예제 #1
     * Does a sanity-check validation of the registry ensuring three things:
     * 1. All upgrade paths lead to the same minCompatible/currentVersion
     * 2. Our constants match this final version pair
     * 3. There is a zero-version upgrade path
    void validateRegistry(const ConfigUpgradeRegistry& registry) {

        VersionRange maxCompatibleConfigVersionRange(-1, -1);
        bool hasZeroVersionUpgrade = false;

        for (ConfigUpgradeRegistry::const_iterator it = registry.begin(); it != registry.end();
            const Upgrade& upgrade = it->second;

            if (upgrade.fromVersion == 0) hasZeroVersionUpgrade = true;

            if (maxCompatibleConfigVersionRange.currentVersion
                < upgrade.toVersionRange.currentVersion)
                maxCompatibleConfigVersionRange = upgrade.toVersionRange;
            else if (maxCompatibleConfigVersionRange.currentVersion
                     == upgrade.toVersionRange.currentVersion)
                // Make sure all max upgrade paths end up with same version and compatibility
                fassert(16621, maxCompatibleConfigVersionRange == upgrade.toVersionRange);

        // Make sure we have a zero-version upgrade
        fassert(16622, hasZeroVersionUpgrade);

        // Make sure our max registered range is the same as our constants
예제 #2
    // Dispatches upgrades based on version to the upgrades registered in the upgrade registry
    bool _nextUpgrade(const ConnectionString& configLoc,
                      const ConfigUpgradeRegistry& registry,
                      const VersionType& lastVersionInfo,
                      VersionType* upgradedVersionInfo,
                      string* errMsg) {

        int fromVersion = lastVersionInfo.getCurrentVersion();

        ConfigUpgradeRegistry::const_iterator foundIt = registry.find(fromVersion);

        if (foundIt == registry.end()) {

            *errMsg = stream() << "newer version " << CURRENT_CONFIG_VERSION
                               << " of mongo config metadata is required, " << "current version is "
                               << fromVersion << ", "
                               << "don't know how to upgrade from this version";

            return false;

        const Upgrade& upgrade = foundIt->second;
        int toVersion = upgrade.toVersionRange.currentVersion;

        log() << "starting next upgrade step from v" << fromVersion << " to v" << toVersion << endl;

        // Log begin to config.changelog
                                         "starting upgrade of config database",
                                         BSON("from" << fromVersion << "to" << toVersion));

        if (!upgrade.upgradeCallback(configLoc, lastVersionInfo, errMsg)) {

            *errMsg = stream() << "error upgrading config database from v" << fromVersion << " to v"
                               << toVersion << causedBy(errMsg);

            return false;

        // Get the config version we've upgraded to and make sure it's sane
        Status verifyConfigStatus = getConfigVersion(configLoc, upgradedVersionInfo);

        if (!verifyConfigStatus.isOK()) {
            *errMsg = stream() << "failed to validate v" << fromVersion << " config version upgrade"
                               << causedBy(verifyConfigStatus);

            return false;

                                         "finished upgrade of config database",
                                         BSON("from" << fromVersion << "to" << toVersion));
        return true;