예제 #1
 * Tests that invalidating a cursor while it is in use will deregister it from the cursor manager,
 * transferring ownership to the pinned cursor.
TEST_F(CursorManagerTest, InvalidatePinnedCursor) {
    CursorManager* cursorManager = useCursorManager();

    auto cursorPin = cursorManager->registerCursor(_opCtx.get(),

    // If the cursor is pinned, it sticks around, even after invalidation.
    ASSERT_EQUALS(1U, cursorManager->numCursors());
    const std::string invalidateReason("InvalidatePinned Test");
    cursorManager->invalidateAll(_opCtx.get(), false, invalidateReason);
    ASSERT_EQUALS(0U, cursorManager->numCursors());

    // The invalidation should have killed the plan executor.
    BSONObj objOut;
    ASSERT_EQUALS(PlanExecutor::DEAD, cursorPin.getCursor()->getExecutor()->getNext(&objOut, NULL));
    const Status status = WorkingSetCommon::getMemberObjectStatus(objOut);
    ASSERT(status.reason().find(invalidateReason) != std::string::npos);

    ASSERT_EQUALS(0U, cursorManager->numCursors());
예제 #2
 * Test that client cursors which have been marked as killed but are still pinned *do not* time out.
TEST_F(CursorManagerTest, InactiveKilledCursorsThatAreStillPinnedShouldNotTimeout) {
    CursorManager* cursorManager = useCursorManager();
    auto clock = useClock();

    // Make a cursor from the plan executor, and immediately kill it.
    auto cursorPin = cursorManager->registerCursor(
        {makeFakePlanExecutor(), NamespaceString{"test.collection"}, {}, false, BSONObj()});
    const bool collectionGoingAway = false;
        _opCtx.get(), collectionGoingAway, "KilledCursorsShouldTimeoutTest");

    // Advance the clock to simulate time passing.

    // The pin is still in scope, so it should not time out.
    ASSERT_EQ(0UL, cursorManager->timeoutCursors(_opCtx.get(), clock->now()));
예제 #3
 * Tests that invalidating a cursor and dropping the collection while the cursor is not in use will
 * not keep the cursor registered.
TEST_F(CursorManagerTest, InvalidateCursorWithDrop) {
    CursorManager* cursorManager = useCursorManager();

    auto cursorPin = cursorManager->registerCursor(
        _opCtx.get(), {makeFakePlanExecutor(), kTestNss, {}, false, BSONObj()});

    auto cursorId = cursorPin.getCursor()->cursorid();

    ASSERT_EQUALS(1U, cursorManager->numCursors());
    auto invalidateReason = "Invalidate Test";
    const bool collectionGoingAway = true;
    cursorManager->invalidateAll(_opCtx.get(), collectionGoingAway, invalidateReason);
    // Since the collection is going away, the cursor should not remain open.
              cursorManager->pinCursor(_opCtx.get(), cursorId).getStatus());
    ASSERT_EQUALS(0U, cursorManager->numCursors());
예제 #4
 * Test that client cursors which have been marked as killed time out and get deleted.
TEST_F(CursorManagerTest, InactiveKilledCursorsShouldTimeout) {
    CursorManager* cursorManager = useCursorManager();
    auto clock = useClock();

    // Make a cursor from the plan executor, and immediately kill it.
    auto cursorPin = cursorManager->registerCursor(
        {makeFakePlanExecutor(), NamespaceString{"test.collection"}, {}, false, BSONObj()});
    const bool collectionGoingAway = false;
        _opCtx.get(), collectionGoingAway, "KilledCursorsShouldTimeoutTest");

    // Advance the clock to simulate time passing.

    ASSERT_EQ(1UL, cursorManager->timeoutCursors(_opCtx.get(), clock->now()));
    ASSERT_EQ(0UL, cursorManager->numCursors());
예제 #5
 * Tests that invalidating a cursor without dropping the collection while the cursor is not in use
 * will keep the cursor registered. After being invalidated, pinning the cursor should take
 * ownership of the cursor and calling getNext() on its PlanExecutor should return an error
 * including the error message.
TEST_F(CursorManagerTest, InvalidateCursor) {
    CursorManager* cursorManager = useCursorManager();
    auto cursorPin = cursorManager->registerCursor(
        _opCtx.get(), {makeFakePlanExecutor(), kTestNss, {}, false, BSONObj()});

    auto cursorId = cursorPin.getCursor()->cursorid();

    ASSERT_EQUALS(1U, cursorManager->numCursors());
    auto invalidateReason = "Invalidate Test";
    const bool collectionGoingAway = false;
    cursorManager->invalidateAll(_opCtx.get(), collectionGoingAway, invalidateReason);
    // Since the collection is not going away, the cursor should remain open, but be killed.
    ASSERT_EQUALS(1U, cursorManager->numCursors());

    // Pinning a killed cursor should result in an error and clean up the cursor.
              cursorManager->pinCursor(_opCtx.get(), cursorId).getStatus());
    ASSERT_EQUALS(0U, cursorManager->numCursors());