예제 #1
bool operator == (const CommandInfo& left, const CommandInfo& right)
    if (left.uris().size() != right.uris().size()) {
        return false;

    // TODO(vinod): Factor out the comparison for repeated fields.
    for (int i = 0; i < left.uris().size(); i++) {
        bool found = false;
        for (int j = 0; j < right.uris().size(); j++) {
            if (left.uris().Get(i) == right.uris().Get(j)) {
                found = true;
        if (!found) {
            return false;

    if (left.arguments().size() != right.arguments().size()) {
        return false;

    // The order of argv is important.
    for (int i = 0; i < left.arguments().size(); i++) {
        if (left.arguments().Get(i) != right.arguments().Get(i)) {
            return false;

    // NOTE: We are not validating CommandInfo::ContainerInfo here
    // because it is being deprecated in favor of ContainerInfo.
    // TODO(vinod): Kill the above comment when
    // CommandInfo::ContainerInfo is removed.
    return left.environment() == right.environment() &&
           left.value() == right.value() &&
           left.user() == right.user() &&
           left.shell() == right.shell();
예제 #2
Future<Nothing> FetcherProcess::fetch(
    const ContainerID& containerId,
    const CommandInfo& commandInfo,
    const string& sandboxDirectory,
    const Option<string>& user,
    const SlaveID& slaveId,
    const Flags& flags)
  VLOG(1) << "Starting to fetch URIs for container: " << containerId
          << ", directory: " << sandboxDirectory;

  // TODO(bernd-mesos): This will disappear once we inject flags at
  // Fetcher/FetcherProcess creation time. For now we trust this is
  // always the exact same value.

  Try<Nothing> validated = validateUris(commandInfo);
  if (validated.isError()) {
    return Failure("Could not fetch: " + validated.error());

  Option<string> commandUser = user;
  if (commandInfo.has_user()) {
    commandUser = commandInfo.user();

  string cacheDirectory = paths::getSlavePath(flags.fetcher_cache_dir, slaveId);
  if (commandUser.isSome()) {
    // Segregating per-user cache directories.
    cacheDirectory = path::join(cacheDirectory, commandUser.get());

  if (commandUser.isSome()) {
    // First assure that we are working for a valid user.
    // TODO(bernd-mesos): This should be asynchronous.
    Try<Nothing> chown = os::chown(commandUser.get(), sandboxDirectory);
    if (chown.isError()) {
      return Failure("Failed to chown directory: " + sandboxDirectory +
                     " to user: "******" with error: " + chown.error());

  // For each URI we determine if we should use the cache and if so we
  // try and either get the cache entry or create a cache entry. If
  // we're getting the cache entry then we might need to wait for that
  // cache entry to be downloaded. If we're creating a new cache entry
  // then we need to properly reserve the cache space (and perform any
  // evictions). Thus, there are three possibilities for each URI:
  //   (1) We are not using the cache.
  //   (2) We are using the cache but need to wait for an entry to be
  //       downloaded.
  //   (3) We are using the cache and need to create a new entry.
  // We capture whether or not we're using the cache using an Option
  // as a value in a map, i.e., if we are not trying to use the cache
  // as in (1) above then the Option is None otherwise as in (2) and
  // (3) the Option is Some. And to capture the asynchronous nature of
  // both (2) and (3) that Option holds a Future to the actual cache
  // entry.
  hashmap<CommandInfo::URI, Option<Future<shared_ptr<Cache::Entry>>>> entries;

  foreach (const CommandInfo::URI& uri, commandInfo.uris()) {
    if (!uri.cache()) {
      entries[uri] = None();

    // Check if this is already in the cache (but not necessarily
    // downloaded).
    const Option<shared_ptr<Cache::Entry>> entry =
      cache.get(commandUser, uri.value());

    if (entry.isSome()) {

      // Wait for the URI to be downloaded into the cache (or fail)
      entries[uri] = entry.get()->completion()
        .then(defer(self(), [=]() {
          return Future<shared_ptr<Cache::Entry>>(entry.get());
    } else {
      shared_ptr<Cache::Entry> newEntry =
        cache.create(cacheDirectory, commandUser, uri);


      entries[uri] =
        async([=]() {
          return fetchSize(uri.value(), flags.frameworks_home);
        .then(defer(self(), [=](const Try<Bytes>& requestedSpace) {
          return reserveCacheSpace(requestedSpace, newEntry);

  // NOTE: We explicitly call the continuation '_fetch' even though it
  // looks like we could easily inline it here because we want to be
  // able to mock the function for testing! Don't remove this!
  return _fetch(entries,