예제 #1
// Method:    getRegExpData
// FullName:  getRegExpData
// Access:    public static 
// Returns:   bool true if regexp-param=RegExp-Object / other false
// Qualifier:
// Parameter: const CFunctionsScopePtr & c
// Parameter: const string & regexp - parameter name of the regexp
// Parameter: bool noUndefined - true an undefined regexp aims in "" else in "undefined"
// Parameter: const string & flags - parameter name of the flags
// Parameter: string & substr - rgexp.source
// Parameter: bool & global
// Parameter: bool & ignoreCase
// Parameter: bool & sticky
static CScriptVarPtr getRegExpData(const CFunctionsScopePtr &c, const string &regexp, bool noUndefined, const char *flags_argument, string &substr, bool &global, bool &ignoreCase, bool &sticky) {
	CScriptVarPtr regexpVar = c->getArgument(regexp);
	if(regexpVar->isRegExp()) {
#ifndef NO_REGEXP
		CScriptVarRegExpPtr RegExp(regexpVar);
		substr = RegExp->Regexp();
		ignoreCase = RegExp->IgnoreCase();
		global = RegExp->Global();
		sticky = RegExp->Sticky();
		return RegExp;
#endif /* NO_REGEXP */
	} else {
		if(!noUndefined || !regexpVar->isUndefined()) substr = regexpVar->toString();
		CScriptVarPtr flagVar;
		if(flags_argument && (flagVar = c->getArgument(flags_argument)) && !flagVar->isUndefined()) {
			string flags = flagVar->toString();
			string::size_type pos = flags.find_first_not_of("gimy");
			if(pos != string::npos) {
				c->throwError(SyntaxError, string("invalid regular expression flag ")+flags[pos]);
			global = flags.find_first_of('g')!=string::npos;
			ignoreCase = flags.find_first_of('i')!=string::npos;
			sticky = flags.find_first_of('y')!=string::npos;
		} else
			global = ignoreCase = sticky = false;
	return CScriptVarPtr();
예제 #2
static void scStringReplace(const CFunctionsScopePtr &c, void *) {
	const string str = this2string(c);
	CScriptVarPtr newsubstrVar = c->getArgument("newsubstr");
	string substr, ret_str;
	bool global, ignoreCase, sticky;
	bool isRegExp = getRegExpData(c, "substr", false, "flags", substr, global, ignoreCase, sticky);
	if(isRegExp && !newsubstrVar->isFunction()) {
#ifndef NO_REGEXP
		regex::flag_type flags = regex_constants::ECMAScript;
		if(ignoreCase) flags |= regex_constants::icase;
		regex_constants::match_flag_type mflags = regex_constants::match_default;
		if(!global) mflags |= regex_constants::format_first_only;
		if(sticky) mflags |= regex_constants::match_continuous;
		ret_str = regex_replace(str, regex(substr, flags), newsubstrVar->toString(), mflags);
#endif /* NO_REGEXP */
	} else {
		bool (*search)(const string &, const string::const_iterator &, const string &, bool, bool, string::const_iterator &, string::const_iterator &);
#ifndef NO_REGEXP
			search = regex_search;
#endif /* NO_REGEXP */
			search = string_search;
		string newsubstr;
		vector<CScriptVarPtr> arguments;
			newsubstr = newsubstrVar->toString();
		global = global && substr.length();
		string::const_iterator search_begin=str.begin(), match_begin, match_end;
		if(search(str, search_begin, substr, ignoreCase, sticky, match_begin, match_end)) {
			do {
				ret_str.append(search_begin, match_begin);
				if(newsubstrVar->isFunction()) {
					arguments.push_back(c->newScriptVar(string(match_begin, match_end)));
					newsubstr = c->getContext()->callFunction(newsubstrVar, arguments)->toString();
#if 1 /* Fix from "vcmpeq" (see Issue 14) currently untested */
				if (match_begin == match_end) {
					if (search_begin != str.end())
				} else {
					search_begin = match_end;
				search_begin = match_end;
			} while(global && search(str, search_begin, substr, ignoreCase, sticky, match_begin, match_end));
		ret_str.append(search_begin, str.end());
예제 #3
static string this2string(const CFunctionsScopePtr &c) {
	CScriptVarPtr This = c->getArgument("this");
	return This->toString();