예제 #1
파일: CBotVar.cpp 프로젝트: Grunaka/colobot
CBotTypResult CBotVar::GetTypResult(GetTypeMode mode)
    CBotTypResult    r = m_type;

    if ( mode == GetTypeMode::CLASS_AS_POINTER && m_type.Eq(CBotTypClass) )
    if ( mode == GetTypeMode::CLASS_AS_INTRINSIC && m_type.Eq(CBotTypClass) )

    return r;
예제 #2
CBotTypResult CBotVar::GetTypResult(int mode)
    CBotTypResult    r = m_type;

    if ( mode == 1 && m_type.Eq(CBotTypClass) )
    if ( mode == 2 && m_type.Eq(CBotTypClass) )

    return r;
예제 #3
bool TypeCompatible(CBotTypResult& type1, CBotTypResult& type2, int op)
    int    t1 = type1.GetType();
    int    t2 = type2.GetType();

    int max = (t1 > t2) ? t1 : t2;

    if (max == 99) return false;    // result is void?

    // special case for strin concatenation
    if (op == ID_ADD && max >= CBotTypString) return true;
    if (op == ID_ASSADD && max >= CBotTypString) return true;
    if (op == ID_ASS && t1 == CBotTypString) return true;

    if (max >= CBotTypBoolean)
        if ( (op == ID_EQ || op == ID_NE) &&
             (t1 == CBotTypPointer && t2 == CBotTypNullPointer)) return true;
        if ( (op == ID_EQ || op == ID_NE || op == ID_ASS) &&
             (t2 == CBotTypPointer && t1 == CBotTypNullPointer)) return true;
        if ( (op == ID_EQ || op == ID_NE) &&
             (t1 == CBotTypArrayPointer && t2 == CBotTypNullPointer)) return true;
        if ( (op == ID_EQ || op == ID_NE || op == ID_ASS) &&
             (t2 == CBotTypArrayPointer && t1 == CBotTypNullPointer)) return true;
        if (t2 != t1) return false;
        if (t1 == CBotTypArrayPointer) return type1.Compare(type2);
        if (t1 == CBotTypPointer ||
            t1 == CBotTypClass   ||
            t1 == CBotTypIntrinsic )
            CBotClass*    c1 = type1.GetClass();
            CBotClass*    c2 = type2.GetClass();

            return c1->IsChildOf(c2) || c2->IsChildOf(c1);
            // accept the case in reverse
            // the transaction will be denied at runtime if the pointer is not
            // compatible

        return true;

    return true;
예제 #4
// compiles a list of parameters
CBotDefParam* CBotDefParam::Compile(CBotToken* &p, CBotCStack* pStack)
    // mainly not pStack->TokenStack here
    // declared variables must remain visible thereafter


    if (IsOfType(p, ID_OPENPAR))
        CBotDefParam* list = NULL;
        while (!IsOfType(p, ID_CLOSEPAR))
            CBotDefParam* param = new CBotDefParam();
            if (list == NULL) list = param;
            else list->AddNext(param);          // added to the list

//            CBotClass*  pClass = NULL;//= CBotClass::Find(p);
            param->m_typename = p->GetString();
            CBotTypResult type = param->m_type = TypeParam(p, pStack);
//          if ( type == CBotTypPointer ) type = CBotTypClass;          // we must create a new object

            if (param->m_type.GetType() > 0)
                CBotToken*  pp = p;
                param->m_token = *p;
                if (pStack->IsOk() && IsOfType(p, TokenTypVar) )

                    // variable already declared?
                    if (pStack->CheckVarLocal(pp))
                        pStack->SetError(TX_REDEFVAR, pp);

                    if ( type.Eq(CBotTypArrayPointer) ) type.SetType(CBotTypArrayBody);
                    CBotVar*    var = CBotVar::Create(pp->GetString(), type);       // creates the variable
//                  if ( pClass ) var->SetClass(pClass);
                    var->SetInit(2);                                    // mark initialized
                    param->m_nIdent = CBotVar::NextUniqNum();
                    pStack->AddVar(var);                                // place on the stack

                    if (IsOfType(p, ID_COMMA) || p->GetType() == ID_CLOSEPAR)
                pStack->SetError(TX_CLOSEPAR, p->GetStart());
            pStack->SetError(TX_NOTYP, p);
            delete list;
            return NULL;
        return list;
    pStack->SetError(TX_OPENPAR, p->GetStart());
    return NULL;