bool MissionFeasibilityChecker::checkGeofence(dm_item_t dm_current, size_t nMissionItems, Geofence &geofence, float home_alt) { /* Check if all mission items are inside the geofence (if we have a valid geofence) */ if (geofence.valid()) { for (size_t i = 0; i < nMissionItems; i++) { struct mission_item_s missionitem; const ssize_t len = sizeof(missionitem); if (dm_read(dm_current, i, &missionitem, len) != len) { /* not supposed to happen unless the datamanager can't access the SD card, etc. */ return false; } // Geofence function checks against home altitude amsl missionitem.altitude = missionitem.altitude_is_relative ? missionitem.altitude + home_alt : missionitem.altitude; if (MissionBlock::item_contains_position(&missionitem) && !geofence.inside(missionitem)) { mavlink_log_critical(_mavlink_log_pub, "Geofence violation for waypoint %d", i + 1); return false; } } } return true; }
bool MissionFeasibilityChecker::checkGeofence(dm_item_t dm_current, size_t nMissionItems, Geofence &geofence) { /* Check if all mission items are inside the geofence (if we have a valid geofence) */ if (geofence.valid()) { for (size_t i = 0; i < nMissionItems; i++) { struct mission_item_s missionitem; const ssize_t len = sizeof(missionitem); if (dm_read(dm_current, i, &missionitem, len) != len) { /* not supposed to happen unless the datamanager can't access the SD card, etc. */ return false; } if (!geofence.inside(, missionitem.lon, missionitem.altitude)) { mavlink_log_info(_mavlink_fd, "#audio: Geofence violation waypoint %d", i); return false; } } } return true; }
void Navigator::task_main() { /* inform about start */ warnx("Initializing.."); fflush(stdout); _mavlink_fd = open(MAVLINK_LOG_DEVICE, 0); mavlink_log_info(_mavlink_fd, "[navigator] started"); /* Try to load the geofence: * if /fs/microsd/etc/geofence.txt load from this file * else clear geofence data in datamanager */ struct stat buffer; if (stat(GEOFENCE_FILENAME, &buffer) == 0) { warnx("Try to load geofence.txt"); _geofence.loadFromFile(GEOFENCE_FILENAME); } else { if (_geofence.clearDm() > 0) warnx("Geofence cleared"); else warnx("Could not clear geofence"); } /* * do subscriptions */ _global_pos_sub = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(vehicle_global_position)); _offboard_mission_sub = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(mission)); _onboard_mission_sub = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(onboard_mission)); _capabilities_sub = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(navigation_capabilities)); _vstatus_sub = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(vehicle_status)); _control_mode_sub = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(vehicle_control_mode)); _params_sub = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(parameter_update)); _home_pos_sub = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(home_position)); /* copy all topics first time */ vehicle_status_update(); vehicle_control_mode_update(); parameters_update(); global_position_update(); home_position_update(); navigation_capabilities_update(); offboard_mission_update(_vstatus.is_rotary_wing); onboard_mission_update(); /* rate limit position updates to 50 Hz */ orb_set_interval(_global_pos_sub, 20); unsigned prevState = NAV_STATE_NONE; hrt_abstime mavlink_open_time = 0; const hrt_abstime mavlink_open_interval = 500000; /* wakeup source(s) */ struct pollfd fds[8]; /* Setup of loop */ fds[0].fd = _params_sub; fds[0].events = POLLIN; fds[1].fd = _global_pos_sub; fds[1].events = POLLIN; fds[2].fd = _home_pos_sub; fds[2].events = POLLIN; fds[3].fd = _capabilities_sub; fds[3].events = POLLIN; fds[4].fd = _offboard_mission_sub; fds[4].events = POLLIN; fds[5].fd = _onboard_mission_sub; fds[5].events = POLLIN; fds[6].fd = _vstatus_sub; fds[6].events = POLLIN; fds[7].fd = _control_mode_sub; fds[7].events = POLLIN; while (!_task_should_exit) { /* wait for up to 100ms for data */ int pret = poll(&fds[0], (sizeof(fds) / sizeof(fds[0])), 100); /* timed out - periodic check for _task_should_exit, etc. */ if (pret == 0) { continue; } /* this is undesirable but not much we can do - might want to flag unhappy status */ if (pret < 0) { warn("poll error %d, %d", pret, errno); continue; } perf_begin(_loop_perf); if (_mavlink_fd < 0 && hrt_absolute_time() > mavlink_open_time) { /* try to reopen the mavlink log device with specified interval */ mavlink_open_time = hrt_abstime() + mavlink_open_interval; _mavlink_fd = open(MAVLINK_LOG_DEVICE, 0); } /* vehicle control mode updated */ if (fds[7].revents & POLLIN) { vehicle_control_mode_update(); } /* vehicle status updated */ if (fds[6].revents & POLLIN) { vehicle_status_update(); /* evaluate state machine from commander and set the navigator mode accordingly */ if (_control_mode.flag_armed && _control_mode.flag_control_auto_enabled) { bool stick_mode = false; if (!_vstatus.rc_signal_lost) { /* RC signal available, use control switches to set mode */ /* RETURN switch, overrides MISSION switch */ if (_vstatus.return_switch == RETURN_SWITCH_RETURN) { /* switch to RTL if not already landed after RTL and home position set */ if (!(_rtl_state == RTL_STATE_DESCEND && (myState == NAV_STATE_LAND || myState == NAV_STATE_LOITER)) && _vstatus.condition_home_position_valid) { dispatch(EVENT_RTL_REQUESTED); } stick_mode = true; } else { /* MISSION switch */ if (_vstatus.mission_switch == MISSION_SWITCH_LOITER) { request_loiter_or_ready(); stick_mode = true; } else if (_vstatus.mission_switch == MISSION_SWITCH_MISSION) { request_mission_if_available(); stick_mode = true; } if (!stick_mode && _vstatus.return_switch == RETURN_SWITCH_NORMAL && myState == NAV_STATE_RTL) { /* RETURN switch is in normal mode, no MISSION switch mapped, interrupt if in RTL state */ request_mission_if_available(); stick_mode = true; } } } if (!stick_mode) { if (_vstatus.set_nav_state_timestamp != _set_nav_state_timestamp) { /* commander requested new navigation mode, try to set it */ _set_nav_state_timestamp = _vstatus.set_nav_state_timestamp; switch (_vstatus.set_nav_state) { case NAV_STATE_NONE: /* nothing to do */ break; case NAV_STATE_LOITER: request_loiter_or_ready(); break; case NAV_STATE_MISSION: request_mission_if_available(); break; case NAV_STATE_RTL: if (!(_rtl_state == RTL_STATE_DESCEND && (myState == NAV_STATE_LAND || myState == NAV_STATE_LOITER)) && _vstatus.condition_home_position_valid) { dispatch(EVENT_RTL_REQUESTED); } break; case NAV_STATE_LAND: dispatch(EVENT_LAND_REQUESTED); break; default: warnx("ERROR: Requested navigation state not supported"); break; } } else { /* on first switch to AUTO try mission by default, if none is available fallback to loiter */ if (myState == NAV_STATE_NONE) { request_mission_if_available(); } } } } else { /* navigator shouldn't act */ dispatch(EVENT_NONE_REQUESTED); } } /* parameters updated */ if (fds[0].revents & POLLIN) { parameters_update(); /* note that these new parameters won't be in effect until a mission triplet is published again */ } /* navigation capabilities updated */ if (fds[3].revents & POLLIN) { navigation_capabilities_update(); } /* offboard mission updated */ if (fds[4].revents & POLLIN) { offboard_mission_update(_vstatus.is_rotary_wing); // XXX check if mission really changed dispatch(EVENT_MISSION_CHANGED); } /* onboard mission updated */ if (fds[5].revents & POLLIN) { onboard_mission_update(); // XXX check if mission really changed dispatch(EVENT_MISSION_CHANGED); } /* home position updated */ if (fds[2].revents & POLLIN) { home_position_update(); // XXX check if home position really changed dispatch(EVENT_HOME_POSITION_CHANGED); } /* global position updated */ if (fds[1].revents & POLLIN) { global_position_update(); /* publish position setpoint triplet on each position update if navigator active */ if (_control_mode.flag_armed && _control_mode.flag_control_auto_enabled) { _pos_sp_triplet_updated = true; if (myState == NAV_STATE_LAND && _global_pos.global_valid && !_global_pos_valid) { /* got global position when landing, update setpoint */ start_land(); } _global_pos_valid = _global_pos.global_valid; /* check if waypoint has been reached in MISSION, RTL and LAND modes */ if (myState == NAV_STATE_MISSION || myState == NAV_STATE_RTL || myState == NAV_STATE_LAND) { if (check_mission_item_reached()) { on_mission_item_reached(); } } } /* Check geofence violation */ if (!_geofence.inside(&_global_pos)) { //xxx: publish geofence violation here (or change local flag depending on which app handles the flight termination) /* Issue a warning about the geofence violation once */ if (!_geofence_violation_warning_sent) { mavlink_log_critical(_mavlink_fd, "#audio: Geofence violation"); _geofence_violation_warning_sent = true; } } else { /* Reset the _geofence_violation_warning_sent field */ _geofence_violation_warning_sent = false; } } /* publish position setpoint triplet if updated */ if (_pos_sp_triplet_updated) { _pos_sp_triplet_updated = false; publish_position_setpoint_triplet(); } /* notify user about state changes */ if (myState != prevState) { mavlink_log_info(_mavlink_fd, "#audio: navigation state: %s", nav_states_str[myState]); prevState = myState; } perf_end(_loop_perf); } warnx("exiting."); _navigator_task = -1; _exit(0); }