예제 #1
IECore::ConstCompoundDataPtr CopyImageMetadata::computeProcessedMetadata( const Gaffer::Context *context, const IECore::CompoundData *inputMetadata ) const
	ConstCompoundDataPtr copyFrom = copyFromPlug()->metadataPlug()->getValue();
	if( copyFrom->readable().empty() )
		return inputMetadata;

	const std::string names = namesPlug()->getValue();
	const bool invert = invertNamesPlug()->getValue();
	if ( !invert && !names.size() )
		return inputMetadata;

	IECore::CompoundDataPtr result = inputMetadata->copy();
	for( IECore::CompoundData::ValueType::const_iterator it = copyFrom->readable().begin(), eIt = copyFrom->readable().end(); it != eIt; ++it )
		if( StringAlgo::matchMultiple( it->first.c_str(), names.c_str() ) != invert )
			result->writable()[it->first] = it->second;

	return result;
예제 #2
ImageDisplayDriver::ImageDisplayDriver( const Box2i &displayWindow, const Box2i &dataWindow, const vector<string> &channelNames, ConstCompoundDataPtr parameters ) :
		DisplayDriver( displayWindow, dataWindow, channelNames, parameters ),
		m_image( new ImagePrimitive( dataWindow, displayWindow ) )
	for ( vector<string>::const_iterator it = channelNames.begin(); it != channelNames.end(); it++ )
		m_image->createChannel<float>( *it );
	if( parameters )
		CompoundDataMap &xData = m_image->blindData()->writable();
		const CompoundDataMap &yData = parameters->readable();
		CompoundDataMap::const_iterator iterY = yData.begin();
		for ( ; iterY != yData.end(); iterY++ )
			xData[iterY->first] = iterY->second->copy();
		ConstStringDataPtr handle = parameters->member<StringData>( "handle" );
		if( handle )
			tbb::mutex::scoped_lock lock( g_poolMutex );
			g_pool[handle->readable()] = m_image;
예제 #3
파일: OSLImage.cpp 프로젝트: cnpinto/gaffer
IECore::ConstStringVectorDataPtr OSLImage::computeChannelNames( const Gaffer::Context *context, const GafferImage::ImagePlug *parent ) const
	ConstStringVectorDataPtr channelNamesData = inPlug()->channelNamesPlug()->getValue();

	set<string> result( channelNamesData->readable().begin(), channelNamesData->readable().end() );

	const Box2i dataWindow = inPlug()->dataWindowPlug()->getValue();
	if( !dataWindow.isEmpty() )
		ContextPtr c = new Context( *context, Context::Borrowed );
		c->set( ImagePlug::tileOriginContextName, ImagePlug::tileOrigin( dataWindow.min ) );
		Context::Scope s( c.get() );

		ConstCompoundDataPtr shading = runTimeCast<const CompoundData>( shadingPlug()->getValue() );
		for( CompoundDataMap::const_iterator it = shading->readable().begin(), eIt = shading->readable().end(); it != eIt; ++it )
			result.insert( it->first );

	return new StringVectorData( vector<string>( result.begin(), result.end() ) );
예제 #4
GafferScene::ConstPathMatcherDataPtr BranchCreator::computeSet( const IECore::InternedString &setName, const Gaffer::Context *context, const ScenePlug *parent ) const
	ConstPathMatcherDataPtr inputSetData = inPlug()->set( setName );

	ConstCompoundDataPtr mapping = boost::static_pointer_cast<const CompoundData>( mappingPlug()->getValue() );
	if( !mapping->readable().size() )
		return inputSetData;

	ScenePlug::ScenePath parentPath = mapping->member<InternedStringVectorData>( g_parentKey )->readable();

	ConstPathMatcherDataPtr branchSetData = computeBranchSet( parentPath, setName, context );
	if( !branchSetData )
		return inputSetData;

	const PathMatcher &branchSet = branchSetData->readable();
	if( branchSet.isEmpty() )
		return inputSetData;

	const CompoundData *forwardMapping = mapping->member<CompoundData>( g_forwardMappingKey );

	PathMatcherDataPtr outputSetData = inputSetData->copy();
	PathMatcher &outputSet = outputSetData->writable();

	vector<InternedString> outputPrefix( parentPath );
	for( PathMatcher::RawIterator pIt = branchSet.begin(), peIt = branchSet.end(); pIt != peIt; ++pIt )
		const ScenePlug::ScenePath &branchPath = *pIt;
		if( !branchPath.size() )
			continue; // Skip root
		assert( branchPath.size() == 1 );

		const InternedStringData *outputName = forwardMapping->member<InternedStringData>( branchPath[0], /* throwExceptions = */ true );

		outputPrefix.resize( parentPath.size() + 1 );
		outputPrefix.back() = outputName->readable();
		outputSet.addPaths( branchSet.subTree( *pIt ), outputPrefix );

		pIt.prune(); // We only want to visit the first level

	return outputSetData;
예제 #5
void BranchCreator::hashSetNames( const Gaffer::Context *context, const ScenePlug *parent, IECore::MurmurHash &h ) const
	ConstCompoundDataPtr mapping = boost::static_pointer_cast<const CompoundData>( mappingPlug()->getValue() );
	if( !mapping->readable().size() )
		h = inPlug()->setNamesPlug()->hash();

	MurmurHash branchSetNamesHash;
	hashBranchSetNames( mapping->member<InternedStringVectorData>( g_parentKey )->readable(), context, branchSetNamesHash );
	if( branchSetNamesHash == MurmurHash() )
		h = inPlug()->setNamesPlug()->hash();

	SceneProcessor::hashSetNames( context, parent, h );
	inPlug()->setNamesPlug()->hash( h );
	h.append( branchSetNamesHash );
예제 #6
IECore::ConstInternedStringVectorDataPtr BranchCreator::computeSetNames( const Gaffer::Context *context, const ScenePlug *parent ) const
	ConstInternedStringVectorDataPtr inputSetNamesData = inPlug()->setNamesPlug()->getValue();

	ConstCompoundDataPtr mapping = boost::static_pointer_cast<const CompoundData>( mappingPlug()->getValue() );
	if( !mapping->readable().size() )
		return inputSetNamesData;

	ConstInternedStringVectorDataPtr branchSetNamesData = computeBranchSetNames( mapping->member<InternedStringVectorData>( g_parentKey )->readable(), context );
	if( !branchSetNamesData )
		return inputSetNamesData;

	const vector<InternedString> &branchSetNames = branchSetNamesData->readable();
	if( !branchSetNames.size() )
		return inputSetNamesData;

	InternedStringVectorDataPtr resultData = inputSetNamesData->copy();
	vector<InternedString> &result = resultData->writable();

	// This naive approach to merging set names preserves the order of the incoming names,
	// but at the expense of using linear search. We assume that the number of sets is small
	// enough and the InternedString comparison fast enough that this is OK.
	for( vector<InternedString>::const_iterator it = branchSetNames.begin(), eIt = branchSetNames.end(); it != eIt; ++it )
		if( std::find( result.begin(), result.end(), *it ) == result.end() )
			result.push_back( *it );

	return resultData;
예제 #7
IECore::ConstCompoundObjectPtr BranchCreator::computeGlobals( const Gaffer::Context *context, const ScenePlug *parent ) const
	ConstCompoundObjectPtr inputGlobals = inPlug()->globalsPlug()->getValue();

	ConstCompoundDataPtr mapping = boost::static_pointer_cast<const CompoundData>( mappingPlug()->getValue() );
	if( !mapping->readable().size() )
		return inputGlobals;

	const CompoundData *branchSets = NULL;
	ConstCompoundObjectPtr branchGlobals = computeBranchGlobals( mapping->member<InternedStringVectorData>( g_parentKey )->readable(), context );
	if( branchGlobals )
		branchSets = branchGlobals->member<CompoundData>( "gaffer:sets", /* throwExceptions = */ false );
	if( !branchSets )
		return inputGlobals;

	IECore::CompoundObjectPtr outputGlobals = new CompoundObject;
	// Shallow copy of the input, because most of it will remain unchanged.
	outputGlobals->members() = inputGlobals->members();
	// Deep copy of the input sets, because we'll be modifying them.
	const CompoundData *inputSets = inputGlobals->member<CompoundData>( "gaffer:sets", /* throwExeptions = */ false );
	CompoundDataPtr outputSets = inputSets ? inputSets->copy() : new CompoundData;
	outputGlobals->members()["gaffer:sets"] = outputSets;

	const CompoundData *forwardMapping = mapping->member<CompoundData>( g_forwardMappingKey );

	string parentString;
	ScenePlug::pathToString( mapping->member<InternedStringVectorData>( g_parentKey )->readable(), parentString );
	if( !boost::ends_with( parentString, "/" ) )
		parentString += "/";

	for( CompoundDataMap::const_iterator it = branchSets->readable().begin(), eIt = branchSets->readable().end(); it != eIt; ++it )
		const PathMatcher &branchSet = static_cast<const PathMatcherData *>( it->second.get() )->readable();
		PathMatcher &outputSet = outputSets->member<PathMatcherData>( it->first, /* throwExceptions = */ false, /* createIfMissing = */ true )->writable();

		/// \todo If PathMatcher allowed us to rename nodes and merge in other PathMatchers, this could
		/// be much more efficient.
		vector<string> branchPaths;
		branchSet.paths( branchPaths );
		for( vector<string>::const_iterator pIt = branchPaths.begin(), peIt = branchPaths.end(); pIt != peIt; ++pIt )
			const string &branchPath = *pIt;
			const size_t secondSlashPos = branchPath.find( '/', 1 );
			const std::string branchName( branchPath, 1, secondSlashPos - 1 );
			const InternedStringData *outputName = forwardMapping->member<InternedStringData>( branchName );
			if( !outputName )
				// See comments in Group::computeGlobals().

			std::string outputPath = parentString + outputName->readable().string();
			if( secondSlashPos != string::npos )
				outputPath += branchPath.substr( secondSlashPos );
			outputSet.addPath( outputPath );

	return outputGlobals;