void meshUnderXformOut( const std::string &iName )
    OArchive archive( Alembic::AbcCoreHDF5::WriteArchive(), iName );

    TimeSamplingPtr ts( new TimeSampling( 1.0 / 24.0, 0.0 ) );

    OXform xfobj( archive.getTop(), "xf", ts );

    OPolyMesh meshobj( xfobj, "mesh", ts );

    OPolyMeshSchema::Sample mesh_samp(
        V3fArraySample( ( const V3f * )g_verts, g_numVerts ),
        Int32ArraySample( g_indices, g_numIndices ),
        Int32ArraySample( g_counts, g_numCounts ) );

    XformSample xf_samp;
    XformOp rotOp( kRotateYOperation );

    Box3d childBounds;
    childBounds.extendBy( V3d( 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 ) );
    childBounds.extendBy( V3d( -1.0, -1.0, -1.0 ) );

    xf_samp.setChildBounds( childBounds );

    double rotation = 0.0;

    for ( std::size_t i = 0 ; i < 100 ; ++i )
        xf_samp.addOp( rotOp, rotation );
        xfobj.getSchema().set( xf_samp );
        meshobj.getSchema().set( mesh_samp );
        rotation += 30.0;
예제 #2
Imath::Box3d AlembicInput::boundAtTime( double time ) const
	if( hasStoredBound() )
		size_t index0, index1;
		double lerpFactor = sampleIntervalAtTime( time, index0, index1 );
		if( index0 == index1 )
			return boundAtSample( index0 );
			Box3d bound0 = boundAtSample( index0 );
			Box3d bound1 = boundAtSample( index1 );		
			Box3d result;
			result.min = lerp( bound0.min, bound1.min, lerpFactor );	
			result.max = lerp( bound0.max, bound1.max, lerpFactor );
			return result;
		Box3d result;
		for( size_t i=0, n=numChildren(); i<n; i++ )
			AlembicInputPtr c = child( i );
			Box3d childBound = c->boundAtTime( time );
			childBound = Imath::transform( childBound, c->transformAtTime( time ) );
			result.extendBy( childBound );
		return result;
// Here we'll create an "Archive", which is Alembic's term for the actual
// file on disk containing all of the scene geometry. The Archive will contain
// a single animated Transform with a single static PolyMesh as its child.
void Example1_MeshOut()
    // Create an OArchive.
    // Like std::iostreams, we have a completely separate-but-parallel class
    // hierarchy for output and for input (OArchive, IArchive, and so on). This
    // maintains the important abstraction that Alembic is for storage,
    // representation, and archival. (as opposed to being a dynamic scene
    // manipulation framework).
    OArchive archive(

        // The hard link to the implementation.

        // The file name.
        // Because we're an OArchive, this is creating (or clobbering)
        // the archive with this filename.
        "polyMesh1.abc" );

    // Create a PolyMesh class.
    OPolyMesh meshyObj( OObject( archive, kTop ), "meshy" );
    OPolyMeshSchema &mesh = meshyObj.getSchema();

    // UVs and Normals use GeomParams, which can be written or read
    // as indexed or not, as you'd like.
    OV2fGeomParam::Sample uvsamp( V2fArraySample( (const V2f *)g_uvs,
                                                  g_numUVs ),
                                  kFacevaryingScope );
    // indexed normals
    ON3fGeomParam::Sample nsamp( N3fArraySample( (const N3f *)g_normals,
                                                 g_numNormals ),
                                 kFacevaryingScope );

    // Set a mesh sample.
    // We're creating the sample inline here,
    // but we could create a static sample and leave it around,
    // only modifying the parts that have changed.
    OPolyMeshSchema::Sample mesh_samp(
        V3fArraySample( ( const V3f * )g_verts, g_numVerts ),
        Int32ArraySample( g_indices, g_numIndices ),
        Int32ArraySample( g_counts, g_numCounts ),
        uvsamp, nsamp );

    // not actually the right data; just making it up
    Box3d cbox;
    cbox.extendBy( V3d( 1.0, -1.0, 0.0 ) );
    cbox.extendBy( V3d( -1.0, 1.0, 3.0 ) );
    mesh_samp.setChildBounds( cbox );

    // Set the sample twice
    mesh.set( mesh_samp );
    mesh.set( mesh_samp );

    // Alembic objects close themselves automatically when they go out
    // of scope. So - we don't have to do anything to finish
    // them off!
    std::cout << "Writing: " << archive.getName() << std::endl;
Box3d getBounds( IObject iObj )
    Box3d bnds;

    M44d xf = getFinalMatrix( iObj );

    if ( IPolyMesh::matches( iObj.getMetaData() ) )
        IPolyMesh mesh( iObj, kWrapExisting );
        IPolyMeshSchema ms = mesh.getSchema();
        V3fArraySamplePtr positions = ms.getValue().getPositions();
        size_t numPoints = positions->size();

        for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < numPoints ; ++i )
            bnds.extendBy( (*positions)[i] );
    else if ( ISubD::matches( iObj.getMetaData() ) )
        ISubD mesh( iObj, kWrapExisting );
        ISubDSchema ms = mesh.getSchema();
        V3fArraySamplePtr positions = ms.getValue().getPositions();
        size_t numPoints = positions->size();

        for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < numPoints ; ++i )
            bnds.extendBy( (*positions)[i] );

    bnds.extendBy( Imath::transform( bnds, xf ) );

    g_bounds.extendBy( bnds );

    return bnds;
예제 #5
void worldToVoxel(const Field3D::FieldMapping* mapping,
                  const Box3d &wsBounds,
                  Box3d &vsBounds)
  V3d test1, test2;
  mapping->worldToVoxel(test1, test2);
  //! \todo Make this integrate over time
  V3d wsVerts[] = {
    V3d(wsBounds.min.x, wsBounds.min.y, wsBounds.min.z),
    V3d(wsBounds.max.x, wsBounds.min.y, wsBounds.min.z),
    V3d(wsBounds.min.x, wsBounds.max.y, wsBounds.min.z),
    V3d(wsBounds.max.x, wsBounds.max.y, wsBounds.min.z),
    V3d(wsBounds.min.x, wsBounds.min.y, wsBounds.max.z),
    V3d(wsBounds.max.x, wsBounds.min.y, wsBounds.max.z),
    V3d(wsBounds.min.x, wsBounds.max.y, wsBounds.max.z),
    V3d(wsBounds.max.x, wsBounds.max.y, wsBounds.max.z)
  V3d vsP;
  for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
    mapping->worldToVoxel(wsVerts[i], vsP);