bool CSiteManager::ClearBookmarks(wxString sitePath) { if (sitePath[0] != '0') return false; sitePath = sitePath.Mid(1); // We have to synchronize access to sitemanager.xml so that multiple processed don't write // to the same file or one is reading while the other one writes. CInterProcessMutex mutex(MUTEX_SITEMANAGER); CXmlFile file; TiXmlElement* pDocument = file.Load(_T("sitemanager")); if (!pDocument) { wxString msg = file.GetError() + _T("\n") + _("The bookmarks could not be cleared."); wxMessageBox(msg, _("Error loading xml file"), wxICON_ERROR); return false; } TiXmlElement* pElement = pDocument->FirstChildElement("Servers"); if (!pElement) return false; std::list<wxString> segments; if (!UnescapeSitePath(sitePath, segments)) { wxMessageBox(_("Site path is malformed."), _("Invalid site path")); return 0; } TiXmlElement* pChild = GetElementByPath(pElement, segments); if (!pChild || strcmp(pChild->Value(), "Server")) { wxMessageBox(_("Site does not exist."), _("Invalid site path")); return 0; } TiXmlElement *pBookmark = pChild->FirstChildElement("Bookmark"); while (pBookmark) { pChild->RemoveChild(pBookmark); pBookmark = pChild->FirstChildElement("Bookmark"); } wxString error; if (!file.Save(&error)) { if (COptions::Get()->GetOptionVal(OPTION_DEFAULT_KIOSKMODE) == 2) return true; wxString msg = wxString::Format(_("Could not write \"%s\", the selected sites could not be exported: %s"), file.GetFileName().GetFullPath().c_str(), error.c_str()); wxMessageBox(msg, _("Error writing xml file"), wxICON_ERROR); } return true; }
void CSearchDialog::SaveConditions() { CInterProcessMutex mutex(MUTEX_SEARCHCONDITIONS); CXmlFile file; TiXmlElement* pDocument = file.Load(_T("search")); if (!pDocument) { wxMessageBox(file.GetError(), _("Error loading xml file"), wxICON_ERROR); return; } TiXmlElement* pFilter; while ((pFilter = pDocument->FirstChildElement("Filter"))) pDocument->RemoveChild(pFilter); pFilter = pDocument->LinkEndChild(new TiXmlElement("Filter"))->ToElement(); CFilterDialog::SaveFilter(pFilter, m_search_filter); file.Save(); }
bool CSiteManager::AddBookmark(wxString sitePath, const wxString& name, const wxString &local_dir, const CServerPath &remote_dir, bool sync) { if (local_dir.empty() && remote_dir.IsEmpty()) return false; if (sitePath[0] != '0') return false; sitePath = sitePath.Mid(1); // We have to synchronize access to sitemanager.xml so that multiple processed don't write // to the same file or one is reading while the other one writes. CInterProcessMutex mutex(MUTEX_SITEMANAGER); CXmlFile file; TiXmlElement* pDocument = file.Load(_T("sitemanager")); if (!pDocument) { wxString msg = file.GetError() + _T("\n") + _("The bookmark could not be added."); wxMessageBox(msg, _("Error loading xml file"), wxICON_ERROR); return false; } TiXmlElement* pElement = pDocument->FirstChildElement("Servers"); if (!pElement) return false; std::list<wxString> segments; if (!UnescapeSitePath(sitePath, segments)) { wxMessageBox(_("Site path is malformed."), _("Invalid site path")); return 0; } TiXmlElement* pChild = GetElementByPath(pElement, segments); if (!pChild || strcmp(pChild->Value(), "Server")) { wxMessageBox(_("Site does not exist."), _("Invalid site path")); return 0; } // Bookmarks TiXmlElement *pInsertBefore = 0; TiXmlElement* pBookmark; for (pBookmark = pChild->FirstChildElement("Bookmark"); pBookmark; pBookmark = pBookmark->NextSiblingElement("Bookmark")) { TiXmlHandle handle(pBookmark); wxString old_name = GetTextElement_Trimmed(pBookmark, "Name"); if (old_name.empty()) continue; if (name == old_name) { wxMessageBox(_("Name of bookmark already exists."), _("New bookmark"), wxICON_EXCLAMATION); return false; } if (name < old_name && !pInsertBefore) pInsertBefore = pBookmark; } if (pInsertBefore) pBookmark = pChild->InsertBeforeChild(pInsertBefore, TiXmlElement("Bookmark"))->ToElement(); else pBookmark = pChild->LinkEndChild(new TiXmlElement("Bookmark"))->ToElement(); AddTextElement(pBookmark, "Name", name); if (!local_dir.empty()) AddTextElement(pBookmark, "LocalDir", local_dir); if (!remote_dir.IsEmpty()) AddTextElement(pBookmark, "RemoteDir", remote_dir.GetSafePath()); if (sync) AddTextElementRaw(pBookmark, "SyncBrowsing", "1"); wxString error; if (!file.Save(&error)) { if (COptions::Get()->GetOptionVal(OPTION_DEFAULT_KIOSKMODE) == 2) return true; wxString msg = wxString::Format(_("Could not write \"%s\", the selected sites could not be exported: %s"), file.GetFileName().GetFullPath().c_str(), error.c_str()); wxMessageBox(msg, _("Error writing xml file"), wxICON_ERROR); } return true; }
wxString CSiteManager::AddServer(CServer server) { // We have to synchronize access to sitemanager.xml so that multiple processed don't write // to the same file or one is reading while the other one writes. CInterProcessMutex mutex(MUTEX_SITEMANAGER); CXmlFile file; TiXmlElement* pDocument = file.Load(_T("sitemanager")); if (!pDocument) { wxString msg = file.GetError() + _T("\n") + _("The server could not be added."); wxMessageBox(msg, _("Error loading xml file"), wxICON_ERROR); return _T(""); } TiXmlElement* pElement = pDocument->FirstChildElement("Servers"); if (!pElement) return _T(""); std::list<wxString> names; for (TiXmlElement* pChild = pElement->FirstChildElement("Server"); pChild; pChild = pChild->NextSiblingElement("Server")) { wxString name = GetTextElement(pChild, "Name"); if (name.empty()) continue; names.push_back(name); } wxString name = _("New site"); int i = 1; for (;;) { std::list<wxString>::const_iterator iter; for (iter = names.begin(); iter != names.end(); ++iter) { if (*iter == name) break; } if (iter == names.end()) break; name = _("New site") + wxString::Format(_T(" %d"), ++i); } server.SetName(name); TiXmlElement* pServer = pElement->LinkEndChild(new TiXmlElement("Server"))->ToElement(); SetServer(pServer, server); char* utf8 = ConvUTF8(name); if (utf8) { pServer->LinkEndChild(new TiXmlText(utf8)); delete [] utf8; } wxString error; if (!file.Save(&error)) { if (COptions::Get()->GetOptionVal(OPTION_DEFAULT_KIOSKMODE) == 2) return _T(""); wxString msg = wxString::Format(_("Could not write \"%s\", any changes to the Site Manager could not be saved: %s"), file.GetFileName().GetFullPath().c_str(), error.c_str()); wxMessageBox(msg, _("Error writing xml file"), wxICON_ERROR); return _T(""); } return _T("0/") + EscapeSegment(name); }