예제 #1
void PropertiesRasterLayer::setDisplayBands(QAction* pAction)
   if (mpRasterLayer == NULL)

   RasterElement* pRasterElement = dynamic_cast<RasterElement*>(mpRasterLayer->getDataElement());
   if (pRasterElement == NULL)

   const RasterDataDescriptor* pDescriptor =
      dynamic_cast<const RasterDataDescriptor*>(pRasterElement->getDataDescriptor());
   if (pDescriptor == NULL)

   const std::string name = pAction->text().toStdString();
   DimensionDescriptor redBand;
   DimensionDescriptor greenBand;
   DimensionDescriptor blueBand;
   if (RasterUtilities::findColorCompositeDimensionDescriptors(
      pDescriptor, name, redBand, greenBand, blueBand) == false)
         "Unable to display " + name + ": required wavelengths do not exist for all bands. "
         "Broaden the wavelength region or specify band numbers in the Raster Layers section of the Options dialog.",
         MESSAGE_ERROR, PropertiesRasterLayer::getDisplayAsWarningDialogId());

   // If at least one of red, green, or blue is valid set display mode to RGB and update the combo boxes appropriately
   if (redBand.isActiveNumberValid() || greenBand.isActiveNumberValid() || blueBand.isActiveNumberValid())
      mpRedBandCombo->setCurrentIndex(redBand.isActiveNumberValid() ? redBand.getActiveNumber() : -1);
      mpGreenBandCombo->setCurrentIndex(greenBand.isActiveNumberValid() ? greenBand.getActiveNumber() : -1);
      mpBlueBandCombo->setCurrentIndex(blueBand.isActiveNumberValid() ? blueBand.getActiveNumber() : -1);
예제 #2
bool ResultsExporter::writeOutput(ostream &stream)
    mMessage = "Exporting results matrix...";
    if (mpProgress != NULL)
        mpProgress->updateProgress(mMessage, 0, NORMAL);

    StepResource pStep(mMessage, "app", "D890E37C-B960-4527-8AAC-D62F2DE7A541");

    RasterDataDescriptor* pDescriptor = dynamic_cast<RasterDataDescriptor*>(mpResults->getDataDescriptor());
    if (pDescriptor == NULL)
        mMessage = "Could not get the results data descriptor!";
        if (mpProgress != NULL)
            mpProgress->updateProgress(mMessage, 0, ERRORS);

        return false;

    VERIFY(mpResults != NULL);
    string name = mpResults->getName();

    VERIFY(mpFileDescriptor != NULL);
    const vector<DimensionDescriptor>& rows = mpFileDescriptor->getRows();
    const vector<DimensionDescriptor>& columns = mpFileDescriptor->getColumns();
    unsigned int numRows = pDescriptor->getRowCount();
    unsigned int numColumns = pDescriptor->getColumnCount();
    EncodingType eDataType = pDescriptor->getDataType();
    const vector<int>& badValues = pDescriptor->getBadValues();

    if (mbMetadata)
        stream << APP_NAME << " Results Raster\n";
        stream << "Version = 4\n";
        stream << "Results Name = " << name << "\n";

        DataElement* pParent = mpResults->getParent();
        if (pParent != NULL)
            stream << "Data Set Name = " << pParent->getName() << "\n";

        stream << "Rows = " << numRows << "\n";
        stream << "Columns = " << numColumns << "\n";

        string dataType = StringUtilities::toDisplayString(eDataType);
        stream << "Data Type = " << dataType << "\n";

        Statistics* pStatistics = mpResults->getStatistics();
        if (pStatistics != NULL)
            stream << "Min = " << pStatistics->getMin() << "\n";
            stream << "Max = " << pStatistics->getMax() << "\n";
            stream << "Average = " << pStatistics->getAverage() << "\n";
            stream << "Standard Deviation = " << pStatistics->getStandardDeviation() << "\n\n";

    RasterElement* pGeo = getGeoreferencedRaster();

    DataAccessor da = mpResults->getDataAccessor();
    if (!da.isValid())
        mMessage = "Could not access the data in the results raster!";
        if (mpProgress != NULL)
            mpProgress->updateProgress(mMessage, 0, ERRORS);

        return false;

    unsigned int activeRowNumber = 0;
    for (unsigned int r = 0; r < rows.size(); ++r)
        if (mbAbort)
            mMessage = "Results exporter aborted!";
            if (mpProgress != NULL)
                mpProgress->updateProgress(mMessage, 0, ABORT);

            return false;

        DimensionDescriptor rowDim = rows[r];
        // Skip to the next row
        for (; activeRowNumber < rowDim.getActiveNumber(); ++activeRowNumber)

        unsigned int activeColumnNumber = 0;
        for (unsigned int c = 0; c < columns.size(); ++c)
            DimensionDescriptor columnDim = columns[c];
            // Skip to the next column
            for (; activeColumnNumber < columnDim.getActiveNumber(); ++activeColumnNumber)


            double dValue = ModelServices::getDataValue(eDataType, da->getColumn(), COMPLEX_MAGNITUDE, 0);
            if (isValueExported(dValue, badValues))
                string location = getLocationString(r, c, pGeo);
                char buffer[1024];
                sprintf(buffer, "%lf\n", dValue);
                stream << name << "    " << location << "    " << buffer;

        // Update the progress
        int iProgress = (r * 100) / rows.size();
        if (iProgress == 100)
            iProgress = 99;

        if (mpProgress != NULL)
            mpProgress->updateProgress(mMessage, iProgress, NORMAL);

    stream << "\n";
    return true;
예제 #3
bool GeoTIFFExporter::CreateGeoTIFF(TIFF *pOut)
    if (mpFileDescriptor == NULL)
        return false;

    GTIF* pGtif = GTIFNew(pOut);
    if (pGtif == NULL)
        return false;

    // Get the exported lower left corner location
    const vector<DimensionDescriptor>& rows = mpFileDescriptor->getRows();
    const vector<DimensionDescriptor>& columns = mpFileDescriptor->getColumns();

    unsigned int startRow = 0;
    if (rows.empty() == false)
        DimensionDescriptor rowDim = rows.front();
        if (rowDim.isActiveNumberValid() == true)
            startRow = rowDim.getActiveNumber();

    unsigned int startColumn = 0;
    if (columns.empty() == false)
        DimensionDescriptor columnDim = columns.front();
        if (columnDim.isActiveNumberValid() == true)
            startColumn = columnDim.getActiveNumber();

    LocationType llPixel(startColumn, startRow);
    LocationType urPixel = llPixel + 1.0;
    LocationType llGeoCoord;
    LocationType lrGeoCoord;
    LocationType ulGeoCoord;
    LocationType urGeoCoord;

    bool bGeocoords = false;

    if (mpRaster->isGeoreferenced())
        // Get the lat/long values from the RasterElement
        LocationType pixel = llPixel;
        LocationType latLong = mpRaster->convertPixelToGeocoord(pixel);
        llGeoCoord.mY = latLong.mY;
        llGeoCoord.mX = latLong.mX;

        pixel.mX = urPixel.mX;
        pixel.mY = llPixel.mY;
        latLong = mpRaster->convertPixelToGeocoord(pixel);
        lrGeoCoord.mY = latLong.mY;
        lrGeoCoord.mX = latLong.mX;

        pixel.mX = llPixel.mX;
        pixel.mY = urPixel.mY;
        latLong = mpRaster->convertPixelToGeocoord(pixel);
        ulGeoCoord.mY = latLong.mY;
        ulGeoCoord.mX = latLong.mX;

        pixel = urPixel;
        latLong = mpRaster->convertPixelToGeocoord(pixel);
        urGeoCoord.mY = latLong.mY;
        urGeoCoord.mX = latLong.mX;

        bGeocoords = true;
    bool isOrthoRectified = false;
    DynamicObject* pMetaData = mpRaster->getMetadata();
    bool hasMetaDataTag = false;
    if (pMetaData != NULL)
            isOrthoRectified = dv_cast<bool>(pMetaData->getAttribute("orthorectified"));
            hasMetaDataTag = true;
        catch (bad_cast&)
            // attribute is not present or is not a bool, so calculate isOrthoRectified
    if (!hasMetaDataTag)
        // calculate the value of isOrthoRectified
        if (mpRaster->isGeoreferenced() && !rows.empty() && !columns.empty())
            int endRow(-1);
            int endColumn(-1);
            for (vector<DimensionDescriptor>::const_reverse_iterator rowIt = rows.rbegin(); rowIt != rows.rend(); ++rowIt)
                if (rowIt->isActiveNumberValid())
                    endRow = rowIt->getActiveNumber();
            for (vector<DimensionDescriptor>::const_reverse_iterator colIt = columns.rbegin();
                    colIt != columns.rend(); ++colIt)
                if (colIt->isActiveNumberValid())
                    endColumn = colIt->getActiveNumber();

            if (endRow != -1 && endColumn != -1 &&
                    static_cast<unsigned int>(endRow) > startRow && static_cast<unsigned int>(endColumn) > startColumn)
                // the chip's (0,0)
                LocationType startPixel = llPixel;
                LocationType startGeo = llGeoCoord;

                // the chip's (0,max)
                LocationType rowMax(startPixel.mX, endRow);
                LocationType rowMaxGeo = mpRaster->convertPixelToGeocoord(rowMax);

                // the chip's (max,0)
                LocationType colMax(endColumn, startPixel.mY);
                LocationType colMaxGeo = mpRaster->convertPixelToGeocoord(colMax);

                LocationType rowMaxCheckGeo(rowMaxGeo.mX, startGeo.mY);
                LocationType rowMaxCheck = mpRaster->convertGeocoordToPixel(rowMaxCheckGeo);
                LocationType colMaxCheckGeo(startGeo.mX, colMaxGeo.mY);
                LocationType colMaxCheck = mpRaster->convertGeocoordToPixel(colMaxCheckGeo);

                LocationType deltaRowMax = rowMaxCheck - rowMax;
                LocationType deltaColMax = colMaxCheck - colMax;

                isOrthoRectified = (deltaRowMax.length() < 0.5) && (deltaColMax.length() < 0.5);

    if (bGeocoords == false)
        return false;

    LocationType geoCoordCenter((llGeoCoord.mX + lrGeoCoord.mX + ulGeoCoord.mX + urGeoCoord.mX) / 4.0,
                                (llGeoCoord.mY + lrGeoCoord.mY + ulGeoCoord.mY + urGeoCoord.mY) / 4.0);

    // if the data is orthorectified, write out the appropriate tags
    if (isOrthoRectified)
        double pTiepoints[6] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, llGeoCoord.mY, llGeoCoord.mX, 0.0};
        TIFFSetField(pOut, TIFFTAG_GEOTIEPOINTS, 6, pTiepoints);
          The following calculation can result in a negative scale for the latitude and/or longitude. This is correct
          and is explicitly called out in the GeoTIFF spec (GeoTIFF Format Specification version 1.8.1, section 2.6.1)
          as the proper way to handle flipping of the image. A negative latitude scale corresponds to an image with
          its origin in the lower left or lower right corner, while a positive latitude scale corresponds to an image
          with its origin in the upper left or upper right corner. Similarly for longitude scale.
        double pPixelSize[3] = {urGeoCoord.mY - llGeoCoord.mY, llGeoCoord.mX - urGeoCoord.mX, 0.0};
        TIFFSetField(pOut, TIFFTAG_GEOPIXELSCALE, 3, pPixelSize);
        //compute transformation Matrix values
        double a = lrGeoCoord.mY - llGeoCoord.mY;
        double b = ulGeoCoord.mY - llGeoCoord.mY;
        double d = llGeoCoord.mY;
        double e = lrGeoCoord.mX - llGeoCoord.mX;
        double f = ulGeoCoord.mX - llGeoCoord.mX;
        double h = llGeoCoord.mX;
        double k = 1.0;
        double p = 1.0;

        double tMatrix[16] = {a, b, 0.0, d,
                              e, f, 0.0, h,
                              0.0, 0.0, k, 0.0,
                              0.0, 0.0, 0.0, p

        TIFFSetField(pOut, GTIFF_TRANSMATRIX, 16, tMatrix);

    GTIFKeySet(pGtif, GTModelTypeGeoKey, TYPE_SHORT, 1, ModelGeographic);
    GTIFKeySet(pGtif, GTRasterTypeGeoKey, TYPE_SHORT, 1, RasterPixelIsArea);
    GTIFKeySet(pGtif, GeogAngularUnitsGeoKey, TYPE_SHORT, 1, Angular_Degree);
    GTIFKeySet(pGtif, GeogLinearUnitsGeoKey, TYPE_SHORT, 1, Linear_Meter);
    GTIFKeySet(pGtif, GeographicTypeGeoKey, TYPE_SHORT, 1, GCS_WGS_84);
    GTIFKeySet(pGtif, ProjCenterLongGeoKey, TYPE_DOUBLE, 1, geoCoordCenter.mY);
    GTIFKeySet(pGtif, ProjCenterLatGeoKey, TYPE_DOUBLE, 1, geoCoordCenter.mX);

    ///* Here we violate the GTIF abstraction to retarget on another file.
    //   We should just have a function for copying tags from one GTIF object
    //   to another.
    pGtif->gt_tif = pOut;
    pGtif->gt_flags |= FLAG_FILE_MODIFIED;

    //* Install keys and tags

    return true;
예제 #4
bool GeoTIFFExporter::writeCube(TIFF* pOut)
    if (pOut == NULL)
        return false;

    VERIFY(mpRaster != NULL);
    VERIFY(mpFileDescriptor != NULL);

    const RasterDataDescriptor* pDescriptor = dynamic_cast<const RasterDataDescriptor*>(mpRaster->getDataDescriptor());
    if (pDescriptor == NULL)
        return false;

    int size = 0;
    int row = 0;
    unsigned char* pTempPtr = NULL;
    unsigned char* pBuffer = NULL;
    unsigned char* pDataCubePtr = NULL;
    unsigned short numRows = pDescriptor->getRowCount();
    unsigned short numCols = pDescriptor->getColumnCount();
    unsigned short numBands = pDescriptor->getBandCount();
    unsigned short scols = mpFileDescriptor->getColumnCount();
    unsigned short srows = mpFileDescriptor->getRowCount();
    unsigned short sbands = mpFileDescriptor->getBandCount();

    FactoryResource<DataRequest> pRequest;
    DataAccessor accessor = mpRaster->getDataAccessor(pRequest.release());
    if (!accessor.isValid())
        mMessage = "Could not get a valid BIP accessor for this dataset.";
        if (mpProgress != NULL)
            mpProgress->updateProgress(mMessage, 0, ERRORS);

        return false;

    InterleaveFormatType eInterleave = pDescriptor->getInterleaveFormat();
    if (eInterleave != BIP)
        mMessage = "Data will be saved in BIP format.";
        if (mpProgress != NULL)
            mpProgress->updateProgress(mMessage, 0, WARNING);

    unsigned int bytesPerElement(pDescriptor->getBytesPerElement());
    size = scols * sbands * bytesPerElement;

    TIFFSetField(pOut, TIFFTAG_IMAGEWIDTH, scols);
    TIFFSetField(pOut, TIFFTAG_IMAGELENGTH, srows);

    //for this tag, must multiply by # of bytes per data type
    TIFFSetField(pOut, TIFFTAG_BITSPERSAMPLE, static_cast<unsigned short>(bytesPerElement * 8));
    TIFFSetField(pOut, TIFFTAG_SAMPLEFORMAT, static_cast<unsigned short>(

    bool packBits = OptionsTiffExporter::getSettingPackBitsCompression();
    if (mpOptionWidget.get() != NULL)
        packBits = mpOptionWidget->getPackBitsCompression();
    ttag_t compOpt = (packBits ? COMPRESSION_PACKBITS : COMPRESSION_NONE);

    TIFFSetField(pOut, TIFFTAG_COMPRESSION, compOpt);
    TIFFSetField(pOut, TIFFTAG_ROWSPERSTRIP, mRowsPerStrip);

    //ready to test write
    mMessage = "Writing out GeoTIFF file...";
    if (mpProgress)
        mpProgress->updateProgress( mMessage, 0, NORMAL);

    if ((numRows == srows) && (numCols == scols) && (numBands == sbands))   // full cube write from memory
        for (row = 0; row < srows; row++)
            if (mAbortFlag)
                mMessage = "GeoTIFF export aborted!";
                if (mpProgress != NULL)
                    mpProgress->updateProgress(mMessage, 0, ERRORS);

                return false;

            pBuffer = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(accessor->getRow());
            if (pBuffer != NULL)
                if (TIFFWriteScanline(pOut, pBuffer, row, size) < 0)
                    mMessage = "Unable to save GeoTIFF file, check folder permissions.";
                    if (mpProgress)
                        mpProgress->updateProgress(mMessage, 0, ERRORS);

                    return false;

                updateProgress(row, srows, mMessage, NORMAL);
    else // subcube write
        const vector<DimensionDescriptor>& rows = mpFileDescriptor->getRows();
        const vector<DimensionDescriptor>& columns = mpFileDescriptor->getColumns();
        const vector<DimensionDescriptor>& bands = mpFileDescriptor->getBands();

        unsigned int activeRowNumber = 0;
        unsigned int rowSize(0);
        unsigned int outRow(0);
        for (unsigned int r = 0; r < srows; ++r)
            if (mAbortFlag == true)
                mMessage = "GeoTIFF export aborted!";
                if (mpProgress != NULL)
                    mpProgress->updateProgress(mMessage, 0, ERRORS);

                return false;

            DimensionDescriptor rowDim = rows[r];
            if (rowDim.isActiveNumberValid())
                // Skip to the next row
                for (; activeRowNumber < rowDim.getActiveNumber(); ++activeRowNumber)


                vector<char> rowData(size);
                if (rowData.empty())
                    mMessage = "Error GeoTIFFExporter008: Unable to allocate row buffer.";
                    if (mpProgress)
                        mpProgress->updateProgress(mMessage, 0, ERRORS);

                    return false;

                unsigned int activeColumnNumber = 0;

                char* pExportData = &(rowData.front());
                for (unsigned int c = 0; c < scols; ++c)
                    DimensionDescriptor columnDim = columns[c];
                    if (columnDim.isActiveNumberValid())
                        // Skip to the next column
                        for (; activeColumnNumber < columnDim.getActiveNumber(); ++activeColumnNumber)

                        char* pCurrentPixel = reinterpret_cast<char*>(accessor->getColumn());

                        unsigned int activeBandNumber = 0;
                        for (unsigned int b = 0; b < sbands; ++b)
                            DimensionDescriptor bandDim = bands[b];
                            if (bandDim.isActiveNumberValid())
                                // Skip to the next band
                                for (; activeBandNumber < bandDim.getActiveNumber(); ++activeBandNumber)
                                    pCurrentPixel += bytesPerElement;

                                memcpy(pExportData, pCurrentPixel, bytesPerElement);
                                pExportData += bytesPerElement;
                                rowSize += bytesPerElement;
                    else // this column is not included, go to next column

                if (rowSize > 0)
                    // write here
                    if (TIFFWriteScanline(pOut, &rowData[0], outRow, size) < 0)
                        mMessage = "Error GeoTIFFExporter006: Unable to save GeoTIFF file, check folder permissions.";
                        if (mpProgress)
                            mpProgress->updateProgress(mMessage, 0, ERRORS);

                        return false;

                    updateProgress(outRow++, srows, mMessage, NORMAL);
            else // this row is not included, go to next row

    //assumed everything has been done correctly up to now
    //copy over Geo ref info if there are any, else
    //try to look for world file in same directory and apply
    if (!(applyWorldFile(pOut)))
        if (!(CreateGeoTIFF(pOut)))
            //no geo info found, where is it located?
            mMessage = "Geo data is unavailable and will not be written to the output file!";
            updateProgress(srows, srows, mMessage, WARNING);
            if (mpStep != NULL)
                mpStep->addMessage(mMessage, "app", "9C1E7ADE-ADC4-468c-B15E-FEB53D5FEF5B", true);

    return true;
예제 #5
void PropertiesRasterLayer::updateDisplayedBandCombo(int index)
   // Get the selected raster element
   RasterElement* pElement = NULL;
   if ((index > -1) && (static_cast<int>(mRasterElements.size()) > index))
      pElement = mRasterElements[index];

   // Get the band names from the element
   QStringList strBandNames;
   if (pElement != NULL)
      RasterDataDescriptor* pDescriptor = dynamic_cast<RasterDataDescriptor*>(pElement->getDataDescriptor());
      if (pDescriptor != NULL)
         vector<string> bandNames = RasterUtilities::getBandNames(pDescriptor);
         for (vector<string>::iterator iter = bandNames.begin(); iter != bandNames.end(); ++iter)

   // Update the display band combo
   QComboBox* pCombo = dynamic_cast<QComboBox*>(sender());
   if (pCombo == mpGrayElementCombo)

      if (strBandNames.isEmpty() == false)
         if ((mpRasterLayer != NULL) && (mpRasterLayer->getDataElement() == pElement))
            DimensionDescriptor displayedBand = mpRasterLayer->getDisplayedBand(GRAY);
            if (displayedBand.isActiveNumberValid() == true)
   else if (pCombo == mpRedElementCombo)

      if (strBandNames.isEmpty() == false)
         if ((mpRasterLayer != NULL) && (mpRasterLayer->getDataElement() == pElement))
            DimensionDescriptor displayedBand = mpRasterLayer->getDisplayedBand(RED);
            if (displayedBand.isActiveNumberValid() == true)
   else if (pCombo == mpGreenElementCombo)

      if (strBandNames.isEmpty() == false)
         if ((mpRasterLayer != NULL) && (mpRasterLayer->getDataElement() == pElement))
            DimensionDescriptor displayedBand = mpRasterLayer->getDisplayedBand(GREEN);
            if (displayedBand.isActiveNumberValid() == true)
   else if (pCombo == mpBlueElementCombo)

      if (strBandNames.isEmpty() == false)
         if ((mpRasterLayer != NULL) && (mpRasterLayer->getDataElement() == pElement))
            DimensionDescriptor displayedBand = mpRasterLayer->getDisplayedBand(BLUE);
            if (displayedBand.isActiveNumberValid() == true)
예제 #6
CachedPage::UnitPtr Jpeg2000Pager::fetchUnit(DataRequest* pOriginalRequest)
   if (pOriginalRequest == NULL)
      return CachedPage::UnitPtr();

   // Check for interleave conversions, which are not supported by this pager
   const RasterElement* pRaster = getRasterElement();
   VERIFYRV(pRaster != NULL, CachedPage::UnitPtr());

   const RasterDataDescriptor* pDescriptor = dynamic_cast<const RasterDataDescriptor*>(pRaster->getDataDescriptor());
   VERIFYRV(pDescriptor != NULL, CachedPage::UnitPtr());

   const RasterFileDescriptor* pFileDescriptor =
      dynamic_cast<const RasterFileDescriptor*>(pDescriptor->getFileDescriptor());
   VERIFYRV(pFileDescriptor != NULL, CachedPage::UnitPtr());

   if (pFileDescriptor->getBandCount() > 1)
      InterleaveFormatType requestedInterleave = pOriginalRequest->getInterleaveFormat();
      InterleaveFormatType fileInterleave = pFileDescriptor->getInterleaveFormat();
      if (requestedInterleave != fileInterleave)
         return CachedPage::UnitPtr();

      VERIFYRV(requestedInterleave == BIP, CachedPage::UnitPtr());   // The JPEG2000 data is stored BIP

   // Get and validate the extents of the data to be loaded
   DimensionDescriptor startRow = pOriginalRequest->getStartRow();
   DimensionDescriptor stopRow = pOriginalRequest->getStopRow();
   unsigned int concurrentRows = pOriginalRequest->getConcurrentRows();

   DimensionDescriptor startColumn = pOriginalRequest->getStartColumn();
   DimensionDescriptor stopColumn = pOriginalRequest->getStopColumn();
   unsigned int concurrentColumns = pOriginalRequest->getConcurrentColumns();

   DimensionDescriptor startBand = pOriginalRequest->getStartBand();
   DimensionDescriptor stopBand = pOriginalRequest->getStopBand();

   if ((startRow.isOnDiskNumberValid() == false) || (stopRow.isOnDiskNumberValid() == false) ||
      (startColumn.isOnDiskNumberValid() == false) || (stopColumn.isOnDiskNumberValid() == false) ||
      (startBand.isOnDiskNumberValid() == false) || (stopBand.isOnDiskNumberValid() == false))
      return CachedPage::UnitPtr();

   if ((startRow.getOnDiskNumber() > stopRow.getOnDiskNumber()) ||
      (startColumn.getOnDiskNumber() > stopColumn.getOnDiskNumber()) ||
      (startBand.getOnDiskNumber() > stopBand.getOnDiskNumber()))
      return CachedPage::UnitPtr();

   if ((startRow.getActiveNumber() + concurrentRows - 1) > stopRow.getActiveNumber())
      concurrentRows = stopRow.getActiveNumber() - startRow.getActiveNumber() + 1;

   if ((startColumn.getActiveNumber() + concurrentColumns - 1) > stopColumn.getActiveNumber())
      concurrentColumns = stopColumn.getActiveNumber() - startColumn.getActiveNumber() + 1;

   // Populate the image data based on the output data type
   EncodingType outputDataType = pDescriptor->getDataType();
   switch (outputDataType)
   case INT1UBYTE:
      return populateImageData<unsigned char>(startRow, startColumn, concurrentRows, concurrentColumns);

   case INT1SBYTE:
      return populateImageData<signed char>(startRow, startColumn, concurrentRows, concurrentColumns);

   case INT2UBYTES:
      return populateImageData<unsigned short>(startRow, startColumn, concurrentRows, concurrentColumns);

   case INT2SBYTES:
      return populateImageData<signed short>(startRow, startColumn, concurrentRows, concurrentColumns);

   case INT4UBYTES:
      return populateImageData<unsigned int>(startRow, startColumn, concurrentRows, concurrentColumns);

   case INT4SBYTES:
      return populateImageData<signed int>(startRow, startColumn, concurrentRows, concurrentColumns);

   case FLT4BYTES:
      return populateImageData<float>(startRow, startColumn, concurrentRows, concurrentColumns);

   case FLT8BYTES:
      return populateImageData<double>(startRow, startColumn, concurrentRows, concurrentColumns);


   return CachedPage::UnitPtr();
예제 #7
RasterPage* ConvertToBsqPager::getPage(DataRequest* pOriginalRequest, DimensionDescriptor startRow,
   DimensionDescriptor startColumn, DimensionDescriptor startBand)
   VERIFYRV(pOriginalRequest != NULL, NULL);
   if (pOriginalRequest->getWritable())
      return NULL;

   InterleaveFormatType requestedType = pOriginalRequest->getInterleaveFormat();
   DimensionDescriptor stopRow = pOriginalRequest->getStopRow();
   DimensionDescriptor stopColumn = pOriginalRequest->getStopColumn();
   DimensionDescriptor stopBand = pOriginalRequest->getStopBand();

   unsigned int concurrentRows = std::min(pOriginalRequest->getConcurrentRows(),
      stopRow.getActiveNumber() - startRow.getActiveNumber() + 1);
   unsigned int concurrentBands = pOriginalRequest->getConcurrentBands();

   VERIFY(requestedType == BSQ);
   VERIFY(startBand == stopBand && concurrentBands == 1);

   VERIFY(mpRaster != NULL);
   const RasterDataDescriptor* pDd = dynamic_cast<const RasterDataDescriptor*>(mpRaster->getDataDescriptor());
   VERIFY(pDd != NULL);
   InterleaveFormatType interleave = pDd->getInterleaveFormat();

   VERIFY(interleave == BIL || interleave == BIP);

   unsigned int numRows = pDd->getRowCount();
   unsigned int numCols = pDd->getColumnCount();
   unsigned int numBands = pDd->getBandCount();

   if (startRow.getActiveNumber() >= numRows || stopRow.getActiveNumber() >= numRows ||
      startColumn.getActiveNumber() >= numCols || stopColumn.getActiveNumber() >= numCols ||
      startBand.getActiveNumber() >= numBands || stopBand.getActiveNumber() >= numBands)
      return NULL;

   unsigned int cols = stopColumn.getActiveNumber() - startColumn.getActiveNumber() + 1;
   std::auto_ptr<ConvertToBsqPage> pPage(new ConvertToBsqPage(concurrentRows, cols, mBytesPerElement));
   unsigned char* pDst = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(pPage->getRawData());
   if (pDst == NULL)
      return NULL;

   FactoryResource<DataRequest> pRequest;
   pRequest->setRows(startRow, stopRow);
   pRequest->setColumns(startColumn, stopColumn, cols);
   pRequest->setBands(startBand, startBand, 1);
   DataAccessor da = mpRaster->getDataAccessor(pRequest.release());

   if (interleave == BIP)
      for (unsigned int row = 0; row < concurrentRows; ++row)
         for (unsigned int col = 0; col < cols; ++col)
            if (da.isValid() == false)
               return NULL;

            memcpy(pDst, da->getColumn(), mBytesPerElement);
            pDst += mBytesPerElement;

   else if (interleave == BIL)
      for (unsigned int row = 0; row < concurrentRows; ++row)
         if (da.isValid() == false)
            return NULL;

         memcpy(pDst, da->getRow(), mBytesPerElement * cols);
         pDst += mBytesPerElement * cols;

   return pPage.release();
예제 #8
bool DataRequestImp::validate(const RasterDataDescriptor *pDescriptor) const
   if (pDescriptor == NULL)
      return false;
   unsigned int numRows = pDescriptor->getRowCount();
   unsigned int numColumns = pDescriptor->getColumnCount();
   unsigned int numBands = pDescriptor->getBandCount();
   unsigned int bytesPerElement = pDescriptor->getBytesPerElement();
   unsigned int postLineBytes = 0;

   DimensionDescriptor startRow = getStartRow();
   DimensionDescriptor stopRow = getStopRow();
   unsigned int concurrentRows = getConcurrentRows();
   DimensionDescriptor startColumn = getStartColumn();
   DimensionDescriptor stopColumn = getStopColumn();
   unsigned int concurrentColumns = getConcurrentColumns();
   DimensionDescriptor startBand = getStartBand();
   DimensionDescriptor stopBand = getStopBand();
   unsigned int concurrentBands = getConcurrentBands();

   if (!startRow.isActiveNumberValid() || !stopRow.isActiveNumberValid() ||
      !startColumn.isActiveNumberValid() || !stopColumn.isActiveNumberValid() ||
      !startBand.isActiveNumberValid() || !stopBand.isActiveNumberValid())
      return false;

   //validate all the parameters before continuing
   if (startRow.getActiveNumber() >= numRows || 
      startRow.getActiveNumber() > stopRow.getActiveNumber() ||
      stopRow.getActiveNumber() >= numRows ||
      startColumn.getActiveNumber() >= numColumns ||
      startColumn.getActiveNumber() > stopColumn.getActiveNumber() ||
      stopColumn.getActiveNumber() >= numColumns ||
      startBand.getActiveNumber() >= numBands ||
      startBand.getActiveNumber() > stopBand.getActiveNumber() ||
      stopBand.getActiveNumber() >= numBands ||
      concurrentRows > stopRow.getActiveNumber()-startRow.getActiveNumber()+1 ||
      concurrentColumns > stopColumn.getActiveNumber()-startColumn.getActiveNumber()+1 ||
      concurrentBands > stopBand.getActiveNumber()-startBand.getActiveNumber()+1)
      return false;

   if (getInterleaveFormat() == BSQ)
      // Can only get single-band BSQ accessors
      if (startBand != stopBand || concurrentBands != 1)
         return false;

   return true;