		resultEdge[worke] = worke; //will be set to copy if non-c-planar
		orEdge[worke] = worke;
	cluster workc;
	forall_clusters(workc, cGraph)
		resultCluster[workc] = workc; //will be set to copy if non-c-planar
		orCluster[workc] = workc;
		originalClId[workc] = workc->index();

	//check if instance is clusterplanar and embed it 
	CconnectClusterPlanarEmbed CCPE; //cccp

	bool cplanar = CCPE.embed(cGraph, G);

	List<edge> connectEdges;

	//if the graph is not c-planar, we have to check the reason and to 
	//correct the problem by planarising or inserting connection edges
	if (!cplanar) 
		bool connect = false;
		if ( (CCPE.errCode() == CconnectClusterPlanarEmbed::nonConnected) ||
				(CCPE.errCode() == CconnectClusterPlanarEmbed::nonCConnected) )
			//we insert edge to make the input c-connected
예제 #2
//the call function that lets ClusterPlanarizationLayout compute a layout
//for the input using \a weight for the computation of the cluster planar subgraph
void ClusterPlanarizationLayout::call(
	Graph& G,
	ClusterGraphAttributes& acGraph,
	ClusterGraph& cGraph,
	EdgeArray<double>& edgeWeight,
	bool simpleCConnect) //default true
	m_nCrossings = 0;
	bool subGraph = false; // c-planar subgraph computed?

	//check some simple cases
	if (G.numberOfNodes() == 0) return;

//we set pointers and arrays to the working graph, which can be
//the original or, in the case of non-c-planar input, a copy

	Graph* workGraph = &G;
	ClusterGraph* workCG = &cGraph;
	ClusterGraphAttributes* workACG = &acGraph;

	//potential copy of original if non c-planar
	Graph GW;
	//list of non c-planarity causing edges
	List<edge> leftEdges;

	//list of nodepairs to be connected (deleted edges)
	List<NodePair> leftWNodes;

	//store some information
	//original to copy
	NodeArray<node> resultNode(G);
	EdgeArray<edge> resultEdge(G);
	ClusterArray<cluster> resultCluster(cGraph);
	//copy to original
	NodeArray<node> orNode(G);
	EdgeArray<edge> orEdge(G);
	ClusterArray<cluster> orCluster(cGraph);

	for(node workv : G.nodes) {
		resultNode[workv] = workv; //will be set to copy if non-c-planar
		orNode[workv] = workv;
	for(edge worke : G.edges) {
		resultEdge[worke] = worke; //will be set to copy if non-c-planar
		orEdge[worke] = worke;
	for (cluster workc : cGraph.clusters) {
		resultCluster[workc] = workc; //will be set to copy if non-c-planar
		orCluster[workc] = workc;

	//check if instance is clusterplanar and embed it
	CconnectClusterPlanarEmbed CCPE; //cccp

	bool cplanar = CCPE.embed(cGraph, G);

	List<edge> connectEdges;

	//if the graph is not c-planar, we have to check the reason and to
	//correct the problem by planarising or inserting connection edges
	if (!cplanar)
		bool connect = false;

		if ( (CCPE.errCode() == CconnectClusterPlanarEmbed::nonConnected) ||
				(CCPE.errCode() == CconnectClusterPlanarEmbed::nonCConnected) )
			//we insert edges to make the input c-connected
			makeCConnected(cGraph, G, connectEdges, simpleCConnect);

			//save edgearray info for inserted edges
			for(edge e : connectEdges)
				resultEdge[e] = e;
				orEdge[e]     = e;

			connect = true;

			CCPE.embed(cGraph, G);

			if ( (CCPE.errCode() == CconnectClusterPlanarEmbed::nonConnected) ||
				(CCPE.errCode() == CconnectClusterPlanarEmbed::nonCConnected) )
				cerr << "no correct connection made\n"<<flush;
		}//if not cconnected
		if ((CCPE.errCode() == CconnectClusterPlanarEmbed::nonPlanar) ||
			(CCPE.errCode() == CconnectClusterPlanarEmbed::nonCPlanar))
			subGraph = true;
			EdgeArray<bool> inSubGraph(G, false);

			CPlanarSubClusteredGraph cps;
			if (edgeWeight.valid())
				cps.call(cGraph, inSubGraph, leftEdges, edgeWeight);
				cps.call(cGraph, inSubGraph, leftEdges);
			//			for(edge worke : G.edges) {
			//				if (inSubGraph[worke])
			//					acGraph.strokeColor(worke) = "#FF0000";
			//			}
			//now we delete the copies of all edges not in subgraph and embed
			//the subgraph (use a new copy)

			//construct copy

			workGraph = &GW;
			workCG = new ClusterGraph(cGraph, GW, resultCluster, resultNode, resultEdge);

			//reinit original arrays
			orNode.init(GW, nullptr);
			orEdge.init(GW, nullptr);
			orCluster.init(*workCG, nullptr);

			//set array entries to the appropriate values
			for (node workv : G.nodes)
				orNode[resultNode[workv]] = workv;
			for (edge worke : G.edges)
				orEdge[resultEdge[worke]] = worke;
			for (cluster workc : cGraph.clusters)
				orCluster[resultCluster[workc]] = workc;

			//create new ACG and copy values (width, height, type)

			workACG = new ClusterGraphAttributes(*workCG, workACG->attributes());
			for (node workv : GW.nodes)
				//should set same attributes in construction!!!
				if (acGraph.attributes() & GraphAttributes::nodeType)
					workACG->type(workv) = acGraph.type(orNode[workv]);
				workACG->height(workv) = acGraph.height(orNode[workv]);
				workACG->width(workv) = acGraph.width(orNode[workv]);
			if (acGraph.attributes() & GraphAttributes::edgeType) {
				for (edge worke : GW.edges) {
					workACG->type(worke) = acGraph.type(orEdge[worke]);
					//all other attributes are not needed or will be set

			for(edge ei : leftEdges)
				edge e = resultEdge[ei];
				NodePair np;
				np.m_src = e->source();
				np.m_tgt = e->target();



			CconnectClusterPlanarEmbed CCP;

			bool subPlanar =
				CCP.embed(*workCG, GW);
		}//if not planar
			if (!connect)
			OGDF_THROW_PARAM(PreconditionViolatedException, pvcClusterPlanar);


	//if multiple CCs are handled, the connectedges (their copies resp.)
	//can be deleted here

	//now CCPE should give us the external face

	ClusterPlanRep CP(*workACG, *workCG);


	const int numCC = CP.numberOfCCs(); //equal to one
	OGDF_ASSERT(numCC == 1);

	// (width,height) of the layout of each connected component
	Array<DPoint> boundingBox(numCC);

	for (int ikl = 0; ikl < numCC; ikl++)



			Layout drawing(CP);


			adjEntry ae = nullptr;

			//internally compute adjEntry for outer face

			//edges that are reinserted in workGraph (in the same
			//order as leftWNodes)
			List<edge> newEdges;
			m_planarLayouter.get().call(CP, ae, drawing, leftWNodes, newEdges, *workGraph);


			ListConstIterator<edge> itE = newEdges.begin();
			ListConstIterator<edge> itEor = leftEdges.begin();
			while (itE.valid())
				orEdge[*itE] = *itEor;

			//hash index over cluster ids
			HashArray<int, ClusterPosition> CA;

			computeClusterPositions(CP, drawing, CA);

			// copy layout into acGraph
			// Later, we move nodes and edges in each connected component, such
			// that no two overlap.

			for(int i = CP.startNode(); i < CP.stopNode(); ++i) {
				node vG = CP.v(i);

				acGraph.x(orNode[vG]) = drawing.x(CP.copy(vG));
				acGraph.y(orNode[vG]) = drawing.y(CP.copy(vG));

				for(adjEntry adj : vG->adjEdges)
					if ((adj->index() & 1) == 0) continue;
					edge eG = adj->theEdge();

					edge orE = orEdge[eG];
					if (orE)


			//even assignment for all nodes is not enough, we need all clusters
			for(cluster c : workCG->clusters)
				int clNumber = c->index();
				//int orNumber = originalClId[c];
				cluster orCl = orCluster[c];

				if (c != workCG->rootCluster())
					acGraph.height(orCl) = CA[clNumber].m_height;
					acGraph.width(orCl) = CA[clNumber].m_width;
					acGraph.y(orCl) = CA[clNumber].m_miny;
					acGraph.x(orCl) = CA[clNumber].m_minx;
				}//if real cluster

			// the width/height of the layout has been computed by the planar
			// layout algorithm; required as input to packing algorithm
			boundingBox[ikl] = m_planarLayouter.get().getBoundingBox();

	}//for connected components

	// arrange layouts of connected components

	Array<DPoint> offset(numCC);


	// The arrangement is given by offset to the origin of the coordinate
	// system. We still have to shift each node, edge and cluster by the offset
	// of its connected component.

	const Graph::CCsInfo &ccInfo = CP.ccInfo();
	for(int i = 0; i < numCC; ++i)
		const double dx = offset[i].m_x;
		const double dy = offset[i].m_y;

		HashArray<int, bool> shifted(false);

		// iterate over all nodes in ith CC
		for(int j = ccInfo.startNode(i); j < ccInfo.stopNode(i); ++j)
			node v = ccInfo.v(j);

			acGraph.x(orNode[v]) += dx;
			acGraph.y(orNode[v]) += dy;

			// update cluster positions accordingly
			//int clNumber = cGraph.clusterOf(orNode[v])->index();
			cluster cl = cGraph.clusterOf(orNode[v]);

			if ((cl->index() > 0) && !shifted[cl->index()])
				acGraph.y(cl) += dy;
				acGraph.x(cl) += dx;
				shifted[cl->index()] = true;
			}//if real cluster

			for(adjEntry adj : v->adjEdges) {
				if ((adj->index() & 1) == 0) continue;
				edge e = adj->theEdge();

				//edge eOr = orEdge[e];
				if (orEdge[e])
					DPolyline &dpl = acGraph.bends(orEdge[e]);
					for(DPoint &p : dpl) {
						p.m_x += dx;
						p.m_y += dy;
		}//for nodes
	}//for numcc

	while (!connectEdges.empty()) {

	if (subGraph)
		delete workCG;
		delete workACG;
	}//if subgraph created

