예제 #1
 * Get the first "argument" in the given string, trimmed
 * and move source string pointer after the end of the argument.
 * For instance in string " foo, bar" this function will return "foo".
 * This function returns NULL if no argument found
 * or a malloc'ed string that will have to be freed later.
FragmentParser::getFirstArgument (const CompString &line,
				  size_t &pos)
    CompString arg;
    CompString string;
    size_t next, temp, orig;
    int length;
    CompString retArg;

    if (pos >= line.size ())
	return CompString ("");

    /* Left trim */
    string = FragmentParser::ltrim (line.substr (pos));

    orig = pos;
    pos = 0;

    /* Find next comma or semicolon (which isn't that useful since we
     * are working on tokens delimited by semicolons) */
    if ((next = string.find (",", pos)) != std::string::npos ||
	(next = string.find (";", pos)) != std::string::npos)
	length = next - pos;
	if (!length)
	    pos = orig + 1;
	    return getFirstArgument (line, pos);
	if ((temp = string.find ("{", pos) != std::string::npos) && temp < next &&
	    (temp = string.find ("}", pos) != std::string::npos) && temp > next)
	    if ((next = string.find (",", temp)) != std::string::npos ||
		(next = string.find (";", temp)) != std::string::npos)
		length = next - pos;
		length = string.substr (pos).size ();
	length = string.substr (pos).size ();

    /* Allocate, copy and end string */
    arg = string.substr (pos, length);

    /* Increment source pointer */
    if ((orig + arg.size () + 1) <= line.size ())
	pos += orig + arg.size () + 1;
	pos = std::string::npos;

    return arg;
예제 #2
 * Parse the source buffer op by op and add each op to function data
 * FIXME : I am more than 200 lines long, I feel so heavy!
FragmentParser::programParseSource (GLFragment::FunctionData *data,
		    		    int target, CompString &source)
    CompString line, next;
    CompString current;
    CompString strtok;
    size_t     pos = 0, strippos = 0;
    int   length, oplength, type;

    CompString arg1, arg2, temp;

    /* Find the header, skip it, and start parsing from there */

    pos = source.find ("!!ARBfp1.0", pos);
    if (pos != std::string::npos)
	pos += 9;

    /* Strip comments */
    while ((strippos = source.find ("#", strippos)) != std::string::npos)
	size_t carriagepos = source.find ("\n", strippos);

	if (carriagepos != std::string::npos)
	    source.erase (strippos, carriagepos - strippos);
	    strippos = 0;
	    source = source.substr (0, strippos);

    strippos = 0;

    /* Strip linefeeds */
    while ((strippos = source.find ("\n", strippos)) != std::string::npos)
	source[strippos] = ' ';

    /* Parse each instruction */
    while (!(pos >= (source.size () - 1)))
	size_t nPos = source.find (";", pos + 1);
	line = source.substr (pos + 1, nPos - pos);
	CompString origcurrent = current = ltrim (line);
	/* Find instruction type */
	type = NoOp;

	/* Data ops */
	if (current.substr (0, 3) == "END")
	    type = NoOp;
	else if (current.substr (0, 3) == "ABS" ||
		 current.substr (0, 3) == "CMP" ||
		 current.substr (0, 3) == "COS" ||
		 current.substr (0, 3) == "DP3" ||
		 current.substr (0, 3) == "DP4" ||
		 current.substr (0, 3) == "EX2" ||
		 current.substr (0, 3) == "FLR" ||
		 current.substr (0, 3) == "FRC" ||
		 current.substr (0, 3) == "KIL" ||
		 current.substr (0, 3) == "LG2" ||
		 current.substr (0, 3) == "LIT" ||
		 current.substr (0, 3) == "LRP" ||
		 current.substr (0, 3) == "MAD" ||
		 current.substr (0, 3) == "MAX" ||
		 current.substr (0, 3) == "MIN" ||
		 current.substr (0, 3) == "POW" ||
		 current.substr (0, 3) == "RCP" ||
		 current.substr (0, 3) == "RSQ" ||
		 current.substr (0, 3) == "SCS" ||
		 current.substr (0, 3) == "SIN" ||
		 current.substr (0, 3) == "SGE" ||
		 current.substr (0, 3) == "SLT" ||
		 current.substr (0, 3) == "SUB" ||
		 current.substr (0, 3) == "SWZ" ||
		 current.substr (0, 3) == "TXP" ||
		 current.substr (0, 3) == "TXB" ||
		 current.substr (0, 3) == "XPD")
		type = DataOp;
	else if (current.substr (0, 4) == "TEMP")
	    type = TempOp;
	else if (current.substr (0, 5) == "PARAM")
	    type = ParamOp;
	else if (current.substr (0, 6) == "ATTRIB")
	    type = AttribOp;
	else if (current.substr (0, 3) == "TEX")
	    type = FetchOp;
	else if (current.substr (0, 3) == "ADD")
	    if (current.find ("fragment.texcoord", 0) != std::string::npos)
		programAddOffsetFromAddOp (current.c_str ());
		type = DataOp;
	else if (current.substr (0, 3) == "MUL")
	    if (current.find ("fragment.color", 0) != std::string::npos)
		type = ColorOp;
		type = DataOp;
	else if (current.substr (0, 3) == "MOV")
	    if (current.find ("result.color", 0) != std::string::npos)
		type = ColorOp;
		type = DataOp;
	size_t cpos = 0;
	switch (type)
	    /* Data op : just copy paste the
	     * whole instruction plus a ";" */
	    case DataOp:
		data->addDataOp (current.c_str ());
	    /* Parse arguments one by one */
	    case TempOp:
	    case AttribOp:
	    case ParamOp:
		if (type == TempOp) oplength = 4;
		else if (type == ParamOp) oplength = 5;
		else if (type == AttribOp) oplength = 6;
		length = current.size ();
		if (length < oplength + 2) break;

		cpos = oplength + 1;

		while (current.size () && !(cpos >= current.size ()) &&
		       (arg1 = getFirstArgument (current, cpos)).size ())
		    /* "output" is a reserved word, skip it */
		    if (arg1.substr (0, 6) == "output")
		    /* Add ops */
		    if (type == TempOp)
			data->addTempHeaderOp (arg1.c_str ());
		    else if (type == ParamOp)
			data->addParamHeaderOp (arg1.c_str ());
		    else if (type == AttribOp)
			data->addAttribHeaderOp (arg1.c_str ());
	    case FetchOp:
		/* Example : TEX tmp, coord, texture[0], RECT;
		 * "tmp" is dest name, while "coord" is either
		 * fragment.texcoord[0] or an offset */
		cpos += 3;

		if ((arg1 = getFirstArgument (current, cpos)).size ())
		    if (!(temp = getFirstArgument (current, cpos)).size ())

		    if (temp == "fragment.texcoord[0]")
			data->addFetchOp (arg1.c_str (), NULL, target);
		    else if (offsets.size ())
			arg2 = programFindOffset (
					      offsets.begin (),
			if (arg2.size ())
			    data->addFetchOp (arg1.c_str (),
					      arg2.c_str (), target);
	    case ColorOp:
		if (current.substr (0, 3) == "MUL") /* MUL op, 2 ops */
		    /* Example : MUL output, fragment.color, output;
		     * MOV arg1, fragment.color, arg2 */
		    cpos += 3;

		    if  (!(arg1 = getFirstArgument (current, cpos)).size ())

		    if (!(temp = getFirstArgument (current, cpos)).size ())

		    if (!(arg2 = getFirstArgument (current, cpos)).size ())

		    data->addColorOp (arg1.c_str (), arg2.c_str ());
		else /* MOV op, 1 op */
		    /* Example : MOV result.color, output;
		     * MOV result.color, arg1; */
		    cpos = current.find (",") + 1;

		    if ((arg1 = getFirstArgument (current, cpos)).size ())
			data->addColorOp ("output", arg1.c_str ());
	pos = nPos;
    programFreeOffset ();