virtual void SetUp() { DagMC* dagmc = DagMC::instance(); // create dag instance // dag_volumes const char* h5mfilename = "test_geom.h5m"; dagmc->load_file(h5mfilename,0); dagmc->init_OBBTree(); // new volume vol_1 = new DagSolid("vol_1",dagmc,1); }
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------/ // makePropertyString //---------------------------------------------------------------------------// /// static std::string make_property_string( DagMC& dag, EntityHandle eh, std::vector<std::string> &properties ) { ErrorCode ret; std::string propstring; for( std::vector<std::string>::iterator p = properties.begin(); p != properties.end(); ++p ) { if( dag.has_prop( eh, *p ) ){ std::vector< std::string> vals; ret = dag.prop_values( eh, *p, vals ); CHECKERR(dag,ret); propstring += *p; if( vals.size() == 1 ){ propstring += "="; propstring += vals[0]; } else if( vals.size() > 1 ){ // this property has multiple values, list within brackets propstring += "=["; for( std::vector<std::string>::iterator i = vals.begin(); i != vals.end(); ++i ) { propstring += *i; propstring += ","; } // replace the last trailing comma with a close braket propstring[ propstring.length()-1 ] = ']'; } propstring += ", "; } } if( propstring.length() ){ propstring.resize( propstring.length() - 2 ); // drop trailing comma } return propstring; }
int main( int argc, char** argv) { moab::ErrorCode rval; //Argument Vars std::string filename; double min_facet_tol = 1e-03; double max_facet_tol = 0.9; int facet_tol_intervals = 4; Interface *mb = new Core(); ProgOptions po( "Program for running ray_fire tests on a model."); po.addRequiredArg<std::string>( "input_file", "Filename of model to test.", &filename); po.addOpt<double>( "min_facet_tol", "Minimum faceting tolerance to test.", &min_facet_tol); po.addOpt<double>( "max_facet_tol", "Maximum faceting tolerance allowed. The program will halt if this is reached.", &max_facet_tol); po.addOpt<int>( "num_ints", "Number of intervals to add to the minimum faceting tolerance. These are added in multiples of 10% of the minimum faceting tolerance.", &facet_tol_intervals); po.parseCommandLine( argc, argv); //data storage containers std::vector<int> tri_numbers; std::vector<double> timing; std::vector<double> facet_tols; //initalize facet_tol param double facet_tol = min_facet_tol; double power = 0.0; double digit = 1.0; for(unsigned int i = 1; i <= facet_tol_intervals; i++) { if ( 0 == i%10 && i != 0 ) power += 1; digit = ( 0 == i%10 ) ? 1.0 : i%10; facet_tol = min_facet_tol * pow(10,power) * digit; std::cout << "Facet tolerance:" << facet_tol << std::endl; //if ( 0 != i) facet_tol = (0 == i%2) ? min_facet_tol*pow(5,double(i)/2)*pow(2,double(i)/2) : min_facet_tol*pow(5,((double(i)-1)/2)+1)*pow(2,double((i)-1)/2); // stop the program if we've gone over the maximum faceting tolerance if (facet_tol > max_facet_tol) { std::cout << "Maximum faceting tolerance reached, exiting loop and writing data..." << std::endl; break; } //save faceting tolerance for write to datafile facet_tols.push_back(facet_tol); //setup fileoptions string std::stringstream options; options << "FACET_DISTANCE_TOLERANCE=" << std::setprecision(12) << facet_tol; std::string opts = options.str(); //Load the file and facet rval = mb->load_file( filename.c_str(), 0, opts.c_str() ); ERR_CHECK(rval); //get the number of triangles in the model std::vector<EntityHandle> tris; rval = mb->get_entities_by_type( 0, MBTRI, tris); ERR_CHECK(rval); std::cout << "There are " << tris.size() << " triangles in the model." << std::endl; tri_numbers.push_back( int(tris.size()) ); //hand model's moab instance to dagmc DagMC *dag = DagMC::instance(mb); rval = dag->load_existing_contents(); ERR_CHECK(rval); rval = dag->init_OBBTree(); ERR_CHECK(rval); //get the first volume in the instance (for now) Range vols; rval = get_volumes( dag->moab_instance(), vols); ERR_CHECK(rval); //prep for analysis double avg_fire_time; CartVect source_pos; source_pos[0] = 0.0; source_pos[1] = 0.0; source_pos[2] = 0.0; double tot_avg = 0; int avg_ints = 50; for( unsigned int t = 0; t < avg_ints; t++) { fire_rand_rays( dag, vols[0], 10000, avg_fire_time, source_pos); tot_avg += avg_fire_time; } tot_avg /= (double)avg_ints; std::cout << "The average fire time for this mesh was: " << tot_avg << std::endl; //clear everything in this moab instance and destroy the DagMC instance ERR_CHECK(rval); rval = mb->delete_mesh(); ERR_CHECK(rval); InitCGMA::initialize_cgma(); GeometryQueryTool::instance()->delete_geometry(); //don't want to talk about it timing.push_back( tot_avg ); } //Write data to file std::ofstream datafile; std::string base_filename = filename.erase( filename.length()-4, filename.length() ); std::string data_filename = filename + "_model_data.dat"; data_filename.c_str() ); for( unsigned int i = 0; i < timing.size(); i++) datafile << tri_numbers[i] << "\t" << timing[i] << "\t" << facet_tols[i] << std::endl; return 0; }