예제 #1
void Epetra_Export::Construct( const Epetra_BlockMap &  sourceMap, const Epetra_BlockMap & targetMap)

  int i;

  // Build three ID lists:
  // NumSameIDs - Number of IDs in TargetMap and SourceMap that are identical, up to the first
  //              nonidentical ID.
  // NumPermuteIDs - Number of IDs in SourceMap that must be indirectly loaded but are on this processor.
  // NumExportIDs - Number of IDs that are in SourceMap but not in TargetMap, and thus must be exported.

  int NumSourceIDs = sourceMap.NumMyElements();
  int NumTargetIDs = targetMap.NumMyElements();

  int_type *TargetGIDs = 0;
  if (NumTargetIDs>0) {
    TargetGIDs = new int_type[NumTargetIDs];

  int_type * SourceGIDs = 0;
  if (NumSourceIDs>0) {
    SourceGIDs = new int_type[NumSourceIDs];

  int MinIDs = EPETRA_MIN(NumSourceIDs, NumTargetIDs);

  NumSameIDs_ = 0;
  for (i=0; i< MinIDs; i++) if (TargetGIDs[i]==SourceGIDs[i]) NumSameIDs_++; else break;

  // Find count of Source IDs that are truly remote and those that are local but permuted

  NumPermuteIDs_ = 0;
  NumExportIDs_ = 0;
  for (i=NumSameIDs_; i< NumSourceIDs; i++)
    if (targetMap.MyGID(SourceGIDs[i])) NumPermuteIDs_++; // Check if Source GID is a local Target GID
    else NumExportIDs_++; // If not, then it is remote

  // Define remote and permutation lists

  int_type * ExportGIDs = 0;
  if (NumExportIDs_>0) {
    ExportLIDs_ = new int[NumExportIDs_];
    ExportGIDs = new int_type[NumExportIDs_];
  if (NumPermuteIDs_>0)  {
    PermuteToLIDs_ = new int[NumPermuteIDs_];
    PermuteFromLIDs_ = new int[NumPermuteIDs_];

  NumPermuteIDs_ = 0;
  NumExportIDs_ = 0;
  for (i=NumSameIDs_; i< NumSourceIDs; i++) {
    if (targetMap.MyGID(SourceGIDs[i])) {
      PermuteFromLIDs_[NumPermuteIDs_] = i;
      PermuteToLIDs_[NumPermuteIDs_++] = targetMap.LID(SourceGIDs[i]);
    else {
      //NumSend_ +=sourceMap.ElementSize(i); // Count total number of entries to send
      NumSend_ +=sourceMap.MaxElementSize(); // Count total number of entries to send (currently need max)
      ExportGIDs[NumExportIDs_] = SourceGIDs[i];
      ExportLIDs_[NumExportIDs_++] = i;

  if ( NumExportIDs_>0 && !sourceMap.DistributedGlobal())
    ReportError("Warning in Epetra_Export: Serial Export has remote IDs. (Exporting from Subset of Source Map)", 1);

  // Test for distributed cases
  int ierr = 0;

  if (sourceMap.DistributedGlobal()) {

    if (NumExportIDs_>0) ExportPIDs_ = new int[NumExportIDs_];
    ierr = targetMap.RemoteIDList(NumExportIDs_, ExportGIDs, ExportPIDs_, 0); // Get remote PIDs
    if( ierr ) throw ReportError("Error in Epetra_BlockMap::RemoteIDList", ierr);

    //Get rid of IDs not in Target Map
    if(NumExportIDs_>0) {
      int cnt = 0;
      for( i = 0; i < NumExportIDs_; ++i )
  if( ExportPIDs_[i] == -1 ) ++cnt;
      if( cnt ) {
  int_type * NewExportGIDs = 0;
  int * NewExportPIDs = 0;
  int * NewExportLIDs = 0;
  int cnt1 = NumExportIDs_-cnt;
  if (cnt1) {
    NewExportGIDs = new int_type[cnt1];
    NewExportPIDs = new int[cnt1];
    NewExportLIDs = new int[cnt1];
  cnt = 0;
  for( i = 0; i < NumExportIDs_; ++i )
    if( ExportPIDs_[i] != -1 ) {
      NewExportGIDs[cnt] = ExportGIDs[i];
      NewExportPIDs[cnt] = ExportPIDs_[i];
      NewExportLIDs[cnt] = ExportLIDs_[i];
  assert(cnt==cnt1); // Sanity test
  NumExportIDs_ = cnt;
  delete [] ExportGIDs;
  delete [] ExportPIDs_;
  delete [] ExportLIDs_;
  ExportGIDs = NewExportGIDs;
  ExportPIDs_ = NewExportPIDs;
  ExportLIDs_ = NewExportLIDs;
  ReportError("Warning in Epetra_Export: Source IDs not found in Target Map (Do you want to export from subset of Source Map?)", 1 );

    //Make sure Export IDs are ordered by processor
    Epetra_Util util;

    if(targetMap.GlobalIndicesLongLong()) {
      // FIXME (mfh 11 Jul 2013) This breaks ANSI aliasing rules, if
      // int_type != long long.  On some compilers, it results in
      // warnings such as this: "dereferencing type-punned pointer
      // will break strict-aliasing rules".
      util.Sort(true,NumExportIDs_,ExportPIDs_,0,0,1,&ExportLIDs_, 1, (long long **)&ExportGIDs);
    else if(targetMap.GlobalIndicesInt()) {
      int* ptrs[2] = {ExportLIDs_, (int*) ExportGIDs};
      util.Sort(true,NumExportIDs_,ExportPIDs_,0,0, 2,&ptrs[0], 0, 0);
    else {
      throw ReportError("Epetra_Import::Epetra_Import: GlobalIndices Internal Error", -1);

    Distor_ = sourceMap.Comm().CreateDistributor();

    // Construct list of exports that calling processor needs to send as a result
    // of everyone asking for what it needs to receive.

    ierr = Distor_->CreateFromSends( NumExportIDs_, ExportPIDs_, true, NumRemoteIDs_);
    if (ierr!=0) throw ReportError("Error in Epetra_Distributor.CreateFromSends()", ierr);

    // Use comm plan with ExportGIDs to find out who is sending to us and
    // get proper ordering of GIDs for remote entries
    // (that we will convert to LIDs when done).

    if (NumRemoteIDs_>0) RemoteLIDs_ = new int[NumRemoteIDs_]; // Allocate space for LIDs in target that are
    // going to get something from off-processor.
    char * cRemoteGIDs = 0; //Do will alloc memory for this object
    int LenCRemoteGIDs = 0;
    ierr = Distor_->Do(reinterpret_cast<char *> (ExportGIDs),
    sizeof( int_type ),
    if (ierr) throw ReportError("Error in Epetra_Distributor.Do()", ierr);
    int_type * RemoteGIDs = reinterpret_cast<int_type*>(cRemoteGIDs);

    // Remote IDs come in as GIDs, convert to LIDs
    for (i=0; i< NumRemoteIDs_; i++) {
      RemoteLIDs_[i] = targetMap.LID(RemoteGIDs[i]);
      //NumRecv_ += targetMap.ElementSize(RemoteLIDs_[i]); // Count total number of entries to receive
      NumRecv_ += targetMap.MaxElementSize(); // Count total number of entries to receive (currently need max)

    if (LenCRemoteGIDs>0) delete [] cRemoteGIDs;
  if (NumExportIDs_>0) delete [] ExportGIDs;
  if (NumTargetIDs>0) delete [] TargetGIDs;
  if (NumSourceIDs>0) delete [] SourceGIDs;

예제 #2
// Epetra_Export constructor for a Epetra_BlockMap object
Epetra_Export::Epetra_Export( const Epetra_BlockMap &  SourceMap, const Epetra_BlockMap & TargetMap)
  : Epetra_Object("Epetra::Export"), 

  int i;

  // Build three ID lists:
  // NumSameIDs - Number of IDs in TargetMap and SourceMap that are identical, up to the first
  //              nonidentical ID.
  // NumPermuteIDs - Number of IDs in SourceMap that must be indirectly loaded but are on this processor.
  // NumExportIDs - Number of IDs that are in SourceMap but not in TargetMap, and thus must be exported.

  int NumSourceIDs = SourceMap.NumMyElements();
  int NumTargetIDs = TargetMap.NumMyElements();

  int *TargetGIDs = 0;
  if (NumTargetIDs>0) {
    TargetGIDs = new int[NumTargetIDs];

  int * SourceGIDs = 0;
  if (NumSourceIDs>0) {
    SourceGIDs = new int[NumSourceIDs];

  int MinIDs = EPETRA_MIN(NumSourceIDs, NumTargetIDs);

  NumSameIDs_ = 0;
  for (i=0; i< MinIDs; i++) if (TargetGIDs[i]==SourceGIDs[i]) NumSameIDs_++; else break;

  // Find count of Source IDs that are truly remote and those that are local but permuted

  NumPermuteIDs_ = 0;
  NumExportIDs_ = 0;
  for (i=NumSameIDs_; i< NumSourceIDs; i++) 
    if (TargetMap.MyGID(SourceGIDs[i])) NumPermuteIDs_++; // Check if Source GID is a local Target GID
    else NumExportIDs_++; // If not, then it is remote

  // Define remote and permutation lists

  int * ExportGIDs = 0;
  if (NumExportIDs_>0) {
    ExportLIDs_ = new int[NumExportIDs_];
    ExportGIDs = new int[NumExportIDs_];
  if (NumPermuteIDs_>0)  {
    PermuteToLIDs_ = new int[NumPermuteIDs_];
    PermuteFromLIDs_ = new int[NumPermuteIDs_];

  NumPermuteIDs_ = 0;
  NumExportIDs_ = 0;
  for (i=NumSameIDs_; i< NumSourceIDs; i++) {
    if (TargetMap.MyGID(SourceGIDs[i])) {
      PermuteFromLIDs_[NumPermuteIDs_] = i;
      PermuteToLIDs_[NumPermuteIDs_++] = TargetMap.LID(SourceGIDs[i]);
    else {
      //NumSend_ +=SourceMap.ElementSize(i); // Count total number of entries to send
      NumSend_ +=SourceMap.MaxElementSize(); // Count total number of entries to send (currently need max)
      ExportGIDs[NumExportIDs_] = SourceGIDs[i];
      ExportLIDs_[NumExportIDs_++] = i;
  if ( NumExportIDs_>0 && !SourceMap.DistributedGlobal()) 
    ReportError("Warning in Epetra_Export: Serial Export has remote IDs. (Exporting from Subset of Source Map)", 1);

  // Test for distributed cases
  int ierr = 0;

  if (SourceMap.DistributedGlobal()) {

    if (NumExportIDs_>0) ExportPIDs_ = new int[NumExportIDs_];
    ierr = TargetMap.RemoteIDList(NumExportIDs_, ExportGIDs, ExportPIDs_, 0); // Get remote PIDs
    if( ierr ) throw ReportError("Error in Epetra_BlockMap::RemoteIDList", ierr);

    //Get rid of IDs not in Target Map
    if(NumExportIDs_>0) {
      int cnt = 0;
      for( i = 0; i < NumExportIDs_; ++i )
	if( ExportPIDs_[i] == -1 ) ++cnt;
      if( cnt ) {
	int * NewExportGIDs = 0;
	int * NewExportPIDs = 0;
	int * NewExportLIDs = 0;
	int cnt1 = NumExportIDs_-cnt;
	if (cnt1) {
	  NewExportGIDs = new int[cnt1];
	  NewExportPIDs = new int[cnt1];
	  NewExportLIDs = new int[cnt1];
	cnt = 0;
	for( i = 0; i < NumExportIDs_; ++i )
	  if( ExportPIDs_[i] != -1 ) {
	    NewExportGIDs[cnt] = ExportGIDs[i];
	    NewExportPIDs[cnt] = ExportPIDs_[i];
	    NewExportLIDs[cnt] = ExportLIDs_[i];
	assert(cnt==cnt1); // Sanity test
	NumExportIDs_ = cnt;
	delete [] ExportGIDs;
	delete [] ExportPIDs_;
	delete [] ExportLIDs_;
	ExportGIDs = NewExportGIDs;
	ExportPIDs_ = NewExportPIDs;
	ExportLIDs_ = NewExportLIDs;
	ReportError("Warning in Epetra_Export: Source IDs not found in Target Map (Do you want to export from subset of Source Map?)", 1 );
    //Make sure Export IDs are ordered by processor
    Epetra_Util util;
    int * tmpPtr[2];
    tmpPtr[0] = ExportLIDs_, tmpPtr[1] = ExportGIDs;

    Distor_ = SourceMap.Comm().CreateDistributor();
    // Construct list of exports that calling processor needs to send as a result
    // of everyone asking for what it needs to receive.
    ierr = Distor_->CreateFromSends( NumExportIDs_, ExportPIDs_, true, NumRemoteIDs_);
    if (ierr!=0) throw ReportError("Error in Epetra_Distributor.CreateFromSends()", ierr);
    // Use comm plan with ExportGIDs to find out who is sending to us and
    // get proper ordering of GIDs for remote entries 
    // (that we will convert to LIDs when done).
    if (NumRemoteIDs_>0) RemoteLIDs_ = new int[NumRemoteIDs_]; // Allocate space for LIDs in target that are
    // going to get something from off-processor.
    char * cRemoteGIDs = 0; //Do will alloc memory for this object
    int LenCRemoteGIDs = 0;
    ierr = Distor_->Do(reinterpret_cast<char *> (ExportGIDs), 
		sizeof( int ),
    if (ierr) throw ReportError("Error in Epetra_Distributor.Do()", ierr);
    int * RemoteGIDs = reinterpret_cast<int*>(cRemoteGIDs);

    // Remote IDs come in as GIDs, convert to LIDs
    for (i=0; i< NumRemoteIDs_; i++) {
      RemoteLIDs_[i] = TargetMap.LID(RemoteGIDs[i]);
      //NumRecv_ += TargetMap.ElementSize(RemoteLIDs_[i]); // Count total number of entries to receive
      NumRecv_ += TargetMap.MaxElementSize(); // Count total number of entries to receive (currently need max)

    if (NumExportIDs_>0) delete [] ExportGIDs;
    if (LenCRemoteGIDs>0) delete [] cRemoteGIDs;
  if (NumTargetIDs>0) delete [] TargetGIDs;
  if (NumSourceIDs>0) delete [] SourceGIDs;
예제 #3
void Epetra_Import::Construct( const Epetra_BlockMap &  targetMap, const Epetra_BlockMap & sourceMap)
  int i;
  // Build three ID lists:
  // NumSameIDs - Number of IDs in TargetMap and SourceMap that are identical, up to the first
  //              nonidentical ID.
  // NumPermuteIDs - Number of IDs in SourceMap that must be indirectly loaded but are on this processor.
  // NumRemoteIDs - Number of IDs that are in SourceMap but not in TargetMap, and thus must be imported.
  int NumSourceIDs = sourceMap.NumMyElements();
  int NumTargetIDs = targetMap.NumMyElements();
  int_type *TargetGIDs = 0;
  if (NumTargetIDs>0) {
    TargetGIDs = new int_type[NumTargetIDs];
  int_type * SourceGIDs = 0;
  if (NumSourceIDs>0) {
    SourceGIDs = new int_type[NumSourceIDs];
  int MinIDs = EPETRA_MIN(NumSourceIDs, NumTargetIDs);
  NumSameIDs_ = 0;
  for (i=0; i< MinIDs; i++) if (TargetGIDs[i]==SourceGIDs[i]) NumSameIDs_++; else break;
  // Find count of Target IDs that are truly remote and those that are local but permuted

  NumPermuteIDs_ = 0;
  NumRemoteIDs_ = 0;
  for (i=NumSameIDs_; i< NumTargetIDs; i++) 
    if (sourceMap.MyGID(TargetGIDs[i])) NumPermuteIDs_++; // Check if Target GID is a local Source GID
    else NumRemoteIDs_++; // If not, then it is remote
  // Define remote and permutation lists
  int_type * RemoteGIDs=0;
  RemoteLIDs_ = 0;
  if (NumRemoteIDs_>0) {
    RemoteLIDs_ = new int[NumRemoteIDs_];
    RemoteGIDs = new int_type[NumRemoteIDs_];
  if (NumPermuteIDs_>0)  {
    PermuteToLIDs_ = new int[NumPermuteIDs_];
    PermuteFromLIDs_ = new int[NumPermuteIDs_];
  NumPermuteIDs_ = 0;
  NumRemoteIDs_ = 0;
  for (i=NumSameIDs_; i< NumTargetIDs; i++) {
    if (sourceMap.MyGID(TargetGIDs[i])) {
      PermuteToLIDs_[NumPermuteIDs_] = i;
      PermuteFromLIDs_[NumPermuteIDs_++] = sourceMap.LID(TargetGIDs[i]);
    else {
      //NumRecv_ +=TargetMap.ElementSize(i); // Count total number of entries to receive
      NumRecv_ +=targetMap.MaxElementSize(); // Count total number of entries to receive (currently need max)
      RemoteGIDs[NumRemoteIDs_] = TargetGIDs[i];
      RemoteLIDs_[NumRemoteIDs_++] = i;

  if( NumRemoteIDs_>0 && !sourceMap.DistributedGlobal() )
    ReportError("Warning in Epetra_Import: Serial Import has remote IDs. (Importing to Subset of Target Map)", 1);
  // Test for distributed cases
  int * RemotePIDs = 0;

  if (sourceMap.DistributedGlobal()) {
    if (NumRemoteIDs_>0)  RemotePIDs = new int[NumRemoteIDs_];
    int ierr = sourceMap.RemoteIDList(NumRemoteIDs_, RemoteGIDs, RemotePIDs, 0); // Get remote PIDs
    if (ierr) throw ReportError("Error in sourceMap.RemoteIDList call", ierr);

    //Get rid of IDs that don't exist in SourceMap
    if(NumRemoteIDs_>0) {
      int cnt = 0;
      for( i = 0; i < NumRemoteIDs_; ++i )
        if( RemotePIDs[i] == -1 ) ++cnt;
      if( cnt ) {
        if( NumRemoteIDs_-cnt ) {
          int_type * NewRemoteGIDs = new int_type[NumRemoteIDs_-cnt];
          int * NewRemotePIDs = new int[NumRemoteIDs_-cnt];
          int * NewRemoteLIDs = new int[NumRemoteIDs_-cnt];
          cnt = 0;
          for( i = 0; i < NumRemoteIDs_; ++i )
            if( RemotePIDs[i] != -1 ) {
              NewRemoteGIDs[cnt] = RemoteGIDs[i];
              NewRemotePIDs[cnt] = RemotePIDs[i];
              NewRemoteLIDs[cnt] = targetMap.LID(RemoteGIDs[i]);
          NumRemoteIDs_ = cnt;
          delete [] RemoteGIDs;
          delete [] RemotePIDs;
          delete [] RemoteLIDs_;
          RemoteGIDs = NewRemoteGIDs;
          RemotePIDs = NewRemotePIDs;
          RemoteLIDs_ = NewRemoteLIDs;
          ReportError("Warning in Epetra_Import: Target IDs not found in Source Map (Do you want to import to subset of Target Map?)", 1);
        else { //valid RemoteIDs empty
          NumRemoteIDs_ = 0;
          delete [] RemoteGIDs;
          RemoteGIDs = 0;
          delete [] RemotePIDs;
          RemotePIDs = 0;

    //Sort Remote IDs by processor so DoReverses will work
    Epetra_Util util;

      util.Sort(true,NumRemoteIDs_,RemotePIDs,0,0, 1,&RemoteLIDs_, 1,(long long**)&RemoteGIDs);
  else if(targetMap.GlobalIndicesInt())
    int* ptrs[2] = {RemoteLIDs_, (int*)RemoteGIDs};
    util.Sort(true,NumRemoteIDs_,RemotePIDs,0,0,2,&ptrs[0], 0, 0);
    throw ReportError("Epetra_Import::Epetra_Import: GlobalIndices Internal Error", -1);

    Distor_ = sourceMap.Comm().CreateDistributor();
    // Construct list of exports that calling processor needs to send as a result
    // of everyone asking for what it needs to receive.
    bool Deterministic = true;
  int_type* tmp_ExportLIDs; //Export IDs come in as GIDs
  ierr = Distor_->CreateFromRecvs( NumRemoteIDs_, RemoteGIDs, RemotePIDs,
             Deterministic, NumExportIDs_, tmp_ExportLIDs, ExportPIDs_ );
  if (ierr!=0) throw ReportError("Error in Epetra_Distributor.CreateFromRecvs()", ierr);

  // Export IDs come in as GIDs, convert to LIDs
    ExportLIDs_ = new int[NumExportIDs_];

    for (i=0; i< NumExportIDs_; i++) {
      if (ExportPIDs_[i] < 0) throw ReportError("targetMap requested a GID that is not in the sourceMap.", -1);
      ExportLIDs_[i] = sourceMap.LID(tmp_ExportLIDs[i]);
      NumSend_ += sourceMap.MaxElementSize(); // Count total number of entries to send (currently need max)

    delete[] tmp_ExportLIDs;
  else if(targetMap.GlobalIndicesInt())
    for (i=0; i< NumExportIDs_; i++) {
      if (ExportPIDs_[i] < 0) throw ReportError("targetMap requested a GID that is not in the sourceMap.", -1);
      tmp_ExportLIDs[i] = sourceMap.LID(tmp_ExportLIDs[i]);
      NumSend_ += sourceMap.MaxElementSize(); // Count total number of entries to send (currently need max)

    ExportLIDs_ = reinterpret_cast<int *>(tmp_ExportLIDs); // Can't reach here if tmp_ExportLIDs is long long.
    throw ReportError("Epetra_Import::Epetra_Import: GlobalIndices Internal Error", -1);

  if( NumRemoteIDs_>0 ) delete [] RemoteGIDs;
  if( NumRemoteIDs_>0 ) delete [] RemotePIDs;

  if (NumTargetIDs>0) delete [] TargetGIDs;
  if (NumSourceIDs>0) delete [] SourceGIDs;
예제 #4
int checkmap(Epetra_BlockMap & Map, int NumGlobalElements, int NumMyElements, 
	     int *MyGlobalElements, int ElementSize, int * ElementSizeList,
	     int NumGlobalPoints, int NumMyPoints,
	     int IndexBase, Epetra_Comm& Comm,
	     bool DistributedGlobal,
	     bool IsOneToOne)

  int i, ierr=0, forierr=0;// forierr is used in for loops, then is tested
  // after for loop completes to see if it is non zero - potentially prevents
  // thousands of error messages

  if (ElementSizeList==0)


  int *MyElementSizeList;

  if (ElementSizeList==0)
      MyElementSizeList = new int[NumMyElements];
      forierr = 0;
      for (i=0; i<NumMyElements; i++) 
        forierr += MyElementSizeList[i]!=ElementSize;

      EPETRA_TEST_ERR(Map.MaxMyElementSize() != ElementSize,ierr);
      EPETRA_TEST_ERR(Map.MinMyElementSize() != ElementSize,ierr);
      MyElementSizeList = new int[NumMyElements];
      int MaxSize = MyElementSizeList[0];
      int MinSize = MyElementSizeList[0];
      for (i=0; i<NumMyElements; i++) {
        forierr += MyElementSizeList[i]!=ElementSizeList[i];
	if (MyElementSizeList[i] > MaxSize)
	  MaxSize = MyElementSizeList[i];
	if (MyElementSizeList[i] < MinSize)
	  MinSize = MyElementSizeList[i];

	// Test ElementSize(int LID) method	

	forierr += Map.ElementSize(Map.LID(MyGlobalElements[i])) != ElementSizeList[i];
      EPETRA_TEST_ERR(MaxSize !=Map.MaxMyElementSize(),ierr);
      EPETRA_TEST_ERR(MinSize !=Map.MinMyElementSize(),ierr);

  const Epetra_Comm & Comm1 = Map.Comm();




  EPETRA_TEST_ERR(!Map.LinearMap() && MyGlobalElements==0,ierr);

  EPETRA_TEST_ERR(Map.LinearMap() && MyGlobalElements!=0,ierr);



  int MaxLID = Map.MaxLID();

  int MaxMyGID = (Comm.MyPID()+1)*NumMyElements-1+IndexBase;
  if (Comm.MyPID()>2) MaxMyGID+=3;
  if (!DistributedGlobal) MaxMyGID = NumMyElements-1+IndexBase;


  if (ElementSizeList==0)
  else EPETRA_TEST_ERR(Map.MinElementSize()!=2,ierr);

  int MinLID = Map.MinLID();

  int MinMyGID = Comm.MyPID()*NumMyElements+IndexBase;
  if (Comm.MyPID()>2) MinMyGID+=3;
  if (!DistributedGlobal) MinMyGID = IndexBase; // Not really needed

  int * MyGlobalElements1 = new int[NumMyElements];
  forierr = 0;
  if (MyGlobalElements==0) {
    for (i=0; i<NumMyElements; i++) 
      forierr += MyGlobalElements1[i]!=MinMyGID+i;
  else {
    for (i=0; i<NumMyElements; i++)
      forierr += MyGlobalElements[i]!=MyGlobalElements1[i];


  int MaxMyGID2 = Map.GID(Map.LID(MaxMyGID));
  EPETRA_TEST_ERR(MaxMyGID2 != MaxMyGID,ierr);
  int MaxLID2 = Map.LID(Map.GID(MaxLID));
  EPETRA_TEST_ERR(MaxLID2 != MaxLID,ierr);

  EPETRA_TEST_ERR(Map.GID(MaxLID+1) != IndexBase-1,ierr);// MaxLID+1 doesn't exist
  EPETRA_TEST_ERR(Map.LID(MaxMyGID+1) != -1,ierr);// MaxMyGID+1 doesn't exist or is on a different processor





  // Test the FirstPointInElementList methods, begin by testing that they produce identical results
  int * FirstPointInElementList = new int[NumMyElements+1];
  int * FirstPointInElementList1 = Map.FirstPointInElementList();
  forierr = 0;
  for (i=0; i<=NumMyElements; i++)
    forierr += FirstPointInElementList[i]!=FirstPointInElementList1[i];
  // Now make sure values are correct
  forierr = 0;
  if (Map.ConstantElementSize()) {
    for (i=0; i<=NumMyElements; i++)
      forierr += FirstPointInElementList1[i]!=(i*ElementSize);// NOTE:FirstPointInElement[NumMyElements] is not the first point of an element
  else {
    int FirstPoint = 0;
    for (i=0; i<NumMyElements; i++) {
      forierr += FirstPointInElementList1[i]!=FirstPoint;
      FirstPoint += ElementSizeList[i];
    EPETRA_TEST_ERR(FirstPointInElementList[NumMyElements] != NumMyPoints,ierr);// The last entry in the array = the total number of Points on the proc
  delete [] FirstPointInElementList;

  // Declare some variables for the FindLocalElementID test
  int ElementID, Offset;
  // Test the PointToElementList methods, begin by testing that they produce identical results
  int * PointToElementList = new int[NumMyPoints];
  int * PointToElementList1 = Map.PointToElementList();
  forierr = 0;
  for (i=0; i<NumMyPoints; i++)
    forierr += PointToElementList1[i] != PointToElementList[i];
  //Now make sure values are correct
  if (Map.ConstantElementSize()) {
    for (i=0; i<NumMyElements; i++)
      for (int j=0; j<ElementSize; j++) {
	forierr += PointToElementList[i*ElementSize+j] != i;
	// Test FindLocalElementID method
	forierr += ElementID != i || Offset != j;
  else {
    int MyPointTot = 0; // Keep track of total number of points in all previously completely checked elements
    for (i=0; i<NumMyElements; i++) {
      for (int j=0; j<ElementSizeList[i]; j++) {
	forierr += PointToElementList[MyPointTot+j] != i;
	// Test FindLocalElementID method
	forierr += ElementID != i || Offset != j;
      MyPointTot += ElementSizeList[i];
  delete [] PointToElementList;

  // Check RemoteIDList function that includes a parameter for size
  // Get some GIDs off of each processor to test
  int TotalNumEle, NumElePerProc, NumProc = Comm.NumProc();
  int MinNumEleOnProc;
  int NumMyEle = Map.NumMyElements();
  if (MinNumEleOnProc > 5) NumElePerProc = 6;
  else NumElePerProc = MinNumEleOnProc;
  if (NumElePerProc > 0) {
    TotalNumEle = NumElePerProc*NumProc;
    int * MyGIDlist = new int[NumElePerProc];
    int * GIDlist = new int[TotalNumEle];
    int * PIDlist = new int[TotalNumEle];
    int * LIDlist = new int[TotalNumEle];
    int * SizeList = new int[TotalNumEle];
    for (i=0; i<NumElePerProc; i++)
	  MyGIDlist[i] = MyGlobalElements1[i];
    Comm.GatherAll(MyGIDlist,GIDlist,NumElePerProc);// Get a few values from each proc
    Map.RemoteIDList(TotalNumEle, GIDlist, PIDlist, LIDlist, SizeList);
    int MyPID= Comm.MyPID();
    forierr = 0;
    for (i=0; i<TotalNumEle; i++) {
      if (Map.MyGID(GIDlist[i])) {
	forierr += PIDlist[i] != MyPID;
	forierr += !Map.MyLID(Map.LID(GIDlist[i])) || Map.LID(GIDlist[i]) != LIDlist[i] || Map.GID(LIDlist[i]) != GIDlist[i];
	forierr += SizeList[i] != Map.ElementSize(LIDlist[i]);
      else {
	forierr += PIDlist[i] == MyPID; // If MyGID comes back false, the PID listed should be that of another proc

    delete [] MyGIDlist;
    delete [] GIDlist;
    delete [] PIDlist;
    delete [] LIDlist;
    delete [] SizeList;

  delete [] MyGlobalElements1;
  delete [] MyElementSizeList;

  // Check RemoteIDList function (assumes all maps are linear, even if not stored that way)

  if (Map.LinearMap()) {

    int * GIDList = new int[3];
    int * PIDList = new int[3];
    int * LIDList = new int[3];
    int MyPID = Map.Comm().MyPID();
    int NumIDs = 0;
    //GIDList[NumIDs++] = Map.MaxAllGID()+1; // Should return -1 for both PID and LID
    if (Map.MinMyGID()-1>=Map.MinAllGID()) GIDList[NumIDs++] = Map.MinMyGID()-1;
    if (Map.MaxMyGID()+1<=Map.MaxAllGID()) GIDList[NumIDs++] = Map.MaxMyGID()+1;

    Map.RemoteIDList(NumIDs, GIDList, PIDList, LIDList);

    NumIDs = 0;


    if (Map.MinMyGID()-1>=Map.MinAllGID()) EPETRA_TEST_ERR(!(PIDList[NumIDs++]==MyPID-1),ierr);
    if (Map.MaxMyGID()+1<=Map.MaxAllGID()) EPETRA_TEST_ERR(!(PIDList[NumIDs]==MyPID+1),ierr);
    if (Map.MaxMyGID()+1<=Map.MaxAllGID()) EPETRA_TEST_ERR(!(LIDList[NumIDs++]==0),ierr);

    delete [] GIDList;
    delete [] PIDList;
    delete [] LIDList;

  return (ierr);
예제 #5
void Epetra_Import::Construct_Expert( const Epetra_BlockMap &  targetMap, const Epetra_BlockMap & sourceMap, int NumRemotePIDs, const int * UserRemotePIDs,
				      const int & UserNumExportIDs, const int * UserExportLIDs,  const int * UserExportPIDs)
  int i,ierr;
  // Build three ID lists:
  // NumSameIDs - Number of IDs in TargetMap and SourceMap that are identical, up to the first
  //              nonidentical ID.
  // NumPermuteIDs - Number of IDs in SourceMap that must be indirectly loaded but are on this processor.
  // NumRemoteIDs - Number of IDs that are in SourceMap but not in TargetMap, and thus must be imported.
  int NumSourceIDs = sourceMap.NumMyElements();
  int NumTargetIDs = targetMap.NumMyElements();
  int_type *TargetGIDs = 0;
  if (NumTargetIDs>0) {
    TargetGIDs = new int_type[NumTargetIDs];
  int_type * SourceGIDs = 0;
  if (NumSourceIDs>0) {
    SourceGIDs = new int_type[NumSourceIDs];
  int MinIDs = EPETRA_MIN(NumSourceIDs, NumTargetIDs);
  NumSameIDs_ = 0;
  for (i=0; i< MinIDs; i++) if (TargetGIDs[i]==SourceGIDs[i]) NumSameIDs_++; else break;
  // Find count of Target IDs that are truly remote and those that are local but permuted
  NumPermuteIDs_ = 0;
  NumRemoteIDs_ = 0;
  for (i=NumSameIDs_; i< NumTargetIDs; i++) 
    if (sourceMap.MyGID(TargetGIDs[i])) NumPermuteIDs_++; // Check if Target GID is a local Source GID
    else NumRemoteIDs_++; // If not, then it is remote
  // Define remote and permutation lists  
  int_type * RemoteGIDs=0;
  RemoteLIDs_ = 0;
  if (NumRemoteIDs_>0) {
    RemoteLIDs_ = new int[NumRemoteIDs_];
    RemoteGIDs = new int_type[NumRemoteIDs_];
  if (NumPermuteIDs_>0)  {
    PermuteToLIDs_ = new int[NumPermuteIDs_];
    PermuteFromLIDs_ = new int[NumPermuteIDs_];
  NumPermuteIDs_ = 0;
  NumRemoteIDs_ = 0;
  for (i=NumSameIDs_; i< NumTargetIDs; i++) {
    if (sourceMap.MyGID(TargetGIDs[i])) {
      PermuteToLIDs_[NumPermuteIDs_] = i;
      PermuteFromLIDs_[NumPermuteIDs_++] = sourceMap.LID(TargetGIDs[i]);
    else {
      //NumRecv_ +=TargetMap.ElementSize(i); // Count total number of entries to receive
      NumRecv_ +=targetMap.MaxElementSize(); // Count total number of entries to receive (currently need max)
      RemoteGIDs[NumRemoteIDs_] = TargetGIDs[i];
      RemoteLIDs_[NumRemoteIDs_++] = i;

  if( NumRemoteIDs_>0 && !sourceMap.DistributedGlobal() )
    ReportError("Warning in Epetra_Import: Serial Import has remote IDs. (Importing to Subset of Target Map)", 1);
  // Test for distributed cases
  int * RemotePIDs = 0;
  if (sourceMap.DistributedGlobal()) {
    if (NumRemoteIDs_>0)  RemotePIDs = new int[NumRemoteIDs_];
    int myeq = (NumRemotePIDs==NumRemoteIDs_);
    int globaleq=0;
    if(globaleq!=1) { 
      printf("[%d] UserRemotePIDs count wrong %d != %d\n",sourceMap.Comm().MyPID(),NumRemotePIDs,NumRemoteIDs_);
      throw ReportError("Epetra_Import: UserRemotePIDs count wrong");

      // Since I need to sort these, I'll copy them
      for(i=0; i<NumRemoteIDs_; i++)  RemotePIDs[i] = UserRemotePIDs[i];

    //Get rid of IDs that don't exist in SourceMap
    if(NumRemoteIDs_>0) {
      int cnt = 0;
      for( i = 0; i < NumRemoteIDs_; ++i )
        if( RemotePIDs[i] == -1 ) ++cnt;
      if( cnt ) {
        if( NumRemoteIDs_-cnt ) {
          int_type * NewRemoteGIDs = new int_type[NumRemoteIDs_-cnt];
          int * NewRemotePIDs = new int[NumRemoteIDs_-cnt];
          int * NewRemoteLIDs = new int[NumRemoteIDs_-cnt];
          cnt = 0;
          for( i = 0; i < NumRemoteIDs_; ++i )
            if( RemotePIDs[i] != -1 ) {
              NewRemoteGIDs[cnt] = RemoteGIDs[i];
              NewRemotePIDs[cnt] = RemotePIDs[i];
              NewRemoteLIDs[cnt] = targetMap.LID(RemoteGIDs[i]);
          NumRemoteIDs_ = cnt;
          delete [] RemoteGIDs;
          delete [] RemotePIDs;
          delete [] RemoteLIDs_;
          RemoteGIDs = NewRemoteGIDs;
          RemotePIDs = NewRemotePIDs;
          RemoteLIDs_ = NewRemoteLIDs;
          ReportError("Warning in Epetra_Import: Target IDs not found in Source Map (Do you want to import to subset of Target Map?)", 1);
        else { //valid RemoteIDs empty
          NumRemoteIDs_ = 0;
          delete [] RemoteGIDs;
          RemoteGIDs = 0;
          delete [] RemotePIDs;
          RemotePIDs = 0;

    //Sort Remote IDs by processor so DoReverses will work
    Epetra_Util util;
	util.Sort(true,NumRemoteIDs_,RemotePIDs,0,0, 1,&RemoteLIDs_, 1,(long long**)&RemoteGIDs);
    else if(targetMap.GlobalIndicesInt())
	int* ptrs[2] = {RemoteLIDs_, (int*)RemoteGIDs};
	util.Sort(true,NumRemoteIDs_,RemotePIDs,0,0,2,&ptrs[0], 0, 0);
	throw ReportError("Epetra_Import::Epetra_Import: GlobalIndices Internal Error", -1);
    // Build distributor & Export lists
    Distor_ = sourceMap.Comm().CreateDistributor();    
    ExportLIDs_ = new int[NumExportIDs_];
    ExportPIDs_ = new int[NumExportIDs_];
    for(i=0; i<NumExportIDs_; i++)  {
      ExportPIDs_[i] = UserExportPIDs[i];
      ExportLIDs_[i] = UserExportLIDs[i];

#ifdef HAVE_MPI
    Epetra_MpiDistributor* MpiDistor = dynamic_cast< Epetra_MpiDistributor*>(Distor_);
    bool Deterministic = true;
					      NumRemoteIDs_, RemoteGIDs, RemotePIDs,Deterministic);
    else ierr=-10;
    if (ierr!=0) throw ReportError("Error in Epetra_Distributor.CreateFromRecvs()", ierr);   

  if( NumRemoteIDs_>0 ) delete [] RemoteGIDs;
  if( NumRemoteIDs_>0 ) delete [] RemotePIDs;
  if (NumTargetIDs>0) delete [] TargetGIDs;
  if (NumSourceIDs>0) delete [] SourceGIDs;

// Sanity check to make sure we got the import right
  Epetra_IntVector Source(sourceMap);
  Epetra_IntVector Target(targetMap);

  for(i=0; i<Source.MyLength(); i++)
    Source[i] = (int) (Source.Map().GID(i) % INT_MAX);
  bool test_passed=true;
  for(i=0; i<Target.MyLength(); i++){
    if(Target[i] != Target.Map().GID(i) % INT_MAX) test_passed=false;

  if(!test_passed) {  
    printf("[%d] PROCESSOR has a mismatch... prepearing to crash or hang!\n",sourceMap.Comm().MyPID());
    throw ReportError("Epetra_Import: ERROR. User provided IDs do not match what an import generates.");
예제 #6
int MultiVectorTests(const Epetra_BlockMap & Map, int NumVectors, bool verbose)
  const Epetra_Comm & Comm = Map.Comm();
  int ierr = 0, i;
  double *residual = new double[NumVectors];

  Epetra_BLAS BLAS;
  /* get number of processors and the name of this processor */

  // int NumProc = Comm.getNumProc();
  int MyPID   = Comm.MyPID();

  // Construct MultiVectors

  Epetra_MultiVector A(Map, NumVectors);
  Epetra_MultiVector sqrtA(Map, NumVectors);
  Epetra_MultiVector B(Map, NumVectors);
  Epetra_MultiVector C(Map, NumVectors);
  Epetra_MultiVector C_alphaA(Map, NumVectors);
  Epetra_MultiVector C_alphaAplusB(Map, NumVectors);
  Epetra_MultiVector C_plusB(Map, NumVectors);
  Epetra_MultiVector Weights(Map, NumVectors);

  // Construct double vectors
  double *dotvec_AB   = new double[NumVectors];
  double *norm1_A     = new double[NumVectors];
  double *norm2_sqrtA = new double[NumVectors];
  double *norminf_A = new double[NumVectors];
  double *normw_A = new double[NumVectors];
  double *minval_A = new double[NumVectors];
  double *maxval_A = new double[NumVectors];
  double *meanval_A = new double[NumVectors];

  // Generate data

  EPETRA_TEST_ERR(C.Random(),ierr); // Fill C with random numbers.
  double alpha = 2.0;
  BuildMultiVectorTests (C,alpha, A, sqrtA, B, C_alphaA, C_alphaAplusB,
			     C_plusB, dotvec_AB, norm1_A, norm2_sqrtA, norminf_A,
			     normw_A, Weights, minval_A, maxval_A, meanval_A);

  int err = 0;
  if (verbose) cout << "XXXXX Testing alpha * A     ";
  // Test alpha*A
  Epetra_MultiVector alphaA(A); // Copy of A
  EPETRA_TEST_ERR(alphaA.Update(-1.0, C_alphaA, 1.0),err);

  if (err) ierr += err;
  else {
    EPETRA_TEST_ERR(BadResidual(verbose,residual, NumVectors),ierr);

  err = 0;
  if (verbose) cout << "XXXXX Testing C = alpha * A + B      ";
  // Test alpha*A + B
  Epetra_MultiVector alphaAplusB(A); // Copy of A
  EPETRA_TEST_ERR(alphaAplusB.Update(1.0, B, alpha, A, 0.0),err);
  EPETRA_TEST_ERR(alphaAplusB.Update(-1.0, C_alphaAplusB, 1.0),err);

  if (err) ierr += err;
  else {
    EPETRA_TEST_ERR(BadResidual(verbose,residual, NumVectors),ierr);

  err = 0;
  if (verbose) cout << "XXXXX Testing C += B      ";
  // Test + B
  Epetra_MultiVector plusB(C); // Copy of C
  EPETRA_TEST_ERR(plusB.Update(1.0, B, 1.0),err);
  EPETRA_TEST_ERR(plusB.Update(-1.0, C_plusB, 1.0),err);

  if (err) ierr += err;
  else {
    EPETRA_TEST_ERR(BadResidual(verbose,residual, NumVectors),ierr);

  err = 0;
  if (verbose) cout << "XXXXX Testing A.dotProd(B)     ";
  // Test A.dotvec(B)
  double *dotvec = residual;

  if (err) ierr += err;
  else {
    EPETRA_TEST_ERR(BadResidual(verbose,residual, NumVectors),ierr);

  err = 0;
  if (verbose) cout << "XXXXX Testing norm1_A      ";
  // Test A.norm1()
  double *norm1 = residual;

  if (err) ierr += err;
  else {
    EPETRA_TEST_ERR(BadResidual(verbose,residual, NumVectors),ierr);

  err = 0;
  if (verbose) cout << "XXXXX Testing norm2_sqrtA     ";
  // Test sqrtA.norm2()
  double *norm2 = residual;

  if (err) ierr += err;
  else {
    EPETRA_TEST_ERR(BadResidual(verbose,residual, NumVectors),ierr);

  err = 0;
  if (verbose) cout << "XXXXX Testing norminf_A     ";
  // Test A.norminf()
  double *norminf = residual;

  if (err) ierr += err;
  else {
    EPETRA_TEST_ERR(BadResidual(verbose,residual, NumVectors),ierr);

  err = 0;
  if (verbose) cout << "XXXXX Testing normw_A     ";
  // Test A.NormWeighted()
  double *normw = residual;
  EPETRA_TEST_ERR(A.NormWeighted(Weights, normw),err);

  if (err) ierr += err;
  else {
    EPETRA_TEST_ERR(BadResidual(verbose,residual, NumVectors),ierr);

  err = 0;
  if (verbose) cout << "XXXXX Testing minval_A     ";
  // Test A.MinValue()
  double *minval = residual;

  if (err) ierr += err;
  else {
    EPETRA_TEST_ERR(BadResidual(verbose,residual, NumVectors),ierr);

  err = 0;
  if (verbose) cout << "XXXXX Testing maxval_A     ";
  // Test A.MaxValue()
  double *maxval = residual;

  if (err) ierr += err;
  else {
    EPETRA_TEST_ERR(BadResidual(verbose,residual, NumVectors),ierr);

  err = 0;
  if (verbose) cout << "XXXXX Testing meanval_A     ";
  // Test A.MeanValue()
  double *meanval = residual;

  if (err) ierr += err;
  else {
    EPETRA_TEST_ERR(BadResidual(verbose,residual, NumVectors),ierr);

  err = 0;
  if (verbose) cout << "XXXXX Testing abs_A     ";
  // Test A.Abs()
  Epetra_MultiVector Abs_A = A;
  EPETRA_TEST_ERR(Abs_A.Update(1.0, A, -1.0),err); // Abs_A = A - Abs_A (should be zero since A > 0)

  if (err) ierr += err;
  else {
    EPETRA_TEST_ERR(BadResidual(verbose,residual, NumVectors),ierr);

  err = 0;
  if (verbose) cout << "XXXXX Testing random_A (Test1) ";
  // Test A.Random()
  Epetra_MultiVector Rand1_A(A);
  Epetra_MultiVector Rand2_A(A);
  // Rand2_A = Rand1_A - Rand2_A (should be nonzero since Random() should give different vectors > 0)
  EPETRA_TEST_ERR(Rand2_A.Update(1.0, Rand1_A, -1.0),err);

  if (err) ierr += err;
  else {
    EPETRA_TEST_ERR(BadResidual1(verbose,residual, NumVectors),ierr);

  err = 0;
  if (verbose) cout << "XXXXX Testing random_A (Test2) ";

  // Next test that each column of the multivector is different from all other columns by testing the first value
  // of each vector against the first value of every other vector.
  int randvalsdiffer = 1; // Assume they all differ
  for (i=0; i< NumVectors; i++)
    for (int j=i+1; j<NumVectors; j++)
      if (Rand1_A[i][0]==Rand1_A[j][0]) randvalsdiffer = 0; // make false if equal
  int allrandvals = 0;
  Comm.MinAll(&randvalsdiffer, &allrandvals, 1); // get min of all values across all processors

  EPETRA_TEST_ERR(1-allrandvals, err); // If allrandvals is anything but 1, this will cause an error
  int locerr = err;
  Comm.MinAll(&locerr, &err, 1);

  if (verbose) {
    if (err==0) {
      cout << "\t Checked OK" << endl;
    } else {
      cout << "\t Checked Failed" << endl;
  err = 0;
  if (verbose) cout << "XXXXX Testing random_A (Test3) ";

  // Next test that the first element on each processor of the first column of Rand1_A is different from all others
  // First we will gather them all to PE 0

  Epetra_Map RandstartsMap(-1, 1, 0, Comm); // This Map has a single element on each PE
  int itmp = 0;
  int nproc = Comm.NumProc();
  if (MyPID==0) itmp = nproc;
  Epetra_Map AllrandstartsMap(nproc, itmp, 0, Comm); // Map has NumProc elements on PE 0, none elsewhere
  Epetra_MultiVector Randstarts(RandstartsMap, NumVectors);
  Epetra_MultiVector Allrandstarts(AllrandstartsMap, NumVectors);
  for (i=0; i< NumVectors; i++) Randstarts[i][0] = Rand1_A[i][0]; // Load first value of local multivector

  Epetra_Import Randimporter(AllrandstartsMap,RandstartsMap);
  // cout << "Randstarts = " << Randstarts << endl << "Allrandstarts = " << Allrandstarts << endl;
  // Allrandstarts now contains the first values for each local section of Rand1_A.
  // Next test that this is true.
  randvalsdiffer = 1; // Assume they all differ
  if (MyPID==0) {
    for (i=0; i< NumVectors; i++)
      for (int irand=0; irand<nproc; irand++)
	for (int jrand=irand+1; jrand<nproc; jrand++)
	  if (Allrandstarts[i][irand]==Allrandstarts[i][jrand]) randvalsdiffer = 0; // make false if equal
  allrandvals = 0;
  Comm.MinAll(&randvalsdiffer, &allrandvals, 1); // get min of all values across all processors

  EPETRA_TEST_ERR(1-allrandvals, err); // If allrandvals is anything but 1, this will cause an error
  locerr = err;
  Comm.MinAll(&locerr, &err, 1);
  if (verbose) {
    if (err==0) {
      cout << "\t Checked OK" << endl;
    } else {
      cout << "\t Checked Failed" << endl;

  // Delete everything

  delete [] dotvec_AB;
  delete [] norm1_A;
  delete [] norm2_sqrtA;
  delete [] norminf_A;
  delete [] normw_A;
  delete [] minval_A;
  delete [] maxval_A;
  delete [] meanval_A;
  delete [] residual;

  // Post-construction modification tests

  if (verbose) cout <<  "\n\nXXXXX Testing Post-construction modification of a multivector"

  err = 0;

  Epetra_MultiVector X(Map, NumVectors);

  // Pick middle range values for GID, LID and Vector Index
  int testGID = Map.NumGlobalElements()/2;
  int testVecIndex = NumVectors/2;

  int GIDSize = 1;
  int LIDOfGID = 0;
  int FirstEntryOfGID = 0;

  if (Map.MyGID(testGID)) {
    LIDOfGID = Map.LID(testGID);
    GIDSize = Map.ElementSize(LIDOfGID);
    FirstEntryOfGID = Map.FirstPointInElement(LIDOfGID);

  // ========================================================================
  // Test int ReplaceGlobalValue (int GlobalRow, int VectorIndex, double ScalarValue)
  // ========================================================================

  double newGIDValue = 4.0;
  locerr = X.ReplaceGlobalValue(testGID, testVecIndex, newGIDValue);

  if (Map.MyGID(testGID)) {
    if (X[testVecIndex][FirstEntryOfGID]!=newGIDValue) err++;
    if (verbose) cout << "X["<<testVecIndex<<"]["<<FirstEntryOfGID<<"] = "
		      <<  X[testVecIndex][FirstEntryOfGID]
		      << " should = " << newGIDValue << endl;
    if (locerr!=1) err++; // Test for GID out of range error (=1)

  // ========================================================================
  // Test int ReplaceGlobalValue (int GlobalRow, intBlockRowOffset, int VectorIndex, double ScalarValue)
  // ========================================================================
  newGIDValue = 8.0;
  locerr = X.ReplaceGlobalValue(testGID, GIDSize-1, testVecIndex, newGIDValue);

  if (Map.MyGID(testGID)) {
    if (X[testVecIndex][FirstEntryOfGID+GIDSize-1]!=newGIDValue) err++;
    if (verbose) cout << "X["<<testVecIndex<<"]["<<FirstEntryOfGID+GIDSize-1<<"] = "
		      <<  X[testVecIndex][FirstEntryOfGID+GIDSize-1]
		      << " should = " << newGIDValue << endl;
    if (locerr!=1) err++; // Test for GID out of range error (=1)

  // ========================================================================
  // Test int SumIntoGlobalValue (int GlobalRow, int VectorIndex, double ScalarValue)
  // ========================================================================

  newGIDValue = 1.0;
  locerr = X.ReplaceGlobalValue(testGID, testVecIndex, newGIDValue);
  locerr = X.SumIntoGlobalValue(testGID, testVecIndex, newGIDValue);
  if (Map.MyGID(testGID)) {
    if (X[testVecIndex][FirstEntryOfGID]!=(newGIDValue+newGIDValue)) err++;
    if (verbose) cout << "X["<<testVecIndex<<"]["<<FirstEntryOfGID<<"] = "
		      <<  X[testVecIndex][FirstEntryOfGID]
		      << " should = " << newGIDValue << endl;
    if (locerr!=1) err++; // Test for GID out of range error (=1)

  // ========================================================================
  // Test int SumIntoGlobalValue (int GlobalRow, intBlockRowOffset, int VectorIndex, double ScalarValue)
  // ========================================================================

  newGIDValue = 1.0;
  locerr = X.ReplaceGlobalValue(testGID, GIDSize-1, testVecIndex, newGIDValue);
  locerr = X.SumIntoGlobalValue(testGID, GIDSize-1, testVecIndex, newGIDValue);

  if (Map.MyGID(testGID)) {
    if (X[testVecIndex][FirstEntryOfGID+GIDSize-1]!=(newGIDValue+newGIDValue)) err++;
    if (verbose) cout << "X["<<testVecIndex<<"]["<<FirstEntryOfGID+GIDSize-1<<"] = "
		      <<  X[testVecIndex][FirstEntryOfGID+GIDSize-1]
		      << " should = " << newGIDValue << endl;
    if (locerr!=1) err++; // Test for GID out of range error (=1)

  // ========================================================================
  // Test Local "My" versions of same routine (less complicated)
  // ========================================================================

  // Pick middle range values for LID
  int testLID = Map.NumMyElements()/2;

  int LIDSize = Map.ElementSize(testLID);
  int FirstEntryOfLID = Map.FirstPointInElement(testLID);

  double newLIDValue = 4.0;
  locerr = X.ReplaceMyValue(testLID, testVecIndex, newLIDValue);

  if (X[testVecIndex][FirstEntryOfLID]!=newLIDValue) err++;
  if (verbose) cout << "X["<<testVecIndex<<"]["<<FirstEntryOfLID<<"] = "
		    <<  X[testVecIndex][FirstEntryOfLID]
		    << " should = " << newLIDValue << endl;

  newLIDValue = 8.0;
  locerr = X.ReplaceMyValue(testLID, LIDSize-1, testVecIndex, newLIDValue);
  if (X[testVecIndex][FirstEntryOfLID+LIDSize-1]!=newLIDValue) err++;
  if (verbose) cout << "X["<<testVecIndex<<"]["<<FirstEntryOfLID+LIDSize-1<<"] = "
		    <<  X[testVecIndex][FirstEntryOfLID+LIDSize-1]
		    << " should = " << newLIDValue << endl;
  newLIDValue = 1.0;
  locerr = X.ReplaceMyValue(testLID, testVecIndex, newLIDValue);
  locerr = X.SumIntoMyValue(testLID, testVecIndex, newLIDValue);
  if (X[testVecIndex][FirstEntryOfLID]!=(newLIDValue+newLIDValue)) err++;
  if (verbose) cout << "X["<<testVecIndex<<"]["<<FirstEntryOfLID<<"] = "
		    <<  X[testVecIndex][FirstEntryOfLID]
		    << " should = " << newLIDValue << endl;
  newLIDValue = 2.0;
  locerr = X.ReplaceMyValue(testLID, LIDSize-1, testVecIndex, newLIDValue);
  locerr = X.SumIntoMyValue(testLID, LIDSize-1, testVecIndex, newLIDValue);
  if (verbose) cout << "X["<<testVecIndex<<"]["<<FirstEntryOfLID+LIDSize-1<<"] = "
		    <<  X[testVecIndex][FirstEntryOfLID+LIDSize-1]
		    << " should = " << newLIDValue << endl;
  if (X[testVecIndex][FirstEntryOfLID+LIDSize-1]!=(newLIDValue+newLIDValue)) err++;

  ierr += err;

  // ========================================================================
  // Test Post-construction modification of an Epetra_Vector using a vector
  // our multivector X
  // ========================================================================

  if (verbose) cout <<  "\n\nXXXXX Testing Post-construction modification of a vector"
		    << endl << endl;

  Epetra_Vector * x = X(testVecIndex);

  int NumEntries = 2;
  double * VecValues = new double[NumEntries];
  int * VecGIDs = new int[NumEntries];
  VecGIDs[0] = testGID;
  VecGIDs[1] = testGID+1; // Some pathological chance that these GIDs are not valid

  // ========================================================================
  // Test int ReplaceGlobalValues (int NumEntries, double *Values, int *Indices)
  // ========================================================================

  VecValues[0] = 2.0; VecValues[1] = 4.0;
  locerr = x->ReplaceGlobalValues(NumEntries, VecValues, VecGIDs);

  for (i=0; i<NumEntries; i++) {
    testGID = VecGIDs[i];
    if (Map.MyGID(testGID)) {
      LIDOfGID = Map.LID(testGID);
      GIDSize = EPETRA_MIN(GIDSize,Map.ElementSize(LIDOfGID)); // Need this value below
      FirstEntryOfGID = Map.FirstPointInElement(LIDOfGID);
      if ((*x)[FirstEntryOfGID]!=VecValues[i]) err++;
      if (verbose) cout << "x["<<FirstEntryOfGID<<"] = "
			<< (*x)[FirstEntryOfGID]
			<< " should = " << VecValues[i] << endl;
      if (locerr!=1) err++; // Test for GID out of range error (=1)

  // ========================================================================
  // Test int ReplaceGlobalValues (int NumEntries, int BlockOffset, double *Values, int *Indices)
  // ========================================================================

  VecValues[0] = 4.0; VecValues[1] = 8.0;
  locerr = x->ReplaceGlobalValues(NumEntries, GIDSize-1, VecValues, VecGIDs);

  for (i=0; i<NumEntries; i++) {
    testGID = VecGIDs[i];
    if (Map.MyGID(testGID)) {
      LIDOfGID = Map.LID(testGID);
      FirstEntryOfGID = Map.FirstPointInElement(LIDOfGID);
      if ((*x)[FirstEntryOfGID+GIDSize-1]!=VecValues[i]) err++;
      if (verbose) cout << "x["<<FirstEntryOfGID+GIDSize-1<<"] = "
			<< (*x)[FirstEntryOfGID+GIDSize-1]
			<< " should = " << VecValues[i] << endl;
      if (locerr!=1) err++; // Test for GID out of range error (=1)

  // ========================================================================
  // Test int SumIntoGlobalValues (int NumEntries, double *Values, int *Indices)
  // ========================================================================

  VecValues[0] = 1.0; VecValues[1] = 2.0;
  locerr = x->ReplaceGlobalValues(NumEntries, VecValues, VecGIDs);
  locerr = x->SumIntoGlobalValues(NumEntries, VecValues, VecGIDs);

  for (i=0; i<NumEntries; i++) {
    testGID = VecGIDs[i];
    if (Map.MyGID(testGID)) {
      LIDOfGID = Map.LID(testGID);
      FirstEntryOfGID = Map.FirstPointInElement(LIDOfGID);
      if ((*x)[FirstEntryOfGID]!=(VecValues[i]+VecValues[i])) err++;
      if (verbose) cout << "x["<<FirstEntryOfGID<<"] = "
			<< (*x)[FirstEntryOfGID]
			<< " should = " << (VecValues[i]+VecValues[i]) << endl;
      if (locerr!=1) err++; // Test for GID out of range error (=1)
  // ========================================================================
  // Test int ReplaceGlobalValues (int NumEntries, int BlockOffset, double *Values, int *Indices)
  // ========================================================================

  VecValues[0] = 1.0; VecValues[1] = 2.0;
  locerr = x->ReplaceGlobalValues(NumEntries, GIDSize-1, VecValues, VecGIDs);
  locerr = x->SumIntoGlobalValues(NumEntries, GIDSize-1, VecValues, VecGIDs);

  for (i=0; i<NumEntries; i++) {
    testGID = VecGIDs[i];
    if (Map.MyGID(testGID)) {
      LIDOfGID = Map.LID(testGID);
      FirstEntryOfGID = Map.FirstPointInElement(LIDOfGID);
      if ((*x)[FirstEntryOfGID+GIDSize-1]!=(VecValues[i]+VecValues[i])) err++;
      if (verbose) cout << "x["<<FirstEntryOfGID+GIDSize-1<<"] = "
			<< (*x)[FirstEntryOfGID+GIDSize-1]
			<< " should = " << (VecValues[i]+VecValues[i]) << endl;
      if (locerr!=1) err++; // Test for GID out of range error (=1)

  // ========================================================================
  // Test Local "My" versions of same routine (less complicated)
  // ========================================================================
  int * VecLIDs = new int[NumEntries];
  VecLIDs[0] = testLID;
  VecLIDs[1] = testLID+1; // Some pathological chance that these LIDs are not valid

  VecValues[0] = 2.0; VecValues[1] = 4.0;
  locerr = x->ReplaceMyValues(NumEntries, VecValues, VecLIDs);

  for (i=0; i<NumEntries; i++) {
    testLID = VecLIDs[i];
    LIDSize = EPETRA_MIN(LIDSize,Map.ElementSize(testLID)); // Need this value below
    FirstEntryOfLID = Map.FirstPointInElement(testLID);
    if ((*x)[FirstEntryOfLID]!=VecValues[i]) err++;
    if (verbose) cout << "x["<<FirstEntryOfLID<<"] = "
		      << (*x)[FirstEntryOfLID]
		      << " should = " << VecValues[i] << endl;

  VecValues[0] = 4.0; VecValues[1] = 8.0;
  locerr = x->ReplaceMyValues(NumEntries, LIDSize-1, VecValues, VecLIDs);

  for (i=0; i<NumEntries; i++) {
    testLID = VecLIDs[i];
    LIDSize = EPETRA_MIN(LIDSize,Map.ElementSize(testLID)); // Need this value below
    FirstEntryOfLID = Map.FirstPointInElement(testLID);
    if ((*x)[FirstEntryOfLID+LIDSize-1]!=VecValues[i]) err++;
    if (verbose) cout << "x["<<FirstEntryOfLID+LIDSize-1<<"] = "
		      << (*x)[FirstEntryOfLID+LIDSize-1]
		      << " should = " << VecValues[i] << endl;

  VecValues[0] = 1.0; VecValues[1] = 1.0;
  locerr = x->ReplaceMyValues(NumEntries, VecValues, VecLIDs);
  locerr = x->SumIntoMyValues(NumEntries, VecValues, VecLIDs);

  for (i=0; i<NumEntries; i++) {
    testLID = VecLIDs[i];
    LIDSize = EPETRA_MIN(LIDSize,Map.ElementSize(testLID)); // Need this value below
    FirstEntryOfLID = Map.FirstPointInElement(testLID);
    if ((*x)[FirstEntryOfLID]!=(VecValues[i]+VecValues[i])) err++;
    if (verbose) cout << "x["<<FirstEntryOfLID<<"] = "
		      << (*x)[FirstEntryOfLID]
		      << " should = " << (VecValues[i]+VecValues[i]) << endl;

  VecValues[0] = 2.0; VecValues[1] = 4.0;
  locerr = x->ReplaceMyValues(NumEntries, LIDSize-1, VecValues, VecLIDs);
  locerr = x->SumIntoMyValues(NumEntries, LIDSize-1, VecValues, VecLIDs);

  for (i=0; i<NumEntries; i++) {
    testLID = VecLIDs[i];
    LIDSize = EPETRA_MIN(LIDSize,Map.ElementSize(testLID)); // Need this value below
    FirstEntryOfLID = Map.FirstPointInElement(testLID);
    if ((*x)[FirstEntryOfLID+LIDSize-1]!=(VecValues[i]+VecValues[i])) err++;
    if (verbose) cout << "x["<<FirstEntryOfLID+LIDSize-1<<"] = "
		      << (*x)[FirstEntryOfLID+LIDSize-1]
		      << " should = " << (VecValues[i]+VecValues[i]) << endl;

    delete [] VecValues;
    delete [] VecGIDs;
    delete [] VecLIDs;
