PyResult TradeService::Handle_InitiateTrade(PyCallArgs &call){ Call_SingleIntegerArg args; if(!args.Decode(&call.tuple)) { codelog(CLIENT__ERROR, "%s: failed to decode arguments", call.client->GetName()); return NULL; } Client *target = EntityList::FindCharacter( args.arg ); InitiateTradeRsp rsp; rsp.nodeID = PyServiceMgr::GetNodeID(); rsp.stationID = target->GetStationID(); rsp.ownerID = call.client->GetCharacterID(); rsp.targetID = target->GetCharacterID(); rsp.moneyToGive = 0; rsp.moneyToReceive = 0; rsp.when = Win32TimeNow(); rsp.unknown7 = 0; SysLog::Debug("Trade Service", "Called InitiateTrade with character: %u", args.arg); return rsp.Encode(); }
PyResult ContractMgrService::Handle_GetContract( PyCallArgs& call ) { Call_SingleIntegerArg arg; PyDict* _contract = new PyDict; if( !arg.Decode( &call.tuple ) ) { codelog(SERVICE__ERROR, "%s: Bad arguments to GetContract in contractMgr", call.client->GetCharacterName() ); return NULL; } ContractRef contract = m_contractManager->GetContract( arg.arg ); if( contract == NULL ) { codelog(SERVICE__ERROR, "%s: Can't get contract %d, got NULL pointer!", call.client->GetCharacterName(), arg.arg ); return NULL; } _contract->SetItemString( "items", contract->GetItemsList() ); _contract->SetItemString( "bids", contract->GetBids() ); _contract->SetItemString( "contract", contract->GetContractRow() ); PyObject* res = new PyObject( new PyString( "util.KeyVal" ), _contract ); return res; }
PyResult CorpMgrService::Handle_GetPublicInfo(PyCallArgs &call) { Call_SingleIntegerArg corpID; if (!corpID.Decode(&call.tuple)) { codelog(SERVICE__ERROR, "Bad param"); return NULL; } return m_db.GetCorporation(corpID.arg); }
PyResult RamProxyService::Handle_AssemblyLinesGet(PyCallArgs &call) { Call_SingleIntegerArg arg; // containerID if(!arg.Decode(&call.tuple)) { _log(SERVICE__ERROR, "Unable to decode args."); return NULL; } return(m_db.AssemblyLinesGet(arg.arg)); }
PyResult FactoryService::Handle_GetBlueprintAttributes(PyCallArgs &call) { Call_SingleIntegerArg arg; if(!arg.Decode(&call.tuple)) { _log(SERVICE__ERROR, "Failed to decode args."); return NULL; } BlueprintRef b = ItemFactory::GetBlueprint(arg.arg); if( !b ) return NULL; return b->GetBlueprintAttributes(); }
PyResult MailMgrService::Handle_MoveToTrashByList(PyCallArgs &call) { Call_SingleIntegerArg args; if (!args.Decode(&call.tuple)) { codelog(CLIENT__ERROR, "Failed to decode MoveToTrashByList args"); return NULL; } int listId = args.arg; return NULL; }
PyResult MailMgrService::Handle_MarkAsUnreadByLabel(PyCallArgs &call) { Call_SingleIntegerArg args; if (!args.Decode(&call.tuple)) { codelog(CLIENT__ERROR, "Failed to decode MarkAsUnreadByLabel args"); return NULL; } int labelId = args.arg; return NULL; }
PyResult MailMgrService::Handle_DeleteLabel(PyCallArgs &call) { Call_SingleIntegerArg args; if (!args.Decode(&call.tuple)) { codelog(CLIENT__ERROR, "Failed to decode DeleteLabel args"); return NULL; } m_db->DeleteLabel(call.client->GetCharacterID(), args.arg /*labelID*/); return NULL; }
PyResult ContractMgrService::Handle_GetContract( PyCallArgs& call ) { Call_SingleIntegerArg arg; PyDict* _contract = new PyDict; if( !arg.Decode( &call.tuple ) ) { codelog(SERVICE__ERROR, "%s: Bad arguments to GetContract in contractMgr", call.client->GetCharacterName() ); return NULL; } // Manual creation of PyPackedRow DBRowDescriptor *header = new DBRowDescriptor(); header->AddColumn( "contractID", DBTYPE_I4 ); header->AddColumn( "issuerID", DBTYPE_I4 ); header->AddColumn( "issuerCorpID", DBTYPE_I4 ); header->AddColumn( "type", DBTYPE_UI1 ); header->AddColumn( "availability", DBTYPE_I4 ); header->AddColumn( "assigneeID", DBTYPE_I4 ); header->AddColumn( "numDays", DBTYPE_I4 ); header->AddColumn( "startStationID", DBTYPE_I4 ); header->AddColumn( "endStationID", DBTYPE_I4 ); header->AddColumn( "startSolarSystemID", DBTYPE_I4 ); header->AddColumn( "endSolarSystemID", DBTYPE_I4 ); header->AddColumn( "startRegionID", DBTYPE_I4 ); header->AddColumn( "endRegionID", DBTYPE_I4 ); header->AddColumn( "price", DBTYPE_CY ); header->AddColumn( "reward", DBTYPE_CY ); header->AddColumn( "collateral", DBTYPE_CY ); header->AddColumn( "title", DBTYPE_WSTR ); header->AddColumn( "description", DBTYPE_WSTR ); header->AddColumn( "forCorp", DBTYPE_BOOL ); header->AddColumn( "status", DBTYPE_UI1 ); header->AddColumn( "acceptorID", DBTYPE_I4 ); header->AddColumn( "dateIssued", DBTYPE_FILETIME ); header->AddColumn( "dateExpired", DBTYPE_FILETIME ); header->AddColumn( "dateAccepted", DBTYPE_FILETIME ); header->AddColumn( "dateCompleted", DBTYPE_FILETIME ); header->AddColumn( "volume", DBTYPE_R8 ); header->AddColumn( "issuerAllianceID", DBTYPE_I4 ); header->AddColumn( "issuerWalletKey", DBTYPE_I4 ); header->AddColumn( "acceptorWalletKey", DBTYPE_I4 ); header->AddColumn( "crateID", DBTYPE_I4 ); ContractRef contract = m_contractManager->GetContract( arg.arg ); uint32 n = 0; PyPackedRow* into = new PyPackedRow( header ); into->SetField( "contractID", new PyInt( contract->contractID() ) ); into->SetField( "issuerID", new PyInt( contract->issuerID() ) ); into->SetField( "issuerCorpID", new PyInt( contract->issuerCorpID() ) ); into->SetField( "type", new PyInt( contract->type() ) ); into->SetField( "availability", new PyInt( contract->avail() ) ); into->SetField( "assigneeID", new PyInt( contract->assigneeID() ) ); into->SetField( "numDays", new PyInt( 0 ) ); into->SetField( "startStationID", new PyInt( contract->startStationID() ) ); into->SetField( "endStationID", new PyInt( contract->endStationID() ) ); into->SetField( "startSolarSystemID", new PyInt( contract->startSolarSystemID() ) ); into->SetField( "endSolarSystemID", new PyInt( contract->endSolarSystemID() ) ); into->SetField( "startRegionID", new PyInt( contract->startRegionID() ) ); into->SetField( "endRegionID", new PyInt( contract->endRegionID() ) ); into->SetField( "price", new PyFloat( contract->price() ) ); into->SetField( "reward", new PyFloat( contract->reward() ) ); into->SetField( "collateral", new PyFloat( contract->collateral() ) ); into->SetField( "title", new PyString( "title" ) ); into->SetField( "description", new PyString( "description" ) ); into->SetField( "forCorp", new PyBool( contract->forCorp() ) ); into->SetField( "status", new PyInt( contract->status() ) ); into->SetField( "acceptorID", new PyInt( contract->acceptorID() ) ); into->SetField( "dateIssued", new PyLong( contract->dateIssued() ) ); into->SetField( "dateExpired", new PyLong( contract->dateExpired() ) ); into->SetField( "dateAccepted", new PyLong( contract->dateAccepted() ) ); into->SetField( "dateCompleted", new PyLong( contract->dateCompleted() ) ); into->SetField( "volume", new PyFloat( contract->volume() ) ); into->SetField( "issuerAllianceID", new PyInt( contract->issuerAllianceID() ) ); into->SetField( "issuerWalletKey", new PyInt( contract->issuerWalletKey() ) ); into->SetField( "acceptorWalletKey", new PyInt( 0 ) ); into->SetField( "crateID", new PyInt( 0 ) ); PyList* itemList = new PyList; DBRowDescriptor *itemHeader = new DBRowDescriptor(); itemHeader->AddColumn( "contractID", DBTYPE_I4 ); itemHeader->AddColumn( "itemID", DBTYPE_I4 ); itemHeader->AddColumn( "quantity", DBTYPE_I4 ); itemHeader->AddColumn( "itemTypeID", DBTYPE_I4 ); itemHeader->AddColumn( "inCrate", DBTYPE_BOOL ); itemHeader->AddColumn( "parentID", DBTYPE_I4 ); itemHeader->AddColumn( "productivityLevel", DBTYPE_I4 ); itemHeader->AddColumn( "materialLevel", DBTYPE_I4 ); itemHeader->AddColumn( "copy", DBTYPE_I4 ); itemHeader->AddColumn( "licensedProductionRunsRemaining", DBTYPE_I4 ); itemHeader->AddColumn( "damage", DBTYPE_R8 ); itemHeader->AddColumn( "flagID", DBTYPE_I2 ); std::map<uint32, ContractGetItemsRef>::const_iterator cur, end; std::map<uint32, ContractGetItemsRef> items = contract->items(); cur = items.begin(); end = items.end(); for(; cur != end; cur++ ) { PyPackedRow* data = new PyPackedRow( itemHeader ); InventoryItemRef item = m_manager->item_factory.GetItem( cur->second->m_itemID ); data->SetField( "contractID", new PyInt( contract->contractID() ) ); data->SetField( "itemID", new PyInt( item->itemID() ) ); data->SetField( "quantity", new PyInt( cur->second->m_quantity ) ); data->SetField( "itemTypeID", new PyInt( item->typeID() ) ); data->SetField( "inCrate", new PyBool( true ) ); if( item->categoryID() == EVEDB::invCategories::Blueprint ) { BlueprintRef bp = m_manager->item_factory.GetBlueprint( item->itemID() ); data->SetField( "parentID", new PyInt( bp->parentBlueprintTypeID() ) ); data->SetField( "productivityLevel", new PyInt( bp->productivityLevel() ) ); data->SetField( "materialLevel", new PyInt( bp->materialLevel() ) ); data->SetField( "copy", new PyInt( bp->copy() ) ); data->SetField( "licensedProductionRunsRemaining", new PyInt( bp->licensedProductionRunsRemaining() ) ); if( bp->HasAttribute( 3 ) ) data->SetField( "damage", new PyFloat( bp->GetAttribute( 3 ).get_float() ) ); else data->SetField( "damage", new PyFloat( 0.0 ) ); data->SetField( "flagID", new PyInt( bp->flag() ) ); } else { data->SetField( "parentID", new PyInt( 0 ) ); data->SetField( "productivityLevel", new PyInt( 0 ) ); data->SetField( "materialLevel", new PyInt( 0 ) ); data->SetField( "copy", new PyInt( 0 ) ); data->SetField( "licensedProductionRunsRemaining", new PyInt( 0 ) ); if( item->HasAttribute( 3 ) ) data->SetField( "damage", new PyFloat( item->GetAttribute( 3 ).get_float() ) ); else data->SetField( "damage", new PyFloat( 0.0 ) ); data->SetField( "flagID", new PyInt( item->flag() ) ); } itemList->AddItem( data ); } std::map<uint32, ContractRequestItemRef>::const_iterator c, e; std::map<uint32, ContractRequestItemRef> requestItems = contract->requestItems(); c = requestItems.begin(); e = requestItems.end(); for(; c != e; c++ ) { PyPackedRow* data = new PyPackedRow( itemHeader ); data->SetField( "contractID", new PyInt( arg.arg ) ); data->SetField( "itemID", new PyInt( 0 ) ); data->SetField( "quantity", new PyInt( c->second->m_quantity ) ); data->SetField( "itemTypeID", new PyInt( c->second->m_typeID ) ); data->SetField( "inCrate", new PyBool( false ) ); data->SetField( "parentID", new PyInt( 0 ) ); data->SetField( "productivityLevel", new PyInt( 0 ) ); data->SetField( "materialLevel", new PyInt( 0 ) ); data->SetField( "copy", new PyInt( 0 ) ); data->SetField( "licensedProductionRunsRemaining", new PyInt( 0 ) ); data->SetField( "damage", new PyFloat( 0.0 ) ); data->SetField( "flagID", new PyInt( 0 ) ); itemList->AddItem( data ); } DBRowDescriptor *bidsHeader = new DBRowDescriptor(); bidsHeader->AddColumn( "bidID", DBTYPE_I4 ); bidsHeader->AddColumn( "contractID", DBTYPE_I4 ); bidsHeader->AddColumn( "issuerID", DBTYPE_I4 ); bidsHeader->AddColumn( "quantity", DBTYPE_I4 ); bidsHeader->AddColumn( "issuerCorpID", DBTYPE_I4 ); bidsHeader->AddColumn( "issuerStationID", DBTYPE_I4 ); bidsHeader->AddColumn( "issuerSolarSystemID", DBTYPE_I4 ); bidsHeader->AddColumn( "issuerRegionID", DBTYPE_I4 ); CRowSet *bids_rowset = new CRowSet( &bidsHeader ); _contract->SetItemString( "items", itemList ); _contract->SetItemString( "bids", bids_rowset ); _contract->SetItemString( "contract", into); PyObject* res = new PyObject( new PyString( "util.KeyVal" ), _contract ); return res; }