid 'from' time: %s</B>", htmlquoted(fromtime));
	else if (maxminutes == -1) {
		/* Unlimited number of minutes */
		firstevent = 0;
	else if (maxminutes > 0) {
		firstevent = getcurrenttime(NULL) - maxminutes*60;
	else {
		firstevent = getcurrenttime(NULL) - 86400;

	if (totime) {
		lastevent = eventreport_time(totime);
		if (lastevent < 0) {
			if (output) fprintf(output,"<B>Invalid 'to' time: %s</B>", htmlquoted(totime));
		if (lastevent < firstevent) {
			if (output) fprintf(output,"<B>'to' time must be after 'from' time.</B>");

	if (!maxcount) maxcount = 100;

	if (pageregex && *pageregex) pageregexp = pcre_compile(pageregex, PCRE_CASELESS, &errmsg, &errofs, NULL);
	if (expageregex && *expageregex) expageregexp = pcre_compile(expageregex, PCRE_CASELESS, &errmsg, &errofs, NULL);
	if (hostregex && *hostregex) hostregexp = pcre_compile(hostregex, PCRE_CASELESS, &errmsg, &errofs, NULL);
	if (exhostregex && *exhostregex) exhostregexp = pcre_compile(exhostregex, PCRE_CASELESS, &errmsg, &errofs, NULL);
	if (testregex && *testregex) testregexp = pcre_compile(testregex, PCRE_CASELESS, &errmsg, &errofs, NULL);
	if (extestregex && *extestregex) extestregexp = pcre_compile(extestregex, PCRE_CASELESS, &errmsg, &errofs, NULL);
	if (colrregex && *colrregex) colrregexp = pcre_compile(colrregex, PCRE_CASELESS, &errmsg, &errofs, NULL);

	sprintf(eventlogfilename, "%s/allevents", xgetenv("XYMONHISTDIR"));
	eventlog = fopen(eventlogfilename, "r");

	if (eventlog && (stat(eventlogfilename, &st) == 0)) {
		time_t curtime;
		int done = 0;
		int unlimited = (maxcount == -1);

		if (unlimited) maxcount = 1000;
		do {
			/* Find a spot in the eventlog file close to where the firstevent time is */
			fseeko(eventlog, 0, SEEK_END);
			do {
				/* Go back maxcount*80 bytes - one entry is ~80 bytes */
				if (ftello(eventlog) > maxcount*80) {
					unsigned int uicurtime;
					fseeko(eventlog, -maxcount*80, SEEK_CUR); 
					if (fgets(l, sizeof(l), eventlog) &&  /* Skip to start of line */
					    fgets(l, sizeof(l), eventlog)) {
						sscanf(l, "%*s %*s %u %*u %*u %*s %*s %*d", &uicurtime);
						curtime = uicurtime;
						done = (curtime < firstevent);
						if (unlimited && !done) maxcount += 1000;
					else {
						if (output) fprintf(output,"Error reading eventlog file %s: %s\n", eventlogfilename, strerror(errno));
				else {
					curtime = 0;
					done = 1;
			} while (!done);

			if (unlimited) unlimited = ((curtime > firstevent) && (ftello(eventlog) > 0));
		} while (unlimited);
	eventhead = NULL;

	while (eventlog && (fgets(l, sizeof(l), eventlog))) {

		time_t eventtime, changetime, duration;
		unsigned int uievt, uicht, uidur;
		char hostname[MAX_LINE_LEN], svcname[MAX_LINE_LEN], newcol[MAX_LINE_LEN], oldcol[MAX_LINE_LEN];
		char *newcolname, *oldcolname;
		int state, itemsfound, colrmatch;
		event_t *newevent;
		void *eventhost;
		struct htnames_t *eventcolumn;
		int ovector[30];
		eventcount_t *countrec;

		itemsfound = sscanf(l, "%s %s %u %u %u %s %s %d",
			hostname, svcname,
			&uievt, &uicht, &uidur, 
			newcol, oldcol, &state);
		eventtime = uievt; changetime = uicht; duration = uidur;
		oldcolname = colorname(eventcolor(oldcol));
		newcolname = colorname(eventcolor(newcol));
		/* For DURATION counts, we must parse all events until now */
		if ((counttype != XYMON_COUNT_DURATION) && (eventtime > lastevent)) break;
		eventhost = hostinfo(hostname);
		eventcolumn = getname(svcname, 1);

		if ( (itemsfound == 8) && 
		     (eventtime >= firstevent) && 
		     (eventhost && !xmh_item(eventhost, XMH_FLAG_NONONGREEN)) && 
		     (wanted_eventcolumn(svcname)) ) {

			if (eventfilter(eventhost, svcname, 
					pageregexp, expageregexp, 
					hostregexp, exhostregexp,
					testregexp, extestregexp,
					ignoredialups, hostcheck) == 0) continue;

			/* For duration counts, record all events. We'll filter out the colors later. */
			if (colrregexp && (counttype != XYMON_COUNT_DURATION)) {
				colrmatch = ( (pcre_exec(colrregexp, NULL, newcolname, strlen(newcolname), 0, 0,
							ovector, (sizeof(ovector)/sizeof(int))) >= 0) ||
					      (pcre_exec(colrregexp, NULL, oldcolname, strlen(oldcolname), 0, 0,
							ovector, (sizeof(ovector)/sizeof(int))) >= 0) );
				colrmatch = 1;
			if (!colrmatch) continue;

			newevent = (event_t *) malloc(sizeof(event_t));
			newevent->host       = eventhost;
			newevent->service    = eventcolumn;
			newevent->eventtime  = eventtime;
			newevent->changetime = changetime;
			newevent->duration   = duration;
			newevent->newcolor   = eventcolor(newcol);
			newevent->oldcolor   = eventcolor(oldcol);
			newevent->next = eventhead;
			eventhead = newevent;

			if (counttype != XYMON_COUNT_DURATION) {
				countrec = (eventcount_t *)xmh_item(eventhost, XMH_DATA);
				while (countrec && (countrec->service != eventcolumn)) countrec = countrec->next;
				if (countrec == NULL) {
					countrec = (eventcount_t *)calloc(1, sizeof(eventcount_t));
					countrec->service = eventcolumn;
					countrec->next = (eventcount_t *)xmh_item(eventhost, XMH_DATA);
					xmh_set_item(eventhost, XMH_DATA, (void *)countrec);

	/* Count the state changes per host */
	svccounthead = hostcounthead = NULL;
	switch (counttype) {
	  case XYMON_COUNT_EVENTS: count_events(&hostcounthead, &svccounthead); break;
	  case XYMON_COUNT_DURATION: count_duration(firstevent, lastevent,
					       pageregexp, expageregexp,
					       hostregexp, exhostregexp,
					       testregexp, extestregexp,
					       ignoredialups, hostcheck,
					       eventhead, &hostcounthead, &svccounthead); break;
	  default: break;

	if (hostcounthead) hostcounthead = msort(hostcounthead, record_compare, record_getnext, record_setnext);
	if (svccounthead)  svccounthead = msort(svccounthead, record_compare, record_getnext, record_setnext);

	if (eventhead && (output != NULL)) {
		char *bgcolors[2] = { "#000000", "#000033" };
		int  bgcolor = 0;
		struct event_t *ewalk, *lasttoshow = eventhead;
		countlist_t *cwalk;
		unsigned long totalcount = 0;

		if (periodstring) fprintf(output, "<p><font size=+1>%s</font></p>\n", htmlquoted(periodstring));

		switch (sumtype) {
			/* Request for a specific service, show breakdown by host */
			for (cwalk = hostcounthead; (cwalk); cwalk = cwalk->next) totalcount += cwalk->total;
			fprintf(output, "<table summary=\"Breakdown by host\" border=0>\n");
			fprintf(output, "<tr><th align=left>Host</th><th colspan=2>%s</th></tr>\n",
				(counttype == XYMON_COUNT_EVENTS) ? "State changes" : "Seconds red/yellow");
			fprintf(output, "<tr><td colspan=3><hr width=\"100%%\"></td></tr>\n");
			for (cwalk = hostcounthead; (cwalk && (cwalk->total > 0)); cwalk = cwalk->next) {
				fprintf(output, "<tr><td align=left>%s</td><td align=right>%lu</td><td align=right>(%6.2f %%)</tr>\n",
					xmh_item(cwalk->src, XMH_HOSTNAME), 
					cwalk->total, ((100.0 * cwalk->total) / totalcount));
			fprintf(output, "</table>\n");

			/* Request for a specific host, show breakdown by service */
			for (cwalk = svccounthead; (cwalk); cwalk = cwalk->next) totalcount += cwalk->total;
			fprintf(output, "<table summary=\"Breakdown by service\" border=0>\n");
			fprintf(output, "<tr><th align=left>Service</th><th colspan=2>%s</th></tr>\n",
				(counttype == XYMON_COUNT_EVENTS) ? "State changes" : "Seconds red/yellow");
			fprintf(output, "<tr><td colspan=3><hr width=\"100%%\"></td></tr>\n");
			for (cwalk = svccounthead; (cwalk && (cwalk->total > 0)); cwalk = cwalk->next) {
				fprintf(output, "<tr><td align=left>%s</td><td align=right>%lu</td><td align=right>(%6.2f %%)</tr>\n",
					((htnames_t *)cwalk->src)->name, 
					cwalk->total, ((100.0 * cwalk->total) / totalcount));
			fprintf(output, "</table>\n");

		  case XYMON_S_NONE:

		if (sumtype == XYMON_S_NONE) {
			int  count;
			do {
				lasttoshow = ewalk;
				ewalk = ewalk->next;
			} while (ewalk && (count<maxcount));
			if (ewalk) ewalk->next = NULL;	/* Terminate list if any items left */

			if (maxminutes > 0)  { 
				sprintf(title, "%d events received in the past %u minutes", 
					count, (unsigned int)((getcurrenttime(NULL) - lasttoshow->eventtime) / 60));
			else {
				sprintf(title, "%d events received.", count);
		else {
			strcpy(title, "Events in summary");

		fprintf(output, "<BR><BR>\n");
		fprintf(output, "<TABLE SUMMARY=\"$EVENTSTITLE\" BORDER=0>\n");
		fprintf(output, "<TR BGCOLOR=\"#333333\">\n");
		fprintf(output, "<TD ALIGN=CENTER COLSPAN=6><FONT SIZE=-1 COLOR=\"#33ebf4\">%s</FONT></TD></TR>\n", htmlquoted(title));

		for (ewalk=eventhead; (ewalk); ewalk=ewalk->next) {
			char *hostname = xmh_item(ewalk->host, XMH_HOSTNAME);

			if ( (counttype == XYMON_COUNT_DURATION) &&
			     (ewalk->oldcolor < COL_YELLOW) &&
			     (ewalk->newcolor < COL_YELLOW) ) continue;

			if ( (counttype == XYMON_COUNT_DURATION) &&
			     (ewalk->eventtime >= lastevent) ) continue;

			fprintf(output, "<TR BGCOLOR=%s>\n", bgcolors[bgcolor]);
			bgcolor = ((bgcolor + 1) % 2);

			fprintf(output, "<TD ALIGN=CENTER>%s</TD>\n", ctime(&ewalk->eventtime));

			if (ewalk->newcolor == COL_CLEAR) {
				fprintf(output, "<TD ALIGN=CENTER BGCOLOR=black><FONT COLOR=white>%s</FONT></TD>\n",
			else {
				fprintf(output, "<TD ALIGN=CENTER BGCOLOR=%s><FONT COLOR=black>%s</FONT></TD>\n",
					colorname(ewalk->newcolor), hostname);

			fprintf(output, "<TD ALIGN=LEFT>%s</TD>\n", ewalk->service->name);
			fprintf(output, "<TD><A HREF=\"%s\">\n", 
				histlogurl(hostname, ewalk->service->name, ewalk->changetime, NULL));
			fprintf(output, "<IMG SRC=\"%s/%s\"  HEIGHT=\"%s\" WIDTH=\"%s\" BORDER=0 ALT=\"%s\" TITLE=\"%s\"></A>\n", 
				xgetenv("XYMONSKIN"), dotgiffilename(ewalk->oldcolor, 0, 0), 
				xgetenv("DOTHEIGHT"), xgetenv("DOTWIDTH"), 
				colorname(ewalk->oldcolor), colorname(ewalk->oldcolor));
			fprintf(output, "<IMG SRC=\"%s/arrow.gif\" BORDER=0 ALT=\"From -&gt; To\">\n", 
			fprintf(output, "<TD><A HREF=\"%s\">\n", 
				histlogurl(hostname, ewalk->service->name, ewalk->eventtime, NULL));
			fprintf(output, "<IMG SRC=\"%s/%s\"  HEIGHT=\"%s\" WIDTH=\"%s\" BORDER=0 ALT=\"%s\" TITLE=\"%s\"></A></TD>\n", 
				xgetenv("XYMONSKIN"), dotgiffilename(ewalk->newcolor, 0, 0), 
				xgetenv("DOTHEIGHT"), xgetenv("DOTWIDTH"), 
				colorname(ewalk->newcolor), colorname(ewalk->newcolor));
			fprintf(output, "</TR>\n");

		fprintf(output, "</TABLE>\n");

	else if (output != NULL) {
		/* No events during the past maxminutes */
		if (eventlog)
			sprintf(title, "No events received in the last %d minutes", maxminutes);
			strcpy(title, "No events logged");

		fprintf(output, "<CENTER><BR>\n");
		fprintf(output, "<TABLE SUMMARY=\"%s\" BORDER=0>\n", title);
		fprintf(output, "<TR BGCOLOR=\"#333333\">\n");
		fprintf(output, "<TD ALIGN=CENTER COLSPAN=6><FONT SIZE=-1 COLOR=\"#33ebf4\">%s</FONT></TD>\n", htmlquoted(title));
		fprintf(output, "</TR>\n");
		fprintf(output, "</TABLE>\n");
		fprintf(output, "</CENTER>\n");

	if (eventlog) fclose(eventlog);

	if (pageregexp) pcre_free(pageregexp);
	if (hostregexp) pcre_free(hostregexp);
	if (testregexp) pcre_free(testregexp);
	if (colrregexp) pcre_free(colrregexp);

	/* Return the event- and count-lists, if wanted - or clean them up */
	if (eventlist) {
		*eventlist = eventhead;
	else {
		event_t	*zombie, *ewalk = eventhead;
		while (ewalk) { zombie = ewalk; ewalk = ewalk->next; xfree(zombie); }

	if (hostcounts) {
		*hostcounts = hostcounthead;
	else {
		countlist_t *zombie, *hwalk = hostcounthead;
		while (hwalk) { zombie = hwalk; hwalk = hwalk->next; xfree(zombie); }


	if (servicecounts) {
		*servicecounts = svccounthead;
	else {
		countlist_t *zombie, *swalk = svccounthead;
		while (swalk) { zombie = swalk; swalk = swalk->next; xfree(zombie); }
예제 #24
파일: do_ifstat.c 프로젝트: tjyang/cpam
int do_ifstat_rrd(char *hostname, char *testname, char *classname, char *pagepaths, char *msg, time_t tstamp)
	static int pcres_compiled = 0;
	static pcre **ifstat_linux_pcres = NULL;
	static pcre **ifstat_freebsd_pcres = NULL;
	static pcre **ifstat_freebsdV8_pcres = NULL;
	static pcre **ifstat_openbsd_pcres = NULL;
	static pcre **ifstat_netbsd_pcres = NULL;
	static pcre **ifstat_darwin_pcres = NULL;
	static pcre **ifstat_solaris_pcres = NULL;
	static pcre **ifstat_aix_pcres = NULL;
	static pcre **ifstat_hpux_pcres = NULL;
	static pcre **ifstat_sco_sv_pcres = NULL;
	static pcre **ifstat_bbwin_pcres = NULL;

	enum ostype_t ostype;
	char *datapart = msg;
	char *bol, *eoln, *ifname, *rxstr, *txstr, *dummy;
	int dmatch;

	void *xmh;
	pcre *ifname_filter_pcre = NULL;

	xmh = hostinfo(hostname);
	if (xmh) {
		char *ifname_filter_expr = xmh_item(xmh, XMH_INTERFACES);
		if (ifname_filter_expr && *ifname_filter_expr) 
			ifname_filter_pcre = compileregex(ifname_filter_expr);

	if (pcres_compiled == 0) {
		pcres_compiled = 1;
		ifstat_linux_pcres = compile_exprs("LINUX", ifstat_linux_exprs, 
						 (sizeof(ifstat_linux_exprs) / sizeof(ifstat_linux_exprs[0])));
		ifstat_freebsd_pcres = compile_exprs("FREEBSD", ifstat_freebsd_exprs, 
						 (sizeof(ifstat_freebsd_exprs) / sizeof(ifstat_freebsd_exprs[0])));
		ifstat_freebsdV8_pcres = compile_exprs("FREEBSD", ifstat_freebsdV8_exprs, 
						 (sizeof(ifstat_freebsdV8_exprs) / sizeof(ifstat_freebsdV8_exprs[0])));
		ifstat_openbsd_pcres = compile_exprs("OPENBSD", ifstat_openbsd_exprs, 
						 (sizeof(ifstat_openbsd_exprs) / sizeof(ifstat_openbsd_exprs[0])));
		ifstat_netbsd_pcres = compile_exprs("NETBSD", ifstat_netbsd_exprs, 
						 (sizeof(ifstat_netbsd_exprs) / sizeof(ifstat_netbsd_exprs[0])));
		ifstat_darwin_pcres = compile_exprs("DARWIN", ifstat_darwin_exprs, 
						 (sizeof(ifstat_darwin_exprs) / sizeof(ifstat_darwin_exprs[0])));
		ifstat_solaris_pcres = compile_exprs("SOLARIS", ifstat_solaris_exprs, 
						 (sizeof(ifstat_solaris_exprs) / sizeof(ifstat_solaris_exprs[0])));
		ifstat_aix_pcres = compile_exprs("AIX", ifstat_aix_exprs, 
						 (sizeof(ifstat_aix_exprs) / sizeof(ifstat_aix_exprs[0])));
		ifstat_hpux_pcres = compile_exprs("HPUX", ifstat_hpux_exprs, 
						 (sizeof(ifstat_hpux_exprs) / sizeof(ifstat_hpux_exprs[0])));
		ifstat_sco_sv_pcres = compile_exprs("SCO_SV", ifstat_sco_sv_exprs, 
						 (sizeof(ifstat_sco_sv_exprs) / sizeof(ifstat_sco_sv_exprs[0])));
		ifstat_bbwin_pcres = compile_exprs("BBWIN", ifstat_bbwin_exprs, 
						 (sizeof(ifstat_bbwin_exprs) / sizeof(ifstat_bbwin_exprs[0])));

	if (ifstat_tpl == NULL) ifstat_tpl = setup_template(ifstat_params);

	if ((strncmp(msg, "status", 6) == 0) || (strncmp(msg, "data", 4) == 0)) {
		/* Skip the first line of full status- and data-messages. */
		datapart = strchr(msg, '\n');
		if (datapart) datapart++; else datapart = msg;

	ostype = get_ostype(datapart);
	datapart = strchr(datapart, '\n');
	if (datapart) {
	else {
		errprintf("Too few lines in ifstat report from %s\n", hostname);
		return -1;

	dmatch = 0;
	ifname = rxstr = txstr = dummy = NULL;

	bol = datapart;
	while (bol) {
		eoln = strchr(bol, '\n'); if (eoln) *eoln = '\0';

		switch (ostype) {
		  case OS_LINUX22:
		  case OS_LINUX:
		  case OS_RHEL3:
		  case OS_ZVM:
		  case OS_ZVSE:
		  case OS_ZOS:
			if (pickdata(bol, ifstat_linux_pcres[0], 1, &ifname)) {
				 * Linux' netif aliases mess up things. 
				 * Clear everything when we see an interface name.
				 * But we dont want to track the "lo" interface.

				/* Strip off the last character if it is a colon (:) */
				if (ifname[strlen(ifname)-1] == ':') ifname[strlen(ifname)-1] = '\0';

				if (strcmp(ifname, "lo") == 0) {
					xfree(ifname); ifname = NULL;
				else {
					dmatch = 1;
					if (rxstr) { xfree(rxstr); rxstr = NULL; }
					if (txstr) { xfree(txstr); txstr = NULL; }
			else if (pickdata(bol, ifstat_linux_pcres[1], 1, &rxstr, &txstr)) dmatch |= 6;
			else if (pickdata(bol, ifstat_linux_pcres[2], 1, &rxstr)) dmatch |= 2;
			else if (pickdata(bol, ifstat_linux_pcres[3], 1, &txstr)) dmatch |= 4;

		  case OS_FREEBSD:
			 * FreeBSD 8 added an "Idrop" counter in the middle of the data.
			 * See if we match this expression, and if not then fall back to
			 * the old regex without that field.
			if (pickdata(bol, ifstat_freebsdV8_pcres[0], 0, &ifname, &rxstr, &txstr)) dmatch = 7;
			else if (pickdata(bol, ifstat_freebsd_pcres[0], 0, &ifname, &rxstr, &txstr)) dmatch = 7;

		  case OS_OPENBSD:
			if (pickdata(bol, ifstat_openbsd_pcres[0], 0, &ifname, &rxstr, &txstr)) dmatch = 7;

		  case OS_NETBSD:
			if (pickdata(bol, ifstat_netbsd_pcres[0], 0, &ifname, &rxstr, &txstr)) dmatch = 7;

		  case OS_SOLARIS: 
			if (pickdata(bol, ifstat_solaris_pcres[0], 0, &ifname, &txstr)) dmatch |= 1;
			else if (pickdata(bol, ifstat_solaris_pcres[1], 0, &dummy, &rxstr)) dmatch |= 6;

			if (ifname && dummy && (strcmp(ifname, dummy) != 0)) {
				/* They must match, drop the data */
				errprintf("Host %s has weird ifstat data - device name mismatch %s:%s\n", hostname, ifname, dummy);
				xfree(ifname); xfree(txstr); xfree(rxstr); xfree(dummy);
				dmatch = 0;

			/* Ignore "mac" and "wrsmd" entries - these are for sub-devices for multiple nic's aggregated into one */
			/* See http://www.xymon.com/archive/2009/06/msg00204.html for more info */
			if (ifname && ((strcmp(ifname, "mac") == 0) || (strcmp(ifname, "wrsmd") == 0)) ) {
				xfree(ifname); xfree(txstr);
				dmatch = 0;
			if (dummy && ((strcmp(dummy, "mac") == 0) || (strcmp(dummy, "wrsmd") == 0)) ) {
				xfree(dummy); xfree(rxstr);
				dmatch = 0;

		  case OS_AIX: 
			if (pickdata(bol, ifstat_aix_pcres[0], 1, &ifname)) {
				/* Interface names comes first, so any rx/tx data is discarded */
				dmatch |= 1;
				if (rxstr) { xfree(rxstr); rxstr = NULL; }
				if (txstr) { xfree(txstr); txstr = NULL; }
			else if (pickdata(bol, ifstat_aix_pcres[1], 1, &txstr, &rxstr)) dmatch |= 6;

		  case OS_HPUX: 
			if (pickdata(bol, ifstat_hpux_pcres[0], 1, &ifname)) {
				/* Interface names comes first, so any rx/tx data is discarded */
				dmatch |= 1;
				if (rxstr) { xfree(rxstr); rxstr = NULL; }
				if (txstr) { xfree(txstr); txstr = NULL; }
			else if (pickdata(bol, ifstat_hpux_pcres[1], 1, &rxstr)) dmatch |= 2;
			else if (pickdata(bol, ifstat_hpux_pcres[2], 1, &txstr)) dmatch |= 4;

		  case OS_DARWIN:
			if (pickdata(bol, ifstat_darwin_pcres[0], 0, &ifname, &rxstr, &txstr)) dmatch = 7;
 		  case OS_SCO_SV:
		        if (pickdata(bol, ifstat_sco_sv_pcres[0], 0, &ifname, &rxstr, &txstr)) dmatch = 7;
		  case OS_WIN32_BBWIN:
			if (pickdata(bol, ifstat_bbwin_pcres[0], 0, &ifname, &rxstr, &txstr)) dmatch = 7;


		if ((dmatch == 7) && ifname && rxstr && txstr) {
			if (!ifname_filter_pcre || matchregex(ifname, ifname_filter_pcre)) {
				setupfn2("%s.%s.rrd", "ifstat", ifname);
				snprintf(rrdvalues, sizeof(rrdvalues), "%d:%s:%s", (int)tstamp, txstr, rxstr);
				create_and_update_rrd(hostname, testname, classname, pagepaths, ifstat_params, ifstat_tpl);

			xfree(ifname); xfree(rxstr); xfree(txstr);
			if (dummy) xfree(dummy);
			ifname = rxstr = txstr = dummy = NULL;
			dmatch = 0;

		if (eoln) {
			*eoln = '\n';
			bol = eoln+1;
			if (*bol == '\0') bol = NULL;
		else {
			bol = NULL;

	if (ifname_filter_pcre) freeregex(ifname_filter_pcre);

	if (ifname) xfree(ifname);
	if (rxstr) xfree(rxstr);
	if (txstr) xfree(txstr);
	if (dummy) xfree(dummy);

	return 0;
예제 #25
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	void *hwalk;
	char *hostsfn = NULL;
	char *netstring = NULL;
	char *include2 = NULL;
	int extras = 1;
	int testuntagged = 0;
	int nodownhosts = 0;
	int onlypreferredentry = 0;
	char *p;
	char **lookv;
	int argi, lookc;
	strbuffer_t *wantedtags;

	if ((argc <= 1) || (strcmp(argv[1], "--help") == 0)) {
		printf("Usage:\n%s test1 [test1] [test2] ... \n", argv[0]);

	lookv = (char **)malloc(argc*sizeof(char *));
	lookc = 0;

	hostsfn = xgetenv("HOSTSCFG");
	conncolumn = xgetenv("PINGCOLUMN");

	for (argi=1; (argi < argc); argi++) {
		if (strcmp(argv[argi], "--noextras") == 0) {
			extras = 0;
		else if (strcmp(argv[argi], "--test-untagged") == 0) {
			testuntagged = 1;
		else if (argnmatch(argv[argi], "--no-down")) {
			char *p;
			nodownhosts = 1;
			p = strchr(argv[argi], '=');
			if (p) testcolumn = strdup(p+1);
		else if (strcmp(argv[argi], "--version") == 0) {
			printf("xymongrep version %s\n", VERSION);
		else if ((strcmp(argv[argi], "--net") == 0) || (strcmp(argv[argi], "--bbnet") == 0)) {
			include2 = "netinclude";
			onlypreferredentry = 0;
		else if ((strcmp(argv[argi], "--web") == 0) || (strcmp(argv[argi], "--bbdisp") == 0)) {
			include2 = "dispinclude";
			onlypreferredentry = 1;
		else if (argnmatch(argv[argi], "--hosts=")) {
			hostsfn = strchr(argv[argi], '=') + 1;
		else {
			lookv[lookc] = strdup(argv[argi]);
	lookv[lookc] = NULL;

	if ((hostsfn == NULL) || (strlen(hostsfn) == 0)) {
		errprintf("Environment variable HOSTSCFG is not set - aborting\n");

	load_hostnames(hostsfn, include2, get_fqdn());
	if (first_host() == NULL) {
		errprintf("Cannot load %s, or file is empty\n", hostsfn);

	/* If we must avoid downed or disabled hosts, let's find out what those are */
	if (nodownhosts) load_hoststatus();

	/* Each network test tagged with NET:locationname */
	p = xgetenv("XYMONNETWORK");
	if ((p == NULL) || (strlen(p) == 0)) p = xgetenv("BBLOCATION");
	if (p && strlen(p)) netstring = strdup(p);

	hwalk = first_host();
	wantedtags = newstrbuffer(0);
	while (hwalk) {
		char hostip[IP_ADDR_STRLEN];
		char *curnet = xmh_item(hwalk, XMH_NET);
		char *curname = xmh_item(hwalk, XMH_HOSTNAME);

		 * Only look at the hosts whose NET: definition matches the wanted one.
		 * Must also check if the host is currently down (not responding to ping).
		 * And if the host is OK with knownhost(), because it may be time-limited.
		if (netok(netstring, curnet, testuntagged) && downok(curname, nodownhosts) && knownhost(curname, hostip, GH_IGNORE)) {
			char *item;

			for (item = xmh_item_walk(hwalk); (item); item = xmh_item_walk(NULL)) {
				int i;
				char *realitem = item + strspn(item, "!~?");

				for (i=0; lookv[i]; i++) {
					char *outitem = NULL;

					if (lookv[i][strlen(lookv[i])-1] == '*') {
						if (strncasecmp(realitem, lookv[i], strlen(lookv[i])-1) == 0) {
							outitem = (extras ? item : realitem);
					else if (strcasecmp(realitem, lookv[i]) == 0) {
						outitem = (extras ? item : realitem);

					if (outitem) {
						int needquotes = ((strchr(outitem, ' ') != NULL) || (strchr(outitem, '\t') != NULL));
						addtobuffer(wantedtags, " ");
						if (needquotes) addtobuffer(wantedtags, "\"");
						addtobuffer(wantedtags, outitem);
						if (needquotes) addtobuffer(wantedtags, "\"");

			if (STRBUF(wantedtags) && (*STRBUF(wantedtags) != '\0') && extras) {
				if (xmh_item(hwalk, XMH_FLAG_DIALUP)) addtobuffer(wantedtags, " dialup");
				if (xmh_item(hwalk, XMH_FLAG_TESTIP)) addtobuffer(wantedtags, " testip");

			if (STRBUF(wantedtags) && *STRBUF(wantedtags)) {
				printf("%s %s #%s\n", xmh_item(hwalk, XMH_IP), xmh_item(hwalk, XMH_HOSTNAME), STRBUF(wantedtags));

		do { hwalk = next_host(hwalk, 1); } while (hwalk && onlypreferredentry && (strcmp(curname, xmh_item(hwalk, XMH_HOSTNAME)) == 0));

	return 0;
예제 #26
파일: loadlayout.c 프로젝트: Kotty666/xymon
xymongen_page_t *load_layout(char *pgset)
	char	pagetag[100], subpagetag[100], subparenttag[100], 
		vpagetag[100], vsubpagetag[100], vsubparenttag[100], 
		grouptag[100], summarytag[100], titletag[100], hosttag[100];
	char 	*name, *link, *onlycols, *exceptcols;
	char 	hostname[MAX_LINE_LEN];
	xymongen_page_t 	*toppage, *curpage, *cursubpage, *cursubparent;
	group_t *curgroup;
	host_t	*curhost;
	char	*curtitle;
	int	ip1, ip2, ip3, ip4;
	char	*p;
	int	fqdn = get_fqdn();
	char	*cfgdata, *inbol, *ineol, insavchar = '\0';

	if (loadhostsfromxymond) {
		if (load_hostnames("@", NULL, fqdn) != 0) {
			errprintf("Cannot load host configuration from xymond\n");
			return NULL;
	else {
		if (load_hostnames(xgetenv("HOSTSCFG"), "dispinclude", fqdn) != 0) {
			errprintf("Cannot load host configuration from %s\n", xgetenv("HOSTSCFG"));
			return NULL;

	if (first_host() == NULL) {
		errprintf("Empty configuration from %s\n", (loadhostsfromxymond ? "xymond" : xgetenv("HOSTSCFG")));
		return NULL;

	dbgprintf("load_layout(pgset=%s)\n", textornull(pgset));

	 * load_hostnames() picks up the hostname definitions, but not the page
	 * layout. So we will scan the file again, this time doing the layout.

	if (pgset == NULL) pgset = "";
	sprintf(pagetag, "%spage", pgset);
	sprintf(subpagetag, "%ssubpage", pgset);
	sprintf(subparenttag, "%ssubparent", pgset);
	sprintf(vpagetag, "v%spage", pgset);
	sprintf(vsubpagetag, "v%ssubpage", pgset);
	sprintf(vsubparenttag, "v%ssubparent", pgset);
	sprintf(grouptag, "%sgroup", pgset);
	sprintf(summarytag, "%ssummary", pgset);
	sprintf(titletag, "%stitle", pgset);
	sprintf(hosttag, "%s:", pgset); for (p=hosttag; (*p); p++) *p = toupper((int)*p);

	toppage = init_page("", "", 0);
	curpage = NULL;
	cursubpage = NULL;
	curgroup = NULL;
	curhost = NULL;
	cursubparent = NULL;
	curtitle = NULL;

	inbol = cfgdata = hostscfg_content();
	while (inbol && *inbol) {
		inbol += strspn(inbol, " \t");
		ineol = strchr(inbol, '\n');
		if (ineol) {
			while ((ineol > inbol) && (isspace(*ineol) || (*ineol == '\n'))) ineol--;
			if (*ineol != '\n') ineol++;

			insavchar = *ineol;
			*ineol = '\0';

		dbgprintf("load_layout: -- got line '%s'\n", inbol);

		if ((strncmp(inbol, pagetag, strlen(pagetag)) == 0) || (strncmp(inbol, vpagetag, strlen(vpagetag)) == 0)) {
			getnamelink(inbol, &name, &link);
			if (curpage == NULL) {
				/* First page - hook it on toppage as a subpage from there */
				curpage = toppage->subpages = init_page(name, link, (strncmp(inbol, vpagetag, strlen(vpagetag)) == 0));
			else {
				curpage = curpage->next = init_page(name, link, (strncmp(inbol, vpagetag, strlen(vpagetag)) == 0));

			curpage->parent = toppage;
			if (curtitle) { 
				curpage->pretitle = curtitle; 
				curtitle = NULL; 
			cursubpage = NULL;
			cursubparent = NULL;
			curgroup = NULL;
			curhost = NULL;
		else if ( (strncmp(inbol, subpagetag, strlen(subpagetag)) == 0) || (strncmp(inbol, vsubpagetag, strlen(vsubpagetag)) == 0) ) {
			if (curpage == NULL) {
				errprintf("'subpage' ignored, no preceding 'page' tag : %s\n", inbol);
				goto nextline;

			getnamelink(inbol, &name, &link);
			if (cursubpage == NULL) {
				cursubpage = curpage->subpages = init_page(name, link, (strncmp(inbol, vsubpagetag, strlen(vsubpagetag)) == 0));
			else {
				cursubpage = cursubpage->next = init_page(name, link, (strncmp(inbol, vsubpagetag, strlen(vsubpagetag)) == 0));
			cursubpage->parent = curpage;
			if (curtitle) { 
				cursubpage->pretitle = curtitle; 
				curtitle = NULL;
			cursubparent = NULL;
			curgroup = NULL;
			curhost = NULL;
		else if ( (strncmp(inbol, subparenttag, strlen(subparenttag)) == 0) || (strncmp(inbol, vsubparenttag, strlen(vsubparenttag)) == 0) ) {
			xymongen_page_t *parentpage, *walk;

			getparentnamelink(inbol, toppage, &parentpage, &name, &link);
			if (parentpage == NULL) {
				errprintf("'subparent' ignored, unknown parent page: %s\n", inbol);
				goto nextline;

			cursubparent = init_page(name, link, (strncmp(inbol, vsubparenttag, strlen(vsubparenttag)) == 0));
			if (parentpage->subpages == NULL) {
				parentpage->subpages = cursubparent;
			else {
				for (walk = parentpage->subpages; (walk->next); (walk = walk->next)) ;
				walk->next = cursubparent;
			if (curtitle) { 
				cursubparent->pretitle = curtitle; 
				curtitle = NULL;
			cursubparent->parent = parentpage;
			curgroup = NULL;
			curhost = NULL;
		else if (strncmp(inbol, grouptag, strlen(grouptag)) == 0) {
			int sorthosts = (strstr(inbol, "group-sorted") != NULL);

			getgrouptitle(inbol, pgset, &link, &onlycols, &exceptcols);
			if (curgroup == NULL) {
				curgroup = init_group(link, onlycols, exceptcols, sorthosts);
				if (cursubparent != NULL) {
					cursubparent->groups = curgroup;
				else if (cursubpage != NULL) {
					/* We're in a subpage */
					cursubpage->groups = curgroup;
				else if (curpage != NULL) {
					/* We're on a main page */
					curpage->groups = curgroup;
				else {
					/* We're on the top page */
					toppage->groups = curgroup;
			else {
				curgroup->next = init_group(link, onlycols, exceptcols, sorthosts);
				curgroup = curgroup->next;
			if (curtitle) { curgroup->pretitle = curtitle; curtitle = NULL; }
			curhost = NULL;
		else if (sscanf(inbol, "%3d.%3d.%3d.%3d %s", &ip1, &ip2, &ip3, &ip4, hostname) == 5) {
			void *xymonhost = NULL;
			int dialup, nonongreen, crittime = 1;
			double warnpct = reportwarnlevel;
			int warnstops = reportwarnstops;
			char *displayname, *clientalias, *comment, *description;
			char *alertlist, *onwaplist, *reporttime;
			char *nopropyellowlist, *nopropredlist, *noproppurplelist, *nopropacklist;
			char *targetpagelist[MAX_TARGETPAGES_PER_HOST];
			int targetpagecount;
			char *hval;

			/* Check for ".default." hosts - they are ignored. */
			if (*hostname == '.') goto nextline;

			if (!fqdn) {
				/* Strip any domain from the hostname */
				char *p = strchr(hostname, '.');
				if (p) *p = '\0';

			/* Get the info */
			xymonhost = hostinfo(hostname);
			if (xymonhost == NULL) {
				errprintf("Confused - hostname '%s' cannot be found. Ignored\n", hostname);
				goto nextline;

			/* Check for no-display hosts - they are ignored. */
			/* But only when we're building the default pageset */
			if ((strlen(pgset) == 0) && (xmh_item(xymonhost, XMH_FLAG_NODISP) != NULL)) goto nextline;

			for (targetpagecount=0; (targetpagecount < MAX_TARGETPAGES_PER_HOST); targetpagecount++) 
				targetpagelist[targetpagecount] = NULL;
			targetpagecount = 0;

			dialup = (xmh_item(xymonhost, XMH_FLAG_DIALUP) != NULL);
			nonongreen = (xmh_item(xymonhost, XMH_FLAG_NONONGREEN) != NULL);

			alertlist = xmh_item(xymonhost, XMH_NK);
			hval = xmh_item(xymonhost, XMH_NKTIME); if (hval) crittime = within_sla(xmh_item(xymonhost, XMH_HOLIDAYS), hval, 0);

			onwaplist = xmh_item(xymonhost, XMH_WML);
			nopropyellowlist = xmh_item(xymonhost, XMH_NOPROPYELLOW);
			if (nopropyellowlist == NULL) nopropyellowlist = xmh_item(xymonhost, XMH_NOPROP);
			nopropredlist = xmh_item(xymonhost, XMH_NOPROPRED);
			noproppurplelist = xmh_item(xymonhost, XMH_NOPROPPURPLE);
			nopropacklist = xmh_item(xymonhost, XMH_NOPROPACK);
			displayname = xmh_item(xymonhost, XMH_DISPLAYNAME);
			comment = xmh_item(xymonhost, XMH_COMMENT);
			description = xmh_item(xymonhost, XMH_DESCRIPTION);
			hval = xmh_item(xymonhost, XMH_WARNPCT); if (hval) warnpct = atof(hval);
			hval = xmh_item(xymonhost, XMH_WARNSTOPS); if (hval) warnstops = atof(hval);
			reporttime = xmh_item(xymonhost, XMH_REPORTTIME);

			clientalias = xmh_item(xymonhost, XMH_CLIENTALIAS);
			if (xymonhost && (strcmp(xmh_item(xymonhost, XMH_HOSTNAME), clientalias) == 0)) clientalias = NULL;

			if (xymonhost && (strlen(pgset) > 0)) {
				/* Walk the clone-list and pick up the target pages for this host */
				void *cwalk = xymonhost;
				do {
					hval = xmh_item_walk(cwalk);
					while (hval) {
						if (strncasecmp(hval, hosttag, strlen(hosttag)) == 0)
							targetpagelist[targetpagecount++] = strdup(hval+strlen(hosttag));
						hval = xmh_item_walk(NULL);

					cwalk = next_host(cwalk, 1);
				} while (cwalk && 
					 (strcmp(xmh_item(cwalk, XMH_HOSTNAME), xmh_item(xymonhost, XMH_HOSTNAME)) == 0) &&
					 (targetpagecount < MAX_TARGETPAGES_PER_HOST) );

				 * HACK: Check if the pageset tag is present at all in the host
				 * entry. If it isn't, then drop this incarnation of the host.
				 * Without this, the following hosts.cfg file will have the
				 * www.hswn.dk host listed twice on the alternate pageset:
				 * adminpage nyc NYC
				 *   localhost      # bbd http://localhost/ CLIENT:osiris
				 * www.xymon.com  # http://www.xymon.com/ ADMIN:nyc ssh noinfo
				 * page superdome Superdome
				 * www.xymon.com # noconn
				if (strstr(inbol, hosttag) == NULL) targetpagecount = 0;

			if (strlen(pgset) == 0) {
				 * Default pageset generated. Put the host into
				 * whatever group or page is current.
				if (curhost == NULL) {
					curhost = init_host(hostname, 0, displayname, clientalias,
							    comment, description,
							    ip1, ip2, ip3, ip4, dialup, 
							    warnpct, warnstops, reporttime,
							    alertlist, crittime, onwaplist,
							    nopropyellowlist, nopropredlist, noproppurplelist, nopropacklist);
					if (curgroup != NULL) {
						curgroup->hosts = curhost;
					else if (cursubparent != NULL) {
						cursubparent->hosts = curhost;
					else if (cursubpage != NULL) {
						cursubpage->hosts = curhost;
					else if (curpage != NULL) {
						curpage->hosts = curhost;
					else {
						toppage->hosts = curhost;
				else {
					curhost = curhost->next = init_host(hostname, 0, displayname, clientalias,
									    comment, description,
									    ip1, ip2, ip3, ip4, dialup,
									    warnpct, warnstops, reporttime,
									    alertlist, crittime, onwaplist,
									    noproppurplelist, nopropacklist);
				curhost->parent = (cursubparent ? cursubparent : (cursubpage ? cursubpage : curpage));
				if (curtitle) { curhost->pretitle = curtitle; curtitle = NULL; }
				curhost->nonongreen = nonongreen;
			else if (targetpagecount) {

				int pgnum;

				for (pgnum=0; (pgnum < targetpagecount); pgnum++) {
					char *targetpagename = targetpagelist[pgnum];

					char savechar;
					int wantedgroup = 0;
					xymonpagelist_t *targetpage = NULL;

					/* Put the host into the page specified by the PGSET: tag */
					p = strchr(targetpagename, ',');
					if (p) {
						savechar = *p;
						*p = '\0';
						wantedgroup = atoi(p+1);
					else {
						savechar = '\0';
						p = targetpagename + strlen(targetpagename);

					/* Find the page */
					if (strcmp(targetpagename, "*") == 0) {
						*targetpagename = '\0';
					for (targetpage = pagelisthead; (targetpage && (strcmp(targetpagename, targetpage->pageentry->name) != 0)); targetpage = targetpage->next) ;

					*p = savechar;
					if (targetpage == NULL) {
						errprintf("Warning: Cannot find any target page named '%s' in set '%s' - dropping host '%s'\n", 
							targetpagename, pgset, hostname);
					else {
						host_t *newhost = init_host(hostname, 0, displayname, clientalias,
									    comment, description,
									    ip1, ip2, ip3, ip4, dialup,
									    warnpct, warnstops, reporttime,
									    alertlist, crittime, onwaplist,
									    noproppurplelist, nopropacklist);

						if (wantedgroup > 0) {
							group_t *gwalk;
							host_t  *hwalk;
							int i;

							for (gwalk = targetpage->pageentry->groups, i=1; (gwalk && (i < wantedgroup)); i++,gwalk=gwalk->next) ;
							if (gwalk) {
								if (gwalk->hosts == NULL)
									gwalk->hosts = newhost;
								else {
									for (hwalk = gwalk->hosts; (hwalk->next); hwalk = hwalk->next) ;
									hwalk->next = newhost;
							else {
								errprintf("Warning: Cannot find group %d for host %s - dropping host\n",
									wantedgroup, hostname);
						else {
							/* Just put in on the page's hostlist */
							host_t *walk;
							if (targetpage->pageentry->hosts == NULL)
								targetpage->pageentry->hosts = newhost;
							else {
								for (walk = targetpage->pageentry->hosts; (walk->next); walk = walk->next) ;
								walk->next = newhost;

						newhost->parent = targetpage->pageentry;
						if (curtitle) newhost->pretitle = curtitle;

					curtitle = NULL;
		else if (strncmp(inbol, summarytag, strlen(summarytag)) == 0) {
			/* summary row.column      IP-ADDRESS-OF-PARENT    http://xymon.com/ */
			char sumname[MAX_LINE_LEN];
			char receiver[MAX_LINE_LEN];
			char url[MAX_LINE_LEN];
			summary_t *newsum;

			if (sscanf(inbol, "summary %s %s %s", sumname, receiver, url) == 3) {
				newsum = init_summary(sumname, receiver, url);
				newsum->next = sumhead;
				sumhead = newsum;
		else if (strncmp(inbol, titletag, strlen(titletag)) == 0) {
			/* Save the title for the next entry */
			curtitle = strdup(skipwhitespace(skipword(inbol)));

		if (ineol) {
			*ineol = insavchar;
			if (*ineol != '\n') ineol = strchr(ineol, '\n');

			inbol = (ineol ? ineol+1 : NULL);
			inbol = NULL;

	return toppage;
예제 #27
파일: notifylog.c 프로젝트: tjyang/cpam
void do_notifylog(FILE *output, 
		  int maxcount, int maxminutes, char *fromtime, char *totime, 
		  char *pageregex, char *expageregex,
		  char *hostregex, char *exhostregex,
		  char *testregex, char *extestregex,
		  char *rcptregex, char *exrcptregex)
	FILE *notifylog;
	char notifylogfilename[PATH_MAX];
	time_t firstevent = 0;
	time_t lastevent = getcurrenttime(NULL);
	notification_t *head, *walk;
	struct stat st;
	char l[MAX_LINE_LEN];
	char title[200];

	/* For the PCRE matching */
	const char *errmsg = NULL;
	int errofs = 0;
	pcre *pageregexp = NULL;
	pcre *expageregexp = NULL;
	pcre *hostregexp = NULL;
	pcre *exhostregexp = NULL;
	pcre *testregexp = NULL;
	pcre *extestregexp = NULL;
	pcre *rcptregexp = NULL;
	pcre *exrcptregexp = NULL;

	if (maxminutes && (fromtime || totime)) {
		fprintf(output, "<B>Only one time interval type is allowed!</B>");

	if (fromtime) {
		firstevent = convert_time(fromtime);
		if(firstevent < 0) {
			fprintf(output,"<B>Invalid 'from' time: %s</B>", htmlquoted(fromtime));
	else if (maxminutes) {
		firstevent = getcurrenttime(NULL) - maxminutes*60;
	else {
		firstevent = getcurrenttime(NULL) - 86400;

	if (totime) {
		lastevent = convert_time(totime);
		if (lastevent < 0) {
			fprintf(output,"<B>Invalid 'to' time: %s</B>", htmlquoted(totime));
		if (lastevent < firstevent) {
			fprintf(output,"<B>'to' time must be after 'from' time.</B>");

	if (!maxcount) maxcount = 100;

	if (pageregex && *pageregex) pageregexp = pcre_compile(pageregex, PCRE_CASELESS, &errmsg, &errofs, NULL);
	if (expageregex && *expageregex) expageregexp = pcre_compile(expageregex, PCRE_CASELESS, &errmsg, &errofs, NULL);
	if (hostregex && *hostregex) hostregexp = pcre_compile(hostregex, PCRE_CASELESS, &errmsg, &errofs, NULL);
	if (exhostregex && *exhostregex) exhostregexp = pcre_compile(exhostregex, PCRE_CASELESS, &errmsg, &errofs, NULL);
	if (testregex && *testregex) testregexp = pcre_compile(testregex, PCRE_CASELESS, &errmsg, &errofs, NULL);
	if (extestregex && *extestregex) extestregexp = pcre_compile(extestregex, PCRE_CASELESS, &errmsg, &errofs, NULL);
	if (rcptregex && *rcptregex) rcptregexp = pcre_compile(rcptregex, PCRE_CASELESS, &errmsg, &errofs, NULL);
	if (exrcptregex && *exrcptregex) exrcptregexp = pcre_compile(exrcptregex, PCRE_CASELESS, &errmsg, &errofs, NULL);

	sprintf(notifylogfilename, "%s/notifications.log", xgetenv("XYMONSERVERLOGS"));
	notifylog = fopen(notifylogfilename, "r");

	if (notifylog && (stat(notifylogfilename, &st) == 0)) {
		time_t curtime;
		int done = 0;

		/* Find a spot in the notification log file close to where the firstevent time is */
		fseeko(notifylog, 0, SEEK_END);
		do {
			/* Go back maxcount*80 bytes - one entry is ~80 bytes */
			if (ftello(notifylog) > maxcount*80) {
				unsigned int uicurtime;
				fseeko(notifylog, -maxcount*80, SEEK_CUR); 
				if (fgets(l, sizeof(l), notifylog) && /* Skip to start of line */
				    fgets(l, sizeof(l), notifylog)) {
					/* Sun Jan  7 10:29:08 2007 myhost.disk ( [email protected] 1168162147 100 */
					sscanf(l, "%*s %*s %*u %*u:%*u:%*u %*u %*s %*s %*s %u %*d", &uicurtime);
					curtime = uicurtime;
					done = (curtime < firstevent);
				else { 
					fprintf(output, "Error reading logfile %s: %s\n", notifylogfilename, strerror(errno));
			else {
				done = 1;
		} while (!done);
	head = NULL;

	while (notifylog && (fgets(l, sizeof(l), notifylog))) {

		unsigned int etim;
		time_t eventtime;
		char hostsvc[MAX_LINE_LEN];
		char recipient[MAX_LINE_LEN];
		char *hostname, *svcname, *p;
		int itemsfound, pagematch, hostmatch, testmatch, rcptmatch;
		notification_t *newrec;
		void *eventhost;
		struct htnames_t *eventcolumn;
		int ovector[30];

		itemsfound = sscanf(l, "%*s %*s %*u %*u:%*u:%*u %*u %s %*s %s %u %*d", hostsvc, recipient, &etim);
		eventtime = etim;
		if (itemsfound != 3) continue;
		if (eventtime < firstevent) continue;
		if (eventtime > lastevent) break;

		hostname = hostsvc; svcname = strrchr(hostsvc, '.'); if (svcname) { *svcname = '\0'; svcname++; } else svcname = "";
		eventhost = hostinfo(hostname);
		if (!eventhost) continue; /* Dont report hosts that no longer exist */
		eventcolumn = getname(svcname, 1);

		p = strchr(recipient, '['); if (p) *p = '\0';

		if (pageregexp) {
			char *pagename;

			pagename = xmh_item_multi(eventhost, XMH_PAGEPATH);
			pagematch = 0;
			while (!pagematch && pagename) {
			pagematch = (pcre_exec(pageregexp, NULL, pagename, strlen(pagename), 0, 0, 
					ovector, (sizeof(ovector)/sizeof(int))) >= 0);
				pagename = xmh_item_multi(NULL, XMH_PAGEPATH);
			pagematch = 1;
		if (!pagematch) continue;

		if (expageregexp) {
			char *pagename;

			pagename = xmh_item_multi(eventhost, XMH_PAGEPATH);
			pagematch = 0;
			while (!pagematch && pagename) {
			pagematch = (pcre_exec(expageregexp, NULL, pagename, strlen(pagename), 0, 0, 
					ovector, (sizeof(ovector)/sizeof(int))) >= 0);
				pagename = xmh_item_multi(NULL, XMH_PAGEPATH);
			pagematch = 0;
		if (pagematch) continue;

		if (hostregexp)
			hostmatch = (pcre_exec(hostregexp, NULL, hostname, strlen(hostname), 0, 0, 
					ovector, (sizeof(ovector)/sizeof(int))) >= 0);
			hostmatch = 1;
		if (!hostmatch) continue;

		if (exhostregexp)
			hostmatch = (pcre_exec(exhostregexp, NULL, hostname, strlen(hostname), 0, 0, 
					ovector, (sizeof(ovector)/sizeof(int))) >= 0);
			hostmatch = 0;
		if (hostmatch) continue;

		if (testregexp)
			testmatch = (pcre_exec(testregexp, NULL, svcname, strlen(svcname), 0, 0, 
					ovector, (sizeof(ovector)/sizeof(int))) >= 0);
			testmatch = 1;
		if (!testmatch) continue;

		if (extestregexp)
			testmatch = (pcre_exec(extestregexp, NULL, svcname, strlen(svcname), 0, 0, 
					ovector, (sizeof(ovector)/sizeof(int))) >= 0);
			testmatch = 0;
		if (testmatch) continue;

		if (rcptregexp)
			rcptmatch = (pcre_exec(rcptregexp, NULL, recipient, strlen(recipient), 0, 0, 
					ovector, (sizeof(ovector)/sizeof(int))) >= 0);
			rcptmatch = 1;
		if (!rcptmatch) continue;

		if (exrcptregexp)
			rcptmatch = (pcre_exec(exrcptregexp, NULL, recipient, strlen(recipient), 0, 0, 
					ovector, (sizeof(ovector)/sizeof(int))) >= 0);
			rcptmatch = 0;
		if (rcptmatch) continue;

		newrec = (notification_t *) malloc(sizeof(notification_t));
		newrec->host       = eventhost;
		newrec->service    = eventcolumn;
		newrec->eventtime  = eventtime;
		newrec->recipient  = strdup(recipient);
		newrec->next       = head;
		head = newrec;

	if (head) {
		char *bgcolors[2] = { "#000000", "#000066" };
		int  bgcolor = 0;
		int  count;
		struct notification_t *lasttoshow = head;

		do {
			lasttoshow = walk;
			walk = walk->next;
		} while (walk && (count<maxcount));

		if (maxminutes)  { 
			sprintf(title, "%d notifications in the past %u minutes", 
				count, (unsigned int)((getcurrenttime(NULL) - lasttoshow->eventtime) / 60));
		else {
			sprintf(title, "%d notifications sent.", count);

		fprintf(output, "<BR><BR>\n");
		fprintf(output, "<TABLE SUMMARY=\"Notification log\" BORDER=0>\n");
		fprintf(output, "<TR BGCOLOR=\"#333333\">\n");
		fprintf(output, "<TD ALIGN=CENTER COLSPAN=4><FONT SIZE=-1 COLOR=\"#33ebf4\">%s</FONT></TD></TR>\n", htmlquoted(title));
		fprintf(output, "<TR BGCOLOR=\"#333333\"><TH>Time</TH><TH>Host</TH><TH>Service</TH><TH>Recipient</TH></TR>\n");

		for (walk=head; (walk != lasttoshow->next); walk=walk->next) {
			char *hostname = xmh_item(walk->host, XMH_HOSTNAME);

			fprintf(output, "<TR BGCOLOR=%s>\n", bgcolors[bgcolor]);
			bgcolor = ((bgcolor + 1) % 2);

			fprintf(output, "<TD ALIGN=LEFT>%s</TD>\n", ctime(&walk->eventtime));

			fprintf(output, "<TD ALIGN=LEFT>%s</TD>\n", hostname);
			fprintf(output, "<TD ALIGN=LEFT>%s</TD>\n", walk->service->name);
			fprintf(output, "<TD ALIGN=LEFT>%s</TD>\n", walk->recipient);

		fprintf(output, "</TABLE>\n");

		/* Clean up */
		walk = head;
		do {
			struct notification_t *tmp = walk;

			walk = walk->next;
		} while (walk);
	else {
		/* No notifications during the past maxminutes */
		if (notifylog)
			sprintf(title, "No notifications sent in the last %d minutes", maxminutes);
			strcpy(title, "No notifications logged");

		fprintf(output, "<CENTER><BR>\n");
		fprintf(output, "<TABLE SUMMARY=\"%s\" BORDER=0>\n", title);
		fprintf(output, "<TR BGCOLOR=\"#333333\">\n");
		fprintf(output, "<TD ALIGN=CENTER COLSPAN=6><FONT SIZE=-1 COLOR=\"#33ebf4\">%s</FONT></TD>\n", htmlquoted(title));
		fprintf(output, "</TR>\n");
		fprintf(output, "</TABLE>\n");
		fprintf(output, "</CENTER>\n");

	if (notifylog) fclose(notifylog);

	if (pageregexp)   pcre_free(pageregexp);
	if (expageregexp) pcre_free(expageregexp);
	if (hostregexp)   pcre_free(hostregexp);
	if (exhostregexp) pcre_free(exhostregexp);
	if (testregexp)   pcre_free(testregexp);
	if (extestregexp) pcre_free(extestregexp);
	if (rcptregexp)   pcre_free(rcptregexp);
	if (exrcptregexp) pcre_free(exrcptregexp);
예제 #28
파일: perfdata.c 프로젝트: Kotty666/xymon
int main(int argc, char **argv)
	pcre *hostptn, *exhostptn, *pageptn, *expageptn;
	void *hwalk;
	char *hostname, *pagename;

	hostptn = exhostptn = pageptn = expageptn = NULL;

	if (getenv("QUERY_STRING") == NULL) {
		/* Not invoked through the CGI */
		if (argc < 4) {
			errprintf("Usage:\n%s HOSTNAME-PATTERN STARTTIME ENDTIME", argv[0]);
			return 1;

		hostpattern = argv[1];
		if (strncmp(hostpattern, "--page=", 7) == 0) {
			pagepattern = strchr(argv[1], '=') + 1;
			hostpattern = NULL;
		starttimedate = argv[2]; starttimehm = "00:00:00";
		endtimedate = argv[3]; endtimehm = "00:00:00";
		if (argc > 4) {
			if (strncmp(argv[4], "--csv", 5) == 0) {
				char *p;

				outform = O_CSV;
				if ((p = strchr(argv[4], '=')) != NULL) csvdelim = *(p+1);
	else {
		char *envarea = NULL;
		int argi;

		for (argi = 1; (argi < argc); argi++) {
			if (argnmatch(argv[argi], "--env=")) {
				char *p = strchr(argv[argi], '=');
				loadenv(p+1, envarea);
			else if (argnmatch(argv[argi], "--area=")) {
				char *p = strchr(argv[argi], '=');
				envarea = strdup(p+1);
			else if (strcmp(argv[argi], "--debug") == 0) {
				debug = 1;

		/* Parse CGI parameters */
		format_rrdtime(starttime, &starttimedate, &starttimehm);
		format_rrdtime(endtime, &endtimedate, &endtimehm);

		switch (outform) {
		  case O_XML:
			printf("Content-type: application/xml\n\n");

		  case O_CSV:
			printf("Content-type: text/csv\n\n");

		  case O_NONE:
			load_hostnames(xgetenv("HOSTSCFG"), NULL, get_fqdn());
			printf("Content-type: %s\n\n", xgetenv("HTMLCONTENTTYPE"));
			showform(stdout, "perfdata", "perfdata_form", COL_BLUE, getcurrenttime(NULL), NULL, NULL);
			return 0;

	load_hostnames(xgetenv("HOSTSCFG"), NULL, get_fqdn());

	if (hostpattern) hostptn = compileregex(hostpattern);
	if (exhostpattern) exhostptn = compileregex(exhostpattern);
	if (pagepattern) pageptn = compileregex(pagepattern);
	if (expagepattern) expageptn = compileregex(expagepattern);

	switch (outform) {
	  case O_XML:
		printf("<?xml version='1.0' encoding='ISO-8859-1'?>\n");

	dbgprintf("Got hosts, it is %s\n", (first_host() == NULL) ? "empty" : "not empty");

	for (hwalk = first_host(); (hwalk); hwalk = next_host(hwalk, 0)) {
		hostname = xmh_item(hwalk, XMH_HOSTNAME);
		pagename = xmh_item(hwalk, XMH_PAGEPATH);

		dbgprintf("Processing host %s\n", hostname);

		if (hostpattern && !matchregex(hostname, hostptn)) continue;
		if (exhostpattern && matchregex(hostname, exhostptn)) continue;
		if (pagepattern && !matchregex(pagename, pageptn)) continue;
		if (expagepattern && matchregex(pagename, expageptn)) continue;

		onehost(hostname, starttime, endtime);

	switch (outform) {
	  case O_XML:

	return 0;