//操作 BOOL CmyWord::CreateApp() { COleException pe; if (!m_wdApp.CreateDispatch(_T("Word.Application"), &pe)) { AfxMessageBox(_T("Application创建失败,请确保安装了word 2000或以上版本!"), MB_OK|MB_ICONWARNING); pe.ReportError(); throw &pe; return FALSE; } return TRUE; }
extern "C" int PASCAL EXPORT Convert( const char* strFile_In , const char* strFile_Out ) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE( AfxGetStaticModuleState( ) ); int bRet = 0; TCHAR strFile_In_T[MAX_PATH] = { _T( "" ) }; TCHAR strFile_Out_T[MAX_PATH] = { _T( "" ) }; UTF8_TO_WIDE( strFile_In_T , strFile_In ); UTF8_TO_WIDE( strFile_Out_T , strFile_Out ); CoInitialize( NULL ); PPT_Application pApp; COleException cErr; TCHAR strErr[256] = { _T( "" ) }; cErr.GetErrorMessage( strErr , 256 ); vector<int> vPIDs; GetPptPID( vPIDs , PROCESS_FACT::INIT ); int nRet = pApp.CreateDispatch( _T( "Powerpoint.Application" ) , &cErr ); if( nRet > 0 ) { int nPID = GetPptPID( vPIDs , PROCESS_FACT::FIND ); pApp.put_Visible( 1 ); PPT_Presentations pPresentations = pApp.get_Presentations( ); COleVariant vTrue( ( short ) TRUE ) , vFalse( ( short ) FALSE ) , vOptional( ( long ) DISP_E_PARAMNOTFOUND , VT_ERROR ) , vZ( ( short ) 0 ) ; try { //Open Workbook CString strBookPath( strFile_In_T ); strBookPath.Replace( _T( "//" ) , _T( "\\" ) ); PPT_Presentation pPresentation = pPresentations.Open( strBookPath , 0 , 0 , 0 ); if( pPresentation.m_lpDispatch ) { try { //Convert CString strPdfPath( strFile_Out_T ); strPdfPath.Replace( _T( "//" ) , _T( "\\" ) ); pPresentation.ExportAsFixedFormat( strPdfPath , ppFixedFormatTypePDF , 0 , 0 , ppPrintHandoutHorizontalFirst , ppPrintOutputSlides , 0 , NULL , ppPrintAll , NULL , false , false , true , true , false , vOptional ); bRet = TASK_STATE::TASK_STATE_SUC; pPresentation.Close( ); } catch( ... ) { bRet = TASK_STATE::TASK_STATE_FILE_CONVERT_FAIL; pPresentation.Close( ); } pPresentation.ReleaseDispatch( ); } } catch( ... ) { bRet = TASK_STATE::TASK_STATE_FILE_OPEN_FAIL; } pPresentations.ReleaseDispatch( ); pApp.Quit( ); pApp.ReleaseDispatch( ); GetPptPID( vPIDs , PROCESS_FACT::TERMINATE , nPID ); Sleep( 1000 ); } CoUninitialize( ); return bRet; }
/** Constructor for Roper driver; most parameters are simply passed to ADDriver::ADDriver. * After calling the base class constructor this method creates a thread to collect the detector data, * and sets reasonable default values for the parameters defined in this class, asynNDArrayDriver and * ADDriver. * \param[in] portName The name of the asyn port driver to be created. * \param[in] maxBuffers The maximum number of NDArray buffers that the NDArrayPool for this driver is * allowed to allocate. Set this to -1 to allow an unlimited number of buffers. * \param[in] maxMemory The maximum amount of memory that the NDArrayPool for this driver is * allowed to allocate. Set this to -1 to allow an unlimited amount of memory. * \param[in] priority The thread priority for the asyn port driver thread if ASYN_CANBLOCK is set in asynFlags. * \param[in] stackSize The stack size for the asyn port driver thread if ASYN_CANBLOCK is set in asynFlags. */ roper::roper(const char *portName, int maxBuffers, size_t maxMemory, int priority, int stackSize) : ADDriver(portName, 1, NUM_ROPER_PARAMS, maxBuffers, maxMemory, 0, 0, /* No interfaces beyond those set in ADDriver.cpp */ ASYN_CANBLOCK, 1, /* ASYN_CANBLOCK=1, ASYN_MULTIDEVICE=0, autoConnect=1 */ priority, stackSize) { int status = asynSuccess; const char *functionName = "roper"; VARIANT varResult; HRESULT hr; COleException COleExcept; short result; const char *controllerName; int controllerNum; IDispatch *pDocFileDispatch; createParam(RoperShutterModeString, asynParamInt32, &RoperShutterMode); createParam(RoperNumAcquisitionsString, asynParamInt32, &RoperNumAcquisitions); createParam(RoperNumAcquisitionsCounterString, asynParamInt32, &RoperNumAcquisitionsCounter); createParam(RoperAutoDataTypeString, asynParamInt32, &RoperAutoDataType); createParam(RoperComment1String, asynParamOctet, &RoperComment1); createParam(RoperComment2String, asynParamOctet, &RoperComment2); createParam(RoperComment3String, asynParamOctet, &RoperComment3); createParam(RoperComment4String, asynParamOctet, &RoperComment4); createParam(RoperComment5String, asynParamOctet, &RoperComment5); /* Initialize the COM system for this thread */ hr = INITIALIZE_COM; if (hr != S_OK) { printf("%s:%s: error initializing COM\n", driverName, functionName); } /* Create the COleDispatchDriver objects used to communicate with COM */ VariantInit(&varResult); this->pWinx32App = new(CWinx32App20); this->pExpSetup = new(CExpSetup20); this->pDocFile = new(CDocFile40); this->pROIRect = new(CROIRect0); /* Connect to the WinX32App and ExpSetup COM objects */ if (!pWinx32App->CreateDispatch("WinX32.Winx32App.2", &COleExcept)) { COleExcept.GetErrorMessage(this->errorMessage, sizeof(this->errorMessage)); printf("%s:%s: error creating WinX32App COM object = %s\n", driverName, functionName, this->errorMessage); return; } if (!pExpSetup->CreateDispatch("WinX32.ExpSetup.2", &COleExcept)) { COleExcept.GetErrorMessage(this->errorMessage, sizeof(this->errorMessage)); printf("%s:%s: error creating ExpSetup COM object = %s\n", driverName, functionName, this->errorMessage); return; } if (!pROIRect->CreateDispatch("WinX32.ROIRect", &COleExcept)) { COleExcept.GetErrorMessage(this->errorMessage, sizeof(this->errorMessage)); printf("%s:%s: error creating ROIRect COM object = %s\n", driverName, functionName, this->errorMessage); return; } try { varResult = this->pExpSetup->GetParam(EXP_CONTROLLER_NAME, &result); controllerNum = varResult.lVal; if (controllerNum < 0) controllerNum = 0; if (controllerNum >= numControllerNames) controllerNum = 0; controllerName = controllerNames[controllerNum]; varResult = pExpSetup->GetParam(EXP_XDIMDET, &result); setIntegerParam(ADMaxSizeX, varResult.lVal); varResult = pExpSetup->GetParam(EXP_YDIMDET, &result); setIntegerParam(ADMaxSizeY, varResult.lVal); pDocFileDispatch = pExpSetup->GetDocument(); if (pDocFileDispatch) { pDocFile->AttachDispatch(pDocFileDispatch); getData(); } else { setIntegerParam(NDArraySizeX, 0); setIntegerParam(NDArraySizeY, 0); setIntegerParam(NDArraySize, 0); setIntegerParam(NDDataType, NDUInt16); } } catch(CException *pEx) { pEx->GetErrorMessage(this->errorMessage, sizeof(this->errorMessage)); printf("%s:%s: exception = %s\n", driverName, functionName, this->errorMessage); pEx->Delete(); return; } /* Read the state of the detector */ status = this->getStatus(); if (status) { printf("%s:%s: unable to read detector status\n", driverName, functionName); return; } /* Create the epicsEvents for signaling to the acquisition task when acquisition starts and stops */ this->startEventId = epicsEventCreate(epicsEventEmpty); if (!this->startEventId) { printf("%s:%s: epicsEventCreate failure for start event\n", driverName, functionName); return; } this->stopEventId = epicsEventCreate(epicsEventEmpty); if (!this->stopEventId) { printf("%s:%s: epicsEventCreate failure for stop event\n", driverName, functionName); return; } /* Set some default values for parameters */ status = setStringParam (ADManufacturer, "Roper Scientific"); status |= setStringParam (ADModel, controllerName); status |= setIntegerParam(ADImageMode, ADImageSingle); status |= setDoubleParam (ADAcquireTime, .1); status |= setDoubleParam (ADAcquirePeriod, .5); status |= setIntegerParam(ADNumImages, 1); status |= setIntegerParam(RoperNumAcquisitions, 1); status |= setIntegerParam(RoperNumAcquisitionsCounter, 0); status |= setIntegerParam(RoperAutoDataType, 1); if (status) { printf("%s:%s: unable to set camera parameters\n", driverName, functionName); return; } /* Create the thread that updates the images */ status = (epicsThreadCreate("roperTask", epicsThreadPriorityMedium, epicsThreadGetStackSize(epicsThreadStackMedium), (EPICSTHREADFUNC)roperTaskC, this) == NULL); if (status) { printf("%s:%s: epicsThreadCreate failure for Roper task\n", driverName, functionName); return; } }