예제 #1
bool InFileRTMPStream::AVCBuilder::BuildFrame(MediaFile* pFile, MediaFrame& mediaFrame, IOBuffer& buffer) {
	if (mediaFrame.isBinaryHeader) {
		buffer.ReadFromBuffer(_videoCodecHeaderInit, sizeof (_videoCodecHeaderInit));
	} else {
		if (mediaFrame.isKeyFrame) {
			// video key frame
			buffer.ReadFromBuffer(_videoCodecHeaderKeyFrame, sizeof (_videoCodecHeaderKeyFrame));
		} else {
			//video normal frame
			buffer.ReadFromBuffer(_videoCodecHeader, sizeof (_videoCodecHeader));
		uint32_t cts = (EHTONL(((uint32_t) mediaFrame.cts) & 0x00ffffff)) >> 8;
		buffer.ReadFromBuffer((uint8_t *) & cts, 3);

	if (!pFile->SeekTo(mediaFrame.start)) {
		FATAL("Unable to seek to position %"PRIu64, mediaFrame.start);
		return false;

	if (!buffer.ReadFromFs(*pFile, (uint32_t) mediaFrame.length)) {
		FATAL("Unable to read %"PRIu64" bytes from offset %"PRIu64, mediaFrame.length, mediaFrame.start);
		return false;

	return true;
예제 #2
bool InFileRTMPFLVStream::BuildFrame(FileClass *pFile, MediaFrame &mediaFrame,
		IOBuffer &buffer) {
	//1. Seek into the data file at the correct position
	if (!pFile->SeekTo(mediaFrame.start)) {
		FATAL("Unable to seek to position %"PRIu64, mediaFrame.start);
		return false;

	//2. Read the data
	if (!buffer.ReadFromFs(*pFile, (uint32_t) mediaFrame.length)) {
		FATAL("Unable to read %"PRIu64" bytes from offset %"PRIu64, mediaFrame.length, mediaFrame.start);
		return false;

	//3. Done
	return true;
예제 #3
bool InFileRTMPStream::MP3Builder::BuildFrame(MediaFile *pFile,
		MediaFrame &mediaFrame, IOBuffer &buffer) {
	buffer.ReadFromRepeat(0x2f, 1);

	//2. Seek into the data file at the correct position
	if (!pFile->SeekTo(mediaFrame.start)) {
		FATAL("Unable to seek to position %"PRIu64, mediaFrame.start);
		return false;

	//3. Read the data
	if (!buffer.ReadFromFs(*pFile, (uint32_t) mediaFrame.length)) {
		FATAL("Unable to read %"PRIu64" bytes from offset %"PRIu64, mediaFrame.length, mediaFrame.start);
		return false;

	return true;
예제 #4
bool InFileRTMPStream::AACBuilder::BuildFrame(MediaFile* pFile, MediaFrame& mediaFrame, IOBuffer& buffer) {
	//1. add the binary header
	if (mediaFrame.isBinaryHeader) {
		buffer.ReadFromBuffer(_audioCodecHeaderInit, sizeof (_audioCodecHeaderInit));
	} else {
		buffer.ReadFromBuffer(_audioCodecHeader, sizeof (_audioCodecHeader));

	//2. Seek into the data file at the correct position
	if (!pFile->SeekTo(mediaFrame.start)) {
		FATAL("Unable to seek to position %"PRIu64, mediaFrame.start);
		return false;

	//3. Read the data
	if (!buffer.ReadFromFs(*pFile, (uint32_t) mediaFrame.length)) {
		FATAL("Unable to read %"PRIu64" bytes from offset %"PRIu64, mediaFrame.length, mediaFrame.start);
		return false;

	return true;
예제 #5
bool TSDocument::ParseDocument() {
	if (!DetermineChunkSize()) {
		FATAL("Unable to determine chunk size");
		return false;

	if (!_mediaFile.SeekTo(_chunkSizeDetectionCount)) {
		FATAL("Unable to seek at %"PRIu32, _chunkSizeDetectionCount);
		return false;


	IOBuffer buffer;
	uint32_t defaultBlockSize = ((1024 * 1024 * 4) / _chunkSize) * _chunkSize;

	while (!_chunkSizeErrors) {
		uint32_t available = (uint32_t) (_mediaFile.Size() - _mediaFile.Cursor());
		if (available < _chunkSize) {
		if (GETAVAILABLEBYTESCOUNT(buffer) != 0) {
			WARN("Leftovers detected");
		uint32_t blockSize = defaultBlockSize < available ? defaultBlockSize : available;
		if (!buffer.ReadFromFs(_mediaFile, blockSize)) {
			WARN("Unable to read %"PRIu32" bytes from file", blockSize);
		if (!_pParser->ProcessBuffer(buffer, false)) {
			WARN("Unable to process block of data");
	return true;
예제 #6
bool BaseInFileStream::Initialize(int32_t clientSideBufferLength) {
	//1. Check to see if we have an universal seeking file
	string seekFilePath = GetName() + "."MEDIA_TYPE_SEEK;
	if (!fileExists(seekFilePath)) {
		Variant temp;
		temp[META_SERVER_FULL_PATH] = GetName();
		if (!ResolveCompleteMetadata(temp)) {
			FATAL("Unable to generate metadata");
			return false;

	//2. Open the seek file
	_pSeekFile = GetFile(seekFilePath, 128 * 1024);
	if (_pSeekFile == NULL) {
		FATAL("Unable to open seeking file %s", STR(seekFilePath));
		return false;

	//3. read stream capabilities
	uint32_t streamCapabilitiesSize = 0;
	IOBuffer raw;
	if (!_pSeekFile->ReadUI32(&streamCapabilitiesSize, false)) {
		FATAL("Unable to read stream Capabilities Size");
		return false;
	if (!raw.ReadFromFs(*_pSeekFile, streamCapabilitiesSize)) {
		FATAL("Unable to read raw stream Capabilities");
		return false;
	if (!StreamCapabilities::Deserialize(raw, _streamCapabilities)) {
		FATAL("Unable to deserialize stream Capabilities. Please delete %s and %s files so they can be regenerated",
				STR(GetName() + "."MEDIA_TYPE_SEEK),
				STR(GetName() + "."MEDIA_TYPE_META));
		return false;

	//4. compute offsets
	_seekBaseOffset = _pSeekFile->Cursor();
	_framesBaseOffset = _seekBaseOffset + 4;

	//5. Compute the optimal window size by reading the biggest frame size
	//from the seek file.
	if (!_pSeekFile->SeekTo(_pSeekFile->Size() - 8)) {
		FATAL("Unable to seek to %"PRIu64" position", _pSeekFile->Cursor() - 8);
		return false;
	uint64_t maxFrameSize = 0;
	if (!_pSeekFile->ReadUI64(&maxFrameSize, false)) {
		FATAL("Unable to read max frame size");
		return false;
	if (!_pSeekFile->SeekBegin()) {
		FATAL("Unable to seek to beginning of the file");
		return false;

	//3. Open the media file
	uint32_t windowSize = (uint32_t) maxFrameSize * 16;
	windowSize = windowSize < 65536 ? 65536 : windowSize;
	windowSize = (windowSize > (1024 * 1024)) ? (windowSize / 2) : windowSize;
	_pFile = GetFile(GetName(), windowSize);
	if (_pFile == NULL) {
		FATAL("Unable to initialize file");
		return false;

	//4. Read the frames count from the file
	if (!_pSeekFile->SeekTo(_seekBaseOffset)) {
		FATAL("Unable to seek to _seekBaseOffset: %"PRIu64, _seekBaseOffset);
		return false;
	if (!_pSeekFile->ReadUI32(&_totalFrames, false)) {
		FATAL("Unable to read the frames count");
		return false;
	_timeToIndexOffset = _framesBaseOffset + _totalFrames * sizeof (MediaFrame);

	//5. Set the client side buffer length
	_clientSideBufferLength = clientSideBufferLength;

	//6. Create the timer
	_pTimer = new InFileStreamTimer(this);
	_pTimer->EnqueueForTimeEvent(_clientSideBufferLength - _clientSideBufferLength / 3);

	//7. Done
	return true;