예제 #1
  void visit(ClassReferenceExp *e) override {
    IF_LOG Logger::print("ClassReferenceExp::toConstElem: %s @ %s\n",
                         e->toChars(), e->type->toChars());

    ClassDeclaration *origClass = e->originalClass();
    StructLiteralExp *value = e->value;

    if (value->globalVar) {
      IF_LOG Logger::cout() << "Using existing global: " << *value->globalVar
                            << '\n';
    } else {
      value->globalVar = new llvm::GlobalVariable(
          p->module, origClass->type->ctype->isClass()->getMemoryLLType(),
          false, llvm::GlobalValue::InternalLinkage, nullptr, ".classref");

      std::map<VarDeclaration *, llvm::Constant *> varInits;

      // Unfortunately, ClassReferenceExp::getFieldAt is badly broken – it
      // places the base class fields _after_ those of the subclass.
        const size_t nexprs = value->elements->dim;

        std::stack<ClassDeclaration *> classHierachy;
        ClassDeclaration *cur = origClass;
        while (cur) {
          cur = cur->baseClass;
        size_t i = 0;
        while (!classHierachy.empty()) {
          cur = classHierachy.top();
          for (size_t j = 0; j < cur->fields.dim; ++j) {
            if ((*value->elements)[i]) {
              VarDeclaration *field = cur->fields[j];
              IF_LOG Logger::println("Getting initializer for: %s",
              varInits[field] = toConstElem((*value->elements)[i]);
        assert(i == nexprs);

      llvm::Constant *constValue =

      if (constValue->getType() !=
          value->globalVar->getType()->getContainedType(0)) {
        auto finalGlobalVar = new llvm::GlobalVariable(
            p->module, constValue->getType(), false,
            llvm::GlobalValue::InternalLinkage, nullptr, ".classref");
            DtoBitCast(finalGlobalVar, value->globalVar->getType()));
        value->globalVar = finalGlobalVar;

    result = value->globalVar;

    if (e->type->ty == Tclass) {
      ClassDeclaration *targetClass = static_cast<TypeClass *>(e->type)->sym;
      if (InterfaceDeclaration *it = targetClass->isInterfaceDeclaration()) {
        assert(it->isBaseOf(origClass, NULL));

        IrTypeClass *typeclass = origClass->type->ctype->isClass();

        // find interface impl
        size_t i_index = typeclass->getInterfaceIndex(it);
        assert(i_index != ~0UL);

        // offset pointer
        result = DtoGEPi(result, 0, i_index);

    assert(e->type->ty == Tclass || e->type->ty == Tenum);
    result = DtoBitCast(result, DtoType(e->type));
예제 #2
파일: classes.cpp 프로젝트: Philpax/ldc
DValue* DtoCastClass(Loc& loc, DValue* val, Type* _to)
    IF_LOG Logger::println("DtoCastClass(%s, %s)", val->getType()->toChars(), _to->toChars());

    Type* to = _to->toBasetype();

    // class -> pointer
    if (to->ty == Tpointer) {
        IF_LOG Logger::println("to pointer");
        LLType* tolltype = DtoType(_to);
        LLValue* rval = DtoBitCast(val->getRVal(), tolltype);
        return new DImValue(_to, rval);
    // class -> bool
    else if (to->ty == Tbool) {
        IF_LOG Logger::println("to bool");
        LLValue* llval = val->getRVal();
        LLValue* zero = LLConstant::getNullValue(llval->getType());
        return new DImValue(_to, gIR->ir->CreateICmpNE(llval, zero));
    // class -> integer
    else if (to->isintegral()) {
        IF_LOG Logger::println("to %s", to->toChars());

        // get class ptr
        LLValue* v = val->getRVal();
        // cast to size_t
        v = gIR->ir->CreatePtrToInt(v, DtoSize_t(), "");
        // cast to the final int type
        DImValue im(Type::tsize_t, v);
        return DtoCastInt(loc, &im, _to);

    // must be class/interface
    assert(to->ty == Tclass);
    TypeClass* tc = static_cast<TypeClass*>(to);

    // from type
    Type* from = val->getType()->toBasetype();
    TypeClass* fc = static_cast<TypeClass*>(from);

    // x -> interface
    if (InterfaceDeclaration* it = tc->sym->isInterfaceDeclaration()) {
        Logger::println("to interface");
        // interface -> interface
        if (fc->sym->isInterfaceDeclaration()) {
            Logger::println("from interface");
            return DtoDynamicCastInterface(loc, val, _to);
        // class -> interface - static cast
        else if (it->isBaseOf(fc->sym,NULL)) {
            Logger::println("static down cast");

            // get the from class
            ClassDeclaration* cd = fc->sym->isClassDeclaration();
            DtoResolveClass(cd); // add this
            IrTypeClass* typeclass = stripModifiers(fc)->ctype->isClass();

            // find interface impl

            size_t i_index = typeclass->getInterfaceIndex(it);
            assert(i_index != ~0UL && "requesting interface that is not implemented by this class");

            // offset pointer
            LLValue* v = val->getRVal();
            LLValue* orig = v;
            v = DtoGEPi(v, 0, i_index);
            LLType* ifType = DtoType(_to);
            IF_LOG {
                Logger::cout() << "V = " << *v << std::endl;
                Logger::cout() << "T = " << *ifType << std::endl;
            v = DtoBitCast(v, ifType);

            // Check whether the original value was null, and return null if so.
            // Sure we could have jumped over the code above in this case, but
            // it's just a GEP and (maybe) a pointer-to-pointer BitCast, so it
            // should be pretty cheap and perfectly safe even if the original was null.
            LLValue* isNull = gIR->ir->CreateICmpEQ(orig, LLConstant::getNullValue(orig->getType()), ".nullcheck");
            v = gIR->ir->CreateSelect(isNull, LLConstant::getNullValue(ifType), v, ".interface");

            // return r-value
            return new DImValue(_to, v);
예제 #3
  void visit(CastExp *e) override {
    IF_LOG Logger::print("CastExp::toConstElem: %s @ %s\n", e->toChars(),

    LLType *lltype = DtoType(e->type);
    Type *tb = e->to->toBasetype();

    // string literal to dyn array:
    // reinterpret the string data as an array, calculate the length
    if (e->e1->op == TOKstring && tb->ty == Tarray) {
#if 0
            StringExp *strexp = static_cast<StringExp*>(e1);
            size_t datalen = strexp->sz * strexp->len;
            Type* eltype = tb->nextOf()->toBasetype();
            if (datalen % eltype->size() != 0) {
                error("the sizes don't line up");
                return e1->toConstElem(p);
            size_t arrlen = datalen / eltype->size();
      e->error("ct cast of string to dynamic array not fully implemented");
      result = toConstElem(e->e1);
    // pointer to pointer
    else if (tb->ty == Tpointer && e->e1->type->toBasetype()->ty == Tpointer) {
      result = llvm::ConstantExpr::getBitCast(toConstElem(e->e1), lltype);
    // global variable to pointer
    else if (tb->ty == Tpointer && e->e1->op == TOKvar) {
      VarDeclaration *vd =
          static_cast<VarExp *>(e->e1)->var->isVarDeclaration();
      LLConstant *value =
          isIrGlobalCreated(vd) ? isaConstant(getIrGlobal(vd)->value) : nullptr;
      if (!value) {
        goto Lerr;
      Type *type = vd->type->toBasetype();
      if (type->ty == Tarray || type->ty == Tdelegate) {
        LLConstant *idxs[2] = {DtoConstSize_t(0), DtoConstSize_t(1)};
#if LDC_LLVM_VER >= 307
        value = llvm::ConstantExpr::getGetElementPtr(
            isaPointer(value)->getElementType(), value, idxs, true);
        value = llvm::ConstantExpr::getGetElementPtr(value, idxs, true);
      result = DtoBitCast(value, DtoType(tb));
    } else if (tb->ty == Tclass && e->e1->type->ty == Tclass &&
               e->e1->op == TOKclassreference) {
      auto cd = static_cast<ClassReferenceExp *>(e->e1)->originalClass();
      llvm::Constant *instance = toConstElem(e->e1);
      if (InterfaceDeclaration *it =
              static_cast<TypeClass *>(tb)->sym->isInterfaceDeclaration()) {
        assert(it->isBaseOf(cd, NULL));

        IrTypeClass *typeclass = cd->type->ctype->isClass();

        // find interface impl
        size_t i_index = typeclass->getInterfaceIndex(it);
        assert(i_index != ~0UL);

        // offset pointer
        instance = DtoGEPi(instance, 0, i_index);
      result = DtoBitCast(instance, DtoType(tb));
    } else {
      goto Lerr;

    e->error("cannot cast %s to %s at compile time", e->e1->type->toChars(),
    if (!global.gag) {
    result = llvm::UndefValue::get(DtoType(e->type));