예제 #1
    LocalInfo* get_local(int which) {
      std::map<int, LocalInfo>::iterator i = local_info_.find(which);
      if(i == local_info_.end()) {
        LocalInfo li(which);
        local_info_[which] = li;
        return &local_info_[which];

      return &i->second;
예제 #2
파일: dlite.cpp 프로젝트: winrap/DstarLite
std::list<Node*> Dlite::GetSurroundings(Node *current, LocalMap &map) {
    std::list<Node> result1;
    int x = current->point.x;
    int y = current->point.y;
    if(opt.allowdiagonal) {
        for (int k = y - 1; k <= y + 1; ++k) {
            for (int l = x - 1; l <= x + 1; ++l) {
                if (!(k == y && l == x) && map.CellOnGrid(Cell(l, k)) && map.CellIsTraversable(Cell(l, k))) {
                    result1.push_front(Node(Cell(l, k)));
    } else {
        for (int k = x - 1; k <= x + 1; ++k)
            if (k != x && map.CellOnGrid(Cell(k, y)) && map.CellIsTraversable(Cell(k, y)))
                result1.push_front(Node(Cell(k, y)));
        for (int l = y - 1; l <= y + 1; ++l)
            if (l != y && map.CellOnGrid(Cell(x, l)) && map.CellIsTraversable(Cell(x, l)))
                result1.push_front(Node(Cell(x, l)));
    std::list<Node*> result;
    for(auto elem : result1) {
        if(!NODES.count(vertex(elem.point, map.height))) { //if vertex wasn't previously examined
        } else {
            result.push_back(&(NODES.find(vertex(elem.point, map.height))->second));
    return result;
예제 #3
파일: dlite.cpp 프로젝트: winrap/DstarLite
std::list<Node> Dlite::FindNeighbors(Node* n, LocalMap &map) const {
    Node newNode;
    Cell curNode = n->point;
    std::list<Node> successors;
    for (int i = -1; i <= +1; i++)
        for (int j = -1; j <= +1; j++)
            if ((i != 0 || j != 0) && map.CellOnGrid(Cell(curNode.x + j, curNode.y + i)) &&
                    (map.CellIsTraversable(Cell(curNode.x + j, curNode.y + i)))) {
                if (i != 0 && j != 0) {
                    if (!opt.allowdiagonal)
                    else if (!opt.cutcorners) {
                        if (map.CellIsObstacle(Cell(curNode.x + j, curNode.y)) ||
                                map.CellIsObstacle(Cell(curNode.x, curNode.y + i)))
                    else if (!opt.allowsqueeze) {
                        if (map.CellIsObstacle(Cell( curNode.x + j, curNode.y)) &&
                                map.CellIsObstacle(Cell( curNode.x, curNode.y + i)))
                newNode = Node(Cell(curNode.x + j, curNode.y + i), n);
    return successors;
예제 #4
void FollowIdMovement::setDir(LocalMap& localmap, GameObject& my_obj)
	// set base direction
	sf::Vector2f dir = localmap.getPosById(_id_to_follow) - my_obj.getPos();

	dir /= float(SCRN_TILE_SIZE); // normallize to squares

	// check if following_id is within range
	if (my_obj.getRadius()*1.8f/SCRN_TILE_SIZE < distance(dir, sf::Vector2f(0,0)) && distance(dir, sf::Vector2f(0,0)) < _radius)
		// if it is, set the direction
		if (EPSILON < abs(dir.x))
			dir.x = abs(dir.x)/dir.x;
		if (EPSILON < abs(dir.y))
			dir.y = abs(dir.y)/dir.y;
		_direction = dir;
	// if not, don't move.
	else _direction = sf::Vector2f(0,0);
예제 #5
// check if we have enough exp to raise to the next level (will check when Loot is called)
void HeroData::checkLevelRaise(LocalMap& map, HeroCharacter& hero_char)
	// check raise
	for (;_level < _exp/pow(2.f,int(_level)); ++_level)
		Stats raise = _stats.Raise(); // raise stats
		stringstream ss; // write message on raise
		ss << "You have been raised to level " << _level+1 << "!\nCongratulations!";
		ss << std::endl << "ATK + " << raise.ATK() << "  |  DEF + " << raise.DEF() << "  |  LUCK + " << raise.LUCK();
		if (_level+1 == LEARN_BULLET_ATTACK_LEVEL) // add a new attack when reach to a certain level
			hero_char.addNewAttack(shared_ptr<AttackFactory>(new AttackFactoryT<BulletAttack>));
			ss << "\nYou have learned a new Attack: Bullet!";
		string str(ss.str());
		map.addScript(shared_ptr<Script>(new Dialog(str))); // write the message
		_HP = BASE_HP; // regenerate health

예제 #6
 LocalInfo* get_local(int which) {
   LocalMap::iterator i = local_info_.find(which);
   if(i == local_info_.end()) return 0;
   return &i->second;
예제 #7
static void insertAndConnectBlocks(BasicBlockMap& newBlocks,
	ir::ControlFlowGraph::iterator& functionEntry,
	ir::ControlFlowGraph::iterator& functionExit,
	ir::IRKernel& kernel, unsigned int& nextRegister,
	const ir::IRKernel& inlinedKernel)
	typedef std::unordered_map<ir::PTXOperand::RegisterType,
		ir::PTXOperand::RegisterType> RegisterMap;
	ir::IRKernel copy;
	const ir::IRKernel* inlinedKernelPointer = &inlinedKernel;
	// create a copy if the call is recursive
	if(inlinedKernelPointer == &kernel)
		copy = inlinedKernel;
		inlinedKernelPointer = &copy;
	//  Insert new blocks
	for(auto block = inlinedKernelPointer->cfg()->begin();
		block != inlinedKernelPointer->cfg()->end(); ++block)
		auto newBlock = kernel.cfg()->clone_block(block);
		newBlocks.insert(std::make_pair(block, newBlock));
	//  Connect new blocks, rename branch labels
	for(auto block = newBlocks.begin(); block != newBlocks.end(); ++block)
		for(auto edge = block->first->out_edges.begin();
			edge != block->first->out_edges.end(); ++edge)
			auto headBlock = block->second;
			auto tail      = (*edge)->tail;
			auto tailBlock = newBlocks.find(tail);
			assert(tailBlock != newBlocks.end());
				tailBlock->second, (*edge)->type));
			if((*edge)->type == ir::Edge::Branch)
				auto instruction = headBlock->instructions.back();
				auto branch = static_cast<ir::PTXInstruction*>(instruction);

				if(branch->opcode == ir::PTXInstruction::Ret) continue;

				assertM(branch->opcode == ir::PTXInstruction::Bra, "Expecting "
					<< branch->toString() << " to be a branch");
				branch->d.identifier = tailBlock->second->label();
	//  Assign copied blocks new registers
	RegisterMap newRegisters;
	for(auto block = newBlocks.begin(); block != newBlocks.end(); ++block)
		for(auto instruction = block->second->instructions.begin();
			instruction != block->second->instructions.end(); ++instruction)
			ir::PTXInstruction& ptx = static_cast<ir::PTXInstruction&>(
			ir::PTXOperand* operands[] = {&ptx.pg, &ptx.pq, &ptx.d, &ptx.a,
				&ptx.b, &ptx.c};
			for(unsigned int i = 0; i < 6; ++i)
				ir::PTXOperand& operand = *operands[i];
				if( operand.addressMode != ir::PTXOperand::Register &&
					operand.addressMode != ir::PTXOperand::Indirect &&
					operand.addressMode != ir::PTXOperand::ArgumentList)
				if(operand.type != ir::PTXOperand::pred)
					if(operand.array.empty() &&
						operand.addressMode != ir::PTXOperand::ArgumentList)
						auto mapping = newRegisters.find(operand.reg);
						if(mapping == newRegisters.end())
							mapping = newRegisters.insert(std::make_pair(
								operand.reg, nextRegister++)).first;
						operand.reg = mapping->second;
						for(auto subOperand = operand.array.begin(); 
							subOperand != operand.array.end(); ++subOperand )
							if(!subOperand->isRegister()) continue;
							auto mapping = newRegisters.find(subOperand->reg);
							if(mapping == newRegisters.end())
								mapping = newRegisters.insert(std::make_pair(
									subOperand->reg, nextRegister++)).first;
							subOperand->reg = mapping->second;
				else if(operand.addressMode != ir::PTXOperand::ArgumentList)
					if(operand.condition == ir::PTXOperand::Pred
						|| operand.condition == ir::PTXOperand::InvPred)
						auto mapping = newRegisters.find(operand.reg);
						if(mapping == newRegisters.end())
							mapping = newRegisters.insert(std::make_pair(
								operand.reg, nextRegister++)).first;
						operand.reg = mapping->second;
	//  Assign copied blocks new local variables
	typedef std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> LocalMap;
	LocalMap locals;
	for(auto local = inlinedKernel.locals.begin();
		local != inlinedKernel.locals.end(); ++local)
		std::string newName = "_Zinlined_" + local->first;
		locals.insert(std::make_pair(local->first, newName));
		auto newLocal = kernel.locals.insert(
			std::make_pair(newName, local->second)).first;
		newLocal->second.name = newName;
	for(auto block = newBlocks.begin(); block != newBlocks.end(); ++block)
		for(auto instruction = block->second->instructions.begin();
			instruction != block->second->instructions.end(); ++instruction)
			ir::PTXInstruction& ptx = static_cast<ir::PTXInstruction&>(
			if(!ptx.mayHaveAddressableOperand()) continue;
			ir::PTXOperand* operands[] = {&ptx.pg, &ptx.pq, &ptx.d, &ptx.a,
				&ptx.b, &ptx.c};
			for(unsigned int i = 0; i < 6; ++i)
				ir::PTXOperand& operand = *operands[i];
				if(operand.addressMode != ir::PTXOperand::Address) continue;
				auto local = locals.find(operand.identifier);
				if(local == locals.end()) continue;
				operand.identifier = local->second;
	//  Get the entry and exit points
	auto entryMapping = newBlocks.find(
	assert(entryMapping != newBlocks.end());
	functionEntry = entryMapping->second;
	auto exitMapping = newBlocks.find(
	assert(exitMapping != newBlocks.end());
	functionExit = exitMapping->second;
예제 #8
파일: dlite.cpp 프로젝트: winrap/DstarLite
SearchResult Dlite::FindThePath(LocalMap &map, const Map& const_map, EnvironmentOptions options)
    opt = options;
    std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::system_clock> tstart, end;
    tstart = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
    number_of_steps = 0;
    current_result.pathlength = 0;
    last = start;

        std::cout << "OOOPS\n";
        std::cout << "Done\n";
    std::cout << current_result.pathlength <<std::endl;
    while(start->point != goal->point) {
        Cell jump = start->point;
        Node min_val = GetMinPredecessor(start, map);
        if (!min_val.parent) {
            current_result.pathfound = false;
            current_result.pathlength = 0;
            return current_result;
        } else {
            current_result.pathlength += GetCost(start->point, min_val.parent->point, map);
            start = min_val.parent;
        min_val = GetMinPredecessor(start, map);
        while (opt.allowjump && euclid_dist(jump, min_val.parent->point) < radius && start->point != goal->point) {
            if (!min_val.parent) {
                current_result.pathfound = false;
                current_result.pathlength = 0;
                return current_result;
            } else {
                current_result.pathlength += GetCost(start->point, min_val.parent->point, map);
                start = min_val.parent;
            min_val = GetMinPredecessor(start, map);
        Changes changes = map.UpdateMap(const_map, start->point, radius);
        if (!changes.cleared.empty() && !changes.occupied.empty()) {
            Km += heuristic(last->point, start->point, opt.metrictype);
            last = start;
        for (auto dam : changes.occupied) {
            if (NODES.count(vertex(dam, map.height))) {
                Node* d = &(NODES.find(vertex(dam, map.height))->second);
                for (auto neighbor: GetSurroundings(d, map)) {
                    //std::cout << "n: " << neighbor->point << std::endl;
                    if (neighbor->point != map.goal && (neighbor->parent->point == dam || CutOrSqueeze(neighbor, d))) {
                        Node min_val = GetMinPredecessor(neighbor, map);
                        if (!min_val.parent) {
                            if(neighbor->point == start->point) {
                                current_result.pathfound = false;
                                current_result.pathlength = 0;
                                return current_result;
                        } else {
                            neighbor->rhs = min_val.rhs;
                            neighbor->parent = min_val.parent;
                           // std::cout << "changed: "
                             //         << neighbor->point << ' ' << neighbor->parent->point << std::endl;
        for (auto cleared : changes.cleared) {
           Node new_node(cleared);
           new_node.rhs = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
           new_node.g = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
           NODES[vertex(cleared, map.height)] = new_node;
           Node * cl = &(NODES.find(vertex(cleared, map.height))->second);
           Node min_val = GetMinPredecessor(cl, map);
           if (min_val.parent) {
               cl->rhs = min_val.rhs;
               cl->parent = min_val.parent;
               cl->g = min_val.parent->g + GetCost(cl->point, min_val.parent->point, map);
           } else {
           for (auto neighbor : GetSuccessors(cl, map)) {
               if (neighbor->rhs > cl->g + GetCost(neighbor->point, cl->point, map)) {
                   neighbor->parent = cl;
                   neighbor->rhs = cl->g + GetCost(neighbor->point, cl->point, map);
               if (neighbor->point.x == cl->point.x || neighbor->point.y == cl->point.y) {
                   Node min_val = GetMinPredecessor(neighbor, map);
                   if (!min_val.parent) {
                       if(neighbor->point == start->point) {
                           current_result.pathfound = false;
                           current_result.pathlength = 0;
                           return current_result;
                   } else {
                       neighbor->rhs = min_val.rhs;
                       neighbor->parent = min_val.parent;
                       //std::cout << "changed: "
                       //          << neighbor->point << ' ' << neighbor->parent->point << std::endl;
            //std::cout << "ALL OK\n";
        } else {
            std::cout << "NOT OK"  << std::endl;
            if (OPEN.top_key() == Key(std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity(), std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity())) {
                current_result.pathfound = false;
                current_result.pathlength = 0;
    end = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
    current_result.time = static_cast<double>(std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::nanoseconds>(end - tstart).count()) / 1000000000;
    current_result.lppath = &path;
    if (current_result.pathfound) {
        current_result.hppath = &hpath;
    //for (auto elem: path) std::cout << elem->point << " ";
    //std::cout << std::endl;
    return current_result;
예제 #9
int main(int argc, char** argv){
  boss::IdContext context1;
  boss::IdContext context2;

  std::vector<PinholeCameraInfo*> camera_infos;
  std::vector<BaseCameraInfo*> base_camera_infos;

  for (int i = 0; i<10; i++) {
    PinholeCameraInfo* c = new PinholeCameraInfo;

  MultiCameraInfo* multi_cam = new MultiCameraInfo;

  for (int i = 0; i<camera_infos.size(); i++) {
    PinholeCameraInfo* cam1 = camera_infos[i];
    PinholeCameraInfoMsg msg1 = pinholeCameraInfo2msg(cam1, &context1);
    cerr << "msg1.id" << msg1.id << endl;

    BaseCameraInfo* cam2 = msg2pinholeCameraInfo(msg1, &context2);
    cerr << "cam2.id()" << cam2->getId() << endl;
  MultiCameraInfoMsg mcmsg = multiCameraInfo2msg(multi_cam, &context1);
  MultiCameraInfo* mci = msg2multiCameraInfo(mcmsg, &context2);

  std::vector<MapNode*> nodes;
  for (size_t i = 0; i< 10; i++) {
    MapNode* n = new MapNode;
    MapNodeMsg msg = mapNode2msg(n, &context1);
    MapNode* n2 = msg2MapNode(msg, &context2);

  for (size_t i = 0; i< 10; i++) {
    ImageMapNode* n = new ImageMapNode;
    ImageMapNodeMsg msg = imageMapNode2msg(n, &context1);
    ImageMapNode* n2 = msg2imageMapNode(msg, &context2);

  for (size_t i = 0; i< nodes.size(); i++) {
    MapNode* n = nodes[i];
    cerr << "n: " << n->getId() << endl;

  LocalMap* lmap = new LocalMap;
  for (size_t i = 0; i<nodes.size(); i++) {
  lmap->setCloud(new Cloud);

  LocalMapMsg lmap_msg=localMap2msg(lmap, &context1);
  LocalMap* lmap2 = msg2localMap(lmap_msg, &context2);

  for (MapNodeList::iterator it = lmap2->nodes().begin(); it!=lmap2->nodes().end(); it++){
    MapNode* n = it->get();
    cerr << n->getId() << endl;