예제 #1
파일: zemu.cpp 프로젝트: mkoloberdin/zemu
bool TryLoadArcFile(const char *arcName, int drive)
	C_File fl;
	char res[MAX_PATH];
	char tmp[MAX_PATH], str[MAX_FNAME];
	char files[MAX_FILES][MAX_FNAME];
	int filesCount;
	string plugin_fn;

	strcpy(tmp, C_DirWork::ExtractExt(arcName));

	if (!strlen(tmp)) {
		return false;


	plugin_fn = config.FindDataFile("arc", tmp);

	if (plugin_fn.empty()) {
		return false;

	sprintf(tmp, "%s list \"%s\" %s/files.txt", plugin_fn.c_str(), arcName, tempFolderName);
	if (system(tmp) == -1) DEBUG_MESSAGE("system failed");

	sprintf(tmp, "%s/files.txt", tempFolderName);
	if (!C_File::FileExists(tmp)) return true; // "true" here means ONLY that the file is an archive


	for (filesCount = 0; !fl.Eof(); )
		fl.GetS(str, sizeof(str));
		if (strcmp(str, "")) strcpy(files[filesCount++], str);

	if (!filesCount) return true; // "true" here means ONLY that the file is an archive

	// currently load only first file
	sprintf(tmp, "%s extract \"%s\" \"%s\" %s", plugin_fn.c_str(), arcName, files[0], tempFolderName);
	if (system(tmp) == -1) DEBUG_MESSAGE("system failed");
	strcpy(tmp, C_DirWork::ExtractFileName(files[0]));

	// TODO: check if lresult strlen > sizeof(res)
	sprintf(res, "%s/%s", tempFolderName, tmp);

	LoadNormalFile(res, drive, arcName);

	return true; // "true" here means ONLY that the file is an archive