예제 #1
void gltfWriter::AdditionalTechniqueParameters (FbxNode *pNode, web::json::value &techniqueParameters, bool bHasNormals /*=false*/) {
	if ( bHasNormals ) {
		techniqueParameters [U("normalMatrix")] =web::json::value::object ({ // normal matrix
			{ U("semantic"), web::json::value::string (U("MODELVIEWINVERSETRANSPOSE")) },
			{ U("type"), web::json::value::number ((int)IOglTF::FLOAT_MAT3) }
		}) ;
	techniqueParameters [U("modelViewMatrix")] =web::json::value::object ({ // modeliew matrix
		{ U("semantic"), web::json::value::string (U("MODELVIEW")) },
		{ U("type"), web::json::value::number ((int)IOglTF::FLOAT_MAT4) }
	}) ;
	techniqueParameters [U("projectionMatrix")] =web::json::value::object ({ // projection matrix
		{ U("semantic"), web::json::value::string (U("PROJECTION")) },
		{ U("type"), web::json::value::number ((int)IOglTF::FLOAT_MAT4) }
	}) ;

//d:\projects\gltf\converter\collada2gltf\shaders\commonprofileshaders.cpp #905
	//if ( hasSkinning ) {
	//	addSemantic ("vs", "attribute",
	//				 "JOINT", "joint", 1, false);
	//	addSemantic ("vs", "attribute",
	//				 "WEIGHT", "weight", 1, false);

	//	assert (techniqueExtras != nullptr);
	//	addSemantic ("vs", "uniform",
	//				 JOINTMATRIX, "jointMat", jointsCount, false, true /* force as an array */);

	// We ignore lighting if the only light we have is ambient
	int lightCount =pNode->GetScene ()->RootProperty.GetSrcObjectCount<FbxLight> () ;
	for ( int i =0 ; i < lightCount ; i++ ) {
		FbxLight *pLight =pNode->GetScene ()->RootProperty.GetSrcObject<FbxLight> (i) ;
		if ( lightCount == 1 && pLight->LightType.Get () == FbxLight::EType::ePoint )
			return ;
		//utility::string_t name =nodeId (pLight->GetNode ()) ;
		utility::string_t name =utility::conversions::to_string_t (pLight->GetTypeName ()) ;
		std::transform (name.begin (), name.end (), name.begin (), ::tolower) ;
		if ( pLight->LightType.Get () == FbxLight::EType::ePoint ) {
			techniqueParameters [name + utility::conversions::to_string_t (i) + U("Color")] =web::json::value::object ({ // Color
				{ U("type"), web::json::value::number ((int)IOglTF::FLOAT_VEC3) },
				{ U("value"), web::json::value::array ({{ pLight->Color.Get () [0], pLight->Color.Get () [1], pLight->Color.Get () [2] }}) }
			}) ;
		} else {
			techniqueParameters [name + utility::conversions::to_string_t (i) + U("Color")] =web::json::value::object ({ // Color
				{ U("type"), web::json::value::number ((int)IOglTF::FLOAT_VEC3) },
				{ U("value"), web::json::value::array ({{ pLight->Color.Get () [0], pLight->Color.Get () [1], pLight->Color.Get () [2] }}) }
			}) ;
			techniqueParameters [name + utility::conversions::to_string_t (i) + U("Transform")] =web::json::value::object ({ // Transform
				{ U("semantic"), web::json::value::string (U("MODELVIEW")) },
				{ U("source"), web::json::value::string (utility::conversions::to_string_t (pLight->GetNode ()->GetName ())) },
				{ U("type"), web::json::value::number ((int)IOglTF::FLOAT_MAT4) }
			}) ;
			if ( pLight->LightType.Get () == FbxLight::EType::eDirectional ) {
				web::json::value lightDef =web::json::value::object () ;
				lightAttenuation (pLight, lightDef) ;
				if ( !lightDef [U("constantAttenuation")].is_null () )
					techniqueParameters [name + utility::conversions::to_string_t (i) + U("ConstantAttenuation")] =web::json::value::object ({
						{ U("type"), web::json::value::number ((int)IOglTF::FLOAT) },
						{ U("value"), lightDef [U("constantAttenuation")] }
					}) ;
				if ( !lightDef [U("linearAttenuation")].is_null () )
					techniqueParameters [name + utility::conversions::to_string_t (i) + U("LinearAttenuation")] =web::json::value::object ({
						{ U("type"), web::json::value::number ((int)IOglTF::FLOAT) },
						{ U("value"), lightDef [U("linearAttenuation")] }
					}) ;
				if ( !lightDef [U("quadraticAttenuation")].is_null () )
					techniqueParameters [name + utility::conversions::to_string_t (i) + U("QuadraticAttenuation")] =web::json::value::object ({
						{ U("type"), web::json::value::number ((int)IOglTF::FLOAT) },
						{ U("value"), lightDef [U("quadraticAttenuation")] }
					}) ;
			if ( pLight->LightType.Get () == FbxLight::EType::eSpot ) {
				techniqueParameters [name + utility::conversions::to_string_t (i) + U("InverseTransform")] =web::json::value::object ({
					{ U("semantic"), web::json::value::string (U("MODELVIEWINVERSE")) },
					{ U("source"), web::json::value::string (utility::conversions::to_string_t (pLight->GetNode ()->GetName ())) },
					{ U("type"), web::json::value::number ((int)IOglTF::FLOAT_MAT4) }
				}) ;
				techniqueParameters [name + utility::conversions::to_string_t (i) + U("FallOffAngle")] =web::json::value::object ({
					{ U("type"), web::json::value::number ((int)IOglTF::FLOAT) },
					{ U("value"), web::json::value::number (DEG2RAD (pLight->OuterAngle)) }
				}) ;
				techniqueParameters [name + utility::conversions::to_string_t (i) + U("FallOffExponent")] =web::json::value::object ({
					{ U("type"), web::json::value::number ((int)IOglTF::FLOAT) },
					{ U("value"), web::json::value::number ((double)0.) }
				}) ;