예제 #1
/// Writes ending block of LaTeX needed to close use of this font
// Returns number of chars written
// This one corresponds to latexWriteStartChanges(). (Asger)
int Font::latexWriteEndChanges(otexstream & os, BufferParams const & bparams,
				  OutputParams const & runparams,
				  Font const & base,
				  Font const & next,
				  bool const & closeLanguage) const
	int count = 0;
	bool env = false;

	// reduce the current font to changes against the base
	// font (of the layout). We use a temporary for this to
	// avoid changing this font instance, as that would break
	FontInfo f = bits_;

	if (f.family() != INHERIT_FAMILY) {
		os << '}';
		env = true; // Size change need not bother about closing env.
	if (f.series() != INHERIT_SERIES) {
		os << '}';
		env = true; // Size change need not bother about closing env.
	if (f.shape() != INHERIT_SHAPE) {
		os << '}';
		env = true; // Size change need not bother about closing env.
	if (f.color() != Color_inherit && f.color() != Color_ignore) {
		os << '}';
		env = true; // Size change need not bother about closing env.
	if (f.emph() == FONT_ON) {
		os << '}';
		env = true; // Size change need not bother about closing env.
	if (f.noun() == FONT_ON) {
		os << '}';
		env = true; // Size change need not bother about closing env.
	if (f.size() != FONT_SIZE_INHERIT) {
		// We only have to close if only size changed
		if (!env) {
			os << '}';
	if (f.underbar() == FONT_ON) {
		os << '}';
		runparams.inulemcmd = false;
	if (f.strikeout() == FONT_ON) {
		os << '}';
		runparams.inulemcmd = false;
	if (f.uuline() == FONT_ON) {
		os << '}';
		runparams.inulemcmd = false;
	if (f.uwave() == FONT_ON) {
		os << '}';
		runparams.inulemcmd = false;

	// If the current language is Hebrew, Arabic, or Farsi
	// the numbers are written Left-to-Right. ArabTeX package
	// reorders the number automatically but the packages used
	// for Hebrew and Farsi (Arabi) do not.
	if (bits_.number() == FONT_ON && next.fontInfo().number() != FONT_ON
		&& (language()->lang() == "hebrew"
			|| language()->lang() == "farsi"
			|| language()->lang() == "arabic_arabi")) {
		os << "\\endL}";
		count += 6;

	if (open_encoding_) {
		// We need to close the encoding even if it does not change
		// to do correct environment nesting
		Encoding const * const ascii = encodings.fromLyXName("ascii");
		pair<bool, int> const c = switchEncoding(os.os(), bparams,
				runparams, *ascii);
		count += c.second;
		runparams.encoding = ascii;
		open_encoding_ = false;

	if (closeLanguage
	    && language() != base.language() && language() != next.language()
	    && language()->encoding()->package() != Encoding::CJK) {
		os << '}';

	return count;
예제 #2
/// Writes the head of the LaTeX needed to impose this font
// Returns number of chars written.
int Font::latexWriteStartChanges(odocstream & os, BufferParams const & bparams,
				    OutputParams const & runparams,
				    Font const & base,
				    Font const & prev) const
	bool env = false;

	int count = 0;

	// polyglossia or babel?
	if (runparams.use_polyglossia
	    && language()->lang() != base.language()->lang()
	    && language() != prev.language()) {
		if (!language()->polyglossia().empty()) {
			string tmp = "\\text" + language()->polyglossia();
			if (!language()->polyglossiaOpts().empty())
				tmp += "[" + language()->polyglossiaOpts() + "]";
			tmp += "{";
			os << from_ascii(tmp);
			count += tmp.length();
		} else {
			os << '{';
			count += 1;
	} else if (language()->babel() != base.language()->babel() &&
	    language() != prev.language()) {
		if (language()->lang() == "farsi") {
			os << "\\textFR{";
			count += 8;
		} else if (!isRightToLeft() &&
			    base.language()->lang() == "farsi") {
			os << "\\textLR{";
			count += 8;
		} else if (language()->lang() == "arabic_arabi") {
			os << "\\textAR{";
			count += 8;
 		} else if (!isRightToLeft() &&
				base.language()->lang() == "arabic_arabi") {
			os << "\\textLR{";
			count += 8;
		// currently the remaining RTL languages are arabic_arabtex and hebrew
		} else if (isRightToLeft() != prev.isRightToLeft()) {
			if (isRightToLeft()) {
				os << "\\R{";
				count += 3;
			} else {
				os << "\\L{";
				count += 3;
		} else if (!language()->babel().empty()) {
			string const tmp =
				      "$$lang", language()->babel());
			os << from_ascii(tmp);
			count += tmp.length();
		} else {
			os << '{';
			count += 1;

	if (language()->encoding()->package() == Encoding::CJK) {
		pair<bool, int> const c = switchEncoding(os, bparams,
				runparams, *(language()->encoding()));
		if (c.first) {
			open_encoding_ = true;
			count += c.second;
			runparams.encoding = language()->encoding();

	// If the current language is Hebrew, Arabic, or Farsi
	// the numbers are written Left-to-Right. ArabTeX package
	// reorders the number automatically but the packages used
	// for Hebrew and Farsi (Arabi) do not.
	if (bits_.number() == FONT_ON && prev.fontInfo().number() != FONT_ON
		&& (language()->lang() == "hebrew"
			|| language()->lang() == "farsi" 
			|| language()->lang() == "arabic_arabi")) {
		os << "{\\beginL ";
		count += 9;

	FontInfo f = bits_;

	if (f.family() != INHERIT_FAMILY) {
		os << '\\'
		   << LaTeXFamilyNames[f.family()]
		   << '{';
		count += strlen(LaTeXFamilyNames[f.family()]) + 2;
		env = true; //We have opened a new environment
	if (f.series() != INHERIT_SERIES) {
		os << '\\'
		   << LaTeXSeriesNames[f.series()]
		   << '{';
		count += strlen(LaTeXSeriesNames[f.series()]) + 2;
		env = true; //We have opened a new environment
	if (f.shape() != INHERIT_SHAPE) {
		os << '\\'
		   << LaTeXShapeNames[f.shape()]
		   << '{';
		count += strlen(LaTeXShapeNames[f.shape()]) + 2;
		env = true; //We have opened a new environment
	if (f.color() != Color_inherit && f.color() != Color_ignore) {
		os << "\\textcolor{"
		   << from_ascii(lcolor.getLaTeXName(f.color()))
		   << "}{";
		count += lcolor.getLaTeXName(f.color()).length() + 13;
		env = true; //We have opened a new environment
	// FIXME: uncomment this when we support background.
	if (f.background() != Color_inherit && f.background() != Color_ignore) {
		os << "\\textcolor{"
		   << from_ascii(lcolor.getLaTeXName(f.background()))
		   << "}{";
		count += lcolor.getLaTeXName(f.background()).length() + 13;
		env = true; //We have opened a new environment
	if (f.emph() == FONT_ON) {
		os << "\\emph{";
		count += 6;
		env = true; //We have opened a new environment
	// \noun{} is a LyX special macro
	if (f.noun() == FONT_ON) {
		os << "\\noun{";
		count += 6;
		env = true; //We have opened a new environment
	if (f.size() != FONT_SIZE_INHERIT) {
		// If we didn't open an environment above, we open one here
		if (!env) {
			os << '{';
		os << '\\'
		   << LaTeXSizeNames[f.size()]
		   << "{}";
		count += strlen(LaTeXSizeNames[f.size()]) + 3;
	// The ulem commands need to be on the deepest nesting level
	// because ulem puts every nested group or macro in a box,
	// which prevents linebreaks (#8424, #8733)
	if (f.underbar() == FONT_ON) {
		os << "\\uline{";
		count += 10;
		runparams.inulemcmd = true;
	if (f.strikeout() == FONT_ON) {
		os << "\\sout{";
		count += 9;
		runparams.inulemcmd = true;
	if (f.uuline() == FONT_ON) {
		os << "\\uuline{";
		count += 11;
		runparams.inulemcmd = true;
	if (f.uwave() == FONT_ON) {
		os << "\\uwave{";
		count += 10;
		runparams.inulemcmd = true;
	return count;